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Page 1: How-to Write Effective Event Messaging

Writing Event Marketing Messaging to Sell More Tickets

Page 2: How-to Write Effective Event Messaging

Writing effective copy is the key to attracting customers

Event marketing messages and descriptions have to convey important

information about an event and convince customers to buy tickets – all in a few

short seconds!

Consumers have more options than ever before, but less free time, so your event

messaging must stand out in order to make an impact on potential customers.

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Know your event audience

You have to know your audience in order to write

copy that is appealing to them; this may seem

obvious, but sometimes event descriptions are

tone deaf …if it’s a fun event, use fun language!

The 4 Ws

• Who is my customer?

• Where are they?

• What do they want to see?

• How can I sell them tickets?

Define your audience and then read what they

write (on blogs or social media) so you can copy

their style in your messaging.


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Grab their attention

Patience is a virtue that consumers are

sorely lacking. What does this mean for the

event marketer selling tickets online (be it by

Facebook, an app, or on their own websites)?

• You have to be fast

• You have to be interesting

• You have to give the people what they


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Grab their attention

• Put key information at the top (e.g. event

name, key selling points)

• Use bullet points and lists to make

information easy to digest

• Use sub-headings to break up your

description and make it easy to scan

• Keep content short, including short

sentences and paragraphs.

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Don’t forget videos and images

You need images and videos to attract readers. As the internet becomes more media rich buyers expect hi-res images and videos rather than text.

Consider making a video ad for your event and putting it at the top of your event page, or break up your description with images from past events.

Your images have to load fast. If the images slow down the event page you’re going to lose your visitors.


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Write, Edit, Rewrite, Edit

Don’t use the passive voice

Avoid repeating yourself

Don’t use too much jargon

Stay on point

Write clear and short sentences

Proofread your description to catch any typos. It is helpful to read it aloud, or ask someone else to check it. Search for unnecessary words and delete them.

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Test your marketing messages

Before the event, tweet sentences from the description and see what the feedback is like.

You can run identical ads (with your event’s hashtag and a link to buy tickets!) and different copy to see what works.

After the event send the attendees a survey and ask them to rate the event description or ask them why they choose to attend the event.

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Go forth and sell!

Writing good marketing messaging is more of an art than a science. Keep practicing and honing your skills. Remember to get feedback!

Uniiverse is building the future of social event ticketing and marketing.

We work with over 26,000 event organizers worldwide and provide them with the most advanced tools to sell tickets, promote, and manage events online.

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