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  • telephone. 01443 654265 email. [email protected]

    twitter. @CEMAS_USW website. www.cemas.mobi

    Horti Conclusi is Tailbone Productions first app designed for adults.

    It is a new way of telling a story, found footage placed directly in your hand, making you the player, the detective, the voyeur.

    Tailbone Productions wanted to further develop their paper projects, and at the same time expand their potential customer base, so they decided apps were worth exploring. Intriguingly the content is set on an old phone providing an engaging puzzle while not detracting from the immediacy of the story.

    The Horti Conclusi app demonstrates the potential for embedding content in a highly natural and relevant way, most notably with the playable music track. The app combines elements of several entertainment platforms film, gaming, books, audio to offer an entirely novel way of accessing a story.

    The apps best feature is the ability to play tracks from the characters playlist. Novelists are always providing playlists for their stories, but via websites or separate apps as the most up-to-date way of accessing them. This app embeds that feature in a story for the first time, leading to exciting ways of expanding and developing it further.

    The app is aimed at anyone who has ever watched a mystery and thought, I could solve that. It is for anyone who has ever read a book and thought, I wouldnt do it like that. Its also, for the readers, the gamers, the dreamers, the peepers and the innovators This is a fun, new app-book, for all adults.

    The benefits of creating this app have been huge. Formerly, we have pitched childrens TV programmes which have been turned down on matters of cost. Developing an app footprint makes the prospect of turning these programmes into mobile applications much more likely.

    I could not have made this app without CEMAS. They have provided the technical talent that has lifted this from paper to actual product. Also, they were the route map, really, from A to B via all kinds of learning.

    So the benefits I have gained have been immense. My technical confidence has soared as I have worked closely with, and learned from, Priyanka and Eilian, Clayton and Matthew. I now know what it takes to make an actual app, and how to get there. This has only been possible by learning on the job, as it were the practical cementing the theory, which I dont think I would have been able to get using a purely commercial outfit.

    Sonya Douglas

    Horti Conclusi

  • ffn. 01443 654265 e-bost. [email protected]

    twitter. @CEMAS_USW gwefan. www.cemas.mobi

    Horti Conclusi yw ap cyntaf Tailbone Productions i oedolion.

    Maen ffordd newydd o adrodd stori, gan ffilm ddarganfyddedig yn eich llaw, ach gwneud chi yn chwaraewr, yn dditectif ac yn wyliwr.

    Roedd Tailbone Productions yn awyddus i ddatblygu ei brosiectau papur ymhellach, gan ddenu mwy o ddarpar gwsmeriaid, felly penderfynodd y byddain werth ystyried aps. Yn ddiddorol ddigon, maer cynnwys wedii osod ar hen ffn gan ddarparu pos diddorol heb amharu ar uniongyrchedd y stori.

    Mae ap Horti Conclusi yn dangos y potensial ar gyfer ymgorffori cynnwys mewn ffordd naturiol a pherthnasol iawn, yn enwedig wrth chwaraer trac cerddoriaeth. Maer ap yn cyfuno elfennau o sawl llwyfan adloniant ffilmiau, gemau, llyfrau, sain i gynnig ffordd gwbl newydd o ddilyn y stori.

    Nodwedd oraur ap ywr gallu i chwarae traciau sain o restr chwaraer cymeriad. Mae nofelwyr o hyd yn darparu rhestrau chwarae ar gyfer eu storau, ond yn gwneud hynny drwy ddefnyddio gwefannau neu aps ar wahn fel y ffordd fwyaf cyfredol o gael gafael arnynt. Maer ap hwn yn ymgorfforir nodwedd honno yn y stori am y tro cyntaf, gan arwain at ffyrdd diddorol oi hehangu ai datblygun well.

    Maer ap wedii anelu at unrhyw un sydd erioed wedi gwylio rhaglen ddirgelwch ac wedi meddwl y gallai ei datrys. Maen addas ar gyfer unrhyw un sydd wedi darllen llyfr ac wedi meddwl y byddai wedi gwneud pethaun wahanol. Mae hefyd ar gyfer y darllenwyr, y rheini syn chwarae gemau, yn breuddwydio, yn gwylio ac yn arloesi Mae hwn yn llyfr ap newydd llawn hwyl ar gyfer pob oedolyn.

    Rydym wedi cael budd mawr o greur ap hwn. Cyn hyn, roedden wedi ceisio gwerthu rhaglennu teledu i blant, ond feu gwrthodwyd oherwydd y costau. Mae datblygu l-troed gydar ap hwn yn ei gwneud yn fwy tebygol y caiff y rhaglenni hyn eu datblygu i fod yn aps ar gyfer ffonau symudol.

    Ni fyddwn wedi gallu gwneud yr ap hwn heb CEMAS. Mae wedi darparur dalent dechnegol sydd wedii droi o fod yn syniad ar bapur i fod yn gynnyrch go iawn. Hefyd, nhw a fun llywior datblygiad mewn gwirionedd, o A i B drwy bob math o ddysgu.

    Felly rwyf wedi cael budd enfawr. Mae fy hyder technegol wedi tyfu wrth i mi weithion agos gyda Priyanka ac Eilian, Clayton a Matthew, a dysgu ganddynt. Bellach, rwyn gwybod beth sydd ei angen i greu ap go iawn, a sut i gyrraedd y cam hwnnw. Dim ond wrth ddysgu drwy weithio oedd modd i mi wneud hyn, y ddamcaniaeth yn cael ei chadarnhau drwy weithredu ymarferol, ac ni fyddai hynny wedi bod yn bosibl pe bawn i wedi defnyddio cwmni cwbl fasnachol.

    Horti Conclusi

    Sonya Douglas

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