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Automated advertising in the job search engines

via OnRecruit results in:

1. As much inflow of candidates on and distributed over the jobs in

your website that need it.

1. Insight in cost and and return (clicks and applications) on total,

campaign and source level.

2. Insight in best and least performing jobs in your website.

1. Saving time and ease of use.

OnRecruit is connected with the advertising systems of all big job search

engines such Indeed, Simply Hired and Glassdoor candidates use to

look for jobs nowadays.

OnRecruit monitors your website and sees which jobs get less than X

applications within Y days.

These jobs need more inflow of candidates and are automatically

activated in your campaigns in the OnRecruit Ad Manager.

We do this to make sure you only spend your budget on jobs that don’t

get enough candidates via organic and direct traffic.

When a search query of a candidate matches with an activated job, we

advertise with that job in the sponsored locations using your name.

The candidate clicks on the ad and is forwarded to the job in your

website where he/she can apply.

When an activated job has less than X applications after Y number of

delivered clicks, OnRecruit deactivates that job automatically and notifies

you about this.

We do this to make sure jobs you need more candidates for, but advertising

doesn’t currently work for, can be optimized.

When an activated job has more than X applications in your site,

OnRecruit deactivates that job automatically.

Because we do this you distribute your budget optimally across the

different jobs that (still) need more inflow.

Via reporting OnRecruit you get insight in:

• Clicks: Total, average cost per click, conversion from click to apply, top

sources, share top sources in total, average cost per click top sources.

Via reporting OnRecruit you get insight in:

• Conversion: Total, average cost per application, top sources, share top

sources in total, average cost per application per top source.

Via reporting OnRecruit you get insight in:

• Best and least performing jobs in website based on organic, direct and

paid traffic.

Next to automated campaign management you get access tot the

OnRecruit Ad Manager in which campaigns can get monitored and via one

click jobs can get extra priority and be activated/deactivated.

Advice and account management:

You get a dedicated OnRecruit account manager who will give advice

regarding set-up of the campaigns, budgets and rules and will evaluate

these with you at least once a month based on reports and (if relevant)

you changing goals and budgets.


1. At the beginning of the collaboration OnRecruit charges a set-up

fee. This price is determined based on complexity of the set-up.

2. Every month OnRecruit gets a fixed fee or a percentage of your

media budget (minimum 1500 per month). This percentage is

determined based on height of budget.

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