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  • 7/30/2019 Hyperbolically Spiraling Spaces: Finding Each Other Within the Entropy of Our Psychic Singularities



    Hyperbolically Spiraling Spaces: Finding Each Other Within the

    Entropy of Our Psychic Singularities

    David Shelton, Ph.D., Indigenous Mind, Wisdom University, Feb 2013, Hookena Retreat Center, Hawaii

    1841 Pearce Ct., San Marcos, Tx,[email protected], 512.754.0427

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  • 7/30/2019 Hyperbolically Spiraling Spaces: Finding Each Other Within the Entropy of Our Psychic Singularities




    Both mystics and scientists speak of the Field in differing languages. The example is our

    various perceptions of love. To do this we utilize Nordic Mythology and Quantum

    Mechanics to provide two sides to the same story. Each of us contains a singularity

    within our psyches, and with our emotions create connections. Each of our forms

    reflects and manifests based on a hyperbolic emanation. Nature expresses itself in the

    same fashion. There are black holes at each level within the hologram of reality. As we

    interact, we create a disturbance in the Field; we leave a wake of ripples which cross as

    interference patterns and form holograms. Scalar waves are carried within these

    holograms. The scalar waves distribute information. Scalar waves emanate from black

    hole singularities. In order to connect, a portal must be constructed; love funnels

    through into the explicate order of things. This more often occurs at a distance, the

    scalar effect, through eye contact. This connectivity of love responds at many levels of

    the psyches needs: family, friends, and intimate partners. Anxieties can creep in during

    separation. The separation is illusory, according to both mystics and physicists. Matter

    consists of condensed vortices of light and is dependent on observation. Depending on

    form to fulfill ones needs is ego and neglects the energies behind the form, the

    energies stagnate. Through non-attachment, non-locality connects and folds space-

    time. In order to maintain our portals, we invoke either symbols of the moment or

    memories or both. This seems illogical but is definitely intuitive and truthful

    keywords: love, hyperbolic, field, mystic, science, singularity, non-local, non-attachment,separation, scalar, fractal, hologram, psychic heart center, symbol, resonance.

  • 7/30/2019 Hyperbolically Spiraling Spaces: Finding Each Other Within the Entropy of Our Psychic Singularities



    Hyperbolically Spiraling Spaces: Finding Each Other Within the Entropy of

    Our Psychic Singularities

    love is a cosmic phenomena, in whichhumanityare merely accidents; by its light

    men may go about their little affairs, and may utilize it for their own purposes

    - Peter D. Ouspensky

    Dualing Singularities

    I have gazed, quite literally, into the dark blue depths of the ocean (from the

    Pacifics perspective). While snorkeling off of the Big Island, Hawaii, I experienced the

    abyss as my pea-sized perspective would comprehend it. It is as close to what I imagine

    I would feel if I were taken up and dumped off into space. Yes, this is a completely

    unfamiliar aspect of the eco-field informing me at this juncture. But, it is the informing

    eco-field I wish to discuss further. However, the primary information (quantum

    mechanics) will be divulged in the context of a more spiritual nature and may be

    considered quite unorthodox in its usage as it will highlight our conscious awareness

    and co-creation with the eco-field. With that precursory announcement, let us continue.

    From the depths and shadows emerged before me a bull manta-ray of immense

    size. It just slowly, deliberately appeared out of a seeming emptiness. Sometimes the

    wonderment of what might be out there in the depths is answered, and often not in the

    ways we would prescribe. Such is the mystery of the blackness, the vacuum of the eco-

    field. Mystics and scientists both ponder on this topic with, I think, only language

    preventing their seemingly polar opposite views from conjoining; creating a

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    metaphorical corpus collosum between them. To continue reading is to know that one

    foot will be in each of the aforementioned hemispheres.

    One might say, and I am trying to do just that, that looking for the ever elusive

    love connection (it emerges with vast permutations) is so similar to peering into the

    ocean depths that one should continually walk about amazed even as we seek it. It is,

    to break it down mechanistically and get on with it, is of basically three phases, three

    iterations. We seek the encounter between hearts and minds to find it, eventually; we

    then, with no amount of great effort, seem to collapse our hearts into each other as if

    we were two galactic black holes dancing about each other until there remained only

    one; the final phase is the departing of ways which leaves one in rather a gloom if one

    has expectations and attachment for we fall in-love so often throughout our lives, do

    we not, with the people, places, and things (oddly enough) which we find ourselves

    drawn to (as would a vacuum draw us in).

    Fractal Vortices

    Standing on the black-rock volcano beach, Big Island, Hawaii, while watching the

    waves continually crash with such foamy impact, I am reminded of the Nordic creation

    mythology. It is a blending of two opposing primordial elements emerging each from

    the vast emptiness of its nothingness. These two primordial forces, Niflheim of the ice

    realm and Muspelheim of fire (Krasskova, 2005), merge into one another with utmost

    drama. And, from this concussive thrusting, a vortex was formed and Yggdrasil, the tree

    of life, sprung from the well of this vortex. It is a delicate story to inform the

    subsequent generations of the formation of life itself. In the beginning, there existed a

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    great chasm called Ginnungagap (Krasskova, 2005) and within lay two worlds:

    Muspelheim, the world of raging fire, and Niflheim, the world of ice,and stillness. For

    eons, these worlds spun within the void of Ginungagap in cosmic opposition to each

    other. Eventually, they collided. From this elemental conflagration, life burst into

    being (Krasskova, 2005). Life itself and all other forms of math and energyare

    derivative ofprimordial energy (Wallace, 2009).

    Yggdrasil, the tree of life, mentioned in this mythology could well be interpreted

    to have sprung from the infamous black hole singularity, here referred to as

    Ginnungagap. Just for the moment, we will allow ourselves this imagining that it is

    indeed a black hole. The most interesting feature of these cosmic maelstroms is the

    event horizon, that which borders and defines this dark eye. It is what informs our

    senses of its presence. In each of us resides a similar, fractalized dark eye at the core of

    our psyches; and, as we dare to embrace each other more and more now, we

    reconstruct and rediscover the original well from whence we emerged. We must forge

    the courage to cross each psychic singularity we encounter.

    In his lecture, Dr. Will Taegle infers to the black holes event horizon as that of a

    threshold of intimacy. Connecting this back with the Nordic creation myth, we can

    intuitively garner the meeting of these primordial energies encircling each other in a

    maelstrom, each withholding itself from the other to perhaps maintain its own integrity,

    its own individuality; not wanting, and I am anthropomorphizing here, to cross that

    threshold of intimacy for fear of losing ones own identity, ones Self. But, ultimately,

    each is drawn into the other and new life, a new fountain of energy springs forth from

    this union.

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    Emanating Hyperbolic Spirals

    I attended a similar lecture pertaining to cosmometry and, in particular, to the

    Fibonacci sequence in nature and the golden mean. Marshall Lefferts expounded on a

    phenomenon occurring within hyperbolic spirals; these spirals follow implicitly the

    Fibonacci sequence as a platform, Nature then plays off of said platform in its

    demonstrations of flowers, trees, et cetera. When it comes to our own singularities, we

    express our individuality by playing off of this platform in our fingers, toes, facial

    features, et cetera; and through this the Fibonacci series appears with only approximate

    truth in proportion. The small difference from the meanexpress thosedistortions

    from perfection thatguaranteeorganic stability (James, 2007). As the logarithmic

    spiral emanates outward, pulsing outward from our psychic singularity, it collapses into

    a boundary, as it meets and equalizes with energies spiraling downward from the

    cosmos; each individual entity expresses it in a unique fashion and entrain to novel

    occurrences in the eco-field through emotional states. The unpredictable variability in

    the perfection of the fractals could be called consciousness. (James, 2007); whatever

    creatively adapts makes the dance (James, 2007).

    For example, the acorn, or the sunflower which expresses itself outward to a

    certain point to where we experience its essence as a form we can, with our senses,

    appreciate. This is not unlike the event horizon of a black hole where the event horizon

    is the boundary, the collapsing merger of outward energies meeting an equalizing

    downward pressure of energies.

    Referring quickly to Nassim Haramein, he mentioned, or at least inferred, the

    hierarchical nature of systems as fractals, one within the other, and singularities are no

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    exception. So that we can experience, or at least imagine, black holes at every level of

    our fractalized cosmos from the cosmic center, to galaxy centers, to solar centers (at the

    heart of the sun beats a hollow drum), down to our psychic heart centers, completely

    inward to the photons of the field; each with its own individually expressed emanating

    hyperbolic spiral (such as a Nautilus) pulsing and each with its own threshold of

    intimacy. Thus I believe the gist of his talk focused on the complete and utter

    entanglement of each and every photon in the cosmos. He has proven this

    mathematically; with simple algebraic math. This proof comes as an amalgamation of

    many philosophers and physicists and mystics.


    We defend our psychic heart boundaries with our emotional states; synchronizing

    energies with some, consciously (sometimes not) creating either a resonance or a

    dissonance in an effort to dictate these novel events; to which we are ultimately either

    attracted to or averse. At rare moments, though, a pair of psychic hearts can tumble

    into each other and forever change both involved. The mental reality includes

    consciousness, and, in particular, intentions. The mental can intentionally act on the

    physical brain to choose a particular superposition state, which then collapses to a

    particular situation; there is no way to interpret quantum theory without encountering

    consciousness (Kuttner, 2006), so says Eugene Wagner. We thus choose whether or not

    to act on the moment of contact.

    Naturally, whenever two psychic heart centers collide, both are changed and for

    the better (in the long run). At first, it may appear tumultuous, in some cases, and more

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    like a thunderstorm than a sunny-day meeting. It is a disturbance, none-the-less.

    [M]any physicists are beginning to think that matter disturbs the quantum vacuum, that

    excitement and disturbancecreate real waves in the vacuum energy sea. These

    waves form interference patterns, natural holograms. (Citro, 2011). We disturb each

    other on some level of understanding, are drawn together into the vacuum of the

    others personality, and may or may not collapse into superposition, a mutual interest in

    each other. Theories as to how this field relates to the domain of manifest entities are

    as yet hypothetical. Most likely the interaction dynamics of the A-field of the plenum,

    the plenum being our universe, and the entities of the manifest domain of space and

    time involve scalar waves, and holographic interfering wave-fronts. In a hologram

    information is in a distributed form (i.e., it is present at all points); parts influence the

    wholes formed by them, but also through the inversewhere systems exercise an

    influence on their parts (Citro, 2011). Basically, a hologram makes explicit that

    anything taking place in one has an incarnation in the other (Greene, 2011).

    Scalar Waves

    Black holes exist at each level, fractals each of the other, of planar phenomena

    from the photon particle, to the sun, galaxy and universal with our psychic heart centers

    localized within this scalar pattern. Lazlo says that scalar waves (discovered byTesla)

    propagate and [interfere] in the vacuum and the information they transport has an

    effect on the particles and objects that excite the background state. The interference

    patterns of these [scalar] waves (non-vectorial waves of pure magnitude; they carry

    information, but not energy) form holograms that endure indefinitely in the plenum

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    (Citro, 2011). In our psychic heart centers we carry this runic (secret) space and build a

    soul for ourselves and for the collective psyche within this space. The more psychic

    hearts we encounter and embrace, the larger our collective runic space, the more

    capacity for our collective soul to grow and the scalar waves emanating from each of us

    informs the other of our intentions.

    Black holes, whichever planar fractal you refer to, I believe, as is demonstrated in

    physics, are vacuous couriers of information, including that wondrous emotional pulse

    of compassion and, subsequently, the all-informing love we keep hidden all too often.

    John Wheeler suggested that matter and radiation were carriers of information. Lucky

    for us, entropy is a measure of hidden information; and black holes set a maximum

    for the amount of information that can occupy a given region of space (Greene, 2011).

    Within our psychic heart centers dwells such a state of entropy and calmness.

    But, first, a portal must be constructed in the psyche to allow a crossing of the

    event horizon at this, the initiating phase of the meeting of psychic singularities, in the

    form of coherent, synchronized wave patterns. The systems state of minimum energy

    becomes a coherent ground state when molecules and fields oscillate in phase with

    each other. It most often happens with the eyes, hers looking into his into hers (for

    example). Even when it seems to occur by contact, the exchange of matter and

    information is always at a distance; it takes place in thezone of the middle, the space

    that appears empty (Citro, 2011).

    [A] portal into the unmanifested is created through the cessation of thinking[;] As

    soon as one of the portals is open, love is presentasrealization of oneness. Love

    isnt a portal; its what comes throughinto this world. The Now can be seen as the

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    main portal. Paying attention to outer silence creates inner silence: the mind

    becomes still. A portal is opening up. Whenever you are present, you become

    transparentto the light, the pure consciousness that emanates from this source

    (Tolle, 2004). Such is the Rainbow Bridge, Bifrost, which pontificates the messages of

    the heart across the seemingly infinite gap via the visible spectrum we are so

    accustomed to.


    Every atom, every microtubule within the phenomenally emergent body we inhabit

    represent vortices which spin in connection with our psychic singularity. And, each of

    these micro-singularities is immediately informed of that which the eyes have gleaned.

    Georges Lakhovsky considers the atom an energy vortex and matter as an ensemble

    of electromagnetic radiations of different frequencies. An atom is a probabilistic

    aspect of the vast sea that continuously exchanges atoms between stage and backstage,

    removing and replacing them with such speed that we cannot notice (Citro, 2011). As

    our psychic singularities merge, so, too is each atomic singularity informed.

    We will ourselves over the threshold, simultaneously drawn in by the vacuum of

    the black holes contained within each photon blinking before us to create a sense of

    novelty within the movie of a life changing encounter. [I]mages in rapid

    successioncreate motion; and whenprojected rapidly enough, the sum becomes

    greater than its parts (Haisch, 2006). Thus the refresh rate of the absolute space of

    phenomena is the speed of light in order to provide a seamless platform for life to build

    off of. [M]atter [and] light are separated only by the speed of light (squared). The one

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    is just a transmutation of the other (Baumann, 2010). We are thus drawn into some

    aspect beyond the form, we are drawn into the psychic singularity of the heart, the light

    of the heart by some series of the images we have encountered.

    On many levels can this occur, the first being with our Mother, Father, and siblings.

    As we physically grow we merge our hearts with other friends and family and even pets;

    our passions in life fit into this idea as well. There is a dance involved as the psychic

    hyperbolic spaces approach, connect, merge and expand as we get to know one

    another through our scalar, primordial projections. The frothy seas of our spirit, the

    gusty winds, the solar flares and avalanches we emote that of who we are and the

    attraction of those few rare gems of spirits, who we become aware of, that entice us into

    a deeper want of knowing.

    Observation of Separation

    We maintain that these other people are separate from us and our centers. Yet,

    No information transfer need take place because there are no separate parts (Radin,

    2006). [T]hey [appear] separate because we grasp onto our perceptions as our own;

    they appear to be separate, arising in the aspect of objects and we become deluded;

    realizing how such delusion arises, we come to the realization of primordial

    consciousness (Wallace, 2009).

    This initiatory phase, the meeting, the contact of our eyes, sets into motion this

    murmuration of our psychic thresholds to resonate in-tune with each other, once the

    portal is formed; like so many bastions of birds, forges of fish, or purses of electrically

    charged plasma, we gather ourselves together. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi considerscells

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    [to act] as oscillating circuits capable of resonating with electromagnetic waves (Citro,

    2011). We must choose and sort between cognitive and emotive processes in order to

    be able to fashion the proper emotional frequency, the proper resonating electro-

    magnetic waves as metaphorical keys to one another.

    Basic physical concepts like space, time, energy, and matter are now imagined to

    be relative, complementary, and dependent in some ill-defined way on observation.

    Spooky actions at a distance are not merely possible, but required within our

    understanding of physical reality (Radin, 2006). There is no spookier action than eye

    contact, in my opinion; and no more wonderful way to awaken to a resonant


    David Bohms explicate order is [a] world of ordinary observations and common

    sense emergences and unfold from [the] implicate order while the implicate order is

    [an] undivided holistic realm (Radin, 2006). When singularities collide and portals are

    formed to allow love to stream from the implicate order of reality it is of no common

    emergence, nor is it an ordinary observation.

    Anticipating the Disturbance

    When we are only anticipating an event that is the moment it is happening!

    (Citro, 2011). This leaves us wondering how do we open ourselves up and surrender to

    this greater consciousness to then spin-off back to individuality? Where and how is the

    balance found in this process? I have watched bees for many years and notice that they

    are ultimately engrossed solely in the benefit of the hive. They fly out into the world,

    gather pollen, et cetera with intention to yield to the hives needs. Yet, we, at times, will,

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    in contrast, surrender to a community, a pod, with intention to extract out what we need

    to expand our individuality, oursingularity. Is this necessarily in error?

    We, as individual entities, approach each other (whether the other is a tree or a

    homo-sapien or of the Star People) and are, in turn, vacuously drawn to each other.

    From the entropy of our psychic heart centers we encounter one another and we swirl

    and dance together on sometimes only a sub-conscious level of understanding. Our

    event horizons, our thresholds of intimacy, like soap bubbles, stick together and,

    sometimes, everything we think we understand about our lives and world around us is

    shattered. We begin to transform and to psychically expand with this new golden,

    radiating information stream, and, if we enter fearless, our bubbles of entropy merge

    into a bigger bubble and we connect. We see each other, become more awakened

    and more aware.

    [T]he act of seeing disturbs that which is seen. [B]ioelectric fields around our

    bodies are entangled with electric fields in the local environment and with photons

    arriving from distant stars; the conscious mind is needed to direct this dynamic

    distribution of states into a single state of focused awareness otherwise the brain would

    operate more like a diffusely daydreaming cauliflower. (Radin, 2006). Because

    feeling the love, at any level, if it is of the heart, can do exactly that: turn the brain

    into a diffusely daydreaming cauliflower.

    Symbols as Resonators

    [T]he two [photons]maintain a relationship as if they were in contact, so much

    so that what happens to one is transmitted immediately to the other. This is the

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    Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox (Citro, 2011). In linear time, in chronological time, we

    often part ways. Sometimes painfully felt and all too soon as the budding relationship,

    in the presence of the others form, can be interrupted. Now, we apply Eastern

    methodologies of non-attachment and our continued presence into the mix in order to

    continue the connectivity with the psychic heart singularity. We can maintain the

    portals integrity on that psychic level and know that the portal has been constructed;

    we make sacrifices consciously and joyfully to maintain these portals.

    We can invoke that moment in the mind and the heart, that moment the psychic

    hearts collapsed into one another, as each moment contains its unique resonant

    signature. We manifest these moments into symbols, trinkets and souvenirs of affection

    which we exchange with each other to help maintain the portal to which we have been

    awakened. The brain retrieves old information the same way as new through

    holographic transformation of wave interference patterns (McTaggart, 2002). It seems

    illogical, this infusion of frequency into an object or symbol but axioms of logic are

    untruein relation to emotions, to symbols, tothe hidden meaning of words

    (Ouspensky, 2011).

    Thinking of family and friends, intimate or otherwise, creates in the mind a

    symbol that resonates with the field: thinking and writing awaken the archetypal

    power to act at a distancebeyond matter and space (Citro, 2011). However, the

    subconscious perceives the moment entirely as one of eternal, as the hologram exists,

    even if illogically to our conscious mind, throughout space-time. [E]ternity is not the

    infinite dimension of time, but the one perpendicular to time, because, if eternity exists,

    then every moment is eternal; illogicality (from our standpoint) is the necessary

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    condition of the knowledge of truth or of the real world. This does not mean that

    everythingillogical is true, but it means absolutely, that everything true and real is

    illogical from our standpoint (Ouspensky, 2011). The moment of the crushing together

    of singularities is eternal; we create symbols which retain that frequency, the frequency

    we embed in them, to entrain with at any later date to holographically engage said

    eternal moment.

    Emanating Archimedess Spiral

    With non-attachment, we maintain a balance in the portal between the

    singularities. Otherwise we are left wanting and can spiral down out of that of a

    logarithmic series pulse to a linear, Archimedess spiral pulse; ending up looping back

    on ourselves as would a Celtic knot. [S]eparation is the basis for the egos sense of

    identity (Tolle, 2004). When we have desires to be in the same phenomenal space

    without that possibility occurring, we find ourselves egoically attached and without

    balance. Any kind of exclusivity is identification with form, and identification with form

    means ego, no matter how well disguised (Tolle, 2004).

    Identification with the mind gives it more energy; observation of the mind

    withdraws energy from it (Tolle, 2004). Of observation, the Copenhagen interpretation

    states: whenever you try to see a probability wave, the very act of observation thwarts

    it (Greene, 2011). Such as Orpheus desperately wanting to turn his face round to

    embrace the form of his beloved Eurydice; rather than continue to reflect on her

    presence, he desires to be with her form; attachment and longing for her form leaves

    him in a state of separation and depression. [L]ooking at [a] probabilistic haze

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    collapses it into familiar reality (Greene, 2011). In other words, thinking incessantly on

    that desire, emanating from our psyche this want, becomes a reality reflected back on

    us of emptiness; if the dynamic state of the brain is repeatedly self-observed it will tend

    to sustain certain brain states more than others (Radin, 2006). The Quantum Zeno

    Effect, which is observing continuously whether an atom is in a certain quantum state

    [which] keeps it in that state forever[,] is also known as the watched pot effect (Radin,


    We can, however, transform this Archimedess spiral pulse back to that of the

    Nautilus by a simple act of observing our thoughts. Observing thoughts: thinking of

    the content (position), you change motion and to think of its direction changes the

    sharpness of content. If you think about the content of a thought (its position), you

    inevitably change where its going (its motion) (Kuttner, 2006). Through the act of

    stillness (no action) taking us back to an entropic state, this is possible. Otherwise,

    continuous mind activity keeps you imprisoned in the world of form and becomes an

    opaque screen that prevents you from becoming conscious of the Unmanifested, the

    formless and timeless; through intense present-moment awareness, you become

    conscious of the Unmanifested both directly and indirectly (Tolle, 2004).

    Our flux of awareness is not precisely definable[;]thoughts and ideas which can

    be seen to form and dissolve in the flux, like ripples, waves and vortices in a flowing

    stream, becomes as much in the process of thinking asin the content. [They] are two

    aspects of views of one whole movement (Bohm, 2005). We find ourselves craving and

    in desire of that seemingly lost moment and find ourselves lost in the turbulent waves

    of the ocean surface.

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    Non-Locally Present

    Resonance is the way in which memories are transferred through space-time

    (Citro, 2011). We recreate the moment in the holographic projection of our memories,

    and as such, these manifestations of space-timeare expressions of the absolute space

    of phenomena (Wallace, 2009). There appears to our senses a great gap of empty

    space to overcome to re-engage the dance of the heart centers, however, Merrell-Wolff

    commented that so called empty space was in fact full and substantial, while

    ponderable objects were a kind of partial vacuum. Consequently, he began to

    experience empty space as the substantial foreground. Thisled to the perception of

    material objects as part of a dependent or derivative reality (Wallace, 2009).

    We are moving upon a plane, and recognize as really existing only the small circle

    lighted by our consciousness. Everything out of this circle, which we do not see, is

    negated (Ouspensky, 2011). John Belldemonstrated the possibility of instantaneous

    interaction at a distance withthe principle of nonlocality. Communication happens

    not by movement but by non-localization phenomena (Citro, 2011). Nonlocality is the

    ability of a quantum entityto influence another quantum entity instantaneously over

    any distance despite there being no exchange of force or energy (McTaggart, 2002).

    With non-locality in mind, combined with non-attachment and the concept that

    we have fallen into a form of superposition with anothers singularity, we should

    reconsider the significance of symbols and archetypes [according to Wolfgang Pauli]

    (Citro, 2011). These gifts we present each other remind us to oil the hinges on the

    psychic gateways we have formed. A symbol evokes a different idea than an

    immediate, perceptible thing; it has a representative function (Citro, 2011).

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    Kant understood it as an intuitive and analogical representation. A symbol

    vibrates at the same frequencies as that which it represents, soit talks directly to the

    unconscious: it appears, resonates, is understood. The unconscious (or field) answers

    the symbol by modifying its own vibration; like water, waves propagate in the ether[,]

    full of information; we reproduce in us the frequency of the sea and receive the same

    benefit (Citro, 2011).

    We bring forth the emotional frequency which unlocks the gateway and we two

    are non-locally touching the web strand between us. The Italian physician

    Pierfrancesco Maria Rovere wrote, To capture these waveforms enables us to go

    beyond the bodies from which they emanate (Citro, 2011). A relationship is formed.

    From this complementary relationship, an uncertainty relationship analogous to

    Heisenbergs uncertainty principle can be derived (Radin, 2006). Heisenberg

    uncertainty principle statesthat no quantum objectcan ever be brought to complete

    rest (Haisch, 2006).

    Still(ness) Within Ginnungagap

    Nassim Haramein declares that we live within a black hole. The mystics declare

    our want, if even sub-consciously, to re-join into the oneness of the universe. These two

    statements, one from each hemisphere of thought, are connected in my mind (if even

    paradoxically). Allowing our egos to relinquish its power, we make contact through our

    eyes; bridging the gap and forging the eternal moment. We entrain our emotional

    resonance and open to each other. We create a portal there in that eternal moment,

    through scalar waves, and conjoin our psychic heart centers, pulsing in hyperbolically

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    spiraling waves even when a great and phenomenal distance may exist between us. If

    we infuse this frequency into a symbol, or a memory, we maintain the portal between us

    and, in the hologram, we are in each others immediate presence. The connectivity

    becomes that which will never fully come to rest.

    Kurt Godel proved that any logical system contains propositions whose truth

    cannot be proven. We can, however, by insight and intuition, know the answer

    (Kuttner, 2006). When you have reached a certain stage of inner connectedness, you

    recognize the truth when you hear it (Tolle, 2004). Einstein commented, Propositions

    arrived at purely by logical means are completely inept as regards reality (Wallace,

    2009). The idea that these two star-crossed lovers can be immediately within each

    others presence simply by holding a shared object, or by imagining them is quite

    illogical to our modern minds. However, based on both science (albeit unorthodox,

    perhaps) and ancient mysticism, the sub-conscious experiences that which is imagined

    in the mind as palpably as when the physical forms come into contact. If we can but

    learn to trust our intuition...

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    Citro, MD, Massimo (2011). The Basic Code of the Universe: The Science of the Invisible

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    Canada. Kindle locations: 210, 913, 3182, 3226, 3233, 3272, 3323, 3333, 3381,

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    Greene, Brian (2011). The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the

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    Haisch, PH.D., Bernard (2006). The God Theory: Universes, Zero-Point Fields, and

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    Darwin, and God. New Page Books, Franklin Lakes, NJ.

    James, PhD., John (2007). The Great Field: Soul at Play in a Conscious Universe.

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    Krasskova, Galina (2005). Exploring the Northern Tradition: A Guide to the Gods, Lore,

    Rites and Celebrations From the Norse, German and Anglo-Saxon Traditions. New

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  • 7/30/2019 Hyperbolically Spiraling Spaces: Finding Each Other Within the Entropy of Our Psychic Singularities



    Kuttner, Fred and Rosenblum, Bruce (2006). Quantum Enigma: Physics Encounters

    Consciousness. Oxford University Press. Kindle locations: 3002, 3674, 3687, 3715.

    McTaggart, Lynne (2002). The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe.

    HarperCollins Publishers, Australia. Kindle location: 332, 1731, 1743.

    Ouspensky, P.D. (2011). Tertium Organum: The Third Canon of Thought and a Key to

    the Enigmas of the World. White Crow Books. Kindle locations: 901, 1040, 3162,

    4623, 5199.

    Radin, PH. D., Dean (2006). Entangled Minds: Extrasensory Experiences in a Quantum

    Reality. Pocket Books, NY. Kindle locations: 3346, 3498, 3521, 3523, 3599, 3607,

    3610, 3691, 3699, 3735, .

    Tolle, Eckhart (2004). The Power of NOW: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment.

    Namaste Publishing and New World Library, Novato, California. Kindle locations:

    1051, 1433, 1781, 2029, 2132, 2172, 2178, 2183, 2186, 2201, 2212.

    Wallace, B. Alan (2009). Mind in the Balance: Meditation in Science, Buddhism, and

    Christianity. Columbia University Press, NY. Kindle locations: 998, 1020, 2284,

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