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HP ControlPoint & Legacy Data Clean-upTurning big data into smart data

Tom Van Den Broeck

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Big data and information sprawl

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Big data challenges

14.6 PB1

average stored data per company


business events per second

1 TB3

machine data created per hour


average annual cost of information


Volume Variety Velocity Vulnerability

1. HP Internal Analysis

2. Gartner: Actionable Analytics Will Be Driven by Mobile, Social and Big Data Forces in 2013 and Beyond Published: 25 January 2013 ID: G0024716

3. Gartner: The Information of Things: Why Big Data Will Drive the Value in the Internet of Things Published: 17 April 2013 ID: G00249066.

4. Ponemon: 2012 Cost of Cyber Crime Study October 2012

A significant portion of this is enterprise legacy data

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Does you organization have Big Data or Smart Data?

Today’s information mountain or tomorrow’s molehill

Big Data

Smart Data

Social networks

Information siloes

SharePoint proliferation

Numerous business systems

Mobile computing platforms

Merger & acquisition activity

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Applications are slowing down Upgrade infrastructure

Backup takes longer and longer Change backup infrastructure

We need to be compliant Implement an archive, DMS, RMS

We need to retain information for a period of time Keep backup tapes, we keep everything forever

We need to retrieve information, historical information Look into different sources, recover tapes

We are running out of capacity Let’s add more disks

Fighting conventional wisdom: common challenges and common responses

Signs your organization is dealing with big data

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Understanding the value of data: Legacy data and Dark data

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Redundant, Obsolete, Trivial and Unknown

What is legacy data and dark data?

Legacy data tends to be: • Redundant

– Duplicates and unauthorized copies

• Obsolete

– No longer in use or out of date

– Determined through creation, last modified or accessed date and retention policy

• Trivial

– File type with no content value

Legacy data resides in:• Legacy applications and repositories,

• Unmanaged SharePoint sites, file shares and mail systems

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What lies hidden in your enterprise data…the unknown?

What is legacy data and dark data?

Dark data tends to be:• Human readable

• Unstructured

• Unindexed

• Unmanaged

• Inactive

• Orphaned

Dark data resides in:• File servers

• SharePoint

• Email servers

• Document Management Systems

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The risk of ignoring legacy and dark data

Legacy & dark data sitting outside the Information governance strategy exposes the organization to risk:• Spiralling costs

– Expanding information footprint and storage costs

– Litigation and eDiscovery costs (“smoking gun” or inability to deliver)

• Security breaches and reputational damage

– Sensitive information unprotected (Personally Identifiable Information, Privacy regulations)

– Data leakage and misuse

• Poor business execution and performance

– Incorrect context

– Decisions based on outdated information

– Duplicate effort spent re-creating information

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Information Governance for all enterprise data

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Transactive Reporting Compliance Destroy









Business Users


Records, Legal, Compliance

data retention

period endsTransactive

stage ends

Information Governance




Data Lifespan Management



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Control the Information


Integrated Information Governance

Strategic Business Benefits




Insight in your data

Footprint Reduction

Application Acceleration

Managed Retention

Defensible Disposition



Risk Reduction


Powered by IDOL 10

HP Structured

Data Manager




Integral component within HP Autonomy’s meaning based information governance integrated solution portfolio



Control Point




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HP ControlPoint andLegacy data clean-up

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How ControlPoint 4.0 works

1. Identify your “dark data”

2. Create a light metadata index

3. Reduce obvious ROT

4. Deeper analysis, incorporating to add meaning and context to the data (data becomes information)

5. Categorize the information

6. Define and apply auditable policy to the information

Auditable Policy





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Leveraging IDOL to access and understand legacy data

Legacy Data Clean-up with ControlPoint

Connector framework

File shares Microsoft SharePoint Microsoft Exchange HP TRIM

Legacy Data Clean-up

Identify & Index 1000’s content formats Conceptual and Contextual understanding

ControlPointAnalyze & Report, Visualization Policy application & execution

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ControlPoint’s legacy data clean-up process design

Stages of Legacy Data Cleanup

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An inventory of your data holdings

Identify and index

Identify• Identify data sources

– common repositories include SharePoint, Shared drives and Microsoft exchange

Index• Metadata only index (light index)

– identifies redundant, obsolete and trivial data

– Provides insight into data aging and business relevance

• Metadata and content index

– Yields greater insight into business value and context

– Identify personally identifiable information (PII)

– Identify potential business records

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Advanced content analytics to provide understanding and content


Identify• Common content patterns and groupings

• Sensitive information through eduction (PII)

Visualization of statistics and summary reports• Based on file level metadata and hashes (light index):

– Redundant data: statistics on duplicates

– Trivial data: based on file types with no content value (e.g *.exe, system files, thumbnails)

– Obsolete data: based on date created, modified, accessed & policy

• Based on advanced content analysis:

– Clustering of common content patterns,

– Groupings and category matches

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Candidates to file, delete, etc.

Volume and growth of data

Type of files

Advanced content analytics to provide understanding and content


Detailed graphs and linked document grid

• Analytical data by:

– size,

– type,

– age,

– user,

– categories and

– custom fields

• Cluster visualization

• Applied Tags

• Duplicates

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Preparing for policy assignment


Assign data to categories

• Assess gaps between “actual” and “established” categories and groupings

• Train categories from real data or HP Records Manager file plan/classifications

– Filtering, sampling & document inspection

• Tag data into actionable groups (categories) based on analysis

Assign policies to tagged categories

• Use standard ControlPoint policies for disposition or ongoing management

• Workflow policies to route data through an approval process

• Audit logs of policy application and approvals

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Tag with reason


File list or sample list

Number and size of files

Preparing for policy assignment


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Cut down on the data volume, don’t keep everything forever.


Provide defensible disposition

• Report on items marked for deletion

• Seek approval from identified owners

• Review and approve workflow processes

• Execute deletion and de-duplication of tagged data based on ControlPointpolicy

• Maintain audit log for policy application and execution (defensible disposition)

Big Data

Smart Data

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The pathway to ongoing information governance


Legacy data clean-up is not just about deleting redundant, obsolete & trivial data

• Merge valuable legacy data into your current information governance program.

– Declare as a record, move, secure move, apply a hold to manage in place.

• Migrate cleaned legacy data between repositories or tiered storage, e.g. File System to SharePoint, Exchange to HP Consolidated Archive .

• Move declared legacy data records to the Records Management system

• Provide Lifetime management of new data through ongoing policy application

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The benefits of Legacy Data Clean-up

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• Key initiative: Storage Containment• “I can’t buy storage until I reduce the amount of information I have”

This is a story of cost reduction, control and compliance

Make no mistake about it….


• “ I have content in file shares – I don’t know what it is”• “SharePoint is prolific, I have many inactive sites costing me money”

Information footprint

• Employees waste too much time “looking” for stuff• “E-Discovery is costing an arm and a leg”

Needle in the haystack

• “I don’t know what’s lurking in my file shares”• “I have no way to determine my important business content”

Compliance requirements

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Managing legacy data can deliver significant ROI

Reduced Storage


Reduced Storage


Reduced Backup




Legacy Data Clean-up reduces:

• Information footprint

• Storage costs

• Risk from dark data

• eDiscovery costs$8,860,655


Benefits by Category Benefits by Year

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You can learn to walk before you run.

Three pathways to information governance

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Turning big data into smart data

How is legacy data clean-up helping our customers?

Fortune 100 manufacturerProduct: ControlPoint 4.0Use case: •Selected ControlPoint 4.0 for dark data


• Initial project is to identify, analyze and transform 100 terabytes. Full project to include 2 petabytes

- Project sold in conjunction with ES Application Optimization program

- Will identify unstructured content with high business context and records value

- Goal is information footprint reduction AND identification of unknown high-risk content

Large regional bankProduct: ControlPoint 4.0Use case: • Large regional bank serving retail banking market

•Early adopter– Legacy Data Clean-up Service- Target 7 Terabytes of data in file shares- Seeking to identify high-risk and high value business

content for compliance purposes- Goal: meet compliance goals while reducing information

footprint- Next step will be to represent content identification rules

and manage identified content in HP RM

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The Big picture

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Information Governance

Creation• HP Records Manager• HP Worksite• HP Teleform

Identification• HP Control Point• HP Structured Data


Backup & Recovery

• HP Data Protector• HP Livevault• HP Connected

Archiving• HP Consolidated

Archive• HP Records Manager

eDiscovery• HP eDiscovery• HP Supervision• HP Legal Hold


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HP Data Protector 9

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Delivering on the Adaptive Backup & Recovery vision


Make your backup decisions

based on business application priority

and criticality

Today Tomorrow

Leverage operational analytics to drive

better decisions on backup resource



Provide actionable suggestions to

reduce potential conflicts and ensure

SLA objectives


Enableautomated backup

and recovery policy provisioning

adjustment based on operational analytics

AutomationNow Announcing

May 14th 2014

Phased Rollout

Jan 2014

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New Scheduler Features

New concepts

• Priority

• Duration

Recurrence patterns

• „Last Friday of the month“

• Hourly

• Every x minutes

New Calendar View

• Day, week, month

Missed executions

Usability: „Edit“

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Announcing NEW Products: Building on Adaptive Backup and Recovery Momentum

Introducing Predictive Analytics in the Backup World


HP Backup Navigator Data Protector Management Pack

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Thank you

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