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How To Create Customer Segmentations Within CherryPie

CherryPie  is a simple yet powerful mobile marketing automation platform,

meticulously designed and crafted for marketers and agencies. CherryPie

enables businesses to propel customer engagement, drive physical world

transactions/revenue, and stimulate sustainable loyalty by leveraging native

mobile wallet applications and beacon technology.

CherryPie is now upon us, meaning that marketers now have access to an

entirely new form of mobile marketing automation. Each week, I’ll walk you

through a tutorial on how to get the most out of your experience with CherryPie.

This week, I’ll cover creating customer segmentations within CherryPie.

1. Create a contact listIt’s important that you create a contact list in the CRM, even if it’s blank. This is so that when you launch

your campaign and distribute passes, you are able to store customer data and see their history of actions

in that contact list.

Go to CRM —> Create Contact List

I don’t have existing contacts

Enter a name for this contact list and save the contact list if you don’t have contacts to upload at this time.

I have existing contacts

Download the CSV template to use as a template for uploading your existing contacts. We’ve provided

default headings for each column but feel free to also add your own. These variables can be used in

distributing passes and email templates (i.e. personalizing the email by name).

Unique fields

Unique fields are used to identify whether there is a duplicate in your contact list. For example, if you

specify ‘email’ as the unique field, CherryPie will check to see if they are already in the contact list. This

will help identify if a contact on the landing page or in the CSV is the same as the contact in the list or not.

If you don’t specify a unique field, CherryPie will not be able to check for duplicates.

2. Create customer segmentations

Use the headers in your CSV to create segmentations of customers. For

example, male/female, silver/platinum, status July birthdays, etc. Having

customer segmentations allow you to send targeted content to the relevant


Once you’ve created your contact list, click on ‘Segmentations’ to create

different segments. You can add multiple rules and conditions for each


Once you select a segmentation, choose Create Segmentation

Fill in rules and conditions according to the segment you are creating. In this case, I am

creating a segment for gender. I named the segment “Male”, and then selected Gender

equals M in the rules. The items you select within “Rules” should match the items

under “Contacts” in the CRM tool.

3. Using your segmentsOnce you have created your segments, you will now want to put them to use. The

next step is to visit the campaigns page and select the “Share” icon next to the

campaign that your segment is under.

You will then select the contact list in which you want the segment to come from.

Select your segmentation and then select the email template.

Then click distribute.

Remember, the more segments you have the more you can personalize

your messages and the more effective your campaigns will be.

Adding  segmentations to your campaigns is what sets mobile marketing

apart from other marketing channels, so be sure to take advantage of it.

Want to see everything CherryPie has to offer? Check it out here.  If you’re

already using CherryPie and want access to the full user guide, download

that here.

If you have any comments or questions let me know in the comments


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