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How To Play Violin

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While you are reading this, a person somewhere on the planet is learning how to play violin. They could be learning the basic of violin music, if not at regular intervals, perhaps

for the very first time.

Stringed instruments, especially those such as guitars and violins, have been popular throughout the world. People

are learning how to play violin because of what they hear in motion picture music, how it tugs at the heart strings of film

audiences all over the world.

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When you were a child, maybe you tried to learn how to

play violin. Certainly, a lot of children did, especially with the prevalence of the Suzuki system.

I certainly considered learning how to play violin when I was a teenager, and then I decided to give the cello a try for a

while, and then I went back to the violin after I realized how strenuous it was to carry the cello everywhere I had to go.

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If you want to begin learning how to play violin and you want to be serious about it, you need an action plan. No

matter how good you think you are or can be, everyone can use practice. Even prodigies practice. And you should do it

frequently and consistently.

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Don't practice for 3 weeks straight and then take six weeks off. Instead, practice twice a week and keep going. Bring

your violin with you whenever you go anywhere.

Once you can play basic tunes, consider making recordings. There are few things that can help more than to listen to yourself and want to make progress. You'll end up with

recordings going years back, and you can listen to see how your progress in learning how to play violin is going.

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Look for other people who share an interest in the violin.

Just like in tennis, it can make you a better player to practice along with players who are more experienced than you. For the single violin players out there, it might be the start of a

wonderful new relationship.

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Regardless of what you decided to do, remain consistent and try to make progress. If you can only devote a day a week to practice in learning how to play violin, make sure

you do it it each and every week.

Visit How To Play Violin http://ivorytowergroup.net/how-to-play-violin/ for more details.

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