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How to Sell Almost Anything on Instagram

Presented by: Roger Dagenais and Barry Plaskow

Hosted by: Jay Boyer

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© Copyright 2016 J.J. Fast Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved. This guide may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the publisher. Every effort has been made to make this guide as complete and accurate as possible. Although the author and publisher have prepared this guide with the greatest of care, and have made every effort to ensure the accuracy, we assume no responsibility or liability for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Before you begin, check with the appropriate authorities to insure compliance with all laws and regulations.

Every effort has been made to make this report as complete and accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes in typography or content. Also, this report contains information on online marketing and technology only up to the publishing date. Therefore, this report should be used as a guide – not as the ultimate source of Internet marketing information.

The purpose of this report is to educate. The author and publisher does not warrant that the information contained in this report is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions. The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this report, nor do we make any claims or promises of your ability to generate income by using any of this information.

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Table of Contents

Introduction ........................................................................................................... 4

Why Is This Opportunity So Huge? ......................................................................... 9

Why Instagram Users Are Different ..................................................................... 17

3 Simple Steps: Locate, Validate, Communicate .................................................. 23

How to Access the Instafy Traffic & Sales System ................................................ 29

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Welcome to today’s presentation! It’s not every day that you discover a game-changing new

traffic platform, let alone one that boasts over 400 million active users. Instagram is the

fastest-growing social media network in the world, and it has engagement rates higher than

Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn combined.

Roger Dagenais and Barry Plaskow are here to show you that you don’t have to be a millennial

Instagram user, posting dozens of selfies every day in order to profit from the incredibly

powerful traffic on the platform. Even if you’ve never used Instagram, you’ll be able to

generate server-melting amounts of traffic on demand. This is particularly powerful if you’re

promoting any kind of ecommerce product, but you’re about to see how you can use it to

promote just about any kind of book, information product, affiliate offer, CPA offer, etc, under

the sun.

That isn’t all. If you want to build a list fast, you can do it on Instagram, and if you want to build

a tribe of tens of thousands of followers in just about any niche overnight, Instagram is the way

to go. You might want to generate thousands of targeted clicks to almost any offer out there,

Instagram is the answer. As Roger and Barry are about to show you, you could be earning

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hundreds and maybe even thousands of dollars every day, just with this single traffic source.

That’s simply by posting images to Instagram.

During the live presentation of this material, Roger showed the audience, live, that he could get

20,000-30,000 likes. He put an offer up in front of hundreds of thousands of people, and he

had a tremendous response. He did this to show just how powerful Instagram really can be

when it comes to generating traffic. Take note that he did not already have a massive

Instagram audience in place when he did this. In fact, it was a fairly new account with a small

amount of followers when he presented the case study you’re going to be able read about in

the sections to follow.

You are about to learn how to generate traffic on demand, and you’ll be able to get started at a

very low cost. For the most part, you’ll discover the power of Instagram. As you probably

already know, Instagram is one of the largest social media platforms out there, and it works

incredibly well for eCommerce.

You’ll soon see how you can use Instagram to completely explode your sales. Instagram has

been referred to as the “last of the free-reach social networks”. It’s important that you

understand this. Facebook has no free reach right now. You have to pay if you want to get in

front of people. In this training, you are going to be shown the techniques and tools used by

the pros to build 6-figure businesses utilizing Instagram.

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It doesn’t matter if you are new to eCommerce, and if you have a Shopify store, you are going

to learn how to fill it up with a ton of buyers. In fact, you’re going to be able to see the results

of a test account that has been created in order to show how you can drive huge amounts of

targeted traffic to your offers and make a lot of money. Specifically, in this lesson you’ll


How to Start an Ecommerce Biz Using Instagram

How to Start Selling from Instagram TODAY

How to drive thousands of clicks using the power of Instagram

How to go from scratch to making money in 1 week!

How you can make sales in real time with this system

With this system, you don’t have to use difficult advertising techniques like you have to on

Facebook. You can build your own eCommerce store and make a fortune with this if you follow

the instructions you are given closely. You’ll be meeting a crazy, lazy underground expert that’s

going to blow you away today. Are you ready to be months, if not light years, ahead of the

game? Do you want to find out how you can sell 100+ products and make insane amounts of

profits within the next week? If your answer is “yes”, you are in the right place.

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Instagram has over 300 million active monthly users. They were purchased by Facebook last

year, and now the platform offers an incredible amount of reach. Not only that, but it’s a very

defined target market. There are a lot of pages on the platform targeted towards women. A

lot of the people on Instagram are women who are between the ages of 16-24, but there are

still many users between the ages of 25-34. When you are trying to market on Instagram, you’ll

want to market products to that mass market.

One of the biggest benefits of using Instagram is that you’re going to get much more interaction

on this platform as opposed to the other social media platforms out there. When it comes to

people following you, clicking on your links, and actually seeing your stuff, you’re going to see

this on Instagram way more than with any other platform. Plus, there’s a lot of free traffic to

take advantage of on Instagram. This is why this is such an exciting opportunity right now.

To reiterate, you have an extremely targeted audience on Instagram. The screenshot above

shows exactly who you should be going after. Young women are an amazing audience to

target. The interaction on this platform is amazing as well. It just allows you to get in front of

people better than anything else. The average engagement per Instagram post has grown by

over 416% over the last two years. You can see the article that this was derived from in the

screenshot below. The use of Instagram is on the rise. It’s one of those social media platforms

that are growing almost exponentially.

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Now the screenshot above shows some results that are almost unbelievable. As you can see,

Instagram is used by over 80% of upper-income US teen girls. These aren’t just young people;

they are higher-income buyers. Hopefully, you can tell that this could turn into a complete

goldmine for you. This is a market that you want to get in touch with. They are buyers who

have a ton of money to spend. Again, when you utilize Instagram, you’re going to find that you


A massive market

Hyper targeted markets

Online buyers with a ton of money to spend

Opportunities for insane amounts of growth

Engagement rates like nothing else in social media

Free traffic like never before!

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Why Is This Opportunity So Huge?

We all know the oldest marketing formula in the book. That is when you can match the right

offer with the right audience, you can essentially write your own check. Now, you may be

wondering how you can sell to people who are this young and the truth is that many of them

have their parents’ credit cards, or they have their own credit cards that have been given to

them, or they find another way to get the items that they want. You are marketing primarily to

elite young women, don’t worry, if they want what you’re selling, they will buy from you.

What could you sell to this audience? What do you think a young 19 or maybe 20 year old

female would want to buy? There is a great deal of things that you could potentially sell to this

group. Really, the question is “What can’t you sell to this market,” but primarily, the main

things that young women tend to buy are items related to:


Cell phone accessories



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Weight loss

You can also use Instagram to sell to the males in the upper income scales. A beautiful thing

about marketing to males on this platform is that everyone is ignoring them there. So, there’s

another big opportunity to move your products quickly. Just to serve as an example, there is

currently a company that’s called MVMT Watches which got its start on Instagram. They are

doing over $20 million a year in sales, and most of those sales come from Instagram. It’s the

male market they are targeting. So, if you think that you can’t do this because your business

primarily targets male customers, please understand that’s not true. There’s a huge, untapped

male market on Instagram as well.

Look at the screenshot above. It shows an Instagram page for a company that started about a

year ago. This company offers a detox program, and as you can see on the page, they have

486,000 fans. They are currently 3,000-4,000 website clicks per day on their website for free

via Instagram, and they are growing. Right now, they are making close to $100,000 a month in

sales, and they are doing exactly what you are about to learn to do.

The screenshot above shows a monstrous business that you can find on Instagram. Fashion

Nova is a fashion company that targets younger buyers, mostly. They had 2.6 million followers

when this screenshot was taken, but now they are up to 4.1 million. This company now does

over a million dollars a month in sales, and even though they are a huge company, they only

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use Instagram to market their products. They do have a Facebook page as well, but if you were

to look at it, you would see that they are doing next to nothing there. This company has had a

massive amount of success, and it’s practically all done through Instagram.

Earlier, you learned about MVMT watches. Their Instagram page is now shown below. As you

can see, they have over 388,000 followers. That’s not a huge number, but they are generating

big numbers from it. Again, there are a lot of very active buyers on Instagram, and the people

who buy from this company are mostly males who love style and fashion. These guys are

crushing it and using Instagram to do so, even though they are primarily targeting a male


You could have watches such as these made very inexpensively in China, brand them, and sell

them at a massive profit. Then, all you would need to do is drive insane amounts of traffic

through Instagram, sit back, and watch your posts go viral. After that, you will have made a

fortune. What could be easier than that? This is a very simple formula, and you’re going to be

shown the details of how this can be done in just a moment.

The craziest part of all of this is that you don’t even need to build an ecommerce site of your

own. With the crazy amount of Instagram traffic you’re about to get your hands on, you can

simply send people to affiliate offers, and for dirt cheap. So, if you don’t want to find

manufacturers or buy anything from a supplier, you can just become an affiliate. You’ll be

driving great amounts of cheap, and sometimes even free, traffic to any offer at all, and if you

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wanted to, you could make a high income without dealing with any of these other sorts of

hassles. That is the beauty of the business model that is being shared with you today.

At this point, you may be asking, “How the heck do these businesses get traffic on their website

from non-clickable images?” Look at the screenshot above. This is a very quick Instagram page

that was set up for today’s case study. It hasn’t been promoted with any marketing techniques

yet. On this page, you can see that cell phone cases are being sold, and a lot of money was

made in a very short period of time with this page.

You see, inside of your Instagram account, you can post pictures on other pages and then link

to a website where people can buy your product. However, that’s not how this works. What

you need to do is have people go to your Instagram page first. Then, at the top of your page,

you can promise a discount and link to your page from there. As you can see, the sub-headline

in the screenshot promises 20% off.

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The Instadealz links to Style.com, but understand that this is just an example and this page isn’t

really meant to drive traffic to Stye.com. In any case, this is where you would place the link to

your website. It may be difficult to get traffic to a page like this if you didn’t know what you

were doing, but there’s a way that you can make a shout-out to pages that have millions upon

millions of followers on Instagram. For example, the page shown above has 6.7 million


There’s a way that you can go about paying page owners like this just a few dollars to post a link

on their page and drive traffic to your site, and as a result, you can get lots of followers and

likes extremely quickly. In fact, by doing this, the cell phone cover page previously shown got

2,425 likes in just four minutes. This result is demonstrated below. Just think if it were your

website that this traffic was driven to, how many sales do you think you could get? All you have

to do is find an Instagram site that’s getting plenty of traffic and simply siphon off of that traffic,

right? What if you got the business owner to post on all of their pages? This was done as well,

and the case study cell phone cover page got over 2,500 likes in just few minutes.

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It didn’t cost Roger very much money to drive traffic to their page. At the most, it cost them

$150-$200 to drive this traffic. Look at the screenshot above, and you can see that people are

seeing this feed that says “Just follow our friends at @Instadealz2015”. When people click on

this link, they are brought to the cell phone cover Instagram page. From there, they can click

on the link to visit the website set up for this offer. That’s how you can go about getting

millions people to see your products in real time and drive tons of cheap, cheap traffic to your


During the case study, these likes were literally gotten live within a matter of just a few

minutes. This traffic came from just a few pages that had millions of followers, and there’s no

limit to the amount of pages that you could use to drive traffic in this way. All you would have

to do is spend a little bit of money here and there, usually about $30, $40, or $50 at a time, to

post your link onto popular pages such as the ones that you’ve seen. When you do something

like this, the followers that you receive become your own. So, when you post an image to

Instagram, these new fans of yours will start visiting your website to take advantage of your

offers. That’s the real magic of using Instagram in this way.

Once you own the traffic, these followers are yours, and you don’t have to pay to continue

driving traffic to your offers. You can see now that the case study page shown below has over

5,435 likes. This literally happened within a matter of just six minutes during the original live

presentation of this material. Realistically, it was probably about 30,000 people that saw this

product during the case study presentation. After all, you’re not going to get a like from

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everyone, and you’re not going to get a purchase from everyone, but this is how you can drive

traffic to your offers using Instagram for a very, very low cost.

Now, this wasn’t the only post driving traffic to the case study offer during this time. The other

two posts gathered over 1,000 likes and another got over 3,000 likes. So, during the first six

minutes of this case study presentation, this cell phone accessory got about 10,000 likes all-in-

all. It was estimated that about 50,000 - 60,000 people saw the product. When someone likes

one of your posts, they begin following you, and that means you can market for free to them.

So, when they like your page, they are going to start seeing your products and services.

If you don’t have your own website, you can build an Instagram page and just buy a domain to

place your CPA offer on, for instance. When people click on the link to that on your Instagram

page, they can move forward to take advantage of your offer. Some people are making tens of

thousands of dollars per day marketing their offers in this way. It has been estimated that

typically about 30% of the likes you get will move forward to an offer. In fact, that’s a pretty

conservative number. If you got 10,000 likes, even at just 10%, you would be getting

somewhere between 500 and 1,500 clicks to your website, by that estimation.

Let’s say that in six minutes you got between 500 and 1,500 clicks to your website. What do

you think that could do for your business? Remember, this is exceptionally targeted traffic.

You could probably expect at least 20-40 sales to come out of that, and all you really had to do

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was invest a couple of hundred dollars, at the most. Could you see something like that working

for you? It’s quite possible when you follow a system such as this.

You’ve probably seen a number of “free + shipping” offers in your lifetime. A lot of times, these

types of offers use jewelry, cell phone cases, and other attractive merchandise to get takers.

With this strategy, you could make “free + shipping” offers and probably make a killing at it.

You could, for example, have these cell phone cases made for about $1.50 on AliExpress and

offer them for free with a $9.99 charge for shipping. That’s just one of the many, many ways

you could use this method to generate a very healthy, if not luxurious, income.

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Why Instagram Users Are Different

Again, all you need to do is link out from your Instagram page and drive traffic to your offers.

This just requires a link, some simple copy, and a call to action. You don’t have to be a

professional copywriter to do this either. You can see in the screenshot above that the copy

consists of just one line that says, “MVMT Watches Lifestyle for the modern day gentleman 15%

off – Black Friday Sale,” followed by a link that people can click on in order to go and buy from

the website.

Of course, there’s no way to know for sure how many of the visitors you get will click on the link

that you have on your Instagram page. There are a lot of factors that play into this, such as the

look and style of you page, the call to action, and the product itself. However, in many cases,

about 10% to 30% of the visitors to one of these pages will end up clicking on the link and move

forward to try and buy.

There are so many people just crushing it right now on Instagram that Barry and Roger decided

to crack the code and figure out how people were doing this. This allowed him to go from zero

to a $100,000 business within three or four weeks, once they had the system in place, that is.

Now, they are selling a lot of stuff. What Roger did, in order to learn all of this, was reach out

to a 24 year old kid who was running 10 of the most popular Instagram pages out there. He

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actually paid him a fortune to have this kid coach him for 2 days on how to use Instagram.

Now, even though this kid is not a marketing expert, not a copywriter, and knows very little

about advertising on platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, he is now making over $15,000 a

day on Instagram.

Basically, this underground superstar just knows and taught Roger a simple marketing lesson

that we all know to be true. What he taught him about is “Shout-Out” marketing, which is one

of the oldest tricks in the book. All you do is find a page with lots of followers, and you just kind

of knock on their door and ask them to put a picture up on one of their pages and make a

“shout-out” to their followers for you. That’s a “shout-out”, and it has been used by marketers

for ages, of course. The difference is that you have a lot further reach on Instagram than other

places and platforms you might make one of these “shout-outs” from.

Of course, you may have to pay a business owner $40 or $50 pages to do this for you, but what

is that compared to the amount you would pay for pay-per-click advertising or something like

that, which may only bring you very limited results. All you need to do with this system is find

popular pages that are relative to your niche and get the page owner to make a shout-out

about you.

One of the things that Roger learned through his research is how to get shout-outs from some

of the very best pages on Instagram. It cost him about $5,000 to learn this secret, but it was

well worth it because this practically guarantees him a tidal wave of razor-targeted traffic

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anytime he uses this technique. Not only is this well-targeted traffic, but it’s buyers traffic,

which means he bringing in people who want to buy stuff.

If you could get people with millions of followers to make a targeted shout-out for your offer,

one that’s congruent to what the person who was doing the shout-out was offering, don’t you

think that would help you to sell your offers. You could easily get tens of thousands of likes and

followers this way. Do you understand how this could be a game changer for you? All you have

to do is find the right people with the right audience, and of course, it needs to be a very large

audience to drive this much traffic effectively. These people aren’t hard to find, however.

There are many very popular Instagram pages out there, and you should have no trouble

finding one that fits the type of audience you are targeting.

This kid is making over $15,000 a day, and there aren’t a lot of experienced marketers that can

come anywhere close to that. It’s just amazing that you can spend all of your time studying

marketing, and one kid that knows only a portion of what you know can come in and get results

like that. It just comes down to being able to figure out what works, and this is a system that

works for Roger and many of his students. There are tons of high-traffic, very targeted pages

out there, and in the training that Roger and Barry are offering, they reveal how you can go

about finding these pages too. Just to be clear, here’s how Roger was able to make a great deal

of money with his newly-discovered Instagram system:

Step 1: He Used His Secret to Get a Shout-Out Post on 3 HUGELY Popular Fashion Instagram


Step 2: He Created an Ad Using His Dumb Simple Sales Copy Template

Step 3: He made a simple offer that he thought would be suitable for girls from 16-24

That’s it! You don’t have to be an expert copywriter to do this. The copy for Roger’s offer

wasn’t amazing, and neither was the offer itself. All he needed was a great shout-out made

letting people know about this decent offer of his, and thinks to the underground secrets that

he learned about how to reach out to these page owners, he was able to do this easily as well.

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Roger only learned how to do this a few months ago, and during his first test, they did $300 in

shout outs. From this, they brought in $1,600 in sales. The actual cost of the product was

about $300, and they made a profit of $1,000. You can see this demonstrated in the screenshot

above. This was proof to them that this concept could work. This was the cell phone case that

you saw, so if you would like to use the copy you’ve already been shown to try to do this

yourself, Roger gives you full permission to. As you can see, it works.

This wasn’t the most amazing thing that Roger discovered either. Remember, Instagram traffic

is extremely engaging. Once you have visitors, they are yours, and they will spread the word for

you. Barry says that he finds this to be the most amazing part of it all. There’s word-of-mouth

marketing and viral marketing going on, even without you trying to create it. According to

Roger, this is the only platform that still allows you to reach a viral type of level free of cost.

You’re not paying tens of thousands of dollars, or hundreds of thousands of dollars, for this kind

of traffic.

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Just to give you an idea, Instagram is a very big part of the success of Roger’s store. During the

live presentation of this material, Roger shared the image above. At the time, they were going

over the $100,000 mark. The screenshot depicts what has been happening with Roger’s store

over the last 30 days. When this snapshot was taken, he had made over $4,000 that day. He

said that 30-50% of the traffic brought in was through Instagram, and the rest was through

Facebook and other miscellaneous sources.

Once Roger figured this system out, he was able to apply what he had learned to his other

business, and he was able to gain explosive results very, very quickly. How would you like to be

bringing in money like this? That’s pretty cool, right? On top of that, Roger went on a two-

week family vacation during this time. So, the sales just came rolling in without him. He says,

“Here’s the cool thing with Instagram. Once you find a page that works for you, then you can

just schedule your posts. So, that’s what we do; we just, ‘Okay. Here’s $1,000. For the next

week, I want you to post at 10:00 am and 7:00 pm.’ Then, you just kind of walk away from it,

and these people post for you, and they do all the work, and you just collect the money.”

Every time Roger started to post he’d start to get tons of fans. He’d get like 500 likes and 200-

300 free website clicks. He realized the power of this in the very beginning, and since then, he’s

just been scaling it up. Right now, there isn’t any other form of online traffic for eCommerce

that comes anywhere close to this. Now, will this last forever and ever? There’s nothing

certain about that.

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Roger says that he feels the opportunity is now and you’ve got to grab it. You know, they aren’t

announcing that they are cutting down on the virility of their posts anytime soon, but it could

happen a year or two down the road. Later on you may have to pay for this kind of reach, but

at the moment, this is a massive opportunity for anyone who wants to make a windfall of

money. Instagram is still very viral, extremely active, and the reach is incredible.

About 25 minutes into the presentation, Rodger had about 15,000 likes on one of his posts,

another one of them had 8,700, and 4,000 on the third. So, about 28,000 people liked his

images, and if you were to estimate that around 10% liked his image, then 280,000 people saw

this within less than a half hour’s time. Is that insane or what? Now, what about traffic to your

website? Even if just 10% of the people who liked Roger’s page went to the website, he would

still end up with about 2,800 clicks.

How much would it cost to get this kind of traffic on Facebook? Let’s say that you were getting

traffic for just $0.30 a click on Facebook. That would still come out to cost you around $800.

Not only that, but this happened very quickly, so Rodger would have been recouping his money

very quickly, even if he were paying per click. Now, here’s the million dollar question. “How do

you get your hands on insane shout outs that practically guarantee you will make a ton of

money fast with Instagram? To learn more about this, continue on to the next section.

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3 Simple Steps: Locate, Validate, Communicate

Most people know that there are a lot of advantages to using Instagram, but many of them are

missing one, which is how to get the shout-outs they need. There are 3 simple steps that you’ll

want to follow in order to accomplish this. They are:

Step #1: Locate the very best pages on Instagram for shout-outs (you can do this manually, or

use a very expensive tool that does all the work for you. Spoiler alert: we’re going to make a

huge investment in you today at the end of the training)

Step #2: Go over the checklist Roger provides you to validate this is a winner (you want to get

this right every single time)

Step #3: Communicate with the page owner using a mobile tool only the very top underground

Instagram experts are using!

The hit rate is very high when Roger uses very specific techniques to communicate with these

page owners. There’s kind of an underground community where people use a special type of

application that allows you to speak to different people. Roger didn’t go into much depth

about this during his presentation, but he did want everyone to understand that there’s a

certain way that you will want to go about this. However, for the most part, this system just

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consists of 3 simple steps, which are “locate, validate, and communicate” (LVC). That’s the


The traffic available through this system is amazing. This has already been pointed out and

even shown to you. One thing that you have to keep in mind about Instagram is that it’s a free

market. There’s no revision process, and you don’t have to get approved for ads or anything

like that. There are no ad restrictions, and you can’t just lose your Instagram account. Plus,

there’s no need for any approvals or anything like that. So, it’s not like Facebook. As long as

you’re only promoting stuff that the page owner thinks is a relatively good match for their page,

you’re good to go. Basically, you can push out CPA offers or whatever you want with

Instagram, which is awesome.

There’s no type of offer you can’t advertise on the platform. Not only can you do CPA offers,

but you can advertise weight loss offer and ecommerce offers. You can sell your own products,

or you can sell products as an affiliate. When you are driving insane amounts of traffic for

pennies on the dollar, you’re unstoppable. You can send it anywhere you want to. Where

would you drive it to? Imagine waking up tomorrow and being able to drive this traffic

anywhere you want to.

The best thing about using this system is that you don’t need to be an advertising expert, like

you do with Facebook, to make this work for you. Not only that, but you don’t have to worry

about the advertising rules changing every week when you use Instagram to advertise. This is

warm traffic. Shout out marketing works much like getting a referral. This is why so many

people are clicking on links and buying when you do it this way. It’s dead simple. You could be

brand new to marketing and traffic generation, and yet, you could still be up and running,

making good money, in just a few hours!

There aren’t many moving parts, and anyone can do this. What about you? Are you excited

about the opportunity to drive endless amounts of traffic without having to know anything

about advertising like you do on Facebook? Remember, the formula that you need to follow is

simply “Locate, Validate, and Communicate”. Are you ready to see the powerful tools that

Roger and Barry use to locate Instagram pages that have massive amounts of fans? This makes

it a “game over” situation for them, and they can help you learn to do this too.

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There are two ways to get massive amounts of traffic through Instagram, according to Roger.

You can have a celebrity endorsement, and you can have a popular page. Obviously, in the first

instance you would need to connect with a person who has a ton of fans. The second way

involves locating a page with lots of visitors that’s in your niche. Roger and Barry like to take

advantage of the second option the most, and the software that they use to locate these types

of pages is shown above. It’s called HYPR, and it allows you access the very best pages on


What you need to understand is that you can’t just type in “Fashion” on Instagram and get the

top 3 fashion pages on the site to come up in the results. That’s just not how the platform

works. The software shown above, however, allows you to simply type in a keyword and the

“influencers” on Instagram will appear in the search results. So, in this case, the program would

show the influencers that are in the “fashion” niche. If you were to type in “fitness”, then some

fitness-related personalities would appear. For instance, Jillian Michaels would appear, and you

could potentially do something with her. Fitness coach Natalie Jill Fit also comes up, so you

might want to arrange something with her. She’s also a famous influencer, but probably much

more approachable than Jillian Michaels.

Barry and Roger had to create a massive database for the pages that came up because nothing

else exists out there. Roger gave a sneak peak of what this looked like during his presentation.

The screenshot below shows what populated from their database when Roger typed in

“Fashion”. This database contains well over 2,000 Instagram pages that have massive amounts

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of followers. As you can see in the screenshot, this search brought up results like H&M and

Prada, and the page at the bottom called Modae Customizacao is the one that Roger was using

in his live presentation.

This works kind of like a rolodex. It’s a place where you can search for some of the biggest

pages on Instagram, and the ones which have a high probability of wanting to do a shout out

for you. In other words, there are some features included within this program that help you to

determine which page owners would be most willing to make a shout out for you. The next

thing that Roger did was a search using the word “Style”. This brought up a whole new set of

results, of course. If you have a hair product, this might be a good search to make. Again, once

you have located some of these pages, you can contact the page owners to see if they would be

willing to do some shout outs for you.

This database really contains a lot of useful information. It shows how many followers a page

has, and how many followers they are losing or gaining in the last hour or in the last day. It tells

you what kind of media outlets are talking about them. This database populates every 24

hours, so you always have fresh data. It cost Barry and Rodger tens of thousands of dollars to

put this together. They had to pay a research team and programmers, of course, and there

were other costs involved too. It was well-worth it to them though because they now have the

most advanced database for Instagram in the world.

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Right now, you can get your hands on the very best pages with no more than a few clicks of the

mouse. This is going to save you a huge amount of time, and it’s going to give you a clinical

advantage over everyone else out trying to make money with Instagram. No one else knows

how to do this. Literally, this is an open field that anyone can take advantage of, but most

people don’t know that this kind of power is at their fingertips. Underground marketers are

killing it right now on Instagram, and here’s why:

They are part of the underground shout-out community

They have a tool that locates the traffic pages

They all use the secret formula Roger paid $5,000 to discover that validates their

findings with HYPR

They are getting traffic like no other place on the web

This is growing like crazy, and it’s practically risk free!

There’s one small catch that you need to be aware of because it severely limits who can do this.

In order to use the HYPR tool, you’re going to need to spend $299.00 a month. That’s nearly

$3,600 a year. Even if you get an annual plan, it’s still going to cost you $3,000 a year. A lot of

people won’t pay this much, so if you can get your hands on Hyper, you’ll almost be alone in

digging for gold on Instagram. If you don’t have that much money on-hand, that’s okay, at least

for you. That’s because Roger and Barry have decided to invest in you today.

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Hopefully, you’re getting excited about using Instagram like Roger and Barry are. Let’s take a

moment to put all of this together. The screenshot above breaks down this whole system for

you. Basically, you start out by choosing the right product and market. If you join up with

Roger and Barry, they are going to show you how to find tons of products, very cheap, that

people are going to go crazy for and want to buy. So, this is going to be very easy for you, in

particular. Also, once you find your products, Roger is going to show you how to create a very

simple store. Then, you’re going to be buying “shout-outs” from pages within the market that

you researched.

You can do this for just about any product out there, and once you get the shout outs that you

need, you’re going to get tons of converting traffic extremely inexpensively. This traffic is going

to be coming through the pages and posts that you set up in Instagram, and from there, you

can either send the traffic through your eCommerce store or to offers that you’re promoting in

your marketing business. This is all tremendously simple. Again, you’re going to have software

that’s going to direct you to all of the major pages on Instagram for whatever niche you choose.

Not only does it list the pages that are the most successful, but you’ll know which pages are the

easiest to approach and which ones you’re most likely to be successful with.

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How to Access the Instafy Traffic & Sales System

Everything that you need is going to be laid out for you, so what you are gaining access to is

something very powerful. You don’t even need to build your own online store to kill it with this

strategy. It wouldn’t be hard to create a Shopify store to sell your products from, but if you

don’t want to do that, then you can become and affiliate or sell your marketing services to

someone else. This is incredibly easy to do, as long as you follow Roger and Barry’s easy LVC


Sure, you could do some research on your own to find the top Instagram pages and learn which

offers to promote, but how do you make sure you can find relevant shout-outs in your niche.

The fact of the matter is that you have to use software such as Barry and Roger’s in order to do

that. Even if you found the right page, how would you contact the business in a way which

ensures that you close the deal? The answer is that you’re going to be given a tool that’s going

to give you the ability to communicate with these page owners and close the deal every single


You may be wondering how to you are going to learn to write top-converting sales copy for

your shout-outs? The fact of the matter is that you don’t need to be a top copywriter, or really

even know anything about copy. You just need to follow some simple rules that Roger is going

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to share with you. If a 24-year-old kid that knows nothing about copywriting can do this, then

you can too.

You may also be wondering how you are going to figure out how to set up a top-converting

online store to sell your products from, particularly if you don’t know much about marketing

and you aren’t that technically savvy. The answer is that you’re going to have Roger on your

side. He is considered THE authority when it comes to this, particularly when it comes to the

“Shopify + Instagram” combo. He’s going to show you exactly how to do this.

It has been established that you can get an easy start making money with Instagram, but how

would you like to know how you can run multiple campaigns and practically automate the

process so that you can massively grow your business? Roger has spent a lot of money

discovering how you can do this. There are companies who provide services to help you

automate the whole process, but the only problem is that these companies only work with 7-

figure, high-end agencies. They don’t work with people who are just starting a business from


If you are already making a significant amount of money, but you would like to make more, you

have the opportunity to start doing this right now. You’re about to learn exactly how you can.

How would you like to discover the secrets that Roger learned during the two days he spent

with the $15,000/day Instagram underground genius? You can become part of this

underground community today too. This is your chance to get your hands on the tools that

only this community is using, and these will allow you to start selling like crazy on Instagram as

well. This will rid you of the hassles that you have to deal with when you use Facebook and

other such platforms to advertise.

If you want to do this, you need to be ready, and you are about to see a special offer that you

won’t be able to refuse. With Roger and Barry’s InstaFy Traffic and Sales System + Mastermind

program, you’re going to have everything that you need to start driving CHEAP clicks and sales

almost instantly, using the brute force of Instagram!

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Roger is going to spill the beans on everything that he’s learned from his underground informer

and massively applied himself. You’re going to gain access to $5,000 of insider’s underground

knowledge in easy to follow, no-one-left-behind sessions. You’re going to be able to get fast

results, and you don’t even have to build your own store if you don’t want to. Here’s a

breakdown of everything that you’ll receive when you join today:

Massive Session #1 – Instagram Instant Sales Formula Revealed

How to Find Super Hot Instagram Selling Offers And Product (you will master this in 15


How to Setup Your Instagram Page for Massive Success (Master this in 30 minutes)

How to Write Instagram Sales Copy That Gets HUGE Amounts of Clicks And Sales (no

previous copy knowledge required. It’s dead easy)

Get the TOOLS and EDUCATION to find niches that have correlating Instagram pages

that sell Shout-outs

Instagram Page Validation Checklist to Insure You Money is Spent Wisely

o By the end of this training session, you’ll have an awesome offer in your pocket

and a shout-out ready to go and validated.

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Massive Session #2 – Mass Instagram Sales Formula Revealed

How to Scale Up with Instagram Like Nothing You’ve Ever Seen Before

How to Use the Underground Community to Massively Increase Your Profits

The Secret to 5-Figure Days on Instagram!

o By the end of this session, you’ll be a master at “The Art of Buying Shout-outs

You’ll get your hands on Inner-Circle Mobile Apps top Instagram shout-

out marketers use

You’ll learn to gauge shout-out costs, and make sure that you’re paying

the right fees

You’ll get access to the secret technique Roger is using to get cheap


Massive Session #3 – Workshop: “The Art of Conversion on Instagram”

How to Write Instagram Sales

How to Have Copy that Gets HUGE Amounts of Clicks and Sales

How to Set Up Your Instagram Page for Massive Success

Massive Session #4 – “Making Money with the Different Business Models”

How to Sell Lots of Products WITHOUT the Need of a Shopify Store

How to Set Up a Shopify for Success, If You Want to Do So!

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In addition to all of this, you’re going to gain underground access to proven Instagram accounts,

which you can buy ads on today! This cost Roger $5,000 to infiltrate. You are going to gain

access to some of the top accounts that he uses in his business. You’ll have Roger and Barry’s

complete rolodex, which contains 1,000-1,500 of the top pages, and you are going to be able to

search the ones that would work best for your niche with the search feature within the

program’s interface.

You’re going to become a member of the SECRET Underground Instagram Society. You’ll learn

exactly how to access millions of Instagram users through high-quality shout-outs! Plus, you’re

going to be given limited seat access to the Underground Mobile App that BIG Instagram Shout-

out Sellers Use. On top of all of this, you’re going to learn the secret technique that Barry and

Roger use to get cheap shout-outs.

On the house, you’ll also be given access to the most powerful Instagram search system EVER

CREATED. That means you’re going to get access to HYPR, which would normally cost you over

$3,000 a year. Instead of having to pay $299 a month, Roger and Barry are investing in you.

Remember, being able to find these pages is an extremely important piece of the puzzle that

allows this system to work for you. As an Instafy member, you’re going to receive access to

HYPR for $0 a month for an entire 12-month period. That’s $3,000 that they are willing to

invest in you!

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When you join today, you’ll also gain access to over $7,499 in restricted bonuses. These


Bonus #1 - Workshop (Optional): Secrets to EXTREMELY HIGH CONVERTING Shopify Store

Setups for Instagram

This is going to allow you to dive into Roger’s underground lab and discover how to further

increase your results combining Instagram with Shopify. Obviously, this is going to be

invaluable to those who really wish to expand their horizons.

Massive Bonus #2 – Free Plus Shipping Offers for Instagram + Shopify Secrets Revealed

With this bonus, you’re going to learn how to make a fortune on Instagram without having to

sell a single thing! Plus, you’ll find out what product you should be selling and what to avoid

like the plague. Finally, you’ll discover how to go about scaling this up like crazy!

By giving away stuff for free, you can make money on Instagram. It’s insane! This is a great

business model, and it’s one that works extremely well. Basically, you’re going to learn where

you can find products that you can buy for just $4 or $5, shipping included. You can get these

products drop shipped, and people are willing to pay $11.95 or $12.95 for shipping, so you can

make $5 or $6 every time someone gets a free product. That doesn’t seem like much, but if

you can do this 100 times a day with the traffic you get from these Instagram posts, you’ll be

making $400, $500, or even $600 a day. So, that’s huge!

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Massive Bonus #3 – Creating Stunning Images! What Gets People to Click

You’ll be unstoppable if you can combine the copy that Roger teaches you to create with the

stunning images you’re going to learn to make. Learn how Roger gets thousands of people to

click on his images when he has ZERO graphic experience or knowledge. Follow along and

instantly apply the training, and you will never need to learn another traffic source after this


Overall, you’re getting over $10,000 worth of value today. To reiterate, when you join Roger

and Barry’s Instafy program, you’ll receive:

Live Mastermind: The secrets the $15,000/day underground master taught Roger in

dead simple to apply training sessions (Real $5,000 value)

10x your results, hand holding bonus sessions ($2,447 value)

Access to HYPR search system (it’s harder to fail than succeed with this tool in your

hands! (Real $3,000 value)

Access to the underground community and mobile tool (limited access, unlimited


Total Value: $10,447+

Of course, you aren’t going to be investing $10,447 today. At some point, Roger and Barry

believe that they will be selling this for $2,000, and they feel it will be well worth it at that price

because this is game changing and life changing. However, for a limited time and for a limited

number of people, you can get access to this program for only $497. With this package, you’ll


The secrets the $15,000 underground master taught Roger (Real $5,000 value)

Mega mastermind sessions with Roger (very limited seats, no one left behind ($4,997


3x your results, hand holding bonus sessions ($2,447 value)

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Plus, you can take advantage of an exclusive bonus package today for just $697. With this

package, you get everything included in the base package, and on top of that, you’ll receive

Access to the underground community (unlimited value)

Access to the mobile app that the big Instagram marketers are using (unlimited value)

Access to the #1 Instagram search tool, HYPR, on the house for 12 months! ($299x12)

The seats for this program will be filling up fast, so you’ll need to join now to take advantage of

this exclusive offer. You can get started right away by visiting http://startInstafy.com. This

offer does come with an iron-clad 30-day money back guarantee. It’s not likely that you’ll ever

want to use it, but it’s good to know that you have it.

This offer also includes a massive scaling up bonus. This is done-for-you HYPR Shout-Out packs!

Another business model that Roger is going to be sharing with you is how to become an

Instagram consultant. In other words, you are going to learn how you can actually sell

campaigns to businesses and product owners who want to get the word out there. HYPR does

that. It usually costs tens of thousands of dollars to get a true campaign going by a big,

professional company. So, you can action charge $5,000, $7,000, or even $10,000 to go into a

brand, or an Amazon store, or another type of business and do their Instagram marketing.

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HYPR I going to will allow you to resell campaigns that you would sell for $5,000-$10,000, but

they will do all of the work for you for just $1,500. So, let’s say that you wanted to get into this

consulting business. Then, HYPR will partner up with you and give you massive, wholesale

pricing. They are going to contact all of the pages for you, do all of the dirty work, and all for

just $1,500. That may seem like a lot right now, but it’s really not if you’re offering your

services to big brands that generate tens of thousands of dollars a day.

Anyway, you’re going to be shown how to do this as well as you go through the training. This is

another really great bonus that you’re going to get too. As an additional bonus, you’re going to

receive access to proven Instagram accounts that you can buy ads on today! That’s not all

either. Roger and Barry really went crazy with their offer during the presentation.

If you are a member of their Giveacademy program, you’re going to receive an extra 6 months

of HYPR for free (real $1,794 value). Those who aren’t a member will also receive a bonus, and

that’s access to Shopify templates that cost these men over $7,000 to build! In fact, the store

that Roger is currently running, which is going to hit $100,000 this month, is using one of the

templates that you’re getting. It’s a special template that’s programmed for massive amounts

of sales using Shopify.

This particular bonus is only available to the first 50 people to sign up because they don’t want

everyone to have it; they want to keep it exclusive to a small group of members. The

conversion rates that Barry and Roger are getting are huge. When you join their program, you

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won’t have to buy a Shopify template. Instead, you’ll be able to use the one provided, which

has produced massive results for them.

At this point, you have all the information that you’ll need in order to sell more of just about

anything using this powerful selling system on Instagram. You can get started right now, and

start generating hundreds -- even thousands per day -- by leveraging this underground traffic

source. Remember, this is a massive opportunity. You may or may not have been around when

Google’s pay-per-click program opened up. Back then, you could get targeted traffic for

pennies on the dollar. That’s essentially what you can do with Instagram right now. There’s a

ton of traffic to be had through this platform, and it’s extremely cheap. This is super-powerful,

especially if you know where you want to drive that traffic to.

If you’re ready to get started, great! But please note, you must hurry…because this “Weekend

Special” offer will no longer be available after Sunday at midnight, Pacific time. Click here to

lock in your spot: http://startInstafy.com .

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