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How To Segment Your Contacts On LinkedIn

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In today’s marketing world, it is more important than ever to reach out effectively to your customer. To do so, the keyword to focus here is on “relevance“.

It’s no longer just about having the best product or services. It’s also a lot about giving your customer what he/she wants.

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Precisely because of this, you have to appreciate just how important customer segmentation is to your business. What resonates with one audience doesn’t necessarily resonate with another. Customer segmentation is critical as it helps you provide a better user experience and definitely a better conversion rate, because you are reaching out to a targeted audience group. When you speak your customers’ language, and recognize their needs in a way that makes sense to them, you can look forward to a very fulfilling business relationship.

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Many people aren’t aware that you can segment your connections into topic categories within LinkedIn. LinkedIn allows you to segment (classify) your connections by subject areas. LinkedIn refers to this progress as “tagging.”

Tagging allows you to organize your connections by industry or subject. This is useful as it allows you to then tailor your messages to your network so they are most relevant to your members.

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You might wind up with 1000+ connections and all of a sudden realise you’re your connections are mixed in with one another, not by choice but by default: LinkedIn categorises all new connections under a list called: All Contacts. In order to reach any level of success you need to personalize your communication and if you can’t properly assess who is who quickly within the tags section you’ll have to go through the entire (1000) connections in the untagged folder and re-tag them accordingly.

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If you haven’t already segmented your contacts, follow the step-by-step guide below. Simply login to your LinkedIn profile:

1)   Hover over the Networks Tab2)   Select Contacts3)   Sort by: First Name4)   Filter by: All Contacts

LinkedIn will then give you a list of all your contacts. Simply go through each one and at the bottom of your connection’s name listing you will see an option called “tag.” Click on it, give the connection a tag and you are set. It’s fast, easy and highly effective.

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Segmenting your connections is a practice that improves your business results. It may take you a little time but it is surely worth the effort. So before adding even one more connection take one step back and segment your connections so you can take 2 steps forward!


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Want to learn more about LinkedIn? Download our FREE digital guide today and learn how you too can start using LinkedIn to generate a ton of media exposure, secure joint venture partnerships and build hundreds of new leads for your business. Over 14,000 businesses have now benefited from this methodology. Access it Here!

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