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The Huntington Library and gardens are DIVERSE, they have various types of plants and literature that is from different parts of the world;

The Huntington Library and gardens are DIVERSE, they have various types of plants and literature that is from different parts of the world;

each garden has it's own personality which inspires its visitors and creates a unique perspective of nature for each of them. Once you start explor-ing the PEACEFUL gardens,

each garden has it's own personality which inspires its visitors and creates a unique perspective of nature for each of them. Once you start explor-ing the PEACEFUL gardens,

you feel the fresh breeze in your skin that brings that sweet aroma of the LUSH plants which reinforces the ambiance of tranquility, allowing you to free your mind.

you feel the fresh breeze in your skin that brings that sweet aroma of the LUSH plants which reinforces the ambiance of tranquility, allowing you to free your mind.

In the gardens you will be able to see various animals as if they were in their NATURAL habitat.

In the gardens you will be able to see various animals as if they were in their NATURAL habitat.

As you continue walking through the gardens you will run into both the li-brary and the Art museum. They are ELEGANTLY decorated with a vari-ety of paintings, books, and some of Huntingtons furniture .

As you continue walking through the gardens you will run into both the li-brary and the Art museum. They are ELEGANTLY decorated with a vari-ety of paintings, books, and some of Huntingtons furniture .

The Huntinton is a place that you cherish in your memory and you would like to revisit it again and again....

The Huntinton is a place that you cherish in your memory and you would like to revisit it again and again....

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