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Page 1: How to gift wrap a cylindrical gift

How to gift wrap a cylindrical gift

How to gift wrap a cylinder or tube

Wrapping a cylindrical shape gift can be done in two ways.

By rolling your cylinder up in wrapping paper and twist the ends to form a cracker shape.

By fan-folded ends.

Second method is best - it gives a clean look.

Cylindrical wrapping technique

Cylindrical wrapping technique

Steps of wrapping

1. Place your cylindrical shape gift approximately 3cm in from the end of the wrapping paper.

2. Place the cylinder over on to its side.

3. Cut the wrapper off to length.

4. With wrapping paper good-side-down, fold over the nearest side edge to make a lengthways join in the wrapping paper.

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5. Crease the folded edge to leave a mark.

6. Now roll up the gift.

7. Cut across the wrapping paper. It is now the correct width.

9. Place the newly cut edge on the cylinder and roll up. Start with the cylinder positioned centrally on the underside of the paper.

10. Square-up the join - it should be running parallel to the cylinders sides - and tape in the middle. You are now ready to tackle the ends.

11. Make sure you have even amounts of excess wrapping paper at either end of the cylinder. If not, push the item inside through until even.

12. Snick the ends at the join. Cut all the way down to the item inside.

13. Starting with the bottom end of the cylinder, fold in the excess gift wrap towards the middle.

14. Run your finger back to the edge 3cm along. With the other hand, draw some more wrapping paper toward the middle.

15. Repeat the process in 3 and 4 to create a series of 'fan folds'.

16. When you have one last fan to make, stop folding. It will be easier to finish this when you can stand the item up.

17. Stand the item on the almost-finished end and repeat the snick and fan-folding process at the other.

18. Complete your fan folds all the way to the last.

19. Tidy up the end of the last fan fold by folding it under.

20. Tuck under and excess wrapping paper at the tip and tape.

21. Turn over and complete the last fan fold on the bottom and repeat the tidying up process.

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How to Gift Wrap a Hexagonal Box:Gift Wrapping 106

How to gift wrap hexagonal and other multi-angled boxes.They produce beautiful gift wrapping results.

And it's not as difficult as it looks!

Are you puzzling over how to gift wrap a hexagonal box? Believe it or not, a multi-angled box is easier to wrap than a round box, and it always looks like a very well-dressed gift!

A few introductory thoughts:

About boxes - The illustrated gift wrapping instructions below show a hexagonal box, since those seem to be the most common. But when we refer to "hexagonal box," we really mean any box with five or more angles/sides.

About wrapping papers - Standard wrapping papers that can be folded crisply are the best for hexagonal boxes. This includes foil gift wraps, but not "mylar" type metallic-finished wraps.

We don't recommend tissue wrapping paper because the corners of your box will easily tear through. But if you add more layers, the extra bulk will be difficult to fold into nice, sharp creases.

Gift Wrapping Tips - Before you learn how to gift wrap a hexagonal box, it's a good idea to review our six general wrapping tips, if you haven't already done so.

How To Gift Wrap Multi-Angled Boxes

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1) Measure and cut gift wrap: Width (side to side across the design) - make it 1-2 inches more than the distance around the sides of the box.

Height (the up-and-down way, for a directional design) should equal the distance across the center top of the box (measured side to side, not angle to angle) AND down one side. NO extra height, please - excess paper at the top or bottom will really get in your way!

2) With the paper face down, fold up ½ inch along one of the side-seam edges.

Center the box on its side on the paper. Point the top of the box toward the top of the design (if applicable). Bring the paper up around the side angles of the box. Hold the paper snugly against the box, tuck under the unfolded edge, and tape the side seam near the top and bottom rims of the box.

3) Position the gift upside down over a support that's taller and more narrow than the box, and fits inside the extended paper. I'm using a waste basket under this large hexagonal box, but a large juice can will do for a small box.

Or, sit down and brace the box between your knees - hold firmly to prevent the box sliding down inside the wrapping paper.

4) The straight sides of the box are useful as guides. Remember to draw the gift wrap snugly over the top rim of the box as you work.

Beginning on the side to the right of the seam, fold the wrapping paper across the rim, toward the center of the box. Form a pleat at the LEFT corner of the rim section by folding along the upper bend in the wrapping paper.

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5) Lay the fold to its right, over the flat section of paper, and adjust so the fold points directly toward the opposite corner (On boxes with odd numbers of angles, point the pleat fold toward the center of the opposite SIDE). Press the pleat flat, making a second fold beneath the pleat.

6) Working around to the left, adjust each pleat to point toward its opposite corner, and fold it down over the previous pleat.

Continue until you have made five pleats (seven for an octagonal box). Oops, the last pleat wants to fold out instead of under.

7) How-to-gift-wrap TIP: Solve this by gently lifting up the first pleat, giving you room to fold the last pleat beneath it.

8) Then smooth all the pleats toward the center of the box and press flat; be sure the paper is nice and snug around the box rim.

9) Tape the wrapping paper closed at the center of the box, where the pleats meet at a point.

10) And that's how to gift wrap a hexagonal box. Not so difficult, was it? Now, get ready to receive

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Invert the box and repeat from Step 3, and now your gift box is ready to decorate.

a lot of compliments!

Make a Cardboard Tube Candle

A cardboard tube candle is a fun and easy disguisefor the well-dressed gift. It's reusable too,and popular for birthdays or the holidays.

For about fifteen years, our family has enjoyed recycling a big red Christmas “candle.” We made it out of an extra-wide tube from a roll of gift wrapping paper. A cardboard tube candle is a fairly simple disguise for any gift that will fit inside your tube - and it certainly stands out in a crowd.

Here’s how we made ours:

Materials you will need:

a large cardboard tube, preferably wide enough to stand upright

sheets of tissue paper for stuffing

gift tissue (preferred) or solid-colored paper gift wrap

yellow tissue for the flame

2-3 round wooden toothpicks for the wick (blacken with a marker)

turkey lacing skewer or similar (thin, sharp & strong) for Step 5

household glue, plus clear/doublestick tape (or glue stick)

a gift tag or card

12" of ribbon or decorative cord, or 18” of curling ribbon

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A few Notes:

About the candle wick - We use toothpicks, but a lollipop stick cut to about 3" might make a good wick too, for large candles. I'd take an emery board and rough up those smooth sides at each end, to help the wick take the glue effectively.

About a glue stick - When you wrap a cardboard tube candle, a glue stick may produce the least visible seam. However, even solid glue may cause tissue or other thin papers to pucker, either immediately or upon drying. So, try the glue stick on a couple of scraps to see how it behaves with the paper you are using. Go with tape if glue makes a messy seam.

About tapes - Double-stick tape hides well - use pieces that are short enough to avoid the paper jumping onto the tape while you are trying to position it. And use enough pieces to hold the entire seam flat, without large gaps that can catch and tear the paper. If you prefer regular clear, "magic" or gift wrapping tape, they are fine, too!

Preparing the gift for a cardboard tube candle - Wrap your present in gift wrap or tissue and position it inside the tube. Firmly pack in enough crumpled tissue to hold the gift in place near the bottom of the tube, where its weight will help the candle to stand upright. But leave a couple of inches empty inside the very bottom of the tube.

At the top end of the tube, add enough loosely crumpled tissue paper to keep the gift from shifting. Leave a few inches empty inside the top of the tube. Now, for the disguise!

How to Make a Cardboard Tube Candle

1) Wrap the cardboard tube in solid-colored tissue or gift wrapping paper, leaving a generous overlap at each end. Join two pieces of gift paper together, if needed to provide the generous overlap. That extra paper will be stuffed into the ends of the roll, and the top end must be packed in firmly enough to support the wick

2) Gently stuff the overlapping paper into the bottom of the tube. Do not tape the bottom closed if you want your candle to be reusable as a gift container. At the top of the roll, push in the paper slightly beyond the rim, to resemble the concave lip of a burning candle. Fold under the raw edges, and tape closed inside the

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and flame. rim. Then stand up your candle, or brace it upright.

3) To fashion the flame: Crumple a piece of yellow tissue paper into a fairly tight ball, with a diameter about 3/4 that of the cardboard tube. Center the ball on a 6” - 12” (15-25 cm.) square of yellow tissue. The larger the cardboard tube candle, the taller a flame is needed. The corners of the square will form the tip of the flame.

4) Bring the corners of the square up around the crumpled ball, loosely tucking in the shorter sides. Keeping the base of the flame loose, tightly twist together the tissue at the top, to bring the flame to a point. Determine the height of the flame by how far down you twist the corners, and trim as needed to obtain the proper shape.

5) Now, the wick - a blackened toothpick (for a large flame, two or three set slightly apart). For each toothpick, poke a hole about one inch deep in the bottom of the flame. I use a turkey-lacing skewer - it's sharp and strong. Generously cover the top 1/3 of the toothpick with glue and insert it into the bottom of the flame. Squeeze the flame lightly to be sure the glue makes close contact with the tissue paper ball inside, and allow the glue to dry completely before proceeding.

6) To affix the flame to the candle, repeat Step 5 - poke a hole about 1" into the paper inside the top of the candle. Cover the bottom 1/3 of the wick with glue, drip a little glue into the hole too, and insert the wick. Adjust the flame to stand up straight, with about 1/3 of wick showing. Brace the flame upright, if necessary, while you let the glue dry thoroughly for several hours or overnight.

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7) After the glue is dry, the wick may still need reinforcment to stand upright. One or two more toothpicks can add stability, and I've had good luck with clear tape. Apply two pieces of tape, side by side, to the center of the tube end, with the wick between them. Place them close together, so their inside edges rise up the wick a bit and stick to each other. If needed at the flame end, use short pieces that won't extend up the sides of the flame.

8) Gift Tag: Tape one end of the ribbon or cord at the wick, opposite the seam side of the tube. Attach the tag to the other end and let it dangle down the front of the candle. If you use curling ribbon, push it through a hole in the tag, leaving a few inches at the end for curling. The curls will hold the tag on.

Woo hoo! - your recipient is gonna love your cardboard tube candle!

How to Make a Tissue Paper Pouch

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1) Arrange 2-4 sheets of tissue wrapping paper into a circle that will reach 6"-8" inches above the gift all around. For a larger gift, use double sheets, overlapped and taped together. Then center the gift on the paper.

2) If your gift has an unusual shape that does not sit flat on the bottom, slip a thick paper plate or rigid circle of cardboard under the gift to provide a nice flat bottom and lend stability to your gift pouch.

3) Draw the edges of the tissue paper up and over the gift. Be sure the edges lie flat, with no gaps where they overlap, and that all the ends are drawn up over the gift.

4) Gather the gift tissue into a neck, leaving the ends loose above it, and tuck under any short ends.

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5) With a length of ribbon or decorative cord, tie the gathered tissue snugly at the neck. Curling ribbon is a good choice. Here, I've used several strands.

6) To make curling ribbon curls, draw a blade of your scissors along the inside curve of the ribbon. Pull gently for loose curls, more firmly for tighter curls.

7) Finishing touches: Separate and fluff the ends of the tissue wrapping paper that extend above the neck of your pouch. Arrange the curls attractively, maybe with some peeking out between the fluffs of gift tissue.

8) Don't these curls look nice cascading beneath the fluffed tissue paper? There's just one more little detail: a gift tag. Tie it onto the ribbon, or insert it into the fluffed tissue ends (use a bit of double-stick tape, if needed).

One more great feature of a gift pouch: If your gift is intended to be a surprise, this pouch will keep them guessing. Use bubble wrap to conceal the shape of your well-dressed gift from curious, squeezing fingers!

A tissue wrapping paper gift pouchis hard to beat for unboxed items... it requires

very few materials, and very little fuss.

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Wrapping a Cardboard Tube

Method-A: Fluffy Ends

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A-1) Wrap the folded gift paper around the tube, ending with the folded edge on top. Tape the seam in two or more places, spacing the pieces of tape evenly.

A-2) At one end of the tube, gather the loose gift tissue to form a neck. Not too close to the rim, please, or you might squeeze the rim out-of-round or tear the paper.

A-3) Tie the neck snugly with yarn, ribbon or a pretty cord. Curling ribbon is a good choice. Curl the ends by drawing a blade of your scissors along the inside curve of the ribbon - gently for loose curls and more firmly for tighter curls.

A-4) Separate and fluff the tied-off ends. Repeat at the other end of the cardboard tube. This is my favorite look for a tube, and tissue paper is definitely the easiest to work with.

Method-B: Flat Ends

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B-1) Again we begin by wrapping the gift paper around the tube, ending with the folded edge on top for a neat seam. Tape the seam in two or more places, spacing the pieces of tape evenly.

B-2) To finish the ends, press one section of loose tissue paper slightly into the end of the tube. Tuck under the sides as you draw the remaining loose tissue wrap across to cover the end of the tube.

B-3) Make the paper ends as smooth and flat as you can. Fold under any exposed edges so that only the right side of the wrapping paper is visible. Then use double-stick tape to hold the folded gift wrap in place at the end of the cardboard tube.

B-4) Decorate both ends, covering any irregularities in the paper. Double-stick tape is strong enough to hold the decorations in place. A gift tag string can be taped under the decoration. Or, you can affix a label directly onto the wrapped tube.

Wrap a Rectangular Box

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1) Unroll a length of gift wrap and decide how you want to orient the box with respect to the design. Use a string, a tape, or the box itself to measure a piece of gift wrap that will encircle the box plus about 2 extra inches (5cm).

2) Leave an overlap for each end that is less than the height of the box. For a deep box, just over half the height is about right. For a shallow box like the one pictured, a greater overlap (but no more than the box height) is better.

3) Place the paper design-side down, and fold up about 1/2 inch along one short edge to make a neat seam. Center the gift box upside-down on the paper so the seam will end up at the bottom.

4) Bring the paper firmly up and around the box to meet at the center. With the folded edge on top, match up the pattern (if possible or desirable) before taping the seam. A large box requires 2-3 pieces of tape - space them evenly.

You can choose how to gift wrap the ends between two equally easy methods that produce almost identical results. You may wish to try a different method at each end of your box, to see which you like best.

Method A

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5-A) Fold the sides of the gift wrap to the center, keeping them snug around the corners of the box. Top and bottom flaps will form as you fold in the sides. Crease the diagonal edges, as shown.

6-A) Make a narrow fold across the edge of the bottom flap, to make a neat seam.

7-A) Fold the top flap down against the end of the box ...

8-A) ... then bring the bottom flap snugly up over it, and tape the seam. A wide box may require 2-3 pieces of tape - space them evenly. Repeat Steps 5A - 8A at the other end of the box.

Method B

5-B) Fold down the top section of overlapping paper snugly against the end of the box, and crease the diagonal folds that form at either side.

6-B) Fold in the sides one at a time, keeping the paper snug at the box corners, and crease the diagonal folds that form at the bottom.

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7-B) Fold up about 1/2 inch along the edge of the bottom flap, for a neat finish. Then fold the flap up firmly against end of the box, and tape the seam.

8-B) You may need 2-3 pieces of tape if your box is a wide one. Note: The second end may be easier to work with if you stand the box on the wrapped end as shown. Repeat Steps 5B - 8B at the other end of the box.

Methods A & B

9) Turn the box over so the seam is at the bottom. Or, you may decide to stand the box on end (see below). Looks good! Now that you know how to gift wrap a box, you're all set to decorate it. Note the gift tag made from a wrapping paper scrap - it matches perfectly!

How to Gift Wrap Square and Cubic Boxes

When the ends of a box are square or nearly square, the paper overlap is often easier to manage using Method B. If the paper reaches much beyond the center of the box end, there will be too much bulk for Method A, as the photo illustrates. To use Method A, cut off the excess paper ... or, use Method B.

The box opening need not end up at the top of the wrapped gift, though it may seem intuitive to position it that way (photo below, at left). But a long, square-ended box that nicely stands on end is a good backdrop for an up-and-down wrapping paper pattern. Part of how to gift wrap is orienting the box properly on the paper. So before you cut, be sure that the top of the design points toward the "up" end of the box.

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How to gift wrap a square-ended box - it's easy with Method B. Fold the top overlap section down over the box end, all the way to the corners (above, center). Fold the sides in, one at a time (above, right), keeping the sides snug along the box corners.

Crease the diagonal folds to form the bottom flap (often an exact triangle). If there's a raw edge, fold it in; then fold up the flap and tape at the center. If the flap extends beyond the center of the box end, you may wish to fold it under. Or not.

An attractive geometric pattern is formed at the ends of the box, by paper folds (striped paper is especially good for this effect). With such an interesting background for a bow or other decoration, this well-dressed gift looks its best standing the tall way!

A gift tag looks nice dangling down the side of a tall gift. Use a narrow ribbon to reach from the bow, across the top of the box, and slightly down the side. Tape the back of the gift tag to the end of the ribbon.

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