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Criteria for healthful housing

(WHO)1. healthful housing provides physical

 protection and shelter 

2.  provides adequately for cooking, eating,washing and excretory functions

3. is designed , constructed, maintained and

used in a manner such as to prevent thespread of communicable diseases

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4.provides for protection from hazards of 

exposure to noise and pollution

5.is free from unsafe physical arrangements

due to construction or maintenance and

from toxic or harmful materials

6.encourages personal and community

development, promotes social relationships,

reflects a regard for ecologic principles and

  by these means promotes mental health

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Housing standards -site

Elevated, free from floods, access to wide street

away from mosquito and fly breeding

away from nuisances of dust, smoke, smell, noise

and traffic

 pleasing surroundings

soil should be dry and safe for foundation and

well drained sub soil water should be below 20 feet

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Open space all round the house - setback 

rural areas - built up area is 1/3

urban area - built up area 2/3

there is no obstruction to lighting and


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Pucca, impermeable & can be easily

washed and kept clean and dry

mud floors break up & can cause dust, notrecommended

smooth, free from cracks, prevent dust &

 breeding of insectsdamp proof, height of the plinth -2-3 feet

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Reasonably strong

low heat capacity

weather resistant

unsuitable for rats and vermin

not easily damaged

smooth, 9 inch brick wall plastered smooth,

colored cream or white

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height should not be less than 10 feet in the

absence of air conditioning

low heat transmittance coefficient

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not less than 2, at least 1 can be closed for 


other may be opened on one side if it is acourtyard

recommended floor space must be available

depending on no. of persons

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Floor area

at least 100 sq feet for 1 person

at least 120 sq. feet for more than 1 person

should not be less than 50 sq feet per person

cubic space should be atleast 500 cu. feet

 per person, preferably 1000 cu. feet per 


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unless mechanical ventilation or artificial

lighting is provided

2 windows per room with atleast 1 opensdirectly into an open space

 placed at a height not more than 3 feet height

1/5 of the floor areadoors & windows 2/5 of the floor area

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separate kitchen

 protected against dust and smoke

adequately lighted

 provided with arrangements for storing

food, fuel, provisions, water supply, sink 

for washing and proper drainage

floor should be impervious

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Lighting - daylight factor should exceed 1%

over 1/2 the floor area

Privy- a sanitary privy is a must, belong

exclusively and readily accessible, in

developed areas equipped with water 

carriage systemsGarbage and refuse- removed daily,

disposed in a sanitary way

Bathing and washing- privacy andexclusively belonging to it

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Rural housing

at least 2 living rooms

ample verandah space

 built up space 1/3 of the total area

separate kitchen

 paved kitchen and platform

sanitary latrine

window 10% of floor 

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Sanitary well or tube well within a quarter 

of a mile from the house

cattle sheds 25 feet away, area 8x4 feet per 

cattle, open all sides

arrangements for disposal of waste water,

refuse and garbage

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Housing and health

Respiratory infections- cold , T.B, influenza,

diphtheria, bronchitis, measles, whooping

coughSkin infections-scabies, ring worm, impetigo,


Rat infestation- Plague

Arthropods- houseflies , mosquitoes, fleas and


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Morbidity and mortality

Psychosocial effects-isolation in upper 

floors, densely populated urban areas

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Overcrowding- persons per 

room1 room 2 persons

2 rooms 3 persons

3 rooms 5 persons

4 rooms 7 persons

5 or morerooms

10 persons(additional 2 for each further room)

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Floor space

110 sq feet or more 2 persons

90-100 sq feet 11/2 persons

70-90 sq feet 1 person50-70 sq feet 1/2 person

under 50 feet nil

a baby under 12 months not counted, 1-10yrs counted as 1/2

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Sex separation

Overcrowding is present if 2 persons over 

9 years of age not husband and wife, of 

opposite sex are obliged to sleep in sameroom

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Indicators of housing

Physical- based on floor space, cubic space,

room height, persons per room rooms per 

dwelling, environmental quality (eg. air,light, water, noise, sewage disposal etc)

Economic indicators- cost of the building,

rental levels, taxes, expenditure on housing

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Social indicators- UN 1975

Indicators related to prevention of illness Frequency of 

1. illness due to inadequate sewage and garbage

collection2. illness associated with contaminated water 


3. illness due to insect born diseases,overcrowding, accidents, proximity to


4. access to medical facility

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Indicators related to comfort

Thermal comfort

Accoustic comfort

Visual comfort

Spatial comfort

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Indicators related to mental

health and social well being

frequency of suicides in the neighborhood

neglected and abandoned youth in the

neighborhooddrug abuse ( including alcohol ) in the


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Public policy

House site and construction assistance -under Minimum needs programme -sites and

assistance, loans, subsidy for construction

Indira Awas Yogana (IAY) - Rural landless

Employment Guarantee Programme. houses

have 1 room, 1 kitchen, attached with latrine, bathroom, smokeless chullah

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Aim: Thermal comfort and infection free

Standards :

 – Cubic space – Not followed now – Air change – 3/hr in living room, 6 /hr in work 

 – Floor space- 50 – 100 sq ft

Types of ventilation NATURAL VENTILATION

1. Wind 2. Diffusion 3. Temp. gradient

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Mechanical ventilation

 – Exhaust ventilation

 – Plenum ventilation – Balanced ventilation

 – Air conditioning

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Requirements of good lighting

 – Sufficiency

 – Distribution – Absence of glare

 – Absence of sharp shadows

 – Steadiness – Color of light

 – Reflection Roof 80%, Walls 60%, Floor 20%

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Description Unit

Brightness CandelaFlow Lumen

Surface light LuxRe emitted Lambert

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Improving daylight



Obstruction removal


Interior of rooms

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Measurement of daylight

Daylight factor =

Instantaneous illumination indoors

----------------------------------------- X 100

Simultaneous illumination outdoors

Daylight factor meter 

8 % in living rooms, 10 % in kitchen

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Task Illumination

Casual reading 100Office 400

Fine tasks 900Watch making 2000

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