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12 Emails to Send

How to Nurture Leads

Judy Schramm, CEOProResource, Inc.

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What Should You Write About in Nurture Emails?

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How to Nurture Leads

1. What problem can you solve for them?

Use their words to describe the problem, then explain how what you do helps.

If you can solve more than one problem, send an email for each problem.www.proresource.com Copyright 2011 ProResource, Inc.

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How to Nurture Leads

2. Explain the steps.Whether you have a product or service,

there are steps people will have to go through to get their problem solved.

Describe them as simply as you can.

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How to Nurture Leads

3. What do they need to do to get ready?

Is there information they need to pull together? Do they need to have certain things done before they can use your product or service? Let them know, so they can get ready (or at least be aware of what will be expected of them).

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How to Nurture Leads

4. Answer questions.What questions do prospects typically ask


If the answers are short, you can combine several questions and answers in one email. If the answers are longer, do one email for each question.

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How to Nurture Leads

5. Correct misconceptions.

What do prospects sometimes believe about your product or service that isn’t accurate?

Explain that you occasionally get asked this, but it’s not true and here’s why…

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How to Nurture Leads

6. What results can they expect?

What is reasonable for them to expect in terms of results from using your product or service?

How long will it take to see results?

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How to Nurture Leads

7. How much will it cost?

You may not want to state costs explicitly, but you can give a ballpark and explain how your pricing works.

You could also talk about why you price this way, and what makes it a good deal for them.

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How to Nurture Leads

8. Why your company?

Why should they do business with you rather than any of the other companies offering similar solutions?

What sets you apart from your competitors?

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How to Nurture Leads

9. TestimonialsWho has used your product or service and

what kind of results did they get?

If you can use quotes, great!

You can also tell the story yourself, without naming the client. Just describe their type of business and tell the story.

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How to Nurture Leads

10. What else do you wish prospects knew?

Other than the things you have already talked about, what else do you wish prospects knew about your business?

If the items are short, include them all in one email. If the topics are longer or need explanation, do one email for each concept.

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How to Nurture Leads

11. Who endorses you?

Other than customers, who else believes in your product or service and supports you? This might be a certification or partnership with someone they respect…

What else can you tell people to build credibility that you will deliver as promised?

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How to Nurture Leads

12. Do you have a guarantee?

If you offer a money-back guarantee or do anything else to reduce risk, explain that fully.

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Judy SchrammProResource, Inc.+1 [email protected]: @proresource

Blog: www.MarketingIdeasYouCanCopy.com



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