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    Global Business B.S.

    Posted by: Michael Victory

    Post date: 05/20/2011 - 21:13

    Silver, Schiff & Sheep (not in that o rder).

    Why the Is QE 3 Coming? Debate isa Moot Point Pt 2

    Posted by: Phoenix Capital Research

    Post date: 05/20/2011 - 14:42

    The ENTIRE 2008 episode was the result of

    the Credit Default Swap (CDS) market

    imploding (CDS, a type of de rivatives,

    comprised about $50-60 trillion in value).

    And to claim that the Fed didnt know why

    the Financial Crisis happened is a lie.

    Indeed, as early as 1998, Ben Bernankes

    predecessor, Alan Greenspan, tol , soon to

    be chairperson of the Commodity Futures

    Trading Commission (CFTC), Brooksley

    Born, that if she pus hed for regulation of

    the de rivatives market it would implode the

    financial system.

    Anthrax "Conviction" Falls Apart

    Posted by: George Washington

    Post date: 05/20/2011 - 14:42

    The FBI always gets its man ... whether he'sguilty or not!


    Guest Post: Priced In Gold, Is Housing A Buy?

    Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/20/2011 13:57 -0400

    Australia Case-Shiller Census Bureau Central

    Banks Fail Federal Reserve Free Money Guest Post

    Housing Market Housing Prices Purchasing Power Real


    Submitted by Charles Hugh Smith from Of Two Minds

    Priced in Gold, Is Housing a Buy?

    What is the relative value of housing if we price it in ounces of gold?

    My basic point of view is that nominal prices and broad terms

    such as deflation, inflation and growth should be v iewed with

    extreme skepticism. The more useful approach is to examinethe purchasing power of various assets and the the purchasing

    power of the income streams generated by those assets.

    Put another way: to value housing, let's compare the price of a

    house priced in loaves of bread, or ounces of gold, or barrels of oil to

    historical norms. Secondly, let's look at the income stream generated

    by the median-priced home (that is, the median rent and net income

    after all expenses of maintaining and paying for the rental home are

    deducted) and ask how many loaves of bread, ounces of gold and

    barrels of oil that net income can buy.

    Corrospondent Bart D. has charted some relative values for

    essentials in Australia, and I will share his fascinating charts next

    week. Inspired by his work, I have done some calculations on U.S.

    prices of bread, housing, oil, etc. as well.

    Today let's look at a chart of the Case-Shiller Housing Indexpriced in gold, courtesy of longtime correspondent Harun I.

    Click on the chart to open a larger image in a new browser window.

    Harun's comments are worth studying. Selling housing at the top

    and buying gold would have enabled the speculator to buy back

    his/her house at 1985 valuations. Alternatively, an equal investment

    in gold in 2005 would have served as a hedge to the huge loss of

    housing value as the bubble popped.

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  • 8/6/2019 Housing Priced in Gold_ Zero Hedge


    The Case-Shiller Index tracks the resale prices of homes, and is

    widely considered to be the most accurate metric of house prices.

    Median or average prices can be heavily skewed by a small number

    of outlier homes (very costly or very cheap), and they do not reflect

    the dynamics of the housing market as well as resale prices.

    In broad terms, the ratio of the Case-Shiller Index and gold can be

    understood as "housing priced in gold." We can see that the current

    ratio is around 110, which aligns almost perfectly with the second

    chart, which prices the median home in gold going back to 1970.

    The calculation is easy: last report median home price of $166,000

    divided by price of gold $1,500 per ounce = 110.

    On Harun's chart, we can see the ebb and flow of both housing

    and gold. A mini-bubble boosted housing prices dramatically in the

    late 1980s as the last of the Baby Boom bought homes. (The Baby

    Boom is typically considered the generation born between 1946 and

    1964, but many dispute these dates.) Those born in 1960, for

    example, reached their peak home buying years of 25-30 in 1985-


    Gold declined modestly in price in that era, so the ratio moved

    smartly as housing jumped.

    In the 1990s tech/dot-com stock bubble era, housing and gold were

    both flat, and this is reflected in the ratio's meandering through

    much of the 1990s. Gold slipped in the late 1990s and housing began

    a new asc ent as t he dot-c om capital gains and low interest rates

    began to move real estate markets.

    As housing prices climbed from 1997 to 2001, gold went nowhere, so

    the ratio more than doubled. Put another way, housing greatly

    outperformed gold.

    As the dot-com bubble burst, housing increased its attractiveness as

    a speculation and gold began its ascent. As a result, the ratio

    stayed flat in 2001-2004 as both gold and housing rose together.

    The housing bubble's last sprint to the peak in 2006 puched the ratio

    up to 500: it took 500 ounces of gold in 2006 to "buy a share" of the

    Case-Shiller Housing Index.

    In terms of the median price, it took almost 600 ounces of gold to

    buy the median priced house in 2005.

    Then housing collapsed, and gold rocketed from $500/oz to

    $1,500/oz. As a result of housing declining by 40% and gold

    tripling, the ratio has plummeted by 80%, from 500 to just above


    How low can the ratio go? Some might look at the second chart

    and conclude that the previous bottom around 90, in 1980 when gold

    shot up to $800/oz, might well mark a bottom in the ratio.

    Those who believe that 90 is the bottom would then sell their gold

    and buy housing at that point. Since the ratio is currently at 110,

    that point is still a ways off.

    I am not so sure, as there is plentiful evidence that we are

    entering an unprecedented era. The Baby Boom numbers about 65

    million, and the generation behind them (Gen X) is considerably

    smaller (45 million). That suggests there won't be enough buyers tobuy all the houses sold as Boomers downsize/retire.

    As the U.S. economy grinds toward its event horizon, the

    generations behind the Boomers are less wealthy--their wages have

    stagnated, and they will inherit less wealth as assets in general fail

    to keep pace with inflation (i.e. loss of purchasing power).

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  • 8/6/2019 Housing Priced in Gold_ Zero Hedge


    If you examine the data in this list ofmedian home prices, by

    state, in nominal and adjusted prices from the U.S. Census

    Bureau, you will note a gigantic jump in housing prices

    between 1970 and 1980. This coincides with the brutal inflation of

    that era and the first wave of Boomers buying homes.

    In broad brush, this data suggests that housing has retraced back to

    around 1990 valuations when priced in constant/adjusted

    dollars. Priced in gold, it has retraced to the early 1980s, but I think

    it likely that the generational retrace could eventually fall all the way

    back to 1970 prices in constant dollars.

    That suggests housing could fall quite a bit further in markets which

    retained the huge gains logged in the 1970-1980 period.

    Meanwhile, at least one respected analyst has set a target for

    gold of $5,200. Louise Yamada called the turn in gold in 2000-2001,

    and set a target of $1,500/oz years ago. Thus her technical targets

    should not be dismissed out of hand.

    Yamada has also called for a turn in interest rates/the bond market.

    The Federal Reserve has kept interest rates at historic lows for

    years, but cycles cannot be eliminated, they can only be extended.

    So once the 30-year c ycle of falling rates reverses into an era of

    rising rates, housing will come under a pressure it hasn't experienced

    in two generations: price compression from rising mortgage rates.

    Simply put, the $300,000 home at 5% mortgage rates will

    decline to $150,000 if mortgage rates double to 10%. The

    average household can only afford so much per month for a

    mortgage. If rates double, then the sum of the mortgage has to fallby half to be affordable.

    Yes, there are cash buyers, but if central banks around the world

    have t o stop printing trillions in free money t o rein in rising inflation,

    then the flood of free cash looking for a quick return will dry up very


    We might also ask what happens to speculation in rising home prices

    if interest rates start rising. If cash buyers are counting on hefty

    returns from rental income, then we have to ask what might happen

    to rents.

    Even if housing stays at current prices, if gold triples to $4,500 an

    ounce, then the housing-gold ratio would fall to the 30s: $160,000

    divided by $4,500 = 35.

    If housing declines another 25% to a median of $120,000, then itwould take a mere 27 ounces of gold to buy a median-priced house.

    There are certainly good arguments (usually based on replacement

    costs) that housing can't possibly fall much lower, but oversupply

    and higher costs of money may well combine to push the speculative

    value of housing to new lows.

    This is all speculation and guesswork, of course. All we can do is

    look at trends and study history for clues about what might happen.

    What will happen is unknown.

    Your rating: None Average: 3.8 (19 votes)

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    by Alcoholic Nativ...

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 13:59


    Just don't get a mortgage. 30 year rape contract.

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    by redpill

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 13:59


    You think it's bad now , just wa it until they pull the rug out from

    underneath homeowners and get rid of the mortgage interest tax


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    by narnia

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:10


    wait till the interest rate swap market explodes and every

    21.5.2011 GuestPost:PricedInGold,IsHousing

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    fixed rate instrument immediate ly goes variable at inflation &

    fed balance sheet contraction affected rates .

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    by That Peak Oil Guy

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:36


    OT, folks, but important. Our wonderful politicians are

    working to extend the Patriot Act for another four years.

    Please take a few minutes at the below link to tell them

    what you think of this. It only takes a moment to get the

    message to all of your reps. I know it may not matter, but

    we can't just sit around and do nothing about this.




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    by What does it al...

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:41


    This is so dumb. Housing is overpriced. Gold is


    How about Gold in terms of Silver, or Silver in terms of


    These ana lysis means very little. Except that Gold isovervalued and House s a re overvalued.

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    by Citxmech

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:51


    Overpriced in terms of what? Inflating fiat?

    You've got to measure in terms of something. Gold

    and Land are the two most stable measures out

    there. . .

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    by Alpha Monkey

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 15:12


    You think gold is overpriced now... wa it until you

    see what happens when the world central banks

    start trading their ever-deteriorating USD for

    whatever gold they can get their hands.

    The price you see now is a price based on

    expected price movements of a paper market.

    What w ill happen w hen the paper market melts

    down as the ability to own gold becomes more

    important than the ab ility to trade a contract

    reflecting an artificial price of gold?

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    by zaphod

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 16:11


    Exactly, this is what Soros means when he

    said Gold is the ultimate bubble. When/if the

    scramble for gold hits its full stride, then you'll

    be able to buy significant amounts of

    land/other assets with your physical metal. But

    leave it to TV to inform the public that Soros

    meant gold is in a bubble today....

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    by Aquiloaster

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 18:07


    Then economics mean very little. It is the study of

    how much of x is equivalent in value to y. Its dumb,

    but has profound bearing on everyone's agency

    and wellbeing. Wars have been waged over

    things that meant as little or less.

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    by DavidJ

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:38


    When the dollar declines dramatically over next decade due to

    high inflation (or pos sible currency collapse), those with 30 yr fixed

    might make out like bandits.

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    by Joeman34

    onFri, 05/20/2011 - 14:46


    That's the entire [unstated] goa l of the Fed. Repudiate the

    debt, bitchez!

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    by gofigure

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:56


    You might want to study up on the Weimar Republic, and how

    they handled the "30 yr fixed" stuff...

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    by Hard1

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:58


    Agree, if your view is hype rinflation and money becoming

    worthless, you should buy real asset and preferably leverage

    as much as you can, your $2,000 montyly payment in 10 years

    will be same as buying gum, so tax deduction or not you

    should take that fixed mortgage. Of course if deflations

    happens then u r screwed.

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    by gofigure

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:55


    You might want to study up on the Weimar Republic, and how

    they handled the "30 yr fixed" stuff...

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    by sullymandias

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 22:37


    gofigure, care to give us a hint on where to start?

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    by mayhem_korner

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 15:29


    Yes, but only if the i-rate is fixed AND only if they have enough

    currency to survive the inflation.

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    by Jack Mayoffer

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:58


    30 year? Shit, I was hop ing for a 45 year mortgage. It's the only

    way I can afford my McMansion. It's my God Given Right to buy the

    biggest house possible. It's in the constitution. Look that shit up


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    by Silver Shield

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 19:20


    No we still have a long way to go in both markets in opposite



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    by Badabing

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 13:59


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    by MarketTruth

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:20


    Agree, now is not the time to trade gold for a home as home prices

    still have ~10% or more to fall PLUS the very high carrying costs of

    property tax. As many in the USA know, your home fell nearly 15%

    yet your yearly tax bill has actually gone up 10%. This means you

    getting gouged over 25% more in taxes on your devaluating

    'investment'. Of course gold has zero carrying cost or cost to

    maintain while a home has a variety of costs from taxes toinsurance and upkeep.

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    by LawsofPhysics

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:28


    Tax bill on my properties is down 22% YoY. Have not figured

    out the catch yet, but I will take it.

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    by Hephasteus

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:31


    Bon Jovi pays 100 dollars a year on taxes because his 30room mansion is a farm.

    Which is probably why gov don't want people raising

    chickens or growing food at home.

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    by Seer

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 19:00


    $100/yr? Is this hyperbole?

    I've got a modest home (below average?) and a fair

    amount of land, land that's classed as Ag, and I still

    pay a fair amount (much more than $100/yr!), though

    a LOT less than thos e w ithout Ag zoning.

    I'd think that it's more of an issue w ith the commercialfood producers than it is with govt (though the two are

    nearly indistinguishable).

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    by Hephasteus

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 20:55


    No it's not hyperoble.



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    by LRC Fan

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 13:58#1296212

    The correct answer: Not yet. But in due time gold will shoo t way up

    and housing will go way down and then will be the time to buy buy

    buy. But no blood runnin in them streets yet.

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    by Citxmech

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:13


    Agreed - values will continue to head down. I'm planning on

    waiting until the QE pestilance has run its course and a

    currancy/inflationary panic has set in - then I'm going to be trading

    some ounces on a nice homestead somewhere.

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    by Captain Planet

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 15:01


    exactly, according to the devils who made themselves wealthy

    beyond any normal person's mental comprehension: ''when there's

    blood in the streets, buy property''

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    that be ing said, i wish I had the funds for a villa in spain

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    by GeneMarchbanks

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:03


    When 5 oz s ge ts me Miami condo I'll sell... maybe.

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    by Captain Planet

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 15:02


    what else a re you going to do w ith your gold? eat it?

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    by Glasgow Gary

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:00


    We're eventually headed to the 30's. That's been my call for two years

    now. 30 ounces of g old will buy you a 150K house (and a nice one too)

    before this is all over.

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    by beastie

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:07


    At minumum. Take into account Gold is get ting scarcer and more

    difficult to mine and housing is plent iful and using cheaper and

    cheaper materials.

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    by Whatta

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:19


    And you will buy it from the Fed w hen they become the buyer of

    last resort in the national post foreclosure e ra.

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    by trav7777

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:03


    the only question that matters is "are we go ing to see another

    housing bubble?"

    That is what caused the inflection in the ratio in the 80s.

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    by Yohimbo

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:27


    can you not find a more sophisticated avatar?

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    by Sophist Economicus

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:43


    I like his avatar. It's subtle and fits his character to a tee

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    by Captain Planet

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 15:03


    are you brain dead travis, or do you work for GS?

    of course we (depending on how old you are, but I suspect you

    havnt been around more than 3 decades) will see another housing


    but if you keep playing the ratios, bubbles are just ways to

    multiply your wealth....

    ah, I get it....your mad you weren't born under the rothschild


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    by trav7777

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 19:13


    oil supply hadn't peaked until 2008. 2005 for C&C. Things are

    different now and shit is not cyclical merely because it has


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    by InconvenientCou...

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:07


    At the rsk of stating the obvious, RE as an investment or hedge iscomplicated so do your homework. It's should be treated like a

    business, not a carry trade.

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    by cowdiddly

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:05


    I prefer dow/gold because housing/gold is so hard to read right now.

    But I look to at least 55/75 oz to the house given todays conditions.

    With homes plummeting the way they are and gold in the perfect

    setup we could see some historic and insane ratios. JHMO

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    by LRC Fan

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:11


    Dow/Gold will hit parity before it's all over.

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    by cowdiddly

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:18


    My thoughts e xactly 1:1 and Ill cash in. Im glad some people

    are starting to value metals in something besides 2 ply fiat

    which is pretty meaningless.

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    by Hugh G Rection

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:22


    Mike Maloney thinks so, and he tends to get shit right.

    I'd like to see Dow/Silver parity.

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    by Chappaquiddick

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 18:56


    You'll see it and Gold Silver parity too. Amazing times

    ahead, just thrilled to be on board.

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    by Mercury

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:09


    Priced in gold. is housing a buy?

    A great thing to consider...if you've been s itting on gold for five or ten


    There are certainly good arguments (usually based on replacement costs)

    that hous ing can't possibly fall much lower, but oversupply and higher

    costs of money may well combine to push the speculative value of

    housing to new lows.

    The real wild card is cos t of carry, especially property taxes.

    Municipalities are hurting right now and there is no telling what the

    upper limit is on tha t future liability.

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    by Sgt.Sausage

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 17:19


    ==> The real w ild card is cos t of carry ...

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    Real estate throws off rents (income). Gold doesn't. At some point,

    I'm making the trade. But ... not ... quite ... yet.

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    by oddjob

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:06


    Buying property that will be taxed to the brink to fund endless public

    sector entitlements is insane.

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    by pazmakeron Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:33


    so where does one live?? Under a bridge? Do you think those

    high property taxes paid by landlords will not be passed on to the


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    by Captain Planet

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 15:06


    Exactly how does this work if your not a slumlord, and just

    trying to keep the farm?

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    by oddjob

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 16:10


    I think most landlords w ill wa lk away from properties when the

    tax burden is too high and te nants unable to pa y higher

    rents.This is not a new phenomenon.At that point you could

    squat there.So wa it til housing is bas ically free, then dip your

    toe into the housing market.

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    by trav7777

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 19:15


    that is wha t happened in Detroilet when the population

    destroyed the city's function. Peop le wa lked away. Thereare tons of units there owing massive ba ck taxes

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    by Sean7k

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 16:15


    Methman and the rest already live under the bridges. I

    sugge st a farm- they really provide a lot of tax breaks and the

    rates are minimal to begin with.

    You can never own a home in America anyway- you just get to

    rent it from the government.

    You could build an offgrid home on a farm. This may allow you

    to only pay taxes on the land. If the house was not built to

    code, it could be imposs ible to value. By the way, you can build

    a very efficient, safe, non code home. Won't be able to sell it

    as a home, but people w ill probably still give you the value if

    they desire the same benefits.

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    by Seer

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 19:13


    Homes should never have gotten to the excessive point

    that they did. Pure hubris!

    Modes ty... I settled for a modest home (under average?)

    on Ag land. It is home to me, and one day I hope for it to

    provide all my income, something that one is hard pressed

    to do w ith a "condo" or other cage...

    I opted to save my PMs for another day, plunk down asizable amount of fiat and then borrow fiat at a low

    interest rate. This allowed me to get "in," unload a bunch

    of fiat (still have some fiat for assets, like a tractor) and

    hold PMs until I'm ready to pay off the balance of the loan

    (or hold for emergencies).

    Sold my previous house at the top of the market. Bought

    this one on the low side, with interest rates at the

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    bottom. I view my current home as an investment in life,

    not for speculation.

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    by Matto

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:09


    Meh my pay didnt go up inline with gold so this valuation measure is

    relatively useless.

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    by walcotton Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:11


    Judas, Jesus Christ and the 30 pieces of silverAccording to

    theProfessional Coin Grading Service, The value of 30 of these coins

    was significant at the time. Such a sum likely would have purchased a

    small farm. Quite a b ribe for the time On average , a Small farm goes

    for around $240,000 in our country today . . . which would consist of

    the farmhouse fo r the farmer and the family, barns, equipment, along

    with 120 acres on which to plant and harvest crops. To put it in terms

    most people can understand, $240,000 would buy:

    some math on this,

    13.73 grams each Shekel x 30 = 411.9 grams of silver.

    28.350 grams in one ounce. So divide 411.9 grams by 28.350

    = 14.53 oz's of s ilver.

    Divide $240,000 (estimated value today of 30 Shekels in 33AD) by

    14.53 oz = $16,517 oz.!!

    $16,517 an ounce - todays inflation adjusted valuation of silver 33AD.

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    by Arttrader

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:29#1296319

    Just goes to show - wo uld have been a lot wiser for the long-term

    investor (2000 years or so) to convert the silver (even before it

    was demoted to industrial metal status) into productive capacity.

    How much farmland are you buying today for 14.53 ounces o f


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    by dussasr

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:32


    Except that a farm house back then was a tiny shack worth maybe

    $5000 today and farm equipment was a mule and a plow.

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    by SilverRhino

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:45


    Not true. A denarius back then was worth about $21 in terms of

    purchasing power of bread and food. It was also a day's pay for a


    Shekels were actually considered to be worth 4 denarii.

    30 shekels = 120 denarii ~ $2520.

    Judas worked cheap.

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    by Sean7k

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 16:22#1296661

    Better check your numbers. 120 acres, a home, barns and

    equipment would never sell for 240,000 dollars. Maybe love canal,

    but most farm land sells for 3-6,000 an acre- raw land only. There

    are places where you can get good land for 2,000 an acre, but it is

    still raw. There might be a usable barn.

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    A 2007 Chevrolet Trailblazer for you and eight of your

    closest friends,

    a down payment on Luxury home, or

    outright buy a brand new home in most of the USA . . .in cash.

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    by Henry Chinaski

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:11


    Single family homes are too heterogeneous to form broad conclusions.

    But, this simple trend analysis supports the idea that RE is becoming

    relatively cheap. I wouldn't sell RE at this point and would be on the

    lookout for buying opportunities in the nea r term. The nice thing is

    that you don't have to pay for a house with gold; you can still use


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    by Dr. Engali

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:14


    It won't matter before too long. Pretty soon commrade Ben will own

    all personal property on the fed's ba lance sheet.

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    by LawsofPhysics

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:15


    Interesting (but somewhat expected) observations . Could you do the

    same thing for the Russian hous ing market from 1975-2005? That is

    where we a re heading.

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    by dark pools of soros

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:15


    "Simply put, the $300,000 home at 5% mortgage rates will decline

    to $150,000 if mortgage rates double to 10%. The average

    household can only afford so much per month for a mortgage . If rates

    double, then the s um of the mortgage has to fall by half to be


    this is said a lot but has no truth behind it.. what is "affordab le"

    anyway in this zero dow n world?

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    by Hondo

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:14


    This conjecture would only be true if you were being paid in gold or did

    in fact have all your savings in gold (or anticipate the releveraging of

    the entire housing complex). If I'm being paid in fiat money then the

    house value must be priced in fiat money terms. Nice exercise but

    pretty worthless.

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    by OpenEyes

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 15:07


    not so w orthless if one is holding more than a few oz's of gold and

    wondering when, and for what, they will exchange them.

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    by malek

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 17:42


    The only thing worthless in above's exercise was the mention of

    "hedging house value de cline with gold".

    The people in need to hedge their house value don't have the

    money to buy gold, and vice versa.

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    by Stuck on Zero

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:17


    As the dollar falls gold w ill climb and climb and climb. As local

    governments add more and more taxes, rules, and regulations onto

    the backs of homeowners home will fall, fall, fall. DO you see any

    change in that trend?

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    by LawsofPhysics

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    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:26


    Okay, keep extend ing your hypothesis out over time. Not

    susta inable. Again, you identify the problem, now what is the


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    by Bay of Pigs

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:36


    Buying more go ld? ;o)

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    by LawsofPhysics

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 15:56



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    by Sean7k

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 16:24


    Get rid of government. Easy so lution.

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    by Captain Planet

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 15:18


    Until the ''government'' doesnt have the funds to pay a ''person''

    to come and kick you out o f your house for not paying your taxes

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    by Rhodin

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 16:40


    When they can't employ police to kick householders out for

    back taxes, they will just sell/auction the tax deed at a

    discount, and the buyer will either have to pay some

    government mercenary or kick them out himself.

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    by SheepDog-One

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:16


    Real estate still has a long way to plunge, but if people feel like buying

    a house, go ahead.

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    by Seer

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 19:24


    There's RE and then there's farm land. I doubt that farm land is

    going to fall much further; I suspect that those with money are

    buying it up. But, if you're talking stuff like condos, then yes,

    they'll end up being next to worthless.

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    by Bangin7GramRocks

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:19


    Thank you for the insight Lawrence Yun.

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    by LawsofPhysics

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:20


    More economic modeling based on fantasy. Everything gets thrown

    out the w indow when people change their definitions of "value" and

    "money". Right now we are not paid in gold - nice try though. Taking

    it to the e xtreme, having de fensible arable land and like-minded ( and

    well armed) neighbors is worth a lot more than gold in Pakistan

    already. So long as fraud is the status quo , don't think that the who le

    world won't go this way.

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    by Yen Cross

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 15:10


    Gold equals value! You can convert it to Money at any bank or coin

    shop! Defensible arable land? You have been in the outback too


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    by Rhodin

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 17:01


    Having some farmland makes sense now and long term.Defensible does no t exist anymore though. In fact, visable

    buildings or groundworks approaching defensible will get you

    attacked by governments most places. Building underground

    might approach defensible in a few locations, especially if not

    visable from above and built before photo surveillance.

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    by Yen Cross

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:22


    As an inflation hedge , I'll side with xau. If you look at inflation

    adjusted post war (WWII) equity in real estate, it is clear real estate is

    meant to live in. Sure there are spikes at times, but the dow nside

    (risk) is extreme if you're trying to pick tops and bottoms. XAU is liquid,

    and a better risk!

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    by hambone

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:28


    Watching for the decoupling of strong dollar / weak dollar from Gold /

    Silver / Commodities (or the coupling of equities w/ go ld / silver

    prices...all up or all dow n).

    Looks like the strong dollar meme (vis-a-vis scary Euro / JPY) simply

    isn't holding water. Stores of liquid wealth (gold, silver, oil, etc) are

    making very nice moves in the face of dollar strengthening (and equity

    weakening)...looks like this could be the coming out party for the new

    reserve currency, gold / s ilver.

    Could break down as overleveraged sell strength to raise cash but

    seems no one willing to sell the new crown jewel for fiat...could be thebeginning of the formal end for dolleur?

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    by Kyron95131

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:24


    historically from what i have read ..

    30oz of gold was the value of a nice house with land.

    however we've over the last 40 years with suburbanization have

    redefined that statement and drifted far far away from that statement

    original paradigm of thought mostly in the coas tal regions of the us .

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    by Yen Cross

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:43


    Good po int. Thanks for the reminder. Inflation in the coa stal U.S.

    cities out of control.

    Another tidbit. When property values are high, interest rates on

    the long end tend to be higher. Gold is priced in usd so the net

    gain in(real estate) equity is wiped out over time.

    Inflation. The west coast real estate market, for the most part is

    looking at 5-10 years before rea lizing any inflation adjusted equity.

    Sure there are pockets of stability, but the building that went on

    from 2000-2006 was out of control. Not to mention all of the Dark

    inventory, that banks are hoarding.

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    by Sophist Economicus

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:48


    YC, you're lucid aga in! Thought you had a t roll mind-meld...

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    by Yen Cross

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:53


    Jet Lag. Have a nice weekend. We should have some

    interesting gaps on the Sunday open. Lots of news going

    into the w eekend. Any thoughts? I always appreciate your


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    by Yen Cross

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:57


    Aps. for x2 post. Got error message.

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    by gwar5

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:37


    30 ounces of gold for a decent house sounds about right. If gold

    traded in a free market and went to $5-10K, as many say, then it's

    about right. Especially as the slow motion popping of the housing

    bubble is allowed to lose air and deflate.

    I don't see any serious ana lysts revising their 5-10 year gold price

    estimates downward.

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    by GMS guy

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:27


    I knocked up the same chart for the UK a couple of weeks ago...



    look how those ratios compare!

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    by gwar5

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:33


    Massive housing inventory, ending the mortgage interest deduction,

    rising property taxes, along with the expected higher borrowing rateswill abso lutely kill housing.

    I don't even see where people will get the money to pay higher rent to

    landlords to keep up with inflation, either.

    The difference between the 1970's and today is that wages rose with

    inflation back then and they're not going to do that this time around

    because of cheap overseas labor. This time a round our standard of

    living is going to go down with each upward tick of inflation.

    It's already been said that America could become the world's first de -

    developed nation. Vote wisely in 2012.

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    by dussasr

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:44#1296355

    I don't see the property taxes rates continuing to be increased

    significantly. It's to the point that the tax payers w ill revolt. They

    will vote out the bums that raised property taxes to fund overpaid

    union government employees and replace them with better

    stewa rds of taxpayer money.

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    by Rhodin

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 17:50


    Taxpayer revolt will work where it can have effect, other places

    will become ghost towns or disincorporate.

    Some municipalities, the remaining local employees are most ly

    volunteer or part time, but property taxes increase to pay forfederal, state, county and school district mandates that local

    voters cannot control. Meanwhile paved roads go to dirt,

    recreation departments are closed, libraries go to three

    days`pe r week, 30 year old fire trucks are not replaced. Here

    property values have dropped 30%. assesed values are the

    same, and property taxes are up 10% despite massive local

    cuts. I give the municipality five years max before it folds.

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    by akak

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 15:26


    Portions of it have already been so for decades now --- ever visit


    As much as so many people like to joke about Detroit, the grim

    third-world reality would strike most Americans who have never

    been there like a sledgehammer blow to the head.

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    by Strider52

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 17:31


    I was bo rn (in a log cabin I built myself) in Detroit. Glad I left

    about 53 years ago..

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    by Rhodin

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 19:06

    #1296965Reincarnation rocks :-)

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    by cat2

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:38


    Don't catch a falling knife.

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    by Hook Line and S...

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:37


    A buy? For anybody who was 100% vested in AU 10 years ago!

    Then maybe.

    We still have a long w ay to go, AU up, housing down. I'd wait on any

    real estate investment until energy prices forces the jobs back to the

    US. Rental property is no good if no one can can support your dream of

    cash-flow in an environment with ballistic unemployment and wounded


    Besides, who would want to buy an asset that w ill continue to be

    losing value for the next x years whe n capital is flowing to the Golems


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    by apberusdisvet

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:37


    Housing will be priced in Silver ounces, not gold. The new coppe r

    money will get you a first class hooker. Gold is only for the "elite"

    vaults, dontcha know.

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    by Captain Planet

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 15:27


    that s ounds very nice for me....

    i found a nice copper tube that w ould be a great ba rter for one,

    two or three of those super-models turned pe rsonal hooker/trophy


    I can't stand seeing banksters with hotties. soon holders of ''the

    gentleman's'' money will have hoardes of followers.

    ah, the w onders of AG....its so beautiful, but it buys even more


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    by Slim

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:37

    It's already been said that America could become the

    world's first de-developed nation.

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    Honestly, I think some of this stuff is insanity. Housing is about

    supply/demand (and ability to de mand i.e. financing and having

    jobs/income not just willingness). Housing will be a buy when

    supply/demand is in balance without games/intervention at levels

    incomes can carry. Actually it will be a buy if it overshoo ts to the

    downside as you can capture mean reversion, otherwise there's

    nothing special. And no we aren't close yet.

    This isn't rocket science and we don't need a divining rod. If you

    understand the fundamental levers and drivers of supply/demand you

    don't need to do exotic relationships between assets and try pricing in

    Netflix stock or pre-IPO private market Facebook valuation multiples.

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    by Korrath

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:45


    I'll be tempted to dip my toe in the RE water...AFTER I see just how

    desperate the Baby Boomers are going to be w hen they start trying to

    sell their homes to escape escalating property taxes when they retire.

    I predict they will do far more damage panic-selling into existing

    weakness then the drop we 've seen so far from the bubble popping.

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    by Yen Cross

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:47


    Buy it ( real estate )when rate s are super high. Pay cash (for it)

    and rent it!

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    by hambone

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 15:10


    ding. ding. ding. We have a winner. Only deviation I'd

    suggest is buy 4 houses at ultra high rates w/ 25% down (or

    whatever it takes to be cash flow neutral on the rental) and

    wait for lower rates to re-fi the loan.

    Principle isn't usually renegotiated but rates sure can go down

    from the top...

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    by Yen Cross

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 15:22


    Then we can have a little ATM factory? The bank will want

    cash flow positive. Probably 15% @ least, with a market

    environment like that .

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    by hambone

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 15:47


    Cash flow positive it is. I'm ok w/ that.

    Bought rentals in late 90's, early '00's and worked this

    strategy pretty well. Still, so many variables in play it's

    really hard to project if leverage (responsibly) will once

    again be your friend or buy things outright and ta ke

    the sure return.

    I can only imagine how w ill this all end...and restart?

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    by Hephasteus

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:45


    Housing went from 50 dollars a square foot in the 70's to 35 dollars a

    square foot in the 80's due to power tools improvements and the factthat the houses just fucking sucked.

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    by FoieGras

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:46


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    With all these ridiculous asset vs. gold ratios I am still wondering why

    nobody ever made a Dow vs. lean hogs or Nasdaq vs. cocoa or what

    about US GDP vs. corn?

    Should yield equally great insights!

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    by firefighter302

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 15:04


    How about goose livers vs, gold ratio's?

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    by Buckaroo Banzai

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:51


    In other news, we now live in a police state:








    What history has to say about men with guns holding up the public



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    by Maos Dog

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 15:07


    Lol buck, just figuring that out now?

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    by Buckaroo Banzai

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 15:36


    sorry forgot to include the

    /sarc on /sarc off


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    by RobotTrader

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:55


    Shorting this market is near impossible.

    The only "guaranteed profit" to make money on the short side is to

    short gold stocks when General Jim starts screeching "This Is It!!!".

    However, even though that trade is usually good for a 30% - 45% gain

    in some junior equities, the trade must be closed within weeks,

    otherwise you can give up your gains.

    Amazing how the market simply shakes off everything.

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    by tekhneek

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:56


    Why the fuck would you buy a house with that much gold? My ex-

    girlfriend's dad's a contractor -- He'd build a 240k house fo r 60k and

    sell them hand over fist month after month after month before the

    bubble burst.

    It makes 0 sense (opinion here) to pay 166k for something that only

    costs 50k to build.

    Wasteful if you ask me. Hire a professional contractor who knows his

    shit and ge t a discount. The materials are shite anyway, not like you're

    going to get a solid house because you're forking over your lifes


    Hell, it's even better to just buy land then drop a modular home on it.

    >30k (minus the land) and you're se t. You can even expand on that

    too. If you wanna go hard core gridless luxury you might spejnd more

    than 30k, but at that price just buy 10 freight cars and weld them


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    Who the FUCK wants another cookie cutter home anyway? If you're

    going at it for rental income I get that, but when housing drops

    another (roughly 13% or so) you'll be able to generate $1.22 of rental

    income for every $1 invested into the property itself. So, yeah.

    Measure it in whenever you want, but it makes no sense to talk RE

    right now until the parity between cost and rental revenue is wide

    enough to make sense to drop physical gold on it.

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    by Yen Cross

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 15:01


    Your post is a definite keeper! Printing it off as I post. Nice work!

    Just use the gold to finance the project. Win Win!

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    by tekhneek

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 14:57



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    by Buckaroo Banzai

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 15:01


    dupeLogin or register to post comments

    by YHC-FTSE

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 15:14


    This is not a bad analysis. If you are sitting comfortably on a mound of

    cash, it's PMs or P roperty. A bit of both to d iversify your risks and

    returns is a strategy to consider (Depending where you live). While

    wa iting for the housing market to bottom out further is just fine, if you

    buy-to-let (with cash, especially in a busy metropolis), the returns from

    collecting rent could be going towards buying more PMs.

    I don't think being a landlord is fo r everyone, but with the right

    property portfolio, you could get quite a bit ahead of the game in

    collecting assets that mature we ll with time as you buy more PMs with

    the proceeds.

    Edit: Some people still don't seem to get it. The whole po int is not to

    have any cash in your account. PUT IT TO USE so it can have VALUE


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    by Spider

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 15:01


    People are forgetting the wealth is no longer really in the US. There is

    no comparative comparison with home prices in the 1970's and 1980's

    (possibly the go lden years o f US history) - you can buy the

    median residence in Egypt for probably 10-12 ozs of gold because

    their economy is weak.

    Ratios are only good with a decent comparison...

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    by Stuck on Zero

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 17:56


    You are right on. If real interest rates we re to climb to 10% or

    more real estate w ould die instantly and gold would tank. It

    happened in 1983. I wonder about 50 caliber ammo as an


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    by el Gallinazo

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 15:05


    I am usually a big fan of Smith, but this time he made a ha rd bunt to

    the first baseman. RE is a four year old deflationary popped bubble

    with plenty of room to fall more. PM and risk assets are just peaking

    for the ride down. Buying a house now with debt, or even with cash, is

    to catch a falling knife with your bare hands. There are no safe harbors

    for sure, but I think the way to go right now is cash or cash

    equivalents and rent.

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    by magne13

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 15:28


    This post misses some key analytical points, average wages, money

    supply and debt. This post conside rs affordability based upon ounces

    of gold. Yes of course on a nominal scale we are back to nearly 1980

    price levels, however lets look at the following wages on an inflation

    adjusted basis for the middle class maybe grew by 30%, not enough

    to exert upward demand price increase to the levels that we still see

    today, but the biggest key I think is of course the large increase in

    money supply and even more so, in debt levels. the debt to gold ratioin 1979 was $1.5m (US debt/price of gold) even w ith the increase in

    gold in 2010 that same ratio is now $9.6m or an increase of 640%,

    now of couse more money means higher prices, but as you know,

    more interest as well, which is the real reason new debt will always

    have to be created, which in turn means that more capital has to be

    put to work to just service debt, and that reason in of itself is why

    housing will not find a bottom, more capital and resources have to be

    put towa rd debt service and not into sustainable production, nor

    susta inable housing. We have tipped that crucial point by which our

    Federal Reserve has sold everyone out for the benefit of the very few,

    what you will have is houses in the millions and then the rest of

    everyone else, as income disparity continues to widen, the real bubble

    is in debt. Which we all know where that leads...I'd rather hold my

    gold than put it into housing, even at these over inflated levels...thats

    housing (still inflated) I'm talking about, not gold.

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    by Transformer

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 16:10


    Hey guys, nobody is talking about the tax consequences of buying

    a house with Au or Ag. The gov does not look at it as if the dollar

    went down and your metal held its value. they look at as if your

    metal appreciated and they want a cut on every dollar your made

    from that appreciation. So do all the states, with the exception of

    Utah. (at least so far). If you factor that in, then all this ounces for

    property nonsense goes away, or at least comes out with really

    different numbers.

    but, if gold and silver is money, what then?

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    by malek

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 17:54


    So you think in Utah you don't have to pay capital gains tax

    when selling your gold?


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    by jomama

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 18:15


    paying taxes on PM gains is bullshit. there's got to be a

    way around it.

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    by ronin12

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 16:09


    You sir, are very clueless.

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    by zaphod

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 16:12


    sorry, dup

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    by hugovanderbubble

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 16:10


    Thanks, as a lways Cha rles Hugh Smith , very interesting reading.

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    by DNB-sore

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 16:55


    Interesting and can be put in another perspective.

    If a gold standard is accepted at this moment, how much gold is

    there in for example the US, total by banks, investors and jewelry.

    What is there that has to get paid by gold(backed) currency? Every

    transaction! And also anything that allready existed has to get a

    relation to gold

    Even your toilet sea t then has a been waged to gold, when you buy

    one at the mall it can be paid by a microscopic piece of gold so

    goldbacked paper and coin is going to come in handy. Speaking of

    coin, maybe silver?

    There is no way transactions are going to be paid in physical gold

    except big transactions, and on the street maybe silver will be nice,

    directly taking a cut in the industrial value. Just keep w hatever you

    own physical and is rare.

    GDP to physical gold?

    Total assets in a country/continent to physical gold? A house changing

    hands for a couple of gold eagles? Whether i'm rong or right I'm

    keeping the metals

    Todays dimension is screwed up

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    by honestann

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 18:07


    Not yet. Wa it for 80 to 100.

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    by lemonobrien

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 19:21


    I'll buy a house for 1 or 2 ounces of gold... here's why:

    1) I can just hold go ld, it's money, harder to sell a house .

    2) Everyone is broke, city, county, state, fed; all want money: easies t

    target-> property owne rs... cause the y're fixed to the land.

    3) Cost to maintain; even if you rent it, you have to fix it, improve it,

    maintain it. That means money, time, effort. Gold don't need no thing

    except time.

    4) Property is tied to the location; I can buy a house now in Detroit for

    $1,500; but

    I'd be tied to Detroit and it's economic plight; Where in the US w ill the

    economics be growing to allow me to feed myself while living and

    paying taxes in my new home?

    5) Demographics; after the baby boomers die, nobody is going to

    replace them; at least not until we finish another great war. Even the

    echo-boom generation is smaller. All we can do is import illegals, and

    they send most of their money home.

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    by Richard Whitney

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 20:23


    The median house o f 2011 is bigger, with a different configuration of

    space and utility than the median house of 1980. It is hard to account

    for this difference, but a be tter metric might be oz AU / Sq ft.

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    by sullymandias

    on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 22:21


    Median or average prices can be heavily skewed by a small number of

    outlier homes (very costly or very cheap), and they do not reflect the

    dynamics of the housing market as well as resale prices.

    Where to start? By "median or average prices", is the author

    suggesting that "median" and "average" are synonymous? If so, they

    are making a serious error. The average is the mean, which is quite a

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    different thing from the median.

    Medians are notheavily skewed by outlier values. In fact, this is ofte n

    why the median is chosen over the mean, even though the mean is

    eas ier to work w ith. Simple example: Let's say the median was

    $200,000, and the highes t value was $1,000,000. Okay, fine, let's

    change that highest value to be a really serious outlier, say

    $1,000,000,000. What is the median now? $200,000.

    This is basic, basic stuff, and anyone writing serious a rticles citing

    Case-Shiller data should understand it. Read the Wikipedia article on

    "median". Go there and search for the term "outlier".

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