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Page 1: How to be a great leader?

How to be a great leader?

By : Dale Carnegie

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Begin with praise and honest appreciation.

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* This doesn’t mean simply buttering someone up so you can tear them down. When you begin with praise, the other person is open to hearing what you have to say and you earn relational capital.

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* It helps to minimize the uneasiness to each other

because you gain their respect.

So you can produce better plans and ideas

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Call attention to people’s mistake indirectly.

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* Confrontation only puts people on the defensive. Use your best effort to avoid making someone’s shortcomings the sole purpose of your interaction with them.

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* Even though you doesn’t really mean to offend but

we can’t deny the fact that we can create a damage

which can provoke an uncomfortable relationship.

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Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the person.

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*Mark Batterson once said that people often relate more to our failures than our successes. Admitting our own mistakes makes us seem more human.

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* Being humble is a step to be a true leader. You must show to them that you are willing to do anything for their sake. Which will push them to do things for the improvement of the team

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Ask question insteadof giving direction.

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* When you ask a question, you put the “ball” in the other person’s court. Instead of simply following your directive, you empower them to take leadership initiative.

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*A team can’t call as a team if there’s only one who puts effort. Being leader doesn’t

mean you must do everything but put

everyone’s effort as one.

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Let the other

person save

his/her face.

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* I once wired $77 million to the wrong bank. There’s no way to sugarcoat that, no matter how hard you try! Thankfully, my supervisor put the emphasis on the complexity of the situation instead of on my oversight and even took some of the responsibility on himself.

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*This helps to gain more trust from them. But this doesn’t mean to act a superhero but

you carry out your responsibility as their leader. As a leader you

are always delighted to give a hand for them.

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Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement.

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* Be “hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise.”Most people get this entirely backwards. They are “hardly” in their praise and lavish in their criticism. Make much ado about small wins. Everyone likes to be celebrated.

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* Recognizing their slightest improvement shows only that you really care for them.

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Give the person a fine reputation to live up to;

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* You simply can’t do this without believing the best about the other person. Tell the other person what you truly believe they can become, and they will work hard not to let you down.

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* But you must be honest about their capabilities

because it can influence their decision making on

what their going to pursue.

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Use encouragement, make the fault seem easy to correct.

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* This doesn’t mean to downplay inappropriate behavior, only to use encouragement to gain momentum that can carry over into areas that need improvement..

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* You just simply lessening the worries and headache

about the fault done. It helps to calm yourself and come up to a good way of

solving it.

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Make the other person happy about doing the things you suggest.

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* The only way to get anyone to do anything is for them to want to. Zig Ziglar says that happiness is one of the eight things everyone wants. If you make the other person happy, you’ll truly experience a win-win.

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* This likely to give them a good reason and motivation to excel effort to the things

you suggest.

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Note: A good leader was a good follower .

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