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  • 8/9/2019 I Just Have to Stop Of1


    I just have to stop off ( to visit or stay at a place briefly when you are going somewhere else ) in the


    Shona : " Jeannie, may I use your bathroom ? "

    Jeannie : Go ahead, but make it snappy, okay ? ( to tell someone that you want them to do something

    immediately and to do it quickly )

    You should have heard the fuss my mom kicked up !

    And could I have a long-sleeved jacket this time ? The short-sleeved ones are so babyish.

    Sorry, I am terrible with names !

    If it's any consolation, Mom yells the most at the students she thinks are the best.

    I guess I'm grinning because Jeannie didn't holler very much for a change.

    Hugh MacKendrick is a real slave driver.

    He's so cute that it's a shame he's not nicer.

    ... even though Hugh is obviously out of my league.( to be too good or too expensive for you ) The

    championship doesn't have to be ....

    Oh, Shona. You are such a party pooper. ( someone who spoils other people's enjoyment by

    disapproving of or not taking part in a particular activity )

    You could if you put your mind to it.I saw them going into that pizza parlor on Austin Street. Are they dating ?

    ..... hoping she didn't sound too breathless.

    I thought it might brighten up my practices.

    Well, we're just starting out, so we foul up sometimes.

    Don't you need a jacket or anything ? It's freezing out.

    Hugh : And here you are spending your coffee break with another Highland dancer.

    Shona : But that's by choice.

    If you keep working on it hard, I think you have a real shot at it this year, ...

    But I haven't been very up front about - somebody else.

    .... maybe he just wants more people to fill out the audience, but I am dying to go.

    I'll call you later about Friday night, OK ?You'd think I was planning to pull an all-nighter or something.

    ..... she was speechless with delight.

    I don't want to gush or anything, -- but well, you are great.

    You should come jam with us sometime.

    Bye, Mom don't wait up.

    This girl definitely has taste. It's not fair, MacKendrick. You always hog all quality women.

    This round's on me. You can get the next one if you want.

    Myles seemed to be a big hit with all the girls.

    Last Sunday I wanted to kiss you too, but I was afraid that if I did, you'd think I was being fresh. ( being

    too confident and showing a lack of respect, or showing by your actions or words that you want to have

    sex with someone )

    .... savoring ( to enjoy food or an experience slowly, in order to appreciate it as much as possible ) the

    memory of Hugh's kisses ......

    I was a total wreck ( A person who is physically or mentally broken down or worn out ) that day.

    I thought maybe you had an ulterior motive.

    So you saw through my diabolical plot, uh ?

    I understand you have a pretty good shot at that second runner-up again.

    Shona has an even better shot at winning first place, Aynsley, so you'd better be on your toes.

    Hugh let out a whoop of laughter.

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    It's a lot of hard work and everything, but I really love it.

    You can't risk it, not with the championships so close.

    Finally they nodded their heads in unison.

    I wish you two wouldn't holler at me like that. It's awfully embarassing when I'm with a guy.

    You better win that championship just to make up for all this neglect.

    Have you got your hooks into John Powell yet ?

    Mom, you weren't supposed to let on, I wanted to surprise her.

    You're really starting to show a lot of poise, .......

    Pair that with poise, and in my opinion you've got Aynsley beat.

    She's still on my case for coming home late the last couple of times we went out.

    You'll have a whole week to rest up for it.

    I fell on the way home, I didn't damage anything vital, but I feel kind of achy.

    Will you please stop channel-hopping .......

    In answer to her parents' worried questions, she confessed that she and Hugh had broken up.

    I'm just picking up a pair of panty hose. would you believe every pair I own has a run. ( a long vertical

    hole in tights and stockings )

    I bet she's planning on making a big play for him tonight at Cathy Davidson's very exclusively party.

    Now that Hugh's available, she'll probably be all over him, trying to catch him on the rebound.I don't like any of these dresses, they're really tacky. ( of cheap quality or in bad style )

    .... you should have seen him tripping all over his feet. He simply couldn't keep time with the music.

    Afterward she ran some errands for her mother, then spent the rest of the day working on an English

    paper, doing household chores, and listening for the phone.

    Vandals is a new teen club that just opened up.

    You're not much of a talker, are you ?

    Kim : I thought he'd be a refreshing change from you-know-who.

    Shona : ' Refreshing ' is hardly the word for it.

    Can't you put a smile on your face and make the best of it for tonight ?

    I was feeling kind of lonely and mixed up.

    Her legs felt rubbery ( weak ) as she climbed the stairs, as if .....You're not still moping about Hugh, are you ?

    He's bound to be there, whether he wants to come or not. Jeannie and Christina wouldn't let him wimp

    out. ( to decide not to do something because you are too frightened )

    Ok that's enough play-by-play ( A detailed commentary of an event as it unfolds ), I don't want to know

    what happens next !

    Are you two up to joining me ?

    Aynsley was talking a blue streak ( to talk quickly and without stopping ) , but Hugh didn't seem to be

    paying much attention.

    I can't believe she actually got him up on his feet.

    I think I just saw him heading for the refreshment stand.

    Your father just threw his back out ( to injure one's back in some way ) on the dancer floor.

    I told you I was a rotten dancer.

    Shona raced to the kitchen on tiptoe .......

    I know I should have called you, but I guess my pride got in the way.

    I was so wrapped up in how important the championship is to me that I didn't spare a thought for how

    important your gig was to you.

    You'll need to be well rested for the competition tomorrow.

    I'm just beginning to recuperate from an overdose of it.

    You absolutely sparkled up there onstage.

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    Oh please, you're going to give me a swelled head.

    She knew she stood a better chance of winning the championship since her chief competitor wasn't in

    top form.

    Today's competition would determine whether she was a champion Highland dncer or just an also-ran. (

    someone in a competition who is unlikely to do well or who has failed )

    If you don't want me to coach you for the nationals, I won't.

    The sentences below are commonly used by native speakers, so non-native speakers of English can

    make full use of their speeches in their daily English conversation.

    Mark was definitely up to no good.

    Spare me the details, please.

    He may be poetry in motion on the basketball court, ........

    You actually laid bets on whether or not Collete would go out with Gary ?

    No, I refuse to have anything to do with this tacky scheme of yours.

    Beth : If he asked one of you to the prom, would you go ?

    Audrey : Hmmmm. That's a tough call. ( a difficult decision to make )

    He had a short attention span, and it didn't take much to distract him.

    Mark said you could get me in shape for the prom.

    Gary just needs some pointers on how to get his girl.Unfortunately, my brother was wise to my tactics.

    I am going to drag you into my family squabbles.

    I don't know exactly what weakened my resolve.

    In a world full of guys all trying to act super cool, Gary's total lack of pretension was a refreshing change.

    Gary had never struck me as any kind of a genius, but since I was barely squeaking by with C's, I couldn't

    afford to be choosy.

    ...... I put the car in reverse instead of forward ......

    The only trouble is, she's so beautiful that I get all choked up and can't think of anything to say.

    ...... those guys usually had other attributes that made up for their shortcomings, like style or charisma.

    ..... when she drew up even with me, I nodded for Gary to make his move.

    Yes, lately it seems as if we've been having weather every day.Mark's bed was unmade, .............

    I think I am beginning to catch on.

    .... your room is a health hazard .........

    ..... they were made for durability, not style.

    You're in for the surprise of your life.

    I am terrible at algebra.

    I'll keep him in mind, if I ever get desperate.

    It might be best to level with him right away. How do you know you're not setting him up for a bigger

    disappointment later on.

    Guys just aren't sensitive about that sort of thing.

    Until I paid him off, I'd have to continue with Gary's tutoring.

    I look quickly away, confused by my reaction to his nearness.

    My nervousness grew with every passing minute.

    Whenever there is work to be done, my brother has a habit of disappearing.

    Colette's already gotten her hooks into him.

    If Gary was willing to shell out that kind of money for a trial run, he must have high hopes for prom


    I can tell you've a lot of experience bossing guys around.

    The rest of the evening seemed sort of anti-climatic after all we'd been through.

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    I was quiet during the drive home, ..........

    .... you both handled the situation with a lot of maturity.

    ..... to tell you the truth, this wasn't my first brush with the law.

    Gary is prime-time in love with her.

    I couldn't hold it in any longer.

    I'll pay off your debt to Mark, and you can make the rest of the payments to me.

    Beth, do you mind if we have another look at that sale rack. I just had a sudden urge to buy a party


    She's away for the weekend.

    Colette is his for the asking.

    All my fighting spirit faded away at the sight of her.

    He's probably just bashful. Gary's still not used to being the center of attention.

    Gary looked just as good up close as he had from a distance.

    I hate disappoint you, but I am claiming all of Gary's slow dances.

    Eddie's thinking of asking your friend Jan to the prom, and he wants to know if you'd put in a good word

    for him.

    Now a new fear gripped me.

    I was just about to give up in despair, .......As she hurried off to do so, .........

    I pasted on a smile and tried to exude a confidence I didn't really feel.

    I felt myself blushing.

    I was scared half to death.

    I bet you wear contacts.

    B J was the jealous type.

    Scott : There's my ride. I've got to go. Nice meeting you, Scott.

    Tralain : Same here. Guess I will be seeing you around.

    B J's jealousy was also pretty hard to take.

    I'm just tired. Dad ran me ragged ( make them do a lot of work ) today.

    Since I had everything worked out in my mind, it didn't take long to make my list.I never laid eyes on Scott until today.

    If I were you, I'd steer clear of ( to try to avoid someone or something unpleasant or difficult ) Scott


    I'll call B J and he'll be here in a flash.

    I blew a loud blast on my whistle .........

    Mind if I volunteer ?

    I didn't mean to upstage ( to do something that takes people's attention away from someone else who is

    more important ) you. I just thought you could use a little help.

    During the rest of that week at Camp Merrywood, I didn't feel nearly as hassled.

    We never went anywhere fancy, ...........

    That's an ugly rumor.

    I am afraid he'll be really crushed, if I don't come to his party.

    In that case, my first suggestion still stands.

    .... so I left a message with his mother.

    You'd better hustle downstairs. Tralain, I will be along in a minute.

    ....... the former owners were tennis freaks who played day and night, what do you say ?

    I don't know how much competition I'll be able to give you.

    I beat you fair and square, Tyson. Admit it !

    Besides, I couldn't really bring myself to believe it.

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    .... you already have a boyfriend. so I figured either you'd turn me down or he'd beat me up.

    Can I see you again ? I have some time off on Saturday.

    I threw on a robe over my shortie pyjamas .........

    I think it's pretty low-down of you ( dishonest, unkind ) to make up that story

    ...... you could go out with Scott behind my back.

    You're as hooked on Tyson as he is on drugs.

    Where do you get off,( to tell someone that they are asking you for too much or are behaving in a way

    you will not accept ) bad mouthing Scott when all you have to go on is gossip ? Can't you see how cruel

    that is ?

    I'd been bored with B J for a long time, but hadn't had the courage to break up with him until he forced

    the issue.

    ...... the thought of spending an entire day with him gave me a lift all through the rest of the week.

    .... we both sang along with the music for a while.

    My legs are kind of cramped from sitting in the van for so long.

    Tralain : After the way you beat me at tennis Monday night, I thought you were in great shape.

    Scott : I am, but I never said I run marathons !

    Tralain : I am kind of winded too. ......... although he didn't seem to be breathing hard.

    I am just going to show Tralain around, and then we're off.The place smelled strongly of fish ..............

    Are you still hungry, Tralain ? Those sandwiches are pretty skimpy.

    Get off my case, will you, Dad, ? I am seventeen years old, not seven.

    Scott had certainly overreacted to his father's obvious concern, ......

    Scott stopped the van at the day-use area of the sprawling state park.

    I took out my camera and focused it for a close-up shot.

    Scott and his friends caught up on old times.

    We were all wrecked when he moved away.

    .... a lot of the kids in our crowd just coun't keep up with him. It's like he's on speed ( on drugs ) or


    After Scott had drunk his fill, he reached for my hand.My mind was reeling as I straightened up.

    Lunch was a long time ago and those snacks we ate at the beach don't stick with you

    Tralain, you look like you could use some cheering up.

    All things considered, I think he's keeping a pretty low profile.

    .... a simply phone call might clear up the whole mess .........

    You have to be more subtle than that and you have to lead up to it gradually in casual conversation.

    if everyone whispers behind Scott's back, or treats him like an outcast or something ...

    I could only force down a few mouthfuls.

    I must have stared at the phone for ten minutes, before I got up the nerve to dial.

    If looks could kill, the one I gave Trish would have finished her off on the spot.

    Let's wait until some of the others clear out.

    ... a wonderful, warm smile that made me go weak in the knees.

    I made a huge effort not to burst into sobs.

    You're still dripping wet.

    .... maybe he has to stop to gas up his car.

    I went limp with relief.

    .... since Bren is my best friend, she should be in on it too.

    ...... he replied all in one breath.

    I was so emotionally drained that I could hardly summon up the energy to creep out of the car.

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    ...... keeping busy helped to keep me from sinking into total despair.

    I could see her pacing back and forth, her face white and strained.

    I felt a surge of apprehension as I followed him outside, and my hands felt suddenly clammy. ( feeling

    wet, cold, and sticky in a way that is unpleasant )

    We can check on the way to geometry and see if we made it, if you'll stop stalling. ( to make someone

    wait or stop something from happening until you are ready )

    .... she wasn't too thrilled about signing up for any of the competitive after-school activities.

    Trisha wasn't the vain snob ( someone who is vain is very proud of their good looks, abilities, or position

    ) she'd expected.

    Still, she couldn't resist studying him out of the corner of her eye.

    .... his radiant smile would immediately turn any girl's brain to jelly.

    Brian has a nice voice, deep and resonant.

    There was nothing pressing she had to do at home, ..........

    Brian's unexpected friendliness had really thrown her, .....

    Every muscle in my body aches, .....

    Trisha's reasoning was beginning to sound interesting ........

    Julie was beginning to see the endless possibilities. ..... kind of like investigative reporting ?

    Suddenly, she was brimming with idea for her column.I remember writing a scathing editorial about cheating on exams that shook up the whole school.

    She hurried out the door.

    As soon as she got outside she dismissed her mother's concern.

    .... she'd signed up for it, she certainly was no quitter.

    Please plan to meet with one of us as soon as possible, so you can make the deadline.

    What kind of piece were you thinking of doing on the school library.

    You have to have some kind of focus, Julie.

    .... opening her notebook and uncapping her pen.

    Surely the students have some input into the selection process.

    She quickly walked out of the library feeling excited that she'd hit upon something.

    ..... in her haste she had forgotten to run the spell check, ........True or not, this column is too strongly worded. You'll have to revise it.

    I just don't have the hang of these new routines yet.

    Her column would never see the light of day .......

    He is just plain mean !

    She struggled to hold back the tears welling up in her eyes.

    One thing was sure. Brian Fredrickson wasn't worth crying over, neither ....

    It was hard to imagine her quiet friend getting up on a stage.

    ... it seemed that she and Trisha were beginning to form a special bond.

    You really are just like your father --- he never lets anything get him down.

    You'd better keep the dessert in the front seat, Harvey can't resist sweets.

    I am sorry I blew up at you the other day.

    .... the thought of trigonometry makes my head ache.

    The more she saw of Brian, the more she liked him.

    He didn't ask you out to a movie or anything ?

    His face lit up in a smile.

    I didn't know you two were seeing each other.

    I was interested in him for a while, but that's all in the past.

    Don't get so defensive.

    They're a lot of fun

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    It's just that you seem more thoughtful than the rest of them.

    I don't think anyone has ever done a piece on that subject ........

    The boys are a lot rougher on their stuff than we are.

    Every other time they bused us back the same night.

    Do you think the girls' athletic programs get a fair shake ( fair treatment )?

    .... a good reporter should put her subject at ease.

    Librarian : Are you going to quote me ?

    Trisha : I write an opinion column, so there's really no need to use names, .....

    I got my information from an ' informed source '.

    I get enough flak ( strong criticism ) as it is.

    I was hoping you could fill in a few blanks for me.

    What I really want is a breakdown ( [countable] a written statement explaining the details of something

    such as a bill or the cost of a plan ) by sport.

    Julie didn't buy that, but she let it pass.

    Just what are you getting at ?

    Instead of toning down the strong language, he'd simply chopped it out.

    Julie set her glass down very carefully and helped herself to some chips.

    It's beautiful Trisha, but it looks so sophisticated.You look like you could use some cheering up.

    I know you will give it some thought before you do.

    I'm better off going, even if I have a miserable time.

    I have been pretty busy. I have any English paper due next week.

    I edited some piece that were really in bad shape.

    Julie : Are you still mad at him about what he did to your column.

    Trisha : Oh, I am over that.

    Brian drove to the twenty-four-hour diner on the edge of town.

    ..... he doesn't want it to look like he's playing favorites.

    Julie : You haven't eaten much of your dinner.

    Trisha : I had a big lunch today.All I know about cars is where to put the gas.

    Spending time with you isn't exactly a chore.

    This should hold us over for a while.

    Kevin's at swim practice, and Tom has a piano lesson.

    Once they come home, it'll be a mad house.

    Brian : I don't remember it.

    Trisha : That's because you didn't read the opinion column.

    Brian : I could read it now, then take another angle.

    She picked up a handful of chips and munched on them, stalling for time.

    By the time Julie got home, she was soaked to the skin.

    You always tell me to stand up for myself, and now you want me to let some stupid boy walk all over me

    ? Well, I won't stand for it.

    What about that game of checkers, now. It might take your mind off the troubles.

    If I turn it in like this, I just know Brian will tear it apart.

    Trust me, you can't make it any worse.

    Well, it's kind of flat. There's no color to it.

    Maybe you could reword it a little.

    But reporters are supposed to be concise.

    How could she have been so thoughtless.

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    I'm going to take your advice and see if I can liven it up a little.

    Sorry, I wasn't more tactful about it.

    If Brian doesn't like the changes you make in your article, you can blame it on me.

    .... they might have worked out some kind of compromise.

    I gave the whole thing a lot of thought today.

    It's a definite possibility.

    All this indecision was making her heart pound.

    I tried to talk to you, but you didn't take my calls.

    The tight knot in Julie's stomach began to unwind.

    I knew a lot of boys who were good-looking ..... but Brad put them in the shade.

    So you are nuts about Brad Lewis, huh ?

    I heard his question but it didn't really register.

    ... so I'd have to ask Mom to come by for me.

    But I didn't want him to know I'd been angling for a ride.

    .... let me give you a hand with these.

    I thought you disapproved of beauty contest on general principle, ....

    .... he always said hi and gave me a special smile that turned my knees to jelly.

    .... a girl could be friends with a guy without any romantic stuff messing things up.

    .... one of Lauren's shoes slipped off my foot, and I walked right out of it.

    .... I had blown whatever chance I might have had to make the final cut.

    Was Brad Lewis really asking me for a date ?

    I gave him a dirty look.

    We're giving this place a touch of class.

    I stubbed my toe. ( to hurt your toe by hitting it against something )

    You'll never make any money that way.

    ..... to steer the conversation away from myself.

    I'll call you over the weekend.

    The door opened a crack, and my mother stuck her head in.

    Do you think you will be seeing more of him.He was dripping wet and looked so pathetic ..........

    Will you two please pipe down ?

    I put in a couple of applications just in case I get turned down.

    I'll split the money with you fifty-fifty.

    Caitlin : Want me to fix you up ?

    Kyle : No way. Bubblebrains don't turn me on.

    Mom and Dad won't let me be out late on a school night.

    .... it was wrong of Mom and Dad to be so unreasonable.

    I stewed over the problem all afternoon, .......

    .... if I tell you something really important, will you promise to keep it a secret ?

    Have I ever broken a promise to you ?

    I could tell that in spite of himself ( if you do something in spite of yourself, you do it although you did

    not expect or intend to do it ), Kyle was dying of curiosity.

    Kyle slowed the car to a crawl.

    .... the game might be rained out ( be rained off British English be rained out American English if an

    event or activity is rained off or rained out, it has to stop because there is too much rain. ) anyway .......

    ... this game's a really big deal to me.

    When I got home, I realized that I had a lot of time on my hands and nothing interesting to do with it.

    I'm sworn to secrecy, so I can't reveal the caller's identity.

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    Then I composed myself and walked slowly to the door.

    When I stood up, it gave out on me.

    I'm not going to tell you her name, if that's what you're leading up to.

    Caitlin : ... no matter what happens, let's not lose each other.

    Kyle : We won't, not if I can help it

    Does that give you some claim on her ?

    Kyle felt sorry for me because I was so bummed about not being able to go to the game with you, ...

    But keeping the peace was a real strain, ..........

    Kyle didn't seem in any hurry to depart.

    If you need any help unscrambling ( to change a television signal or a message that has been sent in

    code (=a deliberately confusing way) so that it can be seen or read ) those notes, just let me know.

    Kyle and Brad were each trying to force the other to leave first, and neither would give an inch.

    .... he was wearing cutoffs.

    It wasn't enough for you to come budging in on my date with Brad and refuse to leave.

    How do you think you'd feel if he did start dating someone.

    I bought a new outfit to wear to school on Monday.

    .... but considering how he'd probably react, I took the coward's way out.

    The Grandville Giants had made the play-offs for the first time in history ........ but after two weeks of baseball morning, noon and night. Deciding that turnabout was fair play

    when Brad asked what I'd like to do Friday evening.

    I walked slowly back to my room with a feeling of resignation.

    Any hopes I had that the game would be called off were dashed .......

    I am about ready to leave. Want to hitch a ride with me ?

    Don't you ever get tired of all the giving while does all the taking.

    .... he was in the sunniest of moods.

    ... there were dark circles under my eyes.

    The big ape treats you like dirt ..... I thought you had more self-respect than that.

    It's just going to take a little time to work out the kinks in our relationship.

    I guess old habits die hard. ( used to say that it takes a long time to change to a new way of doingsomething )

    The warm sunshine felt wonderful to me after three days of being housebound.

    It'll be an away game (an away game or match is played at your opponent's field or sports hall ) , against

    the Standard High Bears.

    Don't let Lewis hear you say that, or he'll blow a fuse.

    Sorry about that, Caitlin, you were a good sport to stick it out.

    It's probably just heartburn.

    ......... in all the years we'd known each other, I had never seen Kyle in formal attire.

    I never guess that they were an item ( if two people are an item, they have a sexual relationship ), did

    you ?

    As luck would have it, the next dance was a slow one.

    Hey, desperate situations call for desperate measures.

    Why are you offering this anyway, We haven't been on the best of terms ( be on good/bad terms to

    have a friendly relationship or bad relationship with someone ), y'know.

    Furious at being tricked, Brad let loose a stream of abuse at Kyle and me ......

    Kyle and Brad were both too winded to speak, ......

    I am afraid he's been drinking --- he's in no condition to drive.

    I cried myself to sleep that night.

    From now on I'd try to steer clear of him, .......

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    Maybe some exercise will clear the cobwebs out of my head. ( blow/brush/clear the

    cobwebs away to do something, especially go outside, in order to help yourself to think more clearly and

    have more energy )

    Can't we forget about it and pick up where we left off ?

    Kyle : You're telling me we are through ?

    Caitlin : That's about the size of it.

    Throwing caution to the winds ( throw/fling/cast caution to the winds to start to take more risks in what

    you do or say ) , I ran down the porch steps and raced across the street.

    ...... he was a far cry from a hero of last night's adventure.

    I had never seen Kyle so flustered.

    Kyle, will you let me get a word in edgewise ( get a word in edgeways also edgewise to get a chance to

    speak ). Please don't move away and forget me

    ...... twinning my arms around his neck.

    Katie Jean O'Connor dashed up the front steps of her house with her arms full of books and her head full

    of dreams .....

    Katie shook her head in mock despair. ( despair that you pretend to feel )

    I've spent most of the day slaving at my computer in the nice, cool den, and I'm beat.

    My car is parked in the driveway.Katie stalked away, hoping she appeared cool and calm in spite of the fact that she was seething inside.

    You know that we leave at the crack of dawn tomorrow.

    I'll call just as soon as we get settled in our new house.

    ... her parents went through a kind of messy divorce, ......

    Willie idolized his father and brother, and in his eyes they could do no wrong.

    ...... so he could become tough in mind and body.

    Somehow I can't picture you as a lawyer.

    Won't that get you home rather late.

    .... she had asked her mother why she was so strict with her.

    Willie and I can clear the table tonight. Why don't you go get ready for your date.

    I'll be home around twelve or so.A friend of mine, a very terrific friend, is moving here in a few days.

    .... maybe we could set her up with your friend Rick ....

    Occasionally, Katie did a brief spot covering the latest fads and fashions ....

    We stopped at Joe's for a hamburger after the party and it was mobbed.

    If you're drifting around somewhere on Cloud Nine, we don't stand a chance of beating those JC girls.

    This is just like old times.

    Remember how we used to pig out in Berlin before we went out searching for .....

    This ugly duckling became a swan because ....... who couldn't stand the sight of her, so she made some


    .......but I was pretty awful there for a while.

    Mr. Hadley was a real dreamboat, remember Katie ?

    Wow, wait til the kids at school take a load of that.

    Oh, I was going with a French boy in Paris for a while, but I ditched him when I found out he was seeing

    somebody else on the side.

    Think you could update me on the garbage I missed while I was away.

    That Friday evening, Katie and Scott double-dated with Melissa and Rick.

    I've heard a lot about you, Melissa, but nothing I've heard does you justice.

    .... he'd be very happy if I took over his practice some day

    You looked so pretty in that white western outfit.

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    It doesn't mean a thing. Don't be paranoid.

    Over the next two weeks, Katie saw very little of Melissa ..........

    Katie decided to find out why Melissa had dropped Rick like a hot potato.

    ..... his family belongs to a really posh country club.

    What are you doing home tonight ?

    Monday's " Teen Scene " taping went off without a hitch.

    I wonder what poor sap she'll hit on next ?

    .... Melissa likes to play the field, but that doesn't make her a bad person.

    Oh, Scott I hope you are not coming down with something. There is a lot of stomach flu going around.

    ..... you should give me some pointers about what to say so he doesn't take it the wrong way.

    ..... there must be girls hanging all over him afterward.

    This is the exact same thing.

    ..... she felt guilty about keeping the news from him, but she couldn't bring herself to mention it.

    I guess creative talent must run in O'Connor family.

    .... congratulated her on landing the leading role in the musical.

    Are you free the weekend of November 4 ?

    I am sort of shy, and I'm not much of a talker, but if you poke me I'll probably rustle up a sentence or

    twoBen : I guess maybe you're as nervous about talking to me as I am about talking to you.

    Katie : That's about the size of it ( that's about the size of it spoken used to agree that what someone

    has said about a situation is a good or correct way of describing it )

    Ben : I'll be sure to poke you a couple of times to get you going.

    Katie : Okay. But not in the ribs. I am real ticklish.

    ..... but if we run into traffic, it could take longer .......

    ..... every time I come I feel kind of a glow.

    For a while, I even thought about becoming a cadet, but I decided against it.

    Do you want to freshen up or anything before we leave.

    I bet Ben Anderson will flip out ( to feel very excited and like something very much ) when he sees you.

    Katie gave him a mock scowl. ' Are you telling me I am getting fat ? 'Katie : He seems very cute.

    Melissa : No romantic sparks ?

    With or without false eyelashes on your nose, I like your looks.

    Katie's heart went out to him. ' oh, I am not angry, in fact I am flattered ' You just took me by surprise,

    that's all.

    Katie did a lot of heavy thinking on the plane ride back home that Sunday afternoon,

    Katie's feeling of unease grew.

    .... they saw Scott and Melissa making out in Scott's car.

    .... she said it was exactly the other way around.

    You and Scott are all wrong for each other .......

    .... between sobs Katie poured out the whole ugly story.

    I never trusted that boy. Obviously, I was right about him all along.

    They treated her with tender concern .......

    You never can tell where something like this can lead.

    I wouldn't make any demands on you or anything

    .... all the problems that had plagued them the night befor emagically disappeared.

    You and Johnnie were always pretty tight ......

    I am doing pretty well, all things considered.

    .... when you do know, let me in on it.

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    It's been snowing like crazy up here.

    .... the sunlight on all that snow is almost blinding

    Speaking in public was difficult enough without heckling ( to interrupt a speaker at a public meeting )

    from the audience.

    In fact, they thrive on the darkness and dampness.

    I'm getting hives ( a skin disease in which a person's skin becomes red and painful ) just thinking about


    A meeting ? I searched my memory but drew a blank. ( to be unsuccessful, especially when you have

    been trying to find information or the answer to a problem )

    That girl gives me a sharp pain.

    ..... she thought she was an authority on everything.

    I guess it was juvenile to poke fun at Regina, but it felt good,

    I've come up with some wonderful ideas for our camp-out.

    I just know that everything you've thought of will be super.

    I couldn't make waves and risk Regina's wrath. She loved to tell people. I don't get mad, I get even.

    I hated it when she put me on the spot like that.

    Why was I so in awe of her ?

    Jake, wait up, I want to talk to you.But if you don't give a report, you'll flunk the course.

    For many years after Dad died, things had been pretty grim at our house.

    It's a favourite hangout for high school kinds in the area .......

    You're always so color-co-ordinated.

    We were as different as night and day .........

    I am the organized type, and I was more than ready for the cave camp-out.

    Mother : ... let me fix you something hot to eat.

    Daughter : I am big girl, remember. You dont' have to baby me anymore.

    I believe in equality of the sexes.

    ...... but now my sense of guilt returned in force.

    You have a strange gleam in your eye.A vision of Jake immediately popped into my mind.

    I bet there's a story behind it.

    Sometimes being short comes in handy.

    ..... but somehow our feet got all tangled up, knocking us both off balance.

    Mine's a pretty sturdy one that can take a lot of abuse.

    No, I don't think it is even sprained but I'd better take my weigh off it for a while.

    She just packed up one day and took off.

    Jake said in his tough-guy manner.

    I don't know why you always act so tough, .......

    I didn't mean to dump on ( to tell someone all your problems ) you.

    ... when I am nervous or uptight about something, I can't talk right, I'm a stutterer ( an inability to speak

    normally because you stutter ), Lissa.

    In the total darkness, nothing seemed impossible no matter how farfetched it was

    I guess it sounds pretty shallow to you.

    Sorry -- I didn't mean to get your hopes up.

    To my dismay, a flashlight beam hit me full in the face.

    You have some explaining to do.

    When Regina and Vicki went to their tent and discovered you were missing, we were frantic.

    I couldn't betray his confidence, so I said.

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    I was so keyed up ( worried or excited ) that I thought maybe taking a little walk would relax me.

    .... slowing my pace so that we lagged behind the others.

    Jake : I wanted to, but .....

    Regina : But, you wimped out.

    She wasn't just surprised, she was flabbergasted.

    Though on the surface Jake and I seemed to be total opposites, deep down we had so much in common.

    Although Pershing was disappointed, he was a good sport ( a helpful cheerful person who lets you enjoy

    yourself and never complains when there is trouble ) about it.

    Lissa, you'd better hustle.

    You are just going to school, dear, not to a formal ball.

    I was going to make pancakes for breakfast, but Glenda sidetracked me ..

    I thought maybe you could use a lift to school.

    Dad wants me to get fitted for a tux -- he and Carol have moved up their wedding date.

    It always helps to get everything out in the open ......

    I was walking on air as we entered the building.

    I didn't mean to bug you.

    I didn't mean to bite your head off.

    ..... he was never far from my thoughts.Guys sure are hard to figure out sometimes.

    Is there a second to this perfectly idiotic motion.

    I told you it was a lame idea.

    I could hardly keep from laughing.

    I hope you're not going to run after that loser.

    Jake probably thought I was a spineless wimp.

    It was only after I hung up that I began to worry in earnest.

    I wandered around the house, getting more and more impatient.

    I am afraid you'd be steamed about yesterday.

    You came to that meeting for my sake, it was a total disaster.

    You can tell her for me that her timing's rotten.... he had gained so much confidence and social poise lately .......

    Jake : I hope you don't mind if I step on your toes sometimes tonight. I am not much of a dancer.

    Regina : If worse comes to worst, I can always dance with Pershing.

    Aren't you being a bit melodramatic ( behaving or talking in an excited way with strong emotion ), Tess ?

    This great deal just fell in our laps.

    My whole life is just wrecked.

    I hope they feel guilty as anything !

    She was in quite a state herself, finishing her current novel, trying .....

    I liked looking at pretty scenery on vacation, but I had no desire to live out in the sticks. [ (out) in the

    sticks very far from a town or city ]

    I loved being so close to Chicago. ... a world of movers and shakers. I doubted there was any moving

    and shaking going on in Blossom Creek.

    But all that evening, I had a sinking feeling.

    Aren't you going to get over this funk ( in a (blue) funk very unhappy, worried, or afraid about

    something ) you're in ?

    I managed a feeble smile.

    ... it did have a few signs of civilisation .....

    Mom was holed up in her upstairs study, typing away on her computer at frenzied pace.

    I'm sorry if I'm trespassing.

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    From the way you talk, I can tell you are not from around here.

    There's no problem with this stuff --- it's just the usual red tape.

    These locks are pretty old, and sometimes they get fouled up.

    Looks like it's stuck.

    I yanked again, but it still wouldn't budge.

    Don't mind him, Luke has a grudge against the world.

    He was tall and very well built, ............

    ... when she caught my eye, she motioned for me to join them.

    He's so stuck on himself, it's sickening.

    " Oh, lay off, Carter, " , there is nothing wrong with Luke.

    When I turned back to the table, I saw Dawn regarding me with a wistful expression.

    I'd just love it if Carter showed some interest in me.

    The Stoddards have always been hard up, and now with Luke's father gone it's even worse.

    He's got an awful lot on his mind, and he works real hard.

    I am sorry I tripped you this morning.

    I'm sorry I was so rude and all.

    He was giving me such an unmistakably flirtatious look that I felt myself blushing.

    ... as Mr. Cassin accompanied me on the piano, I sang ......I think she looks a little green, don't you ?

    Who was that grim-looking character ( a person of a particular kind ), Tess ?

    ... he's always been serious, like he's got all the worries of the world on his shoulders.

    I began to read and soon got caught up in the story.

    On the off chance that somebody might hear, I started yelling ....

    It tickles Sammy ! Cut it out.

    He helped me to my feet --- actually my foot.

    ... he was wearing sweats and running shoes ..........

    It's a bad sprain, but nothing appears to be broken.

    Just to be on the safe side, though, I'm going to take an X-ray in case she or I missed something.

    She took his death pretty hard.It caused quite an uproar.

    I would have to stay off that foot for a few days.

    Well then, what did happen ? An old football injury act up ?

    Folks around here know, she has more than a few screws loose.

    That was more than twenty five years ago, she ought to be over it by now.

    Don't get all riled up, Tess. You don't have to fly into a passion about it

    But if you do get into a passion, why don't you get into one with me, not at me ?

    Usually when a guy says a girl is nice, he means she's boring, or a goody-goody.

    Oh, Luke just made this crack and it broke me up.

    As for Carly, she continued to give me dirty looks in chorus, so I kept out of her way as much as


    You can't eat it raw because it's sour as anything.

    You know, that first day I met you, you give me quite a start being up in Billy's old tree house.

    Carter had made a major effort to get on my good side again ......

    C'mon, you've never ridden my wheels before.

    That was really juvenile, Carter ! I said in disgust.

    Well, it would've been a nice gesture.

    As I pulled up to the station ........

    He'd probably appreciate having someone to help him catch up on things.

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    That would be real neighborly of you.

    I am just irked at my brother for not ..... telling me.

    It is real nice of you to go to this trouble and all.

    My little sister got sick and Mom couldn't take off work.

    Sorry I forgot to give Luke your message.

    I don't want to pressure you or anything.

    Luke Stoddard certainly was full of surprises, not to mention talent.

    Mom and Dad were instantly on the alert and began the usual parental inquisition. ( a series of

    questions that someone asks you in a threatening or unpleasant way )

    After a while they let up on me.

    What if our voices didn't blend well ?

    Luke's old pickup truck pulled up into the drive. ( the area or road between your house and the street )

    My throat's starting to get a little scratchy.

    Luke's lips were just a breath away from mine.

    I completely lost track of time. I guess we'd better start back.

    What a rotten end to what had been such a promising afternoon.

    Tess : The Stoddard boy's quite the musician.

    Luke : She is right ! The kid is a chip off the old block. ( to be very similar to your mother or father inappearance or character )

    I regarded him in frustration.

    Carter, on the other hand, was obviously trying to heat things up.

    ... her friends would think it was unsophisticated and definitely uncool.

    I pitied whoever would have to clean up after the party.

    This is my party and I don't want you fouling it up.

    Carter : Here, buddy --- you get to drive. Tess and I will take the backseat.

    Luke : I wasn't too pleased with this setup, either.

    .... put the truck in reverse and backed out of the parking space ......

    There was a tense, awkward silence as we rode along.

    I was having a rotten time, too.Carter : Sorry Tess, I have been talking your ear off.

    Tess : I don't mind. It is about time you let it all out.

    I figured they would wise up sooner or later.

    I've just got a bad case of the jitters.

    She doesn't look one bit jittery.

    Luke and I waited while one act after another took the stage.

    The minute we began to sing, I lost my stage fright.

    I'd hang on to him if I was you.

    Then he kissed very sweetly on the lips.

    I looped Millicent's reins around one of the rails and scrambled over the fence.

    ... we became instant best friends.

    Now we were sixteen, and our friendship never wavered.

    .... the rest of the year we kept in touch with long letters and even longer phone calls.

    No sense getting him all upset .......

    He was well-mannered, and real polite.

    I sure didn't see that side of him.

    I'd meet her at the pool over an hour ago! I'd better make tracks.

    Maybe he didn't mean to be rude. Maybe what he said just came out that way.

    My wet hair was hanging in my eyes ..........

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    ... we aren't even remotely related.

    Right then and there I should have set him straight and cleared up the misunderstanding, ........

    I simply can't understand how my two best friends could have gotten off on the wrong foot like this.

    He's not stuck-up at all ......... considering who his father is.

    I thought they only did that back in the olden days.

    You really ought to dress up more often, Lexie.

    Samantha : Would you like me to make you up ?

    Lexie : No, I'll do it myself.

    Ms. Tucker. Are you holding up the wall, or doesn't anybody here come up to your high standards ?

    Can't a guy even have a conversation with you without having his head bitten off ? ( to answer someone

    or speak to them very angrily, when there is no good reason for doing this )

    Like I said before, this isn't really my scene.

    I feel it's my duty to enlighten you.

    This is probably the dumbest thing I've ever done.

    I was so freaked that I didn't stop to find out.

    Max isn't sure how to act around you, and he gets flustered and ends up doing something stupid or


    I can't disappoint him by backing out.Did I hear about my name being taken in vain ? ( to talk about someone, while they are not there,

    especially in a way that shows a lack of respect for them )

    Max : Thomas wants to talk to you.

    Samantha : What about ?

    What mischief are you up to today ?

    Can you blame him after you've been so nasty ?

    Deep down inside, I bet you'd like to get along with him.

    The face is familiar but I can't place the name.

    I can have one of the boys saddle up a horse for you in a jiffy. ( very soon )

    I can pay double your usual hourly rate.

    We have tents and air mattresses, all the comforts of home.The last thing I need is another run-in ( an argument or disagreement, especially with someone in an

    official position ) with Max.

    It was too good an offer to pass up.

    Please don't let on I work here, okay ?

    Funny, he doesn't strike me as that type.

    ...... tucked it into my shirt pocket .........

    Around one o'clock, I found a clearing in the woods that looked perfect for a picnic.

    Max tied the horses to some trees.

    Well, you haven't said a civil word to me since we met, and you avoid me like I've got the plague or


    You've never taken the time to find out.

    Let's not go any further with this, okay. We'll just get into another argument.

    By my calculations, we would reach out campsite by five o'clock.

    This is all your fault. Why didn't you say something.

    Don't worry about a thing.

    It's clouding over. Looks like it might rain.

    I strained my eyes and ears, trying to catch a glimpse of the creek or hear the sound of running water

    Even though it was still very early, the heavy clouds made it seem like midnight.

    Hoping to raise their spirits, I said brightly ..........

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    When I awoke the next morning, the boys and girls are still sound asleep.

    I thought the kids ought to have something hot in their stomachs to start the day.

    A day ago I would have bristled at his question, thinking he was doubting my competence.

    Max followed me out of the office.

    You might just sweep him off his feet.( sweep sb off their feet to make someone feel suddenly and

    strongly attracted to you in a romantic way )

    His business takes him all over, so we're never in any one place for long.

    My responses sounded awfully lame to me, but Max didn't seem to notice anything amiss.

    All that moving around must be tough for you.

    Will you please stop being so negative ? Quit overanalyzing everything.

    You can sleep over at my cabin afterward, there's plenty of room.

    Did I really want to chance it and set myself up for heartbreak ?

    It never could have worked out for Max and me.

    We made a date to go riding together at one o'clock.

    Sam got into the other bed, and turned out the light.

    This whole thing was getting more complicated by the minute.

    I have to get back by two-thirty.

    There was no way I'd be able to avoid him, and unless I could brazen it out, ( to deal with a situationthat is difficult or embarrassing for you by appearing to be confident rather than ashamed ) he'd blow

    my cover for sure.

    Well, you've been acting kind of weird all of a sudden.

    I forced another fake laugh.

    I blinked in disbelief.

    You've lucked out so far, but Max is bound to learn the truth sooner or later.

    Well, I must be off now. I expect we'll be seeing quite a bit of each other, Samantha.

    They're two of a kind, the perfect couple.

    ... I am not rich and I work with my hands.

    I've known all along.

    ... she has a serious boyfriend over in England.Kate had been working nonstop on this project for a year and a half.

    When the music started to play, Kate eased down the volume.

    .... two's company and three's a crowd.

    .... I just wanted to find out what I was up against. ( to have to deal with a difficult situation or fight an

    opponent )

    .... This is no time for socializing.

    Sorry Mr. Perry, we're just taking a breather.

    Everything will be in working order by tomorrow morning.

    Have you been waiting long ?

    But next week the station would be up and running. ( if a new system or process is up and running, it is

    working properly )

    ... the excitement in the room was at fever pitch.

    ... we'll rotate in order to give shifts to as many of you as possible.

    Flushed with embarrassment at her dismal performance, .....

    You stumbled a little, but I could tell how nervous you were.

    They had laid a trap, and she had fallen right into it.

    You two sure look pretty cozy.

    Eric didn't look as if he was in any hurry to leave.

    Kate : Is Mr. Perry here, by any chance ?

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    Eric : He's at lunch.

    Almost before Kate knew it, her hour was up.

    After school, still tingling from the thrill of her success .....

    Kate : How soon do you think we could get the phone.

    Eric : Next week, with any luck. I'll check with the principal first thing tomorrow morning.

    I thought I was going to have to hitchhike home.

    No, I probably wouldn't have the nerve.

    Those are beyond sappy. They'd make me lose my lunch if I'd eaten any.

    Looks like you've got your work cut out for you.

    I'm not really into that mushy stuff.

    I'm sorry, I snapped at you.

    Between the two of us, we'll have this mess straightened out in no time.

    Kate : Or are you so cynical because you've been dumped.

    Eric : Bite your tongue. What girl in her right mind would dump lovable old me.

    I really want to know where you learned all that stuff.

    Kate's mind suddenly clicked into high gear.

    ... she hoped she could talk him into pulling some strings and getting her into KZRP.

    Where are you off to in such a hurry ?

    I'm going to catch a ride home with Cheri .....

    I didn't think football was your thing.

    I've modeled my deejay style on his.

    That would be really great, if you can set it up ..........

    I have an appointment with him for two o'clock.

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    Did Jake sound a little bit patronizing ? ( someone who is patronizing talks to you as if they think you are

    less intelligent or important than them )

    I'm gonna grab a cup of coffee, want anything ?

    Gotta start cranking out the tunes.

    That's not even close to being Dadlike, ......

    ... you know as well as I do that nothing will come of it, ....

    Now I guess you want me to set you up on a date with him.

    I wonder if I'll ever be able to figure him out.

    Don't these guys have any pride ?

    At first, I thought there was something familiar about his voice, but I can't put together with a face .........

    He's always making goo-goo eyes ( a silly look that shows you love someone ) at you in class.

    He's just probably holding off because he knows you'll be climbing the walls wondering who he is

    Then as we eliminate each of them, we'll strike his name off the list.

    Andy is short for Andrew.

    Are you still on that kick ?

    Okay, okay ! Your sad story wrings my heart. Where do you live ?

    Math and I just don't mix.

    He must think I am a total nut.

    Startled, Kate slammed on the brakes. ( to make a car stop very suddenly )

    If you're so nuts about Jake, chase him yourself, but leave me out of it.

    Eric : Maybe we ought to call it a day. Want to catch a movie.

    Kate : That sounds like fun. What's playing ?

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    Starved ! I worked up quite an appetite ( work up an appetite/thirst to make yourself hungry or thirsty,

    especially by doing physical exercise or waiting a long time before you eat or drink ) chasing you all over

    the field.

    My life is a complete and utter disaster.

    You're the one who got me into this mess with Alan.

    ..... get on the line and give me a call.

    Alan found a parking place in the lot.

    I guess I kind of overdid the cheering bit.

    To take her mind off her troubles ...........

    We'll be finished in plenty of time.

    Boy, that was some speech. When is this assembly ?

    I'll meet you by the car.

    That's way out of my price range.

    I'm no good at saying things like that in person, so I thought I'd disguise my voice and try it out over the


    Did you really mean what you said when you called the Love Line all those times.

    Don't be so hard on yourself.

    I'm really surprised I even made the team ! ( be chosen for a team )

    Lani's teammates are all warm and friendly.

    Thanks, but my game's pretty tame ( boring or unexciting and disappointing ) compared to yours.

    I admire the way you charge the net, it sure keeps me on my toes.

    Try not to be so hypersensitive to criticism.

    So far, no guy had ever measured up to Lani's high standards, ..

    I wanted to find out how things were done at Aina Hau before I took the plunge. ( to decide finally to do

    something, especially after delaying it or worrying about it for a long time )

    You sound as though you're signing up for a life partnership

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    I hate going into any situation unprepared.

    ... try to put it in the wash as soon as you get home.

    I admit I'm curious about the guy, but only because you've given him such a big buildup.

    ... a little black cloud had suddenly blotted out ( to cover or hide something completely ) the sun.

    They certainly look pretty chummy. ( friendly )

    Lani quickly got her thoughts together and gave her opinion.

    Welcome aboard, Lani !

    ... he had given them a pep talk, urging the debaters to do their best

    Around noon, the brilliant blue sky suddenly clouded over, and within moments rain began pouring


    Lani's father wouldn't be able to come by for her until at least five o clock.

    Could you come pick me up at three ?

    I live in Manoa, I hope that's not far out of your way.

    How much farther is your house ?

    I don't take criticism very well, I'm afraid.

    ... do you think you could give me a few pointers ?

    ... the very idea of reciting the pieces from memory gave her the chills.

    Do I detect a note of skepticism there ?

    .. are you in the phone book under Marshall or under Gorgeous ?

    ... he went off on this tangent about turning the homeless into chefs ...

    Sam's such a flake.

    ... but sometimes I wish I'd lighten up and have some fun for a change.

    It's about time you made a move on him, Lani.

    ... many couples are lounging on ( to stand or sit in a lazy way ) the grass, enjoying the beautiful day and

    each other's company.

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    Sometimes you have to go out on a limb ( take a risk ) and hammer a point home.

    .. there's no reason you and Amy can't win at affirmative.

    I'll be happy to work with you again whenever you like, just say the word.

    Has he asked you on a date yet ?

    .... if he doesn't care about me, I'd absolutely die of embarrassment.

    I'll be hitching a ride with ( to ask for a free ride from the drivers of passing cars by putting your hand out

    with your thumb raised ) you guys ....

    Lani was spooning up her French chocolate ice cream with .....

    Chase never took cheap shots (=an unnecessarily rude remark) at the opposing team or the judges.

    I've been bending your ear ( to talk to someone, especially about something that is worrying you ) aboutthe tournament ever since we got here.

    I do have other interests.

    Everybody says you are excellent on the soccer field.

    That's what I had in mind. Think you can stand it.

    I laughed so hard, I almost fell out of my seat.

    We're good friends, that's all.

    .... he seemed unsure of himself, almost at a loss for words ......

    Mr. crowell told Lani at great length about growing up on his family's sugar plantation.

    He can be pretty long-winded sometimes.

    Lighten up, Chase. You may be my debate team captain, but you are not my tennis coach, you know.

    .... my Dad's birthday is next month ......

    I have to get some stuff for my sisters, and I could use some feminine input.

    Then maybe we could grab a bite to eat and take in a movie or something.

    Listen, Darce. Do you think I'm fickle.

    .... you are thinking about ditching him for that nutcase ?

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    Sometimes I feel like I'll never be able to measure up to his expectations.

    .... if you decide to give up on Chase, I'm next in line.

    It wasn't just her surroundings that were different.

    Mealani and I need to make some adjustments on our negative case.

    I understand you and Amy really cut them down to size ( to make someone realize that they are not as

    important, successful etc as they think they are ) this morning

    Unless you're otherwise occupied, want to go have a pan pizza with the enemy.

    All our tables are oceanfront, sir !

    ... she always likes to go there early and set up.

    I'm an old hand at this sort of thing. In fact, I kind of like the last-minute approach.

    .... if this tournament is to proceed on schedule, it is essential that everyone show up on time.

    We were all totally stressed out --- we thought something awful must have happened to you. Mrs.

    Nakamoto was worried sick, and Chase is practically a basket case. ( someone who is so nervous or

    anxious that they cannot deal with simple situations )

    Lani was on automatic pilot most of the time,

    Don't you ever pull another stunt like that, you almost gave me heart failure.

    She never should have let herself caught up in Sam's comedy routine ....

    Want to play some tennis this evening ? ........ I really could use a workout.

    I haven't been to one of those in a long time.

    ... we are about the same size.

    By the time they returned to Lani's house, the sun had set.

    ... he's getting all intense and serious again.

    .... she was seething with irritation inside.

    I wouldn't have beaten you so badly, though, if you'd been in top form.

    Then he started picking my game apart shot by shot, and pretty soon I was so rattled that I couldn't do

    anything right.

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    ..... the following week were agonizing for Lani.

    ... she and Chase were polite but distant to each other.

    But even if I made a play for ( to make an attempt to gain something ) him , it probably wouldn't do any

    good. In my opinion, he is still hung up on you

    If he thinks she's so perfect and I'm such a mess, then all I can say is, she's welcome to him.

    Chase was the boy of her dreams, that their relationship would only grow and deepen with time.

    I'm glad you are not the kind of girl who holds a grudge.

    I can tell from the look on your face that you don't approve of my philosophy.

    The first one was dismal, but I'm pretty sure we aced the second one.

    I struck out ( failed ) twice in a row.

    .... they all know I have my on days and off days.

    It was a gutsy move on your part to change your case at the last minute, ...

    I'm the one who was crazy for acting the way I did, ...

    These past couple of months have been the worst of my whole life.

    No use being subtle.

    ... nothing short of an earthquake could shake them loose from the kitchen.

    ... instead of cooking it on the stove, you bake it in the oven.

    I'd never understood their fascination with cooking.

    They don't let you bring recipe cards to the finals.

    I didn't make the finals because I'd been overconfident.

    I stifled a bored groan as Tonya went on.

    She probably camped out all night to be sure she'd be one of the first in line.

    As if he sensed my stare, the guy suddenly looked in my direction.

    I felt all shivery and sizzling at the same time.

    That was some pretty fancy footwork.

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    I don't plan on making a career out of basketball.

    ... from the way he looked at me as he said it, I got the impression he had something more intimate in


    I guess she was right along, ....

    There's difference between deafeating a guy in a basketball game and beating him to a bloody pulp.

    All the time I thought I was dazzling him with my cool moves, I was actually driving him away.

    You've probably seen my name in the paper.

    It's been his dream ever since I've known him.

    There is nothing wrong with a guy using his brains instead of his muscles.

    I will help you come up with something that won't bring disgrace on the Richardson name.

    " Sportsmanship ". That's what it's all about.

    .... he looked every bit as hot as he had yesterday in shorts.

    Are you heading to Room Thirteen now ?

    ... as a guard informed me when I got off at the third floor.

    I was getting more nervous by the minute and it didn't help any ( at all ) to discover that ....

    I stood behind it with a pasted-on smile.

    ... punch him right in the nose.

    He'd apparently decided I was a pathetic wimp ( someone who has a weak character and is afraid to do

    something difficult or unpleasant ) who was so unglued ( extremely upset or angry about something ) by

    a little criticism that I just gave up.

    I've got plenty of better things to do with my time.

    I guess that means we're out of the running. ( no hope of winning a race or competition )

    It felt great, just as good as winning a basketball trophy, and a lot less sweaty.

    She really acted like a bubble-brain.

    She tied up the phone for hours with one of her friends ....

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    She spends an eternity in the bathroom gluing on fake nails covered with gold glitter ....

    I was filled with mixed emotions.

    She seemed totally absorbed in what he was saying.

    His tone was icy, but Nate didn't take the hint.

    I tried to pull away, but he held on tight .....

    We'll work things out somehow.

    ... he'd rushed to comfort her the minute she turned on the tears.

    That ought to make those judges sit up and take notice.

    but then I came to my senses, and pulled away.

    Just leave it out for a while, it'll soften up in no time.

    I was always goofing off with my friends instead of doing homework or chores.

    ... from the way you and she were acting at Scardilli's, you sure looked lovey-dovey.

    Stephanie was always criticizing my cooking, and it got under my skin. ( they annoy you, especially by

    the way they behave )

    I was up very late last night working on my cake, and I am really beat this morning.

    Nate's such a terrific guy in so many ways.

    I just can't believe he turned out to be a male chauvinist. ( someone, especially a man, who believes that

    their own sex is better and more important than the other sex )

    Nate's not a chauvinist in the usual sense.

    I'm actually eager to see how it measures up ( to be good enough to do a particular job or to reach a

    particular standard ) in the competition today.

    A romance between two of the contestants sure would spice up ( to add interest or excitement to

    something ) my article.

    ... my feet seem to be stuck to the floor.

    He's bound to give her higher marks !

    She was talented enough to win on her own merits.

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    .. she could be stripped of her title.

    I thought we'd go off somewhere together for a heart-to-heart talk

    Can't Stephanie spare you for a few minutes.

    If you want to get back together with her, okay, but at least be honest about it.

    ... a line of people waiting to board a ride, .........

    Why are you so stuck on Nate. Sure he's cute, but you're completely opposites.

    But if honesty is hereditary, then to follow your logic, dishonesty is hereditary too.

    ... the appearance of any dish could help set the mood and add to the festivity.

    .. hoping he'd come rushing up to me with some logical explanation of why he had been delayed.

    I felt the heat rush to my face.

    I believe you've committed a personal foul.

    .. he'd score her so low in every event that she wouldn't have a prayer of winning the championship.

    ... once she had his words on tape, ...

    .. I wanted to get things straightened out between us.

    I was within sight of the semifinals too.

    ... if both my girls wanted to follow in my footsteps.

    I never really thought I'd get this far.

    Try to understand --- by myself I'm sure I can win

    Deep down I'd never expected to make it to the finals.

    I get that way after a big defeat, but I always get over it sooner or later.

    I was confident of my ability to get through this demonstration.

    .. you've obviously inherited the family talent ....

    I tried to get you out of the house ... . but you wouldn't budge.

    I didn't win today. I came in fifth.

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    She wears a size eight, while I am fifteen pounds overweight.

    I can't seem to keep it off, no matter how hard I try.

    I was sick of them all by now.

    The Quick-Drop porgram guarantees you'll lose weight and keep it off for good.

    ... ever since she'd broken up with Jason Myers, she'd sworn off boys forever.

    I'd rather go to the dance with Barney the Dinasour than somebody you've fixed me up with.

    I'm cutting off your allowance as of this week, ...

    ... but I didn't feel festive.

    I am here about the job.

    My father sat across from me, ...

    I was sure he was feeling as trapped as I was.

    He sounded very businesslike.

    Dad looked up from his paper. What's this about Laini's allowance.

    But if she doesn't slim down, nobody would ask her to the big dance.

    I'm afraid, I'm awfully short of help.

    .... he helped me tape the cutouts to the wall. It must seem pretty dumb to you.

    That threw me for a loop. ( to surprise and upset someone )

    The people on that condo board are just a bunch of insensitive stuffed shirts. ( someone who behaves in

    a very formal way and thinks that they are important )

    They're shallow, insensitive, and just plain disgusting.

    .... who was so obsessed with keeping up appearances, ......

    ... his antirich, antiprivate-school attitude annoyed me no end. ( very much )

    .... it's only for the dogs. People treats come later.

    He just seems kind of listless. ( feeling tired and not interested in things )

    A long, shiny black stretch limousine pulled up to the curb.

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    I think Frank's been putting you on.

    It's like getting the scoop ( used to ask someone for information or news about something ) on a rock

    star, you know ?

    Laini - She says all the girls are crazy about him.

    Jana - It figures. ( used to say that something is reasonable or makes sense )

    He doesn't hang out with any particular crowd.

    Laini - I didn't ask.

    Jana - Why not !

    Laini - Because it doesn't matter, that's why not.

    After I thanked Jana for the snooping she'd done on my behalf, we hung up.

    I bet all the girls at Lincoln Park will be green with envy when they see this picture.

    You wouldn't believe how much business has picked up since Wednesday.

    With Christmas only a week away, the holiday rush was in full swing.

    The decorations from Edgar's party were still up.

    I'll have you know I walked home last Saturday, but your chauffeur picked you up in a limo.

    I saw it with my own two eyes !

    He'd just dropped off a wedding party near here, so he swung by and gave me a lift.

    You are solidly built, that's all.

    The expression on my face must have given me away, .....

    You certainly don't have a very high opinion of girls, do you ?

    I wasn't about to let down my guard.

    As we gathered up the remains of our lunch, ........

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    She'd probably think it was totally wacko. ( silly )

    Pork isn't nearly as caloric as some people think, especially if you trim all the fat.

    I'm glad you are finally beginning to take dieting seriously.

    I honestly don't know what the local laws are in those cases.

    .... attempt to reach a settlement out of court.

    No lawyer looks like a fool if he represents his client to the best of his ability.

    .. pot-bellied pigs are definitely considered pets and nothing but !

    Ask Mrs Hepplewhile to call me so I can go over the specifics with her.

    They are very skittish about being bathed.

    He seems very affectionate.

    May I drop you at home on the way to my office.

    On their way out, they passed Mr. Blazek coming in.

    You have to rough it ( to live for a short time in conditions that are not very comfortable ) in my car.

    One brownie won't kill you, no matter what kind of a diet you're on.

    My vacation has been a real drag so far.

    Do you have plans for New Year's ?

    ... he would feel out of place ( not suitable for a particular situation or occasion ) with a bunch of boring

    rich kids ....

    I think it's neat ( very nice and pleasant ) that you went to the trouble of getting your father involved in

    Hamlet's case.

    That sounds like a mob scene.

    .... he helped me on with my coat ..........

    Because of the snow, cars were stuck all over the place.

    It took me a while to come down to earth, .........

    Jana has experience with this sort of thing.

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    I finally decided to give Frank something impersonal, like a book.

    So I bought it, and asked the clerk to gift-wrap it for me.

    Just give it to him and get it over with.

    I know it's short notice, but we're having company tonight....

    She has great taste in gifts.

    Where does that leave me ?

    .... chubby me certainly wasn't any competition for super-slender her.

    We have lots of sizes and styles in different price ranges.

    She lives right down the street from me.

    Sheila and I dated for a while last year, but it didn't work out.

    Frank probably felt relieved to be rid of me.

    I have Laini's best interests at heart.

    Save the romancing for later.

    It's always kind of casual, so you don't have to dress up much.

    What kind of boy is this Frank person.

    .... he's good at winning arguments, and he was on my side.

    Don't sweat it, Laini. Sooner or later I'll win her over with my boyish charm.

    .... my mother is friends with her mother.

    I guess she might be a little jealous of the way you look though.

    .... she doesn't have enough meat on her bones.

    I like girls with personality and brains.

    A girl can be an absolute knockout, but if she's a bubble brain, no guy's going out with her more than


    ... somebody you could show off to your parents and your stuck-up ( proud and unfriendly because you

    think you are better and more important than other people ) friends.

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    Maybe she was beginning to mellow out ( to become relaxed and calm, or make someone relaxed and

    calm ) a little.

    It just goes to show how much can be accomplished when you put your mind to it.

    It was a neat idea, getting Hamlet on the news.

    What nerve! Okay, I admit I'd given her the opening, but what business was it of hers anyway ?

    You must have said or done something that rubbed him the wrong way.

    ... whatever is wrong between you and Frank is worth patching up. He's a pretty neat guy.

    ... my relationship with Frank had gone down the tube.

    I don't care much for crowds.

    I never want to hear you put yourself down about your weight.

    Melaine had landed a terrific summer job at a nearby theme park with no trouble at all.

    Maybe she'd know of something I would be right for.

    The phrase gave me a funny feeling inside because I'd always thought of myself as 100 percent


    You've never paid much attention to your Korean roots.

    It might be kind of hard to ignore your heritage in such a setting.

    If they hire me because of the way I look, that'll be fine by me.

    I don't see why not !

    .. while you're at the park, I can visit with ( to talk socially with someone ) Aunt Daisy. I haven't seen my

    sister in quite a while.

    Mr. Olive Brown was seated behind a big old desk looking me over.

    I felt my face getting hot.

    I've lived here ever since I was a baby. I'm American to the core.

    I am going to go with my instincts and hire you.

    What's with this guy ? I wondered.

    She's a supersales person, and that's what we need to the shop off the ground.

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    I'm counting on you to show Cappie the ropes. ( to teach someone how to do a job or deal with a system


    Why was he so cold to me ?

    Tomorrow I'd make so many sales that he'd have to be impressed.

    What's not to like ? He'll warm up to you eventually.

    Don't pick on Bryce, Cap. It wasn't his idea to play Prince Charming.

    I hang out here after hours ( after the time when a business, especially a bar, is supposed to close ) all

    the time.

    Usually we don't have to report for work until ten, ....

    ... you blurt out whatever comes into your head ....

    Hey! Don't call people names, okay ?

    I break for lunch at twelve-thirty.

    I don't have a clue about what my schedule will be yet.

    I felt a surge of adrenaline.

    I made a bunch of sales.

    Kids would go nuts for them.

    And they are a real bargain, too !

    My brash ( behaving too confidently and speaking too loudly ) technique paid off.

    Ms Markoff looked at me with respect.

    None of Storybook Park's gift shops has ever racked up this many sales in one morning.

    John worked very hard keeping the shelves stocked.

    I am out there yakking away !

    I want to get the customers to buy our merchandise.

    I prefer to eat by myself.

    What'll you have ? My treat.

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    His face lit up when he saw me.

    ... the idea of dressing in Korean costume gave me a peculiar feeling.

    I am here to earn money for my college education.

    John, I am just trying to get you to loosen up ..........

    You've both done a fine day's work.

    ... we just met yesterday. It's not like we're going steady or anything. Don't rush me, OK ?

    Bryce was coming on to me so strong, while John wouldn't even give me the time of day.

    I have mixed feelings about it.

    I've already asked John, but it's like talking to a wall.

    I have been hearing a great deal about you.

    She was a real knockout !

    .... she's way too old for him.

    If we don't make tracks ( used to say you must leave a place, especially when you do not want to leave ),

    we'll both be late for work.

    I was dismayed by his reaction.

    She fussed with my gown a little more

    Gotta grab a bite to eat now, but I'll pick it up after work OK ?

    I strained to hear what they were saying, but I was too far away.

    I know you'll be a smash hit. Break a leg ! ( to wish someone good luck )

    Melaine : Scott doesn't know I'm alive.

    Cappie : Well, it is high time ( used to mean that something should have been done already ), he found


    I was determined I was going to get to the bottom of it, no matter what.

    ... he told me I was beautiful, I almost passed out.

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    A guy doesn't tell a girl she is beautiful unless he likes her a whole lot.

    .... when the crowd had thinned out a little, I asked casually .....

    He looked so genuinely upset that I took pity on him

    I don't feel much like partying ....

    That threw me ( to confuse or shock someone, especially by suddenly saying something ) for a minute

    until I fugured out what he was trying to say

    Tell me the whole story, from start to finish.

    .. he's had a pretty rough night of it.

    You never can tell how things will work out.

    .... we'll be back in plenty of time.

    ... the other kids were waiting on line for the ride when we got off .....

    I accepted a dinner invitation for six o'clock, and I can't back out at the last minute.

    Let's just forget it, and enjoy what's left of our time together, okay ?

    I didn't like that one bit.

    Sooner or later he's bound to realize it's all an act.

    I don't have a clue what to wear to a Korean family's house.

    That way you don't track dirt all over the place, right ?

    I've kept my part of the bargain. Now, it's your turn.

    .... from the rigid set of his shoulders, I could tell he is listening.

    We seemed to be right back at square one before our short-lived friendship had begun ...

    .... his friend won't ask her unless they double with us.

    Oh, I doubt John's planning on going.

    John and I began taking inventory at the gift shop.

    Do you get paid extra for that ?

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    Since it was Bryce's day off, he wasn't waiting for me.

    I'm my own person, and I am every bit as upset about this as you are.

    How dense ( stupid ) can you be. I am talking about you.

    You've given me an awful lot to think about.

    I am going to try to squeeze a confession out of him as soon as he comes back.

    John had been polite but distant.

    I think I'll take a little stroll.

    He chased after me, ....

    You are one radical foxy chick, Cappie.

    You sure are catching on to ( to begin to understand or realize something ) American slang in a hurry.

    Not everything about a Carribean cruise is fun and games.

    Do I look dumb ?

    The going was slow because all the other orange-clad passengers were moving in the same direction.

    Josh had never once called me by my first name.

    Somehow Dad and I managed to help each other through that terrible time and pick up the pieces of our


    For a while I was afraid maybe Dad would marry her out of sheer loneliness.

    I've been working pretty late these past few nights, and I am bushed.

    There didn't seem to be much for people of Dad's generation.

    ... a feminine voice called, snapping me out of my thoughts.

    She's really into New Age mumbo-jumbo. ( religious beliefs or activities that seem without sense or

    meaning )

    Yeah. It'll be a breeze for me.

    Maybe I could even pick up some pointers from her on how to attract my special guy !

    From somewhere out of sight, I could .....

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    He seems to be in his late teens, maybe even twenty.

    His smile broadened.

    Duty calls, I am afraid. Catch you later, Cassidy.

    I found her sitting in her lounge chair - alone.

    And since he's reading a thick book, he must have a few brains.

    ... so I figure he's up for grabs.

    Easy. It's written all over your face.

    Come on, girl, don't keep me in suspense. Give !

    Well, there really isn't a whole lot to tell.

    I couldn't hold out any longer.

    Lanessa held up three fingers and began counting off.

    He'll be too tied down with his job to have fun.

    Don't look so bummed.

    I guess I don't stand a chance with him.

    Suddenly, Lanessa leapt to her feet.

    I just woke up from a nap myself.

    The meals are served at specific times, you know,and if you are late, you might miss the first course.

    From the back, the girl looked about the right age to be in Marcus's group of charges.

    I stifled a groan of utter dismay.

    Mrs. Cortez spooned sugar into her iced tea and smiled at my father.

    It's nice to know that Cassidy will have a friend to pal around with.

    Each utensil is for a different course, dear.

    Josh : I thought you might like some company.

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    Cassidy : Well, you thought wrong !

    I just wanted him to keep his distance.

    We'll make a Ping Pong champ out of her in no time.

    I could feel my face flaming.

    In spite of the heat of the sun, I felt chilled to the bone.

    She made it lots of fun.

    As for me, I was too embarrassed to stick around.

    In desperation, I play dumb.

    .. there was something fishy about that allowance you gave her, so I wormed it out of her.

    Is that any way to talk to your brother. ?

    As for pulling pranks, you got me beat by a mile.

    You mean you won't tell on me ?

    So, how's your scheme working out ?

    I brought a friend with me.

    I hardly think Cassidy's in danger of that.

    And watch out for her temper - she packs a mean punch.

    Sorry about that ridiculous display. Josh is a terrible tease.

    You don't resemble each other in the least.

    This song is one of my favourites. Shall we give it another go ?

    The part about human sacrifices really grossed me out, ........

    I blushed with pleasure.

    Absolutely, I wouldn't have it any other way.

    I don't mean to ruin this cozy moment, .....

    You have made such a hit with all the little girls.

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    Varya was just steamed because he had spent so much time with me last night at ......

    Cass, you'd better get a move on. You're not getting any younger, you know ?

    That was jealousy talking.

    I'm ready to catch some rays.

    If it'll help you with Marcus, I am all for it.

    As for Josh, he is a free agent. I had no claim on him at all.

    I managed to say with an artificial smile.

    This was getting really sickening.

    Take your choice, I need to cool off too !

    Funny - you do not look a thing like your mother.

    Take charge for a bit, will you ? I'll be back shortly.

    I was trembling all over with excitement.

    I want you all to myself, where no one can interrupt us.

    I stared at her in confusion.

    I was so shocked that I stood there with my mouth hanging open.

    His hair was still damp from the shower, ....

    He's the kind of guy I've always dreamed about. I don't want to blow it with him.

    I couldn't seem to put together a coherent sentence.

    I felt heat flaming in my cheeks.

    Why don't you tell me you had a thing for Josh. I would have backed off. But you acted like you were

    wild about Marcus.

    And he was a good sport about my kissing bet too !

    Yeah. I knew he was your boyfriend, so I was up front with him.

    Ask that greedy brat.

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    That outburst was uncalled-for.

    Tell me more about your tour, Mrs Cortez ........ She seemed happy to oblige ....... ( to do something that

    someone has asked you to do )

    I couldn't stand the way Josh was shutting me out.

    I knew I should have brought my spare stomach.

    Meanwhile, Lanessa was losing her cool !

    ... I am the old-fashioned type. Girls who come on too strong turn me off.

    And then he turned away and walked off.

    For the first time since I'd known her, Lanessa Greene had struck out. ( unsuccessful ).

    The euphoria of the previous night

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