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How Video Can Turn Your Workforce into Better, Happier Employees

Emily RossBrand & Creative Manager


Shh…Don’t Look Now…But You Have an Engagement Problem

Are your employees truly engaged at work? 13% of employees worldwide ARE engaged at work.

Unhappy employees cost US companies roughly $450 to $550 billion annually.

Why do you need engaged employees?


What’s your business’s competitive advantage? I’m not talking about top secret, proprietary

information – and neither am I thinking about award-winning products.


No matter your industry, your employees are your company’s real competitive advantage. They’re the ones making the magic happen –

so long as their needs are being met.

“Luckily, understanding [employees’] needs is pretty straightforward: they want to feel that they belong and are important, that your organization cares about them, and ultimately, that they have a grip on their lives.”

- Richard Branson

What are those needs?

Highly engaged employees:are willing to (and do) work much harder

go above and beyond their dutiescall in sick less

stay at your company much longeradvocate for your brand to their networks

When They’re Happy, You’re Happy…

When They’re Happy, You’re Happy…Companies with highly engaged employees outperform their peers by 147%!

See greater success in all areas of your business: talent acquisition, sales, and customer and public relations…

Does HR hire them? Does your company ‘create’ them?

Where Do Engaged Employees Come From?

Why Traditional Communications May Not Be Working

13%of employees say they use their company’s intranet daily.

31% said they never do.

92%of employees multitask during meetings.

Every month, over 6 billion hours of video

are watched on YouTube

Every day, over 4 billion videos are

watched on Facebook

Why Is Video a Game-Changer?

By 2018, video will account for 80% of

all web traffic

Why Do We Love Video So Much?

83%of our experience of the world is perceived through our sense of sight.

Hearing ranks next at 11%, and smell, touch, and taste rank 3%, 2%, and 1%.

Why Do We Love Video So Much?

Humans get the sense of a visual scene in less than 1/10 of a second.

• Mirror neurons: we see, we copy, we feel.

• Empathy and emotional connections helps build trust in a company.

• Emotional content performs twice as well as purely rational content.

Why Do We Love Video So Much?

• 93% of IC professionals believed that video was essential to internal communications.

• 59% of executives would rather watch video than read text.

• Audiences spend 88% more time on sites with video.

Video is in Demand

Why Do Your Employees Want You to Communicate with Video?

Perfect for busy employees:• Visuals are processed by the brain

60,000 times faster than text.

• Video is more enjoyable: it’s easier to absorb and causes less cognitive strain.

• 1 minute of video = 1.8 million words.

Video Is Fast

• Text formats - no matter the vehicle - ignore the power of body language and tone.

• Over 80% of communication is body language/tone. That helps determine credibility.

• Viewers can see honesty and transparency, which builds trust/emotional connection.

It’s Relatable, Honest, and Memorable

• Drilled-down messages aren’t engaging

• Only 41% of employees in the United States know what their company stands for and what makes the brand different from competitors

• Over 70% of employees felt more engaged in companies where company goals, objectives, and individual and company performance were clearly communicated.

• Video can’t be ‘ghost-written’

Employees Can Get Info From The Horse’s Mouth

Employees Can Join The Conversation• No one wants one-way ‘push’ notifications

• Employees want to feel valued and heard

• Calls-to-action and forms make your video a conversation

Why Should You Want to Communicate with Video?

Connect with Employees Anytime, Anywhere• You don’t have to use YouTube or have security concerns

• Embed emails on Intranet and web pages, and offer it in email and on mobile

• Reach global audiences

Gauge Employee Response To Create Better Content• Are employees reading your emails? Visiting the Intranet? Are employee surveys are

useful enough?

• Get analytics on what and how long people watched, where they dropped off, or if they re-watched or skipped any parts.

• When content mirrors the interests of your employees, they’ll feel like you understand and value them.

• See a 20-25% jump in productivity by employees who now feel more connected.

Gauge Employee Response So You Can Create Better Content

Video Helps Build Brand Loyalty• Video elicits emotional responses and trust, and allows viewers to join the conversation.

• Employees feel more connected to the story...and therefore to the brand.

• They work harder, think more positively, and connect more deeply.

• They create better, more innovative work.

• Videos are shared 1200x more than links and text combined.

• Brand messages that are shared by employees are re-shared 24x more than messages from the company itself.

• Employees can strengthen the relationship between your company and current employees, future employees, and customers…more quickly and easily than a brand itself can do.

Loyal Employees Strengthen Your Brand

…And It’s Easier Than You Think!

Contact: Resources: [email protected]





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