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2manup.com - Books & Articles By: Ali Hafiz 1

Original Article source: http://www.2manup.com/how-to-man-up/

How To Man Up I have suffered a lot but I have learned a lot as well. That's why I decided to share my

experience with smart men so that they can reach where I am right now without

having to repeat the same mistakes I made.

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So I decided to start this website, but I faced one simple problem... The name.

What should I name such a website?!

What is the best name that can deliver a calling to bring out the masculine and manly

side of wussy and girly men?

I kept thinking about it for long, then I came up with ideas like success with women

and being courageous but this is not the exact message I want to deliver... My message

is very simple... It's a calling to bring out the very masculine side of wussy, whinny and

girly men.

Then I found that there is nothing that can deliver such a message than the word "Man

up", so I decided to name it 2manup.com, but what the heck does man up really mean?

Manning Up meaning and Definition.

Ask any woman about what manning up really mean and she will tell you that man up


To stop violence against women.

To respect a woman in a relationship.

To be patient if she gets angry.

To let her get away with disrespecting you.

So is this what MAN UP really means??

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Is this what it means to be a man?

While some of them are "ok" to some extent, the majority are actually... Not.

In general when a woman says the word man up she actually means "Get my shit, keep

smiling and ask for even more shit from me"

Complete bullsh*t. Never listen to a woman's advice because it is always and forever a

biased advice.

So What Does Man Up Really Mean?

There 8 main definitions of the phrase "man up". They are not the only

ones but they are the most important ones:

To carry your own responsibilities as a man.

To have a sense of duty.

To be assertive and to stand up for your rights and your manhood.

To grow some balls and to have a backbone.

To stop complaining and to take action instead.

To toughen up

To grow up and become mature enough.

And most importantly to prevent a woman from asking you to "man up" to

provoke you into doing something by threatening your manhood.

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The word Man up generally means to be a good man and a real man. Everyone

perceives the term "good man” from his own and unique angle or point of view that

works in their own favor.

Man up means to fulfill your responsibilities as a man. This involves responsibilities

toward your family (If you are a father) and more importantly toward yourself and

your future.

You man up when you face problems and do not run or escape.

You man up when you end a relationship that sucks your power and does not make

you happy.

You man up when you decide to get outside your comfort zone and talk to a woman

you like instead of convincing yourself that she is out of your league and this bulls*it.

You man up when you solve your problems... When you improve yourself instead of

blaming your past, family, or whoever for what you are right now.

You man up when you become courageous enough to decide to change your life... To

stop being yourself and to sacrifice what you are now for what you want to become.

Man Vs. A Male Human

I do believe that some women can be described by "real men" because there is a very

big difference between being a male human and being a MAN.

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Being a male doesn't necessarily means that you can man up, but being a man means

that you deserve the manly title.

Sadly some women man up more than some men. For example, single mothers are

even more masculine than the men who left them because real men do not do this.

That's why the word "man up" can be said to women too. It's not exclusive for men

only but for any human who behaves in a manly way and carries his own


How TO Man Up?

There are three necessary traits that you should possess before you manage to man up.

1. Courage

Unlike what most people think, courage does not necessarily means that you do not be

afraid to do something but courage is what makes you continue even if you are afraid

of the consequences.

Being courageous applies for small life details. It does not necessarily mean facing

dinosaurs or monsters.

Instead it's all about facing your fears including very small fears like fear of rejection

or fear of failure not just fear of death.

2. Ambition.

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Ambition is the ability to refuse the current situation as a fact and having the power

and necessary will to change it and this makes you a leader.

Ambition is sexy. In fact women are naturally very attracted to ambitious men. A real

man is an ambitious man who lives with a mission, has a vision and an iron will

to reach his goals.

If you want to "Man Up", then you must consider living with a purpose and having a

goal in your mind. People will treat you as a man even if you are still a kid and if you

do not live with purpose then people will see you as another kid even if you are a


3. Personal Strength.

It's not about how hard you can hit but it's how hard you can get hit and keep moving


I like this movie quote because it explains it very well and shortly. If you want to "Man

up" then you have to learn how to withstand tough times.

Even if you think that life is unfair, instead of surrendering and playing the victim role

or complaing like a child, be tough enough to force life to be fair to you.

My favorite quote for this is

"Tough times never last... Tough people do"

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This is what you need to continue fulfilling your responsibilities as a man without

giving up when life becomes tough.

Generally there is no shortcut to really man up, but the following are the fastest ways

to go if you really want to man up.

7 Ways To Man Up...

1) Kill The Boy!

Kill that wussy child living inside you. Do not let him make decisions and never give

him the chance to talk or to represent you.

You are a man and you are no longer a kid. Forget about the victim mentality and start

taking over of your life as a man. People are expecting you to act like a man not a boy

and you really should do it.

2) Be Tough like a soldier.

I think many young men should receive a military training in order to learn how to

toughen up. Remember a man is and should be the toughest creature in the whole

world because he is supposed to be the leader of the universe.

I have seen men who complain about walking for a long distance or carrying a heavy

bag for a long time and issues like these and if men complain about things like this

then what should we expect from women?!

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3) Bring Up Your Masculine Side!

Do not act like a girl. Learn to handle your emotions and to control them. Do not be

always complaining. A man is a leader and if the leader cries or complains then what

do you expect from the follower(s) to do?

4) Change...

There is a lot of debating about the idea of being yourself and I have to say that being

yourself is the worst advice ever. You have not born with your personality... You have

made it and acquired it during your life.

Being yourself means that you will stay where you are now and of course will continue

to live the same miserable life and get the same treatment.

On the other side, when you stop being yourself you sacrifice what you are now for

what you want to become. Being a man is not something you can achieve over night

and it requires continuous self improvement not self deception or convincing yourself

to be and remain yourself.

5) Become The Leader Of Your Life.

Do not let people define you. Do not let women define you. Do what you think is right

no matter what and have courage to go against everybody or to say no when you

should say no.

Stop comparing yourself to others and accept what you are then improve it.

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Do not follow someone blindly or accept what people think of you. Take charge of your

destiny and make your future the way you see not the way other people see.

6) Take risks.

I would say calculated risks. In general you have to get outside your comfort zone from

time to time because this will help you increase you personal strength and it will make

you able to withstand tough times.

7) Adopt the "when women have problems I do not have solutions


This one may seem out of the context but it's not. I believe that you do not have to

change anyone's life. If people do not care about changing their lives then you should

care as well.

Do not pretend to be a woman savior because if you want to fix her life chances are you

are not going to succeed and she is going to ruin your life and even when you succeed

then guess what happens? She will leave you saying “Thank you, you have changed my

life but we are not suitable for each other anymore"...

And yes she is right because you remind her of her miserable past. In other words you

are a part of this past and she wants nothing to remind her of that past.

How to Man Up in a Relationship and with Your Girlfriend?

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Whether it's a romantic relationship or a friendship or whatever, you have to be

assertive. Assertiveness is standing up for yourself and for your rights without being


Manning up in a romantic relationship is what this website will teach you. It's about

preventing any woman to treat you without respect... Not even a little bit. Not at all.

She is not allowed to disrespect your emotions by constantly talking about her ex. She

shouldn't flirt with other men in front of you and get away with it.

She shouldn't threaten to leave you either in a direct or an indirect way. If she wants to

leave then who cares?!

Do not allow her to threaten you, control you, disrespect you, or have more power in

the relationship than you. You ask how?

Well... Mirror her..!

She is not a superman or a superwoman. Use the same weapon she is using. Just give

her a bad treatment without saying a word. Actions speak louder than words and

women do not respects a man who just talks so take action... If she flirts with other

guys, do not blame her or fight with her you just have to mirror her and do the same.

If she doesn't return your calls or seems to be less interested, then educate yourself

about attracting women and attract a woman who is even more beautiful than her.

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If she mentions her ex. Stay silent and when she asks you why you are silent smile and

say that you remembered your ex girlfriend and say something good about her like "No

one is more beautiful than her" or "no one could understand me like her".

Do not be afraid that she may leave you because if she is going to leave you anyway you

cannot prevent her but at least you can pretend like you do not care which will make

her feel useless and worthless.

If you see this as manipulative or a little bit aggressive, then you have to understand

that the above advice applies when you are being attacked, when you cannot get the

king of respect you deserve, however if your woman is not a high maintenance or she is

really a good woman then it's okay to be nice to her.

Always remember this quote...

Sometimes you have to pick a gun up to put a gun down.

Yes this quote is completely applicable here and as a man you are supposed to show

some aggressiveness when it requires doing so.

Conclusion On How To Man Up.

So this is how to man up. It takes a lot of time, education and effort to reach there but

once you do you will be really proud of yourself.

The goal of 2manup.com is to help you man up so keep visiting it and reading my

advice. And if you want to accelerate your success then I strongly recommend that you

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sign up for my "Alpha Confidence Course". It's a very important step in your journey to

become a real man and it's FREE.

Real men do not procrastinate. They take action so sign up in the above form and take

action and most importantly... Man up.

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