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Page 1: HTML  Introduction

HTML Introduction

Page 2: HTML  Introduction

HTML: The Language of the Web Web pages are text files, written in a language

called Hypertext Markup Language or HTML.

A markup language is a language used to describe the contact and format of documents.

HTML was developed from the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), a language used for large-scale documents.

SGML proved to be cumbersome and difficult, thus HTML was created.

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Tools for Creating HTML Documents HTML documents are text files, which a text editor

such as Windows NotePad can be used to create.

You can also use an HTML converter or an HTML editor.

an HTML converter like Microsoft Word takes text in one format and converts it to HTML code

an HTML editor helps you create an HTML file by inserting HTML codes for you as you work

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Creating an HTML Documentheading 1


horizontal lineparagraph


bold and italic text

heading 3

It’s always a good idea to plan the appearance of your Web page before you start writing code.

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HTML Syntax Document content is what the users sees on the

page, such as headings and images.

Tags are the HTML codes that control the appearance of the document content.

tag is the name of the HTML tag attributes are properties of the tag document content is actual content that appears in

the Web page

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HTML Tags Tags can be one-sided or two-sided.

two-sided tags contain an opening tag <b> that tells the browser to turn on a feature and apply it to the contact that follows, and a closing tag </b> that turns off the feature

one-sided tags are used to insert noncharacter data into the Web page, such as a graphic image or video clip <tag attribute>

Tags are not case sensitive. The current standard is to display all tags in lowercase letters.

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HTML Tag Format1. Tags can always be identified by the Brackets < > that enclose the tag name

2. Opening Tag < > tells the browser to turn on the feature

• Tag Name – macro-like feature• Properties – additional information placed within brackets that control how the tag is used

3. Closing Tag </ > tells the browser to turn off the feature

<Tag Name Properties> Document Content </Tag Name>

Example: <h1>Mr. Dube’s Chemistry Classes</h1>

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Initial HTML Tags <html><head><title> Web Page Name </title></head><body>

Document Content


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Saving and Displaying Web Page1. Start Notepad2. Create Initial Tags

• After the <body> tag add:• Your Name• Your Major• “This is my first web page that I’ve created

using HTML and Notepad. After I create this page, I’ll save it as an example of HTML coding.”

3. Save-As First_Program.htm (typically you will save in your wwwpub folder)

4. Close file and exit Notepad5. Open the Internet Explorer file

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Making Changes to Web Pages1. Open your Internet Explorer file (First_Program.htm) 2. Select View3. Select Source (opens Notepad)4. Make the desired changes in Notepad5. Save HTML changes in Notepad6. View the changes by selecting Refresh on the Internet

Explorer screen7. Close Notepad and Internet Explorer

Note: Always save Notepad DO NOT save the Internet Explorer pages

Page 11: HTML  Introduction

Creating Heading Tags HTML supports six levels of headings,

numbered <h1> through <h6>, with <h1> being the largest and most prominent.

Headings are always displayed in a bold font.

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Entering Heading Tags and Text

heading tags

As of HTML 3.2, the heading tag can contain additional attributes, one of which is the alignment attribute.

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Headings As They Appear in the Browser




Page 14: HTML  Introduction

Header Examples

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Paragraphs <html>

<head><title> Mr. Dube’s Chemistry Class </title></head>

<body><h1 align=“center”>Mr. Dube’s Chemistry Classes</h1><h2 align=“center”>at Robert Service High School</h2> <p>Welcome to Mr. Dube’s Web Site. I hope you will use this site to learn more about your class, my expectations, and chemistry in the world around you.</p><h2 Chemistry Classes</h2> <h2>Class Policies</h2><h3>Grading</h3><h3>Appointments</h3><h3>Safety</h3> </body>


If you are using a test editor like NotePad, the text might not wrap to the next line automatically.

Selecting the Word Wrap command within NotePad will allow you to see all the text on your screen.

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Paragraph Text in the Browser

Page 17: HTML  Introduction

Creating Lists HTML supports three kinds of lists:

an ordered list, which is used to display information in a numeric order

an unordered list, which list items are not listed in a particular order i.e. bullets

a definition list, which is a list of terms, each followed by a definition line that is typically indented slightly to the right

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Creating ListsHTML supports three kinds of lists:Ordered: Unordered:


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Ordered ListORDERED LIST: <ol Option>…</ol>



TYPE=(A | a | I | i| 1)

 LIST ITEM: <li Option> - used in Ordered List and Unordered List

TYPE=(A | a | I | i| 1)

<h3>Banana Nut Bread:</h3><ol>

<li>Cream together butter and sugar<li>Sift flour, baking soda and salt<li>Add nuts and mashed bananas


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Unordered List UNORDERED LIST: <ul Option>…</ul>



<h3>Pasta Perfection:</h3><ul>



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Definition List DEFINITION LIST: <dl>…</dl> - list of terms




<dl> <dt>HTML <dd>Hypertext Markup Language</dl>

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Applying Character TagsItalic <i> </i>

and bold <b> </b>

character tags

If you support users with older browsers, you should use a logical tag. Otherwise, use physical tags, which are more common and easier to interpret.

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The Effect of the Character Tags in the Browser

text formatted with bold and italic

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Physical Character Tags

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Special Characters and Codes

Page 26: HTML  Introduction

Inserting Horizontal Lines A horizontal line can improve the appearance of a Web

page. The syntax for creating a horizontal line is:

<hr align=“align” size=“size” width=“width” color=“color” noshade>

align specifies the horizontal alignment of the line on the page (center, left, or right)

size specifies the height of the line in pixels or percentage of the screen width

width indicates the width of the line in pixels or percentage of the screen width

color indicates the color of the line noshade specifies that the browser display a solid line

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Different Line Stylessize=12




size=1width-10% You can use line

styles to improve the appearance of your

Web page.

<hr align=“center” size=“12” width=“100%”>

<hr align=“center” size=“6” width=“50%”>

<hr align=“center” size=“3” width=“25%”>

<hr align=“center” size=“1” width=“10%”>

Page 28: HTML  Introduction

Inserting a GraphicImage filedube.jpg

use the <p> tag so you can center the image

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The Image File as it Appears in the Browser

Page 30: HTML  Introduction

Patrick’s Resume


Birthday is 12-22-96Summary

I like to play with my brother Matthew and work on our computer. I played soccer for the last two years, and I'm looking forward to playing again this year. This summer, Matthew and I went to Florida on an airplane. In Florida we went to Disneyworld and I went on lot's of rides. Activities

1.Watching the Stars play hockey 2.Building Lego towers 3.Teaching Matthew all the 'good' things 4.Going to Granddad's to feed the horse

Skills•Soccer •My alphabet •Printing my name •Computer learning games

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Patrick’s Resume HTML

<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Patrick's Resume</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1 ALIGN=CENTER>Patrick's Resume</H1><P ALIGN=CENTER><IMG SRC="Patrick.jpg" WIDTH="125" HEIGHT="150"></P><H3 ALIGN=CENTER>Birthday is 12-22-96</H3><H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Summary</H2>I like to play with my brother Matthew and work on our computer. I played soccer for the last two years, and I'm looking forward to playing again this year. This summer, Matthew and I went to Florida on an airplane. In Florida we went to Disneyworld and I went on lot's of rides. <H3>Activities</H3><OL><LI>Watching the Stars play hockey<LI>Building Lego towers<LI>Teaching Matthew all the 'good' things<LI>Going to Granddad's to feed the horse</OL><H3>Skills</H3><UL><LI>Soccer<LI>My alphabet<LI>Printing my name<LI>Computer learning games</UL></BODY></HTML>

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