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Unit 19: The principles of Infection Prevention and Control

Unit code: IC 01

Unit reference number: L/501/6737

QCF level: 2

Credit value: 3

Guided learning hours: 30

Unit summary

To introduce the learner to national and local policies in relation to infection

control; to explain employer and employee responsibilities in this area; to understand how procedures and risk assessment can help minimise the risk

of an outbreak of infection. Learners will also gain an understanding of how

to use PPE correctly and the importance of good personal hygiene.

Assessment requirements

No further guidance has been supplied for this unit.

Assessment methodology

Learners can enter the types of evidence they are presenting for assessment and

the submission date against each assessment criterion. Alternatively, centre

documentation should be used to record this information.

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Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

Learning outcomes Assessment criteria

1. Understand roles and

responsibilities in the prevention

and control of infections

1.1 Explain employees’ roles and responsibilities in relation to the prevention

and control of infection

Infection is a major cause of human suffering. Even relatively minor infections can

become more serious, leading to major infection and can, in some cases, lead to

patient death. In addition to patient suffering, infection causes distress to family and


The costs to the health care system of providing care for those with infections are

huge. In addition to concerns over the growing costs to health care, the use of

antibiotics to treat these infections is thought to be contributing towards the problems

surrounding antibiotic resistance.

All employees are responsible for taking action to prevent the spread of infection, in

accordance with legislation and local and organisational policies and procedures.

They also have a personal and moral responsibility, as members of a caring society

and profession.

There are many roles where infection control is important, these include:

· Employees who work in communal living environments

· Employees who work with hazardous substances

· Employees whose work activities may expose them to infection

Employees have responsibilities to:

• Self

• Colleagues

• Employer

• Clients/Customers

• Visitors

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Learning outcomes Assessment criteria

1.2 • Employees working with individuals who may be vulnerable to infection Explain employers’ responsibilities in relation to the prevention and control of

infection Legal responsibilities

· Organisational responsibilities

· Personal/moral responsibilities.

Employers’ are responsible for:

· Assessing risks

· Putting procedures in place

· Ensuring procedures are followed

· Ensuring employees are appropriately trained in relation to infection control

· Making sure employees are aware of the health and safety aspects of their


- Posting information on notice boards

- Keeping an information file such as Control of Substances Hazardous

to Health (COSHH)

- Providing supervision

· Keeping records · Ensuring that the relevant standards, policies and guidelines are available within

the workplace.

Must ensure they adhere to the following regulations:

• The Health and Social Care Act (2001)

• Health and Safety at Work Act (HSAWA)

• (COSHH) The Control of Substances Hazardous to health Regulations (COSHH)

• The GSCC code of practice

Employers should also ensure they:

• Issue the correct PPE

• Allow for the correct disposal of waste materials

• Ensure all employees are trained accordingly

• Report all major indents to the HSE

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2 Understand legislation and

policies relating to prevention

and control of infections

2.1 Outline current legislation and regulatory body standards which are relevant

to the prevention and control of infection

Both employers and employees are responsible for their own actions in the

workplace. All reasonable steps should be taken when carrying out your work duties

and all staff should have adequate health and safety training, and measures should

be taken to ensure that policies and procedures are in place and adhered to. For

example, it is the employers’ responsibility to provide adequate protective equipment

and the employee’s responsibility to use it appropriately. The Public Health (Control of Diseases) Act 1984

- Provides information on the legal requirements for the reporting of contagious or

infectious diseases, for example, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis, HIV and Legionella.

Food Safety Act 1990

The requirements of this act apply to any area where food is prepared, stored or

eaten. Control is required to ensure that the risks of any infection, as a result of bad

handling of food, are minimised.

Local and central government employ staff to inspect premises without any advance

notice. (Environmental Health Officers).

Food hygiene

In many health care environments there may be

infection control responsibilities under the Food

Safety Act 1990 and the Food Safety Act (General

Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995.

Under this legislation, care workers who handle

food must:

· Keep themselves and their workplace clean

· Wear suitable clean, washable or

disposable, protective clothing

· Protect food from any possible


· Abide by regulations setting out safe temperature controls for storage,

preparation and display of food

· Inform their employer of any illness which may affect their safe handling of

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N.B. These regulations also require that employees who handle food as part of their

normal duties should also undertake specific food hygiene training.

Reporting Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations (RIDDOR)


The employer or manager in control of work premises has a responsibility under

RIDDOR to report any work related accidents or disease which result in serious injury or an employee being “off sick” due to injury for more than three working days.

The Public Health (Infectious Diseases) Regulations 1998

Describe the reporting systems and the types of disease which must be reported.

Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999

Requires all staff to be provided with adequate and appropriate training and a set of

working instructions demonstrating ‘safe working practices' for work related activities.

Controls Assurance Standards – HSC 2000/02

This standard provides a framework to control and manage infection. It provides a

time table for senior managers and infection control teams to work to.

The documents key action areas are:

· Strengthen prevention and control of infection

· Secure appropriate health care services for patients with infection

· Improve surveillance of infection

· Monitor and optimise antimicrobial prescribing.

Medicines and Health care Regulatory Agency (MHRA)

This regulatory body ensures the medicines and products available in the health care

sector are safe to use. The MHRA issue SAFETY BULLETINS if they receive

reports of faulty products or products which may be harmful to health. It is the

responsibility of the health care facility to report untoward incidents or products that

are faulty to the MRHA.

Standards for Better Health 2006

The standards were published by the Department of Health (DoH) and will achieve

two important things. First they will set the foundations for a common high quality of

health care throughout England. Second, they will clarify what the NHS can and

should be reaching for in its ambitions, both for the public and for the people who work

within it.

2.2 Describe local and organisational policies relevant to the prevention and

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control of infection

You need to obtain a copy of your settings organisational policy and attached to your


3. Understand systems and procedures relating to the

prevention and control of


3.1 Describe procedures and systems relevant to the prevention and control of infection

• The Health and Social Care Act (2001)

• Health and Safety at Work Act (HSAWA)

• (COSHH) The Control of Substances Hazardous to health Regulations (COSHH)

• The GSCC code of practice

• The Management of Health at Work Regulations


• Control of disease act 1984

• PPE regulations 1992

• Hazardous waste regulations

• N.I.C.E

• Work policy & procedure

3.2 Explain the potential impact of an outbreak of infection on the individual and the


The common occurrence and dire consequences of infectious disease outbreaks in

nursing homes often go unrecognized and unappreciated. Nevertheless, these facilities

provide an ideal environment for acquisition and spread of infection: susceptible

residents who share sources of air, food, water, and health care in a crowded

institutional setting. Moreover, visitors, staff, and residents constantly come and go,

bringing in pathogens from both the hospital and the community. Outbreaks of respiratory and gastrointestinal infection predominate in this setting, but outbreaks of

skin and soft-tissue infection and infections caused by antimicrobial-resistant bacteria

also occur with some frequency.

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nursing homes provide the requisite ingredients for outbreaks of infectious diseases [3].

As a rule, elderly nursing home residents have multiple chronic diseases and functional

impairments that predispose them to infection. Residents share sources of air, food,

water, and medical care, which facilitates both the introduction and subsequent

transmission of certain infectious agents among vulnerable residents. Prolonged lengths

of stay, limited capacities for diagnosis, and ineffectual infection-control programs often

allow outbreaks to propagate and persist for many months. Transfer of infected or colonized residents, which is a common occurrence [4], may export outbreaks to other

facilities, including hospitals and medical centers.

The frequency of outbreaks in nursing homes is not known, but a variety of data suggest

that they are common. Outbreak reports constitute one-third of the infectious disease

literature emanating from nursing homes [5]. The Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention (CDC) responds with some regularity to requests for assistance in managing

outbreaks in this setting [6, 7]. Publications from state health departments also

periodically attest to the occurrence of outbreaks in nursing homes [8, 9]. Finally,

surveillance studies of nursing homes have occasionally detected clusters of various


4. Understand the importance of

risk assessment in relation to the prevention and control of


4.1 Define the term risk

Risk is the potential that a chosen action or activity (including the choice of inaction)

will lead to a loss (an undesirable outcome). The notion implies that a choice having an

influence on the outcome exists (or existed). Potential losses themselves may also be

called "risks". Almost any human endeavor carries some risk, but some are much more

risky than others.

4.2 Outline potential risks of infection within the workplace

Risk of infection

First aid personnel and workers may be at risk of exposure to infectious diseases or

biological hazards if they receive:

• a skin penetrating injury such as a needle stick injury

• if blood or body substances come into contact with broken skin, open wounds,

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eyes or mouth

• contaminated first aid equipment or materials are used

Infectious diseases which may be transmitted by blood and some body substances


• hepatitis B • hepatitis C

• human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus that causes AIDS

All workplaces should undertake a review of their first aid practices to remove the risks

of infection or exposure to biological hazards.

Infection is caused by pathogens ('bugs') such as bacteria, viruses, protozoa or fungi

getting into or onto the body. It can take some time before the microbes multiply

enough to trigger symptoms of illness, which means an infected person may unwittingly

be spreading the disease during this incubation period. Infection control in the workplace

aims to prevent pathogens from coming into contact with a person in the first place.

Employers are obliged under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (2004) to provide a

safe workplace for their employees, including the provision of adequate infection control

procedures and the right equipment and training.

Transmission of infection

Infectious agents can be spread in a variety of ways, including:

• Airborne - coughs or sneezes release airborne pathogens, which are then

inhaled by others.

• Contaminated objects or food - the pathogens in a person's faeces may be

spread to food or other objects, if their hands are dirty.

• Skin-to-skin contact - the transfer of some pathogens can occur through touch,

or by sharing personal items, clothing or objects.

• Contact with body fluids - pathogens in saliva, urine, faeces or blood can be

passed to another person's body via cuts or abrasions, or through the mucus

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membranes of the mouth and eyes.

Assumption of risk

The basis of good infection control in the workplace is to assume that everyone is

potentially infectious. Proper procedures have to be followed at all times. Every

workplace should have an appropriate first aid kit, with at least one staff member

trained in first aid. Equipment such as gloves, gowns, eye goggles and face shields

should be provided if necessary.

Personal hygiene practices

Infection control procedures relating to good personal hygiene include:

• Hand washing - the spread of many pathogens can be prevented with regular

hand washing. You should thoroughly wash your hands with water and soap for

at least 15 seconds after visiting the toilet, before preparing food, and after

touching clients or equipment. Dry your hands with disposable paper towels.

• Unbroken skin - intact and healthy skin is a major barrier to pathogens. Any

cuts or abrasions should be covered with a waterproof dressing.

• Gloves - wear gloves if you are handling body fluids or equipment containing

body fluids, if you are touching someone else's broken skin or mucus membrane,

or performing any other invasive procedure. Wash your hands between each

client and use fresh gloves for each client where necessary. • Personal items - don't share towels, clothing, razors, toothbrushes, shavers or

other personal items.

Food preparation

When preparing food, you should:

• Wash your hands before and after handling food.

• Avoid touching your hair, nose or mouth.

• Keep hot food hot and cold food cold.

• Use separate storage, utensils and preparation surfaces for cooked and uncooked


• Wash all utensils and preparation surfaces thoroughly with hot water and

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detergent after use.

Cleanliness in the workplace

Infection control procedures relating to cleanliness in the workplace include:

• Regularly wash the floors, bathrooms and surfaces - such as tables and bench

tops - with hot water and detergent.

• Wash - walls and ceilings periodically.

• Mops, brushes and cloths should be thoroughly washed and dried after every use. Drying mops and cloths is particularly important, since many pathogens rely on

moisture to thrive.

• Use disinfectants to clean up blood and other spills of bodily fluids.

• When using disinfectants - always wear gloves, clean the surfaces before using

the disinfectant, and always follow the manufacturer's instructions exactly.

• Spot clean when necessary.

Dealing with spills of body fluids

Examples of body fluids include blood, saliva, urine and faeces. When dealing with spills

of body fluids, infection control procedures should be followed carefully. You should


• Isolate the area.

• Wear gloves, a plastic apron and eye protection, such as goggles.

• Soak up the fluid with disposable paper towels, or cover the spill with a granular chlorine releasing agent for a minimum of 10 minutes. Scoop up granules and

waste using a piece of cardboard (or similar), place in a plastic bag and dispose

of appropriately.

• Mix one part bleach to10 parts water and apply to the area for 10 minutes.

• Wash with hot water and detergent.

• Dry the area.

• Dispose of paper towelling and gloves appropriately.

• Wash your hands.

• Rinse any contaminated clothing in cold running water, soak in bleach solution for

half an hour, then wash separately from other clothing or linen with hot water

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and detergent.

Infectious waste

To dispose of infectious waste that has been contaminated with blood or other body

fluids, you should:

• Wear heavy duty gloves

• Place waste in plastic bags marked 'infectious waste' • Dispose of waste in accordance with EPA regulations.

Handling needles and other sharp contaminated objects

Infection control procedures when handling needles and other sharp contaminated

objects include:

• Never attempt to re-cap or bend used needles.

• Handle by the barrel.

• Place in an appropriate puncture-proof container, which is yellow and labelled 'Danger contaminated sharps' and marked with a black biohazard symbol.

Occupational exposure

If you come in contact with blood or body fluids, you should:

• Flush the area with running water.

• Wash the area with plenty of warm water and soap.

• Report the incident to the appropriate staff member.

• Record the incident via the Disease/injury/near miss/accident (DINMA) reporting

procedure. • Seek medical advice.

Employers and occupational health and safety representatives should investigate all

incidents involving contact with blood or body fluids, and take action to prevent a similar

incident from happening again.

Where to get help

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• Your doctor

• Your local council's health department

• Occupational health and safety officer at your workplace

• Communicable Disease Prevention and Control Unit, Department of Health

Victoria Tel. (03) 9096 0000 • WorkCover Advisory Service Tel. (03) 9641 1444 or Freecall 1800 136 089

Things to remember

• Infection control in the workplace aims to prevent pathogens being passed from

one person to another.

• The foundation of good infection control is to assume that everyone is potentially


• Basic infection control procedures include hand washing and keeping the workplace clean.

4.3 Describe the process of carrying out a risk assessment

1. Identify the hazards

2. Decide who might be harmed and how

3. Evaluate the risks and decide on precaution

4. Record your findings and implement them

5. Review your assessment and update if necessary

4.4 Explain the importance of carrying out a risk assessment

The law requires your employer to assess and manage health and safety in your

workplace and in order to abide by the law part of the process is to carry out a risk

assessment A risk assessment is an important step in protecting your workers and your

business, as well as complying with the law. It helps you focus on the risks that really

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matter in your workplace – the ones with the potential to cause harm. In many

instances, straightforward measures can readily control risks, for example, ensuring

spillages are cleaned up promptly so people do not slip or cupboard drawers kept closed

to ensure people do not trip. For most, that means simple, cheap and effective measures to ensure your most valuable asset – your workforce – is protected.

A risk assessment is simply a careful examination of what, in your work, could cause

harm to people, so that you can weigh up whether you have taken enough precautions

or should do more to prevent harm. Workers and others have a right to be protected from harm caused by a failure to take reasonable control measures.

The law does not expect you to eliminate all risk, but you are required to protect people

as far as is ‘reasonably practicable’. This guide tells you how to achieve that with minimum fuss.

5 Understand the importance of

using Personal Protective

Equipment (PPE) in the prevention and control of infections

5.1 Demonstrate correct use of PPE • Your assessor will expect you to demonstrate how you use the PPE relevant to

your job role. Remember to ensure the PPE you are using has been stored

correctly and that you put it on correctly and finally that you dispose of the PPE

correctly aftwards.

5.2 Describe different types of PPE Types of PPE

Hand Protection

Protective gloves are supplied in order to protect against:

Open cuts being exposed to germs & bacteria

To prevent germs & bacteria getting under nails

To stop Germs and bacteria being transferred to clothing

Disposable Aprons

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Protective aprons are used to protect clothing

To stop germs & bacteria being transferred.

Eye Wear/Goggles

To protect the eyes against splashes & spills

Other PPE that is worth noting

Hearing protection

There are three main types of hearing protection:

earmuffs/defenders, which completely cover the ear

earplugs, which are inserted into the ear canal

semi-inserts (also called canal-caps), which cover the entrance to the ear canal.

Hearing protection must be worn by anyone who is likely to be exposed to noise at or above

the Exposure Action Level set by The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005.

Head protection

There are three widely used types of head protection:

industrial safety helmets (hard hats), which are designed to protect against materials falling

from height and swinging objects

industrial scalp protectors (bump caps), which are designed to protect from knocking

against stationary objects

caps/hair nets, which protect against entanglement

Tasks where head protection may be required include:


building repair

work in excavations and tunnels

work with bolt driving tools

driving motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles, etc.

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Turban-wearing Sikhs are exempt from the requirement to wear hard hats on construction

sites by virtue of The Employment Act 1989.

Eye protection

There are several types of eye protection:

safety spectacles: these are similar to regular glasses but have a tougher lens. They can

include side shields for additional protection.

eye shields: a frame-less one piece moulded lens, often worn over normal prescription


safety goggles: these are made with flexible plastic frames and an elastic headband

face shields: heavier and bulkier than other type of eye protector, face shields protect the

face, but do not fully enclose the eyes so do not protect against dusts, mists or gases.

Tasks where eye protection may be required include:

handling hazardous substances where there is a risk of splashing

work with power driven tools where materials are likely to be propelled

welding operations

work with lasers

using any gas or vapour under pressure.

Foot protection

There are a number of types of safety footwear:

safety boots or shoes. Normally have steel toe-caps but can have other safety features (e.g.

steel mid-soles, slip resistant soles, insulation against heat and cold)

Wellington boots, which can be supplied with steel toe-caps

anti-static and conductive footwear. These protect against the build-up of static electricity.

Tasks where foot protection may be required include: construction, demolition, building

repair, manual handling where there is a risk of heavy objects falling on the feet, work in

extremely hot or cold environments, work with chemicals and forestry.

Where there is a risk of slipping that cannot be avoided or controlled by other measures,

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attention must be given to the slip resistance of soles and replacement before the tread

pattern is overly worn.

5.3 Explain the reasons for use of PPE

PPE must always be regarded as a ‘last resort’ to protect against risks to safety and health.

For example, it may be possible to do the job using methods that will not require the use of PPE.

If this is not possible, more effective safeguards should be put in place. For example, fixed screens

could be provided rather than individual eye protection.

There are a number of reasons why PPE must be considered as a ‘last resort’:

• PPE only protects the person wearing it, whereas measures controlling the risk at source

protect everyone in the workplace

• theoretical maximum levels of protection are difficult to achieve and the actual level of

protection is difficult to assess. Effective protection is only achieved by selecting suitable

PPE and if it is correctly fitted, maintained and used

• PPE may restrict the wearer to some extent by limiting mobility or visibility, or by requiring

additional weight to be carried. Thus creating additional hazards.

5.4 State current relevant regulations and legislation relating to PPE The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992

These regulations lay down the requirements for employers with regard to the provision, use and

maintenance of person protective equipment (PPE) in the workplace. PPE may be eye, head and

foot protection, high visibility clothing, life jackets etc.

PPE should only be used as a last resort. When it is used, employers must consider the following:

· PPE must be effective and protect the worker

· PPE must be provided and maintained free of charge

· employees should be involved in the selection of PPE

· employees must have adequate information, instruction and training to enable them to use

the PPE effectively, employees must take reasonable steps to ensure that any PPE provided

is used properly


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5.5 Describe employees’ responsibilities regarding the use of PPE Your responsibility regarding the use of PPE are:

An employee's duties are to:

• take reasonable care of the health and safety of themselves and of others who may

be affected by what they do or do not do

• cooperate with the employer on health and safety matters

• not misuse any equipment that is provided for safety purposes (eg fire extinguishers

or safety goggles)

• follow instructions from the employer on health and safety matters and attend

relevant health and safety training

• report hazards and defects observed in the workplace.

5.6 Describe employers’ responsibilities regarding the use of PPE

Your employer should carefully choose the correct types of safety equipment by considering

the different hazards in your particular workplace.

· Eyes: Safety spectacles, goggles, faceshields, or visors should be provided to protect

from chemical or metal splashes, dust, projectiles, radiation, gas and vapour.

· Head: An appropriate range of helmets and bump caps need to be available to

provide protection from falling or flying objects, risk of head bumping, and hair


· Breathing: Depending on the environment disposable filtering facepieces,

respirators, half- or full-face respirators, air-fed helmets and breathing apparatus are

required to enable adequate respiratory protection from dust, vapour, gas and

oxygen-deficient atmospheres.

· Body: Suitable overalls (conventional or disposable), boiler suits, specialist

protective clothing such as chain mail aprons or high visibility clothing should be

provided to protect against extremes of temperature, adverse weather, chemical or

metal splash, spray from pressure leaks or spray guns, impact or penetration,

contaminated dust, excessive wear or entanglement of own clothing.

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· Hands and Arms: Gloves, gauntlets, mitts, wristcuffs and armlets are necessary to

provide protection from abrasion, temperature extremes, cuts and punctures,

impact, chemicals, electric shock, skin infection, disease or contamination.

· Feet and Legs: Safety boots and shoes with protective toe caps and penetration

resistant mid-sole, gaiters, leggings and spats should protect from wet, electrostatic

build-up, slipping, cuts, punctures, falling objects, abrasion, metal and chemical


5.7 Describe the correct practice in the application and removal of PPE

Select and obtain proper size package of sterile gloves Inspect the glove package for signs of contamination. Discard if you find any of the

following: · Water spots or moisture · Tears · Any other evidence of damage or contamination · Perform a handwash

Open the sterile package · Place the package on a flat, clean, dry surface in the area where the gloves are to be

worn · Peel the outer wrapper open to completely expose the inner package

Position inner package · Remove the inner package touching only the folded side of the wrapper · Position the package so that the cuff end is nearest to you

Unfold the inner package - Open the package to a fully flat position without touching the

gloves Expose both gloves

· Grasp the lower inside corners or designated areas on the folder

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· Pull gently to the side without touching the gloves Put on the first glove

· Grasp the cuff at the folded edge and remove it from the wrapper with one hand · Step away from the table or tray · Keeping the hands above the waist, insert the fingers of the other hand into the

glove · Pull the glove on touching only the exposed inner surface of the glove

NOTE: If there is difficulty in getting the fingers fully fitted into the glove fingers, make

the adjustments after both gloves are on. Put on the second glove

· Insert the fingertips of the gloved hand under the edge of the folded over cuff · Keeping the hands above the waist, insert the fingers of the ungloved hand into the

glove · Pull the glove on

5.8 Describe the correct procedure for disposal of used PPE Your company policy will have details on how you should correctly dispose of PPE within

your environment. Include a copy of this policy in your folder. You could also show your

assessor how you dispose of PPE.

Understand the importance of good personal hygiene in the

prevention and control of


6.1 Describe the key principles of good personal hygiene

Parents, caregivers and peers can influence the way in which children approach personal

hygiene, which will stay with them for life. Educating children on good hygiene is the best

way to avoid the spread of infection and disorders and not just for childhood complaints;

teaching the principles of correct hygiene at an early age can help keep individuals healthy

in later life, and be taught to future generations. Principles of hygiene should be made part

of everyday life and the best way for parents to teach their children about good hygiene is

to lead by example.

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The incidence of illness relating to areas of personal hygiene is more apparent in children

and venerable people as they are learning to take care of themselves and are exposed to

many germs whilst in the school environment or in a play area.

Important Considerations

Oral Hygiene

It goes without saying that the teaching of good oral hygiene is essential for the young and

vulnerable. Along with brushing technique, the importance of dietary influences should be

explained and alternatives to sweets, biscuits and fizzy drinks should be made available.

Hand Washing

Hand-washing is the single most important factor relating to the spread of infection, not

just for children but for adults of all ages.

Children should be encouraged to wash their hands before eating, after using the toilet,

after handling animals, if they are ill or if they are spending time with a newborn.

Washing is essential to avoid developing threadworms which cause itching around the anus

and genitals, and are contracted from poor toilet hygiene or from animals. When a child is

ready to go to school or nursery, they are expected to be able to use the toilet themselves

and wash their own hands; parents and carers must make sure this is happening or

infections and diseases can spread.

Fungal Infections

Athlete’s foot and ringworms are also less likely to spread if correct hand washing is

achieved. Children should be taught how to effectively wash their hands, including between

the fingers and under the nails; employ the use of a nail brush if needed. Drying properly is

also important to prevent fungal infections from becoming worse. Children should

understand the importance of these actions also, as well as using an individual towel if they

have an infectious complaint.


Nail biting should be discouraged, particularly if the nails are being swallowed. The nails and

nail beds offer a perfect environment for germs to live and breed. Nail biting permits the

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transfer of these bugs to the mouth which can then lead to the digestive tract causing many

problems. An incidence of diarrhoea can badly affect a child and they can become quite ill

from electrolyte imbalance and dehydration; this can happen very quickly in the young.

Even if correct hand washing takes place, there will continue to be some germs under and

around the nail, if left they will not normally cause any harm, but transfer to the mouth can

induce problems. Keeping nails short will help to reduce the amount of germs under the


Hair Care

A suitable hair length and style such as a bun, is a very easy way of minimising the risk of

nits. These creatures are spread by contact so by reducing the amount of hair available to

have contact with others will decrease the chance of transmission. Hair does not have to be

washed daily as this can induce flaking of the scalp, itching and removal of the natural

oils.There is no harm in bathing every day, but it is more sensible to wash the hair every

other day, using a frequent use shampoo. • .

6.2 Demonstrate good hand washing technique

Your assessor will carry out an observation which will alow you to show your hand washing


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6.3 Describe the correct sequence for hand washing

1. Wet your hands using warm, running water. Add soap.

2. During the hand washing process, rub your hands vigorously for a minimum of 20

seconds, paying special attention to the backs of your hands, wrists, in between your

fingers and underneath your fingernails.

3. Rinse well while leaving the water running.

4. With the water continuing to run, use a single-use towel and pat your hands dry.

5. Turn off the water faucet using the paper towel covering your clean hands to

prevent recontamination.

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6.4 Explain when and why hand washing should be carried out

Hand washing is vital in preventing contamination of food by food handlers. Harmful

bacteria such as E. coli, Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus and viruses (e.g. norovirus)

present on the hands of food workers are removed by proper hand washing techniques.

• Before starting work

• Before handling cooked or ready-to-eat food

• After handling or preparing raw food

• After handling waste

• After cleaning duties

• After using the toilet

• After blowing nose, sneezing or coughing

• After eating drinking or smoking

• After handling money

6.5 Describe the types of products that should be used for hand washing

· Liquid soap

· Alcohol- based handrub

· Paper towels

6.6 Describe correct procedures that relate to skincare An intact skin is a natural barrier to infection consequently all care workers need to be

aware of the potentially damaging effects of frequent hand washing and the use of

alcohol hand rubs. Care workers should protect and maintain their skin integrity and

minimise the risk of skin irritation by observing the following:- Always wet hands before

Page 24: HSC level 3 unit CO1

Learning outcomes Assessment criteria

applying soap. Rinse hands thoroughly after washing to remove all traces of soap. Use

good quality paper towels to dry hands thoroughly, including the area between the

fingers. Regularly use aqueous based hand creams to keep the skin moist and supple.

Do not wear gloves for any longer than is necessary for the task. Always wash hands

thoroughly after removing gloves. Always wear gloves when handling blood, body fluids,

secretions and excretions, or chemicals. Use a moisturising hand cream regularly to

prevent dry hands. Any care worker who develops a skin irritation or allergy that may be due to the use of hand hygiene products or any soft tissue and other infections, that

may be transmittable to service users, should report this to the care home manager,

their occupational health advisor and their GP.

Learner name: __________________________________________ Date: __________________________

Learner signature: _______________________________________ Date: __________________________

Assessor signature: ______________________________________ Date: __________________________

Internal verifier signature: _________________________________

(if sampled)

Date: __________________________

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