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Page 1: Hybrid seed production

PRESENTED BY: Pawan NagarReg. no.: 04-2690-2015M.Sc.(Fruit Science)


Page 2: Hybrid seed production

Botanical Name: Pennisetum glaucum

Family : Poaceae Origin : West Africa

Chromosome No. : 2n=14

Mode of Pollination: Bajra is predominantly Protogynous. Wind is major pollinator



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Floral Biology The Spike emerge about 10 week after sowing. Stigma remains receptive for 12-24 hours. The anther emergence starts from middle of the spike and

proceed upwards and downwards. Anthesis occurs throughout the day and night with the peak

between 8.00 PM- 2.00 PM. The plant is thus markedly Protogynous and Cross –

pollination normally occurs.


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Enhancement of grain and fodder yield Improvement of quality Increase resistance to pests and diseases Increase wider adaptability Varieties for new season Involve less labour Low cost of production Tolerant to biotic and abiotic stresses Uniformity & high productivity

Why Hybrid Bajra ?

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Area: (lack ha.)India – 87.34Gujarat - 7.03

Production:(lack ton)

India - 88.9Gujarat – 9.61


Major Bajra growing regions of India

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1. Cytoplasmic genetic male sterility system (CGMS)

2. Line involved – A, B, and R line History of bajara hybrid Seed production The first report on CGMS line was made by Burton and his co- workers at Tifton Georgia USA. The line is Tift 23A.

Breeding Technique for hybrid

seed production

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Nucleus Seed : By ear to row Method Breeder Seed : A x B line

B and R multiplied under isolation

Foundation seed : A x B lineR multiplied under isolation

Certified seed : A x R lineTo produce hybrid

Commercial Hybrid Seed Production

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Field layout

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Field layout

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It should be fertile , problematic soils should be avoided. The previous crop should not be the same crop. If the variety is same , it should have been

certified by seed certification agency.

Land requirement

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Isolation : Foundation seed : 1000 mCertified seed : 200 m

Season : Irrigated : March – April, January – February

Rain fed : June – July Seed rate : A line(female) : 6 kg ha-1

R line(male) : 2 kg ha-1

Main field preparation :Formed into Ridges and furrows

Commercial Hybrid Seed Production in bajara

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Planting ratio : Foundation Seed :- 4 : 2 (female : male)

Certified Seed :- 6 : 2 Pusa 23 :- 8 : 2

Border rows : Foundation Seed : 8 (B line) Certified Seed : 4 (R line)

Spacing : A line : 45 x 20 cm B line : 45 x solid row.

Nursery : Seedling can also be raised in raise bed nursery and can transplanted to the main field at 20 – 25 days after sowing.

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Done in both lines • A line : seek for offtypes pollen shedder and partials • R line : Seek for early flowering plants, rouges and diseased plants.

Character of offtypes : Variation in leaf colour, leaf waviness, grain colour, earhead , shape, size, etc.

No. of field inspection : Three • Seedling stage • Tillering stage • Grain formation stage.


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Nursery :750 kg / 7.5 cents for transplanting in one ha.

Main field : Compost : 12.t ton/ha

NPK : 100:50:50 kg ha-1

Basal : 50:50:50 kg ha-1

Top dressing : 50:0:0 kg ha-1 (30-35 day At tillering phase)

Foliar spray : DAP 1% at peak flowering to enhance flowering and Seed set.

Manures & fertilizers

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Withholding irrigation Application of DAP 1% Staggered sowing Jerking

Jerking It is done 20-25 days after transplanting or 30-40 days

after direct sowing. The early formed earheads of the first tillers are pulled out or removed which will result in uniform flowering of all the tillers.

Steps for synchronization of flowering

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The synchronization problem is less in bajara due to

Tillering habit Supply of continuous pollen Lesser pollen weight Flight capacity of pollen Pollen viability & stigma receptivity are longer.

Specialty with bajara in synchronization

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Pest1. Shoot fly : To avoid shoot fly infestation a

prophaylactic spray with monocrotophos can be practiced one week after transplanting.

2. Blister bittle :To spray contact insecticide for control. Diseases1. Downy mildew2. Ergot3. Smut4. Rust For the control used systematic fungicide, like

mancozeb , kavach, carbendazim , topsin ,etc..

Pest and Diseases

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1.Hairy caterpillar Spray 0.1 % Thiodan or Fenitrothion @ 500 litres per


2. Shoot fly Apply Furadan 3G @ 25-30 kg per hectare or Thimet 10 G

@ 15-20 kg per hectare in the furrows or broadcast to mix with the soil at the time of sowing.

Insect Pests

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3. White grub Apply Furadan 3 G -30 kg per hectare or Thimet 10 G -

15 kg per hectare or Heptachlor 5% -20 kg per hectare.

4. Stem borer Spray the crop with Parathion 50 EC -500 ml per

hectare or Endrin 20 EC 2000 ml per hectare.5. Termites Before sowing of the crop mix 5-10% BHC or

Heptachlor or Aldrin -20-25 kg per hectare. 

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 There are a number of diseases which attack the crop during its growth, cause low yield and economic loss to the peasant and finally to the nation as a whole. Some of the diseases are as under.

1. DOWNY MILDEW GREEN EAR DISEASE seeds treatment with Agrosan GN (2.5 g/kg seed) spray the crop with 0.2 % Dithane Z- 78 at boot leaf

stage. Sow disease resistant varieties like NHB-5, PHB-10,



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2. Rust Treat the seeds with Agrosan

GN (2.5 g/kg of seed) spray the crop with 0.2 %

Dithane Z- 78.3. Smut Spray the crop four times

with Captefol (2 ppm) and Zineb (2 ppm).

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4. Ergot of bajra   Spray the crop at boot leaf stage with 0.15% Ziram.

The 2nd or 3rd spray at 10 days interval is repeated5. Leaf blast Spray the crop 2-3 times with 0.2 % Zineb. Treat the seeds with Agrosan GN (2.5 gm per kg of seed)

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Field is irrigated immediately after sowing and 3rd day life irrigation is given.

Then once in 10 days irrigation has to be given. The critical stages of irrigation are tillering , milky

stage and maturation stage. Proper and adequate irrigation increase the seed

set and yield of quality seed.


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Seed attain physiological maturation at 30-35 days after 50% flowering.

The moisture count of seed at this stage will be 30 – 35 %.

Due to tillering habit, harvest the panicle / earhead in 2 picking (to avoid delayed harvest)

Select 5-7 tillers for seed purpose. Processing : Grade with 4/64” round perforated

metal sieve as middle screen Use OSAW (industrial product) cleaner cum grader Seed Treatment : Thiram / Bavistin @3g kg-1


Harvesting techniques:

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The earheads are dried for 2-3 days on the threshing floor.

Threshing is done at a moisture content of 15-18% either manually (stick beating) or mechanically (LCT thresher).


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Bajara crop yields 30-35 quintals of grains and 100 quintals of dry straw per hectare.

under irrigated condition and under rainfed condition, 12-15 quintals of grain and 75 quintal of fodder per hectare.



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Cloth bag for short term storage (12 months)

700 gauge polyethylene bag - long term storage (> 24months)

Mid storage correction : HDH with Na2PO4 10-4m for 4h.

Seed storage

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Seed Standards Permitted (%)

Fs CsPhysical purity (Maximum) 98 98Inert matter (Maximum) 2 2Other crop seed (Maximum) 10 / kg 10 / kgWeed seed (Maximum) 10 / kg 10 / kgErgot effected seeds (Maximum) by number 0.020 % 0.040 %Germination 75 75Moisture content - Moisture pervious Moisture impervious



Seed Standards

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Standards Maximum permitted (%)


Offtypes 0.05 0.10

Pollen shedders 0.05 0.10

Downy mildew diseased plants 0.05 0.10

Earheads affected by ergot 0.02 0.40

Field Standards

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Hybrid Female MaleKM 1 MS 5141 A J 104 KM 2 MS 5141 A K 560 -D-230

X 4 MS 5141 A PT 1921X 5 PB 111A PT 1921 X 6 732 A PT 3095 X 7 111A PT 1890 HB 1 Tift 23A(USA) BIL -3B

HB 3 Tift 23A(USA) J 104

HB 5 Tift 23A(USA) K 559

UCH 11 732 A PT 3075 (TNAU)

COH 8 732 A PT 4450

Popular Hybrids

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Sr. No.

Hybrid/Variety released

Year of release

Average yield (Kg/Ha)

Condition of recommendatio


Area of recommendation

1 GHB-558 2002 3077 Kharif All India

2 GHB-558 2003 4611 Kharif, Summer All India

4 GHB-732 2008 3000 Kharif Gujarat

5 PB 180 2003 4000 Summer Gujarat, MH., Tamilnadu, Rajasthan

6 RHB 127 2004 3000 Kharif Haryana, U.P., M.P., Gujarat, Punjab,




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