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Understanding Organizational Management in SAP - Managing Positions

Understanding Organizational Management in SAP - Managing Positions

Human Resources Human Resources Managers

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Course Objectives

Understanding and displaying the organizational structure

Identify basic objects used in Organizational Management

To keep Human Resources informed as position data changes

Useful transactions



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Organizational ManagementOrganizational Management

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Organizational Management

Provides a real-time view of the organizational structure

Keeps history of the organizational structure as it evolves over time

Provides ability to store the reporting structure on a position level

Provides ability to store security on a position level

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Organizational Objects

Organizational management uses basic objects to describe the organization: Organizational units




Cost centers (where HR and FI link together)

By establishing relationships among these objects, a hierarchy that matches the organizational structure is created.

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Organizational Units

An organizational unit: Is the principal object in an organizational plan

Equates to a current department or a major unit within a department

An unlimited number of organizational units can be created within an organizational plan

Relationships between organizational units are identified to determine the hierarchy within the organizational structure

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Describe general classifications of tasks routinely performed together

Are not occupied by persons (employees)

Are used as the basis for creating positions

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Represent individual employee assignments in an organizational unit

Are either vacant or occupied by persons (employees)

Have relationships to other objects: Is supervisor of position(s) _________

Is supervised by position _________

Belongs to org unit _________

Manages org unit _________

Each faculty, staff and student employee must be assigned to a position

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Job versus Position

Example of Job Director

Example of Positions Director of Accounting

Director of Human Resources

Director of Facilities Operations

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Group Position Titles for Task Workers

Staff Task Worker One per department

Student Task Worker Created only for departments approved by HR to use task

payments for student workers (example – Advertising sales for KTSW or The University Star)

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Requesting New Positions

A position must exist within SAP before any of these actions can be initiated New Hire


Change in Position

Additional Appointment

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Maintenance of Positions Within SAP

Positions are entered and maintained within SAP by: Human Resources (HR)

All staff positions

All student worker positions

Graduate student positions other than those in Academic Affairs

Faculty Records (FR)

All faculty positions

Graduate student positions in Academic Affairs

Undergraduate instructional assistants

Your responsibility is to keep HR and Faculty Records informed as position data changes

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New Position Data Form

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Data Maintained for Each Position

Validity dates

Organizational unit (i.e., department)


Position the position reports to (i.e., supervisor)

Position(s) supervised (if any)

Org unit managed (if any)

Vacancy status

Changes in underlined items require you to notify HR or FR

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More Data Maintained for Each Position

Enterprise structure: Personnel area

Personnel subarea

Employee group

Employee subgroup

Planned compensation (vacant positions only) For new positions – amount you expect to pay

For previously held positions – amount paid to previous employee

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More Data Maintained for Each Position

Cost distribution Cost center

Internal order

WBS element


ID# and name of holder (i.e., employee)

Position that serves as a department’s administrative support position

Position that serves as a backup time administrator for the organization

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Enterprise Structure

Each position and each employee must be assigned one element from each of the areas/groups in the enterprise structure Personnel Area

Personnel Subarea

Employee Group

Employee Subgroup

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Personnel Area

Office of the President

Information Technology

Academic Affairs

Finance and Support Services

Student Affairs

University Advancement

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Personnel Subarea

Benefits Eligible PT (20-39 hours)

Benefits Eligible FT (40 hours)

Non-Benefits Eligible PT (< 20 hours)

Non-Benefits Eligible PT (20-39 hours)

Non-Benefits Eligible FT (40 hours)

Student Benefits Eligible (20-40 hours)

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Employee Group




TRS/ORP Retired Staff

TRS/ORP Retired Faculty

ERS Retired Staff

ERS Retired Faculty

Program Faculty

TRS/ORP Retired Program Faculty

ERS Retired Program Faculty

Note: Italicized elements apply to the employee only

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Employee Subgroup

< 12 month Exempt Salaried

< 12 month Exempt Salaried with Spread

< 12 month Non-Exempt Salaried

< 12 month Non-Exempt Salaried with Spread

12 month Exempt Salaried

12 month Non-Exempt Salaried

Exempt Hourly

Non-Exempt Hourly

Task Worker

Per Course

Non Pay (Some ROTC are non-pay)

Note: Italicized elements apply to the employee only

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Org Management Transactions

PPOSE - Organizational and Staffing Display Used to review all positions in an organization

PPSS - Display Structure Used to review reporting relationships (i.e., which positions

report to which positions)

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Transaction PPOSE

Instructions At SAP Easy Access Menu enter transaction PPOSE In the “Find by” box, click on the triangle by “Organizational

unit” Click on “Structure search” This will display one or more org units in the bottom left box on

the screen (depending on which org units you have authority to work with).

Click on the triangles to find the org unit you desire to view By double clicking on the selected org unit, a list of positions

assigned to the organizational unit will be displayed on the upper right side of the screen.

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Transaction PPOSE

Instructions (continued) Click on the Column Configuration icon and select additional

information to be displayed for each position or holder

Click on the triangle by any position title to view the employee assigned to the position

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SAP Easy Access

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Menu Path

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Welcome Screen

The Welcome message is displayed the first time you execute PPOSE.

Thereafter, org units are automatically displayed when you execute the transaction.

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Conduct Structure Search

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Find the Organizational Unit

The Column Configuration icon is available to display other org unit information

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Positions Listed Under Org Unit

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Column Configuration

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Columns Added

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Position and Holders

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Transaction PPSS

Instructions At SAP Easy Access Menu enter transaction PPSS

Enter object type S

Enter object ID (i.e., the 8-digit position number)

Example: 50003055

Enter evaluation path O-S-PHIE

The current date will be displayed in the editing period box. Change this date only if you desire to view past reporting relationships

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Transaction PPSS

Instructions (continued) Click on the green checkmark or press the Enter key on the


Click on the symbol to expand the information displayed

To display relationship text: Click on View; click on “Relationship text on”

Click on symbols for supervisory positions to display reporting relationships

Click on other symbols to display Holders

Positions without Holders are vacant.

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SAP Easy Access

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Menu Path

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Enter Search Criteria for Department

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Expand Organizational Structure

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Expanded View of Organizational Structure

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View Key and Relationship text

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Report with Key and Relationship text on

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NEED HELP ? Positions

Katie Bonner, Human Resources, for staff, hourly, student and non-academic graduate students

Elizabeth Mello or Candace Satchell, Faculty Records, for faculty, academic graduate students and undergraduate instructional assistants

PCRsRoxie Weaver, Human Resources, for staff and non-

academic graduate studentsElizabeth Mello or Candace Satchell, Faculty Records, for

faculty and academic graduate studentsKatie Bonner, Human Resources, for staff NSNR hourly

temporary employeesLisa Gonzalez, Human Resources, for hourly students

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Creating New Positions and other changes New positions are created only when funding has been

approved to add a new position to a department and has gone through the audit process except for hourly positions

Submit a New Position Data Form to have a new position created

Allow a two day turn around time as there is a program that has to run overnight

Supervisor Change Request

Checklist for New/Reassign All or Part of an Organization within SAP HR The links can be found on the HR website under HR Forms under

Organizational Management Forms



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Support Offices

Human Resources (5-2673) Katie Bonner [email protected]

Supervisory, costing, reorganizational changes on positions

Creating new positions

– Staff, Non-Student Non-Regular (hourly), student workers and non-academic Graduate Research Assistants

Faculty Records (5-2786) – Cindy Waggoner

-Faculty, academic Graduate Research Assistants and undergraduate instructional assistants

Budget (5-2376) Questions regarding budget reports and related matters

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Support Offices (cont.)

Texas State NetID

The link can be found on the Technology Resources website under IT Assistance Center (ITAC)


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Final Comments and Questions?

Thank You Very Much for Your Time!

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