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State of Arkansas National Park Community College

Purchasing Card Training


For Official Use Only

4000 1234 5678 9010



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TopicsWhat are P-CardsBenefits of using P-CardsNon-Allowed ChargesCardholder Responsibilities Activating Your Credit Card Allocating transactions online


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P-Cards Visa card provided by US Bank. These cards allow delegated employees to purchase goods, services for state entities, colleges and universities.

Cards are issued in the employee’s name and the employee is responsible for the security of the card(s) and the transactions on the card.

All employees MUST attend p-card training before receiving a p-card.

The Purchasing Cards are for Official State Business Only.


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Benefits of using a P-Card Time Savings

Receive goods faster Less time needed to pay bills Fewer checks written Only one invoice per month Only one check per month Online reporting capability One payment is issued to US Bank at the end of the

monthly billing cycle

Increased Vendor Selection They are a VISA card, not store branded NO Purchase Order required Vendors get their money within 24-48 hours


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Purchasing Control Per month spending limit Per transaction spending limit Access to cardholder account via the

internet Blocks specific categories of merchants

via MCC Numbers (Merchant Category Code )

Monthly spending limits will only be increased with VP’s approval



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How Do I Use the P-CardArkansas State Procurement Laws

and Office of Accounting Laws that apply to the requisition to

purchase order process also apply to the use of

the p-card.  If there are specific rules and

regulations for your state entity, you MUST also follow those.

The p-card is just like a regular credit card; The use of the p-card is a agency liability, not a personal liability for the cardholder, your CREDIT rating will not be affected in any way.


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“Non-allowed Charges on the P-Card”

Employee Travel related charges Any 5310 (Travel Items) charges Alcoholic Beverages Vehicle Rentals Printing - Amendment 54 ATM - Cash Advances Personal Purchases Items on State Contract without vendor approval Using automated monthly procedure to pay vendors SPLIT PURCHASES – (A “split purchase” occurs when the

total cost of a single purchase is broken up into multiple transactions with the express purpose of circumventing state bid requirements, monthly bid limits, or any other agency restriction.)

Any Purchase without NPCC’s approval All technology products (hardware, software, audio visual,

etc.); a quote must be obtained from computer services and a purchase order must be entered.

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“Allowed Charges on P-Card”


Office Supplies have a mandatory state contract & must be purchased with P-Card thru Government Supply Services (See slide 33)

The P-Card is for small orders only that DO NOT have a mandatory state contract except for office supply orders with GSS; for a list of mandatory state contracts, go to: http://www.dfa.arkansas.gov/offices/procurement/contracts

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Making a Purchase

****You must have a detailed receipts, packing slips, conference orders for each transaction placed on the p-card clearly identifying each item purchased.


Over the counter (point of sale)



Over the internet

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Circumstances for A Card to be Declined

Exceeding the transaction limit

Exceeding monthly limit

Blocked MCC You attempt to use the card for a blocked merchant category

Credit card Not Activated – You did not call the 1-800-344-5696 number an activate your card. 10

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Cardholder Responsibilities Register your card on https://access.usbank.com this give the

cardholder the access to view, reallocate transactions and verify all

transactions on a weekly basis. You are responsible for the safekeeping of your p-card account number. Obtain all original receipts and/or online order confirmations

and submit them to the accounts payable department. Check your account(s) weekly. If you suspect fraudulent

charges on your account(s) contact your liaison immediately. Allocate charges to proper accounting budget and add comments. Lost or stolen P-card. The cardholder MUST contact US Bank immediately at 1-800-344-5696 and then contact your agency

liaison. 11

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Monthly Transaction Cycle

Begins on the 16th of each month and ends on the 15th of the next month unless the 15th falls on a weekend


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Rebates, Refunds, Rewards, Gifts Points

Any rebates, coupons, rewards, gifts, points, cash cards, etc. must accrue to the state entity and be utilized only for official State business.

No personal gain is permitted with the use of the State Purchasing Card. Misuse of this section could result in disciplinary action.


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Will My Credit Card(s) Be Audited?

P-Card accounts are audited by Legislative, system auditors and the by DFA/Office of State Procurement Credit Card Section for compliance of the following :Detailed receipts for charges and/or

credits.Have the charges and credits been

approved?Are items being purchased allowed by

Procurement laws?Is the charge being split in order to avoid

the transaction limit on p-card?14

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Any violation of Arkansas P-Card Program policies is considered an “occurrence” which may result in disciplinary action (i.e. written warning, suspend, revoke, terminate card privileges, criminal charges file).


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What is a MCC Code? A MCC code is a Merchant Category Code (MCC) is

a four-digit number used by the bankcard industry to classify suppliers into market segments. There are approximately 600 MCCs that denote various types of business (e.g., 5111 Office Supplies, 7299 Dog Grooming Services, 5722 Household Appliance Stores).

The MCC is assigned by the Acquiring financial institution when a supplier first begins accepting Visa payment cards. The MCC is assigned based on the supplier’s primary line of business. For example, if a supplier primarily sells computers, it may be assigned MCC 5732 “Computer Hardware”. If a supplier primarily repairs computers, it may be assigned MCC 7379 “Computer Maintenance, Repair, and Services

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Activating Your P-Card 1. Dial 1-800-344-5696 2. Listen and respond to each prompt a. Enter your 16-digit account number b. Enter your five digit Zip Code (Business

Address) c. To activate you account, Press 1 d. Key in the last four digits of your Social

Security number e. Enter your business telephone number,

beginning with the area code f. Your account has been successfully activated.

**Note: If you have any problems activating your account

you will be transferred to a Customer Service Representative

for personal assistance.


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The p-card is a privilege granted to you by the State of Arkansas, and it is expected that you will use it responsibly. The State will seek restitution for any inappropriate charges made to the p-card. Fraudulent or intentional misuse of the card will result in revocation of the card and/or possible criminal charges, including termination. 18

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Must Register Card@


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US Bank Web addresshttps://access.usbank.com


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Register Online

How to Register your p-card online

Registering your card online with access.usbank.com – Gives you the cardholder the ability to view and track all your purchases.

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Online Registration


Organization Short name for The State of ARKANSAS is:


Organization Short name for The State of ARKANSAS is:


Enter your Credit Card Number, Expiration and

Zip Code

Enter your Credit Card Number, Expiration and

Zip Code

Then click on register this


Then click on register this


The “back to” feature in Access Online is at the bottom left corner on every page that

has a back to previous page feature

The “back to” feature in Access Online is at the bottom left corner on every page that

has a back to previous page feature

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Reallocate your transactions “purchases” – Click on Transaction Management on the left side of the screen

Always read the Message from U.S. Bank after logging in. From time to time US Bank is off line to maintain the system and update functions.

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How to View the transactions on you’re p-card account. Click on Transaction List

Click on Transaction List


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Trans date – when purchases were made

Posting date – when purchases are posted to the account

Click anywhere an item is underlined to take you to reallocate screen

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2. After you have finished allocating your transaction, click on Save

3. Click on the Comments tab

1. Click Allocations tab; Enter the appropriate budget number (fund, dept, & account numbers)

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COMMENTS ARE REQUIRED TO BE ADDED TO EACH PURCHASE “a brief description of the items purchased (pens, pencils, paper, etc) and why they are needed

Click on Save Comments at the bottom of the screen.

All your transactions have to be allocated and comments added. If you have several, click on Back to Transaction at the bottom of the screen and repeat the procedures.

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To print your monthly p-card statement. Click on Account Information. Cardholder will then click on Cardholder Account Statement

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How to Print the Monthly ReportClick on Reporting on the left

Click on Financial Management

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Click on Transaction detail

Click on Posting Date Range

Choose the start date of the billing cycle

Choose the end date of the billing cycle

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Click on display transaction comments Click on Display

Allocation Detail

Scroll down the page

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you can run this report in PDF, Browser or Excel you can choose from the drop down arrow.

Click on Run Report

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Reminders & Tips Always email your p-card Liaison to ensure your p-card

request are answered.

Let your agency Liaison know as soon as possible of any extended leave time, any circumstance which may put your p-card at risk for


If your P-Card is Lost of Stolen, you the Cardholder MUST:

Contact US Bank immediately at 1-800-344-5696


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Ordering with GSSGo to website: www.gssorder.comEnter Username: npccpcardEnter Password: npccpcardClick: Sign in

After signing in, Copy and paste the items from the order report View cart for accuracy Click: Checkout Ship to Address: MAKE SURE TO ENTER THE END USER’S NAME AT


Email Address: Enter your email address 2nd Email Address: Optional, you may enter the end user’s email. PO/Authorization Code: Leave this blank Click: Pay by Credit Card using our Secure Server Enter your P-Card information; DO NOT share your P-Card number

with anyone else Click: Pay Now Email your confirmation to [email protected]

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