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Page 1: How To Build a Fire Pit in the Woods (Without Getting Injured)

(Without Getting Injured)By Ken Jensen

Page 2: How To Build a Fire Pit in the Woods (Without Getting Injured)

• One of the most importantoutdoor survival skill to have isan understanding of how tosafely build a fire pit.

• Learning this skill gives you theknow-how to keep warm andcook food in cold weather, not tomention, acting as a line ofdefense from other animals.

Page 3: How To Build a Fire Pit in the Woods (Without Getting Injured)

• It’s advised that you clear out at leasta 10-foot area around your fire pit. Todo this, remove any tree limbs, grass,and leaves from the clearing aroundyour fire pit.

• You can always use a hoe to better clear out thisarea. However, while doing this it's important thatyou do not disturb any current ecosystems orhomes of other emails.

Page 4: How To Build a Fire Pit in the Woods (Without Getting Injured)

• Decide how big your fire pit should be,then start digging! However, aim to haveyour fire pit to be at least one foot deep(1.5 feet is ideal).

• Most people use a shovel to dig their firepit, but we found it more helpful to firstuse a how to loosen the dirt, and thenstart digging.

Page 5: How To Build a Fire Pit in the Woods (Without Getting Injured)

• You should outline your firepit with rocks to prevent yourfire from spreading past the pit.

• It’s best to look for large rocksto rest a fire poker on, andfurther prevent any sparks fromigniting the grass outside yourfire pit.

• Rocks that you should not useinclude limestone and chalkssince the heat from your firecan break them down.

Page 6: How To Build a Fire Pit in the Woods (Without Getting Injured)

• Tinder is commonly known as the easiest and smallest tool to helpget your fire going include: wax, lint, fire starters, cardboard andwood shavings.

• Kindling is the next step up from kindling and usually consist ofsmall branches or twigs.

• Firewood is the fuel of the fire. This type of wood should be one tofive inches in diameter and can be anything from whole to split logs.

• Matches & lighters are your tools to light your fire.

Page 7: How To Build a Fire Pit in the Woods (Without Getting Injured)

• You can now get warm orcook a delicious meal.

Page 8: How To Build a Fire Pit in the Woods (Without Getting Injured)

1. Pour water on all of your logs, includingembers, until it stops hissing.

2. Stir your campfire remains with a shovel toleave no flame or ember unturned.

3. Scrape off embers on remaining logs anddrench them with water.

4. Keep stirring your fire until everything iscool to the touch.

5. If you’re out of water, feel free to use dirt.Mix the dirt with the embers until theyturn dark. It’s important that you do notbury your fire and mix it instead. If youbury it, your fire will keep on soldering andcatch tree roots on fire, which may spreadto a wildfire.

6. If you're hunting small animals you'll needto build a fire that is at least 2 feet wide inorder to cook them properly.

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