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Cassava is greatfor improvingskin conditionas it containsvitamin C,whichpromotescollagenproduction


Quit smoking, maintainthe same body weightAnjali Mukerjee

Over the years, I havecome acrossmanywho believe that

people tend to gainweightonce they stop smoking.For some, this fear ofgainingweightmay lead toa decision to delay or avoidquitting. Agreed that if wecritically evaluate therelations betweensmoking, bodyweight,body fat distribution andinsulin resistance, asreported in scientificjournals, smokers do tendto have a lower bodyweight than non-smokersand usually, smokingcessation is followed byweight gain. But, theweight gain that followsquitting smoking isgenerally notmuch, andposes a far lesser risks tohealth, than thoseassociatedwith thecontinuance of smoking.If weight gain due to

smoking cessation issomething you fear, use thetips below to help youcontrol yourweight.nDrink plenty of fluidsincluding rawvegetablejuices. It helps provideantioxidants to reducethe free radical irritationduring the detox period.Basil juice is beneficialfor lung health. Also,

keep sipping onwarmwater

throughout the daynFollow a regular physicalactivity routine to boostyourmetabolism, burncalories and release thefeel good hormone,dopamine. Exercise alsobreaks down fats,releasing it into the bloodstream. Besideswalking,other common aerobicexerciseswould includecycling, swimming,playing squash, tennis,climbing stairs, spotmarching, etc.nSwitch to complex carbsfrom refined andprocessed ones (maidaand products). Includeadequate amounts ofvegetables, whole pulses,nuts and leanmeats(chicken)while havingsmall and fibre-densefoods at regular intervals.Thiswill prevent hungerpangs, provide consistentenergy, andmaintainmetabolism.nSet a regularmealpattern and avoidskippingmeals. Feelinghungrymaymake youfeel like reaching for acigarette, but if you stickto a healthy pattern ofthreemeals and two orthree small snacks, youcan avoid that feeling.

With the rising craze fortapioca or cassava, here’sa low-down on thisversatile tuber

alwaysbe eatencooked,” saysCarlyneRemedios,nutritionist and groupmanager,DigestiveHealthInstitute byDr.Muffi.While the resistant starch is

good for gut andaids digestion,the amount of carbs content ismore in cassava. “It’s probably

arthritis, stress,anxiety, highbloodpressure, colon cancer,irritable bowel syndrome,cardiovascular disease, andnervous systemdisorders likeAlzheimer’s.DrSweedalTrinidade,

senior dietician, PDHindujaHospital lists someof the othertophealth benefits of cassavaflour:n It is a calorie-dense starchytuberwithmoreproteinscompared to other tropicalfood sources like yam, potato,plantains, etc.n It is a good option for gluten-free starch that canbeused in

special foodpreparationsfor thosewith celiacdisease or glutensensitivityn It is a rich source of folate,thiamine, pyridoxine,riboflavin andpantothenicacidn It is a rich source ofpotassium that regulates theheart rate andbloodpressuren It has a good amount ofpotassium,whichalsoregulates bloodpressure andis safe for patientswith portalhypertensionn It has lowglycaemic index, soit canbe recommended todiabetic patients andalso to


high serumtriglycerides

ANYDRAWBACKS?While cassava flours that areavailable in themarket areprocessed andare consideredsafer options, experts adviseagainst rawcassava. “Cassavashouldnot be consumed rawasit contains cyanide compounds.Therefore, cassava should

Sarojini Jose

The latest gluten-free flourthatmanyenthusiastsare opting for is cassavaflour.Also knownas

tapioca or yucca, cassava isrich in soluble fibre andresistant starch. This promotesdigestivehealth,while alsobeing a safe option for diabeticsand thosewith gluten allergy.Apart fromversatility incooking, the fact that it islocally grownmakes itappealing to Indians.“Contrary to its exotic name,

youmaybe surprised toknowthat cassava root is the rawmaterial that’s used to producetapioca pearls or our very ownsabudaana. The sabudaanaweknowof is actually the starchextracted fromcassavaplant,”saysMunmunGaneriwal,nutritionist and founder,Yuktahaar.Cassava is great for

improving skin condition as itcontains a gooddose ofpotassiumandvitaminC,whichpromotes collagenproduction in the body. It isknown to bebeneficial invarioushealth conditionslike rheumatoid


KETO CHEESE CAKECOOKIESIngredients:240gm cream cheese (roomtemperature), 100gm butter,100gm sugar, 5gm vanillaextract, 5gm lemon zest,400gm cassava flour, 10gm seasalt or as per requirementMethod:nPreheat the oven to 350degrees Celsius and prepare acookie sheet with sheet rollern In the bowl of amixer, beatcream cheese, butter, andsugar until all the ingredientshave blendedwell. Now, add

in the vanilla extractnWith themixer still on low,sprinkle in the sea salt, thenthe cassava flournUsing a cookie cutter forconsistency, drop the doughonto the baking sheet,leaving space for spreadingnBake in the preheated ovenfor 12 to 13minutes as by thistime the edges usually startturning goldenn Let it cool on the sheet forfiveminute to firm up beforemoving it to cookie sheet tocool all the way.Health Benefits:“Cassava flour is an interesting

flour alternative. It is gainingmomentum as a go-to gluten-free and grain-free flour. It hasa high potential as a substitutefor expensive varieties ofimportedwheat flour. Unlikeother gluten-free flours such asalmond flour or coconut flour,cassava flour is mild andneutral in flavour. It is also notgrainy or gritty in texture,rather, it is soft and powdery.As cassava flour is nutrientdense and themost similar towheat flour, it can bewidelyused in various cooking andbaking recipes,” says AmitDash, executive chef, WestinPune Koregaon Park.


KetoCheese CakeCookies

Fresh vegetablesmoothiePHOTO: ISTOCK

not a good idea to replace allwheat products in your dietwith cassava, as it does containahigher amount ofcarbohydrates. Everythingshould be eaten inmoderation,” saysRemedios.Thosewith people on

hormonal replacementtherapy, and facing otherhormonal disorders suchasiodine deficiency,hypothyroidism, pancreatitis,etc. shouldnot consumecassava. Pregnant lactatingmothers and the elderly, too,should avoid it.n [email protected]

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