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. l!t;-)(t;'J I(!;- If f _j_ __

\)I,TJ.lE III'I~I.JLIB!!R lOOCVl S.'•lf FliJ.JIC!SCO Sl'E'h • .IB!!Jl 9, 1!1~5 -- ·----___ , _________ __:::.:...:..:.~------jlrl['; .f/'}i;\~~fj ,., ;.\ \l~~~S~J DfCLA;,r ~.FtJ~O'Nri£:~5

.AN .. //NO f"/£c Arln•, c"" cH,<~~It';P Tf'l" 1 Mwns ~ .. 1o. en Ul<' 1&::lll' o:: ";;!; :: etllt=-.t to th'S ""on=<::i'! !:o:-e:u-th. :.11 ~ hesi. te

tho • •• • c .-.. . by Roter D. L<\pha::., ~us :>.- .... =.· 1;..::- n•ecssaryl r ? o cl:'ic Co st ;,aipo - 1hc cra:r.; of Lo.... D- \ds:It Ui?:: h :n

r ~ ' "" 1'... ~L.. ro.ter·'ro:n ~:::r<ll:v ru retur'-'cd wor~ .. ..e ti::t: • '!hia is " 1 n , ..i .t "As publicl;r e!Ul •mee<l A'.•~- no ~i :rc c1 «>sJ.en.n, • -- --ust 26th, :o ~o.nnot c~n.:;ent to •u~ Ch9nr.- -.no-s'firoo\,n:ors, - r.l NUSh l..a!-hlil:l nnd c in the a •-d •• \ no o:-em: of ""he Dol- " • ~tar.lcy ;.. llo.r hi • lf, are O<r.flnin-, nrll.no zhi r re::ic!o:tt i'ic:-c r.noi l'ror. ·~; t.J:.e.t tlu.!ro &.1"0 noTJ c<t;nt othe!' &hipa idcnt Cooli ~ -1. off th Lr ve so.~oll . t1 .a ~? f~r yar._oua l'.:urcon , an<1 say u,.,

It !c UlldO'.t~tably =-e t1 t til · = s!-.c•J.!d "p:-DV .... • r ~ood !"nit.':. b;• ! • L. :, . llllbbcrs 70ted -;;o :-ancm our ar:n H·tin~ U? to i::h • nm rd. boforo n(:rOnm t , t:hiptl"'..m.er~ as ~ad :o 11mr0 lUSkin- :!!- r a na;:" • 111 18 ahi.?<n::urr!l r.ot lrilli~.. to snpp~ r;; th~ I'O:W. n in Ul ~'<n<! ~- mer ,hi .: tie-:: up a 't. 1:- d~m n<lc 1'c:- ~;cmc.ti!~n1; l.11~ttor thun ''r'I"JUtcrim.:~ly" aa '• Lollar Line vt':l.-t. o t'ln~r n .. •t·l handed dmm to thtn oomo • cl.:: t :orv tied up 1 it.' th~ persist in l't v.;; mo~t!l 11{;.:> , by the Arbi trntion Bor rd ro!'us:f.ng to urMt oh't.nr;ou ilr the pr.:~::;cnt l'O'll' ciGtab.Jn they o:er .i.- r vcn lr; th ao.Jr; ... "1 ' s &......,.l·d . f •t rlwt i.-1 :he ~llt.r :.in ;no].":-~ , 'l'llo Ol> rn";ar· c.lso Gay "'!'o j=i: :!..,;\'the ~t c.s !.z: V'ry' c;tb .. :- ~ot • ct.icn • r e.'l': ;-;:;) s: ~<ial'l n..l't r it 11r. .lr •• .'ln)I:J.d tu.kon by s:.:-.eo ~ S~rik\), tn<'"; tcod to de..-';r.(Jj 'tl• r. • ~ i' :.r~,;r·:tioo ~ bccm u ;>o:-tod 100:: by tl1 st v • it~ ll~n • n. ;;.Tr:;l • ~:i~ no

F' YOi' ASA.i!X!!IED Tlf s:::.. • . 1 bd f ibr ..h r r :nt •l- 't 11 C.l::ro{; in 'no shir; -:1cr · n!E') u:td~1• ~ i~r - tbu .-.rbit.ru.ti n &~r mul. nulli!'y U.

oi n that there \'111..> no m.ron. ·~t t:;t: die- v 11 oi' roitr-'tion in r; n ml. . r;., do , poottl of th,: seur.on to <mforco tho 1 o·•·vd· , olrdm i;lt'\t w1u 1do:. or :>.•·bitr. -rr.u~tl.ng ot l.:anefioial cl,!IJ'lf"•lll in thoir tior. ,und~r t;h pr~c~.1t t;.t- l\.; , 1.s _t c..ll 11 rd , bu\o t.~oy soon le...rn~, to th 1r ~· ~ : ~c;- !\ly v.th • .Jl.o;. , ll t ... z,··.z,.--:::-aorro.,-,.t.'l!. t it ~s t:.e -~n libo aotu.'\l • I · . r-.u'u tc ~o Dr r , lo c'\ll !nt y opc:r3.to th sili.: , end tho , ~o h v {C<!!!tinu t! r & 2, O:olu:-::1. l;

PAGE 2 WATEru"ROllT \lt'lRKEll Sr.t'TEJ~RER ~. 1935 (cant;m\<l r.-om !'a.,;e :lne, Col:-2)--··-· ·-----------

' itH pr1<i" t o the ihct tha.t thi~ ,n;o.t- DO!fJT BS &MBOOZLEDI VOTE FOR m.:ont rna b-!1•-'11 n basi>l one in .:>ur polio lea I:1'1'5R",..'l'S I

YOUR Oi'.}l

fret~ tit_, aUu-t . It is :leedloss to go into '>ast n · stor;; ::o orove it, t>.l:cl!ou[;h t.l)ot·o are "'.an;t 1 "'1\n;( L>tata!loos. 'iho fe...t that tho SIJ!U'Io)" hl'-ve found the r~su.\ta of t• ei- nrbitmtion !IO u::i'avorablo in it----:1'"-(.Q · • .~r~"'J'c:: ou:~ ar~at: . B-eca.u..co the I .r. •A . reeioYed n better ag~=" only b r out O\tr o<m-::~~ion 7-.c.t ~!to stro=.-­e- ".u lild>:>n, an! =re l::!.litantly it i'ir'lts. <;..e :-.ore i.t »i.ll gain r ··= tho ""-? i. c. ;t 0 1' •

inlr.t is nec-:ssa1:: .:or us to consider now, i- HOii" CJ:I E PO.:!C3 JSZ SHJ.PCJ:ffi:!>.S TO ~!\A. 'if ': IE SR.>~ • S D:::!.-.:;·:J:;??

'l'tte !liJr.lbors:.io of' ~e I:.A ha.-o r. ~ront; TTCt.l):on W.icl m:J can use b tl-.e intereSt

of -..:.1-te :so U".LJ: 1 a.'\ a i:n so O.oing, furtn. r our owu 1ntcl"<'3t:; , 'l:'lis is t!l.e r.ea~on of S\LIDA:U • .- . !t i" ~'lr nut;•, c.a Uid ~ .1en nnd ns · :tl r .:ore, to CO'J:lTI!lu..,; ?0 :'ill~ ~uu,..

g$'1' Elrl'E:IT, Tll'B SUPPORT 02!' 1!:./Y. ACTION TAKE:I ay 'l'P.'E SE.t111!:1, liCW OR ll! 'IDE PUTURE TO T,J.F'ORCI:J :h7'l'E:R C<t'iDI'l'I•JNS .

We nll roalize that had it not bll •n for thu \lhole- hettr.ted and full support reno;lorod our own onuse l ast year br tho ~el:ll.ton , WE MII;l!£T l<Oi' .:!AVE FAJ:{ED SO V/'Sl.L , Our 1919 strike \•.as lo:;t beoauso wo did not hP ve tlio SUi? POrt of thu te>Jlstora or !;he Dalllten. Tite 1921 strike or the &otur.en r:nll lo~t because they did not luwe our sup;>ort , 1'vlo mongs oan neV3r ..l8lce a r~~ht .l93· provec it, in that ALL cRA.~Ts

.li!J) W~'ilf:'l nC'! .'JlSOLJI:B liECl:ZSITY OF IJ!;J'i"'c , A!ID GAI'Jc:D TI:£!D!Y, BY PUnt;fG n::: L~son m?o ACT! rn.

Ar: lon~ as llll ~r~ers in ti,e :JP-rin., ~'lliustry 011.1: 'IKTk !'.nd 1'i;r-tt al:lllb c= ijrormd, c.nd !'c>:- e.e co;= -;ood or all , so lom: 'td.ll t!:~ s:u.nm;ners !"ind us Ili!XIli 'l'AB>J, I . ..... .. . FU.!'!I :::" UCV'!:! F!,;_.'•L".GA." EI<;S 'El<R.:':J ST

l:t':WO::l<- !ll i7AiGiO::..i£Uf2i • S U'JIUll

Recentlv, cl.ar~s 11S4ti.~'t 7la::melmouth ~an '\":Ere bro~t ag:Cnst hi=! by Rank (< F'ile ~l"!''ber.s , ac<lUsin£ 1-d'::l of onti-tln­ion t.oti vi tios ,

At tho la,-1; r;eeting, the sellret b<Ulote on F'liUUI.gnn•c recall w.n·e "oc\Uito " - by F1enn5an hirn3elf, ~urrountteu by a o>tcrio of t;III1!tGtors and thu~;s . lTo.turally , no one l:nows just ,..nat the ro:mlts of the ballot was--exoopt Flannolmoutthlmsol!' .

llovtevt:lr 1 as mi:;ht be eJt1!ected of' a RAT of this ty-,;o , throe 1nembars of 3S- 1o!l , vA1o wore instnunan.tal in br;tngino; up the charges , llrother ll Ifeide, Sharkey und Mononnld , w<tro Dinoo ~umpoJ by Flnnagan ' s h 00 l1 t;::lnS 7 We or th~ v:as ag".in thnm t­enod at the last meeting of: 38- 44, n"ld ,'ill& forced to go -af'tar a ~por knif'J to pro:. teet hi:nllo1!' ,

Flar.n.,lmouth, true to the tr .•di ti ono o!' tbe labor- Jl'.ates , }-,as openly stntod -:::u1.t ho '.'I'Oulcl nd:her strinz IJ.].<>ng -r;ith &:ike Case-; o! the 'i'e=star~ Uni<>n, thiUl wi ':b ~lte Marl -:;1..-:e Fece.'t. tio!l, .lor: =c.~

C~::oy li.:1sol t' h~ts lu:.d to <io d. •{, -ttl it: at­tC"!?t to brecic up our ll!'.i ~· is n<.>t btO':'O de:'inl tel:; , '!!u': it is c~ear he is b~:!.nd t'lr=.a,;an.

1111LoCil: ie- 79 is foree:! -to g5. vo \UJ ~m:-k

C'.lt o. tUe lirin~ Eall 0!! -:.er:::ita cm:,rm.y a:.d 'l:e or ':1 d."' biitter by :;"u:-in....: :L- :Unnt :t:. vucr.1", 'lannel=:. . .l-.h .stud, ". c.ro

The !To. Co:tsti~tion hn~ be'!ll ado,P'1:ed• l.!c.ns olum;;es have boCD 'll:l.cle, and =ny

points ha'\'a been c:ear d up . TI1e Ex sent:.~ Board ha ~ bot"!! i noreased

to 55 roe:::bers , ;io pnid o.CN..:ia.l onn :.erve ove1· -em:: CllnSeout:in yoars in office bo;;inni"b ~s 'l:..;!"::l ,

:::looticrs "dll hcre&tl;er bo he::d the '!burs:isy, 1riday ar.:l Satu~y e..fier tiu! l'irst 'tlee-i-,r, in Septat:ber. So .m !i:urs­day, !'riday, O!ll! Satura;, o~ tld.s .,-,cclc, you irl.ll -rote f~r :tour O! iiCCJr8 for ti.e ca!:ir.;; ye= ,

According to tit.> na::lin!ltiO:lS lu.nded in r.t 'the speei.:.l :nor..ir.~; , .Srothor "t.r17 .Bridg:e~ .,.;...11 ru::: w.to'Dposod !'or th~ pres­idClllts of~icc , ?his is V<lT"J bo.d , for a.l­thoug.lt "" l.avtJ tho hi~ost l'egurd for nrother Brid&cs--it sOtG n b~ frcoed~ l.'or the future , whon ,.,r J:By have so:neone in ofl'ice mo isn •t so good. For nil the other ofi"icss , tho pru~ent ofi'iciols hnvo opposing nominvoc .

Think cf\i'ei'ully ·:.ben you voto - -You are the ono who io votint; tl.e of­

f';l.ol.o.le in, end you ·1till 'be the one '·lho oui':t:orc ii' they nru not of!'ichnt, o.tO.o. a:~tlh

phoney. RRI-..D ID:; BJ.\LLJT ;;;,m--·tn . .LY I YA.RK I'l' CAitEFULL¥ 1

* • • .. ...

or~anized nor., nnd Jon ' t need ~10 u~lp or 3£-'1~ . We nre goL'1~ to nm all the rl'.lieAls c.ut, ... o ue t11 :. t~ e;.force <:his ~ ~<!:.0. File COhtt.J. . ":· ~nll 1t "llt;1lt oou- U!:ion to be run l:L· .1 - 798 , It is nce<iloss 'to ::tute th.c.t Lo.la.l 38- 79 is pr::beb:!.y tbe .,..,st d£COer.>.tica.\ ~-

1~ ~= an th3 Coast • .?1 e"9&1'~ bcN:ts th:!.t it is he 'ltlo tas

org...-n' ra.a 2e tie.~" -r::u· hau~ar~~u. :r .. :.:~ i-t :as 38-78 tho o .. ·t;e.ni:.:-;1 Orc.3kett, £\.!" !.!1-;;tnnce , ;.ac ono = , U'oodz , .,..o llirl ...ere in th.:> l~s~ t::.ru~ :.o:rt.:::: !'or the ll..:ti.= 'ttr..a be-~ F:!.:-=r,on l: Carty ,.'.lt tot;etter sinea ~~ ~s charte:e , ro~ so dis­i\:&too l'lith :>l:mnelmcmt.il ' o -... thods V.a~

!ta resi!;I'<><l at the lo.&t "&• At the nreseJ;t ti:ne thur c.re about

300 VT!l.rehousGmer. -r::in(; on p~~t:s out 01' -.he Hiring l'nJl. Bocau. " oi' this, Lo­oc..l :58-44 is oi't<m unable to t'u.rnish ouffiai<.mt ,en i'¢r tl.eir Ol'lll 11crk, ..nd oc..l.l !'or me.n i'r0111 thu ISO Bargl.'lllon QJld Zcnler~ ' Union.s , 1'ho s;',;llora cot wioo recontly , L.owi3vor , rw.d voted to roi'uco to \•rt>rk for tho Wll.rMOlllllltntJn •:: uonle .

lna.S\1\ltoh a: we 11.ro go:\ nr., to c.vcrhnul our permit a;•st~, why not fw.vo o•tr •l!'-1'1c;to.l<:> in-vestit;at t} so .'l\l'OPOUJG. ':.,

and these 'lliho n::;rv with H~nt.r•wt , ~~ r.t Sl'- 79 is _pha,1'ltW1 •.md ..l1o hez't l:ir. ,, ~-q out ltia ga:n:6:::>t~~· ~o "'!eo C-'l.Tl b~' fjl .r ·tl -atad. One of t.~<JR ,o;.:.G l'.:IC 1tl;: !;nr-, orr '1'10rk o.t +~z .:1!11\'\.."'a oo!c "or • to ~ a sincere ~ ~~d iilo wcrt­hou,w.!m tlter • ihn·-l'a lo1:s ot' '>llc.lcr:: , !Jar4cswm.., n=d .:io::u:u.n 1ho could u .... c the ·mr;c. e6M:..inlv ther~ r..ro ll lot: o!:' ~c:n-st R&nk :>I:c ;,'ll~r:r in Z H Tho '* J:ar.l't

hol? thrc~ Ficnngnn ~ nll his g~?s~~r h~nchcen of~ ~ 'F~an~.

!l .. -t m7 s!.Dul. 110 b exre~ted to c ­law di~- doublez or t>3sing thug l..U:e r'l.flt:!lol=!cutb. to opo:-nta r. rn~&t on 'th.e b_ck cf 31"-7~? .::-:to-;7 HilA OOTI

-----,...--- ----· rr:a 35 ~, -· rr..-.:, SC/.3 ~~~03!;---~m

::F~IG:"{ J.: ~ ilb.. ~ S :JI'l .tTB!l HI1:

.A. ea:"i: .. in .:.: ~ .. _r Jl "::OS"' n · i 't isn' ~ r.Aces-e:r:r to ~ e::lri.tn \ nlo:;z. 30!:.-~Xl.e

.i z.es "' r.i e it !:!. to '3) "iitc scal>"-ed o.l! ~__.._~the '3' st_r!"-';e , o.nrl t.'1.<:m t:~:r·J.e

A.tri, t~ :1- Ori.:r'.i;;, oa::1 ::.O..o~ r ecen-tly 1\Il.i. obtah:.o. a <>o1mt to "Nr-: ·ron the Che~kars • to'~l . rl~ wa~ g~~ to Pier ~5 ,

l>u<> the •U. >'C'tCSI' of t'J, Gtul St.wnrds t.here cau.-111: \.i:.t, rmd th attovioa r "l'\ts­od to "o~·!c w'! th him. 'J.Ju1 Unio:l chtiel: '-lr s JD the jot. natut·~lly <!e'lll\lt<lon '1; s r emov• al , ~tt th<'l ull!\U cl<eo...:<.w <lll ?.b !'Oi.lf)lt t o r<~tc.llt the scab 0:1 th~: .~ob , as did i!ol-tuin. thu "'il,:. ... r:inc; bass ~ er •

1.Js. t 1 s t.'t .;.attur 'li n a ~ nhor.io.:--1\rafuJV so lll\XiO'.JS to brt:r..lC ;..;.1 i.I:L:m aa a11' t:'Ult'f "'-:(be they '11 b!l fool~, ~o.

l!A~·4 ~{'{'

C\rL.'53.: :illl

• • ._ • *

~ S~E~~ P~!f;Ot~~

~~ ;.: :-~\..\.rat

.Johnson , ptttrohlan i'or ~e ).>1t.:'in~ c~o_l'.S

t.nd Stc· ..... rd:; llnirtr. in ss., Frnn :isoo, uro iG latuv.n 1:0 ravo ostttb! ~nhu<l nim;:;ell' pretty dor.nly in the coonhJ.:i.ng rack­ets QlnOIIf~ the ll ogros •:,ho work in the ll.d­trlral Li."le , ~·o c:.ught by th< ~nrmtoors of tho crew of .h hml L~Ao ~en lAo oh , <'.istri D-ut !_n_g t.i'tt:! fi. ~:'f 11-Sea.-r:G.., I ,S Jouraal U 1 ~ d-1 ten 11<; r ml ' Saht.r:::-.s:~ ure, and c';: ,;r litel"'litaro 'lhich M~ b .. tr. di~o· :_d lJ:; tha o::>~b6:-mi ct ~he : .S .u

the ;';.c1:;s ro tha-; Jo.'rt.s ~ c _:c ;.bohr~ -:he P~ul. Lue.:c:n.":r. ch ~:t ~ :::; " •• • 1 m 5~: ~

th , n=.d 11~r ti~ously 1 c... "t! ""i::!( ~a~rs cr t- ,• o...n..<s oi'th · lt is o )\ t ~c -tf: ... -;t.!h .. r~ ci' th~ • . 'J . & il- .u. · ok.~d this ~n~:o~ :md r'1.C::e<t.­

&r o-i.lt •

Tho shlpc •mcra ~urll rt~·to tho "P"-cil';io Oouti: Lotlf'bhot·a~ Is II udl tor mucn thtul!'s .

'** * * • S .1 . IT~ u~ ' i' ru:.Ya!?..:.--J !l ~L CIT"!

F'Lt'l.\LS 'NJ:.1J> 1'R':' liD A C O'..:b

U" r.,a ~c; !. :

Ra~ or· tuto.t "-11 ?r-. _c,_::oo r ;i.ll >h. =

.. ra.tus!

-:=he.: fir tLru.t.l~ 0-o~so: t is ;rua .. tt r.-e c~ .::rt!Cl to bu;; r... "le>r

U' ;;It !' v..sn •t so :::uGh r ~ in tho uli\;\; .::-i; .~"Ui abhor d ~ ~,r.n-:s of

.:.w1 Ft-anoic:co~ tlt-.r~ •n 1!d h ~lent~· of i'unsls to h~ ,. ...Y.lrytlU.:;;r uptO<Ic. to in 1 ~ M of i'l h (; i.n" fir r.>s .

Put tt gr i'~• rs 'ill th<;t nm, t,,::lt! P. w tlt ... Cit:· 1l • .. J, !o'tcu1e \2<:0 ... ro1 1 ?irl D ... -o·~t.

llrothnr ~i(c:-.na, ore !101:&, hu :imi no lo3a ~ nino onia.ns ro~ no:linllti= -dlioh hn M$ ~oen c~::-~.Un-::~ . He =st be :'i~.:.n; ou r;ottin;; 1..!..!.. oi: !:is ns.lli into s= olfioe ·>r <>-::her . ll'ell, l:A~;r;e

e r e a:'reid thAt. a.s lor.g r•ll !>OU!' pais Ge"Jm ;;o rsad 1:ho E=ciner wl. thout ycu, tn. Gan{; St3W'"rd, boint; able to stop it, thu momber sllip of the Loe!!.l ir;r. •t going to thin.lc so much oJ: them,


(At Least The Smell w ..... Buried)

Uuly prcr.dn<mt poop~e gathered st .Co Dollar !lock5 7•J<!n..edr.y ~o gro<n: the ar­rivill;; J:'r sidllllt Coo1i<!&e. , \'Ill.: given n .sw~rise cr aolc::l dip:li 'tJ, ns ::::;ey­,.t~h* tit& lr..II'\'Cc!or"" ~ r c"e:sio!'l _or ~oAr ~c!,;ad " . ~ ..

'i'hre en3 ~ot:: ""re tmJ.or,dcd l r= w:a Coolidgv, end stavedo::-ec h.&..: lt,,b;;;lec thcr., ~1( i.on-:1.-. ~s )·~rscn ", "il.:m Ohu", r..nd "H.:nr:; Oh:n" •

'J.'hl.i cul·oto ,.,..r<J pluc.s1 0:1 flat trucks ..ru1 hooked tu " ,iitnc-J,T;,., l;lvor st!l.l-t&d a1 :)wl v up tho doole, .foll<:W<l)<l b;t o. lo~g u 110 of lon~ol orCJpen • Th;> mun w• rohcd ::n Glow, r..n:.oroal ot,•na . tl..adn ~owo. --not 1n r ~"cot bu'C in shWl'l~ thn c th ry" had to lllrk Toi .f.h mtoh o• ur .. o<;~ra •

l.Ar.:ltm hti.S h\C)t4• r.::moyc.<. a:; tn "Jro­oos .. ~ic;i p .:; ~~ . i t:!£r ~ \:.!lil OJ.-.s could so" z.'l;: jo~--o . b\lt n~• th£;:; .:mild t- lo~­

aho-c::<::l . 1'!: 1= n? jok!! 1:0 m~ to r:: 1 th t'ho ... ~ oa.

Se~-a~l~ of 1:.:. CCC~ lr!:f Ol.'icia.l:: zi.~­!. ~;,X. tl:l p:..rl•lo,c.n:: a~., .1 d aiff'icul-ty 1.n h.i din • tb:U : c=s ~ tt • • " ... -::1-dri. n= mtJ ~rj) lined u a.t i~~

ra t... so·ltllld to ~:;ct tit !!lu. t lll!lll tm!mt ou I; or th~ s\tuntiol" •• ll\r~<olt ami 'Ill t110 om.:; !'luU:u< tttrout;h.

,h d.ny, vJhn 0 tho stov iot•uo rif.;1H"'-10d to worl:, ho:_Ji"1t •...'lut it would ut.t bo n• oo:."'.r)' <>O bnt:' 'I!;V =r·- "toyrU. l:l[>l cy-o s• o£ th .:loll •· ;:.5.= i•: th o.r f'ut-

r •

5EPTEUBER 9, 1_935 '.T.A.TERF'RON~ AJRK'.ll PACE 5 J!Ws!UAN!I, G.~ La!G.;i!OI0:...:: , FACBS C.t.!IA!lLd OFUCI.il!.S FORCED ?C T!.lA S!RIK:B

1iAZ! A.U,...-: ..!AI. 0.>.: i.:::A:<S Szl'!'!U:~'? -B~rlln--'!>c!'innw annmmooment that

~t. 'lheel..r.'L'ln, illlpri!lor.a- Ge= nnti­Fuoist l~atier, a.'\· lt:ad.er of li:;r.bu,.-g s. vedores i · -.:o bo "triad • lrJ t.':J,, '!lad ".t' oopl e' s Court" in Outobor, <ms made 1~ •t week by Dr. Rootl:c r, defense attor­n...-./ to t'1 Int rna '-ianal P .,.,U Congress no" in. Ge3 ian ~-1e-r1... .

l"ne 'llt!i.ct cr,·,rges to be pl ncotl agl\inst Thnelr~ are bein~ kept n close aeoret . il Ero ill li ttlo dou'Jt, hc...-uver, tbl.."l. th'J elu~c clnusi1<: oi":::oral gull t" =<l. "iz:.­~o11cctua1 co-operntion" (used 1:0 se.'lt­e~o~ to deatn th nnti-Fanci~tu Klaus , IUld K~ser} "i'ii.ll be t"lt. ba.:; is forth., in-d! ct:!L nt. 'L "-..or 4 !;\11.1 t • ela.us~ is a .. O':P":"' "t 113 th-a "L<~ T"ns.ell:lalm n

l'l.at Tho.el:'!ann mll bl) n \te.."lce1 to bo beheaded by tho ~An~ ' a Poo~lo's Court is certtt..in U!'~ "Jllt~ worldY.:d.c r~-:est:: are I!!Obilizod. t{o hs.v< alret: •"? ahol'!n. our ~ntu:aent ~:.gninst the llo.r.'-a in he Karl­:Jruhe and "tuer incidents . Let u:; agll.i11 do our bit,tl!lt! pes3 a r· :;olu-;i,;J:.t d'J' '~d­int -:ih&t l.lil3lD 1 :J rol ea .... o, ',.(t b s _r.t. ;.o ~ht. Gerr.!m tr....ba~q o.t our no~ e-r·.n~ .

Otlrer tllitlgll m Ckll do :.s to Je:m..nd •11 rolcase of Lam·eno<> P , Si-:!!pSou, ISU me~bG r , k:l. o.ns o<i tr-ot. th 3 .s . !!u,nh.nt­tan in ll:l:-bu:-g, W1d ::l.o,-. ';.eld in a 'le.d. ;;-oruentro:ti '!1 c~'TIF • 1To JmlSt e.l·..ruys , when ere go aboa.rd Gormo.u ships, d&1t'r,a f.'rom "he skipper, '' .. hen is 'll!acll::ann to be rel«~a.sod 1" ~·. if you Otlll ' t spG;.!: "l.'r­t:tm, bav no <io-~ut but. W!at h? olli.l1 }::n0\1r

...no Thaclr.tr.nn i3! ,. ... ~ .

~ :14. "'70: A • ~~.:.P.r""!iC: i CR.jSS- ("!'..!) PUZZt,g , 'i.'EU. US llffii YOU LIKE IT.

ACROSS: l - F• rst ri.=c of a Rnnk & rllo loa':! r . 2- At untf\ir t'iCnl these c sn be 1'ound. S- Our Union :abbr . 10- Skip out: Slftn£o 11- etel • ._~ - ; t eon. 1~- Union Labor; abbr . le-District Attorn~J ·

16- ha.t poll ti dan:; ~ us . 19-Short i'or "" ::liUl

1 s = · . 20- To trade . 22-0ut of.' si ~ht . 24-i'fo e.ll kno;·; •his blrt! , ''Dirty "5-S""""'n• 2'. - :1 evno;oo: Abbr . 28- Yc Olde Blue. __ ". 29-Roge. JO- As . 212-.All cor· ct.: a'li:.:- .

• .

;;4- To d"eignllte ::; uteu ~·U.V c r rail road. ,_,p_ r!U:; ha nrouoe.L z:ruch controvr,rsy . 4C- ria.."ld • 41- Frei{lh• of .a ~hip .

2-To apood ut;> , as a trucl: . ·~-Our only ~~apon .

IXHI : - ihian. l <.m :ll-.ol"""'9!1 wi.l not toucll ..lea kind of c·r~o .

.,-J'~~oci t'1o C ast mari til:lo .• )rkerc se 1 aot h'lit" lead~r:> frcm d1e " " and .N 1 • - '10im1 ~:>Cn .W..cm ~'ir ..;~ · r-~op.s tnd nr;il '-llt..,r; 0 r.y ""r ~· •

--·~ tri'·o:-a hav ~ boun __ • . -"And": F'l •nch .

• , -s~r-L'cebro r .


Vl\lloouver, B.C .--'l'he Cn.nadian Gov•t is being f.'orotod to taka steps to e:ll'orce the s"'t ~l-e=t: cU' the bi ~~ >'nnoo .. -rer l~hore :;t:-ilro .hich will be nti~!' .. c ­tory to R1l partiee .

Actin!" as n "I>rlv~te oii:4zcn", Conac­ian ~ster 01 Derense, Grote stirlir.g has :::.et lm~gshore a!ld -.:t;>lo<JerS ' repre­sentatives soparntely, tllld hus arro.n,;ed i'or u joint coni'er.enoe .


Stirlin.T has :n;ate<l <:hut t.ha st:-il:er.s ll.I"O ,m-;;~tl<:id 'D rigbtsof co1·ec~1ve bc>.r­gainl.ll&•

Jlad i ~ not bo• . .n i'or tho solid supoort gi vun. tho Quuuii !U\ bro-h r e Ui the strut;­t:le 0:,"' tho ~...ri_ ~:..= !"edera-:i ~, ~""..e

chance~ or" ;:heir strike woUld hAve b <=n brokilll long a in oe, and t:he wcd:!:e ~to.rted to llplil us u.pal't ouraelv.a.

••• 'S •

(DIS }c.-'RACE Litu> Pl.CK.:>::'S ffiLL!OllS (From th11 li.Y. "SI\ap•.-tlll")

'll18 U. S . Con ·ross, inv :Jti ":at' n., til ~an.-i: ru.cts o.~.. •hip~ ,.& c~ 6.!rl.~, .I'Ot::l.d that th shipowner& ..ere e;Y?Piut tha ,tm~ioan people out of milliono of dol ­lar:. ever.· yonr .

I!-.uso .::i ;;ura. cr.;;.. -;;., _igL ab-:nrt -.:hD • L. Gr<~.ee CO!!!: ~·:

F1·om 19lti to 1933, $4S,57l , OOO 11ere ai.d Ll divi<lcndc .

..; ••• Gr ce, 1\e • r \ ·= o~ tb.g :ocrony .~ ~71 ,6~ in - 28.

!he d . R. Urac ':o , o-.rtr..s: Grt-etto ::.1.te; Graol" Nai:i ml o·,~;r•JracQ A.il'l\111y~: Ohil · an !litr_-+:a C<Ell"ot cy-; ot;; ~ suzar luli ~

...ian an.! -t:rad.:.!l :. - • :"his i


12- Co.l>i.t list >!<. ors U!!() l<J1;:" 1' 'thiu to print 11.::::- .

17- Blr'.ro :"' lR- n..l"-'-.: '""' ~ • Zl- ~o.rt..lv .

22- 1!0 ell cany •n? o"' t z.,- '.i.bc 1 0'> es ti~.bcr- i!l t. ::5-.,l~: &. ... r . Zf'- !.i.idday • ;;.o. " Pote; ,.,-e E>11 know him. .->1-i\Jlothtlr St 11- out u·tist . E-~ ... tc. · - !fo&at!ve.

S7- Stoolpigll'on. 39- !Jo::o..rst •

* . .. •

~G~~~------------- ----·~~~~~~~----------------------·' 6 :TJ.'IZRFRONT !OHlER SU'T~~BER 9, 1930.

-----------------------------------------------------~ i!Aff:lt lti)ll 'i' . .t>MER. •••

r~ rt8LISUiO eY b••· · · · · .E:l>Uf' UP' .W~K 1.. l t'"T. ~ • •

ii 1',:; V .::7;1<l1..,.S f A :L.. i! 0 0

·-::- I . l,. . /t •• • •••••••••• ••

!JJC!J. 3 - 79 • • • •• . •.••• ••

:.. D .&lJ., .:'If ij • T • • • , • • • • ? . 0 . 30."{ 115", , .. ..... .

. . . . . . . . .

.<!it.or : bwno.n. is:.c'l ttt struco o.t t hiG reneil!l.l of llb%'" 'll 'nt. sittUl-

Zbu r.olft tiJ:::~ i tho tSUl'JOU<lly

~i 'h you·· ur-r.;eii .

l ~ the other ueri w ·r<IUP~'

militSL.t ;>aDe:- htw !llror,dy

But l hol o .;ne lonj;shor emen i'ully t"c'll ­ize th~t '"hou1;h thE\ s.ailnr!l 1 <>Ond1 ti ns fU'e 100~ i.>c·t~• r than ln p r u- ,triko ~r':'a , th~· Ell'O <~til" a•ctton.

Ctul .t!lfl'.;'Vert.P:e s.eruuen doc~ •tly prt>­vid l'o:· a ylife ~.nd kiC.s?l'rout· thn.i they onn,ot lie il. tr.at only a s.Jall pt~rount O.l;' l'o,.lloh Dl)c•:!;h to ... veit t•-y ,

!~ + t S Y DuX3 for~~ -~~ir juat oe­= ~ , o.- ~(I "v to st=d by '.;hfliA ·n 1:h o:Jur -i -,h. • .. £hl'Jll1 tlte Uari tin£1 Federc;­ti "\J 1 ~ 'O!"ld -~"f.i::l.'TUS tf!':y'?! •

- -klti- ?.;·an •

• • • • • SCOT i"! SA 'i;; n • S

;p 'IF!C .Y~G- 3z. ;;-.

"Ai!t ... : :

:.u• r,;v --~=:!ir!:DS :Jrl?i' J_~,J • r Hn.t

I ho.vo r .d - ";!1 !.:l~erc~ crticle q ­pc ric in o ~zt i~-ue. of u tt ~. _ _

FR ...... l. R.,. ::uldng -:-~.riot:~ ~!Dr OS

rt;:r:..inst c . tt!l 01" ?irich !.. ~~c a1:rcnt:.ou~ crxceptio:l to. I si:au .... d :i :a ~ e • c ter Ol' this nr';icl.e to :;a·cve '!:nor~ r;.t r.n·r ~ I ha" boon guilty ~ non-th1ar. no:_ tiVity, c.nd if he i~ ab_ ~o r;r. thic Ch&.ra;e l nill glrufiy c=tdWte t nty ao'Ua rl! to the Sic f. 3en<l-4l t i'\wd .

I hnw earnod m.y li~..n. on t:ho v:al;er­i'r mt WI. thout a ''Blue Book" too rnmy ycn1-:; to hnve nnyono ca:ne .fortn .n.th gro\ll'llloll:l acousatione a•xch e.:r tnoiY.) set forth t n this nrtioto, and I don't do~b ror ~ mor.aon·t , but 11\u.t the vn·iter ol.' thiu art­ie I Q wua prc.mpte1 by jOlll.o>rsy o.nd J. t f11rth•Jl' wou1d.'1 1 t surprise me in tho le11ct 1!' th•J \\Titur ·.ms not on;:, o~ tliosl) • ho W:>l'kt=<l n:J 1oll¥:shorooonn lih#Jll th L . .& S . 1" . "'"'r'l -nlrld.ru: undor fink oonrl-ltions . -

Yours , O)OO;;ty Cl& f?:J>lll , Pier J.? .

ll:ditor'n .ioto : :or your in:'ol':'ll.t' n, Soc. tty, we are Q~Jd::g no Dni"';.io·•lt<t' stut­ren'CG ago.in t your sinc~~7Y n:; a Union ran. Ecr.rov ~ , ;;h "<!'!'=: ..;) _ ,;u:-:i haa = !."ilc ~t loas~ thr.>e l=•·s, statinG

ct·l fio cues 'li!:~N ;rou ha=, r "' "r>

t oz:pto , .;o vi ?late ibi ftlld " " u c . 'i"nis 1 ~~- -..-; u o i! - -

tel:; sto,.. H bo71 ..,;,:, -; l ~

'1:::! tom ~o r· ;, >r • l!l br1Jr , -.<'6 = - ~~v ot

bl r¥~ vou r r

Y!lll.LA. r!:;;t us J ~ "'•

Ed;. to~·, "''.F. • : " .ohon a memlfcr report to a jcb drunk

t:i ve h.il:I c.. &cod bea':i•\~, " ua.id a -;ell­been nember o: our Union lnst Umrs~ay, s.t t'he Specir.J. IJo 'JLar .

At Santa P.cs11. , drwtken noodlum; drar,~

c.xl mili i;!>)lt ... rorkers IJI.\ t; of thoi r !>eds r:t night , bea.t them, dl'S."uod th"m thr-..t the atre •tG, and tRl'rou fU,d .('ea.;hea•cd t~u ot: thlllll. Instead o1 intiml..:.~tting tho workers, as 1vas int~lndod, th<' wo•·kers Br no\. mor mil .i. t&AI: t!tat ev"r I

'>ayor Rosai , Gov. 'lor ·i a 'll o.nd +.no cops tri cd to bre'l '.· our ,•,ri I·" 1;hru terror- ­and f!l.il eli .

.'110 IL.;. c;m !:l(l\ or end t uch hooliga.'l ~.?tics to 6Bi~ & r •thold in o~: Union.

Only ~~ cduc11.tion ( ~ioh oruL~oi .be ac;o::.:;lish"d \<itL ~-- -;: .)l' blo.c;.jac':)·~ ., •• ·~r sea an<l. do thil r • ,t ~;-.u • .:s to

non i!lttl) ':i.e. 'b:Uld t - of ~- o::"·ar.i.u.t:i§.' • into a ~ •. :l:l[il=' D!li tr · \bi ..

--.con i - Vi&fi •• t • . .. .- . .;,..,-L- - ..3!JIF& 00'7 ' • S:.. - 11 I1L!l D """'1 • .,-::

IU:":J.''-F""~ CC..J ~ , • f::RS :a. -'1 ... _~ -di_~r :

As a ,..~ber o! :± O; :ic o.n Profes­ei~~ >«>"'-'-or i , l c n r _,.}e1..e :~ on 1;;1e !'i.!:..- r:.. vou r do!.n,; in !:.~ -<n.£ r;;J}C sc~itl rity in 1Ul l•nd~ Unio:::: .

IJnr '-hl~n i- o~=oso a:.n.inly or :;:hi - -QOllu· li'O!"!ro!"':: ~ t,dntni &tr ti w ilfOrk em_

the reli-ef' s:T--·t~ · •'-:.t et•d natr tryin .. "tO bulld a Jt:9.5= mo"lt!i;;;:nt w::.:;u u:-go.nlt:ed A.D.lr to pratc.rt t.,<~ c b •CJIIditions ir. he 'Ji'J., <there o. ~·Lo: ' n·c Jd to tak'"

LJlY job at ar~~ ,, .... ~;a c r ·n ln tur~ .. :;--.. in~uJint t~·l - , ..

\d1l :;o" tabJ U!J thit "'' ,....,_ .:;n to brl.ld r, mi :}:~ty"

0lrfJ'ttJ•'•'t r. ''U.:i 1"' IJt.:I!\.L]•,.

Vi otu.r<Hl itt a.e- "Voiou U ' t h .. -oan~ '11'

ni' th-:J nti.U·oh 11" .-ort .. ~.;J,.. i 1 L'ur~,.lt!.n , rr • 1 o•l by I!U;.riililu(l .or! • r • iolo • "1' Iii ·" i•'vti ora.tlon h~ .. Q o.! r• d:.r t .. ,,r 1· s-~luti~n 'tre< un.t•··l to th t.· ~iYo I\La1~ 11Bl' i'l S~ !' !"ttnUilloJO 1 I OJ(;

.h :11.!., 31- - 7!1 •rill do ll P~"t-IT.l!lly.

CDu ~ o .a 1' . t . t" • • t: ....

::~.r ~~ :i7~ !':! C! p .W.Il:S 10 lJAl.!JY!' ll~ !kar Ed:

If e7et";"OU3 -c.'u t %la:'C .. ed 1n ':he c..a~or Dr,y a.~de: their J:O-"lilies, on peop~e t!:r..t :a ..-e ~ nis::::. o.t h -t, vote i'or ~e LllbOl' J>er.:-~· at ~'le next election, ;;hare liill be :w =or ;.le-e~. s , etc ,, w holcl. the ..or~~ clrus- be.ok 1n ha·rng tite

s.a.s:.;.r~s in _..ii'e they ,..e c::rtit.!.ed to. • :1: ~..!


Sli T~ER 9 1 935 '

---MoT<? tlmt a thous!llld 8an ~'ranoiS<:Wlll

1>!10 ha.tl seatll<) thoinllolv'ls in -the r. kViC Auditorium ~;t the ooncl11s~on of the high­l:t S\tccess~\11 po.rade, tri)Ifled out .,f th.e bui lei7li,; b hot pr-otest ~tm :Ml'lard 'F . Vu.ndaJ.eut' Ol'dCN•d tba forcJbble eje1.>tirn of e. n~n:sboy s-ellir;o- the "Voice o£ the "'•- 11" -o., .!,au::t,lra:;;ion •

T, 11"1 " b . :te v o <:o n/3'1'~ oy ws.s wnl ku11 u; end I G":n the •~i sles m;,i.o1lly , ·lhon he '""-s <U , d II < ' c,J.soovere by m~•bera oJ.' tl,e a.l·n,ngc-"'"'*S onnon:l.tteo. 'rh<ly brusq>.ualy order<Jd ~)li.J. J nd to Hnwe, but the audionoe de­' ild•Jd t.h.nt l;ho boy and th~ ~Jn!Brs st;'l;l' •

?Aolll•mturi11' a.uashod b:,{ 1:his hot.ro­sponse , "';tu: us.h~Jr.a .l'"vlc~u;o.;,d th•'1 hoy . (}!;h_­er "Voice 11 sru. es boys orttiJr .,'\ , And t r-i t~d to; fill th r:roat demt~nri for +-h-: napors .

Suddnnly l'a.idolour ruehod do1m ~, ~ht.: <lisle, ahu~.>tmc; for ttui policu ";o tht•ow them out-. d .~~h thi-s ~ r..o,r~J th~m one thou­SM<i peo1 l o. t·o:;a to thoil· tuut und 3Ul'!;;­.l<l v~lt "~· Thr hall .

Some ni' tiLc.m later tricl::l.cd buok, nnd ',\hom Li ·ta Fink 1{onJoJi anter ·xl the l;llll, h "hns !P'<Jetdl.! with v.!.gorous oatculls, uud bot>s, i·hat oou.Lrl uot bo, stor>pod,

"Thos w.-e not TRUE ~<.Jrio'!Jta ", 1J.c ;: . led , and in " 'l;hund:orous s t<>rm o£ boo ' s , h aut dO\"m e:t 'l'.h<J and o:t: hls Spo:;ob , vri1ilu 1/hndclcm· h<l,s·~;l.ly b t·oui;'1t th'"' mn~&ill• ·1; A. close • .t.o.bor Uuv ~d b.,~ W1 c rd ,.•Ll ftJr 't:lt<;J Ma,y<lr . •·

Tl •e ii:d:i:tor : T1u~ 2act th~t ~1e .1ationa1 Gur t'd is

1" r gely o.o .• 1ro:.sed of ~uugs;Jere ~hould cvnsui tute f ,,,d ;or thou~ht s.mong fri<mds oi' the <~nr,:in. cle.ss .

T !';)I<Jr,;,nt of, tl(J.d L'or "l-.h·1 mor,t nart W1-tnterested in socil',l quosui rna , tl113a e youJtF, man j oin th.~> \'lnaJ•d f<3r e"oi t ame.'lt , t1· rills , th.o.o •1osiro to b.:J h.n•oi c , we;),l' ~)le ttnl. i'o:nn' .'Utd tell s amauody ' uny'.lod;r' I. ·~.e•·• to ; .. t (ll";t'll . 'l'ht. b:l, Oll)f'iCil ,J.lll.Ut

o'f: +.~ 'li .. r- .olr;o.scmtce, .roduoo:l the usue.l unerdlll; q:f'll \;;;>r.1 s .

Wh;r doen •10t. tbe >'1\l>'~"' • elo.ss .nmke u•o o;' ";hi: yo,J'I;;.i'Ul c.hivW.roua iiUI'hollia? T;~ uoy:; m:•u.'ld, t,t l ~~~.st , us wl.lli.1>t;ly 9-C'c herrlioly '£,<;>'1: t:, ' ,r;r.,~,., . • Gi;va tho.~t

u. \mi form. , 'ot"'Dt -tJ~,:.un .i..n+.o 11sLock trt.)I.Jp» 11

an.' ti:air o ·'io.:i<-.:1~' ,.nd eomD:.tivc 'ltalua crru bt:.. u ,.."' Zm: he ri ·~it. &ide l

--JJ~r 0 ~V'Ill.UO.tht.J~.:.c ~ ':iJ. ;,a ~~ ""

Sci <mt.L:t .

ATTEl'ID YOIIH iJlH 'l!J •• :.JI.'Ti!i!JS I I


'/iRITE!l S;A'YS, '"tiE AR? IOllKiRS ~- LET U.~ tl.!(C!I LI liE "JORlCER.i UEX'l' UBOR Il.AY ".

D¢j!.l' EM·I:or : The L~b or Day J?A;-ade

t i on of .. rorld,nG- elass San Francisco toiler s . buiJ.t tlmt dey l'lt\1st b·~

l'laS U d<lO!IOl'ISUra" strength of the 'l'he solidari ~.r

etre11~th,ue~ and added to . · ...

Ther d ia •one ].>oint that wa ntust consid­er, and that , as the :no~t rnil..it~t l <•.bor g r oup on the Co~tst , - dhould haw marched in OUl;' Mokor:t shirts, jctulS,

• h.o<>ks , ~tnd tlni on-~r.a,clo white Of'.!•S • 1 bo­liav~ t..l.l the marine orltf'ts .;hou.!.d h dve mjll'ehed in their y~'rki:\!; clothes •

.!I ext year , b1·others, lat' G hive a largel' !•&r<,de, more sol.ldari tj,·, t..nd our tnlstoci and oincel·e kun'k lind Hl e 1 ol!.d­en: l <ttt.tling the pnrr..dt~, si tti.Tlg ill th_o r e VieA.nt; stand, atli'l.n~ssing tho m.nss me.rt;in@;·

Bro·Chet·J:y, --A lliokory Sh<l:rt Steve .. ,

* * *'* * BO·YOOTT

S T A lJ P A R D

0 I L



Dee.r ll:d : I [!;<?t on n Municipcl ou:; the othat· dey

a."d t.t.e driver , Uo. 0~6 , ;:r,.: to]Ji.L-11 e. passen~;·er about ~ rooont t·'i!' he m!ill.<:~

north on e. ship . ".V'lil 'lltly l1~ >•(l..lt P" n worl-:avltly., oecnuse ilc was oon1Jlr.ill~na; ¥hnt oi'te:r lie ~ut: ~1J .oru t 1 ~>~ c·,.~ , o so..i..lors co1t~ n 1111 ;- ~.:.a~~~ hi .f . _. -lon ]Gtl to ""t-IHJ i . .; .u., hoa h!'! ot r .. uo ~·fl .,

.:h::.t he -v(l;~~ tloinr J ... ~~~J!:'a,er.;q . . t 1k w

bu.s po.ssen~Gr .~ 111'iio3o • ... ;"a u;o l u=t t.: , ... ttl


bWlch of Rods--~t1Y VluntJL .o bo,~.t L 11. be.oaulle '\;h<?;f :mid I hu.Gi' .no \ru~'i.;;as .. = thil s:rip . Th&;,• wer-. tel:'rlblo;" .

f.;ul'<' i.G n o;ood e=pJ."' <.If hO\'< V!Ul<'.E•iour toa.oh.;.s L'!rio::Jism to l:h(, o,.rliiOll • .ill' . Bus Dr iver llo . 026 gots o. jol;l as a v;or!~l<~'lli-Y,

nnd roi'u;;.,tt to tuk<> the. rn<>ney .for ·l;hc t r ip '.rh~ tha -s)cip11or ot:roretl i -I; to him. H" ",T.,s tinkL"'lg on the S1i-iLOrtl and 1\).1 oro;.,niz.od lo.bor . oh,..,t ~'IOultl lie aey- of' the sfiiloJ;Il dn~dod to run th., b\\s.,es uy emi ..i0\'.<11 'b:Hl :ntor L'.rent l.'ol' thu oxpurl <m.oe1

--A 100% Union lllllll •

' I G~LY WOlKERS c;~T S'.L'Ol' THE OOMlllG Il.PlsRI.AL!S'l' \URI

1·WO/X'J:l.4E ~'EllE!IlATIDN IS Sf>E.A..R.ll.E.•J.l OF J!MBR1C!ili f.A.BO)! - l•!UST 'rAKE LE.A.D l

~1USS'Ol :Lni 1 in !'r:l:& 1!'.a<1 f!'lnbi tirm. ~0 b~­corno a l1apo1 €!0lt or· AJ. cxe1;d-cr the roll.t:, has set So;>t . 2:5th for t he im~eriaH.st dr:i.vo he il> pt'' ;>al'ing to l:>ezin.

I:\:alian x··~~ra,ietl'bati ve~ to the League of_ ~~a~i.:m~ h'Ws ·;;allp~1 out of the meet­in&• ll Duoo J:-alces dira. .J;hr"'ilts agei-1st · •n;t<r.V.! att.emri>ing to stop h~.

11~·~ not'l~n~ on earth c= sto:p th!l Ital­¥. J_uggerna\tt frOlll plmtgil:lg the world ill'tro a nnu·dar orgy---NOT!IIIW EXCEPT TilE OE r.IJrtZE.i \'Vp.'lllliG- CJ .ASS I It :ls the wt.,.lc­<>rs vho will li;;ltt the c.otu&L be. ttl os . '.:ussolini 1 s sons 1 e.Ld the :rons of the ;v<H<l1:hy and tl>a. =~>'tars ,·dll be· se.reo be­hi.><i l:he li.les. BUT TITE ,.,'Olill:Elttl liND T.tre 'IORKE.RS SONS . '/ILL Bli Oll TliE FI RHI~ LTiiE, - ::6A:.'/tlON Fv.Dllli;it I

1'he'se v.nrl> c.re fo1,1g:ht for but one thing - -to l!lll.:i,ilt'o i.n or iner<:~nse prol'i '.;s i'or the eapi t!\li;;;ts . 'fh.{) Unites Ste.te.s enter­eo taa last \~rld YmT to prvtect inV~St­lll'3U.tS made by J ,P .!.lorgm an,! othol' lllil­li,on~ire:: ,This. is no\1 q, well •::n•nn fao:f: ,

Congress 1 s mm ''i.ioutral.l.t')' Jte~ollrticn" is ~'ip;v>se<L t.o xue:" u~ out o,i: 'V/IU' . i.a­tual.ly , thoro i3 n(>thl.."l$ il'1 it to d::l so.

· lt mur7ly !>:!'e-ren·~:;. tho; U. S . from trans ­no.·tt:nt, lliVll:i.tiuns ~o. £oreign e0lllbc,t~t3 , anJ the wun;i.t:tons m~~.ker.a will easHy get e. round -l;~art . 1.'\trthor, it vlili ton'1l):i.na te jltat mEnl. '(;)'!; jint;d:'tts will be gettin:; •:;arr-..ett u oo throw us into the bloody rr.eas .

The lnter)1r.tionl\l F'et~~;~I''l1,i0l't t;Jf 1'rrule 1mioru;, nQ>'r m'lot1ng in Gemova, is 11\Jl'O­pareil to ted~c. li.P the Hr.J.o- .c.'thiopie. sj t ­uati<.>:l "~ 'l'he-:r mul:Eo lieey spa<>Ch-3s, end. pass- fi:ery resalu1~iol1S1 but . .il!ln. their ao-·biVi&ies :to data are aJia.lt~ei 1 it' is tO\md tt<>ir i':\ain resolu·~iorl pledges su.p-


pert to war , if suc'h n war i~ declax>ed tG stop ltE>,ly , And the only c~~;pi tnl ist ru;.tions v~10 might :flight .Ito.J.y to throt­tlu e.n i>thiopien in-.a,sio:o., woulu d.-o so !lot to save the latter 1 but to captut·e it ~or themsalves .

Ther e i-s · only on~;: kind o-1 war tl)o:t ·.·tll.l stop n Ui.tce , ~ that is o.ivil war I'd. tbin t!t" iuW.dillg O<Jllhtry . lli:i:S3<>:li!ir !mOWS· thi-s

1 (!;n;i it 'VIO:p•i¢S him Jl!Ore tl\tln

t~e entire beague of •• ailiolis ,Such a ch-i 1 w~,.. •rou1 d end vict'Ql'iously:in the set- . til'!r; up oi' a workers and f'anne.rs gove:cn­'"ent . Such a war we ·would naturally sup- · port to the. uhmost . ln the meentiine we must fig."t agnins t: the Fns<:::lst i.nv'\sion, ' beoo.usa a victory £or :.!nssolini vton:!.d spell a moral vic­tory i:or ~'nsa:;.sm i-~ all parts of the >!Orld, i.1J.cl,nding Amatica. !'!: will build an<l s ·:-rength~n i·~ 1 s stifling grip all OVOl; o

Our immeditite tto.s'ka now are: (e.) 1i">1.Use t.o l>a,ndl.e ltlllili tions or vrer

suJ?plies bourul l'or the ltel.i~ i'orees . (b) IJ£!nf'.nd i;he right ~f -"'tl'>..ibpie. to

{11.\rchnsc and reoic3Ve VIID' supplies to <le­fend herseli' wii;h .

n()si;ili ties be'J\~en J.taly &nd Ethiopia . •"'ill li~el•: throv; all the world into a

blQcdy tumnoil 1 including .Ainerice. . It is concie.vable that the world's ,..nole oiv-11-hed life o.n1 oul tur e c<>uld. be des·troyed by sueh a nar, so de:vv.stv;ting wouid it l::e , 'fu.e wo1'kers .:nv"·~ stop it- - THE! ARE l'1!E ONLY l'ORCF. l'FfA1' C. 1 JH .f1'1.... e:riJP IT! 'i:C:, Of 'i'RE t.JAJU TI.:ill Fl0 'lL ~'!~HI}! ARh !ill: SPE.:u>.H.t:tJJ CF Til);; .AldJinl:r.A.I I.JJ'lvl~ 1\uVB~~.-f

.AJ·'D WE !:UST l,E!I..i) '1'1:]0; ''lrY I




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