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Page 1: How to Create a Auto Run CD

How to Create a Auto Run CD/DVD with

Compact auto runner

First go to Softpedia.com and download compact autorunner 1.01

You will need an internet connection and win zip or win rar to unpack the file, the nice thing about compact auto runner is that it doesn’t install on to your computer, but rather operates as a file on its own separate from your windows operating system, so it can be used on any operating system without restrictions.

For this project we will create an auto run .ini file (*.ini) in a separate folder and not in the unzipped folder like normal.

Once you’ve unzipped the file, in this case I’ve unzipped mine to the desktop for easy access. Fig1


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Opening the file will reveal another file also named compactautorunner; open this file to access the auto runner file. Fig2


Return to the desktop and create a new folder, you can name it for the program/programmes you want to auto run.

You will need to place the program/programs you want auto run into this folder so that you can create the auto run ini file (*.ini) inside this folder with the program/programmes you want to auto run on a CD/DVD disc.

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In this example I’ve created a folder called tune-up utilities, as this is the program I want to auto run from my CD/DVD disc. Fig3


Open the folder and copy the program/programmes you want to auto run into the folder. Fig4

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There are a few other items you might want to place in this folder to help personalise your auto runner, create a second folder inside this folder and name it images.

In this folder we will put the image and icon used to personalise the auto run file. Fig 5 and 6

Any jpeg image can be used, as for icons, use an icon creator to create your own or download them from the internet.

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Icon image

Now you can start creating you auto run file.

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Open the file named compactautorunner and find the CompactAutoRunner_ConfigBuilder icon double click to open the Compact AutoRunner Configuration Builder. Fig 7

Fig 7

To the left you will see a small panel containing several functions, highlighting each function will open the settings form for that function to the right. Fig 8

Note that only the first three buttons and the Exit button are marked. Fig 8

This is the default setting and can be changed to suit your needs, for this example we will only be using the first two buttons.

On the lower part of the window you will find the following functions:

1. New (Ctrl+N) to create a new auto run configuration file 2. Open (Ctrl+O) to open an existing configuration file 3. Save (Ctrl+S) to save a current project 4. Test (F9) to test a current project after saving 5. Help (F1) for assistance 6. Exit (Ctrl+Q) to exit the autorunner configuration window

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Fig 8

Select and click New (Ctrl+N) this will open the Saving CAR configuration file window, now navigate to the folder you created on the desktop and open the folder, note that the default file name will be NewCARConfigFile you can change this to the name of the programme you are going to auto run. Fig 9

Now click save to create the auto run configuration file. Fig 9

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Fig 9

Desktop file new file name

Select open (Ctrl+O) and open the ini file (*.ini) you just created. Fig 10

The file you just created the new ini file (*.ini) in should be opened by default.

Now you ready to personalise and create your auto run file

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The heading to the compact autorunner configuration builder should now have the additional name of the ini file (*.ini) you just opened. Fig 11

Fig 11

Select and highlight icon/form, to the right the icon settings form will open. Fig 12

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Fig 12

Note the default icon and form settings as well as the default button settings

For this exercise we will change the icon and form size to fit the icon and image in our file.

Select browse next to the icon file name and navigate to the desktop file containing you files, open the image file and select and open your icon. Fig 13

Note that the icon path and file name are now displayed in the icon filename space. Fig 14

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Fig 13

Fig 14

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Now you need to change the form settings to match the size of your Image

If you don’t know the size of the image you going to use holding the cursor over the image will bring up a popup with the dimensions and details of the image. Fig 15

Fig 15

It’s important to have the form the same size or bigger than your image so that the whole image can be see when the auto run form is opened.

Change the form dimensions to the size of the image. Fig 16

Fig 16

You can also select or deselect the amount of buttons you want to use before moving on to the next part, selecting the “confirm on Exit” caption is also an option.

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Now select Photo to open the photo settings form. Fig 17

Fig 17

Select browse to open the image in you file Fig 17

Set the image size to match the size of you selected image. Fig 18

Fig 18

The tooltip bar can be use to display additional information about you image or project.

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Now select button 1 to open this buttons settings. Fig 19

Fig 19

In the caption bar type the name of the program you want to auto run. Fig 20

Fig 20

Now select browse under Launch filename/website/folder. Fig 19

Navigate to the desktop folder and open it. Fig 20

Fig 20

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By default the file type will be HTML Files (*.htm and *.html) select and change this to Application file (*.exe). Fig 20

The *.exe for the program you want to auto run should now show in the browser window. Fig 21

Fig 21

Select and open the *.exe for your program. Fig 22

Fig 22

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Select the second button and follow the same steps as with the first button the only change here is that the file is a text document containing the serial key for the program I am auto running.

In the caption bar I have replaced the name Tune-up Utilities with the name Tune-up Utilities serial and change the browser to All files (*.*). Fig 23 and 24

Fig 23

Fig 24

To be able to open the .txt file containing the serial

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Now select the Exit button to open button Exit Settings form, in the caption bar type EXIT. Fig 25

Fig 25

The tooltip can be used for additional information

Now select Dynamic Positioning System. Fig 26

Fig 26

Mark the open DPS tool/info window when opening the DPS window

Now launch the dynamic positioning system

This will open the Dynamic positioning system window and the DPS tool info window. Fig 27

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Fig 27

Mark Lock/Unlock Photo to view the background image for you auto run window. Fig 28

Fig 28

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Close the DPS tools/Info window. Fig 29

Fig 29

By selecting each button you can now move it to a position of your chose as well as change the size of a selected button. Fig 30

Fig 30

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Now exit the DPS configuration and select yes to save the position and size changes made. Fig 31

Fig 31

Go back to the Photo settings form and change the position to 0 instead of the default 8. Fig 32 and 33

Fig 32


Fig 33


Now select Save (Ctrl+S) to save the auto run configuration you have created.

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Selecting Test (F9) will run the Auto Run configuration you have created; this can be a good way to check the final product before you burn the files to CD or DVD. Fig 34

Fig 34

Exit and confirm and Save (Ctrl+S) the project again before exiting the program by selecting Exit (Ctrl+Q)

You can now use Nero or any other Burning tool to burn the files to a CD/DVD disc.

Please note burn the files inside the folder to the CD/DVD disc and not the folder its self, as the auto run ini file (*.ini) will not work if contained in a folder.


For any additional comments, ideas or info please leave me a message on scribd and I will answer as soon as I can.

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