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Indian Pediatrics, the official journal of the IndianAcademy of Pediatrics, is a peer-reviewed journal with aprint subscription of about 24,000 per month. The journalis indexed in PubMed, Current Contents/ClinicalMedicine, Science Citation Index Expanded, Medline,Indian Science Abstracts, getCITED, POPLINE,CANCERLIT, TOXLINE, Psych Line and DERMLINE.The journal gives priority to reports of outstandingclinical work, as well as important contributions related tocommon and topical problems related to children andadolescents, especially those relevant to developingcountries. Indian Pediatrics is also available online atwww.indianpediatrics.net (free access) and atwww.springer.com/medicine/pediatrics/journal/13312(International edition).

Impact statistics and web presence: The Impact factor(2015) of Indian Pediatrics is 0.972, and the cited half life(a measure of long term reputation of the journal) andimmediacy index (a measure of immediate citation valueof the articles) are 7.5 and 0.611, respectively. The journalwebsite consistently receives more than 2.0 million hitsper month, often rated by search engines as the ‘MostPopular’ (worldwide) website in its category.

Manuscript submission: Indian Pediatrics utilizesonline manuscript management and processing system ofEditorial Manager for manuscripts. Please log directly into the site https://www.editorialmanager.com/inpe,register (first visit only) and upload your manuscript asper on-screen instructions. Submissions sent as e-mailattachments or as hard copies to the journal office will notbe entertained. All manuscript related queries should bethrough the website only.


All manuscripts should meet the following criteria: thematerial is original, study methods are appropriate, dataare sound, conclusions are reasonable and supported bythe data, and the information is important; the topic hasgeneral pediatric interest; and the article is written inreasonably good English. Knowledge, attitude, practice(KAP) studies are generally not preferred. The articleshould be submitted in the style of Indian Pediatrics (videinfra). Manuscripts conforming to ICMJE guidelines [1]will also be accepted and enter the review process;however, if accepted, the final version would need toconform to the journal’s style. Manuscripts not preparedas per the journal guidelines or ICMJE guidelines would

be sent back to authors without initiating the peer-reviewprocess. The current acceptance rate of submitted articlesis around 20% overall, and 5-10% for case reports. Allaccepted manuscripts are subject to editorialmodifications to suit the language and style of IndianPediatrics. Manuscripts once accepted will be edited toconform to the journal’s style and may be sent to authorfor approval. The journal reserves the right to analyze theinformation obtained from submitted manuscripts as partof editorial research to improve the peer-review process,and for teaching and training activities.

Unauthorized use: The copyright of all accepted andpublished manuscripts lies with Indian Pediatrics; thesecannot be reproduced elsewhere or distributed in anyform, in whole or part, without the written permissionfrom the Editor-in-Chief. Sharing of full-text articles isnot allowed on document-sharing platforms; e.g.,Research Gate. Web link to the full-text article, however,may be provided. Mass photocopying of publishedarticle, without permission, would also amount tocopyright violation. The name, logo, thumbnail, coverdesign or contents of Indian Pediatrics cannot be used topromote commercial goods, in any form, without priorpermission. Unauthorized use will attract penalty and/or/legal action. For permission to use copyrighted material,the editor-in-chief may be contacted at [email protected].

Review process: About half the submitted manuscriptsare rejected after an initial Editorial board review. Theusual reasons for rejection at this stage are insufficientoriginality, serious scientific flaws, major ethical issues,absence of a message, article not related to children oradolescents, not submitted in desired format, not ofinterest to majority of readers, or not in accordance withthe current priorities of the journal. Decision on suchpapers is communicated to authors within two weeks.Remaining articles are sent to reviewers having sufficientexperience on the subject, in a ‘masked fashion’.Manuscripts are reviewed with due respect for authors’confidentiality. Authors should take care not to disclosetheir and their institution’s identity in the text of the‘blinded manuscript.’ The peer reviewer identity is alsokept confidential. Period of submission to first decisionvaries from 2 weeks to 6 weeks depending on availabilityof reviewers, and timely response from them.

Duplicate submission and plagiarism: Manuscripts areconsidered with the understanding that they have not beenpublished previously in print or electronic format and are



not under consideration by another publication orelectronic medium. The authors should alert the editor ifthe work includes participants about which a previousreport has been published. A paper submitted to theIndian Pediatrics should not overlap by more than 10%with previously published work, or work submittedelsewhere. If in doubt, authors may submit copies ofearlier published work or material submitted elsewhere tothe editorial board to take the decision. If plagiarism orduplicate publication is detected, authors should expectprompt rejection/retraction, Editorial board’s action suchas barring the author from submitting articles in future,notification in the journal/website, and informing theauthors’ institute or other medical editors. A previouslyrejected article should not be resubmitted again under theoriginal or modified title, especially if the content remainssubstantially same. Authors should provide fullinformation regarding previous submission, if any.

Previous publication: Indian Pediatrics would notpublish material that has already appeared elsewhere; butcould consider papers that have been published asabstracts or have been partially presented at scientificmeetings.

Embargo policy: Authors need to maintainconfidentiality of contents of their manuscript, onceaccepted for publication. Information contained in orabout the accepted articles should not be released in print/electronic form to any individual/media/agency, till themanuscript is published in Indian Pediatrics.

Proofs and reprints: A galley proof is provided to thecorresponding author by e-mail, prior to publication.Corrections on the proof should be restricted to printingerrors or errors in figures or data only, and should besubmitted within 48 hours of receipt of the proofs. Theauthors should inform even if no corrections are needed.No addition, deletion, alteration in the sequence ofauthors or change of corresponding authorship ispermissible at this stage. Reprints may be ordered onpayment.


Articles can be submitted as Research Papers, ResearchBriefs, Research Letters, Review Articles, Perspective,Updates, Images, Clinical videos, Case Reports, Clinico-Pathological Conference, In a Lighter Vein, andCorrespondence.

Research Papers: The submission should report researchrelevant to clinical pediatrics including randomizedclinical trials, other intervention studies, studies ofscreening and diagnostic tests, analytical cohort and case-control studies, systematic reviews and cost-effectiveness

analyses. Descriptive studies, case records/series, pilotinterventional studies, and secondary analyses of data areusually not preferred for this section.

Each manuscript should be accompanied with an 8-point structured Abstract in not more than 250 words. Thetext should be arranged in sections on Introduction,Methods, Results and Discussion. Key messages shouldbe provided at the end of the manuscript in a box underheadings: ‘What is Already Known?’ and ‘What thisStudy Adds?.’ As far as possible, authors should restrict toa one line answer for each of these two queries. Number oftables and figures should be limited to a maximum of 4and 2, respectively. Extra tables and figures, subject toclearance by editorial review process, may be madeavailable only at the journal website. The typical textlength for such contributions is 1500-2000 words(excluding title page, abstract, tables, figures,acknowledgments, key messages and references).Number of references should be limited to 25.

Research Briefs: Brief accounts of descriptive,observational studies, epidemiological assessments, andsurveys are published as Research Briefs. Some of themanuscripts submitted as ‘Research Papers’ may also beconsidered for publication under this section at thediscretion of editors. A reasonably large series of casescan also be considered for this section. Abstract should belimited to 150 words, and structured using the followingheadings: Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.Provide 2-3 key words, selected from the MESH option ofPubMed. The text should contain no more than 1000words, 2 illustrations/tables and up to 15 recentreferences. The text should be arranged in order ofIntroduction, Methods, Results and Discussion. Alsoinclude a box entitled ‘What this Study Adds?’highlighting the main result of the study. The number ofauthors should be limited to five.

The distinction between Research Brief and ResearchPaper is purely the journal’s prerogative and does notreflect on the originality of the research submitted. Theprimary purpose of having a category of ‘Research Brief’at the time of submission is that these papers can bepresented in much fewer words and a slightly differentformat than Research Papers. However, this category willonly last till the manuscript is edited; after editing, allthese manuscripts will be given the heading of ResearchPapers.

Review Article: State-of-the-art review articles orsystematic, critical assessments of literature are alsopublished. The authors may consult the Editor-in-Chiefbefore submitting such articles, as similar reviews mayalready be in submission. Normally, a review article on a



subject already published in Indian Pediatrics in last 3years is not accepted. The typical length for reviewarticles is 2500-3000 words (excluding tables, figures,and references). Authors submitting review articlesshould include an abstract of around 200 wordsdescribing the need and purpose of review, methods usedfor locating, selecting, extracting and synthesizing data,and main conclusions. The number of references shouldbe limited to 50. The number of authors should usually belimited to four.

Drug Review: Indian Pediatrics publishes state of the artreviews on drugs/agents meant for therapeutic orprophylactic use in children. It is expected that the authorshave sufficient credible experience in the related field.The following guidelines should be adhered to whenpreparing a drug review:

• Drug/agent should be recently developed and shouldbe available commercially (in India) for use in humansubjects. Reviews related to agents under researchand development, are generally not accepted.

• Drug should preferably belong to a new class ofdrugs or having substantial difference in propertiesand not just an addition to the existing drugs havingmany similar properties/actions in that class/group ofcompounds.

• The drug should have the potential to be used on alarge scale for pediatric conditions. Drugs primarilycatering to other medical fields (e.g. adult medicine,dermatology or surgical specialities) are notpreferred.

• The drug and related review should have thepotential to influence practice, policy and researchrelated issues.

• The review should be a systematic, criticalassessment of the literature, and not just anelaboration of the information already provided bypharmaceutical companies.

Perspective: Articles should cover challenging andcontroversial topics of current interest in pediatric healthcare and the intersection between medicine and society.The related issues could be National, Regional (SouthEast Asia) or Global. For this section, we welcomesubmissions and proposals from researchers and opinion-makers, provided they have sufficient credible experienceand recognition on the subject for giving opinions. Someof the manuscripts submitted as ‘Review Articles’ mayalso be considered for publication under this section at thediscretion of editors. The following guidelines need to befollowed:

• The number of authors should be limited to

maximum of three.• The topic should be specific and related to child

health in general.• Word limit: 2000 words and may include one figure

and one table.• Unstructured abstract of up to 150 words.• The views should be supported by appropriate

evidence and references. Number of referencesshould be limited to a maximum of 25.

Update: Short write-ups on recent modifications/revisions of standard Guidelines, Classifications orRecommendations issued by Global organizations ontopics of interest to pediatricians are published in thissection. The word limit is 1000 words, author limit isthree, and a maximum of 2 tables and 10 references areallowed. It is preferable that the most relevant changesfrom the previous version are provided in a tabular form.The manuscript should preferably include an‘Introduction’ detailing the current status of the disease/guideline and the need for the revision, important changesin the new version, and the implications of the changes.

Clinical Practice Guidelines/Recommendations: Inorder to streamline the diagnosis, management andprevention of various childhood problems, IndianPediatrics periodically publishes guidelines andrecommendations formulated by various Chapters andTask Forces constituted by Indian Academy of Pediatrics(IAP) or a similar National/International association/society. The 8 desirable attributes of practice guidelinesare validity, reliability and reproducibility, clinicalapplicability, flexibility, clarity, documentation,development by a multidisciplinary process, and plans forreview. In order to maintain uniformity of reporting andimprove readability and applicability of these practiceguidelines, the following 10-point policy should befollowed:

1. The Guideline/Recommendation should have beenformalized through a consultative meeting/conference/workshop having a Nationalrepresentation approved by Indian Academy ofPediatrics (IAP) or a similar society. The Guidelinesemerging out of one such meeting should bepreferably presented in a single paper.

2. The date(s) and place of such meeting should beclearly mentioned in the Introduction. The names ofthe chairperson, convener and participants should belisted as ‘Annexure’ at the end of the draft.

3. All the authors of the guidelines should fulfil theauthorship criteria as per ICMJE. All other peoplewho have contributed to the development of



guidelines, including the members of the committeeframing the guidelines, should be listed in anAnnexure. The whole committee should not be theauthor of a guideline, unless all the members fulfil theICMJE authorship criteria; it is preferable to have awriting committee of not more than six members forthe purpose.

4. The final guidelines should be cleared by the relatedSociety/Chapter. A letter to this effect should beenclosed. The corresponding author must obtainpermission from all members of the committee/expert group to act in this capacity.

5. The manuscript should consist of an Abstract (250-300 words), Text (3000-4000 words), andReferences (limited to 50). The number of figuresand tables should be limited to maximum of 5 each.

6. Abstract should be structured as Justification,Process, Objectives, and Recommendations.

7. Text should be arranged in headings of Introduction,Aims and Objectives, and Recommendations.

a. Introduction: Justify the need of formulating theguidelines/recommendations in a brief paragraphfollowed by the process of arriving at theguidelines/recommendations. Describe themethods used to search the literature, and criteriaused to grade the quality of evidence.

b. Aims and Objectives: Should clearly state (indoable terms, using action verbs) the terms ofreference of the consultative meeting/conference/ workshop. List 2-3 main objectivesonly.

c. Text: The main text of the Guidelines/Recommendations should be mentioned underthe same terms of reference as per aims andobjectives outlined earlier. Preferably, providelevel of evidence for each majorrecommendation.

d. The Recommendations should not provide‘Review of literature’ or ‘What is alreadyknown’. Background material on the concernedsubject will not be published.

e. If guidelines are adapted from statement of someother society or from earlier recommendations,only changes need to be highlighted (preferablyin a tabular form) without repeating the detailedguidelines. However, if there is a pressing need torepeat the recommendations, it should be doneafter taking permission from the parent society/journal (as applicable) clearly mentioning and

citing the source.

8. State, whether or not there is a plan to review theseguidelines and an expiration date for this version ofthe guideline.

9. Any competing interest, including funding support,should be declared.

10. We encourage the authors to attach a COGS(Conference on Guidelines Standardization)checklist for reporting clinical practice guidelines(http://gem.med.yale.edu/cogs/statement.do).

Case Reports: Clinical cases highlighting some unusualor new but “clinically relevant” aspects of a condition arepublished as Case Reports. Case reports should highlightsome new or unusual aspect regarding etiopathogenesis,diagnosis or management of a condition that adds to theexisting body of knowledge. Rarity of the reportedcondition alone will not be a criterion for acceptance.Genetic syndromes not reporting novel mutationsexplaining pathophysiology and/or genotype-phenotypecorrelation will be sent back to authors without initiatingthe peer review process. Minor or clinically insignificantvariations of rare but well-known disorders are also notpreferred. The text should not exceed 1000 words andshould be arranged as introduction, case report anddiscussion. Include a brief structured abstract of 50 wordsusing the following headings: Background, Casecharacteristics, Intervention/Outcome, and Message.Only one very relevant figure is allowed. Include up to 10most recent references. Only color photographs should besubmitted; black-and-white images will not beentertained. Color images will be published only in theweb-version of the journal; for print version, these will beconverted to black and white (For details, see below underFigures and Illustrations). A maximum of three authorsare permitted from a single department. Case reportsinvolving more than one department can have oneadditional author from each department (not fromsubspecialties within the same department). The patient’swritten consent (or that of the next of kin) to publicationmust be obtained, and the same must be affirmed/stated onthe Title page.

Clinico-pathological Conference (CPC): The clinico-pathological conference, a method of case-basedteaching, is frequently used in institutions and primarilyconsists of a logical, narrowing of the differentialdiagnosis in a patient. The journal publishes CPCs,provided they fulfil the following criteria:

• At least three different departments are involvedin the CPC, with each providing significantcontribution to the discussion.



• The case represents a problem likely to be seen in theroutine pediatric settings in India. They patient maylater-on be diagnosed with a rare condition, but theinitial presentation should be mimicking a commoncondition.

• An unstructured abstract of up to 100 words, and 3-5keywords should be provided.

• The write-up should be given following headings: (i)Clinical Protocol; (ii) Pathology Protocol; (iii) OpenForum; (iii) Discussion; and (iv) References.

• The discussants’ names should not be provided in themanuscript and should be the referred to asPediatrician 1, Pediatrician 2,…..; Pediatric surgeon1, Pediatric surgeon 2,…; Neurologist 1, neurologist2,.. and so on.

• The typical word count for this section is 2500-3000words with upto 15 references. Up to three personsfrom the primary department and one person fromeach of the associated department may be included asthe author of the manuscript.

• Up to two tables and two figures are permitted in thissection.

• Each and every line of discussion held in CPC neednot be presented. Questions and answer dealing withthe same aspect should be clubbed together.

Research Letters: Under this heading, shortcorrespondence pertaining to research would be included.Research Letters reporting original research should notexceed 500 words of text and 10 references. They mayhave no more than five authors; other persons who havecontributed to the study may be indicated inacknowledgment section, with their permission.Unstructured abstract of up to 50 words reporting the keyfindings should also be included. Letters must notduplicate other material published, submitted or plannedto be submitted for publication. Although unstructured,the text should follow the general sequence ofintroduction, methods, results and discussion, and allother guidelines in ‘Preparing the Manuscript’.

Correspondence: Letters commenting upon recentarticles in Indian Pediatrics are welcome. Such lettersshould be received within 3 months of the article’spublication. Letters commenting on ‘Case Reports’ and‘Correspondence’, are generally not preferred. At theEditorial board’s discretion, the letter may be sent to theauthors for reply and the letter alone or letter and replytogether may be published after appropriate review.Letters may also relate to other topic of interest topediatricians, or useful clinical observations. Letters

should not have more than 400 words, and 5 most recentreferences. The text need not be divided into sections. Thenumber of authors should not exceed two, including theauthors’ reply in response to a letter commenting upon anarticle published in Indian Pediatrics. In the latter case,inclusion of only one of the authors (of the article inquestion) is permissible along with the correspondingauthor. Names of additional persons who have helped indrafting the letter can be mentioned in theacknowledgment section.

Images: Only clinical photographs with/withoutaccompanying skiagrams or pathological images areconsidered for publication. Image should clearly identifythe condition and have the classical characteristics of theclinical condition. Clinical photograph of conditions thatare very common, extremely rare, where diagnosis isobvious (e.g., penile agenesis), or where diagnosis is notpossible on images alone would not be considered. Ashort text of about 150 words should be provided in twoparagraphs; first paragraph having description ofcondition, and second paragraph discussing differentialdiagnosis and management. No references are needed.Figures should be submitted separately from the text file.The electronically submitted images should be of highresolution (>300 dpi). The following file types areacceptable: .cdr, .tiff, and .jpeg. A maximum of twoauthors are permitted. Images of cases involving morethan one department can have a maximum of threeauthors. The authors should ensure that images of similarnature have not been published earlier in IndianPediatrics. Authors must obtain signed informed consentfrom the parent/legal guardian, and the same must bestated on the Title page. The editorial board may ask forsuch a consent form at any time during the manuscriptreview process. Manuscript having poor quality orinappropriate resolution images may be returned to authorfor improvement at any stage of manuscript handling.

Clinical Videos: Under this section, Indian Pediatricspublishes videos depicting an intricate technique or aninteresting clinical manifestation, which are difficult todescribe clearly in text or by figures. A video filesubmitted for consideration for publication should be ofhigh resolution and should be edited by the author in finalpublishable format. MPEG or MP4 formats areacceptable. The maximum size of file should be 20 MB,and it should be submitted as a supplementary file with themain manuscript. The file should not have been publishedelsewhere, and will be a copyright of Indian Pediatrics, ifpublished. In case the video shows a patient, he/sheshould not be identifiable. In case the identification isunavoidable, or even otherwise, each video must beaccompanied by written permission of parent/guardian, as



applicable. This signed consent form must be attached asa supplementary file at the time of manuscript submission.

A write-up of up to 250 words discussing thecondition and its differential diagnoses must accompanythe video. A still image/thumbnail from the video shouldbe submitted as a figure (.jpeg, .tiff or .cdr format) for usein print version and pdf of the finally published version.The main text file should also be accompanied with alegend for video. A maximum of three authors, including amaximum of two from primary department are permittedfor this section. No references are needed.


For reporting research, the authors are expected to complywith the “Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting,Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in MedicalJournals (ICMJE Recommendations) prepared by theInternational Committee of Medical Journal Editors(ICMJE) (www.icmje.org) [1]. Additionally, authors needto adhere to the standard recommended reportingguidelines depending on the study design of the submittedarticle (Table I). Detailed guidelines and word templatesfor the guidelines are also available at the website ofEnhancing the Quality and Transparency of healthResearch network (www.equator-network.org).

Manuscripts not fulfilling the technical requirementsshall be returned to the authors without initiating the peer-review process. A summary of technical requirements forpreparing the manuscript is provided below:

• The manuscript is to be submitted electronically at


• Use American (US) English throughout.

• Double-space throughout, including title page,abstract, main text, key messages, references, figurelegends and tables. Start each of these sections (insame order) on a new page, numbered consecutivelyin the upper right hand corner.

• Use 12-point font size (Times New Roman or Arial orGaramond) and leave margins of 2.5 cm (1 inch) onall sides. The whole manuscript should be formattedin ‘portrait’ layout.

• Units of measure: Conventional units are preferred.The metric system is preferred for the expression oflength, area, mass and volume.

• Use non-proprietary names of drugs, devices andother products. Proprietary names, if given, shouldnot have a superscript © or TM or R; just capitalizethe first word.

• There should not be any discrepancy in names andsequence of authors, and the corresponding authordetails, as submitted in the title page and as uploadedin the online manuscript management system.

• Abstract (wherever applicable) must be included inthe main ‘blinded manuscript,’ apart from beinguploaded in the relevant box at the manuscriptsubmission website.

All submitted manuscripts should be accompanied by asigned statement by all authors regarding authorship


Study Design Guideline/Statement Source

Randomized CONsolidated Standards Of http://www.consort-statement.org/controlled trial Reporting Trials (CONSORT)

StatementDiagnostic STAndards for Reporting of http://www.equator-network.org/accuracy studies Diagnostic accuracy (STARD) index.aspx?o=1050Observational studies STrengthening the Reporting of http://www.strobe-statement.org/

OBservational studies in index.php?id=available checklistsEpidemiology (STROBE)

Systematic reviews/ Preferred Reporting Items for http://www.prisma-statement.orgMeta-analyses of RCT Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses

(PRISMA)Meta-analyses of Meta-analysis Of Observational http://www.equator-network.org/observational studies Studies in Epidemiology (MOOSE) index.aspx?o=1052

Qualitative Studies Standards for Reporting http://www.equator-network.org/Qualitative Research (SRQR) reporting-guidelines/srqr



criteria, responsibility, financial disclosure andacknowledgement, as per a standard format (SeeAnnexure I: see website). The signatures should be in thesequence of authorship of the manuscript. The statementwith original signatures is to be uploaded as a scannedfile. Scanned signatures pasted on the copyright transferform are not acceptable; authors may sign and uploadseparate forms if all authors are unable to sign on oneform.

Title Page: At the beginning mention the category (i.e.Research Paper, Research Brief, etc.) for which the articleis being submitted. The page should contain (i) the title ofthe article: which should be concise but informative; thetype of study may be added in title after a colon; (ii) ashort running title of not more than 40 characters; (iii) firstname and surname (both are essential) of each author withthe highest academic degree(s) and designation at the timewhen the work was done; initials will not be accepted forsurnames. For example; ‘Vidya K’: here, ‘K’ will beconsidered as the Initial and ‘Vidya’ will be indexed asLast name; (iv) details of the contribution of each author;(v) name of department(s) and institution(s) to which thework should be attributed (This should mention theinstitution of affiliation at the time of conduct of the study,not your current affiliation); (vi) disclaimers, if any; (vii)name, address and e-mail of the corresponding author,(viii) source(s) of support in the form of grants,equipment, drugs or all of these; (ix) declaration oncompeting interests; and (x) word count (not includingabstract, tables, figures, acknowledgments, key messagesand references).

Authorship Criteria: All persons designated as authorsshould qualify for authorship. The journal endorses theICMJE requirements for authorship [1]. The ICMJErecommends that authorship be based on the followingfour criteria: (i) Substantial contributions to theconception or design of the work; or the acquisition,analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND (ii)Drafting the work or revising it critically for importantintellectual content; AND (iii) Final approval of theversion to be published; AND (iv) Agreement to beaccountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring thatquestions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part ofthe work are appropriately investigated and resolved.Conditions (i), (ii) (iii) and (iv) must all be met, for allauthors, individually. Participation solely in theacquisition of funding or the collection of data does notjustify authorship. All such people who contributed to thework but do not satisfy all the conditions should be namedin the acknowledgments. Authors are responsible forobtaining written permissions from everyoneacknowledged by name. Corresponding author should

take responsibility for obtaining permission fromappropriate authority, if any material (including tables,figures or text) is used in the article from anotherpublication. Copyright violations and plagiarism will beviewed seriously; and all authors will be equallyresponsible for such acts. Authors should provide adescription of what each author contributed on the titlepage as contributors. Statements like “all authors wereinvolved in all aspects of manuscript preparation andsubmission” would not be accepted, and manuscripts maybe returned to authors for correction even at the technical-check phase. Indian Pediatrics reserves the right to satisfyitself regarding the specific role of each listed author tojustify authorship. All authors must sign the consent topublication (Annexure I: see website). The name of thedesignated author who should be approached for access toraw data should also be stated in the contributors’ details,along with e-mail (if different from the correspondingauthor).

Group Authorship: If only the name of the group isprovided, all members of the group (e.g., PediatricNephrology Subchapter of IAP) must meet the criteria ofauthorship as described above. In case name of fewauthors is followed by name of the group linked by ‘and’;all members of the group must meet the criteria ofauthorship as described above. In case name of fewauthors is followed by name of the group linked by ‘for’;only the named authors need to meet the criteria ofauthorship as described above. The names of all membersof the group should be listed as an Annexure at the end ofthe manuscript.

Acknowledgments: List all contributors who do not meetthe criteria for authorship, such as a person who providedpurely technical help, writing assistance, or a departmenthead who provided only general support. Financial andmaterial support should also be acknowledged. Groups ofpersons who have contributed materially to the paper butwhose contributions do not justify authorship may belisted under a heading such as “clinical investigators” or“participating investigators,” and their function orcontribution should be described – for example, “servedas scientific advisors,” “critically reviewed the studyproposal,” “collected data,” or “provided and cared forstudy patients.” A written consent is required from all thepersons acknowledged, indicating their acceptance for thesame. Statements like “we thank all patients and theirfamilies” or “we acknowledge the help of all researchstaff” or “we thank the reviewers” are discouraged.

Competing Interests: Competing interest for a manuscriptexists when the author has ties to activities that couldinappropriately influence his or her judgment, whether or



not judgment is in fact affected. Financial relationshipswith industry – for example, through employment,consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, grant, experttestimony, either directly or through immediate family, areusually considered to be the most important competinginterests. However, conflicts can occur for other reasons,such as personal relationships, academic competition andintellectual passion. If any of the authors have acceptedreimbursement for attending symposium, a fee forspeaking, fee for organizing educational activities, fundsfor research, funds for a member of the staff orconsultation fees from an organization that may in anyway gain or lose financially from the contents of themanuscript, a competing interest would be deemed toexist. If any of the authors had been employed by anorganization that may in any way gain or lose financiallyfrom the publication, or if any of them hold stocks orshares in such an organization, competing interest wouldbe deemed to exist. If competing interest exists, theauthor(s) must disclose them while submitting themanuscript.

Funding: Authors are required to report all financial andmaterial support for the research work, including grantnumber and funding agency.

Abstract and Keywords: A structured abstract is to besent in case of Research Paper (250 words), Review (200words), Research Brief (150 words), and Case Report (50words). Unstructured abstract is required for Perspective(150 words), Clinico-pathological Conference (100words), and Research letter (50 words). For brevity, partsof the abstract may be written as phrases rather thancomplete sentences [2]. No abbreviations should be usedin the abstract, unless very essential.

Abstract for Research Paper: Objective: State the preciseobjective or study question addressed in the paper. If morethan one objective is addressed, the main objective shouldbe indicated and only key secondary objectives stated.Design: Describe the basic design of the study (e.g.randomized controlled trial, case-control study, systematicreview, cross-sectional etc.). Setting: Describe the studysetting to assist readers to determine the applicability ofthe report to other circumstances, for example, generalcommunity, a primary care or referral center, private orinstitutional practice, or ambulatory or hospitalized care.State the years of the study and the duration of follow-up.Participants/patients: State the numbers of participants,eligibility criteria, and the selection process. For selectionprocedures, these terms should be used, if appropriate:random sample (where random refers to a formal,randomized selection in which all eligible individuals havea fixed and usually equal chance of selection); population-

based sample; referred sample; consecutive sample;volunteer sample; or convenience sample. Include thenumber of otherwise eligible individuals who wereapproached but refused. If matching is used forcomparison groups, characteristics that are matchedshould be specified. Provide key sociodemographicfeatures of participants. In follow-up studies, indicate theproportion of participants who completed the study. Forintervention studies, mention the number of patientswithdrawn because of adverse effects. Intervention: Theessential features of any interventions should be described,including their method and duration of administration. Theintervention should be named by its most common clinicalname, and nonproprietary drug names should be used.Include any co-intervention. In non-interventional studies,this heading should be ‘Procedure.’ Main OutcomeMeasure(s): Indicate the primary study outcomemeasurement(s) as planned before data collection began.If the manuscript does not report the main plannedoutcomes of a study, this fact should be stated and thereason indicated. State clearly if the hypothesis beingtested was formulated during or after data collection.Explain outcomes or measurements unfamiliar to a generalmedical readership. Results: The main outcomes of thestudy should be reported and quantified, and must includemeasures of absolute risks (such as increase/decrease orabsolute differences between groups), along with 95%confidence intervals or P values. Measures of relative riskalso may be reported (eg, relative risk, hazard ratios) andshould include confidence intervals. Studies of screeningand diagnostic tests should report sensitivity, specificity,and likelihood ratio. All randomized controlled trialsshould include the results of intention-to-treat analysis,and all surveys should include response rates.Conclusions: Provide only conclusions of the studydirectly supported by the results, along with implicationsfor clinical practice. Avoid speculation andovergeneralization of the results. Emphasize equally theimportant positive and negative findings.

Four to five key words to facilitate indexing should beprovided in alphabetical order below the abstract. Termsfrom the Medical Subject Headings (MESH) list of IndexMedicus should preferably be used. Do not repeat wordsalready included in the title.

Abstract for Research Brief: The abstract should bestructured (Objective, Methods, Results andConclusions) within 150 words.

Abstract for Reviews: An abstract of around 200 wordswith the following sections: Context (describing theclinical question or issue and its importance in clinicalpractice or public heath), Evidence acquisition



(describing the data sources used, including the searchstrategies, years searched, and other sources), Results(major findings of the review with the greatest emphasislaid on the findings based on highest quality evidence),and Conclusions (emphasize how clinicians should applycurrent knowledge).


Introduction: The introduction must clearly justify andstate the question that the author(s) tried to answer in thestudy [2]. It may be necessary to briefly review therelevant literature. Cite only those references that areessential to justify the proposed study.

Methods: The methods section should describe, in logicalsequence, how the study was designed (e.g. howrandomization was done), carried out (e.g. how subjectswere chosen or excluded, ethical considerations, accurate

details of materials used, exact drug dosage and form oftreatment) and data were analyzed (e.g. an estimate of thepower of the study, exact test used for statistical analysis)[3]. For standard methods, appropriate references aresufficient, but if standard methods are modified theseshould be clearly brought out. Authors should providecomplete details of any new methods or apparatus used.Commercial names of the drugs/equipment may be usedonce at first mention, with the initial letter capitalized andmanufacturer’s name and address in parentheses.Subsequently the scientific/non-propriety name is to beused throughout. © or TM in superscript after thepropriety name is not required.

Clinical trial: Manuscripts reporting the results of arandomized controlled trial (RCT) should include theCONSORT flow diagram showing the progress ofpatients throughout the trial (Fig.1). The CONSORT

FIG. 1 Consort flow diagram. (Reproduced from: http://www.consort-statement.org/consort-statement/flow-diagram/)



checklist should also be completed and submitted with themanuscript.

Trial registration: We strongly recommend that all authorsregister their clinical trials involving human subjects in theClinical Trials Registry of India at www.ctri.in, hosted bythe Indian Council of Medical Research. Preference willbe accorded to registered clinical trials. Registration infollowing trial registries is also acceptable: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov; http://isrctn.org; http://www.who.int/ictrp/en/; http://www.trialregister.nl/trialreg/index.asp; and http://www.umin.ac.jp/ctr.

Ethics: All studies involving human subjects must addressethical issues. When reporting experiments on humansubjects, indicate whether the procedures followed were inaccordance with the ethical standards of the responsiblecommittee on human experimentation (institutional orregional) and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1964, asrevised in 2013. All such studies should have obtainedethical clearance in writing from a formally constitutedInstitutional Ethics Committee, and the same should bestated in the manuscript. Indian Pediatrics reserves theright to demand a copy of the relevant document,whenever necessary. The ICMR Guidelines on Researchon Human subjects (http://icmr.nic.in/ethical_guidelines.pdf) is a helpful guide. Even when a study hasbeen approved by a Research ethics committee, reviewers/editors may be concerned about the ethics of the work.Editors may then ask authors for more detailedinformation and ask them about the ethical and moraljustification of the work. Editors may also ask authors toprovide the contact details of the research ethicscommittee that reviewed the work, so that the journal canrequest further information and justification from thatcommittee. Editors may consult other editorial colleagues,the Committee on publication ethics (COPE), or morecommonly the Ethical advisors of Indian Pediatrics, toevaluate the ethical aspects of any article, and reserve theright to reject a manuscript on ethical grounds, even if theresearch was cleared by the institutional ethics committee.Besides rejecting the manuscript, the journal reserves theright of explaining such concerns to the head of theauthors’ institution or the medical council in order toprevent unethical practices and to protect patients.Informed consent must be obtained in writing from allhuman participants of any study. Indian Pediatricsreserves the right of seeking from the authors the details ofthe information given to participnts about the deviationsfrom the normal, the risks involved, and the potentialbenefits to the society. Authors should not use patients’names, initials, or hospital numbers, especially inillustrative material. Written consent must be obtained

from parents or legal guardians for publication (in print orelectronic form) of clinical details or/and clinicalphotographs in all ‘Case Reports’, ‘Images’ ‘Clinicalvideos’ and qualitative research reports (Annexure II:Consent form: see website). The identity of the patient inclinical photographs should be masked by suitablemethods. Assent should be obtained for all children withchronological age above six years participating in clinicalstudies.

Statistics: Describe statistical methods with enough detailto enable a knowledgeable reader with access to theoriginal data to verify the reported results [4]. Whenpossible, quantify findings and present them withappropriate indicators of measurement error or uncertainty(such as confidence intervals). Provide actual P values,rather than stating as just <0.05 or >0.05. References forstatistical methods should be to standard works whenpossible (with pages stated) rather than to papers in whichthe methods were originally reported. Specify any generaluse computer programs used. Define statistical terms,abbreviations, and most symbols. The relevant guidelinesmay be consulted for appropriate reporting.

Results: This section should include only relevant,representative data and not all information collectedduring the study. Major findings should be presentedclearly and concisely [5]. It may also be useful to mentionwhat the study did not find. Write units along with data atall places in the manuscript. Journal uses the format “mean(SD), median (IQR)” rather than “mean ± SD, median ±IQR” for reporting summary measures. Text, tables, andillustrations should be used judiciously. Avoid repeating inthe text the data depicted in the tables or illustrations;emphasize or summarize only important observations.Restrict tables and figures to those needed to explain theargument of the paper. Cite the tables sequentially in thetext, and provide each table on a new page after thereference section. Do not insert figures or tables in themain text of the manuscript.

Discussion: Ordinarily it should not be more than one-fourth of the total length of the manuscript. Do not attempta detailed review of literature [6]. This section shouldinclude (un-headed paragraphs in the order specified): (i)a summary of the major findings, (ii) limitations of thestudy, (iii) their relationship to other similar studies, and(iv) generalizability of the findings, and implications forpractice/policy/research. Conclusions should be linked tothe goals of the study. Avoid unqualified statements andconclusions not completely supported by the data. Authorsshould also refrain from making statements on economicbenefits and costs unless their manuscript includeseconomic data and analyses.



References: Authors need to be accurate in citing andquoting references [7]. References should be numberedconsecutively in the order in which they are firstmentioned in the text. Identify references in text, tables,and legends by Arabic numerals in square brackets.References cited only in tables or in legends to figuresshould be numbered in accordance with the sequenceestablished by the first identification in the text of theparticular table or figure. Use the style of the examplesbelow. The titles of journals should be abbreviatedaccording to the style used in PubMed. Do not useunpublished observations and personal communicationsas references. References to papers accepted but not yetpublished should be designated as “in press”; authorsshould obtain written permission to cite such papers aswell as verification that they have been accepted forpublication. The references must be verified by the authoragainst the original documents. The UniformRequirements style (the Vancouver style) is based largelyon an American National Standards Institute (ANSI)standard style adapted by the NLM for its databases.Please take care that citations are not directly copied andpasted from websites; remove the hyperlinks from thesame. If the web version of a journal has been consultedinstead of the print version, the same should be listed in thelist of references. Do not include any reference publishedin predatory journals [8].

Article in journals: List all authors when six or less. Whenseven or more, list only first six and add et al.

Gupta P, Dewan P, Shah D, Sharma N, Bedi N, Kaur IR, etal. Vitamin D supplementation for treatment andprevention of pneumonia in under-five children: Arandomized double-blind placebo controlled trial. IndianPediatr. 2016;53:967-76.

Personal author (book):

Gupta P. Essential Pediatric Nursing, 2nd ed. New Delhi:AP Jain & Co.; 2010.

Chapter in a book:

Khilnani P, Singhal N. Respiratory failure. In: ChoudhuryP, Bagga A, Chugh K, Ramji S, Gupta P, editors.Principles of Pediatric & Neonatal Emergencies. 3rd ed.New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers; 2011.p.74-83.

Conference proceedings:

Kimura J, Shibasaki H, editors. Recent advances inclinical neurophysiology. Proceedings of the 10thInternational Congress of EMG and ClinicalNeurophysiology; 1995 Oct 15-19; Kyoto, Japan.Amsterdam:Elsevier;1996.

Conference paper:

Mukherjee DK, Chowdhury BH, Das MM. Intrauterinegrowth of low birth weight babies and its relation tovarious placental and maternal factors - A multifacetedstudy. In: Choudhury P, Sachdev HPS, Puri RK, VermaIC, editors. 8th Asian Congress of Pediatrics; 1994 Feb6-11; New Delhi, India. New Delhi:Jaypee Brothers;1994.p.36.

Newspaper article:

City sees no respite from swine flu, 8 new cases reported.Hindustan Times 2015 Mar 08;New Delhi:p. 8 (col 4).

Dictionary and similar references:

Stedman’s Medical Dictionary. 26th ed. Baltimore:Williams & Wilkins; 1995. Apraxia; p.119-20.

Material published early on website but not yet publishedin print:

Goswami E, Batra P, Khurana R, Dewan P. Comparison oftemporal artery thermometry with axillary and rectalthermometry in full term neonates. Indian J Pediatr. 2016Dec 16. [Epub ahead of print]

Material from the Internet: Website addresses must be initalics, and not underlined; give the date of accessing thewebsite. Remove all hyperlinks.

Equator Network. CONSORT 2010 Statement: UpdatedGuidelines for Reporting Parallel Group RandomisedTrials. Available from: http://www.equator-network.org/reporting-guidelines/consort/. Accessed December 18,2016.

Electronic material:

Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) Training Aids[on CD-ROM]. National Neonatology Forum, NewDelhi, 2006.Hemodynamics III: the ups and downs ofhemodynamics [computer program]. Version 2.2.Orlando (FL): Computerized EducationalSystems;1993.

Tables: Type each table with double-spacing on aseparate sheet of paper. Do not submit tables asphotographs. Number tables consecutively (Romannumerals) in the order of their first citation in the text,and supply a brief but self-explanatory title for each.Tables with only two columns or those with more them 5columns should be avoided. Also avoid tables with morethan 20 Rows as these are likely to cross-over to the nextpage during printing. Detailed tables that cannot beadjusted in a single journal page will be incorporated asweb-tables, at editorial discretion. Give each column ashort or abbreviated heading in italic font style. Place



explanatory matter in footnotes, not in the heading.Explain in footnotes all abbreviations that are used ineach table. For footnotes use the following symbols, inthis sequence: *, #, $, ‡, ^, **, ##, $$, ‡‡, ^^, and so on.Identify statistical measures of variations such asstandard deviation and standard error of the mean (Donot use ± sign). Be sure that each table is cited in the text.If data are used from another published or unpublishedsource, obtain permission and acknowledge them fully.The source of the table should be in the footnote in full,and not by reference number alone. Obtaining thepermission from the original copyright holder forreproducing already published material is theresponsibility of the author, and any relevant queries willbe directed to the corresponding author.Figures and Illustrations: Figures should be sent asseparate files. Color photographs will be published onlyin the web-version of the journal. For print version, thesewill be converted to black and white except for imagessection. It is preferable to have the photograph in portraitform rather than in landscape form to fit easily into onecolumn. Letters, numbers, and symbols in photographsshould be clearly legible. The electronically submittedimages should be of high resolution (>300 dpi). Thefollowing file types are acceptable: CDR, TIFF, EPS, andJPEG. Figures should be submitted separately from thetext file. If photographs of individual/people are used,either they must not be identifiable or their pictures mustbe accompanied by written permission to use thephotograph. It is advisable to cover the eyes unlessspecifically need to be shown. If a figure has beenpublished, acknowledge the original source and submitwritten permission from the copyright holder to reproducethe material. Figures should be numbered consecutivelyaccording to the order in which they have been first citedin the text.Videos/Media clips: Indian Pediatrics may publishvideos depicting an intricate technique or an interestingclinical manifestation, which are difficult to describeclearly in text or by figures. The video will be publishedon the website as part of an article or separately, ifsubmitted under section ‘Clinical Video’ A video filesubmitted for consideration for publication should be ofhigh resolution and should be edited by the author in finalpublishable format. MPEG or MP4 formats areacceptable. The maximum size of file should be 20 MB.The file should not have been published elsewhere, andwill be a copyright of Indian Pediatrics, if published. Nolegend is required if video is a part of the article. Forsection ‘clinical video’, it should be accompanied with asuitable legend and a still image out of the video. All

videos should be submitted as ‘supplementary files’ withthe main manuscript.

Legends for Illustrations: Type or print out legends forillustrations using double-spacing, starting on a separatepage, with Arabic numerals corresponding to theillustrations. When symbols, arrows, numbers, or lettersare used to identify parts of the illustrations, identify andexplain each one clearly in the legend. Explain the internalscale and identify the method of staining inphotomicrographs.

Units of Measurement: Measurements of length, height,weight, and volume should be reported in metric units, i.e.meter (m), gram (g), or liter (L) or their decimal multiples.Milliliter or deciliter should be expressed as mL or dL andnot ml or dl. Red and White blood cell counts are to beexpressed as × 106/L and × 103/L respectively.Temperatures should be given in degrees Celsius. Bloodpressures should be given in millimeters of mercury(mmHg). All hematological and clinical chemistrymeasurements should be reported in terms of theInternational System of Units (SI) (Annexure III: seewebsite).

Abbreviations and Symbols: Use only standardabbreviations. Avoid abbreviations in the title andabstract, unless pertinent. The expanded form of theabbreviation should precede its first use in the text, unlessit is a standard unit of measurement. Year, month, day,hour, minute and second should be abbreviated as y, mo,d, h, min, and s, respectively in tables and figures.


1. International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing,and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals(Updated December 2016). Available from: http://www.icmje.org/icmje-recommendations.pdf. AccessedDecember 18, 2016.

2. Dewan P, Gupta P. Writing the title, abstract and intro-duction: looks matter! Indian Pediatr. 2016;53:235-41.

3. Arora SK, Shah D. Writing Methods: how to write whatyou did? Indian Pediatr. 2016;53:335-40.

4. Khan AM, Ramji S. Reporting statistics in biomedicalresearch literature: the numbers say it all. Indian Pediatr.2016;53:811-4.

5. Mukherjee A, Lodha R. Writing the results. IndianPediatr. 2016;53:409-15.

6. Bagga A. Discussion: the heart of the paper. IndianPediatr. 2016;53:901-4.

7. Mohta A, Mohta M. Accurate references add to thecredibility. Indian Pediatr. 2016;53:1003-6.

8. Dewan P, Shah D. A writers dilemma: where to publishand where not to? Indian Pediatr. 2016;53:141-5.




Disclosure and Copyright Transfer Form

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I/We certify that the manuscript represents valid work and that neither this manuscript nor one with substantially similarcontent under my/our authorship has been published or is being considered for publication elsewhere. For papers withmore than one author, we agree to allow the corresponding author to serve as the primary correspondent with the editorialoffice, to review the edited typescript and proof.

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Authors’ name(s) in order of appearance in the manuscript Signatures (date)











Consent Form

Consent of Parents/Guardian for publication of material related to clinical images/videos In Indian Pediatrics

Description of material (photograph or video): 1._____________2.______________3.________________

Name of author submitting the Material:

Manuscript number (if known):

I give my consent for all or any part of the material referred to above to appear in the journal Indian Pediatrics in printand/or electronic form. I understand that the material may depict my child’s medical conditions.

I understand that:

My/ my child’s name will not be published with the Material by Indian Pediatrics. However, I understand that it may bepossible for someone to recognize me from the photographs/videos or accompanying write-up.

The use of the Material relating to me may include, without limitation, publication in the printed and electronic editions,on websites, in sub-licensed or reprinted editions, and for other academic purposes.

I grant and release to Indian Pediatrics all rights, title, and interest that I may have in the Material. I understand that I willnot receive, and am giving up any claim to receive, any payment or royalties in connection with the use of the material.The Material may be edited, modified, and retouched for academic purposes.


Parent/Guardian Name: _________________________ Signed:_________________Date:___________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________


If you are not the parent, what is your relationship with the patient

Witness Name: ________________________________Signed:_________________ Date: __________________



Parameter Conventional SI UnitUnit

Acid phosphatase units/L U/LAlanine aminotransferase (ALT) units/L U/LAlbumin g/dL g/LAlkaline phosphatase units/L U/LAmmonia (as NH3) µg/dL µmol/LAmylase units/L U/LAspartate aminotransferase (AST) units/L U/LBicarbonate mEq/L mmol/LBilirubin mg/dL µmol/LPaCO2 mm Hg mm HgpH pH units pH unitsPaO2 mm Hg mm HgCalcium mg/dL , mEq/L mmol/LCarbon dioxide mEq/L mmoI/LCeruloplasmin mg/dL mg/LChloride mEq/L mmol/LCholesterol mg/dL mmol/LCorticotropin (ACTH) pg/mL pmol/LCortisol µg/dL nmol/LCreatine mg/dL µmol/LCreatine kinase (CK) units/L U/LCreatinine mg/dL µmol/LCreatinine clearance mL/min mL/sErythrocyte sedimentation rate mm/h mm/hEstradiol pg/mL pmol/LEstriol ng/mL nmol/LEstrone ng/dL pmoI/LFerritin ng/mL pmol/Lα-fetoprotein ng/mL µg/LFollicle-stimulating hormone mIU/mL IU/LGlucose mg/dL mmol/LHematocrit % proportion of 1.0Hemoglobin (whole blood) g/dL g/LInsulin µIU/mL pmol/LIron, total µg/dL µmol/LLead µg/dL µmol/LLipids (total) mg/dL g/LLipoprotein (a) mg/dL µmol/LMagnesium mg/dL mEq/L mmol/LNitrogen, nonprotein mg/dL mmol/LOsmolality mOsm/kg mmoI/kgParathyroid hormone pg/mL ng/LPhenobarbital mg/L µmol/LPhenytoin µg/mL µmoI/LPhosphorus mg/dL mmol/L

Units of Measurements




Platelets (thrombocytes) ×103/µL ×109/LPotassium mEq/L mmoI/LProgesterone ng/mL nmol/LProlactin µg/L pmolProtein, total g/dL g/LProthrombin time (PT) s sProtoporphyrin, erythrocyte µg/dL µmol/LRed blood cell count ×106/µL ×1012/LReticulocyte count % of RBCs Proportion of 1.0Sodium mEq/L mmol/LTestosterone ng/dL nmol/LThyroglobulin ng/mL µg/LTSH mIU/L mIU/LThyroxine, free (T4) ng/dL pmol/LThyroxine, total (T4) µg/dL nmol/LTransferrin mg/dL g/LTriglycerides mg/dL mmol/LTriiodothyronine Free (T3) pg/dL pmol/LTotal (T3) ng/dL nmol/LUrea nitrogen mg/dL mmol/LUric acid mg/dL µmol/LVitamin A (retinol) µg/dL µmoI/LVitamin B6 (pyridoxine) ng/mL nmol/LVitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) pg/mL pmol/LVitamin C (ascorbic acid) mg/dL µmol/LVitamin D (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D) pg/mL pmol/LVitamin D (25-hydroxyvitamin D) ng/mL nmol/LVitamin E mg/dL µmoI/LVitamin K ng/mL nmol/LWhite blood cell count ×103/µL ×109/LWhite blood cell differential count % proportion of 1.0Zinc µg/dL µmoI/L


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