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ContellioPut together by content repurposing specialists from

One of the biggest sins in the content marketing world is working super hard to create a piece of content and using it only once.

Put together by content repurposing specialists from Contellio

The same goes for link building: if resources are only used once and then burned. This presentation answers a couple of questions on how

to squeeze every last bit of juice from your existing content.

Put together by content repurposing specialists from Contellio


What is content repurposing anyway?

Put together by content repurposing specialists from Contellio

And an animation into a podcast episode…

The most frequent case of content repurposing

is turning a blog post into a presentation.

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And a presentation into an animation.

Some people prefer text, others videos, and other would like to listen to their content on their way to work.

Put together by content repurposing specialists from Contellio

Content creation for link building or marketing purposes is a heavy task on it’s own. With repurposing, the return

of investment of each word goes up, and so will the numberof links back to your site

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Number of visitors:


1. It’s easier to get published

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It’s easier to get published by an order of magnitude if you pitch to bloggers with an interesting infographic or animation.

1. It’s easier to get published

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1. It’s easier to get published

Put together by content repurposing specialists from Contellio

Bloggers who find their inboxes full of guest posts requests will react much more positively to an infographic or

a video in the pitch.


1. It’s easier to get published

Put together by content repurposing specialists from Contellio

To give you an example, I was asked to write this blog post on LinkBird after we published our infographic on content

repurposingon Slideshare.

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2. Get do-follow links which improve your SEO

2. Get do-follow links which improve your SEO

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Many multimedia aggregators allow do-follows links in the description.


2. Get do-follow links which improve your SEO

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Also remember that links in the PDFs are clickable!

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3. It’s Google-safe to repurpose

Put together by content repurposing specialists from Contellio

Google knows where any given text appeared for the first time and will treat all other copies as less important

3. It’s Google-safe to repurpose


Put together by content repurposing specialists from Contellio

This doesn’t happen with presentations, videos, animations, webinars, podcasts, etc.

3. It’s Google-safe to repurpose

3. It’s Google-safe to repurpose

Put together by content repurposing specialists from Contellio

Google will NOT penalize you for posting the same presentation on multiple sites.

Put together by content repurposing specialists from Contellio

You can post your presentation in a great number of presentation hubs and still get links and traffic back without

running into problems

3. It’s Google-safe to repurpose

Put together by content repurposing specialists from Contellio

Think about it this way: for example, when looking for video content, people around the world use their most convenient site.

A person in the U.S. will use YouTube. But people in China will most probably type “Youku” or “Tudou” in their browsers.

3. It’s Google-safe to repurpose

Put together by content repurposing specialists from Contellio

4. Blog posts don’t go viral. Infographics and

animations do

4. Blog posts don’t go viral. Infographics and animations do.

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When was the last time you’ve seen a viral blog posts all over your Facebook timeline? Can’t remember? Neither do I.

f Main Page

4. Blog posts don’t go viral. Infographics and animations do.

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It’s mostly animations, infographics, and images that go viral.

4. Blog posts don’t go viral. Infographics and animations do.

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Adding visual aids makes content more share-able and will get you more traffic.

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5. You already own a huge collection of content!

5. You already own a huge collection of content!

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Repurposing it as new formats can literally multiply your content base a couple of times

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Neil Patel makes a great point for updating old posts and giving them new life either through repurposing or adding new


5. You already own a huge collection of content!

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