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Facebook custom audiences


✓ What are and why use custom audiences?✓ Using custom audiences on Facebook✓ What to measure✓ Stats, facts and figures


Facebook Custom Audiences | Why use custom audiences?




Facebook Custom Audiences | Why use custom audiences?

Audiences made up of your existing customers

Email addresses, phone numbers, personal data and website traffic

Data can be uploaded to social platforms to push ads out to

The audience may know the brand, previous customers, people that matter = warmer leads = more potential for engagement

and conversions.

Custom audiences are made of real people, not just data

Who? What? How? Why?




Facebook Custom Audiences | What is a custom audience?

We all see these ads. Why have I been shown this ad?

I match Vend’s targeting through Facebook Exchange. Or do I? Is interest targeting effective?

Facebook targeting


Facebook Custom Audiences | What is a custom audience?

Why have I been shown this ad?I’ve signed up to wriggle using my email address.

Custom audiences on Facebook


Facebook Custom Audiences | What is a custom audience?

Why have I been shown this ad? I’ve been on the Bluebird Tea Co. website whilst signed into


Custom audiences on Facebook


Facebook Custom Audiences | What is a custom audience?

Add a snippet of code from Facebook to your website header. The pixel will fire when people visit

your site and you can track the number of visits and (soon) their engagement on site. Retarget to

this audience.

Facebook pixel


Facebook Custom Audiences | What is a custom audience?

Why have I been shown this ad? I match the interests and behaviours of Beautycon’s audience

list. (Placed in a lookalike audience).

Custom audiences on Facebook


Facebook Custom Audiences | What is a lookalike audience?

Increased ROI. Ask Facebook to search for the people most like

your engaged customers. This could be an increase in reach.

Lookalike audiences on Facebook


➔ Event tracking on your website (exclude customers who have already made a purchase)

➔ Website engagement (NEW)➔ Those who watched your videos, filled in a lead form,

active on your app, or opened your canvas➔ Those who shared your posts

Advanced audiences

Facebook Custom Audiences | Advanced audiences


Facebook Custom Audiences| How to measure success

How to measure success

Test your ads!

Compare your metrics - reach, engagement, clicks and conversions. You should find you get:

➔ Lower cost per click/engagement➔ Higher engagement rates➔ Higher conversion rates


Facebook Custom Audiences | Stats, facts and figures

Custom audiences stats, facts and figures

A local estate agent - 2 ads for free market appraisal both spent £5

Website pixel 13 engagements 440 reach £0.38 per post engagement

Broad interest marketing

7 engagements 325 reach £0.44 per post engagement

An independent music festival - 2 ads during the final part of the campaign, leading up to the event - both spent £50

Lookalike audience (in local area)

369 engagements 34,760 reach £0.14 per post engagement

Event attendees 317 engagements 11,068 reach £0.16 per post engagement


Facebook Custom Audiences | Stats, facts and figures

Using data to find insight

Learn about your customers in Audience Insights

Use the “breakdown” function on Ads Manager to find demographics

Understand and find value in their behaviours

Retarget website visitors - visitors from specific URLs


✓ Custom audience? Real people

✓ Facebook pixel? Target ads back to people

✓ Lookalike audience? Find those most like your existing customers

✓ Measurement? Test and measure key metrics

✓ Insight? Use data to learn more about your audience

Facebook Custom Audiences| Summary



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