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Friends don't let friends embarrass themselves, get sick, or risk their lives. If you

know that your friend is approaching or has reached (or surpassed) their limit - trade

their beverage of choice for a bottle of water and tell them to take a break. While your

friend might fuss a little at you taking their green beer out of their hand, they will fuss

even more if they find out you kept encouraging them to drink before that humiliating

photo of green beer being spit up on themselves was taken.

Stay out of trouble - familiarize yourself with the residence rules so that you can

celebrate without a hassle! No beer bottles, no 40s, no open alcohol in hallways or

public spaces, no drinking games!

Follow these rules and you won't have to worry about getting written up

(hypothetically). In other words, beer from a can, coolers, and wine is all okay, as long

as you are consuming it in your room, and are not playing drinking games. Also note

that over 6 individuals in a room is considered a party if paired with alcohol and/or

loud music - so be smart!

Party Smarter: Tips from your RLS

By Jasmin Dalton

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The Low-Down on Alcohol

Feeling down? Alcohol might make you feel better at first, but it will only

be temporary. Alcohol is a depressant and can make you

feel worse.

Alcohol is a mood-altering drug. It is absorbed directly into your bloodstream from the stomach and small intestine. Once absorbed, alcohol affects both your mind and body. Alcohol and your Health: Alcohol and your weight: Alcohol can add empty calories and replace nutrient-dense foods in the diet. Consider this: if you start having 3 beers twice a week with no change in diet or activity you could gain up to 12.3pounds! Abdominal obesity, or commonly termed a “beer belly” could increase our risk for type 2 diabetes, elevated blood lipids, hypertension and heart disease. Dehydration & Electrolyte Imbalance: Since alcohol is toxic, the blood tries to get rid of it through urination. Suppression of the anti-diuretic hormone increases excretion of water and minerals from the body. When drinking alcohol, make sure you drink water too to avoid dehydration. Effects on Blood Sugar: Hormones constantly work to maintain sugar levels in your blood. This is especially important for the brain because it depends on glucose for fuel. Drinking alcohol can cause blood glucose levels to spike or dip dangerously low causing you to feel faint.

adapted from http://www.ccsa.ca/ and SNAP nutrition guides

On-Campus Resources and Help: Student Health Services x52131 Counseling Services x53244 Wellness Centre in the 2nd floor J.T Powell building Your RA or Cluster Leader

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Drinking is a personal choice. If you choose to drink, these guidelines can help you decide when, where, why and how.

Reduce your long-term health risks by

drinking no more than:

o 10 drinks a week for women, with

no more than 2 drinks a day most


o 15 drinks a week for men, with no

more than 3 drinks a day most


Set limits for yourself and abide by


Reduce your risk of injury and harm by

drinking no more than 3 drinks (for

women) and 4 drinks (for men) on any

single occasion.

Drink slowly. Have no more than 2

drinks in any 3 hours.

For every drink of alcohol, have one

non-alcoholic drink.

Eat before and while you are drinking.

Always consider your age, body weight

and health problems that might suggest

lower limits.

While drinking may provide health

benefits for certain groups of people, do

not start to drink, or increase your

drinking, for health benefits.

Never Drink To Relieve stress or escape responsibilities Deal with emotional problems Procrastinate or fight boredom Impress others or fit in


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A student’s guide to an eco-friendly lifestyle! 1. Turn of the lights It’s a no brainer, but we all forget sometimes – especially since we aren’t paying our electricity bill. As winter fades, welcome spring by opening the blinds – take advantage of the natural light!

2. Eat more veggies

While a meat-centered diet deepens our ecological footprint and contributes to pollution, a plant-centered diet requires fewer resources and supports long-term health. But you don't have to go completely veggie to reap the benefits; try gradually shifting the emphasis of your meals from animal-based proteins to plant-based ones, such as soy foods and beans.

3. Use reusable water bottles

Nearly 90% of plastic water bottles are not recycled, instead taking thousands of years to decompose. Buy a reusable container and fill it with tap water, a great choice for the environment, your wallet, and possibly your health.

4. Take shorter showers

Every two minutes you save on your shower can conserve more than ten gallons of water. If everyone in the country saved just one gallon from their daily shower, over the course of the year it would equal twice the amount of freshwater withdrawn from the Great Lakes every day.

5. Use your printer wisely

If you are going to print your notes, print two-sided, or even better, print multiple pages per sheet. Not only does this save paper, but money too! Also, to save ink, use the low quality settings on items that don’t need to look too nice or that are just text. Lastly, think about what you’re printing out. If you can show someone the website on a screen, do it. You don’t need to print it out.

6. Use both sides of paper

Your old assignment has another use! Before recycling old assignments, reuse the other side for chemistry homework, or brainstorming for an essay!

How to be Green in 6 Steps By Kaitlyn Brown

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Jealousy – we’ve all experienced it, whether we like to admit it or not. And let’s be honest, it’s not easy to control jealousy. With these tips, we can stop comparing ourselves to others, and use that energy for positive thinking.

1. Focus on your qualities

Being positive and always looking at the silver lining helps tremendously in avoiding feelings of jealousy. Jealousy thrives on negative emotions, so take the negativity out of the equation and your jealousy can barely survive. You are the best positioned person to know what you are doing right. You are therefore the best person to remind yourself of all that is positive about you. Do not count on others to do that for you, because you cannot be guaranteed it will always be the case. If you do think of a fault, think of it in terms of what you can do to improve it.

2. Stop comparing

One of the main reasons why people feel jealousy is that they compare themselves to other people and what they have. We are all completely unique individuals, and once you fully understand this concept, you will realize that comparison among each other is useless. We all have things that others don’t have and vice versa. The combination of what we have and what we do not have is unique.

3. Write it out

By writing down your thoughts, it gives you an opportunity to express yourself, but also lays your options out clearly on paper. It’s like seeing the city from an airplane - you have a clearer vision of the big-picture. Ask yourself “Why do I feel this way?” Write out all your reasons out on paper. Write without editing, jot down anything that comes to mind. You can organize the information later. Once you have all your reasons, write beside each one what you can do about it. Dig deep within yourself; find insight from your uncertainty.

4. Shift your focus

When we are feeling negative, it is sometimes difficult to think rationally. We are so focused on the negative feeling that we lose

sight of the big picture. Change your current emotional state by shifting your attention to something completely different. Like go for a jog, or clean your room. Once you’ve cool down, come back to the situation with a clear and open mind.

5. Channel your jealousy

into motivation

Instead of letting the jealousy eat you up, think about what you can do about it. Do not linger endlessly into the feelings of jealousy; it will drive you mad and irrational. Concentrate on a constructive way to direct the energy that you are expressing due to this jealous emotion into something that you can benefit from. Allow jealousy to motivate you into being an even better person than you are. Let it push you to improve yourself. Instead of letting jealousy destroy you, you turn it around and make it work for you. You will soon realize that jealousy will turn into aspirations, which can then be to your advantage. Channeling your jealousy into something that can motivate you to change, improve, or grow is a wonderful way to gain control over jealousy and make it work for you.


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Interested in venturing off campus and finding something to do in the City of Guelph? Check these out! Wellington Brewery Tour (19+) For $5, you get a tour of the brewery and samples are included. Tours are between 1-4pm and take approximately 45 minutes. Reservations are not necessary but if there is a group of 10 or more people please call ahead to make sure that they can accommodate you. The brewery is located on 950 Woodlawn Road West. For more information call 519-837-2337.

Guelph Civic Museum Numerous exhibits are on display, such as: Guelph’s Connection to the American Civil War and Waist Management: unmentionables from the Victorian Age to Victoria’s Secret. The Guelph Civic Museum is open from 1-5pm Monday to Sunday. Admission is $4 and is located on 52 Norfolk Street.

Guelph Haunted Walk A haunted walk around downtown Guelph, starting at the Guelph Train Station (79 Carden Street). Tours start at 7 8:30pm. There are only 20 spots per tour and are by reservation only ([email protected]). Admission is cash only; $8 for students and $10 for adults. The tour is 45 minutes to 1 hour in duration

What’s Going on in Guelph?

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Go Green! Excited for St. Patty’s Day? Need a green shirt? Johnston can help you out! Come to the Tower Lounge on Friday March 15th at 3:00pm to decorate a shirt or GREENIFY your own, make a button and have some candy while you get ready for the big celebration.

South Love Stay tuned for upcoming South Wars and Why Not Wednesdays!

Deep in the Heart of the Lambton Jungle…. Get ready to compete with your section in the final Lambton Cups of the year! Come out to the Games Room from 8:00-10:00pm on Friday March 15th, 22nd, 29th and April 5th to discover what ice has to do with pants, pudding and parties.

My Precious…. L/A isn’t giving you any bull this month, get ready for a Lord of the Rings marathon! All three movies will be playing in the FPL next week.

The Fellowship of the Ring: Wednesday March 20th from 7:00-10:00pm The Two Towers: Thursday March 21st from 7:00-10:00pm The Return of the King: Friday March 22nd from 7:00-11:00pm

JAMM Soiree Do you live in Johnston, Artz, Macdonald or Mills Hall? Ready to celebrate the end of the year with one final JAMM? On Thursday April 4th we are taking over Creelman Plaza for an End of the Year Soiree! Starting at 7:30pm you can come spend the evening having hors d’oeuvres, drinks, popcorn, cotton candy and desserts, dancing under the lights and reminiscing the year we have all shared together!














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Bus Trip The next East Hall, West Residence and East Village shopping trip to Wal Mart will be occurring on April 6th, more information regarding pick up times and locations will be coming soon.

Boho! Artz Haus will be having their next Boho Night on Saturday March 30th in the FPL from 5:00-7:00pm.

Human Planet Next Tuesday March 19th West Residence will be showing the next part of the Human Planet documentary series about how humans have interacted with the natural world and adapted to life on it. Come check it out!

Jays Care Foundation Throughout the month of March, Interhall Council is fundraising for the Jays Care Foundation, a charity run by the Toronto Blue Jays to provide kids with equipment and opportunities to attend camps and programs to learn to play baseball. Donate at your Hall Selling Table to help contribute to things from providing a kid with a practice ball to sending them to camp.

Stay Tuned…… Your IHC Executives are still planning more events as we approach the end of the year, check your Hall’s Facebook and Twitter pages for updates and more information!













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According to Discovery Health and Web MD, there are a few foods that you can consume to optimize your brain power. Granted these are not short term solutions but over time you could see an improvement and it may even help you out for those upcoming exams!

1. Nuts: contain polyunsaturated fats that can keep your arteries clear and act as precursors of serotonin to boost that mood!

2. Fish: Wild Salmon are rich in omega 3 essential fatty acids, which are essential for the brain!

3. Blueberries: Also know as “Brainberries”, have been found to help protect the brain from oxidative stress and may prevent or reduce the risks of age related diseases like Alzheimer's disease. Studies have also shown that diets rich in blueberries have improved both the learning capacity and motor skills in rats.

4. Whole grains: Foods like oatmeal and brown rice can reduce heart

to the brain as well.

5. Freshly brewed tea: Around two or three cups a day of freshly brewed tea can boost brain power by enhancing memory, focus and mood. Tea also has antioxidants!

6. Beans: These bad boys help stabilize glucose levels, which is great for the brain because it is dependent on glucose.

7. Dark chocolate: To end off with a yummy treat, dark chocolate has antioxidant properties and contains several natural stimulants including caffeine which an help with focus and concentration. Finally it helps improve mood by stimulating the

Brain Boosting Foods For YOU!


“Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine

shall be thy food.”-Hippocrates

Emily Lim

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I guess you could call me an avid TV show watcher, I enjoy a lot of different genres and believe there are many great shows out there today! Here is a list of a few of my favourites for you to check out!

1. New Girl: A Fox sitcom about a girl (Zooey Deschanel) living with 3 guy roommates and their adventures living together. If you want a good comedy, then I would suggest watching this show! The nutty characters and silly plots will never fail to make you laugh.

2. Suits: A drug deal gone wrong starts the show and introduces you to

working for one of New York City’s best lawyers. It may sound boring but I can assure you it is not! This show hooks you from the beginning and is

moments and overall a great story with some good lookin’ people.

3. The Walking Dead: Not a typical show I would watch but behind all the zombies and apocalyptic talk, there a

survive in a world of ravaged by zombies , looking for his family.

4. Breaking Bad: Even though this show has been on the air for a while, I thought it would be good to add to the list! The main character who just recently found out he had terminal cancer decides to cook meth to pay for the medical expenses with an old high school student.

5. Community: Another comedy, but this one we can relate to! The show revolves around a few corky s t u d e n t s ( yo u n g a n d o l d ) a t community college trying to get through classes like intro to spanish and many more.

6. The Vampire Diaries: Of course I had to add a vampire drama into the mix! One girl and two attractive vampires, who wouldn’t want to watch it!

What’s on TV these days?


“I wish I knew what was going on in Nick’s head.

He’s like a....grumpy mystery.” - Jess (New


Emily Lim

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Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

Grease your cake pans, muffin tins, whoopie pie pans, whatever method you decide to go with. Or be crazy like me and do them all.

Lightly stir eggs in a medium bowl with whisk. Add in remaining liquid ingredients. Whisk until blended and sit aside. I waited until the very end to add the food coloring.

Place all dry ingredients in your mixing bowl and stir together well.

Pour your wet ingredients into your dry ingredients and mix on medium-high for about a minute or two until well combined and green, as the day is long.

Pour the batter into cake pans or cupcake pans.

Baking times will vary based on what you are using. For one 8 cake pan, it was about 22 minutes for me. Regular size cupcakes were around 16, mini cupcakes about 13 and the whoopie pie pan was about 13 as well.

Excited for St. Patrick’s Day? Get some baking done to get yourself excited for this very green holiday. These green velvet cupcakes are easy to make and is sure to be enjoyed by everyone.

Green Velvet Cake


2 1/2 cups all purpose flour 2 cups sugar 1 tablespoon cocoa 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking soda 2 eggs 1 cup oil 1 cup buttermilk 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 teaspoon vanilla

St. Patty’s Day Baking – Green Velvet Cupcakes By: Kristen Mendonca

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lorem ipsum dolor issue, date


A Traditional Irish Breakfast

Becoming Irish for St. Patrick’s Day this year? Why not start off your day with a traditional Irish breakfast? It is a hearty meal that will be sure to give you enough energy to have fun all day and night long.

A whole typical Irish breakfast can consist of bacon, sausages, black and white pudding, fried or scrambled eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms, potato bread, baked beans and/or wheaten bread.

The main part of an Irish breakfast is known as the “fry

By: Kristen Mendonca up”. This is comprised of meat, eggs, pudding bread and vegetables. For full method see below. Alongside this fried masterpiece, sides would include, slices of toast, a pot of tea and glasses of orange juice.

How to make a traditional Irish Breakfast

Shallow fry the bacon, sausages, eggs and Black & White pudding until cooked.

If you are having Potato Bread also shallow fry with chopped tomatoes or mushrooms until

cooked. You may also be

interested in making your own soda bread to also add to the breakfast.

Serve the fry-up with wheaten bread, toast, jam, butter, marmalade along with a pot of tea and glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice and you have yourself a full Irish breakfast.

Information from: http://www.yourirish.com/full-irish-breakfast


-2 cups vanilla ice cream or 2 cups soy ice cream

-1 cups 2% low-fat milk or 1 cups soymilk

- teaspoon mint extract

-8 drops green food coloring


1. Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend on high speed until smooth.

2. Stop blender to stir with a spoon if necessary to help blend ice cream.

3. Pour into 12-ounce cups

and serve each with a straw.

4. Happy St Patrick's Day!

Shamrock Shake By: Ryan Shoot

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lorem ipsum dolor issue, date



cup plus 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour, divided

1 pounds lamb stew meat, cut into 1-inch cubes

3 tablespoons olive oil, divided

3 medium onions, chopped 3 garlic cloves, minced 4 cups reduced-sodium beef

broth 2 medium potatoes, peeled

and cubed 4 medium carrots, cut into

1-inch pieces 1 cup frozen peas 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon dried thyme teaspoon pepper

teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

2 tablespoons water Directions

Place cup flour in a large resealable plastic bag. Add lamb, a few pieces at a time, and shake to coat.

In a Dutch oven, brown

lamb in batches in 2 tablespoons oil. Remove and set aside. In the same pan, sauté onions in remaining oil until tender. Add garlic; cook 1 minute longer.

Add broth, stirring to loosen browned bits from pan. Return lamb to the pan. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 1 hour or until meat is tender.

Add potatoes and carrots; cover and cook for 20 minutes. Stir in peas; cook 5-10 minutes longer or until vegetables are tender.

Add seasonings and Worcestershire sauce. Combine remaining flour with water until smooth; stir into stew. Bring to a boil; cook and stir for 2 minutes or until thickened. Yield: 8 servings (2- quarts).

Nutritional Facts

1 cup equals 271 calories, 10 g fat (2 g saturated fat), 58 mg cholesterol, 618 mg sodium, 24 g carbohydrate, 4 g fiber, 22 g protein. Diabetic Exchanges: 2 lean meat, 1 starch, 1 vegetable,1 fat.

Irish Stew – Serves 8! By: Ryan Shoot

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Q. Why do people wear shamrocks on St. Patrick's Day?

A. Real rocks are too heavy!

Q. Why are frogs always ready for St. Patrick's Day?

A. Because they're always wearing green!

Q. Why did St. Patrick drive all the snakes out of Ireland?

A. Because it was too far for them to crawl!

Q. What do you get when you cross poison Ivy with a four-leaf clover?

A. A rash of good luck!

Q. Why should you never iron a 4-leaf clover?

A. you never want to press your luck!

Q. What's Irish and stays out all night?

A. Patty O'Furniture!

Q. How did the Irish Jig get started?

A. Too much to drink and not enough restrooms!

Q. What do you call a clumsy Irish dance? A.

A jig mistake!

Q. How can you tell if an Irishman is having a good time?

A. He's Dublin over with laughter!

Q. Why do so many people live in Ireland?

A. Because the capital is always Dublin!

Q. What does Ireland have more than any other country? IRISHMEN!

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Gushing waters,An endless brigade of possibility,A fast and relentless strip of life.

An unknown murky wonder,The river of a thousand mysteries.

Fluttering leaves,

A story within every root.Knowledge of past events summed up in its rings,

The tree of life.

Harlequin petals,Varying in shapes, sizes and form.

The garden of a thousand symbols.

Radiating sunshine,

Nature’s untrimmed love,The shine of heaven so rare.

The heartbeat of life.

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Jewelry Box

A shining pearl suspended in the sky,

Like a grisly spirit waiting out eternity

From dark deaths to earth shattering events,They sit there, gleaming

Lustrous brush strokes tossed through the darkness,

Suspense, waiting, only to be disappointed

Ruby baubles plummeting towards the globe

Wondrous beauty,All inside of this endless jewelry box

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