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how to create your own blog

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omarc Create a Blog – HelpManage Blogs

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New!Do you link to Amazon in your blog posts? Our Amazon Associates integration makes linking easier, and can even

earn you some money! Details here.

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Name your blog

Blog title

Your blog's title will appear on your published blog, on your dashboard and in your profile.

Blog address (URL) http:// .blogspot.com

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The URL you select will be used by visitors to access your blog. Learn more


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Push-Button Publishing


Be creativeMake it easy

the gadgets can personalise your page:

- don't fulfill the page of gadgets; use only needed ones- use gadgets that can help you readers- use gadgets that link you to other webpages or blogs

Just to know:

here you can edit basic option fot the displaying of your posts.

You can personalise it more, but it needs knowledge or patience. How?

- knowing some html coding

- asking to "google" how oher people solved their problems (you can copy and paste parts of codes, following the instructions)

- getting support at blogger support website www.google.com/support/blogger

The basic "blogger" post is composed by title and text. Some other blogs can have an "abstract" filed. Editing the html you can have it here too.

It is suggested to write an abstract anyway, at the beguinning of the article, summarising the contents or get people curious.

You can find your own style to highlight it (bold, italic, colored, etc).

Try to use the same style options for all the posts

Whatch the preview before posting you article. If somebody is following you through RSS the article will be immediatly displayed on their blogs.

Text input:

It works as a basic "word":

- choose fonts (try to use the same for alla the website)

- text size

- text colour

- insert links, pictures or movies (not too many, tha page has to stay "light")

- insert quotes


- post date pubblication

- decide what to do about readers comments

To inserto pictures:

0. resize the pictures you have. Don't pubblish too heavy pictures otherwise slow connections will make your blog very slow.

1. click the "picture" button

To inserto pictures:

2. choose the picture source:

- from you pc- already uploaded in the blog- from a web album- from another site, copying the images url

To inserto pictures:

3. place your picture:

- you can resize the picture. Be carefull: it won't resize the picture itself but it will show it smaller. if the picture is too big, resize it on your pc and upload it again

- place the pictures within the text or separated, on the right, on the left, centered...

Dashboard Language: English

omarc Create a Blog – HelpManage Blogs (1 total)

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tanto per dire

1 Post, last published on Jul 18, 2011 – View Blog

– Edit Posts – Comments – Settings – Design – Monetize – Stats

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New!We have enabled automatic spam detection for comments. You should occasionally check the comments in your

spam inbox. Learn more about Blogger's spam detection or report issues.

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You can use your blog as a presentation page, having a section about you, your works, your studies and the links at your social networks or linkedin.

You can create defferent blogs. Be carefull not to mix "professional" and "private" posts.

You can have two different blogs if you want to communicate with family and friends and to spread your works and your studies. In this case one blog can also give visibility to the other one.

Follow news and other blogs to get ideas, to keep informed.

Having a nice selections of linked websites can help your visitors to get the information they want and may transform your blog in a reference point for users.

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By Blogger

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By Blogger

Displays a list of stand-alone pages on your blog.

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Earn revenue by displaying relevant ads on your blog.

By Blogger

Displays a list of users who follow your blog

By Blogger

Search over your blog, your blogroll, and everything you've linked to.

By Google Custom Search

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By Blogger

Add some words to your blog - like a welcome message - with our rich

text editor.

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Add a picture from your computer or from somewhere else on the web.

By Blogger

Add a slideshow of your photos to your blog.

By Blogger

Display clips from YouTube and Google Video for your readers to watch

without leaving the page.

By Blogger

Survey your visitors by adding a poll to your blog.

By Blogger

Show off what you read with a blogroll of your favorite blogs.

By Blogger

Add a collection of your favorite sites, blogs, or web pages.

By Blogger

Add a list of your favorite books, movies, or anything you like.

By Blogger

Add content from an RSS or Atom feed to your blog.

By Blogger

Automatically add current headlines from Google News to your blog.

By Blogger

Show all the labels of posts in your blog.

By Blogger

Let your readers easily subscribe to your blog with popular feed readers

By Blogger

For any helphttp://www.google.com/support/blogger/

Other free blog providerswww.wordpress.com

your blog

your blog

facebook- profile- page- group- events

other blogslinkedin

rss feeds


picasa/flickr youtube

how to write an article:

- choose the topic: keep an idea-notebook; think about the topic; clean up extra ideas, they can be saved for new articles.

- set the article structure abstract/headline introduction body end keep in mind the 5W+1H: Who is it about? What (what's the story)? When did/will it take place? Where did/will it take place? How did/will it happen? Why did/will it happen?

- break

- read and cut (try to keep it short)

- post it!


- labels/tags:keep macro-areas, don't do too much into details. Use tags (or labels) as "sub-areas" of your blog.

- add links to other websites

- use words that can be found easily from the search engines

- color the page with pictures or short movies

- keep the articles short (500 - 800 words)

- talk easy

- put the info sources

- always put the name of the authors of the texts and pictures you "borrow"

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