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Page 1: Hostage presentation media

Hostage 9 Frame analysis

Page 2: Hostage presentation media

Image 1 Image 1 presents us with a cartoon high angle image of a city with the titles in the middle of the screen, the title text is in block form and also red, this could be symbolizing that something bad is going to happen straight away as red is a connotation of a thriller film as it represents death and danger. 

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Image 2 Image 2 presents us with a closer view of the city with the titles placed at the bottom of the screen, when looking closer at the image you see red sky, this could be some sort of sympathetic fallacy as to something bad happening. This makes the audience wonder why the opening sequence is a cartoon yet the film is not. 

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Image 3 Image 3 presents us with a pano shot over looking a prison with the sky also being red, this suggests the film is about a prison, the titles are all a cream color, this is to make the titles stand out from the rest of the things going on. This makes the audience curious as to what is going on. 

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Image 4 Image 4 presents us with wide shot of police officers surrounding a building, holding guns, this suggests the film is about the police searching for someone as they could of escaped the prison shown previously in the opening sequence.

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Image 5 Image 5 presents us with a aerial shot of the city including lots of shadows, this is also a connotation of a thriller as it brings suspense and mystery to the film. I also noticed that everything is in black and white other than one building, which is red, this could suggest the antagonist could be inside hiding from the police we saw.

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Image 6Image 6 presents us with an extreme close up of a gun which is ready to be shot by one of the characters, this could suggest that whatever the antagonist has done must be bad as the characters want him dead. This makes the audience feel scared and suspense as someone is about to get shot.

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Image 7 Image 7 presents us with an extreme close up of a characters face which is focusing on a different gun, this suggests that more than one person is after the antagonist.

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Image 8 Image 8 presents us with a high angle shot of a helicopter, this suggests that a lot of being are after this antagonist. I also noticed that the titles were placed on the wing of the helicopter, in white text to bring attention to it. 

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Image 9Lastly image 9 presents us with an extreme close up of a gun which then leads to a man holding it to his head, this straight away brings tension and suspense to the film, it makes the audience feel scared and concerned for that character and makes them want to ask why that character is holding a gun and why is he pointing it to himself. 

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