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the evening star. Washington, d. c., Monday. February a. i<m


Candlesticks Dedicatedby Bishop Manning.

By th* A*»ocl»ted Pres*.

NEW YORK, February 3.- Two taliMrnorah lights, standing at either aideof the high altar in the Ca.hedral oiSt. John the Divine (Episcopal), arebelieved by' Bishop Manning to markthe first use of the symbolical seven-branched candlesticks of Judaism tn acathedral.

The twin lights, which are the giftof Adolph S. Ochs, publisher of theNew York Time*, were dedicated byBishop William T. Manning yesterday,assisted by Very Rev. Milo H. Oates,new cathedral dean.

Bishop Manning called them symbolsof the debt owed by Christianity toJudaism.

“This gift is a beautiful and signifi-cant one, both religious and historical,”said Bishop Manning. "Mcnorah lightswere used in Solomon's Temple in Jeru-salem, and they are still used In Jewishsynagogues throughout the world, butthis is the first time Mcnorah lightshave ever shone in a Christian ca-thedral.”

The Menorah is symbolical of thecreation. The center light representsthe Sabbath, and the other six eachreprseent one of the days of creationas described in the Old Testament.

Dean Gates, in his sermon, said thelights were believed to be the mostmagnificent examples of the Menorahanywhere in the world. They are fash-ioned of bronze and gold and stand 12feet high.

SEWING CLUB FORMED.Lsdiea of M. E. Church at Leonard-

town Organize.•p*ri»l Dispatch to The Star.

LEONARDTOWN. Md., February 3.—The ladies of the Methodist EpiscopalChurch of Leonardtown met at thehome of Mrs. Stephen M. Jones andformed a sewing club that will meeteach Wednesday afternoon.

Although no officers were elected orgeneral plans made, Mrs. Stephen M.Jones of Leonardtown is at the head ofthe organization.

Those In attendance were Mrs. RogerRichardson. Mrs. Harry M. Jones. Mrs.I. Stanley Johnson, Mrs. Henry S.Van Devanter, Mrs. Robert S. Han-ford. Mrs. Ernest Burch, Miles town, Mrs.Charlie Fox well, Mrs. M. C. Baker. Mrs.Thomas F. Foxwell, Mrs. D. J. John-son and Mrs. Btephen Jones acted ashostesses to the occasion.

LEMUEL B. MOORE DIES.Front Royal, Va., Farmer Served

in Internal Revenue.Special Dispatch to The Star.

FRONT ROYAL. Va., February 3.Lemuel B. Moore, 70 years old, a prom-inent fanner of this county, died Satur-day night. Heart trouble was the causeof death. He served for years In the In-ternal revenue service. He also wasconstable in this district.

He is survived by three daughters,Misses Effie and Emma Moore, Mrs. F.B. Wicks of Syracuse, N. Y., and thefollowing sons: Clyde of Washington,D. C M Haywood of Harrisonburg, Va.;Basil of Annapolis, Md.; James of NewYork City. Herman and Everett of Phil-adelphia. Harrison of East Orange, N. J.,and Lunsford of Racine, Wis.

Funeral services will be held at hishome tomorrow afternoon. Intermentwill be in Prospect Hill Cemetery.

Altar Lights Dedicated

I »



I .HMt

11 One of the two Menorah lights,¦ copied from t'.tf Biblical description of

! the candela'*.i in King Solomon’sTemple in Jerusalem, and which yes-terday were r.ccepted and dedicated byBishop Manning as a gift to theCathedral of St. John the Devine inNew York, from Adolph S. Ochs, pub-lisher of the New York Times. Thelights, placed at the sides of the beau-tiful cathedral altar, were modeled withgreat care and accuracy of detail fromthe Biblical description.

—Wide World Photos.1


‘ AID SOCIETY TO MEET.Mias Xirwan 'Will Address Session

on Saturday.Special Dispatch to The Star.

OXON HILL, Md., February 3.—Miss jKatharine T. Kirwan. executive secre- jtary of the Maryland Children’s Aid So-ciety, will apeak at a meeting in .theOxon Hill School auditorium Saturdayafternoon at 3 o'clock. She will dis-cuss the work of the society. The meet-ing will be under the auspices of thedepartment of public welfare of theOxon Hill Woman’s Community Club.

Residents of Prince Georges Countyinterested in the welfare of dependentchildren arc invited to attend.

Beat Purgative for

Ig| aygggSgsfJqRelieve*

the congestion, reduces com-plications, hastens recovery.


t:Eleven Others Are Hunted in Gov-

. ?<eminent'* Third Drive in | ?<

Northern Section. j?<?<

| Sr the Associated Press. !

OROnNO, Idaho. February 3.

i Tfdrty-one persons were under arrest 1; and eleven others were being hunted itoday as the result of the Government’s a<third effort to dry up the wet areas ofNorthern Idaho.


Prohibition agents swooped down J,upon Orofino Saturday night armedwith a sheaf of warrants. All but one t><of those arrested were charged with latconspiracy to violate the Federal pro- ,a<hibition law. The single exception wasCharles Crumpacker, who was accusedof selling liquor. ?<

The Federal movement against the ?<liquor traffic of the Orofino area fol- ?<lowed the wholesale operations againstthe wet towns of Mullan and Wallace, f;Idaho, about two months ago. Nearly200 persons were arrested in Mullan p<and Wallace and nearly all the city of- ?<ficials of Mullan have been convicted

j of conspiracy. J]?<

Inspector Killed in Fall. £WARDENSVILLE, W. Va., February ?'

3 'Special).—Patrick Fallon, 45. rail-road lumber Inspector stationed here, ».died last night following a fall down »<the stairs, in which his neck was »•

broken. A heart attack was held re- ?'sponsible for the fall by physicians. -'He had rteurned from attending serv- ?¦ices at a local church when the acci- ? ’

: dent happened. He was formerly of; Buchan non, w. Va.

Bank to Beduce Par Value of StockLAUREL, Md., February 3 (Special).

—To vote on the question of reducingthe par value of the stock of the Citi- lzens’ National Bank of Laurel from SIOO a*

! per share to $lO a meeting of the stock- ?<holders has been called for February 26 jJ’at 2 p.m. at the bank,

( Roe 'I jj!, /ieYear ! jj’Round |

? a seasonal delicacy, 1’ V-/ now an all-year-’round * »<

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I Val ues •• • for EarlyFebruary Food Buyers


5 We Are Quoting an Exceptionally Low Price on | Buy Lard in One Pound Car-—WASHINGTON— ons—This Is the Modern

m va • m VVay of Marketing.

Self-Rising Flour package «r bulkGood news for you if you now use self-rising flour and even better H|F V

news ifyou don’t, as this special sale affords you an unusual oppor- H M#ltunity to acquaint yourself with this H U B

New Low Prices on Regular fine Product M

Washington Flour special BT ABo| |s&2y7izasscj SS'«IIJ5 C 2-25 C

Is there any reason why you vm_ n W vm

Quality "Butter? y America ’

8 Finest Bean Hole Beans 2Jr2 lcLfJjJ o’Jakes Ford’s Preserves &2 s* 49c

/§ a jj 1̂18 Old Va. Apple Butter S? 1" 2Sci wya White Soup Beans 3Sr 25cSanitary carton of A&g* r v


- Del Maiz Corn £ !

is. 3£ ! 40cGREEN BAG Sc Candy and Gum 3 sr 10c

COFFEE 15cCigarettes:: su> 2 25c“On the Tables of Those Who

p«K"o*_ Camay Soap - ... 2 sr 15c

Big tup - as. ™ Grapefruit - - 2 a' ‘ 43c“sunic." *g‘3e.| Grapefruit Juice --

“* 10c“Sanico” Bread Blue Rose Rlce -- 4 ~ 25c

j following loaves— White House Rice- - X lOcRound Top I Split Top

“t. mossklmans Apple Sauce - a* 10cj ,s-'-r M

Armour’s SIS Sees 3 r 59cInsist qpon “Sanico" Eggs and v _


swrr.sffjsL*"-*- Royal Gelatine -- 2 zr 15c< Sa “ico ”

Jello 21' 15c [Criscoxn 23cEGGS Diamondßr.Walnuts lb 29c

cx 49c Large SHELL Pecans - ->» 39c

| Libby’s Catchup 19c;2£" 35c#u Del Monte Tom. Sauce s 6c

2»£:5512 ¦?¦ 55 c Guest Ivory 6 25c Sss 45cgsr 3 a 25c


IS Nut Margarine 2S£ 39c« " i i" 1 i 1 11."' ' ' —' ———

«""""" ¦ ¦ -" 1 '¦--" ———,¦ ¦ ——————-i-" 1 ==s

3 In Our Meat Markets Fruits and Vegetables

Beef Steak Sale I Iceberg Lettuce «-< 121 c\ ... Tuesday and Wednesday Texas Beets 2 Bunches 15cj lb'^®C White Potatoes. .10 lbs.39c Florida Celery stalk 10c

i round STEAKS lb. 41c felfc £aiSff::::sS:2!*

D ... Z~c lh 01 , ._.. i

“ Norfolk Kale lb. 5c Old Cabbage lb. 5c« Boiling Beef.. Ib * 19c Sliced Breakfast Select Pork Chops lb. 35c< Hamburg Steak, »>• 29c 0 Shl’d Lamb Chops lb. 39c Ront VAfrAtohlncChuck R0a.t..>.29c BaCOlt Rib Lamb Chops, lb. 60c “i?®1 T®*61*®168 £% Ihs Cfe SfJ Pn-. Ribß...t '*-39c Rib V»1 Chop, Ib. 60. St Z> P»™S’ O for 2pC

Lein Pork Chops, lb * 29c Vs-lb. Shl’dr Veal Chops lb. 35c Carrots4 ' ¦



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