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(1) Land UK and QuiJ4ing Tvpe No Jot shall be used ~aspt Corresidential purposes. Nobaild.inltlb.)) be c:m:tcd. aItcnd. pIaoed, «pamjll!d to raaaIn aD any lot DlbC'lIban tine (1) detad\ed sioalttunny dwelliDl not to tKeeed two and CllHllf (2.112) stories in hel8ht. •• d II priVide PfBBc.

~) Building logatioo The locatim 8I1d use ofalll'lrUctureIJ ~11t in said subdivision shallcmform with the provisions of the zoo.fng regul8dms oftbe Ci1y of DclCIum. .AJabam1, thm applicablefor R-l 00-5 zmiq at the tUne of ~sttuctlon. with !he Sltceplic;ms as hCftIn.e.tUr &« bth. No h.lildina shell be.IOCIb!dOft••.y lot near. to the&mt lat line or fic.'Cf to the side snet line than tilt:! rninimwu t.rlIdinS IJIdbackliDes Ihwn m said subdivWan plat. In InY eva.t. no bulldin,g 91ullI be located on my lotnearer than Ihirty-five (3.5) feet tQ the ht lot nne. or rt•. U' than Ihlrl)'-tive (35)tbet to I'm)' side srreet line. NobuiJding sb.u be leeated nr:are.' Ibllll fifteen (1.5) feet to an intcric.' lot lin~ 1Ind no ~Iing Wli be loaab::d (IQ

any id1«ior 1« aearcr Ibad fwty (40) foci: to 11'10 rat lot line

(3) DwellingSize The! grQUld floor lIteR of the main structure. aclusf ve of opc:apon;:bes. terraces, carporU.lINlgarqes. shall be:

a) for lots 1-8, Block B &: for lots 1..6. Block C· not 1$ than 1,500 sq, feet fel' lone m' twoMydwdling.b) for Iou 1·23 &: loL!I44-S3. Block A 4 ta-Iw 7-13. Block C -not less than 1,700 sq._f(lf. one or two story ctwalingc:)for Iou 24-43. Block A - not less 1baa 1.800 sq. feet for II (11I11I or two IItG)' dweJ1iug

(4) QWJ!'rrffl~ <lmIgt6 andfor Carpor13 sb&1l be siDd for 1",l1~ 1tPIfItwo c:arsr>. and be "atbldtcd" to 1he residattial dwelling eM(If with (.OtWI1Oftwalb Of walkway or porch Ihat is a(1,IO

"aaad1.od," o.:q_ aJlc1I« ~ ~all he orirmtcd such thar dleir entrano: j, located on tht: ~de lr back of1M rOSidentilJ dwdling.

(5) ~ SwUnm1ng pools 1Ihal' be conatnH:ted at around 'ewl wi1b the maximumeleYl\lion ofd\e tOp of the pooJ limited to the Found siopenCCl!:SlU)l for proper dnUnage. Poo. drainage !!ban bediRdcd to avoid discharge ontQ adjoinini loti.

(6) FI!IIla!5 No ~(l8 sba1l eKtMd cIOI!Ii!Ifto ltl. stt'eet or road dum lite bOllge'. All fimgesWidl pnUe1d1e IIIreI:UCII' n.dB shall be c:anstNtted. ofwrwaht ~ brick or wood. AD other ta.1:C8 shall beofwrought iron. brick, wood or chain link,

(1) s.tcIlite ~i!b!!! No sMeUiW dishes or aerial typeaneet1nN 8bIll ~ wu1ruQcd orCI'CCICd widt IhccxClCpCiGn of1l10 ftew t8" Cl" antaIla- diL'ihc:aaod only in 8IlmcoaspiW0U8loc;:Uion.

(8) ~ No nwaOUi or otfCUlJive activity shall be camecl...- any lot, norshallan)'thins be done ther«ll'l which may be or may bec:onto an ennoyance <:It nuisance in the nei,gbborhood. Inaddition, DO ablndoned a\ltcllnobiles shall be plII'kcd on propat)' or rGldway. A\ItODlotu'lC8Iha1J be mGVIbJe ISto facithlto mowtng.

(9) Driypan agel YardI All drivew8)'llllhall be pawd, All yanIa !lb~l be soddedwith ocatiped.e 18 to eliminate a patchwork effect in Ch~neiplwll'IU)tllt All &oat yards shall be /SOlidsodded.All side yards shall be Kllid sodded to the l.ck cdae of the bcuse. All b.ck. )'III'd$ ~l be eicber sodded oraprigcd.

r>; ~Bfft 191a. ::: PI04'09= 10,4.11 II•.•.~l.,''',t of ProM.,...,. Caunty, AlI_


fQ&I: 191 !SO

(11) 0njIjtcaunJ. Qmlrol No tllildiog nrr Ia1y oCher apptnoaRt ~ nil.~ placed Of altaed m InY lot until ~OIJ paulspedfiQdions hive been ~ by the~ CDIdroImoun_ t1t4:1cemmltlee shall te\'lew ilid ~ all CODStr1Idicm f~Lsliw to locuion,quality, workmawdrlp. _ m.criaI, harmony of~I desian (including the exkriCll" CIOlon) with !ldstinStopostaph)' Irld tin. srado clewtion.

The committee's apprCMI.I cr cU58ppI'OVBl ~ rcQ.uircd in1h~ co¥ClDlDtJ1Ib~1be In writing. IIlllle evmt the committee 01 its' desiflJUdednpresmMdYe fail to IIJIIrGVUor disapprOYe withm 30 da)'S after plana and specifica1iOft:lhaw ~ sulRnittcd to it or in any ovent itno suit toaijoin the ~ bas been ~ .ftcr tho completion tbereo( approval witt nat b.:I ~irai IIIld therdatcd wvauQlt shaD be deemed to have been fully ~plied with.

The ~ comrol commna.IibaU c:alfJist offivc(~) individuals named by III; onJin11 O\mer(s) of1bc subdi\'isioo and ~tJy appoinJed by mem.bI!In ofIhe eodtmittee,

(12) Tn"" 1)ajlm Travel tnilen;"'I ••ot be used as a pennan. rwidalcc whileparked on my lot in the sulldMsion. ftrr ~ •• ltmpenry or psmmenl f08ideaoo while p&Iked onIll)' •• m file wWhisiOQ. Tnvol tnilcn that are or bcccxnc unsightly must be bJddcIIi'om the view oflllepablie, or adjoining rot owners.

(13) Ewqtm" Easanmts for in..GIbnmt and maintenanCl:! of t~~ utilities.and drainage &cilium an: resavcd 8.!!1shown on tile l'CII;UcIed plat

(14) Dra~ ConsIructiWl« aitcqtion oflll\Y lot ana shalI1lOl rault iniacreasina SUtfilce runoff lO adjoining lob. The drainaKe of ditcba shall not be altered nor ill anyway diSh.l'bedia Mlth •. manner IS to ftSUtt in hindetmslhe C«istMs dtaiDa~ ~

(l S) ~ No sign of an)' kind. .an 110 displayed 10 the public view 011 lIlY 1Gt ~III a p1JfaIIiCII11 sian of not mGR thinIIlC (I) square: foot, CIIC(I) lip of nUl men Ibm ftw (S) !ICpI'8 fa::&advertisln81h~ property for sale CI' 1lIlt, or signs u!ed by builders EOadverllse the JWIP!ftY during thecautrudion and salM.

(16) Utilitjg Only the aw.i1ab.lc water Ed ~ scnicc shall bo utili.t.c:d. No OUISidowatc:r <II' IICMr iIdlma DbaIl 110~

(17) Oil and MiIlinl Otwntions No oil drilling. oil de\Ielopment openIllon, oilrefinin& cprrying or miniPs opc:nti~ .nany kind sbaIl bo pcnnitted upcm (Win .y lot, oar shall oil wens.tanJta. ~ mincnJ exClVlltiM$ ~ shafts be pwmJaed upoo. Of in any 1«.

(18) LiveslOGkand Poylqy No animals, liva&odc, CIf pouhr)' of 81'1)' kind mall bomi. bred. or kept m my ~ except Ifmt ck:J&s.c:aQor Glhl!r bOORJtold peI$ may be bpi ptO'fidcd IhIt dteyIb't ft(It Opt, bNd. Of malntadled Cot any c.ommercial p1lfpOIe.

(l9) DisposalofM.t:fiuo No garbR~ tmh. ~es, refUse. inoperIUi~ •••mlcles (thatllave beea tnopnriw fur ID(R IhBn thirty (30) d.ay3). junk or ~ waste 3haU be thrown cr dumpaJ CIJ any I~park, snet or alley in Ihe subdlvislan ll(l' .e permitted to mllain upon my such place.

(20) Home OwIPmA..wim and Cc!mnS!l Elt!m!!115 All persona or cmidcs OWftdlgany RBI CIlia situatedin .id lUbdivilllaa IllaU qnIC to 1114(IIIrti~ in Ib,lbne Ownen AaociItioa fur faopriDcipai~ of dlNeloping and maintBiniDs all c:ommm cinent& ~011 elem.eotsllball inc:1udo1110.subdivision anrance way improvenJcnc MIld/orsigns, the rauJway medians (includina land~B and iJriSalIonA)'SItm), die public:.oces:s tot. md the ~d area and drainqe way diseh~, all as mown •• the final I'Iat. An8!15C:&S11JCrlt sbaU be lQad~ of md:t member in the amount C!ltabJl5hcd by the As5<K1iation to fund 1bede\'elopmco.t and maintA:P8nCl:!of the QmU!KIb ehment&

--------------_ .

(2]).ImQ. These covenants are to I'UD with 1M lar.d ad shaH he bindin8 upm a11paniO! and all penon! clai1llinl1Blder Chern.

(22) ~to! If\he parties ht:reto. CII'anyofthao Of theirheirs Q" ISsiJnt, _11vi •• tJI' IIItcmpt to 'riolato m)' c6er ~ hCRin it sbaU be fawM Cormy PCI1tJD cr persG11 owning 1m)'ra1 cstae ."'*«l to said ~cat Ot3Ubdivisiooto (I'OICCUte by praeeedina _law ~ in~ ,-lh~perIODor persona vtolaling or attempthJg to violate ~ such CO\'enaIlts.. and other duc8 for sudt violations. Ifthe part)' UtaDpiing to ~tfUrceIftese restiidiCdS shall pnwU in BnYproceeding. law or in eqllity, SQChpart)'sbt1Ibe amtled 16t'eto'm' ~1c atlCIney's fees aDd oourt CO!b, which shall be l10nascd agaimt !be partywbm is found 10 .,., in violation ofCbc 1l!SIrktima.

(23) Sev!!!plrility In~lidariORofany one oftha!le covmanI$ by judgtmertt (If t'mrtu.rdcr &hall ill no way atta:t any Glh~ provllions which shall remain in full bee and ~'


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