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How to find and join an eTwinning group

eTwinning Live Tutorials

How to find and join an eTwinning group

eTwinning Groups are private platforms for eTwinners to discuss and work together on a specific theme. The

aim is to share practice examples, discuss teaching and learning methodologies and find support for professional

development. Only registered in eTwinning teachers can join groups.

Step Image Description

Step 1

Once login to Twinspace click on the “GROUPS” button on the main menu.

Step 2

In the new opened page, there are two options 1.To search for a group by name, key word etc. and to click on the button “SEARCH” or … 2.To click on “Need an extended search?” so as to open the advance search

Step 3

By clicking on the “Need an extended search?” new fields appear on the form. Those fields are search by: 1.Subject 2.Vocational Subject and 3.Language Any combination of those fields is acceptable

Step 4

By clicking the “SEARCH’ button all the available results, according to the previous choices, on the page with a description and some statistics about each of them. By clicking on the name of a group …

Step 5

…opens the Group page where there are more details about it. Click on the “GO TO GROUP” button

Step 6

In the new opened page click on the “JOIN GROUP” button to join the group

From now on, the fastest way to return/find your groups is by clicking on the “MY GROUPS” choice on the Shortcut Menu

Good Luck!!!

Petros Michailidis


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