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Homecoming Champions!

A s the Elsa Leo Rhynie Hall song

expresses the sentiments of suc-

cess, exceptionality and leading by

example, so did our triumph at this

year’s Homecoming Parade reiterate this

truth. Our ‘Towers’ Hall stood loud, proud

and strong over the others as we strode

away with the 2014 Homecoming Trophy

only for ourselves, and representing the hall

well in a dazzling show of camaraderie with

the strength of the Wolf Pack.

After last year’s shared title with Taylor Hall,

the Wolf Pack gripped this year’s title firmly

with both hands as there was no doubt as to

who really won the trophy. Rolling through

the streets with cars including Kias, Mer-

cedes, a Mark X and BMWs, the wolves

maintained their vibes and energy from be-

fore the start of the parade which began at

The Student’s Union, until the finish line,

which was right in the parking lot near As-

sembly Hall.

Donning the beauties of Towers on the tops

and through the windows of each vehicle,

their grace and beauty charmed onlookers

and evidently the judges as they embodied

the exquisite quality of ladies that The Elsa

Leo Rhynie Hall holds within its walls. With

team effort, an excellent show from the resi-

dents, unparalleled energy and an edge of

exceptionality, The Wolf Pack in a sea of red

and black silenced any pending critics with

echoing howls of victory and a Homecoming

Trophy from another successful hunt.

By Twila Wheelan

The Wolf Pack moving as one


March 2014 | Issue No. 2

Some of the lovely ladies of Towers being escorted in BMWs


1.How long did it take you to write Black Eyes: The Seventh Spirit?

Uh... From the conceptualization to the blueprints and sketches to the hand-writing to the finished prod-

uct (Book 1), about 5 years or so.

2. What genre is your book?

Fiction- Fantasy (Children, Teen, Young Adult)

3. What draws you to this genre?

My love for the idea of otherworldly realms, magic, superpowers, time travel, that sort of thing. It's the

genre that is naturally most interesting to me.

4. Give us an insight into your main character, Lex Leo. What does he do that is so special?

Lex is a seemingly ordinary child who wakes in a world where he is some prophetic savior who must

destroy beings with godlike powers that will soon return to the earth to wreak utter destruction. Lex's

character is built as he adapts to this new reality, trying to become this powerful hero, while bearing the

pain of forcibly leaving his own world, his mother, behind. Lex perseveres in the face of nightmarish

powers and stares in the face of death on his quest for power and heroism. He fights with and for his

friends, learning about himself and trying to find both truth and strength.

5. What was the hardest part of writing your book?

Typing and condensing it. It was previously handwritten in several 2-4 quire notebooks.

6. Which writers inspire you ?

Primarily Masashi Kishimoto, the famous manga-ka who created the Naruto series. Also Christopher

Paulini, a very young writer who has written a best-selling series (The Inheritance Series, the first of its

books being Eragon).

Adam Clay-Webb

Through the Eyes of a Wolf Meet the Author of Black Eyes: The Seventh Spirit

Interviewed by Raina Alleyne

“My major in English Education, and I grew up in St. Ann. I love

writing- prose, poetry, songs, whatever. I love music. and I’m a

part of the ELR Towers choir. I love Anime and Manga. I am an

avid gamer- I prefer the classics- games from the Mario, Legend

of Zelda and Pokemon series. I have a little sister- Kayla Webb,

who is also a Wolf, residing on some non-dragonic tower. She

wishes to be a Dragon nonetheless, so she's not so bad. I love

people. I play dominoes for hours at a time. Big up the founda-

tion floor of the Dragon Tower.”

* Continues on Page 3

* Continued from Page 2

7. What did you learn from writing your book?

A lot. Regarding the art of writing, I realized how complex and difficult it can be, and how many stages there are to get-

ting from an idea to a published novel. Also, I've learn that, maybe even more than skill and imagination, a writer needs

to learn patience and persistence- quite a bit of both. Also, if I want to be a successful and established author, I cannot

treat writing as just another hobby.

8. If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your book?

Heh. Well I had to "do it all over again" several times before arriving at the finished product. Pretty much, I don't see an-

ything major that I would change so far.

9. What are your ambitions for your writing career?

To be a well-established author who makes a living from writing. To be a credible and respectable literary critic. To make

BLACK EYES and other stories I will write into manga and anime series. To have my works made into movies and televi-

sion shows. To author at least one anthology. To inspire.

10. How can readers discover more about you and you work?

Well... Hmmm... A website featuring my literary works and criticisms for other literary works is in the making. Also, a Face-

book page for BLACK EYES is in the process of creation. Hopefully there will be updates on those projects very soon.

May the odds ever be in your favour!!

This is what would have been in the minds of each of

the mythological themed Towers as they competed

against each other on the battle field at the Mona

Bowl in our first annual Sports Day event on Satur-

day February 1st. Favour rested upon Phoenix Tow-

er as they dominated the day and were crowded

victors. The Games, which was brought in part by

Wisynco and Supligen, saw Towerites compete in

track and field events, from 100m, to relays to javelin.

The longer distance track events such as the 5000m

and 3000m took place the day before .

Some novelty events sponsored by Supligen took

place such as a female dance off and a male push

up competition which tested their strength by having

them perform it with lady sitting on their backs.

The highly anticipated Cheer off competition saw

Apollo Tower come out with a full dance routine and

uniforms which helped them to edge the other two

others of Dragon and Olympus which also took part.

Douglas Fletcher of Apollo took home the title of

champion sports man, while Phoenix Tower repre-

sentative, Sania Brown took on champion sports-


Sports Day!

Overall results for Sports Day

1st Place– Phoenix 318 pts

2nd Place-Apollo 191 pts

3rd place– Olympus 139 pts

4th place– Orion 94 pts

5th place– Dragons 84 pts

By Kearn Williams

Phoenix celebrating their victory



What have you learnt the most so far from living at ELR Towers Hall?

“I’ve learnt how to live around per-sons of many dif-ferent back-grounds and whose mind goes beyond just what they are told and can see….I have seen where team work and unity can go a long way….Also living here for me helps to reinforce re-sponsibility…”

“The greatest thing I must say I have learnt is toler-ance…..learning to tolerate living around people from a different status and cul-ture…..I have come to appreciate peo-ple for who they are. Before it was just the Bahamas but now it’s the language ,food and different per-sonalities”

“My experience here helps me to appreciate home….It’s a different life-style……I have learnt tolerance, interacting with others……but yea living here makes you ap-preciate what you have in most cases…”

Ayanna Lewis,

Tower 2

St Vincent and the Grenadines

Colton Jones,

Tower 3


Julian Bradshaw,

Tower 3

St Kitts and Nevis

Nubion Thomas,

Tower 4


“I’ve learnt to be

real with be people,

which helps to fos-

ter a maturity with

others to have a

relationship with

your flat mates like

brothers and sisters.

Jessica Felix,

Tower 5


“Definitely to live

out of a “2 x4”

room and to make

my entire life fit

into it.”



Wolf Corner

If you would like to make a contribution to #HOWLER Newsletter email us at communications.,[email protected]

By Dave Rose

2014 Campus Carnival Towers’ Hall Presents “Behavin’ D Worst” for

its Ring Road March for Carnival 2014.

Inclusive of:

T-shirt or tank top

Wave Rag & Whistle

Liquor and other drinks


Package cost $2000.

Deadline for all payments and registration is

Tuesday March 11th.

Contact D’Andre Fraser, Hall C.E.A.C. at

505-0418 for further information Ring Road March T-shirt


Editor-in Chief

Kearn Williams


Joseph Monsanto

Comic Artist

Dave Rose


Raina Alleyne

Janeak Bailey

Jherane Padmore

Twilah Wheelan

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