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Page 1: How to-make-your-own-acne-treatment



* With acne affecting so many people, everyone has a method that works best for them, and sometimes that involves making your own treatment. If you're looking for something that'll work for you, try these recipes that have worked for others. Just keep in mind that these home remedies are not medically validated and may or may not work for you!

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Page 2: How to-make-your-own-acne-treatment

Step #1

* Use cold water. Fill an empty 1 gallon jug with water and put it in the freezer for 2 hours. Pour the water into a bowl, then dip your face in the water for 25 seconds (5 dips for 5 seconds each). Repeat a few times every day.

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Page 3: How to-make-your-own-acne-treatment

Step #2

* Make a soap mixture. Put a bar of soap in a small container. Boil a cup of water and pour it over the soap in the container. Close the container and keep it shut for at least 2-3 hours or until the soap dissolves. Wash your face normally and make sure it's dry and not oily. Get the mix that is in your container and spread it around your face; be generous while applying. Let it dry. Then wash your face out very gently using a face sponge. Do this 1 to 2 times a day, but no more than two because then your skin might over-dry and peel.

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Step #3

* Create a face mask using a solution of one finely crushed aspirin tablet per tablespoon of cold cream. Spread over your face, wait 3-5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

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Step #4

* Make a baking soda paste mixture by mixing baking soda and water until you get a thick, creamy substance. .

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Step #5

* #Rub on your face, neck, and back in full motion circles that will allow the cream to get into your pores.

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Step #6

* #Let this sit on your face for around 10 minutes.

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Step #7

* #Wash off with a washcloth drenched in ice cold water.

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Step #8

* #Repeat 1-2 times a day, until your zits are gone!

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Step #9

* #This will not work for all acne. Skin may become oily and acne may worsen. If you decide to use this method, try it on a small area of your skin first.

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Step #10

* Make a strong acne solution by diluting 50% apple cider vinegar with 50% clean pure water. Once acne has improved, keep it at bay with a milder solution of 20% apple cider vinegar and 80% water. Do not use cheap vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is about $3-4 for a large bottle at any supermarket (more at health food stores). It will last months.

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Step #11

* Try chili peppers. I know this sounds weird, but chili peppers help reduce the swelling of a pimple due to its high concentrations of vitamin C and antioxidants.

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Step #12

* #Wash your face thoroughly with a bar of soap (until your pimples barely start stinging).

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Step #13

* #Crush a chilly pepper into a bowl or similar container.

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Step #14

* #Add a small amount of hot water.

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Step #15

* #Apply the liquid to your pimple(s). You may apply it with a q-tip, but do this at least twice a day. Avoid getting the liquid in your eyes or near sores and lacerations as it will most likely cause irritation.

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Step #16

* Try swimming! The chlorine in the water dries up acne. Be carefull, though. Too much pool water can damage your hair and dry up your skin too much. Once a week is usually enough.

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Step #17

* Get a bunch of lemon juice and pour some into a bowl. Submerge your face in the juice for as long as you can, then dry off with a soft towel. The stinging feeling means it's working.

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* Use tissues to apply the mixture.

* Never scratch at a pimple scab or at a pimple; It WILL leave a mark.

* Use suntan lotion

* Don't touch spots or if your skin is oily don't rub it with your fingers because it just spreads oil and grease and bacteria wash your face and drink tons of water.

* Use aloe vera juice on your skin because it's really good for your acne as it cools your skin down and stops the oiliness and redness!

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* Make sure you don't scratch or pop your pimples! You'll just end up with scars that won't make you look your very best!

* '''''*Also, If you keep touching and prodding the skin this can make the area sore or even flakey and dry, So if anything, Try and touch it as little as possible!'''''

* Drink lots of water to keep your body hydrated.

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