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Page 1: How To Make Subliminal Messages Visually

Positive Affirmations Using Modern Artwork Designs – Examples

We Are a Contemporary Art Society

We are a contemporary art society called the “Insider Art Overcomin”. We drop “g”s from the dipthong at end of right many words.

We call the unconscious “the unaware mind”. We call images “likenesses”.

Positive Affirmations by Sights

Likenesses, that appear in the design of any modern artwork, or home décor, make subliminal messages. They give commands to the unknowin mind of the looker.

Such is a form of positive affirmations, done by sights, rather than by speakin.

Validity Ratin

We are at a formative stage of this art movement. We use intuitive lore. Intuition is good and truthful.

In such a kind of operation, much prejudice or opinion might get mixed in with the true intuitions. Next phase will be when scientific method sifts out some of the wayward thoughts, if any. Still I try to keep to the truth with the intervention of Breathgiver, he who gives, to us, our breath.

What Betokens a Star

When you see a bright star, your unaware mind is commanded to fulfill your destiny through the help of a mighty friend of the other sex.

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The likeness, that you see above, is of a star called "The Heart of the Lion!" It was told of in the foretellin of the Birth of Jesus!

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Above you see “Dream of the Deer”

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What Betokens a Dream

When you see a dream happenin, it tells your unaware mind to make better your hap, and to resolve, for you, some aim that you may have been hung up about - the topic of the dream.

What Betokens SleepinWhen you see sleepin, it bids your unaware mind to produce for you peace of mind, and, if you are male, to overcome all obstacles to get a female's favor also to produce favor from those whom you love.

What Betokens Pink

When you see the color pink, it bids your unknowin mind to make you to be successful in love, to be immersed in joy, kindness, sweetness, happiness and affection, to be in love, and to heal and to be healed by love.

What Betoken Violet and Mauve

Seein violet or mauve, it bids your unaware mind to make you to be highly spiritual, reverent, & devoted, affectionate, gentle, charmin, and serene, & to give, to you, intuitive understandin and a sense of special intimacy.

When you see a deer, it commands your unaware mind to produce, for you, pure and deep friendships and happy wedlock, and to fill you with grace, compassion, gentleness, meekness, natural beauty, independence, and alertness.

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Above you see “Hello Fish”

What Betokens a Fish

When you see a fish swimmin in clear water, it bids your unaware mind to give to you insight, wealth, and might, and goodness from rich and mighty others, and to conceive a child.

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If you are a woman or a girl, then the sight of a fish swimmin in clear water bids your unaware mind to produce, for you, a lover, who is apt and handsome.

What Betokens Green

When you see green, it bids your unaware mind to produce for you

Good changin

Good health


A Lover

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Above you see “Happy Hippo”

What Betokens a Hippopotamus

Seein a hippo, or "river's horse", bids your unknowin mind to make you to have sway over the border, wealth, gumption, bigness, harmony with your crew, self integration, and dominance of your team over other teams.

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When you see a Divine Perfection Pattern (next 3 pics) it bids your unaware mind to make you to be fully balanced and psychologically in perfect health, with total coordination & maximum use of all your faculties.

Above you see the “Insider Art Overcomin Logo”

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Above you see the “Happy Hippo Divine Perfection Pattern”

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Above you see the “Sound and Symbol Symposium Logo”

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Above you see “Happy House”

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What Betokens a House

House = yourself. Happy house bids unaware mind to make you happy. House in the next pic is like a woman. Walkway & door appear to penetrate her. This bids your unaware mind to merge with the other sex.

Above you see “Hey Hoss”

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What Betokens a Horse

Seein a horse bids your unknowin mind to produce for you an easy life, pleasurable comminglin with fun friends and fair women, money comin, bliss, might, and sexual might.

What Betokens Blue

When you see blue it tells your unknowin mind to make you to be carefree, clear, and open, and to have help from others; & to balance your life, & give you troth and knowhow. Lite blue makes you creative & well paced.

Get and Own Garb, Gifts, and Décor With these Happy Tokens Imprinted on Them!

You will find gifts, garb, and décor links with pictures of the likenesses described above when you click on this link: Get My Own Gear!

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