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Page 1: Hues legacy chapter 2
Page 2: Hues legacy chapter 2

Welcome back to the Hues Legacy, a joint legacy between Haleigh/meadowthayer and me (Roxanne)/Taube. In chapter 1, we saw the founder, Neon, go through college and settle down with her husband, Sinjin (pictured above). Together they had two single sons, Cerulean and Cobalt, and then a set of triplets – two boys and a girl named, respectively, Sky, Indigo, and Azure. Between the last chapter and this one, their ugly house had a new addition added on purely for the nursery for the triplets, which you can see part of above right. Now let’s see where everyone is.

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Ceru has been bringing some friends home from school recently, but they’re both girls with braids. Hmm, looks like someone already has a type. He’s pretty good at making friends, so he gets hugs from his lovely ladies with braids before too long.

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Neon continues to work as the Minister of Education, and it isn’t long before she hits some major financial milestones. She’s done fairly well for herself money-wise, both in college and out, and except for a day or two of that first week, she and her family have always been well provided for.

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I should have taken a better, bigger screenshot of it, but I had to share this because it cracked me up. The memory for having 50 dream dates just says “Dates, Yay” without even an exclamation mark. My sentiments exactly!

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It’s soon little Cobalt’s birthday, and while Sinjin is off working and the babies are sleeping or doing whatever it is babies do all day, his mom and big brother are there to celebrate Cobalt’s big day.

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This picture is actually much later, in the new house, but I completely forgot to take a picture of Cobalt until just before he turned teen. Anyway, here he is as a child. He still has that big, wide nose.

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Now Cobalt can study with his big brother! I decided to dress the kids in similar colors and I considered blue but that seemed too obvious, so I settled for orange/yellow. I don’t know why I chose that, especially since they’re all blonds, so there’s plenty of yellow on them already, but I did.

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The boys don’t have to study all the time, though. They are great friends and spend a fair amount of their free time playing together. Ceru prefers toys when he’s on his own, while Cobalt’s preferred hobby is games, and he gravitates toward the game system anyway.

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Neon unlocked the ability to write restaurant guides. She got a good payment for each of them – usually over $3000 – and they didn’t take a huge amount of time. In the interest of building a bigger, non-ugly house, she wrote quite a few to bring up the family’s net worth.

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The triplets’ birthday comes and Sinjin is once again at work. He usually works nights since he’s working his way up the Slacker track. The rest of the family gathers around for each of the triplets in turn, though.

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And here they are. I had high hopes that maybe Azure would turn out pretty like her mother, but she’s actually the worst of the bunch. They all got a lot of characteristics from their father, and once again the genes mix weirdly on their faces.Azure is our only nice sim of the generation, with a personality of 4/10/8/3/10. Sky, top right, is 10/5/10/0/3 and Indigo is 7/8/10/0/3.

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With one kid newly turned child and three of them in their toddler years, there’s a lot of learning that needs to go on in Neon and Sinjin’s house. Amazingly, the triplets eventually learned all their skills, and Neon still has time to teach Cobalt to do his homework.

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This frees the triplets up to get to know each other and build a few skill points at the play table. They’re so cute in their matching onesies even if they do have weird faces.

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There’s only one free spot at the table, so Cobalt and Ceru have to take turns getting to know their younger siblings. Before long, everyone is best friends, though.

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After many nights away from home, Sinjin finally reaches Professional Party Guest and fulfills his lifetime want. He didn’t find the career for so long that I had started to get worried about whether he would find it in time for me to pass them off to Haleigh, but it turned out that he did so with plenty of time left and there was nothing to worry about after all. His next lifetime want is to be the Mayor.

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Even though they’re no longer dating (sooooo sick of dates), Sinjin and Neon still spend a lot of time loving up on each other, no matter who’s there to witness. They’re a very sweet couple.

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Ceru’s teen birthday comes around and we are that much closer to the end of the generation. His parents attended his birthday too, but I just loved this pic of Cobalt absolutely screaming in support of his big brother.

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Immediately after Ceru’s birthday (so soon he’s still in his ugly grow up clothes) it’s also the triplets’ birthday. Now that we have a teen in the house, all three can grow up at the same time.

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First, here’s Cerulean as a teen, all cleaned up. He rolled popularity/knowledge. This seems a good time to point out that we decided to choose our own heirs, so there’s not going to be an heir poll, but you still get to admire them as teens, I guess. You’re welcome, lol. I know he’s so pleasant to look at.

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And here’s the triplets, dressed in the mandatory yellow/orange color scheme. Obviously Azure is top right, but that’s Indigo above and Sky below. They’re the two best of the generation, I think, though Indigo is my favorite. Still not the kind of faces I was hoping for, though.

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Neon and Sinjin are such a good influence on their children. They’re always running about in their undies and making out with each other, whether the children are there or not. They celebrate the triplets’ first day of school by cuddling in their underwear in full view of all their children’s classmates. I’m sure the kids appreciated that, lol.

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With everyone but Sinjin out of the house (he’s out front catching butterflies in his undies as seen on the cover), it’s time to build the new house. Here’s the tour. Top floor, clockwise from bottom right: adult bedroom, bathroom, hallway, older boys’ bedroom, triplets’ bedroom, playroom. Bottom floor, same orientation: living room, hallway, kitchen/dining, second bathroom and study. It’s just big enough for the family, but still pretty good for the first gen. And I didn’t even mess around with businesses to get here!

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Once again having Ceru be a teenager really comes in handy when it’s time to teach the triplets how to do homework. Now that they have their nice new house, there’s even room enough for them to all three do it in the same room.

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Now that all the children are school-aged, it’s time for a visit from the headmaster. Turns out Sinjin is an excellent schmoozer. I didn’t take more pictures of the visit because it went pretty much how you’d expect, and all five of the kids are in private school afterwards.

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Ceru’s all done with his skilling and it isn’t long before Cobalt follows him. While their three younger siblings take time to continue learning, that leaves Ceru free to play video games and Cobalt to take a nap while Samantha Ottomas plays obnoxious beginner music in the background. Kind of amazing that Cobalt can sleep through that.

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The kids are all great friends, and, like most of my sims, they spend all morning before school goofing around with each other.

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In what I suppose is their middle age, now that they’re no longer dating constantly, Neon and Sinjin have picked up the habit of constantly heading outside to cuddle and talk about bathtubs and grills or whatever.

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The older boys are definitely lady magnets. They both consistently bring girls home from school, and even ones that didn’t come home with them will forsake their supposed friend to play/watch video games with Cobalt.

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Cobalt’s birthday has come around again! Time for the second teen. Please grow into your nose, please grow into your nose, please grow into your nose!

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He’s better than Ceru, in my opinion, but that’s still one big nose. I realized at this point that I don’t really have that much yellow or orange teen stuff, so I decided to stop color-coding the kids when they become teens, so Cobalt gets a green and white tee.

Cobalt’s aspiration is knowledge/grilled cheese.

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Both Ceru and Cobalt really show their secondary aspirations more strongly. Ceru’s is knowledge and he constantly wants to skill, while Cobalt is all about the grilled cheese.

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Indigo managed to get around my carefully-planned structure and get older sims to read to him often enough to develop enthusiasm in literature. I can’t be mad when he walks around with a book, though. It’s just too cute!

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Ugh, teenagers. Leave these two alone for a minute and it’s an instant battle of noogies.

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So, Sky is an interesting little fellow. While his siblings play, talk, and give each other noogies (as has just finished happening in the top left picture), he likes to go around and make all the beds. Doesn’t matter what else is going on – every bed must be made before Sky is happy.

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Sinjin and Neon continue to be wildly in love, and they continue to cuddle on the porch, talking about barbequing teddy bears or whatever. They’re really pretty sweet when they’re not being weird.

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Like so. Lying on the cold ground in the middle of winter, while your children stand back and wonder what’s wrong with you: it may be time to reconsider your priorities.

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Sinjin gets an eensy-weensy 15,000 points for making ten best friends. Oh yeah, I forget that his secondary is popularity. Most of the time he just wants to woohoo with Neon, have public woohoo with three different sims, make out with three different sims, those kinds of wants.

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Oh, look whose birthday it is now! Time for Neon to become an elder. Make a wish, Neon!

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Haleigh pointed out to me that Neon’s nose got a good bit bigger when she aged and now I can’t unsee it. I never thought it was out of proportion with her face, but maybe Sinjin isn’t the only one to blame. :/

I could still have let her keep her pink hair, but it didn’t seem right for the aging mother of five, so I gave her a pink dress instead.

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Old age has not reduced the urge to cuddle out in the cold.

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Mornings are so crazy with these five! Because there’s an odd number of them, someone is always left out and ends up standing around, waiting to interact. There’s lots of playing, showing off, and yes, noogies.

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Sinjin became Mayor! Besides it being his current LTW, he also wanted to top the career which is why he’s only showing 15,000 instead of 25,000 points. His next lifetime want is 20 simultaneous lovers. Ha ha, NO.

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Sinjin spends some quality guy time with his oldest sons when he gets home from being the Mayor. You can see that Cobalt has reached the zone in gaming from playing so often. It’s a weekend day so the boys never even managed to change out of PJs.

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The three youngest are still working on getting their skills to where they need to be for scholarships. Sky seems to be having some trouble with basic book holding techniques, though.

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It’s the day of the triplets’ birthday! I just had to take some cute pictures of them before they aged up. They’re not the kind of faces I was hoping for, but they’re still cute in their own way.

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Oh good job, Neon. She had a bad chance card and got demoted, and since it’s the triplets’ birthday I’ll be handing them off to Haleigh soon, so there’s nothing I can do about it. At least she didn’t get fired, I guess. Sigh. This happened with Katherine McMania too, but she got busted all the way back to level one. Neon just lost one level, thankfully.

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Once she gets over the shame of being demoted, Neon joins the rest of the family in celebrating the triplets’ birthday. Nice to have the larger kitchen in the new house. There never would have been room enough in the old house.

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And, yup, they got older. That’s all I’ll say about that. They definitely have faces that are older than child faces. Yeah.

Anyway, Sky up top there is family/popularity, Indigo is popularity/romance (the inverse of his dad), and Azure is romance/fortune.

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And that’s the end of the first generation of the Hues Legacy. Neon, Sinjin, Cerulean, Cobalt, Azure, Indigo, and Sky join me in thanking you for reading. Next we’ll see where Haleigh takes the family, and hopefully she can breed out the noses. Good luck, Haleigh!

Please stop by SiMania to read future chapters of this legacy and to chat with us. See you there!

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