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How to Bathe and Dry Your Dog? (Level of Difficulty: Easy)

Bathing your dog is one of the top grooming routines

you’ll need to perform on a regular basis. No matter

what type of dog you have or what their coat type are,

they all need a good wash at some point.

Pets and owners usually look forward to dog baths.

During the bath, the dog receives all the attention and

it’s a good bonding experience for the dog and owner.

The animal will feel and look great after the bath as

well as have a nice smell.

The bath time depends on the coat type of your dog as

animals with longer or thicker hair will take more

effort to get them cleaned. A corded-hair dog for example, will take more of your energy and time to

bathe. Smaller shorter-haired dogs will naturally take less time to wash.

How Often to Bathe the Dog

Some dogs might require more bathing sessions than other dogs. If your dog spends plenty of time

outside it may require more dog baths since it will get dirty more often. As a general guide, you should

bathe the animal when your dog is smelly, when the coat gets dirty or when your dog has a skin

infection that require you to bathe your dog. Frequent dog baths with your pH-balanced shampoo and

conditioner won’t strip away the oils on your dog’s coat, so you can feel free to bathe the dog often.

Use a pH-balanced shampoo because this will help maintain the natural oils in the coat. Harsh shampoos

will strip away the natural oils and cause dry skin.

Preparing for the Dog Baths

Photo (Below): Bath - Golden Retriever Puppy, by Ethan Prater, Flickr Creative Commons Attribution 2.0

A tub in your bathroom complete with an ant-slip mat

(or an old large towel) makes the perfect area for

bathing your dog. If there’s no tub available and if your

animal is small enough, you can use a sink. For larger

dogs, you can buy a professional grooming tub for the

bath. Affix a shower spray attachment on your tap to

make bathing the dog easier.

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Make sure you have all your supplies near the bath area so you don’t have to run around looking for

them during dog baths. Your dog might think that this is the perfect time to follow you and your home

will get wet.

Here’s list of the essential tools you should have:

Sterile cotton balls or gauze

Washcloths or some clean sponges

Shampoo designed for washing dogs. There are several types of dog shampoos out in the

market and we have consolidated a list for you (click here to skip to the shampoo list below).

Find one that fits your dog or ask your vet for recommendations.

Towel for the job (Microfiber towels are even better as they are super absorbent and dry your

pet faster.)

Hair Dryer

(Optional) Brush to use on the animal’s toes

(Optional) Squeaking toy for the bath to entertain your dog

Before you bathe your dog, give the animal a good brush to remove tangles, mats and other debris from

the coat. You can use a dematting rake if there are mats that are difficult to remove or use a detangler

solution. If you leave the mats in, they will be harder to remove and can get worse after the bath. A

good overall brush is recommended before you bathe the animal. If you need some tips on removing the

mats, check out the link:


Step by Step Instructions on How to Wash your Dog

Here’s a step-by-step guide to dog baths:

1. Place cotton balls in the ears in order to protect the ears from water and soap. Don’t press the

cotton too far in because you may damage your pet’s eardrums. Put your dog inside the tub or

sink you have for the bath.

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2. Use the spray attachment on your sink/tub to gently wet the dog thoroughly. Alternatively, fill

the sink/tub with water until around the knee level of the dog and use a container to gently wet

the animal. Use lukewarm water so it’s comfortable for the animal. Feel the water first, if the

water is not too hot for you, it should be ok for your dog.

3. Put enough shampoo on your hand and work it into the coat of your dog for around five to ten

minutes. Alternatively, premix your concentrated shampoo with water in a container and then

apply the mixture on your dog. Talk to your dog and praise the animal for good behavior. Be

careful with shampoo around the eyes and ears and other parts of the face.

4. Use a washcloth or sponge to clean the face of your dog and then clean the paws either with a

soft brush or with your fingers.

5. Rinse your animal well so there’s no soap left on the dog. Make sure you spend time with a good

rinse because any soap left on the coat can cause an allergy on the skin of the dog. Run your

fingers through the coat and if they come out clean your dog’s coat is free of soap residue.

6. Empty the wash tub. You can either dry your dog in the empty tub/sink or you can wrap the dog

with the towel and move the dog to a grooming table to dry him.

7. Take the cotton balls out of the dog’s ears and dry the dog with your towels. If your dog’s ear

flaps and canals have moisture, dry them with dry cotton balls as moisture increases the chance

of your dog getting an ear infection. However, dry the ear only where you can see visibly.

8. Use a hair dryer to dry your dog. Only use a cool setting so you don’t scald the skin. When you

are done, praise your dog for being cooperative or reward the dog with a treat. For dogs with a

thick coat, you can use a more powerful hair dryer designed for dogs to get the coat dry.

If you decide to let your dog dry naturally, you might want to keep the animal indoors until the coat is

completely dry so you don’t accumulate any new dirt on the fresh coat. This is a good idea because your

dog can catch a cold outside when the weather is cold. Let the animal relax inside after a nice bath.

If you’ve been thinking about washing your dog outside of the house, check out also the article here.

Final Tip: Make Dog Baths an Enjoyable Experience

If it is going to be your first time bathing your dog, you need to make sure that you make dog baths an

enjoyable experience for your dog. Your dog may be uncomfortable with the bath tub/sink, grooming

equipment and so much water all at once. So a few days before giving your dog a bath, put him in the

bath tub/sink while it’s dry. Let him play with a toy and throw in his favorite treat. Repeat the same

process the next day, adding some water and sponge if you use one. Let your dog get used to the

tub/sink and the water. Make the whole thing fun and a pleasant experience for your dog. Don’t forget

to give your dog praise or a treat when he has been cooperative throughout the process to reinforce his

positive behavior. The last thing you want is to have a dog that refuses to be bathed. Then, it’ll be hard

work for you. Good Luck!

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Appendix: Choosing The Right Shampoo For Your Dog Select the right shampoo for your dog. Wide ranges of dog shampoo are available in the market. Make

sure it's pH-balanced for dogs.

Deodorizing Shampoo ($4 -$15): Use a cleaning and deodorizing shampoo to get rid of dander

and dirt on your dog’s coat. These kinds of shampoos are ideal for routine grooming session.

Tearless Shampoo ($6-$30): As the name suggest, this type shampoo will not irritate the dog’s

eyes and is usually also formulated to keep your dog’s coat clean and shiny.

Coat Enhancer Shampoo ($6 -$30): Coat enhancer shampoos are not dye, they help to enhance

the natural color of your dog and give a shiny look to the coat. There’s also whitening shampoo

for dogs with fur.

Herbal and Organic Shampoo ($5 -$21): Lots of herbal and organic shampoos are available for

various purposes. For example, you can shampoos made from oatmeal to treat dry skin. For skin

problem, you can use a shampoo that also contains Aloe Vera etc.

Waterless Shampoo ($6 -$30): Don’t get surprised but yes, waterless shampoos are available for

dogs who cannot tolerate water or for spot cleaning outdoors. No rinse required.

If you like to know more about how to clean your dog without water, check out the following article here.

If your dogs has skin problems or has fleas, you may need some special shampoo to solve the problem.

Consult your veterinarian for recommendations:

Medicated Shampoo ($7-$21): Medicated shampoos are good for eliminating skin irritation and

inflammation. Different problems will require different medicated shampoo for maximum

effectiveness. Consult your vet on which ones to use.

Flea Removal Shampoo ($5-$20): If your dog is suffering from a flea problem, then you must

look out for a good flea and tick control shampoo for instant relief. It would give relief from

itching and skin irritation. Although the shampoo would kill the fleas instantly, the effect would

be short lived so you will have to consult a vet for a permanent solution. However, this kind of

shampoo is good for temporary but instant relief.

No idea what type of shampoo should you get? When you are spoilt for choices, it’s difficult to make a

decision. If you just want a basic shampoo for normal washing, go with a pH-balanced all natural

shampoo suitable for the type of skin your dog has (i.e. oily, dry or normal skin). You may need to do a

bit more research yourself but go with these general guidelines.

Alternatively, take the short cut and inquire with your vet for recommendations. The vet will be the best

person to tell you what type of shampoo you should use for your dog. And if your dog has other

problems such as sensitive skin, fleas or ticks etc, the vet can recommend which specially formulated

shampoo is best for your dog.

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To learn more dog grooming techniques, click here to see our ebooks.

Learn from our How To Groom a Dog e-course on how to:

How to brush and comb your dog to keep out the mats and maintain a nice neat coat.

How to clip your dog’s fur using an electric clipper without fear of over-trimming.

How to bathe and dry your dog after a bath without creating a mess around the bath area.

How to trim your dog’s nails without clipping her quick.

How to clean your dog’s ears. No more scratching on the ears from your dog.

How to brush your dog’s teeth to fight against tooth decay and bad breath.

The SECRET to getting your dog to enjoy grooming… So you’ll never have to worry about scaring

your precious pooch or unsettling her ever again.

Get your dog do what you want, making your grooming efforts 10x easier!

Best-kept grooming tips for each coat type (So you know how to handle your dog’s coat with


And so much more!

Plus 5 bonus eBooks that comes FREE with our e-course (worth $85)!

Visit our website and see what others say about this e-course. Click here.

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The Complete Dog Owner Resources

How To Groom A Dog – Techniques For Dog Owners

Claim your very own eBooks from Dog-grooming-Training.com!

This is a 3-part eBook series for dog owners. In part 1, learn all the

dog grooming basics. Part 2 teaches you on how to groom a dog

the easy and effortless way by eliminating the dog’s fear of

grooming and then teaching it to cooperate with you during grooming. Part 2 dwells on the different

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when your first aid knowledge may one day save your dog’s life.

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Essentials for the Herbal Hound

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