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  • 7/30/2019 HP Priorities XVI


    Chapter 282 Echoes of Honor

    Father Fangio peered out the large window and stared at the home across the way. The sounds of

    fighting had died down more than a few minutes ago, and the bucolic scene was quiet and still. A large

    front of dark clouds was rapidly covering the area and small bolts of lightning touched down across the

    horizon. He pulled the front of his tunic over his collar and stared worriedly out towards the last signs offlashing light that marked the attempt to capture Potter. Fangio knew the gambit was desperate. The

    word that Livers had surrendered to the Aurors with the books made the recovery problematic. He heard

    a loud crack of thunder and put it off to approaching storm, until a voice behind him interrupted his


    The attempt failed, First Secretary. Fangio whirled around and saw Father Michael standing in the

    doorway next to a tall, thin man with dark red hair and a serious expression.

    What is the meaning of this, Father Michael? Where is Archbishop Valliere?

    The man next to Michael shook his head slowly. Im afraid Archbishop Valliere is in custody. So are you,

    Im sorry to say, Father Fangio.

    Fangio reached into his breast pocket and pulled out an official Vatican-issued passport. I have

    diplomatic immunity, sir. So does Archbishop Valliere. You have no power to detain me. What is your

    name, so that I might lodge a complaint with the Foreign Secretary?

    The man smiled. My name is Ronald Weasley, senior Auror for the Ministry of Magic. Im afraid your

    claim of immunity is an agreement with the muggle administration and has no weight with the wizarding

    world. Ron strode forward and drew his wand. Archbishop Valliere is a wizard and as such, falls within

    the purview of the International Confederation of Wizards.

    Im not a wizard. Fangio muttered.

    That is correct, sir. You will be deported, of course, but through the avenues available through theInternational Confederation. You see, the line of separation between muggles and wizards goes both

    ways, sir. Wizards cannot interfere with the muggle world, but muggles may not interfere with the

    wizarding world. You set about events that led to a direct attack on a wizard. You will have much to

    answer for. Ron gestured for Fangio to follow him out the door. The priest hesitated and stared at


    You have a duty, as a priest and a Templar to stop this, Father Michael. You swore an oath to the

    Church. Michaels head lowered to his chest and then he looked Fangio in the face.

    My oath was to God, First Secretary, so was yours.

    Fangios brow knit together. Youre finished. Youll be damned in the eyes of the Church.

    Michael nodded soberly. Ill be saved in the eyes of God. I will not harm innocents, Father, for any


    Fangio made as if to speak further, but he clamped his mouth tight and Ron escorted him meekly out the



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    I wasnt cooking, you know. Harry rolled his eyes at Ginnys exclamation. Ginny sat in the chair next to

    Harrys bed as the Healer checked Harrys wound. She continued, You didnt have to go and get attacked

    just to avoid having to eat something I made.

    Ginny, please? Dont make me laugh. It hurts when I laugh. The healer nodded her head appreciatively

    and then walked out of the ward. Ginny continued speaking.

    Of course, if you were trying to avoid Kreachers cooking, that would be an entirely different thing. Still,

    you could just say no. You didnt need to go head to head with a hippopotamus. Her eyes twinkled at

    his discomfort.

    It was a rhinoceros, Ginny. Harry said meekly.


    Harry had several broken ribs and a concussion in addition to the large, gaping wound in his leg. Ginnys

    timely intervention had probably saved the use of that leg, which had been mangled by the goring. The

    healer returned with a small vial of potion.

    She handed the bottle to Ginny. Hes to take this twice a day for the next week. He should be right as

    rain, unless

    Unless what? Harry asked plaintively.

    Unless you decide to butt heads with any more platypuses. Ginny and the healer shared a grin while

    Harry groaned.

    It was a rhinoceros!

    Together, the healer and Ginny laughed. Whatever.


    The office tower overlooked most of modern day London. When Simon Clark disappeared, his estate

    left most of his real estate holdings in England to the state. The muggle Prime Minister, fully briefed on

    the billionaires schemes, had turned over some of the property to the Minister of Magic. It had taken a

    while, but first Kingsley Shacklebolt and now John Dawlish, used the skyscraper as an annex to the main

    subterranean Ministry offices. The topmost office was reserved for the Minister and a tall, severe looking

    man in a clerical collar stared out the plate glass windows as he decided his fate. Seated in various states

    of anxiety were the seven Templars whod been captured or surrendered with him.

    Michael heard the footsteps as the huddled group of Ministry officials and the representatives of the

    Vatican walked into the room. The ambassador to the Holy See did not look pleased. John Dawlish

    ushered the man to a seat in the middle of the room and then turned and faced the anxious men.

    Hermione, Harry and Domina Malfoy stood to the side along with several members of the Wizengamot,

    including Percy Weasley. Dawlish took a deep breath.

    It has been decided that Archbishop Valliere will be turned over the International Confederation of

    Wizards for adjudication. I suspect a term at the St. Helena facility is in order. Father Fangio will be

    turned over to the Vatican. Dawlish nodded over to the ambassador who nodded slowly.

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    Harry walked into the busy Office of Aurors and smiled as Williamson and Mortimer walked up to him.

    Mortimer shook his head.

    Malfoy? Theyre going to work for Malfoy? They must be insane! Mortimer grumbled, but Williamson

    slapped him on the shoulder.

    My wife works for Malfoy. So does Baretto and Lockley. He cant be that bad.

    Mortimer nodded apologetically. Still, thats a talented strike team he just picked up. I wonder Malfoy

    will use them?

    Harry shook his head. Something tells me that we might not want to know. The a puzzled look crossed

    his face.

    Wheres Sean and Ron?

    Mortimer shrugged his shoulders. Neither one came in today. I guess Ron is still recovering and I heard

    Carter was leaving St. Mungos today. Im sure Sean is picking him up.

    Harry nodded. Good. I cant wait for things to get back to normal aroundhere.

    Williamson smiled. Whatever that means.


    He was alone in the room, a single, wooden table with a single, lonely candle aflame on top of it. With an

    alarming regularity, he poured the dark liquid from the dusty bottle into the shot glass and drained it,

    pausing only a few seconds before repeating the process.

    He held the refilled glass up. Alls well that ends well. He sneered and then drained the glass. That wasthe case over and over again. People got hurt. People died and the great Harry Potter continued to rule

    the roost. The man filled and drained the glass again.

    Hed been an Auror for years. Hed seen the pain that seemed to follow Harry Potter wherever he went.

    He was certain that Potter didnt mean to cause pain, it just happened that way. The past few weeks had

    taken quite a toll on him. There was far too much too lose with no appreciable gain. Potter always

    seemed to find trouble. Maybe he was the problem.

    The fog of the liquor confused him. The guilt he felt resonated through his brain. Wizards dont commit

    suicide. They are forced to linger through the suffering. He could not end it. He felt himself reaching a

    breaking point, a place where hed jump into the abyss of overwhelming despair. Hed sober up and be

    able to function, but the fissure in his psyche was slowly widening. He stared into the opening and for the

    first time, he started embrace it.

    The source of his pain was there, as well. He saw the bright green eyes of Harry Potter staring back at

    him. Hed sober up and return to work. Hed be ready to face the challenges, but somewhere, sometime

    soon, the crack would become a chasm and hed jump through it. Hed face off with Harry Potter. Hed

    assuage his own guilt by taking it out on Harry, it was only a matter of time.

    He put the cork stopper back into the top of the bottle and wiped his sleeve across his mouth. The candle

    was slowly dying. Carter was home. Things worked out, this time, but he could not bear it much longer.

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    He was cracking. He knew it. Most of all, he was beginning to welcome it. He stood and replaced the

    bottle in the cupboard. The clock tolled the time and he blinked. It wouldnt do to be seen like this.

    Hermione and the kids would be home soon. Ron Weasley stumbled to the bathroom to find an anti-

    alcohol draught to make himself presentable when his family returned home.

    Chapter 283 - Of Nargles and Crumple-Horned Snorkacks

    Winter only made the wind off the North Sea feel like sharpened daggers through his cheeks. His legs

    ached from the climb and he paused to make sure she was still nearby. The slight figure of the woman

    behind him didnt seem the slightest bit perturbed by the turn in the weather. The snow was falling

    lightly, but steadily, adding to the two feet or so that already lay on the slope side of the hill they were

    climbing. He took a deep breath and watched the crystals dance in the wind as he exhaled. His dark

    brown eyes took in his companion, who was bundled tightly in a survival parka, her fur-lined boots over

    her Gortex pants. She had a muffler wrapped tightly around her nose and face and a bushy, arctic hat

    pulled down over her ears and forehead. He could see faint wisps of straggly, dirty blond hair trying to

    escape the hood of her parka, and all he could really see of her face were the silvery gray eyes that gazed

    around the landscape in wonder.

    They shared a gaze and he felt a warmth transmit through his body like a spark of electricity, which

    overcame the numbing cold, if only for a split second. He smiled, although his own muffler was covering

    his face, making the gesture something more for him than her. He leaned his head to hers in order to

    allow his words to carry to her ears.

    Are you sure this is the right spot? I can hardly see anything! He shouted and waved his hand in a wide

    arc, taking in the vista the mountain gave them. The surf from the North Sea bypassed the distant Orkney

    Islands and vented their fury on Duncansby Head. The sky was dark and gloomy, doubly so from the fresh

    snow that was starting to quicken. He began to grow worried as the darkness worsened, wondering if

    they were too exposed and needed to find shelter. He looked back to the woman. Her eyes glistened

    with delight.

    Amazingly, she reached up a mittened hand and tugged the top of her scarf down from her mouth andturned her face upward, pushing her tongue out to catch a wayward snowflake. When she did, she smiled

    fully and shone her pleasure on him, again forcing the breath from his chest. Then, as if a wave of

    awareness came over her, she dropped her chin down and pointed towards a nearby rock wall. He

    followed her guidance and grasped her hand. They trudged through the snow to the wall where he found

    a narrow opening in the rock face.

    He shook his head. It was here all along, just like she said it would be. He looked back and then turned

    towards the opening. It was more of a slit than a proper cave entrance and he had to turn sideways to

    enter. He shrugged through for a few meters until the crack widened into a large, natural chamber filled

    with geodes and crystalline rock that seemed to glow from their own luminescence. He waited as she

    followed inside and glanced around. The walls of the cavern were smooth and sloped down towards

    another, larger opening at the end of the room they were in. On the floor, in the center of the room,

    there was a blackish-blue pool of water, so still that it seemed like a slab of ice, except for the streams of

    steam that idly reached upward to the ceiling. There was genuine heat radiating from the pool and the

    man felt his own body temperature rising. He began to peel off his gloves and his outer wrapping and

    unbuttoning the front of his survival suit.

    His hair was matted and tamped down from sweat and exertion. It was black and short and he sported a

    matching goatee. His skin was tan, both from genetics and what seemed like years working in the

    elements. He walked slowly to the pool and dipped his bare fingers in the water. He turned and faced

    the woman, who was also beginning to uncouple her bulky outerwear.

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    I had no idea there were springs around here. Theres no mention of them in the travel guides. These

    must have been hidden for centuries. He mused and allowed the warmth of the water to penetrate his


    Thats why no one has been able to find the habitat. Its been hidden. The light, dreamy lilt of his

    companions voice was filled with optimism. Im sure well find a whole colony this time.

    He rose and grasped her by the shoulders, smiling tenderly at her. I dont want you to get your hopes up

    too high. You remember the last time we thought we found a nesting zone.

    She nodded slightly. They had already migrated on, thats for sure.

    He smiled. Still, we found and catalogued a fur-tailed dodo on that trip. It wasnt a total loss.

    The woman edged around the near wall, placing her fingers lightly on its contours and walking with her

    eyes cast up to the ceiling. I can feel them. Im sure well find them this time. Luna Lovegood

    Scamander smiled openly towards her husband, Rolf. Theres a Crumple-Horned Snorkack around here

    and were going to find it.


    Contrary to popular fiction, the village of Hogsmeade was usually a very quiet place when nearby

    Hogwarts was on winter break. Granted, weekends when the school is in session, the town almost

    doubles in population and the local businesses see a run in receipts that fills the coffers, but when most of

    the student body heads home for nearly six weeks at the end of the fall term, the town becomes a

    slumbering hamlet nestled in a crisp white coat of frost and snow. Needless to say, when reports of a

    dramatic disturbance in one of the local pubs reaches the Office of Aurors during the winter lull, it is met,

    at first, with skepticism and then worry, as were most events that seemed apart from the norm.

    A loud clap of thunder followed by a burst of greenish smoke accompanied the appearance of four Aurors

    and the same number of Hit Squad members. Eric Williamson looked to the side and then smiled at SilasHornsby, pointing down a far alley.

    Who called it in? Eric asked. Hed been summoned from his home and had not gotten most of the

    details of the incident.

    Silas shrugged. Youll never believe me. The large man smiled slyly. Aberforth called for help.

    Eric raised his eyebrows in surprise. Aberforth Dumbledore, the proprietor of the Hogs Head Tavern was

    an erstwhile ally of the Ministry, but mostly liked to be left alone. His establishment catered to a crowd

    that was more prone to avoiding official interactions. Youre right, I dont believe it.

    Silas chuckled and handed a wrinkled sheet of parchment over to his friend. There was a hurried scrawl

    written on the front, along with several tears and what appeared to be owl droppings on the top. It read,

    Send the bleeding marines, theyre tearin up my place. I need help now!

    Eric snorted and returned the paper to Silas who folded it and placed it in his pocket. Im sorry that they

    called you in, but I couldnt find anyone. Mortimer is on vacation with his in-laws in Brazil and I got no

    response from Harry, Ron, or Sean. I grabbed Carter and Betsy and whatever Hit Squad members were

    about. Theres no sign of Dennis around either.

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    Carter Sigismund had only just returned to active status, the signs of his injuries from a while ago only just

    visible. He stood next to a lithe, smartly dressed woman about his age. The pair were speaking in casual

    tones and looking about the village. Eric sighed.

    I suppose we should go see whats going on, then. He turned walked down the main street towards the

    familiar side alley that led to the Hogs Head. As he made the turn down the alley, he saw the front door

    to the pub was slightly askew on its hinges and several of the front windows had been blown out. Ericraised his hand and made a fist, a signal to the others to draw their wands. He then waved a hand to

    either side of his head, causing the team to split up, taking both sides of the alley. Betsy stood by Eric,

    with two of the Hit Squad members, while Carter paired with Silas and the other members of the Hit


    They approached slowly, wands pointed down the alley. As they neared the door, Eric reached out

    tentatively with his free hand and pulled on the handle. The door fell to the ground in a creaking crash.

    Taking a deep breath, Eric walked inside the bar.

    Based on countless visits to the Hogs Head, Williamson knew that it wasnt much to look at to begin with,

    but the destruction inside was still something to behold. Tables and chairs were in splintery pieces and

    crockery and mugs were in shards, strewn amid the wreckage that had once been the bar. In the far

    corner, at the end of the bar, there was one solitary stool, completely whole and sitting on the stool was

    the furious figure of one Aberforth Dumbledore, his arms crossed in front of his chest.

    Aberforth! Are you all right? Silas walked up to the large man who stared daggers at the Ministry


    Took your bleedin time to get here! When the Dark Lord ran things at the Ministry, you could count on

    the Death Eaters getting here a might bit faster. The tall barkeep bristled angrily.

    Who did this, Aberforth? Williamson asked, looking about.

    Who did this? Now you care about what happens to my place? Eric ignored Dumbledores rant and

    allowed the wizened, and slightly plump proprietor to regain his composure. Dumbledore rose from thestool and beckoned them to follow him up the stairs.

    The open area of the second floor was the mirror image of the carnage down below, except this time

    there were figures strewn about in various states of unconsciousness. As Erics eyes adjusted to the

    dimness of the room, he began to recognize the faces of the wizards laying about.

    Oh my stars and garters, its Harry! Carter exclaimed.

    Silas kneeled down and turned another familiar figure over. Ive got Ron here. He looked up and

    pointed about. Thats Sean and Dennis and George, and Lee and Dean andSeamus and Dudley.

    Betsy checked on each in turn. Theyre alive, but theyre bruised a good bit. We may need a healer.

    Eric turned and looked at Dumbledore. Who did this, Aberforth? Who attacked them?

    Aberforths eyes seared with anger. Who did this? They did this to themselves. You missed the mother

    of all bar fights. They got in a tussle among themselves and wrecked my place in the process.

    Oh my word, um Eric? Carter pointed to the far corner of the room. Eric walked over and then stopped

    in his tracks, his hand smacking his forehead. There was a small, round table, in perfect condition,

    erected in the corner of the room. Seated at the table were two older gentlemen, sipping tea from cups

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    and eating biscuits, as if they were seated at a sidewalk caf. Eric placed his hands on his hips and shook

    his head.

    Arthur. Minister. What in Merlins name is going on here?

    John Dawlish, the sitting Minister of Magic gave his companion a brief shrug of the shoulders. Arthur

    Weasley, Minister of Magic Emeritus, nodded his head and smiled up at Williamson.

    What we have here, my dear Eric, is what I would call therapy.


    They piled their excess gear near the edge of the pool and Rolf led the way further down the passage.

    The heat from the hot spring cascaded downward and even with their heavy winter clothing off, he felt

    the perspiration building up on his forehead. He walked slowly, surely down the sloping water-cut

    passageway, not needing light as the sheen from the geodes cast a pall like daylight. He felt her warm

    hand enter his and they continued down in silence, enjoying being together.

    For over a decade, theyd traveled the world together, guided by their love of nature and its creatures.

    Rolf had been introduced to the outdoors by his grandfather, Newt Scamander, and had been driven to

    continue his work. Hed met Luna in the hinterlands of Norway, as he was looking for a definitive

    specimen of Ridgeback while she was chasing rumors of Blibbering Humdinger. He scoffed at her belief in

    things that had no basis in fact. She acted simply out of faith. That unwavering confidence in the

    unknown chipped away at him. So he began to believe in nargles and humdingers and finally, the

    Crumple-Horned Snorkack. He had absolutely no intellectual reason to do so, he simply did, because

    what it finally came down to was he believed in the delicate woman that was with him. If she believed, so

    did he.

    In the course of their travels together, they found each other. Marriage, then a family followed, but their

    mutual passion for nature always had them fulfilling their wanderlust and chasing after signs of the

    magical creatures that Luna knew to be real. It wasnt all chasing windmills to Rolf. Their hunt for the

    mysterious Snorkack had led them to the discovery other, heretofore lost creatures. They were seeingthe far corners of the earth. Most of all, to Rolf, they were together, and that was all that mattered.

    What do you think? He asked, but he was a bit fidgety.

    She smiled at him warmly. It shouldnt be too much further. See? Theres a brighter light down the

    way. Im sure well find one there. She canted her head to the side. Her eyes seemed to bore right

    through him. Whats bothering you?

    He smiled and shrugged. Lysander and Lorcan, I guess. We havent seen them in a couple of weeks.

    Usually, they brought their twin sons with them, but the travel to the remote north east coast of Scotland

    in the dead of winter was deemed a bit too much, even for the children of wizards.

    Youve never been nervous before. She said pointedly.

    Its a little different this time, I guess. Its never been this long.

    Thats true, but theyre fine. Besides, theyre staying with my father, this time, instead ofbothering your

    parents. She commented blithely.

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    He snorted and started walking down the cavern. Thats what must be bothering me. He mumbled.

    The boys had been staying with Xenophilius Lovegood for the past two weeks, which was enough to make

    anyone nervous.

    They walked together and Rolf slowed his pace. What is it? Luna asked, noticing the change in his gait.

    He pointed to the floor and the walls. This passage doesnt look natural. Sure enough, the floor wasmore carved, with flagstones and the walls were smooth and square. Someone carved this out.

    He reached into his pocket and drew his wand. He smiled towards her. It never hurts to be careful.

    They clasped hands and walked towards the opening at the end of the passage. When they got there, a

    wave of warmth swept past their faces. The room opened up into a tremendous open space. They were

    in a massive garden of greenery and lush plants. The ceiling cascaded with light, feeding the foliage

    below. The small spa fed a large spring in the center of the room. In the middle of the spring was a large,

    granite pedestal with a glass box sitting atop it. A small bridge led from the side of the pool to the

    pedestal. They were drawn to the glass box and the item encased within.

    Rolf and Luna walked carefully on the small bridge, all thoughts of Snorkacks gone. They walked up to the

    glass and peered inside. The object of their attention was a sword, long and silvery with a golden hilt

    encrusted with shimmering rare gems. The blade was bright and shiny and the cross guard was engraved

    with a single word.

    Rolf looked furtively at his wife and then back to the sword. His eyes fixated on the on the word on the

    hilt. The letters were flowing and beautiful and he smiled, despite the shock of finding it here. The word

    flowed across his lips.


    Chapter 284 The Battle of the Hogs Head

    Williamsons hand made and audible smacking sound as it met his forehead. He shook his head woefully

    and reached down and picked a chair up off the floor and set it upright. Then he dusted off the seat and

    settled down at the table. Dawlish raised the teapot to an empty cup and Eric nodded slightly, accepting

    the offer.

    As he stirred his sugar and cream into the tea, Eric glanced over at Arthur. I think youd better tell me

    what happened, Arthur. If I know Aberforth, we werent the only people he owled about this mess. I

    have a funny feeling that well be hearing from the ladies shortly and possibly the Daily Prophet. Am I

    right, Aberforth?

    The gruff older wizard nodded. Youre damn right I sent word out to the women. Theres no way Id get

    satisfaction from you Aurors. You protect your own. Then Aberforths eyes gleamed evilly. Besides, I

    cant wait until Hermione andGinny get here and see the state their husbands are in.

    Eric turned back to Arthur and held up his hands. You see? So, out with it Arthur, what the blazes

    happened here?

    Arthur smiled wearily and then nodded. Well Eric, its been apparent to me and John here that

    something was happening to the fellows. I think the Templars were the tipping point, but it was like an

    Erumpent Horn waiting to explode. Something was broken and we wanted to get it out in the open. We

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    took a hard look at things and I enlisted Dudley, George and Lee to help us with unraveling what was

    buggering Harry, Ron and Sean. We had them come out to the Hogs Head for a party


    A low murmur greeted Harry as he entered the Hogs Head. Despite the fact that Hogsmeade as a whole

    was relatively deserted, the clientele that patronized the run down pub were not dissuaded from comingdown the dank alley to the dark tavern run by its mysterious owner. Harry nodded his head towards that

    selfsame man behind the bar and sidled up to the bar and tapped the top with his index finger. Aberforth

    chortled and drew a pint of ale from a nearby tap and placed it in front of Harry who reached down and

    took a long pull from the frothy drink.

    Theyre upstairs, Harry. Aberforth muttered and bobbed his head towards the ramshackle set of stairs

    in the back corner of the room. Harry grabbed his mug by hits chipped handle and proceeded through

    the crowd of patrons, who deftly turned their backs on the senior Auror picking his way through their

    midst. The upside of being ignored by the nominally unsavory clientele was that nary a drop of Harrys ale

    was spilt as he made his way to the landing and proceeded up the risers.

    The second story room at the Hogs Head was usually reserved for private parties. Smaller than the main

    floor, it was a barren, open space with mismatched furniture arrayed in a haphazard fashion. During the

    Second Dark Lord War, the room had served as a way station and caretaker point for students and their

    families who were on the run, before Aberforth could get them into the Room of Requirement. Harrys

    memory harkened back to the garishly written invitation that had been slipped beneath his office door.

    Hed been invited to a party, and now he was to see who and what the party was for. The floorboards

    creaked as he topped the last step and turned into the room.

    Oi, Harry! Here you are! Harry turned and slipped his hand over to George Weasley who was holding a

    mug of ale in his other hand. The tall, thin red head smiled warmly. Youre the last one, I think.

    Harry looked around and nodded. I should think so, theres no room anywhere. Harry was right, the

    room was filled with people. Here and there, he caught sight of familiar faces from the present and the

    past, men who hed come into contact with from time to time. He saw Dean standing in the corner,pestering Seamus about something or other, with Neville refereeing the engagement. Lee and Dudley

    seemed to be daring Oliver Wood to drink some sort of concoction that had been poured out an old

    leather boot and Oliver looked very much like he was going to take the dare. Dennis Creevey and Gavin

    Lockley had a crowd gathered around the fragile looking table they were seated at. Both men were facing

    each other, hands locked together as they tested their strength against one another. Their right biceps

    flexed and perspiration drained down their faces as they strained to push the other down. The crowd was

    roaring and placing bets.

    Harry was almost fully engrossed when he caught sight of a flash of red hair and spotted Ron in another

    corner of the room, talking to Bill and Charlie. Harry frowned and felt his thoughts wandering to the Ron

    and how moody his friend had seemed to be over the past few weeks. As Harry pondered the thought, a

    loud roar came from behind him and he saw the crowd milling around and cheering. Harry shook his

    head. He hadnt seen who had won.

    Okay, everyone, settle down please. Harry turned his head and spotted Arthur Weasley standing on top

    of a small crate in the middle of the room. The murmur in the room settled down and the crowd

    gathered around. Arthur held up his arms. I know everyone is wondering why we are here.

    Its a party, why else would we be here, Dad? Georges voice echoed through the room.

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    Arthur shook his head. Its a party, true, but we have a serious purpose for this gathering. Arthur

    looked around the room. We are having what the Muggles call an interception. Quite pleased with

    himself Arthur looked at the blank stares. Dudley walked up to Arthur and whispered in his ear. Arthur

    had a shocked look and then nodded. Im sorry, we are having an intervention.

    Arthur was still confronted with blank stares from the audience. Finally, Dudley spoke up. Who is the

    intervention for, Arthur? Why dont you just tell everyone.

    A hush came across the assembled crowd and Harry looked from side to side, trying to determine why

    they were there. Harry Potter! Harry started when Arthur called hisname. Come forward, son. The

    crowd parted allowing Harry to step forward. He reached the front rank and stood near Arthurs box. His

    father-in-law ignored him and Harry waited as Arthur looked back at the crowd. You too, Ron Weasley

    and you as well, Sean Manchester. Equally as surprised as Harry, the other two named men walked up

    and stood next to Harry, albeit seemingly standing a little apart from Harry. Once theyd reached the

    center of the room, Arthur took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

    Gentlemen, an intervention is when friends recognize a glaring issue in people they care about and

    intercede to correct the problem. Arthur stretched out his hand and extended his index finger between

    the three men. You gentlemen have a huge problem.

    The old Ron seemed to bubble to the surface. What are you talking about? Who, me?

    Yes, you, Ron and you, Sean and you, Harry. In fact, it seems to many of us, that the problem may be

    that Ron and Sean have an issue with Harry and that is the problem. Arthurs piercing gaze seemed to

    penetrate the men.

    I dont have a problem with Harry. Sean mumbled, while his head dropped to the floor.

    Neither do I. Rons head also drooped a bit. Arthur smiled thinly and allowed his eyes to penetrate

    both men.

    I see, I guess your recent spate of moodiness was a result of something else then? The sarcasm inArthurs voice was readily apparent.

    You two have been sourpusses lately. George piped in drawing a seething leer from Ron.

    Weve all been under a lot of strain lately. Ron grumbled.

    Weve all been under a lot strain for over ten years, Ron. Its part of the job. Dennis added.

    Sean couldnt restrain himself. Yeah, but isnt it convenient how much trouble follows our Chosen


    Arthur turned his head towards Manchester and nodded. You think Harry is responsible for our stress, or

    for something else? Who are you really talking about, Sean?

    You know what Im talking about, Arthur. Everyone seems to pay the price while Harry gets off scott

    free. He doesnt pay. Not like the rest of us do. Not like Carter did and not like she did.

    Who paid, Sean? The voice that asked the question was behind him. Sean recognized it, but still

    answered. He pointed an accusatory finger at Harry.

    Gwens dead because of him, because of his adventuring. Sean said.

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    I thought you loved my sister. The voice that had asked the question belonged to Gavin Lockley. The

    large sailor walked up to Sean and stood in front of him.

    With all my heart, and he took her away from me.

    Gavin glanced at Harry and then back at Sean. As I recall, she died helping Bill and she was killed by aminotaur. Harry wasnt even there.

    Sean shook his head. It doesnt matter. He set the tone, all high and mighty, taking us on his crusades.

    Hes out to kill us all, just like she was killed.

    Gavin thrust a finger into the center of Seans chest. Then you didnt love my sister, did you.

    What do you mean?

    I accept that my sister died in the line of duty, doing a job she loved. She could no more stay at home

    and knit mittens than she would want to wield a cutlass. How dare you demean her sacrifice by blaming

    Harry? Either you didnt know her as well as you thought, or youre just wallowing in self-pity, which is

    it? Gavin crossed his arms in front of his chest and stared Sean down.

    Sean shook from the recrimination and Lockley leaned forward. The worst thing you can do is make my

    sister out to be some victim, when she was hardly that. You coward.

    The room echoed from the silence as Gavins words sunk in. It was at that time a loud bustle of noise

    came from the stairs.

    Well, well, wellwe heard there was party, but looks like its nothing more than an Auror sewing circle.

    A party of twenty or so rough and tumble characters, wearing sailors uniforms were at the entrance. The

    largest, a rough looking specimen with a cratered face and black eyes turned back to his compatriots.

    Here we are thinking wed crash a good drinking bingeand all I see are tea and crumpets.

    Harry shook himself from the shock of the previous exchange and walked up to the leader. Listen guys,

    this is a private party. Why dont you go on downstairs and have a round on me?

    Well if it isnt the great Harry Potter himself? The head trouble maker turned and stood, towering over

    Harry. We dont want any drinks downstairs. Why dont you and your ladyfolk from the Ministry go

    ahead and give up the room to us real men? He pushed Harry backward.

    Harry took a deep breath and looked back. The argument had been long forgotten, as they settled up

    behind him. I dont want any trouble.

    The overhand fist that sailed through the air and connected with his jaw told him that the intentions of

    the new arrivals was exactly the opposite. As Harry careened through air, all thoughts of irritation with

    Harry seemingly disappeared as the friends closed with the drunken men.

    When young, wizards tend to find out about their magical abilities by accident. Typically, they do not

    have a wand to direct their efforts and the accidentally let fly spells in response to environmental stimuli.

    A brawl with bare fists had a tendency to bring out accidental discharges of magic. Such was the case

    when a short sailor connected a punch to Rons midsection. A stream of water emanated from this fist

    and sent Ron crashing through the floor to the room below. Of course, that extended an invitation to the

    rest of the bars patrons to join the fun.

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    Aberforth began shouting at the top of his lungs, trying to keep the combatants from destroying his

    establishment. The melee was joined, well past his ability to control it. In a far corner, John Dawlish and

    Arthur Weasley watched the action, suspiciously satisfied grins on their faces. The battle continued

    unabated and the Aurors, much to Arthurs delight, were getting the worst of it. He turned to Dawlish

    and smiled.

    Sometimes you need to get your backside kicked to solve a problem and from the looks of things, ourproblems are definitely getting solved. Still skeptical, the Minister of Magic simply nodded.


    Eric Williamson shook his head. I wonder what would have happened if those sailors hadnt shown up?

    Arthur smiled. Indeed, it was fortuitous that they were there. Of course, what do you expect in a place

    like the Hogs Head?

    I heard that. Aberforth called out and then leaned over a batter broom, sweeping up some broken


    The front door opened and a robed figure entered, brushing off the fresh snow on his shoulders. The new

    arrival casually tossed off his hood and looked over where Arthur was seated and approached. Erics eyes

    opened wide as he recognized the platinum hair and roguish glare of Draco Malfoy.

    Well, Minister, good to see you. Draco nodded his head to Dawlish and then he stared at Arthur. Well,

    did it work the way you planned it?

    Better. Arthur smiled. He reached into his pocket and drew out a small leather pouch. It jingled as if

    full of coins. Please tell your men that Iappreciate their timing. It was impeccable. He tossed the bag

    to Draco.

    The owner of Draco Import and Export and the master of well over thirty sailing ships, all crewed by

    sailors in his employ laughed out loud. You know, they would have all done it for free to get a chance atsome Aurors.

    Arthur nodded. I dont doubt it, but they earned it nonetheless.

    Eric shook his head and shared an incredulous look with Silas. Arthur, you are an evil man. You sure

    know how to cause trouble.

    Arthur Weasley laughed. I am a conniver, that is true, but as far as trouble is concerned, I believe we are

    about to get a lesson in that subject, right about now.

    Just then, the door opened again revealing a group of concerned women. Leading them was a woman

    with chestnut hair and another with dark red hair. Both women took in the scene and then the woman

    who was the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement cried out.

    Ronald Bilius Weasley, you had better have a good explanation for all this.

    Arthur grasped Dawlishs wrist. You see what I mean about trouble?

    Chapter 285 Papiliondae Durandalis

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    The atrium of the Ministry of Magic was configured for the event. A small raised stage with a minimal

    podium was draped in the flags of the Royal Society for the Preservation of Magical Creatures while the

    crowd gathered echoed in a dull murmur of activity. Rolf looked across the heads of the assembled press

    and academics whod gathered to hear his presentation. The crowd was larger than normal, which

    surprised Rolf. The last nargle expedition hed been on had yielded the discovery of a new breed of

    earthworm whose saliva elevated the height on levitation charms when the magic user drank it. The

    associated conference for that revelation had not brought out this many people.

    He shook his head slightly and eased his hand into Lunas. She was gazing upward into the air, her gray

    eyes twinkling in the overhead light. Rolf smiled to himself. After all these years together, he didnt know

    if he believed in the creatures she talked about. Hed never seen a nargle or Crumple-horned Snorkack,

    yet he was also unsure as to whether he could totally disprove their existence either. At the center of

    everything, was the simple concept of faith. Rolf was reasonably certain that his wife had never, ever

    seen a Nargle, either, but she believed with a certainty that could only be attributed to unquestionable

    faith, which was a rare quality among wizards, who had been jaded by decades of pain and suffering. So,

    Rolf followed his wife across the globe on their quest for magical and mystical beings. Every sojourn had

    resulted in a discovery. Rolf was now engaged in the family business, keeping his grandfathers guide to

    magical beasts up to date and revised, mostly with the creatures he discovered on his travels with Luna.

    The last trip had been no different, the journey to the tip of Scotland and the adventure in the cavern had

    led to a wondrous discovery. Rolf had lifted the lid off the glass cabinet and lifted the sword from its

    resting place. As he stared at the bright blade, a fluttering motion passed his eye sight. Luna gasped in

    delight and pointed excitedly at a brightly colored flurry buzzing around the room.

    Oooh, a Nargle! Lunas lyrical tone echoed in delight.

    The sword fell to his side as Rolfs eyes followed hers. There was a pair of red and lavender wings

    fluttering excitedly in the air. He smiled. No, its a butterfly!

    Rolf followed behind the excitedly flying insect and held out his hand. The butterfly alit on his palm. He

    gazed at and then jumped back as a tiny bolt of lightning sprang from the beautiful creature and landed

    near his feet.

    I would say that qualifies it as a magical creature. Ive never seen anything like it, have you? Rolf asked.

    Luna didnt seem disappointed that it wasnt a Nargle, and she shook her head. She reached into her

    pocket and pulled a working copy of their field guide, flipping through the pages to see if this butterfly

    could be identified. She found none.

    Rolf shook his head. Another Nargle hunt had resulted in a discovery.


    Rolf rose to the podium and the crowd became hushed as he levitated a glass jar in front of him.

    Papiliondae Durandalis! We are excited to present a brand new species of magical butterfly, discovered

    by my wife and I. As you can see, it is marked by bright red and lavender markings and highlighted by a

    powerful lightning burst. He charmed the lid off the jar and the butterfly flew out, emitting an excited

    bolt of energy. Rolf smiled. This marks the twenty fifth new species weve identified. Well now take


    Immediately, the crowd raised their hands and started shouting, taking Rolf by surprise. Hed never

    thought a butterfly would generate such excitement. He was wrong. The crowd wasnt here for the

    butterfly. A large reporter from the Daily Prophet elbowed his way forward.

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    Marcus Quimby, Daily Prophet, Mr. Scamander, did you find the sword of Roland, Durandal? The man

    held a quill to a pad and waited for Rolf to answer.

    Rolf seemed honestly surprised by the question. Well, yes, I think so. Thats the name that was on the


    Another reporter stepped forward, Arent you in the least bit interested in that discovery? Where is the

    sword now?

    The tenor was starting to change, and Rolf was amazed at the interest in the sword. I dont think the

    sword was important a discovery as the butterfly. I mean the swords importance is more historical than

    anything else. It didnt seem to have any magical qualities. We were planning to turn it over to the

    Ministry for safekeeping.

    The first reporter scowled. You cant be serious. What are you hiding? What did you really find in that

    cavern? Why havent you told anyone where the cavern is and why are you being so cavalier about the


    Im not being cavalier. Its a sword! It has a blade, a hilt and some jewels. Surely you can see the

    importance of the butterfly. Rolf felt an uneasy feeling in his stomach. He was a naturist, not a fortune

    hunter, but the nature of the questions seemed to point to something else.

    The second reporter snorted. Dont be so smug, Mr. Scamander. You mean to tell me that the only thing

    you found was a useless sword and a bug that shoots lightn ing from its butt?

    Rolf cleared his throat. Um, well, yes. I wouldnt put it that way. Creatures that can spontaneously emit

    a static electrical discharge are very rare. This is an extraordinary find.

    Mr. Scamander, is it your intent to withhold the extent of your real discovery? The reporters would not

    relent. Rolf felt his collar constricting.

    I have told you the real discovery. I dont know what youre talking about.

    The reporter laughed out loud. You mean to tell me that you reallydont know what finding Durandal


    Rolf shook his head, unable to respond, and confused at the level of vitriol spilling from the questioner.

    The reporter slapped the cover down on his notebook. Everyone knows what Durandal is, besides being

    the sword of Roland.

    Whats that? Rolf asked.

    The reporter eyed him closely. Its the key to finding Charlemagnes Treasure.


    Rolf took a sip of water from his glass and felt Lunas hand in his own. The heavy feeling in his chest had

    lightened and he was grateful that Harry had finally rescued him from the mob. The glass jar with the

    butterfly and Durandal sat atop Harrys cluttered desk. Harry himself reentered the office, followed

    closely by Ron, Sean, Eric and Mortimer, his team leaders. Rolf smiled up at Harry.

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    Thanks for the assist, Harry. I had no idea that things would get so rough. Rolf sighed and then noticed

    the rather large black eye Harry was sporting, as were the numerous bruises on Rons face and the limp

    that Sean exhibited. Rolf didnt comment on their appearance. The same could not be said for Luna.

    You look like you got the worst of whatever fight you all got into. Luna commented.

    Ron flushed. You should see the other fellow.

    Harry nodded. Anyway, it looks like you had quite an adventure.

    Thats the thing, Harry. There was nothing remarkable about the cavern and the sword, well look for

    yourself, its just a sword. I dont know anything about any treasure. Rolf quipped.

    I dont either, but Ive beenchecking it out. I dont have the full story, but apparently, theres a legend

    tying Roland, Charlemagne, the sword and a thief to all the riches that the emperor had amassed during

    his lifetime. Harry lifted the sword from his desk and held it up. It was surprisingly light, and fit much

    better in his hand than the sword of Godric Gryffindor. Of course, hed wielded that sword as a boy and

    he was confronting a basilisk at the time. Rolf had been right, there was nothing discernibly magical

    about the sword.

    Mortimer looked up. Well, the treasure is supposed to have some very powerful magical talismans. He

    was very interested in amassing the most powerful magical items to keep his reign going.

    Harry nodded and noticed Rolfs shocked look. Its okay, Rolf. Its not your fault.

    The slim man smiled wearily. Im just interested in nature. I didnt see anything that pointed some great

    treasure being there.

    Harry nodded and then looked around the room. That being said, we may have to take a hard look at

    finding this cache, before people start a frenzy. Harry turned and glanced at Ron and Sean, mindful that

    he take their thoughts into account.

    Ron shrugged his shoulders. It sounds interesting.

    Sean nodded in agreement.

    Harry nodded and then turned to Rolf. Im afraid Im going to have to ask you to take us to this cave you

    found. That seems to be the logical place to start.

    Rolf nodded. When do we go?

    Harry thought for a moment. I think we need to do some research and see what we are looking for.

    Then I need to identify the team thats going to follow this up. Lets say well go in about a week. Until

    that time, well keep the sword here, if you dont mind.

    Not at all, if what youre saying is true, every lunatic around will want that sword. Rolf averred.

    Mortimer cleared his throat. Harry? I think we should keep the butterfly.

    Why is that necessary? Rolf asked crossly.

    Mortimer frowned. Im sorry Rolf, but you found it with the sword. It may be related to the sword. You

    were in the middle of a frozen tundra in a manmade chamber. Its magic may be related to the search.

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    Hes right, Rolf, Im sorry. Harrys words didnt reassure the man. Youll have full access while its here.

    You are the preeminent expert on magical creatures.

    Except for Hagrid. Ron interjected and then clamped his mouth shut at a look from Harry.

    Harry continued. You know better than anyone else about these creatures. You can help us find out ifits naturally occurring or as a result of one of Charlemagnes treasures.

    Somewhat mollified, Rolf picked up the jar and tapped the side. The butterfly fluttered its wings and sent

    a small bolt of lightning towards his finger.


    The evergreens swayed in the winter wind as the figure moved through the wood across the snowy

    landscape. The woman moved lightly through the forest, gripping the paper in her hands as she made her

    way to her destination. She finally arrived to an open clearing in the wood and approached the man

    standing in the open. He was relatively short and thin, and despite the snow on the ground and the bitter

    cold, he feet were bare and he wore a tattered robe that was threadbare and covered with saplings and

    branches. His hair was stringy and long with bits of leaves and bark clinging to the ends. His face was

    dirty with soil and dust and his hands were dark, as if hed been digging in a mud bog. He gripped a

    gnarled wooden staff that was smoothed around the area that his hand touched. His eyes were a brilliant

    light green, covering the entire pupil and iris. He seemed to staring into the distance, eyes open but

    unaware of her approach.

    Master? Her voice shook from the cold. He snapped to reality and turned to face her. She extended

    the paper in her hand and he seethed through his teeth. She blushed from embarrassment. Im sorry.

    She unraveled the paper and held it out so that he could read it without touching it. It was as if the paper

    itself was poisonous.

    He smiled and cackled in delight. This is perfect. They have finally discovered Durandal. It brings us

    closer to our goal.

    She bowed her head. Yes master. What is your wish?

    First, remove that abomination from my sight and the presence of my brethren. She recoiled from the

    hate in his voice. She rolled up the copy of the Daily Prophet shed been holding and crammed it into her

    jacket pocket. Secondly, I have no doubt that those fools at the Ministry will attempt to recover the

    treasure for themselves. Well let them do the work and then take what is required.

    He held out his arms and took a deep breath, ignoring the bone-chilling cold. Then the world can be set

    aright and these mortals, these men, will pay the price of their gluttony. His cackles reverberated across

    the landscape, echoing into the night..

    Chapter 286Charlemagnes Secret

    The massive army began its trek into the Pyrenees, the soldiers marching with the heads to their chests

    while the general depression of defeat permeated the air. The mighty king sat atop of his massive war

    mount and watched the army file past on its way to relative safety in the south of France. Charlemagnes

    face was stoic, impassive, the weight of the defeat outside Pamplona not visible on his face. There was a

    traitor among them and he had a pretty good idea of who, yet he was not quite certain.

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    The sound of a horse struggling under the burden of accessing the rise he was perched on drew his

    attention. He turned and spied a knight astride a midnight black steed working his way upward. There

    was someone he was convinced of wasnt a traitor, that was Roland, his champion, the best of his mighty

    Paladins. Roland wore lustrous silver armor, his breastplate shining against the murky darkness of the

    clouds. Long strands of golden hair streamed down from beneath his helm and his wondrous sword,

    Durandal slapped the sides of the horse, sheathed in its scabbard. The sword had been a gift from

    Charlemagne to his champion, blessed by God and wielded with skill by the graciousness o f its bearer.Roland finally reached his king and dipped his head low in deference.

    It is done, sire. The rich voice echoed from beneath his visor, dark piercing blue eyes radiated

    confidence and loyalty.

    Charlemagne nodded. No one knows?

    None but myself, and chief of staff, sire, and he is sworn to secrecy under God. Roland trusted his aide

    and Charlemagne trusted Roland. More hoof beats struck his ear as the vanguard of his leadership group

    ascended the heights and reached their king. Before they approached, Charlemagne gave Roland a quick

    glance, indicating that his knight keep his information confidential. Roland nodded slightly and then

    slipped his helm from his head and waited as the generals and counselors made their way to the summit.

    The leader was a tall, angular man with a full beard and brown eyes. He had a look of elegance and

    refinery and he wore his armor easily. He nodded to the king and then waved at Roland. My liege.


    Roland smiled deferentially. Good day, uncle.

    Ganelon, what news of the Basques? The man turned back to Charlemagne and shook his head.

    The news is grim, sire. We will not be able to get the bulk of our forces across the mountains proper

    quick enough. The Basques are pressing us with great vigor. Ganelon said grimly.

    Charlemagne nodded and studied the terrain. We must get the army back into France. We need todelay the enemy a short while.

    Ganelon looked slyly at Roland and unnoticed, smiled as if a great plan were coming to play. Sire, I have

    a suggestion. Charlemagne looked over at his vassal and waited patiently. The Roncevaux Pass should

    afford a rear guard of Paladins an opportunity to delay the Basques advance long enough for the army to

    get away. The only question is who should lead the force.

    Roland straightened in his saddle. Sire, my men and I request the honor of such a task.

    Ganelon seemed strangely pleased by his nephews offer and nodded to his king. Sire, my nephew is

    more than capable of the task. The pass is small and his force is the best equipped to hold it and get


    Charlemagne remembered narrow opening that led across the Pyrenees. There was only one way in and

    Roland should be able to hold it. Slowly, the king nodded. Make it so. His retinue bowed as one, and

    then turned to leave. The king held up his hand. Roland, stay a moment. The knight stopped his mount

    and waited for the others to leave.

    Hand me Durandal, Roland. Hand me your sword. Roland drew the mighty blade and reversed it in his

    hand, presenting the pommel to the king. Deftly, the king tapped several of the stones and then twisted

    the end of the handle, revealing an empty, secret compartment.

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    I trust you have completed your task to the letter of my instructions? Charlemagne asked.

    Yes, sire. We omitted nothing. Roland responded. The king grunted and then pulled a small scroll of

    parchment and placed it in hilt. Then he replaced the cap and secured the sword. With one last fleeting

    motion, he removed one of the locking gems, a large ruby, from the sword and returned it to the knight.

    Now, the secret of is hidden within your sword and I have kept the keystone to reveal the hiding place of

    the treasure. Charlemagne seemed pleased with the outcome. Make haste with your preparations,

    Roland and mind that you watch for treachery, I fear that something is amiss.

    Roland nodded and headed off to lead his men.


    As Charlemagne suspected, there was a traitor in his ranks. It was a man driven more by envy than by

    philosophy. Ganelon had been a loyal servant to Charlemagne, but was jealous of the attention and

    riches paid to his nephew, Roland. Hed seen the defeat in front of Pamplona as an opportunity to be rid

    of his nephew, so he sent a note to the enemys commander, telling of a small back route that would

    allow the Basques to catch Rolands army in a vise. Ganelon smiled inwardly. With Roland gone, Ganelon

    would once again be first among Charlemagnes Paladins. It was long rumored that the king trusted his

    first knight with more than just loyalty and homage. In fact, the first knight was also entrusted with

    guarding the location of the kings most precious treasures. There were legends about the wealth and the

    magic of the items kept in the mysterious vault. Only the king and his champion were privy that

    knowledge. With Roland gone, Ganelon would have the knowledge, and as for the king? Well, Ganelon

    thought, accidents do happen.


    Charlemagne watched his vanguard pass through the mountains and into the verdant fields of southern

    France. The rider came towards him at a full gallop and for a moment, his bodyguards flinched

    suspiciously until the king held up his hand. The rider was someone he recognized, a squire from Rolandsretinue. The squire was a young teen and his face was grimy and flushed with pain and fear. He drew

    back the reigns of his horse and skid to a stop before the king.

    Sire! We are betrayed! The Basques were shown a passage in the mountains and ambushed the rear

    guard! The boy was out of breath and the king bade him to take his time with his report.

    Slow down, now tell me, what of the rear guard? How many have survived the treachery?

    The squire stared at his king and shook his head. Sire, there is no one but me. I am the only survivor.

    The boy was on the verge of tears. My lord Roland fought to open a hole in the enemys lines so that I

    may carry the news to your ears, but he fell as I passed through. No one came out of the battle.

    Charlemagne pursed his lips. There is no doubt that they were betrayed?

    No sire, no doubt, those were my Lord Rolands words. There was no way for the enemy to know our

    dispositions and to ambush us. We were betrayed. Charlemagne nodded slowly and closed his eyes in a

    silent prayer for his friend. He turned to the captain of his bodyguard.

    Arrest Lord Ganelon on suspicion of treason. The muted man nodded and waited as his king held up his

    hand. Find Elbegast and send him to me.

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    Elbegast was a small man who walked with a slight hunch in his back. His clothes were mere tatters of

    rags that draped over his skeletal frame. His skin was pulled tight over this frame and he had dark gray

    eyes that seemed to flit from place to place, like those of a caged animal. His physical shortcomings

    caused onlookers to overlook the cat-like grace with which he moved. Despite his outward appearance,

    Elbegast was one of the most accomplished thieves in the known world and he owed his life to the king.

    You wanted to see me sire? His voice was high pitched and reedy, while whispery quiet. He was more

    attuned to living in the shadows, than being out in the light of day, like he was today.

    Yes, Elbegast. It is now time for you to repay your debt to me. I have two tasks for you. Either may see

    your demise, but rest assured, succeed and you will be a free man. Charlemagne watched the career

    criminal process his words. Finally, the rumpled man smiled.

    What is your bidding, my lord?

    Charlemagne reached to his belt and withdrew a rolled up scroll and a small leather bag. First, you must

    return to Roncevaux Pass and retrieve Lord Rolands sword. You must hide that sword in the place I have

    described in this letter. Be mindful, the pass is now in the hands of the enemy.

    Elbegast shrugged. That should be no matter, my lord.

    I thought not, but after you place the sword where I tell you, I have another item you must sequester

    away from world. No one, especially the Saxons must know where you are putting it. Youre instructions

    are on the parchment as well. Do not fail me, Elbegast. You do not want to risk eternal damnation by


    I will not fail, my lord. Charlemagne nodded and handed the items to the small man. Elbegast nodded

    and stole off into the din of the retreating army. The king watched him disappear into the masses of

    humanity and then bade his captain over. Now, Captain, let us go deal with Lord Ganelon.


    Rons face was contorted into a look of confusion and wonder. The story of the sword was interesting,

    but as he looked at the weapon resting on the conference room table, a question hovered in the back of

    his mind.

    Well, if the location of the treasure is in the sword, why do we have to go some Merlin -forsaken ice

    hole? Cant we get the answer from the sword itself?

    Ron looked around the table and saw most of the people in the meeting agreed with his assessment.

    Harry, Sean and Hermione nodded while Mortimer and Williamson shared a quick glance. Kingsley

    Shacklebolt stood at the front of the table, after having delivered the report from his study of the writings

    in the Hogwarts Library. Rolf and Luna smiled at each other and Rolf nodded.

    It would make sense, I suppose, but I guess it depends on what was in the leather bag Charlemagne gave

    his thief. Rolf said.

    Thats the easy part, I suppose and the reason why the sword is not enough. Luna smiled at the group

    and reached to the center of the table and lifted the sword. It seemed surprisingly light and she easily

    flipped the blade around and displayed the hilt. She pointed to a spot where it seemed a gem was

    missing. You cant open the swords secrets without the ruby and thats what was in the bag he gave

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    Elbegast. She looked around the room and smiled dreamily. We have to go back, because Elbegast

    probably hid the clue to the where he hid the ruby there.

    Silence hung over the room as they thought about Lunas observation. Harry laughed to himself. After all

    these years, Luna was gifted with surprising bouts of clarity. Ron, however, still seemed a bit confused.

    Speak your mind, Ron. Now is the time. Harry declared.

    Ron sighed. Well, Harry, the last time we went wandering around looking for buried treasure, we ended

    up getting people killed, among other things. I guess my question is should we go through all this just to

    recover some trinkets?

    Harry looked over at the corner of the room where John Dawlish and Percy Weasley were sitting. Ron

    has a good point, why would we do this? We have a lot of things to take care of.

    Dawlish stood and cleared his throat and gestured to Percy. Normally, we wouldnt really give the go

    ahead on this, especially considering the points that Ron makes. He glanced at Ron and then continued.

    But, Professor Shacklebolt has found something that makes this a bit more interesting.

    Kingsley stood up and opened a large, leather bound book. Charlemagne ruled for quite some time and

    he was a very religious king. Most of his wars were those of conversion. One of the groups he converted

    was the Saxons. He pretty much converted the whole group.

    Okay, that was almost twelve hundred years ago, I think the statute of limitations has passed. Whats

    that mean for us? Sean asked impatiently.

    Kingsley ignored the interruption and continued. You remember that the Saxons were conquered by the

    Normans during the Battle of Hastings?

    Everyone in the room was a veteran of the war with the International Confederation of Wizards. Many of

    the pure blooded families were descendents of the survivors of the Anglo-Saxon residents of the Isles.

    In fact, the original founders of Hogwarts had survived the Norman invasion. Kingsley continued.

    Well, when Charlemagne converted the Saxons, he had to overthrow the magic users who led them and

    replace them with the magic users who we now know as our ancestors. Kingsley watched as his words

    took hold. Hermione was the first to respond.

    What do you mean? I thought magic was universal. Didnt he just replace one set of wizards with

    another? She asked.

    No, Hermione, its not that simple. The Saxons were guided by an entirely different set of magical

    principles and their wizards did not conform to our notion of magic. In fact, they were entirely

    different. Kingsley responded.

    In what way? Ron interjected. Who were they?

    Luna smiled and spoke up. They were Druids. They practiced the magic of nature.

    The room grew silent. Harry looked over at Luna. How do you know that, Luna?

    The pale woman smiled faintly at Harry. Its quite simple, you know. Druids were very adept at seeing

    and recognizing magical creatures that were very difficult to see and much more difficult to understand.

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    Like Nargles? Rolf added, without any hint of condescension or mocking.

    Luna smiled brightly. Precisely.

    Dawlish cleared his throat. Charlemagne was able to overthrow the Druids by taking whatever was the

    source of their power away from them. We dont know what it is, but there is a clear indicat ion that

    whatever it was may be cached with his treasure. Its a source of magic completely foreign to what weknow. For that reason alone, its worth investigation.

    The room grew silent again. Finally, Ron stood up. Well, I guess wed better be at it. Although, I simply

    cant stand the cold. Rolf, it isnt going to be that cold, is it?

    Rolf shrugged. Its pretty cold, Ron.

    Wonderful. Ron turned to Harry. Next time, I want to go on the Bahamas quest.

    Chapter 287Elbegasts Secret

    I knew it would be cold. Rolf and Luna had said as much, and yet when we apparated to the center of the

    small, abandoned village, nothing prepared me for the feeling of the wind literally cutting through my

    protective gear and penetrating my skin. The radiating chill moved down my spine and I watched as Harry

    collected the team together for the hike up to the hidden spot where Rolf and Luna had found the sword.

    When wed done the planning for this mission, I was pretty sure that using our brooms to navigate the

    several miles or so over the rough terrain would have been the call, but Rolf had quickly convinced Harry

    and the rest that it would be inadvisable and the conditions justified his opinion.

    It was late winter in the upper northern reaches of the British Isles. A billowing wind and blizzard-like

    conditions dominated the landscape. There would have been no way for any of us to stay together

    through the snow while mounted on brooms. The only recourse left to us was to walk, much to my

    chagrin. I watched as the members of the party began cinching up backpacks over our survival gear.

    Despite the thickness of the Goretex outer layer, I could feel the coolness of the subzero temperatures on

    my skin. Dennis made short work of inspecting my kit and I returned the favor. Sean and Kingsleychecked each others load outs, likewise Silas and Mortimer and Harry and the Scamanders. Wed

    decided on a small team. It was just like Harry to frontload the expedition with more Aurors than

    researchers. It was like he was expecting trouble.

    I turned and nodded to Dennis. Despite the wrap covering his face, and the goggles over his eyes, I could

    tell he was smiling. Merlin! He loved these sojourns into adventure. He looked over at me and shouted

    through the roar of the wind and the protective covering of his mask.

    Ive been itching for some excitement, Ron. Im sure glad this came along! He clapped me on the back

    of the shoulder, nearly sending me careening forward from the force. I steadied myself and simply

    nodded, knowing the effort of grumbling would be wasted. Adventure, indeed, Dennis should know

    better. There was nothing remotely exciting about adventure. I was here because Harry trusted me and I

    was good in a fight. Through the years, both of those abilities found themselves in desperate need

    whenever we went about. Up ahead, Harry raised his arms and pointed to a length of rope coiled on the

    ground in front of him. If he spoke, I could not hear him, but soon enough the rope came alive and

    wrapped itself around each of our waists. Soon we were connected in one long chain. Rolf was first, then

    Harry, Luna, Kingsley, Sean, Mortimer, Silas and finally Dennis and I brought up the rear. Given the

    weather, it was a sensible precaution and I shook my head wondering if I would have had the presence of

    mind to think of it myself.

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    Soon we were off and it was almost immediately apparent how much the small buildings of the tiny

    village had protected us from the elements. The gale force winds struck us like a boxers roundhouse,

    forcing my knees to buckle slightly. I felt the strong grip of Dennis hands grasp me by the shoulders to

    steady me. I waved at him in thanks and proceeded to follow the rest of the team into the open country.

    On the maps we studied, the actual linear distance between the village and the hills where we were

    headed didnt seem to be far, no more than three miles or so. Our progress was slow, as we sloggedthrough a foot of newly fallen, loose snow. In some places, our little caravan would fall up to our hips. To

    make matters worse, we were walking directly into the wind, which was plugging at us at speeds near

    thirty kilometers per hour. I couldnt tell if the sun was out. It wasnt fully dark, nor was it really light. It

    was just gray. The setting was quite depressing. We slogged our way until we reached the base of a large

    hill. I watched as Rolf took a quick look back at Luna who nodded and pointed upwards, naturally,

    towards the hardest looking portion of the climb. Soon we were ascending up the spine of the ridge, the

    wind driving at us from both the left and the right.

    Despite the conditions, I marveled at how Luna, tiny as she was, managed to keep up with the progress of

    the rest. She had a tendency to lose focus and seem flighty, yet she was always steady in times of peril

    and crisis. I considered her devotion to her family and to Harry. When things got to their worst, she

    seemed the most stable; the most calm. More than once, I saw her reach forward and keep Harry from

    tottering over the side of the hill, and falling down into the valley, taking us with him. Rolf was just as

    determined. I was sure that years of orienteering in all climates had made the pair much more acclimated

    to these outdoor conditions than we were.

    We trekked for what seemed like days, yet it couldnt be more than a few hours. Eventually, we came to

    a stop and Rolf pointed excitedly to a notch in the hillside which opened to a small tunnel. Spurred on by

    the prospect of getting out of the wind, we pushed through hastily until we were all within the confines of

    the passage. Harry raised his hands and the safety rope fell from our hips. He peeled the muffler from his

    face and looked around.

    Is everyone all right? He asked, his eyes taking everyone in.

    You mean beyond the fact that I cant feel anything beneath my neck and Ill be frozen for the next thirtyyears? I couldnt help myself. Sometime the words just came out. I was cold, after all.

    Sean snorted and smiled. Some people might say that you cant feel anything above your neck, either.

    What did Sean know? He was short, so the wind obviously had lesser effect on him. I decided to ignore

    him and it seemed that Harry ignored us both. Hed already started following Rolf down the passage. I

    brushed off the scattered snow on my shoulders and held my wand up in my gloved hand so its light

    could add to the others. Feeling Dennis crowding behind me, I pushed forward.


    Hermione and I had discussed this mission closely. I could tell that shed wished she could come with us,

    but her duties at the Ministry and the fact that it might be interpreted as her playing favorites had

    stopped her from coming. Politics seemed to be factoring more and more into her job, and I could tell she

    was not happy with that prospect. Part of me wished that she was here with us. She was the brightest of

    us all and I knew shed figure out any mystery we ran into. Of course, I am a little biased and Merlin knew

    that I hated being away from her for any amount of time. Still, the fact that she wasnt coming didnt

    keep her from lecturing me on all things Charlemagne or Roland. Shed found some remote text here and

    there that helped outline the life of the king. From my perspective, I thought our time would be better

    spent studying the thief, Elbegast, since he was the one that hid the sword and the ruby. I think I

    surprised Hermione with that bit of thinking. Its funny that I still surprise her, after all these years.

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    Elbegast had been a stranger to Charlemagnes domain. Although he was a great thief, Roland had

    managed to catch him in the act of pilfering a church. Hed thought hed wallow away his days in a

    dungeon until Charlemagne himself had come to him. Apparently, an angel had commanded the king to

    steal back something that had been stolen from his people. Ill give Charlemagne some credit, he wasnt

    so overwhelmingly full of himself that he didnt know when he was out of his depth. He commissioned

    Elbegast to perform the task. Elbegast could have simply disappeared into the night, but he was soastonished and impressed by the kings trust that he performed the job and then swore his loyalty to the


    The result was that when the king wanted to hide his greatest treasure, the thief was ready to do it.

    Thats what led me to where I was now, walking blindly inside of a mountain in the dead of winter. Come

    to think of it, I was beginning to feel hot. Rolf had mentioned that the cave had some sort of heating

    source and I was sweating underneath my protective clothing. Harry seemed to be feeling the same way

    and he called us to halt in one of the larger alcoves.

    How much farther, Rolf? Harry asked. The slender naturalist smiled and pointed down the passage way.

    Weve got a good hour or so. Rolf responded. Harry nodded.

    Okay, everyone, if I recall, its going to get a bit warmer here. I suggest we leave our survival gear here

    so that we can be a bit more comfortable. Leave it to Harry to think of the details. I took off my gloves

    and parka and piled them on the ground near the wall. Feeling a bit more comfortable, we continued


    A professional edge settled on the team as we sensed that we were nearing the chamber. The chatter

    dissipated and a sense of anticipation hovered in the air, like a fog. Soon we entered the room that Rolf

    and Luna had found Durandal and I was suitably impressed.

    This is it? All that work and this is all thats here? My voice echoed off the walls. The center of the

    room held a dais and a glass box which Rolf had closed once hed drawn the sword out. The room was

    empty and blank. There were no etchings or writings. There werent pictures or carvings, just a plainstone table with a clear glass box.

    Whatd you expect, Ron? Sean asked me, but obviously he was as annoyed as I was.

    I dont know, maybe a great big arrow on the floor or a map with a giant X on it. It wouldnt have hurt

    for the ancients to leave a clue behind. Why did everything have to be a mystery?

    Mortimer had been studying the support and its case. He turned to Rolf. How was the sword situated in

    the box?

    Rolf drew the sword from his rucksack and placed it within the box. Mortimer nodded and then looked

    along the wall that aligned with the sword. I guess Ron was right.

    What do you mean I was right? There seemed to be a lot of Hermione in Mortimer, a lot of brains and

    not a whole lot of explanation.

    Mortimer pointed to the wall. Elbegast left an arrow and X does mark thespot. I looked down and

    from the way the sword sat in the case, it formed and arrow head with the stone dais beneath it. It

    pointed to the far wall where through some trick of the light and shadow on the sword and box, an X

    formed on a spot near the bottom of the wall.

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    Harry stared at me, marveling at my discovery. Of course, I knew it was all just luck. In our business, luck

    played an essential role. I was sure to point that fact out to my companions.

    See, I knew it all the time. You guys always miss the obvious. Okay, so I didnt let them off the hook,

    but I was hungry and no one had thought about taking a break for lunch.

    Harry knelt where the spot on the wall was and felt around the area with the mark. He pressed the stonewall around the shadow and it gave way. The corner of the room rumbled, revealing a passage to another

    room. This one was dressed up with maps and paintings, made in great detail. It was a map of the

    Continent from almost fifteen hundred years ago. Like the sword room, light seemed to emanate from

    the walls themselves. We walked into the room and studied the walls.

    Two whole walls were dominated by maps. One wall showed Spain and France and highlighted the place

    where Roland was betrayed. The other wall showed Eastern Europe. The detail was astonishing, with

    rivers and mountains meticulously displayed. Still, there wasnt a big mark that said the ruby is HERE!

    There was a picture of a woman riding on a stag on the third wall. The reins were snakes and she held a

    bow and arrow in her hands. She was aiming at a red figure that looked like a devil and he had an arrow

    protruding from his neck.

    What is this all about? I asked.

    Harry shook his head and looked over at the brain trust, Kingsley and Mortimer. They shrugged their

    shoulders and looked outward with confused expressions. Rolf and Luna, however, were smiling broadly.

    What give, you two? I asked. They were an odd pair.

    I know where we have to go. Rolf said confidently.

    Oh yeah, where?

    Bulgaria. He said.

    I looked at them and then looked at the picture. Back at them and then back at the picture. Finally, I

    threw up my hands. Okay, Ill bite. Why Bulgaria? The others looked at Luna and Rolf and nodded.

    Luna smiled. Were supposed to go to the Devils Throat.

    What in blazes is the Devils Throat? Sean grumbled.

    Rolf laughed. He pointed at the woman. That is a samodiva, a wood nymph from Bulgaria. She is

    shooting the devil in the throat, meaning the Devils Throat.

    He saw our confusion and explained further. Its a cave with a waterfall in front of it at the bottom of a

    gorge in the Rhodopi Mountains. Thats got to be where Elbegast hid the stone.

    Sean looked over at me. Dont you know someone in Bulgaria?

    Of course I did. Charlie was there with Billie Tunstall. Thats obviously who Sean meant. Of course I could

    be wrong.

    Sean snapped his fingers. Viktor Krum! Hes a bigshot over there. Wait, didnt he date Hermione?

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    I nodded my head grudgingly. I had forgotten about Krum and the Triwizard Tournament had been years


    Sean, apparently, didnt want to let things so. I bet we could get Hermione to come with us. Maybe she

    wouldnt mind seeing her old friend. He said cheerfully.

    Before I could offer a response, Harry interjected, obviously unaware of how close Sean had come tobeing turned into a slug. Well, thats the place to start. Our next stop is Bulgaria.

    Oh joy, I could hardly wait.

    Chapter 288 Redirection

    The Ministry of Magic was a hive of activity, the central atrium thick with magical creatures of all species

    milling around conducting business. In the long hallway where the floo reception area stood, the comings

    and goings of the wizarding population demonstrated the how much life had changed since the

    destruction of the Dark Lords reign. Everyone coming to the Ministry had to pass through this hall.

    Whether by floo, apparition or through the visitors entrance, all entries and exits were through this

    narrow hall with the stoic visage of Mr. Munch standing by the entrance, watching everyone come and


    Hed noticed the thin man standing by the floo entrance. He was short and rather shabbily dressed,

    holding and battered fedora in his hands, wringing the brim. He looked as if he were waiting for

    someone, and hed been there for a few hours, almost since the beginning of the morning. Munch

    shrugged his shoulders. He had enough to worry about than some featureless loiterer who was not

    bothering anyone.

    A louder bang than usual signaled the arrival of a large party apparition in the reception area. Harry and

    his search party quickly doffed their winter clothing and shook the remnants of the snow from their

    shoulders. The waiting mans face brightened as he recognized Harry. He stepped forward.

    Mr. Potter? His voice was quiet and hushed and Harry didnt hear him. Instead, a louder voice echoedthrough the room.

    Harry! Eric Williamson walked up, inadvertently brushing by the man. Harry turned and met


    The Minister needs to see you, right away. The senior Auror pointed out towards the gleaming rows of

    glass that highlighted the atrium.

    Were still in the middle of this Charlemagne thing. Harry responded.

    Eric nodded. He says you should turn that over to Mortimer and let him and Silas handle it with the

    Scamanders. Apparently, its dropped in priority.

    Harry nodded and waved to Mortimer and then looked back at Williamson. Whats this all about?

    I havent a clue, but he did sayit was urgent. Williamson stumbled over the man, whod walked up

    behind him. Hey, mind where youre going.

    Harry stepped forward and helped the man up. Are you all right, sir?

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    The man seemed flustered, but unhurt. He looked up and caught Harrys gaze on him and stuttered. Mr.

    Potter, I was hoping to speak with you. He looked around cautiously. Its very important.

    Harry stopped, but Williamson tugged at his shoulder. Harry, the Minister said it was urgent.

    Ron stepped forward and placed a reassuring hand on the mans shoulder. Dont worry Harry, Ill see

    what this fellow wants. Harry took one last look at the forlorn man and allowed Williamson to drag himfurther into the crowd. Ron watched his friends back disappear into the throng and then escorted the

    man to a corner of the receiving area that held a bench. The small nook was away from the main floo

    reception point and had a bit more space to maneuver. Sean Manchester followed Ron and the man to

    the spot and folded his arms as Ron helped the man sit down.

    There you go, now, sir, what seems to be the problem? Ron asked. The mans eyes were sunken deep

    within his head. His hair was awry and he had worry lines cascading down his face. His pupils flitted from

    side to side as if he were anxious about some danger or imminent catastrophe. Slowly losing patience,

    Ron hid his irritation and prompted the man further. Sir, I cant help you if you dont tell me what the

    problem is.

    The mans eyes fixed on Ron, as if realizing his presence for the first time. I dont know if anyone can

    help me. You see, I think my daughter is a threat to the Ministry.

    Your daughter? What do you mean? Ron asked, a look of confusion on his face. How old is your


    The man sighed heavily. Shes five, Mr. Weasley and shes dangerous.

    Manchester snorted out loud and rolled his eyes into the back of his head. Indeed! How, sir, is a five

    year old dangerous?

    The man looked between Ron and Sean nervously. His voice dropped an octave lower and he spoke in a

    whisper. I believe shes the reincarnation of Lord Voldemort. There was desperation in his eyes. I

    think she is the Dark Lord reborn.


    The lift arrived at the main administrative level where Williamson practically dragged Harry along towards

    the inner sanctum of the Ministers office. They walked swiftly past Dawlishs reception area and into the

    conference room adjacent to Dawlishs main office. The conference room was already full, most of the

    chairs around the table had members of the Ministers staff arrayed around the table in various states of

    consternation and confusion. Harrys entry was met by anxious nods and Harry sat down quickly.

    Williamson glanced towards the end of the table where Dawlish sat. I didnt have to go after him, after

    all. Theyd just returned.

    Dawlish nodded his head and looked over to Harry. Did you find Charlemagnes treasure?

    Harry shook his head. No, but we found a good lead.

    Youre going to have to forget it for a bit. Something has come up. Dawlish grunted.

    So Ive been told, Minister. Whats going on? Harry glanced around the room. Hermione, Arthur, Percy

    and a variety of high-level staffers seated around the table. Harry was also surprised to see Raimundo

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    Baretto, Seamus Finnegan, Bill Weasley, Fleur Weasley and two very old goblins sitting at the table as

    well. Clearly, something big was afoot.

    Dawlish held out his hand and the murmur in the room fell silent. I told Eric to have Silas and Mo

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