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Bnom.oe Noticcb.VS ii'iF.i.v.R A- Wn.^os's SrwiNf.-MAdnsi s

A« r*dur*_ priee'. w'.ib i.l.».(!t.'h Prtatrr, liaptO-M l.onpw *',,f H'liiwer Btadi., C*f_w, -C, 8u_ Bu.iwar,


.-?..--SUKDAT, MAY 5, 1 61.

TO CC_RR_E8J*0->_j_f*r-a; i. * c*'he t-ken r Ai i itiom What

by tbatsi-il'- ii: '. - j lurpuiiUcB-

li _. la ..¦-.: .- JttOll IMtbA"ia lor t'.li attff cl.oulll be te.i-i-U.d 10 TuB

N'---Yotk.v. J Co:, oraakatlaa.

TiiE W AlPt- * .t 1'1H*->' ,ut foi a«ie t>n arn\


To ..dierti-t-ra.T 'v Iiict i.n in tha iitv-i;-t ilatka ol Tn

T_.ir--_i ia ti ict i.-val'.e ma B-tdinm for tii; ad*n. l-y scn-.ii1, iu

vert;--eiiitite ;,i ettrly M po.-iSle. o* we are

to p.t-te ot aa c.iilici' li-urthan fornicrly._

hJAlra l.te-iing. Tritaiino.!' .:i_. llu- t-iirBbrrbm "f the War wbich ha-'

bt'ta (oitina-iict'd by tlie Soutb.rn DifRRiOB-taand Kebelt, we propoie to ptabltah at ."¦ o'elackevi rv kvttk day Hft.r_.oon, an ESTKA Ehmm.Tkiw ni OORtRinlRg the I.atost Nowt frmn all

qiRrtart. Thii ihoat may be procarad at Tn::Tfl-BUH Oflice, aud of tbo now. Jca'.t'.'_ ;,ad

boji at tl»_ BBBbI price.- ot i.t-.

The Btinday I*«.ir mf Thr Tribnae.lu rBflflattott t wtfl laaBMiraMi fo*metio\ NN

*__,.. tl-'tinrr tht Utir, iffltr THR TltllH I

BtaaaVj MtTwiug tf tmm ttttk, Ul }"." "J __-"

dtaf't f*ftt Wm U Three (>._t-. tmmmg jf/taMmtts a rtrk to rity tmnXtikmtt /'" Bta j. "_"'.-' ,>Jthe KdaRJ MM-,

BBadtag (mm a/ Tm: 'iitmrvr tr.-/ ISerrrri tt nl' ttmotttmtn t« thr city and 8_-iaa_fi-So rf. not i'irr ront-tiry nrtltr.- tothe ttWtttf*,

M '-1 Ai:dei-oti is in WadhiRft-B, vvlierc L.ia the lion ofthe day. Hia artBBBM PRBRWl Iht.tory ol the leige of l'ort B-BD-RT, a.ni 61much eut'.u.iasm.


Tbe _pleii_;,i tt .nn-frigate KtafRta sailci w--

terday uuder neakd order... ll'-r de.tinati.ii llutiknown: but aiiruii-© hna it that -ke ii botudfor l'ort Pk-_MM_ Phe t"ok nn tnn.p..


V.'t-terti Yirgiuia ia wide awahe t'nr tbe I'nioD.Our laltal BbMbm ind.cate that t.'i'-ro will be a

brnn- itani nguinat Baaaaatoa, ai.d that tln-I'uion men havo well-foundod _8fM Bf eleat_B|tao Meinbors of Congres*.

_. .¦.

Mi.s Fo_p?H und her advaw-e gRRTd af nuraea

have arriv-od at WRahtaftoR. They md vv th ne

poaitive annovance on the way. tho _b therewere sonie Seceation ruffianfl wbo wer.- '. wil-ling to vvouud, but etill afraid to atrike."


A Philadelphin paper tella m tlmt ThoMMWmaui, the Baltimore flMD-OO-iro, vkLo WMninied a-i one of the Maryland OtRMMM-M Mfeufety. BaaaBM to eerve. If true. thi lu.-t M-t-llei the BMBM nf tLe propt-rty-aifti nf lhal xtate.

They tre for the L'nion.

By Uie Daahd WahaMr, from me ttoBf, ara toata' that tbe Snutbern Itebel Goveininent BitaaB.irsued letk-re of marque on the BBtk RB. Theyhavo three nr four ateaincri now iu COMWltthlB,and have bonght the fuinous tlave-ve. «el Wandererfor their piratical wcrk.

Bead the letter of Datiiel s. Diah-MBB in ;n.-

otber colmnn. That teteran National DttBOttalde_*lareii hiinaelf enrncatly in fnvor af pn. ; .__

tho I'uion and lphtf_.Bg the GaaafRRMRi in theexerck© af all lawful bbbrmNj r-8*_ta-Btt ttconeequenc-a and at any coet. Hc i- al_o fnr"a kigorotis conflict and a apeedy -cttl'ineut."

It 8©tm4 from our Waahiagtoa advices tiiat theMaryland I*i-_;islatiire :ue 08M Bf tn their a.-n-C..

They admit to the l're.id. nt all that Bi BBtiflHwith regard to the transit of Baaaa, and a_k thatthe State be parcd t_e evils af m! taty OOCipation. Tbe l.esideut'i icply vas lirm aad -igoi-fied.

There are now in thi. city aud vic'mity nearlv2»i,iX)0 troopM, who may be forwarded to theaeat of war on BB8B. notice. They are moatlyin banaiks, nnd uro BR-itRM to be nin.tered it.totervice. Tbeir accoiimtotlation- are uot wbat

they flhould bc, tho ooHlBitaiailit beiug iidhdcfiti.'iit. The Second l.'epiment epent thtina"lement night ot Friday on Ihe Uatterv withoutfood or Iight4. TLey have good can.© of coin-

plaibt, aud more eflieiency inuat be _hown, or

the good cauie wJl M_br.

Tbe Ron. finrrett Davis of Kentucky, bi*;nt_- indUtreM of miud BOR-OI-_-g our politi-al tmublt-,n nde a peraonal viiit to the PraBMttRd a fewdavi ego, tbc reiult nf wbich witf that the Prea-idtnt and his Cabinct evidi-utly -Bp-RBBtd Mr.Davu with the ROfB and even tbe belief, thatthey iuteud to be aa conc.liatorv and pacilicB- they think they can bo 0tH__B-B_ry witbtbe'.r lattai to Iht eoeahry. Tha PMaideoi al*oitifonuod Mr. Davk that he conteiuplatcd no m'li-tan' oporatioci ti.-at would make it RMMBRI) timove any troop* over Kentucky terriinry, audthat he would not BBflB-RRd that StaU' if khe ihaaMmake no dcuit-iiatr.ititm of force agnii.-t the li.it.dBhaat

There ai-etna to bt' miieh doubt about Iiie al-leged pn-ieritation of l»avi»'« Commiaaiouera totbe Vmtmm C-UIIiiibimI Tbough poaitively a.-

aetted tbat our Mim-ter, Mr. Faulkuer, b*d pre-aeuted them to IL ThouveucI, certain W7a.<liiug-toM oori-epondeiiti deny it, aud *ay that it HfjJIhave been nu act ol trcaaon. But a<-U of treaaoDare tery couunon now-a-tlayt. Our latett dis-

pnle'iei My that Mr. Dayton, the newilnkter toFrance, ifl in«tru-b-d to say that thin QaVBnBM nt

ba no uiea of ptrmitting a diawiliition of thel oiou uuder any circuitistaucei whatever.


Do not be too aanguiiie over the conitaut rc-

porti from tbo fcioiith thflt tbe __taMBB-B_MB aro

pouic-atricken at tho uuanimity of the Xortli.Tbey are playing a deajH-rate gaute, aud wauttimo to get anui and men. Hence tlu-ir eva-

aiona and delaya. Tbe le_dt_r~ certaluly knowthe true atate of tho ca_e, but by every jm. .eibl©device thecreduloui "poor whito trash " who are

Jv WA tV'-if ^"1*^* *f« *'pv U ignoraocp, -_id

will be led like flbeep to tho shatn'olea. The re¬

port* to wbich we allu.e are for the Northemjieople ouly; not B word of the kind appear« in^outhern pnpers. IhBM all is eum-bine aadvictory.

Fillow, tbo dit(-li-di^_.«T, ii said to be nt Mcm-j.his with .1 larpe force, intet.ded fn ibt cai'tiireof Cniro. The HoazieTi aie ready for BBB, l"itit ifl doubtful if he arj atteinpt llu. job.

Tho -in_aa__f H.iniei Wobttor Brrhrel laalnigbt, haviiig iiarrnwly eacaped Mima at N-w-Oi-exbb. Sbe briagi baek Lcr antfrard ti- igbt,Bbi had fmtti tlu* bar at thaBalizi before licar-iag of ber di'ieer, nnd tbe stean-r WaM BBIl'einlv tl' seizo h.-r, liut owing to want of BBBfia]orders, the WtJnWtt bad time to MMfBi -*belaQee. at oaeafcrHi aaa, ladtbence tathbporl


Wa pr'tit thii Btoixhi| a .-onipiet" otff tt Jef*feraaa Darba lfa_a_fBy of wbich tba telafrapbhas licrctnfore | vci m 1 hiicf Rvnopsis. Weneed not rccuiim uJ its p.riisa', as evenlx-dywill bc BXXMBI to Know wbat the arcli-truitorbaa to sny iu fhia MBergfaofi


Maryland is e--i lainly coining aroitiid. The eB>

cesRiutii -t- ffB-t-tdiy made a bi-!'l juisb tn gctthcir Safcty C.-iiiui.ttee kaifa_BM tt1r4Mi_.l1 tbiSenntc; but they f.ricd, and thc UaloaBBM thinkit will fail aHafBtber. Tbi aart af rebuihiim*f_M railroad kridfM |BW ou bi._kly, witli.u*. in-

tcrri.ptini;; u.id IbeiB ll K'-t"l WM M to thinkthut all will yei bl Wfll, ut lea-t BRUUb. Bf Babtiin-Te.

? -

If -.5 (le.iiicd pr tty ci rlam tliat tb.' Feilei'.i.tiaOM aviII to -day ur lo-BOtTCrR occii|.A Alo.ain*. Fariaaa ladtaattaM abawanaal tba bebefthat. now that Ibfl taeatj diiy.' gi.ite are up,r:,|'i'l and eifaiBBI nu-ai; i< 1 will hc t-ikcu by theI'r,-'!. i.t to '. hnlii, "ccupy ai.d |OMBM

" ihe

piij'tiiy ol Ihe (ii...-.:iiiie:.t iu tbc rehcll.u....St;iU"'*


Tnt. ItKAI, «£_f.-ST_0:\.Kaiteoi bave their diatewpera, Bke iad i '.-

ln Bniiie BBBM the liaMM 1s Ck-BBM, b BB-MMaente. Thc one liaaara taaf, ti.e ath-f k swiftand iharp. Nati"ii-< kara parbhed of tbrM both.Ai.d Natioiis have laMaal thciii both, aud iv-

ioiced in baab itraafth and boaati wben theirtttatioxB] itaataa an.l aii.i'. energy itifliced

ta conquer tbc BMrbid iiiilucncts wkteb a

thcinfrmu withiii nr fraa with-.ut. We need n.it

e tc eaaBB, fcr kiatorj ia imt tba reaarl ..t Bm8trUfi_lei4, SUCCC-sfill or .ihnrtive, "I bod B pnli-

I Bi aitl BHdadka traxa_ laafbl tbeir Lrrea,IhiB Nation is aoa i:i t-tf very rrbb af fi dis-order whieh is to tc-t its powet nl lifl. wbit is to loariak ia growlag kaaBfe aad Bnagtbcr tn ga down into tbi BrfB-pbta af -'«d cin-

inciivvcaltht. For it must bl ciu'-mbeied tbaliiio'I. ru siience hafl (lcinofrntrafcl that what we

ca"! bmmm b aal a Bapernatural riaitattaaaaauag i'l"'- "s from abovenr from below, Imt nnctidtuvoi' ot Natare ta aaia Bm acbtaga iad kaalthi BfOBba whieh IgBMBI 1. M »u>-

bit.i.n id eterusl iuw- bare broagkl irpoa aa.

I.'iybfly liewtd, bles.ing aud BOl .>ai" it the gti:it bring.4 ui.

It is true that that we are B-Jrirlag BBBat an

a 'ute atAck, Mfarraa ig bbbb . ehiaaai <ii

Uuiper; Imt -Lu.- i. a ccm.n taabBM in the

t'ath'lugy of natini.i. Almoat all violent iiational'» outht.-aks bave had taeir ori^iu iu BMBB bl g-I eetablipbed eondition eilher ot good ».r ewl.nllhcrty nr of flVapotaB Bbiob oeeaoioM _a as-

aault ujion it hy its antagbniBtic pppositi.andt!" n.itioLi preceada onvtard t" |lor) e 1 >.

Mea^ilfl as thi OBI or the ntb- 1

fliettag priuc.j.hs praaadla. Tbat A -¦.. uout

whieh aaa ai mm _ke Bai hara tbeir arigbabd impulae in the peculiar iaatBntioni .-I thes.eediiif; Statcs i1* B fact afaici aa aaa prataadato aaay. Even Mr. Dirk-CaOB, Wbo h.*it ii'-ver

heen BU«pecteiI hy BM .'"'rth, nor aeetU-dbj ih"South of any mnral or pnli'ical nniiii"Sity tathoBC inptitiitiuns, deHRrBltratM tbe fad and ai-

gBM frmii it tbe OBTC iu a uiaunci' abtak aoalibe ct'iis.dcred lanat .¦al it urged ky '(*>. Bei .1 -

aab aaaaa_B_f 6a axx.aaa iuto Ibe charaetei -t

fioe iiistiti'tinns. \Shi-thn Bcgia -ta-etrj ka a

kbaatag nr a eane ta Bm Begro and ta tbe aaa

ter or aat, tb to eau bi M i|Mat-MB that it isth.- tie whieh kindfl together aaa «f tbe 11n.pt

OBbbioI and deaperab b tbat tbe worldh;ip ever seen. lt hM iba BdBcatad thal «»11 _:n.r-

chy into kafaiti nf B_Bltanb-f a\li.rh intkc dnini-i,atioii. in whatever ppherc it a<'ts. a nei'.-rpit, oi

its a-btaaax A* bag as it btbi per-aBlid lagnvern thc abab i-oinitiv, diiectly or iadirectly,it was fontcnt tn let thc goveniuieut of tbecouiitry go on iu its Betrblbbcd simpe. Butwhen ihe jieople had BBM. U t-» eiect a l'rcriileiittn ||MM tlu iiHclves, thiiiiKh tne nlifarchy hadno nreteaM ef eoMfdatat af any iaTaataa "i ij

Constitutinnal righta, or nf any daagM la tben.

it hurst fi.rth toto apea rabaHaa, reaalate thatit Atould have M part iu I goniiuneut 111 whiehits c.ntinlli-ig MpiaaBMf had heen sueccK-tliillydi-;iutcd.

Jlciice the I'nitcd Sl.'ites find tlicmselwn, btthc first time in their BBRBTf, BMB t" fnee wilh

baaaaa aa Bb brfetd Mak.Bgaffaatal with Ibani,at tittcili unjiroviked reb. liimi tluit Hm mindof man couid well BBBg-Be. A- iai a" thc 1'cbclnare aeaeanai, the QatataBMiBl is abaolalarj and

perfectly in the rigbi The aab/ tault tbat can

ki justly 111'.'ed BfB-Mt it ii that it has cani.'itiiugi.an mity ai.d j.utiem e fowiird tbem t. tlu*

ran wiw «>f apaaraat puaiiaiiiuuty, and aaaaa-

gered its eharar'cr lor BBXTBge und pnlituul wi-

.loiii al bniiie and ahroad. Ncver liaM I iil ,n,v-

eriiments were lirst gathcred, were rcbeb treatedwitb Hiieli leuify and fnrhcuranec. .\evcr hctnre

111 tbe biatory of maukind has tbc gnverrnncnt nt

a nation condiicted its-df with such molerutmiinnd indulg'-nre to traitors with arms in thcir

hande, guilty of every outrage upmipublic and pri-vate iimp.rty and 011 tlu* rignti nf MMBBBBj that

ever disgruccd n rcolt against r;ghttul authonty.Wa do not now cninplain of this. We can un-

d.-iBtaal tbc d;fi".eultieB uml embarraHsiiieiitB wbich

eucompaaeed PrcPident fdaooll and his Cahinct 111

their iinccrtaiDiy M 16 hctv far tbe ennntry w.fl

ready to austain them ta uica.ures of «trong aup-preasion and condi«n puiiislmient. Ab eventa have

|HM tbua far, if thc eonduct af Mr. Lincoln hsabeeu the result nf a deliheratc forethoiight, itswisdom has been juaiided by eventa. 1 fia for'bearance haa bfl tbe l.cbel- without excuie inthe i-Acsof the whole world. Uu waiting tilltbeyhad atruck the firat blow in .'II barbor of Cbarlcs-ton aflordcd bim prtctaely tb. just nmuieut to itirevery beart ia the North, m with the auind of a

triimpet, by Ae worJa of hi« proclarnatkm. Hifljirompt bloekade of Ae Houthera j.orts ujion Jef-fertoa Divu's cmuit^ b| tae bl».h fla^, amj bi'

miiitary cond.ct generally, tbough cemured bynrdent houIi aa too ilow for tho demandi of ther_i.ii, have tommended him to tte reipoct andronfidence ol all who are r. inizaut of the diffi-culties that he ba* had |t en.'ount. r.

We think that th-' _BB_Ra_ cit.zen wlio 1. .<

BM B_Oil by tie bRb-BJ at iti liead lisi shownliim-ielf to dnti-ro t.i-' t_RB_BM8 thut pla-- d i'i

Ihiin by M* coudtict Bf to Ihi. time. Wi ciiuii.'tditibt that he will eRR-JRJM to prove liii.i-.elfworthv of the great trist reposed in bhflU WiBaarott the vigilame of tLe PfRat, and the eloacHcruliuy to wliich nil pahOi actioiie are now iub-jeetrd. Wi have not kf en. arnl we -hell not be.

waat.f on our part in thia raaflRCt. Btd BR

think that tt PresMcnt f-lmuld be allovvcdreaeoiiaLle time ti loi dt*} hi* plan., and Le ei-

cusid from MBBRR-BRRiHJ them to the 0af_8t*

poedeati Btaa af mt bbmJ laapadahli M preaaes.In our nii\i-:y leat the cin-my ahculd Le btfore-bibbiI BMB lha BiBhaiitlna. wo ihoahl MHRH-atI ai it ia not to be tRRRR-B- t. at tLe l'rcflidentia not f.illy inforincd _B to Qm -____t_a_BRR*P"*tion of the etieiny at. evciv point aml n Wi-Jpmticular, and tbat ill bii BMaBBPM are n-it

gahkd b) that nir.-rniatioi. \\itL thi __.__» «t

L,_ (uiiimatul we appi'.hiial 1'i-t iic B_hj_l have

any BBBBRRl of iutcllig. __M _-0B- _-_f- M I '"bb,|adf_-f BflBR tlieir auteccdi-uta, if Bfl WR-i ROtfttnuah-d witii iitoi-e ti it-Harthy taybta. WobaM thal Iht gioR. omtt tt I » Pwm ta b.-tt.-ri'\ec ited in keaptaf ti." pB-jHiBl IB-KBRB. ol_M ali.te oi" juililic f.'ciiiu. at thi North, and otthe. aetion it iBBBRRdl BBd vull BRBIrIr. thnn in

eritkialag too coriooalt tarl wicattiTt tttf thatRB laki-.. A> Imiu a* Bta 0M1 I il in thi righ!

[OR, hc ahoiild be nti-taiiifd b. th.- |H_BPRRRMOfidoRM of Iii* OR-BBtHBBCy. Aa long na hc...bta a tinn haritl ou tlie plow. Wi will tmt BR*I.- | ile au) daoget af Lia loahtag bm-h-vard.

Wi B-RBN Le Um to o'.r 11.. -f .ia we BRY8

just iltt.iicd it, if BR witlilieltl tli" tiict that tue

fMfl tiiat liave tat. i.t Bfibtad Ihe -.OlthtPB miiid(tbough tntit'h din. 'ii nil HR-8 thi PfO-__B-R-_Mol 1 ridaj l.avc not I'.-eti "f an aifnult ir..ii. thtinetnv. but of a tBtiaaarttt lim. Aaj aaaoa,BBJ ariiii.tic-, any ar tgtBRtal witb ti.e raftab.atti-r th-ir baic, BTROl, thbttah, and lying conductlOWRld the L.i'.i- nine-it .Iid V'Tthei citi/ctiri.

aad bafort thty batt rataiTad i Boadifa aid iig-nal B_U_M_BMB-Rl, w.-uid be l--"_'-l BROB BJ theNati m ai a aimplc tal _____»¦. ie_rraa_M at

-li.rrt-ti-m. It ll "'¦'.. MBM hia tt* t*th "f thi"k nd that Btfl fcar.d i.t HM N":th. _M Hi BR-

tlmt I'icrtidi 'it lu ifl ii'ii-l BROB IM wellti..- nii.rnl nnd t>o!:lictl. an well a* BB_R_rj Btt

m "f IL" mt l-H tt, .. taad an ear to anv

laahadftaRP. TboPtoplahRtaaoai-dth-_ Banty.,-. ,:.'.. n'.d are read] to pooi «"it

tl.e.i l.lood in I'u i- .1. L -t it i. i."t to pli.) tbeof any man foi tha aext or ta

| ve thta -r that ibi ¦'¦'¦ to ru.'raet- or pa:Bga. It ta t" e-tahii li ______ Uoti-I B-BRl bfl fOTon a firin ba-i', aad to B-taetTi thi iotogrit) althe I.ej.uLi.f. Tht) bav Med ifi ihi- v-

¦¦¦ pi.-ten'j a'.d lor ti.e world. Thej:i |.ii-iii.rnlii»' ekainp!.- -' id bi ¦ "'¦ "'

aad tha Btatoi Maetaa. .i vt

i e in :,.. iii'-.-.l !-i .ii. i'i t BBJ half-ii.. mrea, ar aayl - thaa tl"- rt-paoatjai-t-i e .. ti' 'i .. totalaod um¦> n.liti.-- a! inbn laion oo lha pxti Mlhotaftht Uaited state* nr M tba Boh-ta aad C

(ara .-au _Tart-ke uhilMMttM al tbe MtatdL'I ii.-k dn not itei.ev.' Ihe Bahtli wiH MPWaler,

tM mi -Bmaahtoat aad thag are bm Ihej d.--.nn t" aarraoRei '.(.,.iUe«. Tbey bb atl

a tbe war. I hok .-/K foi uc ¦.Rl.-:, <H th.) la'.d. 'll,.- .¦ -

¦:_ OB ..i tka i ¦'¦. ¦- -¦ dta Rm to pale tai at«in-ii*. 'I bi BM hl I.I tt-8d i'-Ok'

, at the man int..

,1. t ha.V..II pr.r.e l'lt.t.elf c.|'i:i', ».¦ tht BUfhl) re

.|>... -.I.iii'v ln- ii .I IB Hk. BBOB bim-

aelf. KO ll.fifi ever Lel-1 Btigbl I _rlR-t ltl Ulbanat thaa ht if bad .i Btart iBaatttoM RaraM

oj'eiiTig before bha.


Ti,.. r,;.:! bai lojal tll i-M ta iaprj krlBRtm ..--. I-i Itotowail thev il..., -i-t" over S't.

i- Ibaagb ti.e i-L'.f cBIm hahton ara ui

|,-.,-» a ti. the latt.-r: i.t Markland tl..-\ are

probablj n iiinj'-rit.i Im* 11tn d anu BaOIgBBiXid|iu Virgiiia tiii-y ttiPt .i Ibiu-.' inaji.rify at Htt

i o ,v. BttM '.''-.' BB, ai.d probably Bia M

atiil, in apitc of thi piRTfW Bfl tf tbetl lead.-rrand taadiog praaaBa--_i tha bi dkR-Btora iRartoiof |hi Siate they are nu RBMMM mujoi il.v. ThiJea.n-.i Kottk Cbiobbr ..t het tatoato-tieai Kea-tucky. Tennen^ee, M even .\rkanii-.bata .a like itian.er roted to .tuv iu tlie Uaaaa.Bat, vvlu'e the wi'.'.'Lt <>l ii'ilnliiTK ai been ou

tbt ii :ht aide, the prepoiidera.ice "I artivity, of

au'lii-'ity, aad ot t__ro___-T. ta tyiag bj tatai-aahha-i been liuuien.ely M th..- «:<!'¦ ol Ih.- S-ie-.|ot,

-.<. Iletn-K the I n.otii.t* have been Bteadiljtoliag gioiiiid under the aw.) Bf tbe lo-BOthtof,l.-t-.tlotie puliey, and tbe .->.-i-.---ai.t'iitt_ vkou.u baveMBB cuitroled M-.-iititi. .Minl.-.u.l. peihai)* -ITMDatawaii licri-ii, imd ihe traitori bn-.i BBoaredto abj t'u-ir aajM BB-Mtatod lor iwo iiioiitli-

laBf-P,Il Marylaad aud HtaaBH-i .irn .avul l.oi.i tli--

galf ni BoO-ati-O, it wili be it. tbe conceutrntiouof lotul tronp. on tLfi. border-', nnd tho exhihi-tioii ol the Ai.ier.-ii'i lag, wi.l guanled, ou lluurBoil. A inontli ago, Ti n.iettM,- u.igl.t bate baaamtvtd in Iili uiiniicr; nnvk fl-B BMHM li ber, i-.lkiiig BMM imd ni"t. rRfidl u tht Ma.-I-strnni: Lut U cannot I.e ton lalc lo IBBCOI N n-

giniii BBd Nnith Cnrulinn.That n innjiirity ol tho J'coplc flf IhtM Statea

are ut beart loyal.-that they to-day prefer tolive and die iu tbe I'liion.we are well BRBHad.Tl.e fmty-laillioii-lie-powi-r of ao BBBJ traitnioiir

joiirnak, which H*y wliatcvcr they would wilh tnhave lulieveil, tBBBfi BfliB-l cni.tradictioti, haidoiilitlcKH ihaken thouaabda. but their henrti are

still true. I.et the 1'niou tlng be hoiatcd once

i.uirc in friumph over the ruiiia of Har|K-r'aI'erry Ar*>ii..l and the (lo.pnrt Navy-Vard. ai

bJm o'i tho Ciii-nni-Hitii-1'a ut Alt xandria andIiii-liinond, a >d we leel s.irc that tbo vote B(a.n

to Le taken wouid ibow a I'liion niajority in theHtate. But l.t the more couapiruoua Iniou nn-u

cnnlinue to bi hunted out ai they have beou forthe latt tnrtnight, utving tlie n.orc tioiid thou-aaudu into pledging thcuiielvea to BBMBBBM. inorder to avert a kindrcd Iiu' , and the Ft-towill lie foicod out of th© Fuion on tho 2.ld iuit.

l.y an oierwhelmin-/ mnjority. And that vote,eaaj_*-i and unreil aa it will bo, wili bu tbe

greatent blow yet inflicted on the I'uion caaie.

Of the " uiilitiry nocPHfity" in tbe preiuiteiwe preiume not to judgo. We leave that

ro8|Miniibility to tloie on whom it prop. rly de-

vo1yc4. ^ut lliutt g'cftt i_.litiv._U aud Naiioual

neceisity ezists for alT.>r_ing the earlieit possibleFederal protection to the bnuted and terror-itricken UniotiistB of Virgln.o, is b truth too1'Iaiu to be disputed.

¦ ¦¦¦¦¦

TKE I,K(.IN| ATIVF BBTOtrTl©^ I*»l\ll_ I..4 ill.

The wbole af Bm proceedin_;« of the .-r-

isting sesxion of the Legislaturo cf Maryland,i'pgianiiin with the flnvcrnnr'a cali thcreof, are

rero-nttaaary, tin.onstitutiona]. D-Bf-li aud of uo

biadiue forci: whatever upon Ite JBSfll bt tbatState.

\ Though thc (Jovcrnor is empcwered to OBSfBBItl.e UjUUlBia B-BaaiBrialBJa-t~T-J it may benii-dtil. «r upon extranrdii.aiy ocfa.-iion.*, tbelaws reqiii.o [ii'V.'r 'iot'¦¦'¦ ttelBof tu bfl givci atlea>t Iwenty day-; befo-ohaml; ai d yct this Lflfb.laturc aaa calb'd on cnly tive lays' i.otice. Andwben tbo public pMN nf Maryland rairc.l Blvnice in a whisperagainst IBCha violation of law.for it dared uot protost il tbc niidat ol tberci(*n cf tcrrnr inaugurated hy tho bloody dcedsot' the IHtli of April-the Ifce'uti.ii.i 6d criedont, .. Inttr araa atml Ugtt," And bo tha ubb*lic toice MM effcetiinlly etiH.-d.

Fe.cral raeandai ia the i-reynt I.cgisl.iturehiiil to bt- fiiled, of whieh ;i iiot.ee of at leastthirty days b iaajB-fal hy law to he grraa, butthc SjH'ul.er oi thc IIi.ii c gf iM.-ate.i, Mkrari-iiti tbaftatatepfl "i Oar. Etiete, arerraiatlM law,aud aj'i'nititcd tlie rlrction in Baltimore for tcullelegates at tbree dayi' aattB, and fnr MM

Ddegata Bbbb tVaB-iagiaa Caaaly at tardralayi'iiotire. Aud when tbc ill. gality ofntek an Bleeition t\aa Bii.'gepi.ii witl. hated biinth iu llul'.i-Mora, th,* frieaii of hw _alaraer aacio lilaacedby tbe mbm Baeiaakal phaaM af Hb B-tfl law.The layal Y.-ters af I.altimnrc, seein.' that not

ni.ly thc urJ.r !'. . tb bfltk.:., I" I BM '-all itaetftbr the MMBRai B| "t Ibfl Laf-Bflter*i wm "ntirelyuTn-i.'i.-r.t'itir :uil iad fflnpl, i ,"1 -te___g_ntotbe contest mr daadBg Dalajatra, aefl _imb-_|that'l'v so aatag they wnii" in ii-' partba latbis rklal oa of tte CofiBtitatbrj aad tte laara,and it bemg *>iif_B tiy abrlOBI Hal ttell wat no

hope "f brtafing aal au txuttmioo «-f tte r«-al

lu.tol nbHbbbI af tbe peoata la tba Qtoaarmed iim'' t''i Mrjay_B| th" eaaaMBBM "I ii.-

city latterttiax Ttell MBbaioo bo rab Batei-ve:i me'.' - [ailiaal bat tte Barolulthan ..a BdtUBl mii, "n'y wi "M ii i B lOM bit w.v. a piii ,1 aii'l cl.1,11, rt | r '¦ * I I ttewh.,|.

riioi.'.'i the QararaM kai ta aaara-i

tte I.- _. -;.tt .--¦ ebaatere Ibaa :-t Aaaaaalia, y.-tthe Conitit'itioli aud .-W4 ..ouicin -la'e au et:

br i Bk a-i a-t. ibBrl abtah t ..re can teno d ..bt. Iii the araa 11 irxBe laahta an

evpresre.l hy th- BBJbmmI lun.'e- l Miry'.v.dwh, ti..'.' the 0 ¦. ¦.'.' r BM -" ' k>d il lein- |the aaaataa ta Praaeriak I Hy. Boh Ij prthan wa.i any !ii'*i-4S,t;. Bf t'.e Bfi bflfBBMBBpal'B AAdt nc-'ipicl b\ Pairral traofa. jw.-n- not H." ,-i.'iiiies ot the Btat*, i.. any a.*n-.

nf the t-rin. 'fo Baa. m.I" "--in *. MJC

(.nt.-rnnr, k) kb pmclaili.it m | l

ta 1 ¦. '. CI ¦¦ " '' Bf-BRl.-.I. io t., tte i -< . ' ¦' ba

L.i'l io pe v-r ta do.Bat tte Leg itnri ,,;i Ib Ibj m*-

l-oii.'cd. Mr. ( ei.a.i lattett, Iba fJeaatw¦ ..re, took I''- -ent, ii' Itea "' thc -«.!-

i-iiii. il,. ,i.i ,,' Ae ttvn lloiaeB last \At> vc-.r n. ., Bfl .'i" l| I '' eleeti-.il ui the (' tt oi

ir.i'i'i aad i ¦¦ r -i-> iAl JaiTI K C-ii.troll-T .'- ib' . ' |fr,

i' ittd ta t...- f'-i

j. .i.t af tba Bei e m

ivle_at>'t. Ibe ba .)¦ .' fraa Balliatiwaara aaatad, bad jral Mr. ParaeU aidtaaed taact nn Coiii'..'Ibi 'iivvij I.. v.. laj atea

- i. iattafl a- paat-BBala af Hal-

thaaia, aud Mr. TeBaK tboa^k riearlj bgidatedmit nt kia Hal b tte aattai ol bott i: u

,| .. .¦ itect, mtr- ih,-- i|for Uit-iiK Ihe I..-- -"¦>. power oot of t ... haada,.f tte ObbbRi a:"i Maaa.Bg ;t t-. a Jaata ot

lev.-n Hut,, t. BBl Mr. \l ,; H n R«T-| ifflWlf.

A.m tit Iral Bflta ol Ab ro ititalaml Itteganj ralledLegiatataraorai the paeoafeoia laa i - tte kaaki of |ke peaalltea oftheoode tar oaaaaodtag apaeia payoaenb la-t i ...iiin- paaaafa '1 Baatbet aci Bltaatag tbaa ta-hiii-plaii.-rs up t-- teu per eeab oi tbeir aafitalj...id tba eiiii.'inii" t of d il aaottei law Bparaviagthe pi.' I'.ti'e iad rarolnttaaaryardbaaeaal ttecity aathorBtaa nt DaBiaMre karroai - of tkeVflRBM i.i'iiiiy hall ;i M-R_M af dnllars ta arn.

the laveaattaaarj mbb Bfaiasl * w I itted Btatea,The lecahtv nl IhBM B86-, M I "1 all attel Bflbp.i.icd bj tte Lef-Mxtara, ail n-..r algnd tbtctt nf the c.iTts if thc Jaa\fBi .1" tteii dniyibut tle1 fear is thc;, are ma deet.lv nup1 al-d .:.

rttinji.-.thv wiiii tlu- levui'itioi i.i tte Cnanaitteent Pabtif BatVt] are. Partefa, bowerer, tte re.

¦tni'atii.i. oftbe aatterity of bae Paiaral naran.iii.iit oi.-r I!.- State by iin BRaag aui ol _bBUlitaiy paarer may aetre tba Caarta ta a layaldbebarge of tbeir faarlMMBiTte aexl dep ta Ite earea ui thii rprolatlon-

ary I.-'/i-lnt'ire ia thc Yellott bill fof rtrJfpingtte Ooreraat af atl bb OaaflBtattarial power, iaddbtribatiog it luoog tte s.-vm ladiriiaab aaaaalin the a.t. IhiB whnle law i< ii lireet, <'.*>

rielattart m.d damgatlon of the Cuaetituttaa anditiwH oi M'.iviaiui. Tte Btek Bxaaatba pawacaf tte f*late ii BfRrtaalrala.! ta mo paraog *". tne

i.otiT'ior, ui.i! this act larraB aaaa it withmitthe shii'nw af liiibt, nnd ciilerB it BBBB a piUTelExaeatita, bbom latharitj ii mada wpfTBrgcver all ittei (iejuirtments "t Ibfl finverument.fnr Ite I'l'ovisinn rc(|'iring this OmbS.BM to rc-

pnlt to the l.i ;;iitlatlll'i' itl dt'lllgs is Imt ahanlute¦md direefnry, but disrrttienury. It ii true, theMile Cnncntinri, whieh it is in cntcuipiationto call. may abaorb Ihis Cnmtniltce; b'.t if if isuot of the snme cast and cliaractcr, tte I niiiini*-t*e will rel'iHc ta abdicate, Icr it ia aaatpaaa! ofsix of the uinit despcrate iiud deteiuiiiied uicu inMaryland. Their antcrt'dents and pre ent p.'lit-eal views were givett at leti^th by our Halfiitmre

rorre»|,oiideiit in hii letter of thc 'id ibstiint, undwe confefS wc have very slight hopes of the cs-

caja' ol Mnrybnd from their iron c,ra»p if theyoiice get if around thc public thi. it.

Aguin, Ae pansage ol the PtiarhlB Wailh Kc-port and I.*r-«i»liitioii, bcarding tte l'rciidcnt afthe] I'liited 8Ut'i iu tbe Exeeutive C'liumbeiitrclf, ia the direct eomplemcnt of the CoiinmMe..of Public Safety. It is the act cf an lllcgallyi- mve "ii body of revolution'nti, aud ahuuld botreated at mch.Tbe people af Marylaud aro doav brongbt faee

to fice witb revolntion. Will they aubmit totbe dictatii'U of au uncoiiatituttoiial uad illcgalanAeritj ? Will tl'ey jrlelJ obedienee to a

denM-Uw ertxtci upou tte ruii*« of tiioit (,'VUiti*

tation and lawa ? If they do, they are not the

Marylanders of former dayi. "Re.iitance to

"Tyranta ii obedicnee to God," is a faroritomotto with the people of that State, and if eter

there were tyrauts, Mr. Yellott'i Cotumittee ofPublic Safety are. I.et come wbat uiay, tLe peo¬ple of Man land aro ab*o!ved froin all obedtencoto the -dhetb t.f tbi- Revoliitionary Tribunal.aud Wi liope to hear of their ri.«in_j in armi

againat it, if it slia'l dare to txei-tat noy power.

«.OIf\ OVKR.7Vir BiVbwtad _BaBBM_MP JOOtoloi itaell' with the

reflection that tbo pahi >tic, i:pi.eEflfJ Bf thi Northauil We«r in but ono of thnse b mporary cxcito-inents whidi ocenr BMBBgfht BROBb of tbo 1'rceKtaV.. " .luit as they ran mad afteP J( nny LioR,"the Japancac Toir.iuy, BuBBllh, Morus Multi-" eaalis, Bpiril Bappioga, and ater. otber new" bubble, .0 thoyfl-W miiti ii the great deliriuui"ofaei.il war, a.d ialoiicata tbeir bn._i-.w_Ui" thoitght. of blood aud plunder. When all the.' iudividtial. of a iifit.oii i-are bOM) OOORpied f.'oni" their birth with ItdfttB nud .MBj-BORBR. dnllars¦' and eei.t*, the liiii'-driin BSfabaM of tr.ide or.' traflie, b en. ati.-n beroBBN a Reeaaatty to their" ni. utal BOBRtJtatbB. Ki people OB earth BMd" temporary e.citeii_-iit like the Vankees, are" uiorc Mgif t" __,t it, i-r w:H BBJ BtOti foi it." Tln'ii- MWIf-P-Pt, their bnok-. tbeir thcatcra," their citics forabh uaily D-RatraRBRR of their.' tliirat aftt-r eu-it, itient. Btt it i.ever ln.t* long." The tunte M gra.. ti- <1, tho want BBBaJbi, and" Vuuktt-8 baaOBR-t YrbR-N aeain until tho nevt" BRBRBRa 'iht _NB_-RRROR outbur-t of f-rocity.' thut wo Bi-RRN ii. tht- NoriLerii BtS-Pi. ii the" rcpctit:.'I' Mrt of tlie mo.it MBBBBOB triita flf'. ibeir f.ai'K'iial eh.-troct.-r. It h tln bthioB <-l

" tln- day, BM hWflahaRj cf the hO-IT, aud it w'ul¦ eeaae aa MddB-dj a, it La* aoB-Haaaai. Ldha" atravv OR fii-, tl.e Ba_f0-h_Bl B-BMliOM of thoMortb ii-:.'.. a giw t flama, bul -toh to ______ b_Bm

" n.ei ...-. .1"-'- '.! --80CI M Itt-fl-. ru they" apra-jg. lt i. c.'.-y. Bdd t" tkt-B BBMBlBf, to.. ind il-, thoir tath , oi :.-* alifji.i -.t u-i dj tn- Si tk, iu mob-fog the few''Rjaoag i.i-i.i bitkerto Mipocb I of lympathy.'wilb'.-, ia aii ¦-- .. li ih. - ''¦!i _____1, rui

ti t-t e.'ii, li .'"_, by waj .. if.. a_ta, wi i: ln." in thrat nr '"-ii- weeki¦. bt |<¦".(¦, aad \aii!i'-e. v.

I..¦' .;, vait a I i- r. 'htadral wil!. btt .- ita idaaa. Ha H ..

p,, libiy beeoi '¦. t_l II at i

p... bred i.t l reedea.unl BM h« 'ii a p ii... -¦¦ .-- -te, I] 1 i-l M !< Bf a.

om bn tl mbm BBtaa. II be da . t<> kaaaVkiiat tbat pBip M M, RM R il tt'. ntui tiiat lt ia

tu n.-ii-r,. ti I ln'' -1-

rilk o! tln- BcBBB-b, Bad BafOf* thi rtWR. I.etIfRHait .i"l <.'. (pir.it'.r. ii"! BOOBl "0 eOBBR-Btljon aa* brotpt>_t_raahaadoameBtof thii g-eit de-


i . ... N (nr_ im)-i i Jt»>.7' .'.-...'.. a

Ijcotl M ' iii l. idual," gitei ni iotort-tiaiaeeoaat "t a reoent roo tr ition b<i_...i.t .erai and a promiaeut i giaiBfl Whi uai beenal .Va-.!' ngUrO. B -. IBtaani bha oooatr., tho all. i -...re.Iu.at .. Ik- i... i -v

.. dn.' to lha i i.t. 1 btatoi .t tmtrioai t-at hi*-,.,,,,!-.¦ w.ij iiimi) e.j-.l, bul that whito he

ai ht Ahoiiid Mwaj BgM foi t a _Bgii aud'. >tr;i>c-. H- "I bi* bavii.'-

- ....! b ... u< I fri. nd. vvbn i.,

a' t i n .. J lo hilB, wve'i h<-Id not p.-reiit , un .!. iu,i.u.'- 'i Ma wae.a.

caarae, a 11 ,- ¦- o toi i oa a*

oande ' '.

¦;,-l !-> ae.'p! I'

i;,".. Se.iit addaa "thal wl-i;.- ba did .¦.-! pro-" fe _> ta t)i a f.- poticj -.' ht"hilbtad thal Ihij aroald ool BMtak au arn,.,

i- .-ti. -l Stalea, Lut.. tL.'t tha| w i-l i.i.ilt Purti Ifoaltrta a.dB iiit--.'. BBd li.l|>. - leliV. ::t eveii 00-t,TLt-y woald al,-- iv p opea tue lioe oi oiiu-

i, ..¦ tf ..,! ii.lv..-:. tl.e Ohfo Ki.ei J:mI Ib" I taj.-.ai Ct|.l.en. aSi-ttt 1 .', al.L ii ti.at oi.cd-ilk

tka Bl l _toa ariU uav.- tn p« r-

'I be, not t- iatade V'irgiata, bal to oc-

cubj Norf.dk, R P-tertharg, aaiLyaab::.. r-Lnii im -ii nt lhal Btatt

Iht outragt nf t-ic- lieii.l inob, ol vv tbbIJt.v. I.ett-lier, -Mrpiafl Bfl a.itiioritv wlii.-h DO

m ..- Itv. t-t.'il-l cnn'i-r UBOB h.in, ia tbein ad uu.l toader.

Mr. Biaaatt, tha ipocial M-i-tpaadtaal of '/'_«/...;¦./,.i. Tiart, writt-ii; lrom Wa-liitii_toii in tLeb | i_; oi April, '.i.irti*. tii» latoreatlpg MrIc*iii- :.t tbat Mr. 1 Bfayth, <'iie if tln- S.titn-- n

" ComminioaRiB, kvm. bM JRtl ratiu ed tr--,Kow*Yoffh ber., ta «at ified w.th th.- toflBajt -f

.¦ pa*_im .!. * ii.it ( tjr, it ti ,t mbmi t-> thiah tiiaitha N.-v -^ nrk.'t ;.rt> preparing tor a BtctatMB.'.\\ Im. prav, vviie ibe parii.-A iu tina City

wm e laporl '.'iiv.. Mr. l'nrsitli auch Mtiifactiou.'Who wen- the iiM-11 who BMRiad btai lhal RRtttVoik woiiltl sect-tie ti-.iin tln- I i .ii, di.nwntli.'B'at Spa'ieied Brbrop, deatraj tha Cnn*titutioB,euJ l.rcik thfl l.'-'pi.i-iu' intoau itidctiiiite niiinber

I iveak aud WBRiag *ra__.in_ ut*' Who BRR the.-oii*.*n bate iu-n

14e.i-. » I .lii.ne.POBTI kBli, VI,-. m: ud»y, Miv f, W61.

7" t .-,--. annoann ibe fullnreof doaepb ll b,...., :l..- giciit lumber...n, -i n-u-o, Muiue, witbItib.lltie- ol fOOl h t.i.lr. i. ou., .ddollM


The tart-al M't_v«rrt,(Iabii i.n.c. W.. R .'..I .. Bay I, l_6K

lha ii .; Woe.i-ii. railwH Hi itMktaa-i-.g jataiday, w«o|*-,-80, <-r t.I'ft^llatartbacoiretponuiogwcekol bta; ar


llclji 4*o» finor bt aa 11 Aaliore.,s-)i w _-tatday, May i, i-iiii.

Tht Liij,' Uotetaor l.ul'. M Baw pou, Caot. Arthar,!*r,,:n C'BrdOBM__t Kew-lOlk, (.) iinhorL- thice n.ilea._)tith of Bquao tol. t.


Mhip ¦.ii'---il :ii- tla-iiiilnni'il.Boafoa, b-tttn ...v, May I, IBBI.

Tbc aLlp Qaaaral N-wtli, ii»m LitarpaaX *aw,Api il l''th, nhip Paleetine, from Baw*Yoth fot l.ivet-potl, Bha-B-tBtd. She Imd lott her loit'ioptiBit nndl'"VV-.[l|it.

?*¦. lioi.llir- t lu, 1 iii t-liore.

Si.-ii-i H'".k, HMurday, Mav i, 1801.Thi ni liooiii r A.ieUa, Cupt. Baiiey, wttli a eargvi of

mt'luae.: eOottgned to S. W. l_ewk, eamea-bore on thajM.in; of lha Hnok laat night. Tbe veaael ta light, andla high on the bcach.

Pn._-C_.i_a to tm_ 8o_i>i-iii.s.-There will la.*rmoiiB in Caatle Oarden, ia tbe Park Barracki, lnthe Zouute tent al Uuku 8riua3e, aud anumberofother placei to-day, for th* bauofit of our citixeu.oldiera. At tbo Park Barraka a large nutn-er ofchildrcn from the Honw ->f Ifdiutiy will be praaent,a:di .iplut llitl -iligilijj'.


tta^i.:;;:,;::.y (^;.--ura,,.it,.e,'.tu*ll"i/-t";''"i v Ihe Jllia-tll kMll hy tbeseveialN-i.P,nnder tta re aoatba ..m t}wOktd, tb t tta ( 01...11.......-

o .».- UeBa<- 6bbb ww .bmbc in i; K ..ad BaaatvadtoUieetvti'alM..l88l"rialiUit.ii"n, as eliuwa by tta

lev.iithiiti Ic tvhichisin tlcAeworda:" i'he rafli ati-n of thc fWc*-i*Bi of aiar Mto <**

Hhill hesuthtlent iot the eaiablirhineut ot thia(.u-ii-tufi.ui taiAV.cn Ib Stot.t -o ran ying the BB*.

I have iialitbcd eertaiu word. in t e ....otainaa ii*

hiato waa_-t'i'_ed tato oue oaaiMMB V^TV^ZZnation, and Jcc.rnert doeirt;«^«v_w^ tol».*«aon theContitnlinn ita true ctaractei.lhai ot a iom

i ;< tatween incepandent pitaieB.i _. .. .-... .1 i-'ii*- i._«.,i

Extra Beoalea af lha Prorlelonal Ceogaf Ibe Caarederate Btatoo.

Mostoomebt, Ala., Mooday, April 29, 1*^61C')ni_*re88 aaembled to-day at noon, in complianca4

with the proclai-BtioQ of Pretident l>avi» conveningilau ra ra bc-csinn. |

It wm a gratifying acenc to notict; tbe eordial greet-ings, tho ehaking of hai.de, tta p|r«_._m emilea, andother denionstnitioiiB of welcome, wbich war* inter-changed among the raembera ao they mct this raomingin the Co-grteo llall. An unusual nunihir of Btraagt-r*and citi-ena wtro jiresent, uud iu tbt hall aod gal.erythere were many ladiea.At 1!_ o'ciock tho Preaident of Congrea. the II~n.

Bbwell Cobb, taok hia cbair, and tlie Kev. ll_.ilManley offcred u ftTAeut iu.ocafion to the Thmue ofQraea.The President then called Congrc38 ta n.,.er, and

stated that tbey bad l>cen BMembled at Ab BBM >'¦* a

proetaBBBBoa from tta President.Tlu- fir-t baB-BM in order waa tho riill of tb* rMt,

and few nan..a were- called wbich were not re*pon_eito.The Tn eident ptatcd tbat a quorum waa praoaB aoi

| (hat Congresa Avar now ready to tranaaci biiin-B.Ifr. Wiilkci, of AlabBBB atated that there were two

BBW MOM-Mll pMBMB from hia Siao vuo '.ut _Mheen quabfied, and moved that they i.ow have aa

oj.portunitv of doing bo. Ue a-ferred tn HflBBB. II. C..lones and Nich. Davii, jr., wbo had bBB d NBBl t<.Iil! tbe MMaeeitflereati 1 t>y t <. resignatione of Meaw*.DBfbj P. LawB imd ThomaB Toav-is.Mr. OcliiltrecofTeviissaidthiit Mr. I.oui- T W.*-

fall waa paaaBBBi an.i he hatl Lot beeu qua i icd.Mr. Cluytnn of B__B_ffl BBBRRBB I MM Mi. J. A.

(irr Uic eucccneor of Mr. W. 8. WUflM BM a'no pi*es-ent. nnd niuvid tbat all tbeae (,'entleiwii Le t, jiir,,,>dl.y tbe President io come forvvard and be qtialitied.Mmbx Oavia, .loiica, H igfull ai,d Orr came fnrwaH i

'ook thc oath, and BaBaarBMB. to tb- (" "ii-ition.Mr. T. lt. IC. C"hh of CcO'gi.i suid ikM M a qiofiBi |

wae prc8-nt. and the CoiiLremt hadbecu convcii'd brth( paBBta-BBtbaif Iba IVesident, bc moved that a

Cotnmitti-e of An-e i-c ap| ointed t« wail on Ae Prea-den; aud iiiiOi.i. iii.ui ii-it' CoagpOM ua~ now ready t<jrercive imv comuii-nieiition fiom him.The l'i- i-ien- Bfpaaabd Mea*,-?. T. R. R. 0BM_

,).:ues C-BBBBt, jr., aml Johu l*.*ikiii--. jr., tha?tiiittce. Th- n BBBit-t* le'Jred, an.l in ;. f-w miii-V>*

¦ad aad B dad Aal tbi p. abV at m il i, b a fo.n,iiiuic... cui.iji iiiii.iti in wiuiug Ij ( .-

Mr. R. lt. Cohh aaxaad the talbaiag ra bdaa,V\.,li I, e. IBIU , 1 !e,l :.

Ht. : ¦¦¦¦¦ B to'A'ii .i l.tuit he.-iai-ra.u lo ..ppol .t a*i aiii ur. io t - *

.f a. r>. c i-b- j".. -..I. -..«.- .i ti.

Tl, ''¦. -.'l- i-t preeonted to ('.<.. . i'«*-li-u-i'iii'i:, viiif.'.ai a peitbB of tho eoplo of NewM xicO:.*

Mr""'i v.Mar. h 16. IM.

Bil In ;¦e--ii.it (t-"fa r-r. hition al'ipicd .1 iCta-raatbe oftbe abtbaM afAat partba of .v ¦.

ktotvn.i .\' -a. heldB Ab 'l-ic- oe tta '¦. iaet.,I i i, -i-i tarewiA le tianaadl the cb.-d

i (.,,,-,, .., ii if.iin.-u l_. iiiii'el wuh,i -,.¦)¦'. t tbal you will la' Aen el re 11.<--...- ( ie'lc(ate istaies oi'Axcii at.rtbeir

to -'. -' ..lion.Bigned by tbe Praddenl and 8ec it.ry.Oli IBRba of .Mr. ( baaat, Ac iMdb \ Bf '.he pream-Uoh iiabnodta bjm patto a <i '..

prtoaM, andi a coaanfiinaltaa im refarred i* i,m«

( Ol.. ,1 i. l ol: Tl Olllr.

Mr. Uebiltree ol Texue requested to ; re >-nt »-> C .a-

b iiBieiiiidi abn fnMi lhaB. AeTerri.t«,-v ol Ari/.-ii... ta MBaaaaitagaoepy of tbe -VaBriaba.i, ( ..-- a. wiA Ao re j ,. pt lhai it he p -.-votr-lM t ougtas. Thc '.in ii.-.. ti un vvas ri irei ....iiclii ,. ,i fiiu'fi'ni-'.iai ( oiiiii.l.i.. e.

.Alr.'Iii-.elyn. iin-l,..-i.icn'. a pn a'.r la -ta*/ im-a

ill, aml tiai.J ' ln- b t

ii-iiii .', I': aidMt,arbbaeooanfaaytafflRaaaMr. Wktat* aaked Aa _; 4* 1 ra

iinyh ug .11: A d -^"'':i 1 ptavaal te baaajn- .l 111 paU -.

Mr. Tooabo ie- liad AM Aaa w_s not.Th. - .1 thtu read ia a very da-t-wet Ui a

by ll-^'l --vi.i ii! "J itl. qtEMlDEBT.

in ' ^»: I' .-> i... sbaatoai

:. .i ; ¦'

ti. (¦- rdcrale htoiea hi- b*M roiiflad by Coal a-II - a earh of ttata Htotea b abbh R wao it f« ¦ ladL

tbc '; .!¦¦.' in ii- tull '.-w.-n t thal . *i'i.

i' I- ly i-.iaiii- IbB ebcttoBB flboakl bederignution 1 adaaii iati 1 .

11, .'.¦ i.. .1.. reuaon to tatbre tbal .*. bo Bom «¦- .-tt i Itted in j-,..1 i, 1 -i ..- a a i

Bn wbh tbeei ,'ii,. Baaa ailj.11 ihi-. C i'ie.i,-ri. .. girba r, - y ali "tr-llaAm bereaaad ipbaeor t* i'a Oovoi bmM ol

-.'-.. ig Kuia a wider a| :

-1' -i to t. .. friei di of eani itiitimal bbi 1

_T ra taity for ita teiaaal wpooaal r<-

v tv. d >(, ii'VYcor, foi ib.- aaraoM of w »viLt tbat I hai* deeaod tt mj di.ty to ooe-

-.,'.. an.arliei ythaaAatdv 1 a

iag. Ihe .),. I ir 1' f ....

tbi-'l'-. .. lorary hv Ahrab-am I.i.olu, >. I n

. t llie l iiit-d Statee, iu bt- pro.lau._ntn iflailfl. OB ll a:,; i_ : 1 ,-i-i.' aaaaaa, i.i.--ie,. r

, ¦! BlCnl t V "'I rll il -iini-nr .

liuli. .. iiu'iiii'iii, to deti.» tbe ui. j-

,ry f-. tn,- dei^;..je 11 th.:ntrv.Tho t'ci'i-ii ie 1;-1 i-i: n e-ira-'t-ii-iitrv 00B ll

li ten*taa ri fi i M ol ibe rebiiono heiaiot-.aa aad tha Hatra whicb aaa aaba a

warfnte RgainBt ng, and b aaaaoifl 1 atoaato ot IbaevMtewtid bave raftU'odia I aa a tha oadiini .a, lelli.ei.t aad im_a,t!.il 1 ,i_;

[vt.-and "iI»u ing t 10 Ar;;r vt .i.'.-e gB*0l (ir-nt 1 ri n ;i -

t nioeJee on tbb CaMaaaM aaaR.mb <b m tefabdti.i l.l t-. -1 41 -e .,Ihi.uic. fl u t e ...i:. a'|..:. Oi i BB-fi-ih r.ii:- a, bv Ai teraaofahkh AoCota iaa,B~ll _*

fctaiee Mtered "toveruBy tato » nrui,¦ ni-.'-iip witb i-H.-h otbei br Aai um.uoa

d< 'cnsc. thc aenrny of their Hbertba, au.i ll b a i d,,t il gOMial vvellul, blail,Ug thtili-elter to it-r'.tt raciloihuragaiua all forc* Q-trad to er Blaka uiAoe .M-aiIbm i'T|> of thtm, on acrouijt oi algba. ro>-

.. oy a 'n i pB >¦ >. ab ' i.. ."Iu oiuer m aaad agataa any atbeoaatraetiia >t

-ht-ii .-.ui; aat, the aovvi-i -)Utea m-ide a_| lin ... .-I _i ct a li.h-i Aal ' ea h Bti te r. taia- .'*

,-.i| i- .', ". -.ic i i.f* r

power, loibdbrba amt nght arbab is n-t iall lieii'galcti lo iiu- Inind >i .-..'4

Coniiir.-a-.->ei:bi'd.'in i'i conirart ofaDtaaeo Ae wa ef AaRa

It.tloa vv p ccprfullf wagr-i, aud taauliai ii itatreNtv ,.f pflflMB aith t-t-el B-' iii i i 13"--. bj r*

taiaaiof whieh Ae imibI ataa were, ¦_*¦. by mm*\eii.g'ii/.cil io Le iiinc.i.iTia ai.i I-a ot uni.. luttan lOii'.aiiied a Imae

'v all ahernil wom prohibhed, aaba aaa*or the la-i-btuicp f evt-ry Stale alter hem '

ngrted to by tta Catojrraa iad la eeea_MB t" mmi "Vl-iiii ui'dcr Ihe teeol tlm. of COMgB ."'' MB '**.

,,. Fehruai I 6!, tb '.v.ril Statot appoiuled drlc-vvho'at'einledii Coiivtiuiou "f't Aa eeMBM.

i»n, k-ti tbb omlflBion|l''ul'J *t>ahandortment of thcir ctariabed 1.^.-%*/^iti-ed tv be tatiilied imBI aaenduaab wara aododto

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