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Diversity Optimizer LiTE R11 Quick Start Guide

June 2011

SwissQual® License AG

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Part Number: 15-070-201118-4

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Diversity Optimizer LiTE R11 Quick Start Guide

© 2000 - 2011 SwissQual AG

Contents |




1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 4

What is in the Quick Start Guide? ..................................................................................................... 4

2 Product Overview ........................................................................................................................... 5

Diversity Optimizer ........................................................................................................................... 5

Diversity Optimizer LiTE ................................................................................................................... 6

3 Installing Diversity Optimizer LiTE ................................................................................................ 7

System HW Requirements ............................................................................................................... 7

System SW Requirements ................................................................................................................ 7

Installation ........................................................................................................................................ 8

Installing Diversity Optimizer LiTE ............................................................................................... 8

Register and install your license .................................................................................................. 9

Upgrade and uninstall ................................................................................................................12

4 Using Diversity Optimizer LiTE .................................................................................................... 13

Introduction Wizard ........................................................................................................................ 13

Next steps ...................................................................................................................................... 15

5 FAQ ............................................................................................................................................... 18


Figure 1-1 Diversity Optimizer LiTE .............................................................................................................. 4

Figure 3-1 Optimizer LiTE setup welcome page ........................................................................................... 8

Figure 3-2 Optimizer LiTE folder selection .................................................................................................... 8

Figure 3-3 Optimizer LiTE installation progress ............................................................................................ 9

Figure 3-4 Optimizer LiTE installation completed .......................................................................................... 9

Figure 3-5 NQView licensing .......................................................................................................................10

Figure 3-6 Optimizer LiTE registration information .......................................................................................10

Figure 3-7 SwissQual Optimizer LiTE registration service ............................................................................10

Figure 3-8 License registration confirmation ................................................................................................11

Figure 3-9 Load license file .........................................................................................................................11

Figure 3-10 License installation successful ..................................................................................................11

Figure 3-11 NQView restart notification .......................................................................................................12

Figure 4-1 NQView start screen ..................................................................................................................13

Figure 4-2 Introduction Wizard - Start HW detection ....................................................................................13

Figure 4-3 Introduction Wizard - HW detection running ................................................................................14

Figure 4-4 Introduction Wizard - HW detection finished and successful .......................................................14

Figure 4-5 Introduction Wizard - HW detection not successful .....................................................................14

Figure 4-6 Introduction Wizard – Create task...............................................................................................15

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Diversity Optimizer LiTE R11 Quick Start Guide

© 2000 - 2011 SwissQual AG

Contents |



Figure 4-7 Task editor .................................................................................................................................15

Figure 4-8 NQView Default workspace ........................................................................................................16

Figure 4-9 Live connect function .................................................................................................................16

Figure 4-10 Predefined pages selection ......................................................................................................16

Figure 4-11 Device panel, selected device ..................................................................................................17

Figure 4-12 Workspace toolbar ...................................................................................................................17

Figure 4-13 RF scanner configuration .........................................................................................................17

Figure 4-14 Unit indicator – Status Ready – Update configuration needed ...................................................17

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Chapter 1 | Introduction



1 Introduction

Thank you for choosing Diversity Optimizer LiTE R11, the free, newest, fastest, most user-friendly and productive air interface optimization tool from SwissQual.

Figure 1-1 Diversity Optimizer LiTE

With Diversity Optimizer LiTE you will be able configure, execute and display speech and data testing scenarios using your existing 2G, 3G and 4G test devices.

When you have registered to get the license to start up Diversity Optimizer LiTE, you are also invited to join the user forum where you can get help, hints and tricks from SwissQual product experts and other users around the world. You access the user forum at http://forums.swissqual.com.

The Diversity Optimizer LiTE R11 Quick Start Guide is designed to help you start up and view your test data in as short a time as possible.

What is in the Quick Start Guide?

The Quick Start Guide describes all steps that you must work through before you are ready and can start using Diversity Optimizer LiTE.

Many of the procedures described in this manual only have to be performed once, or when you are exchanging connected test devices.

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Chapter 2 | Product Overview



2 Product Overview

Diversity Optimizer

Diversity Optimizer is an RF optimization tool designed for use on the road by field engineers, ready for 2G, 3G and 4G technologies, connecting to more than 100 handsets, data modems and RF scanners.

Designed to be as simple to use in the field as possible, and yet incorporating the latest analysis capabilities, Diversity Optimizer is a full, professional RF optimization toolset that can be learned in minutes. The Introduction wizard guides the user to configure the tool, automatically detect devices and start testing.

The highly efficient and customizable user interface is available for you to present more than 900 measurement values available for customized presentation in maps, line charts, bar charts, pie charts, list boxes and tables.

Diversity Optimizer includes MapInfo MapX® map plotting. With BTS lists loaded into the tool the map monitor will present serving and neighbor BTS sectors. It’s possible to save and load the drive test paths in MapInfo format.

With multiple map monitors and map layer offsetting, the analysis of multiple values becomes very easy. For in-building positioning, Diversity Optimizer use indoor floor plan pictures as background for setting way points when GPS is not available. The new innovative and easy in-building positioning feature use indoor floor plan pictures, taken by for example the PC camera.

Diversity Optimizer support full logging and decoding of multiple protocol layers on all technologies including 3GPP and 3GPP2 RF, L2, L3, TCP/IP/PPP, RTSP, WAP, SIP and more.

Specifically for optimization tasks, the tool supports static and dynamic real time forcing of technology, frequency band, channel, cell barring and handover. The handover history and missing neighbor events are logged and tasks can be configured with single, parallel or Multi-RAB/DTM execution.

It also has customizable alerting events, which can be defined on L1 values, L3 messages, Call markers and other triggers.

Diversity Optimizer displays all data in real time during data collection and save it to measurement files. The files can be post processed afterwards using multiple files replay. With the find function it’s simple to find the points of interest like Dropped calls, Layer 3 messages etc.

A new intelligent measurement file search make it possible to find files from the archive based on criteria like technology, operator, KPI thresholds and RF channel numbers. Diversity Optimizer also includes CSV, Google Earth® and MapInfo® data export functionality.

The standard Diversity Optimizer product license includes the:

Call to any number test Sets up a speech call connection to any number that automatically responds. This test enables the possibility to measure call setup success rate, call drop rate, call completion rate, call setup time, handover statistics, speech service coverage as well as certain additional service KPIs.

Data services standard Sets up PS data connection to any access point name and measure success rate, drop rate, completion rate. Includes FTP UL, FTP DL, HTTP Browser, HTTP Transfer GET/PUT and Ping testing with corresponding KPIs.

Being a member of the SwissQual Diversity family, the tool can naturally be equipped with licenses to tests and troubleshoot a wide range of services listed below:

Voice telephony: CS & VoIP Speech MOS (narrow and wideband), Noise Suppression, Echo, RTT

Data: Ping, FTP, UDP, HTTP

Browsing: WAP, HTTP

Messaging: SMS, MMS, E-mail

Video over IP: Video IP portals and YouTube with Full Reference and No Reference methods

3G Video telephony

SwissQual support a wide range of integrated algorithms for voice and video intrusive and non-intrusive MOS assessments:

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Chapter 2 | Product Overview



Speech Quality: ITU-T P.863/POLQA (Trial licensing scheme). ITU-T P.862/P.862.1 (PESQ) for voice MOS. SwissQual SQuad for intrusive voice (narrow & wideband), echo, noise suppression and RTT. SwissQual NiNa+ for non-intrusive voice.

Video Quality: SwissQual VQuad and VMon for video and multimedia MOS assessments, also featuring audio-visual synchronization assessment

Diversity Optimizer LiTE

Diversity Optimizer LiTE includes all the features of Diversity Optimizer presented above but has the following limitations:

Extended service test options are not supported

Multi RAB/DTM execution is not supported

IP trace is not supported

File recording or replay is not supported

MapInfo MapX® is not included

Map monitor is not available

BTS list loading is not supported

Supports a dedicated set of devices

Data export is not possible

Please contact SwissQual at [email protected] if you like to upgrade Diversity Optimizer LiTE to a fully featured Diversity Optimizer license.

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Chapter 3 | Installing Diversity Optimizer LiTE



3 Installing Diversity Optimizer LiTE

System HW Requirements

Supported Operating Systems:

o Windows XP Professional (32 bit) Service Pack 3 (English)

o Windows 7 (32 bit)

Computer with Intel CoreDuo 1.6 GHz or faster processor

Minimum of 2 GB of RAM

Supported hard disk format: NTFS

System SW Requirements

Windows specific:

o Administrative user rights

o Locale set to English (United States) or the following global format settings have to be set correctly

Decimal symbol: .

List separator: ,

To set the locale to English, open Regional and Language Options in Control Panel, click the Regional Options tab, and select an English location in the drop-down box.

o System code page should be set to “English (United States)”

Open Regional and Language Options in Control Panel

Win7: Click the Administrative tab, and then Change system locale. Select English (United States) in the drop-down box.

WinXP: Click the Advanced tab. Select English (United States) in the drop-down box.

o Firewall Settings

You need to open up the ports for the Diversity software components.

The setup program will check the ports during its initialization and will inform you if there are ports that need to be configured.

o Windows 7

Disable UAC (User account control) or run Diversity Optimizer LiTE setup and application as administrator.

Right-click on application icon and choose “Run as administrator”.

o SQL Server installation

Diversity LiTE setup will install a SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SP4 instance named DIVERSTIYOPT.

o Existing customer with Diversity SW installed on PC

You must first uninstall the existing Diversity version before starting the Optimizer LiTE installation.

Please make copy of the SwissQual Application data directory if you later like to downgrade to your current Diversity version.

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Chapter 3 | Installing Diversity Optimizer LiTE




Diversity Optimizer LiTE automatically installs the software needed to use the product. You can use the following device types:

Mobile phones with special test FW or diagnostic capabilities

Data modems, e.g. PC cards, USB modems and embedded modules, with special test FW or diagnostic capabilities

GPS device with NMEA 0183 Bluetooth or USB serial interface

RF Scanner

Before you start using Diversity Optimizer LiTE, you need to connect the devices to your computer. SwissQual assumes that you already have the necessary device drivers installed on the PC.

Important: Bluetooth GPS is not handled by the automatic HW detection and needs to be configured manually.

For a complete list of supported devices in Diversity Optimizer LiTE, please consult the user forum.

Installing Diversity Optimizer LiTE

1. Download Optimizer LiTE setup package from http://lite.swissqual.com

2. Double-click DiversityOptimizerLiTE-11.exe

Figure 3-1 Optimizer LiTE setup welcome page

3. Click Next. The software will be installed into the default Diversity program folder or into a folder you choose.

Figure 3-2 Optimizer LiTE folder selection

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Chapter 3 | Installing Diversity Optimizer LiTE



4. Click Next. The installation starts and the screen will show the progress.

Figure 3-3 Optimizer LiTE installation progress

5. When the installation has completed the screen will show the results.

Figure 3-4 Optimizer LiTE installation completed

6. Click Finish. NetQual NQView, the Optimizer LiTE user interface will now start up.

Register and install your license

On the first start-up of Diversity Optimizer LiTE, you need to register as user and receive a license key.

Important: Make sure the PC is connected to the Internet.

1. Click Register for Optimizer LiTE.

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Chapter 3 | Installing Diversity Optimizer LiTE



Figure 3-5 NQView licensing

2. Enter your name and a valid email address to which the license file will be sent. Click Register.

Figure 3-6 Optimizer LiTE registration information

3. Your default web browser will open and be automatically directed to SwissQual web service for Optimizer LiTE license registration.

Figure 3-7 SwissQual Optimizer LiTE registration service

4. Click Request a license.

Note: The PC name and HDD drive information that are sent to SwissQual are necessary elements to generate your Optimizer LiTE license key. This also means that you need to request a license for each

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Chapter 3 | Installing Diversity Optimizer LiTE



PC you will use for Optimizer LiTE.

Figure 3-8 License registration confirmation

5. Your license request is confirmed and you can now close the web browser.

6. When you have received the license file in your email, please copy it to any place on your Optimizer LiTE PC. Click button Load license in NQView and select your license file.

Figure 3-9 Load license file

7. NQView will notify you that the license was successfully installed. Click OK.

Figure 3-10 License installation successful

8. NQView will now need to restart. Click OK.

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Chapter 3 | Installing Diversity Optimizer LiTE



Figure 3-11 NQView restart notification

9. NQView indicates that it is shutting down. Wait until it has finished.

Upgrade and uninstall

Upgrading Diversity Optimizer LiTE

When SwissQual has launched a new version of Optimizer LiTE all registered users will be notified. You just need to download the new setup package from http://lite.swissqual.com. Select the option Upgrade when you run the setup executable.

Uninstalling Diversity Optimizer LiTE

To uninstall Diversity Optimizer LiTE, you run the setup executable of the version you have installed and select the option Uninstall.

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Chapter 4 | Using Diversity Optimizer LiTE



4 Using Diversity Optimizer LiTE

Introduction Wizard

When NQView has loaded a valid license key it will start up Diversity Optimizer LiTE.

10. NQView will execute several pre-configuration actions necessary for the first start up.

Figure 4-1 NQView start screen

Note: The first start-up will take several minutes, this is normal. But the following ones will be much faster.

11. Next, you will see the Introduction Wizard and the Welcome page. The Wizard will guide you step-by-

step to get started with Diversity Optimizer LiTE. Each step has a page with information. The ! symbol

indicates that an action is needed, the √ symbol indicates that no action is necessary.

12. First step is the Hardware detection page. Make sure that your test devices are connected to the PC and that Windows has installed the necessary drivers. Click Start hardware detection.

Figure 4-2 Introduction Wizard - Start HW detection

13. NQView will show the status during the HW detection. In the background the Diversity software automatically detects the devices that are connected to the PC.

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Chapter 4 | Using Diversity Optimizer LiTE



Figure 4-3 Introduction Wizard - HW detection running

14. When the hardware detection has finished it can either have detected your devices successfully or it has not been able to detect them.

a When the hardware detection has finished and if it was successful, a message will show the devices that were detected, and the button changes to Restart hardware detection. The Diversity Optimizer software and hardware have reached the Ready state and this is indicated by the Unit state in text and status color. Click Next.

Figure 4-4 Introduction Wizard - HW detection finished and successful

b When the hardware detection was not successful, there is a warning text. You should check that the devices are configured and recognized by Windows Device Manager before starting hardware detection again.

Figure 4-5 Introduction Wizard - HW detection not successful

15. The Create /start task page is the last step of the Introduction Wizard. Here you configure the Tasks,

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Chapter 4 | Using Diversity Optimizer LiTE



i.e. the Diversity Optimizer active testing actions. Click Create a task.

Figure 4-6 Introduction Wizard – Create task

16. In the Task editor window you configure all the standard Optimizer tasks. Select a device and a test and enter the test parameters.

17. In this example, we define a task named Data - FTP where the Sierra Wireless AirCard device run a FTP Get test using a specific APN. Click OK.

Figure 4-7 Task editor

18. You have now configured Diversity Optimizer. You don’t need to use the Introduction Wizard at the next start-up so uncheck Show this dialog the next time you start up NQView Optimizer. Click Close to end the Introduction Wizard.

Next steps

1. NQView shows the Default workspace when it starts for the first time.

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Chapter 4 | Using Diversity Optimizer LiTE



Figure 4-8 NQView Default workspace

2. The Device information and the Tasks monitors are displayed on Page1.

3. To start a task, click the Start task icon in the Task monitor. When the Diversity test engine has started the status will change to Running.

4. To stop a running task, click the Stop task icon .

5. You can always click the Tasks button to get back to the Task monitor.

6. To be able to see measurement data in real-time, NQView must be in Live mode. You switch modes, between Live and Idle, using the Live connect function that you find in the toolbar or in the Control menu.

Figure 4-9 Live connect function

7. In Live mode, the Device information monitor shows the devices status and overview test results. Double-click a device to see more details like technology and call and test statistics.

8. To build up your workspace in a quick and easy way, you should use the predefined Workspace pages.

9. Go to menu Presentation and click Open predefined pages. The function will load the selected pages for all connected devices.

Figure 4-10 Predefined pages selection

10. To add more pages into your workspace, right-click on a page tab and select Add.

11. The Device monitors include the full set of predefined monitors that present measurement data for the devices.

12. First select which phone or data device that shall be the value source of the monitor to display. Go to the the Device panel and click on the device button. It will change the background color to beige.

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Chapter 4 | Using Diversity Optimizer LiTE



Figure 4-11 Device panel, selected device

13. Select Monitors in the Navigation panel. Load Device monitors for the selected device by double-clicking.

14. The Workspaces let you save and reuse the display presentation. Saved Workspaces are selected from a dropdown list in the toolbar.

Figure 4-12 Workspace toolbar

15. The Events will notify you about important events and network problems during the measurement. Predefined events are defined and listed in Events in the Navigation. Green color indicates that an event is active, red color that it is deactivated. You can activate/deactivate Events by right-clicking.

16. To enter the RF Scanning settings, use button to open up the System configuration – Hardware tree. Select the Scanner device.

Figure 4-13 RF scanner configuration

17. The Scanner configuration settings will be displayed in the Workspace area. You define and add scans

by clicking on the button. Click Save when you are ready.

18. When a configuration change that affects the Hardware has been saved, the Navigation panel will indicate with a text message that the Unit needs to be updated; it will also be indicated as a circle-arrows symbol in the Unit indicator. The update action is a necessary step to commit the changes to the configuration database and apply them to the devices.

Figure 4-14 Unit indicator – Status Ready – Update configuration needed

19. To update the Unit, right-click on the Unit indicator and select Update configuration. The Unit will change its status during the configuration update, this is normal. When the Device panel indicates that the Unit and the Scanner device are back in Ready state, the new Scanner configuration has been applied.

20. The Scanner devices have dedicated monitors, divided into the technologies GSM, WCDMA, CDMA and LTE. You open and manage them in the same way as with the Device monitors.

21. Several of the phone and data devices supported by Diversity Optimizer LiTE can be forced. Nokia NTM test phones supports the full set of forcing capabilities including band and channel lock. To access the forcing menu, press Ctrl-Space.

22. When the GPS indicator in the Device panel is black it indicates that the system receives GPS signal and has valid position. To see the details of the GPS information, go to Navigation Info in the Navigation panel.

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Chapter 5 | FAQ




If you have a question about Diversity Optimizer LiTE which is not answered in this manual, please consult the FAQ section on the Diversity Optimizer LiTE user forum or post a new topic. You sign up when you first enter the forum web site at http://forums.swissqual.com.

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