+ All Categories

t V O L. si N O . 201.

I govirnortoI APPROVETAX; I ON GASOLINE^ 'Senate Adoption Completes

Legislative Action cn Meas* ure Designed to_ Produce Revenue for Roads

BOZBB, Harch 6 -> (Special to ^ ® K rT b e News)—The two cent guo llne .

bill vh ich vlU produce a rev. estljiuited a t approzlauiteiy

|ffi^ft?<3PO.OOO t« 'b e used for ro&d aain- in Idaho, w u passod h r

gg&^^>^the Mnat« late Tuesday and goes povtenor.

Ooveroor Moore will sign the ■ K ^jm ea etzre u i t is part o f his high*

rovonae program. Tho blli been before tbo Idaho Jeglsla.

iB M a to r a tof m ore ' than six weeks. jBMM-TOe senate vote was SO to 10. B B n E ^ y (in ovcrwhc)mIn{; voto tho so n a u

tifrmlnnl waru-houso b ill *'«£'’]

■ H o ^ n t h a nnrR in . o f ono vo to tho I B S H t o sonate bill, p rovidint; th n t tho ' H B B w o e e f ra il llncii be de term ined b}-, ^ n |D a i r id in ; ; tho to ta l valuo o f a ll opcrat-

p roporty by tfio to tn t num ber of jB & U pJIe* under ono oTrnorshJp o r control, j B J a m recommc.ndcd out by th o sonato i M ^ S ^ m i t t c o o f tho whole fo r passage to- '

Vo more Important tax legisla* B w ’ tlon hM heen before the 17th ses* j S g tio a fo r 27 counties voold receive B h a suhstuxtlal incrosM in usessed. s R TiOnatlon and taxes, while th e oth* w « r conntiea would suffer in proper*W -tlOB* jl■ S o n a to r Jones of B annoek connty ^ n suecoodcd in amending tho b ill, giving;1 c itio s tho rSj;ht to ta x im p ro v o m rn tA f o f ra ilro ad s w ith in Iheir l im i ts , which

would add somo $4,000,000 in valuntion in P oca ta llo nnrt o p p ro i im n tc ly $200.- 0 0 0 In Id ah o Falls. Tho v o to of 21 to 22 rofrintcred on the c o m m itto e o f th o w h o le ’s ro eo m m cn d o tio n mny bc upact OD f in a l passage, when th e brond sJr-

^ o lfleanco o f the measure is under- "tood . . . .

- H ouse b in# sent to th e govoVnor by th o sena to Includod tlio redem ption

, i)riviIeRo to .property tUrco yea rs in a r ­re a rs on tax es oml am endm ents to tho gamo lawa.

San ita rlom ^ P asse s T h e tu b e re u lo ib hospita l approptla*

t lo n b ill, whieli would b u ild ono hos- ji i ta l passed tho house Into today . Oth*| c r house b ills inelado approp rin tions t o , e lim in a te glanders; roduction of ~0 p e r cen t l a the maxim um levy for cou n tie s a n d eounty roads; a memo-

7 la l to re s tr ic t im m igration a n d a ta x i o n ea ttlv , to be usod la tu b o rcu losls . /•rad ication . Tho houso k illed its bill w hich would repeal tho b o u n ty on pro* d n to ry an im als and a senato b ill pro- v id lo g fo r tho use of h ig h w ay funds,

-«sod w ith ia tho connties to w hich th ey ;■ been nppointod.


BOISK, Idaho. Mnr^-h fl OP)—T u e n ty* p e r ceu l rrdiictioii o f th e nmonsit o f

lovy mnximum of looi-l tn x in g tinitn iu

(C on tinued .on*-P «g«-£ igb t)

^ P r e s id e n t a n d ^ P a r t y S e t S a i l

f o r G o lf G re e n■ T w enty Mile Journey Down

B iver in Houae B oat is Inci­dent of Vacation

OnOM OND REACH, F la .. Mnrch 0,• OP)—A fte r insURurating h is yiorldn

v aca tio n t r ip w ith 18 holes of goK* -over tho Oromoad Bonch courso, P re s­

id e n t HardiBR, w ith M rs. H ard ing , le f t liore Into to«lBy on th<jTTcLcnn house- t o n t fo r New f im y rn a ^ n b o ^ 20 mile* ^ o w n tho Ind ian river.

' Thu p lans of tho ch lc f cxocutivo And M rs. H nrdlng and o f th e ir hosts l i r . an d M rs. K<lward B. M cLean of W ash ing ton , during tho houso boal voyago .called for tw o hours o f stead j aa ilin g w hich would b r in g them nl d a rk o f f New 9m yrnn, w hich I t is cx poototl nno ther gnmo o f g o lf w ill b< hnd tom orrow morning.

.r-^ -^T he presidential p a r ty a rrived al ''^ r o m o n d 'B e n c h n fow niiniiti-s n fto t

*ohpn a f te r having roeolvod cnthnsi '>'|fnstI^I*,irelcomes n t Jocicsonvillo and S t •^‘A uK ^1 n o .

' Vi^^Qclcsonvllle, a delegation ropro Governor H nrdee nnd tho elt^

an official g re e tin g and a AuguMine, whero M r. H ard ing h a

‘ sp en t several vacations nnd whero h • ] V, «xpocfs to spend n pn rt o f tho prcson . % •'one,, sovcm l hnndred old frien d s wer

n t th e *tatlon.T h e Sccrotary o f W a r nnd M n

A ugustin^ Dawes, former dire<Vi'► f f v (


N FA• ........... ..............i „ ..............

Rewards Jiescuer of I -Two Daughters with I

Check ^for $100j000San Fr3<noiBoo; InBuranco Man

' is Eocipient"'bf Unexpected Evidence of G ratitude

' SAX FRANCISCO.‘^ a r e h ,6, {Jp)— K. B. M ay, nn insurance m an of

8nii Frnncincn, form oH y;^ 'resident ■ * o f Sonver, today rocelvod a chock

fur $100,000 from U nitod S ta te s - Senator Lawronco C. Ph ipps of

J Colomdo, fo r sav ing tho lives of Senntur P h ip p s ' tw o daughters, D orothy ond Hcion, in 1004.

On Ju n c 5," 1004, M ay w as w alk-' inR down a s treo t in D enver w hen he saw a team of runawt^^ horsus

- d raw ing a cnroening buggj*. In ■ the buifgy were tho P h ip p s girls. ' K iildng his own life, M ay . seized ' tho rciiia o f tho horacH nnd rpseoed the girls who wcro unin jured .

Bi'imtor nnd Mrs. Ph ipps wuro in ' E iirope_nt tho limo b u t on th c lr ' roturn they hunted M ny u p ’ nnd ' I’uvi' him ii5,000 wJtJi "tlio aw ur- :uici' th a t hu would hear from thom P(;uin. Toiiny tho poHtman brought ’ tl V olii-ok for $100,000. ’

lilK llT S : riiiiiEEOiEs’’’ # — ' ' ° I d t i p H o u s e , W o r k i n g O v e r ­

t i m e , U s e s A x e o n T i i r e e

P r o p o s e d L a w s |

BOISE, Mnrcli 0.— :J^poclnl to Tlic ! News.)—Idaho 's houm o f rupreHontn* I

I tives lit u night scsnii ii to n ig h t killed ’ y u h o bnnk gunrnnteo bill in troduced b y '

U oprescntativo. Wililr.ms, progressive, , i:f M inidoka county; dofeateil m easures <

,n th a t would have perm itted poiiticul sut)- ' ).• <iivlsions to borrow w oncy iu nntictpa-

tion o f tnxes, nnd Irrigu tion d is tric ts tc f Divide themselves in to ilis tric ts fo r tho ’ piuposo of electing d lroctors from tho sub-districts, nn(I c o lte i b ack th e bill w hich i t passod Into th is afto rnoon re-

. jinelftg th e m txhm im ta x lev y fo r eenn- tics by 20 por cent, tu o rder to insert u provision to perm it com m issioners to

1 ' iTiake a levy fo r couniy fn lrs.The bank gunranteu Mil was lost by

\o to o f 24 to 32. Speaker K igo r nnd .InrnigJin, ropubjicans, v o ted fo r tho

la* bill, and Sw ift and l*arkcr, doniocrats, )B- iicainst it. Congdnn, i^da county, in :h*|<lvbate expressed tho opinion th a t not to .o n ly wns the propoHod iiieasuro improc 20 tW it, bu t tho presen t w aa uot tho 'o rip ro p e r tim e for legishition o f th is nn- 10- 1 ture, which, ho ind ica ted , should bo ax lp rpsen led n t a la te r dnte wheu condi- s ls ltio n s hnvo improved.>111 ‘ Hoprenentativc M nrkol, Tw in Fnlls, ro* toi>k an r\ctive pnrt lu th e movemont fo. for au thorising couuty commissioners ids ->o make tax luvles for ag ricu ltu ra l fa in .

F L Y E R S H A V E - C L O S E C A L L

Army Aviators on F light with Squad- 3E ron Narrowly Escape Injury when

Plane Takes Nose Dive into Oceano f ______

.IA('KS()NVIJ,LK, Fill., .M;in-1, rt OP) —Lioiiti'ujiiits Kirlcsoy and Folvor.

■ Minnniag plnno iiuitilicr 1> o f tho N'luail- ron of six arm y do lliiv iland plsnes, wliich arrivod a t I’alilo hoacji, ni-jir

in ti' tfiihiy, }viTrt>n-)y I 'sru j'c ) in- ju ry when their inar'iino tonlt a none d ive info the oooau i.t N'epluiie l»ca''ti n ad stuck in the saud abon t ten feet from shore. N’eitluT Clior was hurl.

The o ther plnnos o f tlio squadron whicli is 'o n tl 2S.'0 tnilc fliRht from

ci- Kelly field , Texna to Snu .lunn, I’ofto R iio, lauded n l Pablo ben-ih w ithout niishup shortly a f te r irlfO o ’clock.

I 0, --------------------------•Ida ■

T h e D a y i n le ft W a s h i n g t o nuse- , I — . . . . . —iles (By The Aasodaced Press)

A call for another national rfidlo tivo conference to be held a t the d*- )Bts, partment of commeice beginning

of March' 20 v as issued by Secretary ,oat Hoover.ody The federal trade commission was -

a t permanently enjoined by Justice ex. Bailey in the Diatrict c f Columbia

anpreme court from requiring the Blaynord-Coal compony of Ohio to m bit reporta aa to production costs,

ftcr The Interior department, in a de- clalon in the case c f the Boxana

at Petroleum corporation, a SlieU Un- " ' lon «ubsidlary, reaffirm ed its con­

tention tba t csm pules in which ipro- aiiMia have a controlling interest city cannot obtain leaser of American I a t oU lands. , ,

Chargee of Delegate Suthwlsnd > ho of Alaska, published is the congres* sent ilonal record, th a t' the comneiM (Tcre depirtmeat. had '* bonded the sal­

mon fiiberies of Alarka over to the Ohle*se-Saa r ra a d s c a fisb

, , tm r t” were chsracterlxed by Av , ” alstaat Secretary Honstnn as *‘tbe iree- ise jt comtf ete damaging bnnk ever

pot orwt."


LLS_________ ___

T T f f b r F A i x s , iP A g Q . w k



M o u n t e d T r o o p s J o i n P o s s e in

S e a r o l i f o r T w o D e p u t y S i i e r -

i f f s B e l i e v e d S l a i n in A t ­

t e m p t t o R a i d S t i l l

FB A N K LIN TO X , Ln., M arch C OP)— Members o f a troop o f cavalry froui rogaluna todiiy ju iue.l the posse of m or- than a thouHand mou searching fur two

• id ep u ty sheriffs , W iley Pierce nud Wed- Iley -C ra in , miKsiug stuee last Fridny,' wlien they w ont in to tho swnaips ti< raid a nioonshine s till and :ire believed by (he au th o ritie s to iiavu been slniu in the a ttem p t. j

Four iiiore men resid ing iu fhe vicin­ity of th e s ti l l hnve been nrrosted, lunk- ing n tot.ll o f e igh t tnkon iuto custody Btmpecled o f know ing souiethlng about the ilisnppoiirnnce o f the tw o 'o ffice rs.

Tho cnv4uiry«en voluutoorod as indi- vidualst'Tho posso gathered a l the cf urt house tills m orning. Some brought bloodhounds and othors b ird dogs. All

I monibers wcro w ell arm ed. |

I ANNOUNCES LOWER RATESOroat N o r th m BaUwmy Beducee tbe

. Freight Obftrgw ftom Mlddl».We8i- ent Pointa to Paeiftc Coast

' ST. PA U L, M inn., Mnrch 6 (iTV-Be- duetlons in fre ig h t in te s on certa in commodities betw een (,'hlcago nnd St. Louis to tho P ac ific coast nnd from S t.

B I’aid, Knnsns C ity and Omaha nnd in- . term ediate po in ts to th e Pacific coast wero nnnouncod todny by the Grent

N orthern rnilwny.The new ra te s a rc e ffec tive .\p ril 17,

•> nnd apply tb S ea ttle , Spokano nnd Tn- » coma, W ash.; P o rtland , Ore., ami Van-

couver, B. C.Tho reduction-rnnges from 8 cents to

(1.17 1-2 per hundred pounds. Commod- ^ jilles n .ffectcd iuehidn am munition, cash 0 registers, d rugs,' b o ttle s and fru it ja rs ,0 etc., pn in t, ru frigeru to rs , glnsa (rough ^II rolled), w indow glass, Inrd nnd substi- <

tutos, w ire ropo, starch , h ea ting ap-»• pamtfls, rubber tires. ; panned goods,*t n a to r bea te r, s tru c tu ra l Iron- nnd steel, o cast iron p ipe and nails nnd spikes.

>• D E N T I S T S A T T E N D C L IN IC

''g Several from Sonthem Idaho Points ' Participate in Conference of Two

Days a t Odd FoUowb HaU

The two-day clinic o f tho Twin F alls ” D istric t p e n t l s t s ’ usKociation closi-<J

Tuesday. A bout 12 den tists from point",including Boise, Burl?y nnd R upert attended . L a te s t dcn tin try methods were explnlned nnd n fenture o f tho

' cliulc wns th e w ork o f Dr. V. H. Senr>. uf S i l t Lnke. The cilnic wns held n t tho Odd FeJlowjs hall.

O fficers c lected w ere: P r. N*. .1.. Good o f F ile r, p resid en t; Dr. Loo Phil-

•L lips o f Jerom e, se rrc i/iry ; Dr. U O.I'Mgnr o f Jerom e, treanir'er. Dr. .1. F .

id -,Johnaton o f Tw in F uIIh li tlie out- e n ’tjoing president, and Dr. R. O.Iodot nnd an Dr. B. A. S u td if fo of Twiu Falls nre

the outgoini; secre ta ry .-ind treasurer, rospcotivoly.

es, \ I n c r e a s in g Use i" o f R a d io B r in g s “ V ex in g P ro b le m■et _______■ Hoover Oalls Second Oonfer-

ence to Consider Means of rto Eeducing Interference

W ASHINGTON, Man:< 0 OP)—A n­other ronfercnee', to coanider w hat ud-

. m inistr.ativo netion mny be takoa to extend th e fie ld o f wireless broadcast- ing und to reduce ji’tcrference, wns cnlled by S ecre tary llocver to be hehl

V beginning Tuosdaj'', M.irch 20. M anufac­tu rers o f rndio nppar.i’ us, operators of

— ,brondcasting e ta tio u i nnd others in ­terested hnve been invited.

0 A t a conforcneo I n id 'n yenr ngo, h recommondntions wero adopted fo r fed g eral log lalatlon upon tho subject, but 7 the bill Incorporating theso suggestlont

failed o f en actm en t hy congress.,s- Blnco tho ' Inst confercai'o, e llnover snid, tho num ber o f brondcnst ^ ing sta tlonn lu s bocn increased fron ^ 00 to CSl nnd eoaicwhcro betw eei ^ 1,575,000 and 2,500,000 rrcplvlng s ta

tious aro ia use. In terference, ho ndd ^ od, has increased g reatly , pnrticulnrli * since tho send ing s ta tio n s nro restrlcto i J ' to tho 360-nnd 400 nivter-lengths.

’« F O R M E R ID A H O M A N D IE !in _____

' Albert Clare Hindman, Federal Distrtc Id Attorney. Snffers Fatal Injuries 1

V Anto Accident in Canal Zonece -----J - PA N A M A , M nrch 0 OP>-Albpi ^ C lairo n in d m n n , U nited S ta tes dist^<

a tto rney in th e cnnal Eone and forme political lead e r in Id ah o ,.d ied toda

yr I from In ju ries sustalnoil in a a Dntom< bile ocetdcnt. ' ; ,

' I'l



Bonar Law Wi B ritish Inte]


National Assembly at Treaty Drafted a t L ; ble and Disclaims Re i Insistence by Powers

LONDON. M arch 6. OP)—The TurkLih N ationa l assembly a t A n ­go ra hns re jected th e L ausanne tr e a ty , according to a Constnntl* nopio dispatch to B eu te r’a.

A n offlcini telogram from A ngo­ra , i t la announced, s ta te s th a t th e assem bly [gave Its decision th ia

ra iEsia"BTOPiieLEy

Chancellor Cuno Tells Reichs­tag Germany Cannot Nego­tiate Situation iij Ruhr

LONDON. 'M arch 0 (/P)—T he F re n c h have occupied Mulh elm. th e s e a t o f th e S tlnnes intoreata, accord* in g to a Berlin dispatch to th e Tim es.

B E E U N , M arch 6, OP)—B eyond s u t l n g th a t Germany h a d n o t sug­gested th e insuguraU on o f nego* tia tio n s w ith th e occupying pow* e rs in th e B uhr. ChanceUor C uno’a speech befora Che relchsUig to d ay con ta ined no new or s ig n ifican t u tte ran cee relative - to th e s itu a ­tion .G erm any, ho snid, could n o t nego­

t ia te “ iu view of the a ituation creat* ed In th e Rhineland nnd R uhr th rough th o Franeo-Bclglan transgressions.”

T h o ehoncellor’e speech to o k th e form o f a lengthy pro test in w hich ho recnpltu ln ted tho aituation grow ing out o f tho occupntlon of tho R uhr from

S tho f i r s t d ay nnd tho more reeen t in- \*asion of points in Baden.

I Tho Frnnco-Belginn expedition into » th e R uhr, ho aaid, hnd thus fa r ro.solv-

ed itse lf in to a 'd ism al fa ilu re , tho ga in s from whleh nuggcsted n doubtfu l

» o ffse t to the alleged G erm an dclin- I quencics In tho pnym ent of repara- ' tions. Hc termed the French actions I in tho R uhr viciously inim ical to tho 1 w o rld ’s economic w elfare nnd to the 5 prom otion o f European reconstruction .1 Boforo ilellvering hin address, Chnn- t cello r Cuno told parliam entnry lenders

th a t it wouJd contain no sensationnl . announcem ent, na the governm ent hnd• none to mnke. Parlinm cn tary lenders >. w ere convinced tlint the go v ern m en t’s

a tt l tu d o would be bo con stitu ted tha t• th e Freui’h would not bo provoketl iuto (1 a declaration of war.

Charges A ct of T errorism

In th o ‘course of hia 'spoech th e chnn- oollor dcBcribeil Iho French docroo im ­posing the death penalty in cn tes where m il tniiisportation wiih Hcriciusly en- ilniigered by tho actiims nr abaontlona o f ra ilw ay officials as “ an ac t o f ter-

f roripm ngninHt the Oerman rnihvayuien, ^ com pelllag them by b ru ta l ponultiea

to be falso to fheir oath to th e Ger' '* m an hovorclgaty.">f Franco hns cxporiencod d isappoint

m eat ia all her economic calculation! und had mot w ith failu re in nil hei

n- political sclienici, he said, but she hai d- rem ained logical in her applleu lion ol to violence, nud th is hnd produced be It- tw een tho two neighboring couutrie ns a degree of hatred th a t woubl bo dif III flcu lt to remove.;c- The pcacu th a t hnd b'een imposoi o f upon Gorninny nnd to fu lf ill whlcl u- (lerm nny had literally Impoverlshci

horaclf, hnd been trodden un d e r foo JO, i,y Franco w ithout ono of .tho numoi

,ut (Continued on Pago F ive .)iRS —" * ■

EL PASO FEELS TREMBLOltr . ___Bt- B ligh t E arthquake Shock is Percep

ib le a t V arious P oln ta in T exas ' an New M exico; No Serious D am age

I'l* E L PASO, Texas, MarcV 0 OP)-*-.a lig h t earthquake was fe lt here a t 10:0

cir o ’clork tonight. Huil.llii;;s w ere aligh ly shaken and windows ra tt le d , b u t r

I dam age hus been roportod.ES W eit^ru Union offices h e re repo

th a t the-quiiko was fe ll ns fu r w est i ric t i-ordiihurg, N. M., (ts f<ir n o r th cs Al

In morgodu, and na' fa r 'c a s t na S ic r B lanca. R eports nro fWat I t wns tl m ost pronounccd n t Columbus ai

)Prt H u ch ita ,. 'N . M. No dam age, aa rfe t b roken E n d o w s and iu lling p laste r, h n e r beon roportml. ■”ilay S a n ta Fo railroad operatora say th ' mo- hnve lenrnwl the qunVe wna f e l t a s f

^■{lutb a s Aguas Culicnics, M exico.


JV NIIthstands Impor rvention in RuCT ALLIES’ U -S FOR PEACE

Angora Declares^ the ausanne is Unaccepta- sponsibility in Event of


aftem ooa tb n t th e d ra f t t r e a ty o f H Lausanne w aa unacceptab le a s i t was contrary to th e n a tio n a l pact.

The asflombly disclaim ed respon- BlbiUty In th e event o f th e pow­ers insisting upon acceptance of th e ap irit nnd le tte r o f th e trea*ty.

H E f ?fiUHflFlieESEEIIS

_____ 8t,

French War Minister to Keep p, Class of 1921 Under Colors; Plans Call for Volunteers f;”

PABIS, M arch 0 0P>—T h e sen a te 1“ today re jec ted an am endm ent to th e a m ilitary b ill reducing ob liga to ry sh m ilitary servico to ono y e a r and ch adopted th e governm ent p ro jec t o f cn a year and a h a lf service. The v o te tc w as 103 to 108. ch

_______ BPARIS, M nrch (/P)—Tho decision

o f the m lulnter o f w nr to koop tho clttsa of 1021 under th e colors u n til the end o f i l a y , to g e th e r w ith th 0 | projcct for six montha vo lunteers, la in terpreted in somo q u a rte rs , ns a n ­o ther indication of tho gov e rn m en t’s dctcrm fnntion to w ear o u t tho Oer- :nnus, and also a sign th a t th e govern­m ent is convinced th a t tho Germ ans will make every e f fo r t to continue the ir resistance.

While i t is o ffic ia lly In tim ated th a t there is no ren"on fo r a n y nlorming intorprcta tion o f thcso m ilita ry prccau-i liona, i t w as announced a f te r this m o ra lag ’s s it t in g o f tho cab ine t th a t thoro wcro stro n g pronouncem ents cn two other po in ts. .

I t is a m n tto r o f sim ple precaution, _ i t was explained, to hold>' tra in ed . troops un til now troopa nro tra ined .

Suggestions of fo re ign m ed ia tion t: t w ere d iscounted sev era l days ago t , b u t tbe sta tem en t t h a t nn d e r no t f coudltlon wonld m ed ia tion or 'pro* -

posals be w te r ta ln e d , excep t d ire c t official proposals fro m Oerm any

a concerning h e r w illingness to p a y v I reparations. \

I t is doclared th a t th e F rench gov '® B ernm en t's ]iresont in form ntlon would , " nut lend tu tho belief th a t th e Ger- mans have any auch in ten tio n now, ?

° o r, if they had , thero Is no reason to | expect they would nnnounco i t in the face of hostile public opinion in G e r - / mnny. 11

\- ’■ IIm peria lism D enied I

■0 U was o ffic ia lly re ite ra tc il todny *• thnt the F rcn rh hnvo no Im perialistic ' »» iateatloii, such ns nnnexiug th e R u h r.'

It tvas poim e.I out th a t the Germans Imvo iniiuey fo r ca rry ing on thu. Ruhr resiiitance aud buying coul in Knginad

r- aud rnn- m ateria ls m o th e r countries,.but noae fo r ropnrations. I t waa nd-

t- m ilted th a t d lff lru ltle s h ad nrisen for the Freneh and Relginns owing to tho

pr attitu<le of tho w orkm en ' who" w ero ' *'l willing to m ine coal b u t no t lond it on ( of the rars. F o r th is reason, th e coal | '«• hnuieil nu t. o f the R uhr djiring Febru-

ary, It is eatlm nted, npproxim alcd on-, '*■ ly .‘.0,000 tonu. ■ j

OOVEBNMENT MBMBEB LOSES ic l LONDON, Murch 6, OP)—Anothor ,ot member of tho Bonnr L aw governm ent, Uf. John W aller IHIIs, finan c ia l secretary - o f the trennury, w ni dofcateS^ fo r a

■‘<cnt in parllnm ont in a byo-electlon todny. The nnnounccm cnt causod a

|R l tremendous s tir in po litical circles to- nlRht.

Z ----------------- ' ........' B a ld w in S e e s Eve, ^ E n g l i s h - S p e a h

E c o n o m ic inoLONDON, M arch 0, (#P)—Tho eot

o r t vlctlon th n t tho tlm o suro ly w as eo;p

Jn" n o t j ^ t , w hoa tbiEnglish sponklng peoplea would b<

tho driven b y tho courso o f world ovent and I to 'jo in han d s and snve tb e w orld eeon ave omically and resto re iutornatlonii h a s ! tm de, w ithou t w hich G rea t B rita in ei ■ [pcciBdy could n o t p rosper or auceeev

hey I wns expressed today b y S tan ley Bald f a r I win, chancellor o f th e e^^eheqoer, a

' | t h e annual conference o f th ft-w om ea'


)rtunities for u h r S itua tion


House of Commons Dissuades Labor Leader from Pressing - ■ ' Resolution for Conference to Point of Division

LONDON. March 0. OP)—Tho debate In tho house of commons to n ig h t on a f fa ir s In the R uhr reflected the stro n g grow ing feeling which haa beon obaiTved of Into in the llbernl nnd la>

i bor press depreentlug the govom m ent'a a tt i tu d o o f benevolent neu tra lity and In sisting tlm t Englnnd lako a d o fln lte s tan d , not necessarily w ithdraw ing her troops from tho Btiine, b u t informlaiT

) Frn'nco p lain ly in a formal noto th n t P 'nglnnd dlaapprovea of th e ' F reneb

I policy and demnnds th a t tho F reneh govornm ont explic itly define Ita Inten* lio n s tow ard Germany.

J . Ram say MacDonald, leader o f tb e Inboritos, moved a resolution th a t w itb a vlow to securing pcaco, England should Invito tho Freneh and B elg iaa cham bers to oppolnt rep re sen ta tiv e com m ittees to moot n aim ilar commit> too o f tho houae o f commons to ex* cbnngo viewa on tho-oeeupatlon o f tb *R uhr, a n d tho problems of secu rity aad

J roparationa.

e M^. M acD o n a ld -R p p e rte d th*>I resolution in a speech charaoterix- o! ed by noderatlon, which elidted a from U r. Bonac L av «x»r«ssloi»

of f t f l acreement with many of his statem ent^ bnt the prime min­ister maintained his prevlons poal-

1- tlon th a t the time was not ilp* for IS intervention, t h a t . snch . a- mov*10 v o o ld b e tegarded iu hostil* t »

Franc* and th a t th* loraxnmant i t v a s no t prepazed to awom* that, ig responsibility. B* appealad to th*11* > labor leader o o t pn>4 th* .nu i- i> te r to a division, and th* zesola- >t tio a was talked oat. ;

“ M r. M acDonald’s plan provoked lit­tlo en thusiasm in the house generally;

, ’ L o rd B obort Cecil, H . A .,L . P ish e r a a d M r. B onnr I j w ,all agreed th a t St h a d U ttle to rocommcnd it , thongh m any o f tho spcakora voiced agreem ent v l t b th o lab o rito ’s general re ferences t o tho F rench action.

Bees Allies Ig n o re .M r. M acDonald declarod th a t Prane*

w ns re-w ritlng tho tre a ty of Veraalilea w ith o u t ‘ consulting h er' allies aa d 1 ovonta w ore happening whie^ were oa-

. . ly too like ly to load to a new war.Ho feared th a t tho . nations woro be- com ing Icsa shamefaced in openly ta lk - iug of p reparationa for th'e nex t w ar, und ho wnrned tho houso o f th e pos- Biblllty of Franco signing a sep a ra te

[penco w ith Germany and p reaen tlng I the nllles w ith tho accompUshod fa e t.I He adm itted th a t ho d id not In s is t

upon th e le tte r of his resolution, h o t ,jp only upon its substance, nnd u rg ed l,f. H in t Englund should hnvo th e courage . ins moral lead to Europe a a d,],j define her position nnd stan d by i t , m l injitoad of nllowlng hcraelf to be con-

tro lled by events like a puppet. Tho im portan t po in t was to ge t an in te r- natiounl lonn so ns to provido F ra n e e

tj,o " i t h the Immediate cash she nceiled.

'•'ro' L ord Cecil Agrees ^L ord Robert Cecil agreed th a t tbe

ry . ' govcrunw.‘u l should make i t qulto cloar to tho o ther governm ents whero i t

I s tood and w hat its policy was. i The primo m inister Insisted th a t .I Franco, had gained no th ing by b e r 'R u h r adven tu re , on the* eo n tra ry tb *

bor had eustaincd a heavy loss and It waa - ;n t, im possible lo prophesy th e on^flob*. a ry .H e adm itted th a t the governm ent . b a d ' r a no th in g i t could propose to th e boniia^ t lo n .an d sa id th a t perhaps tho absence e f 1 a a po licy wos bad, bu t to have a poUejr to - whloh cotild n o t succeed a n d w hiab

' I tse lf w as bad , would bo even woraai

) e n tu a l U n ion o f a k in g P e o p le s f o r S a lv a t io n o f W o r ld

eon* parliatuentaiy committee o t t h e ' com- tlonallst'Unlonlst assoaiatloQ. , :

. . Mr. Baldwin V ai of the opinion tbal?;?It was not ft dreart to foreeee

0* fu tnro ' world gw iS eie id ' V " Vrents these two same peoples aia^ /tld it- tb ih f^ teon. would malntaln .it M. :tb<^iuiAr.’'vow«f#V; lonnl whoso interests wire 7^n es- (T h e ehaneeUer as*MUAC.*4lM'-<iimeeed, ihe problem*,Bald- 6di1 tha t tbe greateal r, a t of the world-reited l e a ’s speaking peoples. •’ ' ''•


— I'

Federal Labor Board Chairman Points Out Menace in “ Or- fi ganized Advocacy and Use of Force” in Industrial Disputes i

--------8 P lU N 0 r iE L I) , IUb., Mnrcli 6 (/P)—

A d is tinc t movc'incnt o f citilizatioo in th is couiitry liuelcwunl tow ard tlio Jun- t| glo i» munifoHt todny, lien W. Hooper, clmlruinn of tlio Uiiitoa S tatea ruil- road, labor liimrd, dncliitcd horo toniglit before tho Illinois Association of Insur- unro AKi'ntn.

“ This ia »iot tlic outbrcjik of an occa- aionni individiinl or iho sporadic up- p, lieavitl o f an iaolutcd ro m n iu n ity ,'' lio derljiri-d.

“ I t is .tlic syntcmatii', orKnnizcd nd- ^ vocncy and ime of fo rcr in tho scttlu- m cnt o f indimtrliil controvcrslc«."Some of tho niunifoHtotioiia o f this, hc auid, wiTc fltrikos in exaentinl indua- . | trii’M, Jl niilroad .or coal strike lioinR II ofononiii; j>re«miro ai,'iiinBt-tlic employer l | in theory, but in fac t tlic rcnl oconomic |f prcf-Kiirc !H'lirnU|;)it tu Ijcar agiiinit the conKuniinK public. I

“ To clKirin-iorizo this procrsH nii rlv il 'h a rfa rc is nol iin. cxii(.'tferution, ” ho said. ■ • • 1

One rcaxoii wliy Htriko<i on rnilroadit nnd otlier pitliiii' iitiliticH cnnnot bo —. rnndnrted ^\-ithoIlt violence is becnnao -IVl the orK.'iiiiziitlons, in HuliRtanco nnd ef-. . feet, tench th a t violeneo is jiistifiablo. I TbiH in rimi.. l.y Mio J.eriudirals of these I , orgnnlr-ationN eontinunlly hnninierin^’ I info fJi<’ inirjflK o f ih c ir rv;i<U'rii Dim J no iniin hnn the rinhl to lako up tUo 1 ^ work which n s trik e r lins nbandoned. •‘'if

“ I t is a weak >jov<'rtunent Ihiit docd 'f 'li >11)1 ]>rovid<> sonii* method fo r the ad- tkc juHlment of Iriljor i-oufrovor:iios in th e rio e«senfi;il indiisfricH, w itliout ju 'tm it- six finjj liieni tn be fon;;hl out between tlv tbe iifiniediale iJiirtiei. A U'overnuion' sul wbii-li' htaiiils by aud I'^'^mits i-a|iitiil niii to jipiireh.H Inlmr ia the.si' enseu- tial ia<lii-<lrii's and ]><-rMiil>i labor to I.o v;i;:e civil w ar for th'- rn lre -s o f it.s na: j;riov;in<'iM, real jind iiiKiiiinnry, luvitcH >;u; and will iiltiniali'ly i-iicounler ehao i.” hIh

----------------------— da'UNIVERSITY COW SCORESIdaho crgls Lily Wins Stato Cham-

pionship for Senior Four-Year-Olds for Buttorfat Production

______ I’l,FN IV E rtS IT Y OP IHAHO, ^^a^>cow, ne:

Mnr.'b 0,— l.liibo S e^ is 'L lly , owned l.y "nl fbc rn iv e m ily o f Idnho, hn.s coialdcfed a rocord whicii jjives li'.'r tiie s ta te cl|nm- pionship for cenior fo iir-yen ro ljs in hoth tho Si'vcn ,Tnd :iO-<luy ifivisions to r .jj, bnttcrf.-jt proiliiction. She produced con.I ponnds o f m ilk !>nd -l-Otl jionnds q , | o f b u tte rfn t, efjuivnlcnt to 30.0S pounds o f b litte r, ia seven days, nnd -C8H.2 , poiiuds of m ilk nnd J'S.fl.S pounds of b u tte rfn t, o r lJ3.(iC. poundji o f b u tte r in , her 30-day test. This recosjl displnccsi ' T irnnlii Dc Kol Jo liannn Mechthidle, ow aed by ,T. S. H ulbert o f Nampn, who ‘ has been leader in the el.ias fo r several

Id:»ho Si'gifl L ily is not ouly tho 30- day chnmpion, b u t her record stands hsghe-st ever jiroduced in the 30-d.ay dl- vision for cows o f all ages. Sho sta rted tho te s t n t 4 years,. ^ month* nnd 10 days, nnd will bo continned tlirouRh th e vear on som l-offirinl teat. H er h ighest dailv m ilk pro.luction rcnchod 103.fi pounda. | “

T his show ing wns trado a f te r havinR com pleted a previous y e a r ’s rccord of 19,3ftC i>ounds o f milk, GOR pound* o f < b u tte r fa t <'quivalent lo TfiO ppunds o f of b n tte r, sta rtin j; th n t te s t a t \ l y ears j,a, nnd J month. Idaho Scjfis L ily w as jq hrod fl«d dt>v<*Jop<'d nn tho U niversity ] fnrm and ■Jvas aireil by KinR Scffls M at- ndor W alker, oldest and best proven aon of M atador S^rIs W nlker.. inc

OFFERS TREES AT COST ZIdaho TJnlTerBlty School of rorestry

Prepares to DIstrlhuto lOaOOO Twes to Encourage Planting in Stote

■DNXVERSITY OF ID A H O , Moacow, A t M arch 0 C/P>—I n purauanco of i ts l policy to cneournKO the p lan ting of . trees fo r shelter belts, •woodlota, and ornam ent ia Idaho, b y supplyinR tho | atock in lim ited qaantiticB to tho people of tho s ta te a t eoat ,thb BchooI of fo restry o f th e U niveraity of Idaho, ia prepared to supply all demand • fo r young treea th is apring. About 100,000 treea are d iatribatcd each yeor, ac- n , cord inp to F . Q. M iller, dean df tho „

. fo rea try school, and, since tho plan w as a ta rted conaiderably moro th an „,j a m illion trcca havo boon, supplied. j,j,

To enable peoplo to mnko proper i,p selection, P enn M iller hna iaaaed a Im llctin irblcJi aUo ia d u d c s tbo prieo lis t fo r lt>23, and tho numbor w hich co will bo avallablo to any purchaMPr „u A ccording to tho bulle tin bluo spnico, scotch pine, honoy locust, N orw ay Jij ninpic, Black locust, and N orway spruce nro tho moro popular species. er

Tho Bchool inv ites questions from be - thoso in doubt ns to tho porper tree s th

to aclcct fo r th e ir localities, fo r stud ies nr have been mado of tho vnrioua con- ?o ditiona in tho s ta te and tho fo rea try tw dopartm cnt ia in a poaition to rccom- f a mond • species w hich w ill provo m oat th sa tisfac to ry . A copy, o f tho bu lle tin so, w hich also includes p lan ting (nsfruc- thi tlona, m ay bo hnd b y addressing th e

- Befool o f fo restry , Moscow, Idaho.-ab:

RB A D T U E D A ILY NBW 8. jcln

>»“ rwNew Zealand Butter, Dl California Chickens

in New York Market o«Gothamites Look for Eeduo- i

tions in Price of Produce with Im ports Available

N k V YORK, Mur.'li G O?)—Tw o epoch-niakin;? nccuri'.'nees wcro rc- *’ po rted ill commercial olreles to«lay —ono tho n rrivn l o f n 5,3U0,000 <.ni pound carp> of ereanicry b u t te r Cn from Aucklaml, .N'ew Zealand, a n d lla the o thor o f a U,r»00.''00 |K)un<i cargo del o f poultry from -C alifom in . \

New York mnrkc*, moa announced th a t a fleet o f lin ttc r c-irry in jf A'* shipH was now on th e high sens w ith nonriy 10,000,000 pounds o f New Zealand b n tte r dostlnctl fo r consum ption in tbl^ country. I t s jo arriva l, i t ia p redicted, would send ti,( tho Jirieo o f crcaiiicry b u tte r to or consumers, down ti» 50 cen ts n su| pound. ter

Both tho b u tte r .uid poultry ca r- In Rooii cnme by w ay c f the P a n a m a voi canal. Tlio • tu rkeys nnd b ro ile rs from th e west was looked upon an CHpceially sign ificnnt, dealers ns- sc r tin g th a t, u n lil two. y ears ngo, Californ ia w ttH .dcpcadont upon in- to rio r stn tes fo r supplies, o f w hich she now grows su ffic ien t surp lus to — export.


Two Survivors of Massacre Identify Three Out of Six Men on Trial for Murder

MAKION, 111.; M arch 0, OP)—Two Hurvivors of tho H errin mino rio td lust Jn n c , tes tify in g fo r tho prosccutioii a t tlic second tr ia l grow ing out o f the rio ts, lodny pointed o u t th roe o f the six clofendiiulH ns hav ing tnken nu ae- llvo p a r t in tb e ilinorders w hich ro- Kultod in tho slnying of th reo union laliiorH and non-union w orkers.

T he tw o witues^-eM, Otis Law ronco of I.oiiisvillo, Ky., a firem an, anrl llor- nard J ihioh o f Chicago, an arm ed Hiiiint, }<iib>it:intiated details o f the Ntiiry told on Iho wilnes.i stand yo.sfcr- day b y Willinm Cairns, fliiothcr su r­vivor of the tragr<ly.

A ll th ree agreed th a t ' tbo non-union workers in tho m in e -o f tlic S outhern Illino is Coal eompanv had bceu nt- taekcii early in the afternoon o f Jn n c •.II, and th a t they had surrendered the noxt m orning a f te r being prom ised safo conduct.

C lark W ould KlU AU A fte r the unartned prisoners hnd

beon m arched about a milo from the p it, nccording to Law rence, u new leader appeared whom hc iden tified as O tis C lark, ono of th e defendants, and declared:

“ L e t’s kill them all and s top tho breed.”

Thu mnrch wns continued, Law rence and Jones teatlfied , nnd aomo men drove up in nn automobilo whom they w ere u n ab k N o id en tify although they henrd a should “ Hero comea th e prea- ident. H ere comea W illis.”

“ Bomo ono then auggostod t h a t wc bo killed thero in the rond, ono by o ne ,” Law rence asserted, “ b u t the man they callcd “ tho p residen t” de­clared :

“ ‘ You c a n ’t shoot them on the public highway. Tako them ov e r to tho woods and shoot them o r send them awny in a body.’

B reak S ta r ts F ir is f t “ T hen they took u s over to a s tr ip

of woods and lined us up b efo ro a barbed wiro fence. Somo ono s ta r te d to run and tho* firin g s ta r te d .”

I t w as a t th is po in t tb n t J ln to n lo M ulkovitch, a v e te ran of tho world wnr, wns slain . Tho aix men on tr ia l, including H ugh W illis, s ta te board member of tho Illinois M lno W ork- era, arc cliarged w ith hia m urder.


A ustnO iaa O cvem m ent D eddos t o W*- lUnaion I ta ly Follow ing T7aexpected A z ilv a l o f I ta lia n s

SYDNEY, N. 8. W ., M ar. C The federal governm ent has deeidod to communicate w llh tho I ta lia n g o v e rn ­m ent and mako i t known th a t A us­tra lia cannot perm it tho e n try o f in ­d igen t im m igrants, a s tho re a u lt o f Iho conccrn cnuBcd b y th e re c e n t un ­expected a rriv a l o f a ahip-lond of Ita lia n s and tho announcem ent th a t mnny of th e ir countrj-m en, led boro by "false prospects, wero lik e ly to beeomo chnrges tipon tho s ta te .

Tho fcUeral governm ent h a s the poiver uHder tho im m igration Jaw s tn control tho Inflnx o f a liens a n d th is n u tho rity is to bo cxercised as is necessary to p ro tec t tho A u tra lian pub ­lic, I t has bocn' announced.

A lthough tho New Routh W ales gov­ernm ent refused to n ld the largo num ­b e r o f allies who have ju s t a rriv ed , tho gravo fcara aa to Iheir fu tu ro have nrovo unjustified , as m ost o f them found emijloynicnt %vithin a d a y or tw o a f te r landing. Each s ta to h a s a fa ir ly Inrgo Ita lian popu latlnn tiiiil thoao who were In a position to du BO, havo como. to tho asalstanco of th e ir countrym en.

' WHiat is useless to you m ay bo vain- ablo to others — ndvcrtlao i t in tho

[ claaalfied ‘columns. 1


UTAH LIKELY TO CLOSE i_____ . d is

Oomegle R epresentatlvtts W ho Have Taken Bonea o f P reh is to ric A nim als j"‘“ from Diggings, C onsider S h u t Down

S A tT LA K E C ITT, M nr. 0 (/P)— " ' i T he.jlincu 'iar quarries. In tho thounlainasouth o f V ernal, .U tah, w hich during pre tho la s t fourteen years havo yielded m any skeletons, to workm en -o f thoCarnoglo In s titu te , mny bo closcil, nc- ° cording to word rocelved here . TlioCarnegio rcpresen tativea a re said to 1hnvo dlaconlinuanco o f operations un- der consideration. '

G eologists declare tho dinovniir, whiclfi "afexisted in the .M esozoic or Secondary ticiAge, to have been ono of tho moat megignntlc anim als th a t haa ever in- levhab ited tho globe. M nny Bkclctons imeifound nro 80 feo t In leng th , whllo bythe smnllest y e t unearthed is nbout wh12 fe e t long. Somo d lnosuara hnvo whthe outw ard configuration o f lizznrds bacor n lligators w ith fo u r sm all limbs *3supporting nn elongated bod y which naiterm inated in n long po in ted ta ll, fntIn others tho legs wero Inrgo nnd penvory Htrong while tho foro lim bs were fnc Bninll.

{skilled workm en n t Vcrnnl Inborm any m onths boforo rem oving a skelo- “ton ^according to D r. Jam es E . Tal- ^ m adge, S a lt Lnke C ity geological ou-th o rity , who waa ono o f tho porsons lea

Pictorial- E ovlew P a t te rn s A ie Espe iaUy Econom ical an d W eU C u t

N a t i

A W,

J u s t

F o u r ^

W e e k s P

to ( IE a s t e r ! |v : ; -

N o w F o r

T h e G r e a t M

R u s h i n g

o f P l a n s , W 1 1 1

S o T h a t ^ V ®

O n e M a y i M

B e R e a d y f iT O

F o r T h e ' [ m

P r o m e n a d e y n

_________________ U V i j

Pongee, Yard $1.3iA very fo rtu n a te purchaso of pon; inomtne w eight. E x tra spccial fi Week, 33 inchcB »■ wide. Yn'rd ................. ...... ......... ......._ 3 ),

Charmeuse $1.98 Ya■ We arc o ffe ring th is beau tifu l mate

tilnck, brojvn, Av^itc and navy,' -JO incli To clean up d u ring S ilk <p- Week, spccial y a r d ................ ............. 2).

Messaline, Yard $1.',. 30 inch messaline, fu ll ynrd, all sil

w eight nnd nico qu a lity . Colora blue, jade, hennn, brow n, wine, cocoa aenl, ligh t an d d a rk g ray .Silk W eek, y a rd _________________ fD,

New SUk Marquisei a t $1.65 Yard

Thia m ateria l la in g re a t demand fo .th ings. Shades of flesh and (P

white, 30 in . wido. Y ard________

- - - - . ^

Eg^-ptlan, B ulgarian a n d FaSsloy Cri more sombro nnd wolrd designs. P ri

. $2

Silk JerO ot size a spec ia lty . T h e F i t s V -Bl ors. P rice range—

SSW omen’s fu ll f&shlonod ailk hoae,


“ BLa e a i -

These Blouses mu n e w f i g u r e d c r e p e , l i g

BSBSiSS^ ____ I ______ _

EWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAnatrum entnl in in te re stin g tho C ar- H/ cgio In s ti tu te in tho w ork.The akelotons found in tho V om nl J

is trh it nro deep in tho earth In a ort. o f linicstono form ation. Y cars o f tudy nud research hns revealed, ac- u rding to D r. Tnlmudgc, th a t those URO m onsters wero ev iden tly ove^- I'holmed by inunda tion . i- - '

Vcrnnl ‘aiid S a lt Lako residents who ear the nunrry te rr ito ry m ay f a l l irey to curio liuntera and othcrB, 'have inder dlaeussion tho p robab ility o f * luto ' p ro tection fo r tho a rea as ono if the nn tu ra l w onders of U tah ,

-------------------------- thM E A T P B IC E S CO N TIN irE L O W ax W A SnrX O T O N , J ln r . 0 M>)— Wholo-

afo 'p^icea o f all k lndB of m cnt, pnr- ^ icu larJy .'f r e a h pork cu ts nnd a m o k c d of neats “ continuo n t re la tiv e ly low 0(1 cvola,” accord ing to a review o f tho th lent n ituntlon m ade public In a t .n ig h t rl: ly the In s tltu to of Tho M eat P ack c rs , ur rhich s a id . th n t d u ring Fobrunry tho tu I'holcsale pricca o f stnndard hnma, th lacon and p icnics declined sligh tly . fr

Tho foreign trndo during tho montli, side fo r a good dem and fp r Inrd a n d n t backs, Inrgt-ly fro m ccnlrnl E uro-' can countries, w as declared “ unsatis- - t o r y . " P '

20B eautifu l L igh t o f C heerfulness. re Lnughlng cheerfu lness th row s th e or

ght o f day on nil tb e pa th s o f U f e ^ eon PauL - dc

jTheBigW], The Store of St£

o n a l IMarch 5t\

Veek of Wonderful Barg

I f l i i rlv5f'il / A f y v t// i Q i\ Mil I

j y V VW Crisp Pongee,)ngec, 12 .\m ericnn produced pongcifo r S ilk Ooo,j qm,]itv. E or S ilk

51.39, .....-.........

Crepe Meteor,. 40 inch crcpe m eteor. C

r"w i',lth “

81.98' ’ ....... :....

;------ 36 Inch TaffetiAll i i ik ta H c ta in ivory

lilk, good maroon. Silkpeacock W eek, ynrd ----------- -----—

3a b ro w n ,

s i- 7 9____ Skinner’s DnSpecial $2.2ette

30 inch drcsa s a tin . T dark nnd - lig h t g ray , ble

fo r under maroon, w ine, navy .

B l i l KSpecial, ya rd ........ ...............

Oriental Silks> ep cs a rs among tho very b r il l ia n t sUl •rico rango—

2.95 ™ $4.95

'‘sey BloojTiBloom er Is etti^a size. Aak fo r i t b y ni

13.95 TO $8.45c, in ipcdium w eight. _B lack a n d color

» $1.98 $2.25

.OUSES, tust be seen to be apprec ght and'dark shades. S


rederal O ovem m ent C ontrlbates 95,* v in 880,000 O at o f . T o tal o f J18.821.000

. to b a Spen t B nrlng Comiz^ Y e a r S

W A SHINOTON, M ar. 6 M>>—Thero „ vns a llocated fo r cooporntivo agricul­tural oxtensio iT 'w ork throughout the 818.821,000 of w hich tho Federal Oov- Jf*' •rnm ent contribu ted <5.880,000 under ho provision of tho Sm ith-Lever Act. ’ ongress by d irec t npproprintion to ™ :ho D epnrtm ent o f A griculturo mndo ivnllnblo <11,028.000 in nddition for\'irnicr8’ cooperative dum instration , vork nnd $-tS,000 fo r cxtenBion w ork , . n ak ing a to tn l from Fcdem l sources ' jf’-’tO,033,000.’ Tho rem aining ♦11,808.- )00 >vns derived from sources w ith in , ' ho S ta te s , Including W,241,000 approp- -Inted b y S tnto legislnturca nnd funds ^ J m der control o f tho Stato ngrlcul- urnl colleges, 15,054,000 provided by ho d iffe ren t counties, nnd $1,973,000 from o th e r sourcea, mostly locnL .


?end leton ’B annunl festival, tho Round qui: Jp , w ill bo held thia year Septem ber !0, 21 nnd 22, according to a decision enched by tho stock^oldera of tho >rganixntion in chargo of tho ovcnt. I

H a rry Collins waa re-elocted preal- Am len t and tho « ffico rs wero re ta ined . d tf

hiteStore mmm.andard Qualit jr

mtwh to 10thlains Throughout The Sto

r f a r d 85c 'to. 33 lnchc» wido., T» 7 -

„85c NeuYard $2.95 '

C olor, taopo, b l.o k , SSo’ cmbrol,?C 9 . o c ; rord, styles

......... - ..... tjomo tailoreeorcd mate

' ' ' - rang(>—

;a a t $1 Yd. $22.517 , p ink , groen nnd

$ 1 .0 0 ------------

— 5ess Satin,29 Yard (Bich nnd lo .tro m ,lue, lilac , d a rk red , the stylo tr. A host o f shades. ip ring. Pei

$2.29 rango—

$18.5Jks, a s well aa th e ——

-------- Cotters (BOmo. A iio rtcd col- An io to rc .ll

m ntorials, c featu red in. children. J i 4 to K . Pr


Special $3.iciated. Of c r^ e de chine. Silk Week Special^3.?5.


IN CASE OF CRONKHITEV lrslnU Senator Announces Forpose

to Bedtiese lu io lxy u to Enforeed R etlreaent of W af Commaiuter

W ASHINOTON, M ar. 0 thow ar departm ent fa ils to - a c t In tho ease' o f M ajor G eneral C ronkhito. to - tlred , Sena to r Glasa, dem ocrat, V ir- cinJn, according to p lans outlined by him, w ill Introduco a resolution when congress reconvonps fo r ,n thorough in- qu iry by tho senato m ilitn ry committee.'

A resolution of Inveatigalion .was d ra f te d laat w eek b y Sena to r Ola.na, bu t ho was in form ed th a t I t w ou ld ' / m eet w ith ob jcetion nnd he w ithhold it , convinced- th n t. .th e sh o rt timo bo­fore ad journm ent mndo adoption im- poaalble.

Tho senntor said ho^ prepared his resolution w hen inform ed th n t th e w ar tlepnrlment- d f j n o t regard ovidenco o f nllegcd tam p erin g w ith o ffie ia l files bcnring on th o d ea th n t Camp Lojv-is, in 1018, o f M a jo r A- P . Cronk­hito, tho g en e ra l’s son, as anfficen t to w arran t ac tion b y a board o f In­quiry.

Defective Eyesight Common.It la cstliimtcd that 0Den]uarter of

Amerienn school children suffer from defective eyesight

Ig This Week Wc Will Featttre ’ Values Throughout th e Store.

V e e k


K Just^ Four -^ Weeks ■b\ I|Ai Easter! m Now For m The Great ^ Rushing Wi of Plans,

So That J One May — Be Ready__ For The


w Spring Suits

Cord, Pa isley Blouse. Scliif- roldered. S u its of n av y tw ill lea in balk ln bonc)t flnd blue, ilored su its o f tho m oB t fn- n atcrial and modes. P rico

.50 TO $75.00rriva ls every day . '


nts, new models em bracing all lo and design fea tu red for

F ea tu red m odels in twood id p lain . M ateria ls o f Rado- anclno and Oamelaino. P rice

1.50 T « $65.00


oats and Capes

CBtlng collection o f n ttrac tlv o I, combined w ith sty lo , are

in. our Coata a ad Capes fo r J u s t liko grow n' ups. Agos P rico mngo—

1.00 $9.76

.95le, georgette and the 95. Sizes 34 to 44.

3..-. ' ' ■' - . ' :

m o O Fi g g

Rains Throughout Rooky Moun­tain Region Improve Range Conditions and Facilitate theSpring Plowing on Dry Land

---------- 1D EKVER, Colo, M nr. fl OP)—HanRos

ahovT Ronio im provem ent iu Now Xrcx- ico niid A rb.onn due to tlio ' redout ra in s wliioh liuvc also facil*»atO'l BnritiK

^ plowiiij; ou ilry-lanil fnniia in these HtivtcH, iicconliiiK to th e «emi-iniiiillily fa rm mitoft o f th e U n ited Staten di- vlrtffin o t crop nnd liv c sto rk cstiroalm , inaiK* inil>lic licro tcxlay. L ivestock iu Utftli-iiiiil Nevaclu havo sufforeil »otti<>- w hiit from a siujav c ru st whieli re- n tr ie to l j^ar.iuR Im t Ioskcs Imvo fioen li" lit, nnd throijfihout tho llocky Menu- ta itr ronion «tt»ek.iiro »’>t;»H«ljtJnji. (taVH tlio report. I’roHjiorts in general for hoth fan n e rs and utock- men are borotninK b r ig h te r and n more optim istio outlook i i reporteil.

Condititiiis, aeo o rd ia ;' to tJift rq w rt, aro reported favo rah lo for w inter yrniuH in U tah an il N evada, b u t tho

'if - d ry fall and «evcru Htorius i»f mid- ^ w in te r hnve l.een very_ unfavorable

in Colorado and "SVyoniinR, flo thn t lh o condition of w in te r w heat rnnRO.f from pftor to tn i r ohJv. Tlio rercn t ■vvuriii w catlier liaH been favorab le to Krain in Arir-ouii, partiou larly la te p1nnttn)'H, and reeen.t m oisture will b en e fit tho w lieat c rop in Now Mexico i a -fleftions whoro i t han survived tho drouKht.

Tho easte rn rjiHffoa of A rizona, Bnys tho report, havo been p a rtly . reHovod •of drouRht by recen t rains, b u t tlio desert lam bing grounds aro stiU poor: nnd th ro u R h o u t Now M orieo a spring jjrass erop han beon assured b y recent

^ ra in s and snows, th u s jjri'n tly encoiir- flginff stockm en. L ivestock suffered from tho resu lts o f cold w eather in

^ U tah n n d N evada w here Rrar.inR was ham pered by tho heavy crust on the Hnow; b u t losses, nrronM nff to the re­p o rt, wero ligh t, f o r much feed was u s e d , both h ay n n d j;Tain. Tho condi­tio n of livestock continues Rood in ^VyominK a n d Colora<lo. Throughniit tho Rocky M ountain region the feed ■supply is concra lly su ffic ien t, al-

fom plniiit o f .shortage and hl>;h priccs is roportod in somo sections.

>k '^ le r e is n sho rtage of hay ia south cen tra land southw estern Wyoming, b u t thcro is a surplus in tiio Dig

> • H orn Basin and in Converse County I n th a t B tnto.

A n inercasod aexeaifO is expec te il'in th e potato aeroagc. A re la tive ly InrRe .Hurplus of po ta toes is reported ia W yoming, w ith l i t t lo demand nnd poor f tle e s , growers receiving ' 3 j to 50 cen ts por hundred pounds..

Much in te re st is repo rted in sugar beets in bo th W yom ing and C o l^ d o . Tom atoes, cuoum bera and melons aro being p lan ted in A riio n a ..

BUSaZA J>lSOA^DB n VT>HT.M MOSCOW, M ar. C —Bookkeeping

has . becomo a possib ly occupation ia Russia w ith tho ad v en t of the new

^ money. Six ciphers have been thrown into the discard. Tho new bills wliieh taho the place o f the old 1,000,000 rifhio tokens call fo r ono .rtihlo, nnd accountants now can book smnll sums w lthont w riting- ciphers c lear ncross tho pngo.

Also it is e asie r fo r Am ericans to reallto th a t a dollnr is w orth 40 rubles instead of 40,000,000.

FOR SA LE — F o r nntnting, kalso- m in ing and p ap e r hnnging. I'hone C. W o havo w all p ap e r nnd p a in t for < rc ry purpoac. J fo o n 'a Shop.—.idv.



I All You I Your

‘ ■ This Bank offers its5 ? cilities— Checking and’ J C ertificates of Deposi' ? Foreign Exchange, Tru' I ico.

I t offers Safety, sin I and Surplus, and opo

a and Federal snpervisio

a I t offers Sorvice^andits patrons throtigh e

fl is ovidenco th a t its sci

^ J _

Twin Fa & Tru^t


„ I “ Member ol Fedei

' ■ ■ rvG o v e rn o r A s k s

L o w e re d L im i t f o r T a x U n its

\ -Idaho Ohief £ ze cn tire , in Mes-,

Rl sage to Legislatnre, Points I Out Economy Move

[ BOISE, M arch 0 OP)—Calling tho nt- teniotrt o f tho loK isl^uro to tho fnct

n - th a t th e real ta x burdeua of tho people of Idaho are tho luvies m ade by local

n g ta r in g units, <3ovornur 0 . C. Mooro oii S a tu rday scu t ii mcs'jatfi.' to both house.i

h g “rging th a t ad in in istru tiu ii bilU be passed which w ould lowor tho toriu^;

f](J liw lts o f local bodies,j Hills Imve boon in tioduced m aking ro- duftiona in th e ninximuiii lim its o f lev- ius in school d is tric ts , cities, countloa

®*']aiid Ijighw ny-distrie ls. Thoso bills arc i>nt considered nmonR tho most Im portan t in ing the leg isla llve bckhIoii and tho govor- tse nor nskod tlio Icffista tere to pass the«i lily as th e o u ts tan d in g re lie f jaoUHurvs of d iv th o Hossioa.ies,! Tho governor also recited the fact iu th a t his rccoinm eiidationn hi h i i budget

sliowed a subBtantiiil sav ing in Htute cx- ru- ponses und urgod tho leg isla ture to ukc

care nol to <'ripj>lo any departm eut- o f s ta te or th e s ta te in.stitutioiis.

. Tho g o v i'riio r’s niesjiago folloWM;“ Yo tia- mo»itbcr.< of th e si-vrnlcenfh

y jieiiHjiiu, Idaho s ta to Ic'iialature:•‘ F ifty -fiv e of the -.ixly.davH o f your

:,rt, ^e!'slon have j'as.Hed. iti>r “ In iiiesiiage to you Iho f irs t day tho I m ade various n'rouim eudations of lid- v ita l im portancti to your constituents, ble not least o f w liieh w-K th a t n saving hnt o f Jlt lenst S-") per cent over th a t of Re" two y ears prev ious should bo made in

taxes, jificl tiro d/iys litte r I suhHjitted to you tlio b u d g e t w ith recominenda- tions and es tim a te s lha t would make

1' a savinflr o t n e a r ly tw o m illion dollars und n reduc tion o f o v e r .tw o m ills In (lie nnnunl s ta te levy.

“ Tho b u dge t Bubmitted to you w-ould k-od pc*’*nit th is nubstan tia ! reduction in the the sta to ta x levy w itliou t luimporing tho or: e ffic ien t conduct o f th e s ta te 's busi- ing noss o r c r ipp ling niiy o t ita inatilu- ent tlons.lUr- “ I nlso urged th n t the maximum lev-

ios and bonding’ lim its fixed for local tax in g bodies be n iateriiilly rediiccil, the' s ta te tax b e ing a very small pa rt of tho whole ta x . The Insl annual sta te

f ° ' tax levy was niill^, but- the wholetax tnken nn nvorngo over th e s ta te

Ju wns 42.5H luills and in somo low l tnx- nut tin its rc.ieJicd from fiO to 11 jjjill.t. pp,l “ Bills have been introduced that, nl- if pnssed, w ill m atetin lly reduce tlio

igh lin iit o f local taxes, one re la ting to ins. counties, ono to citiea, ono to school uth d is tric ts , and tw o to highw ay d istric ts. MKi 1 urgen tly ro<piost th a t thosu five bills

receive ca re fu l consideration nnd lie “^yipa/^iod, nud, fu r th e r , T again earn-

iestly recom m end th a t educational insti- tutJons be n o t orippk-l e ith e r in main- tenance o f housing an-i lh a t the various

,oor departm en ts o f s ta te be perm itted to fu n rtio n p roperly , though economically,

i . “ ResjHsctfully yours,gar “ C. MOORE,ido. “ G overnor."are ---------------------------

NOTIOETo S tockholders of tho Twin Fall"

Cnnal ConJpuny; ing Notico is h ereby given tluit mniiite'

in nance chargw o f '» l per acre fo r the ,ew y e a r 1923 WO now delinquent. This iwn am ount m ust bo paid before M-;»ter wilJ ij^l, be delivered fo r irriga tion purposes, 000 Theso charges nuist !<e paid in ordot ,„ ,i th a t tho Cnnnl Company may be abb'

to operate th e nvHtom an<l moot matnr ing obligations. This order will be on forceil w ithou t exception.

. } T W IN F A L L S CANAL COMPANY '< W. 0 . T av lo r, A ssistant Becrotary.

='"■ a.lv. J ________________

F f r i t C ib leartm * .. T e leg ram s w e re first son t u n d e r the for by cabin In 18S0 betw een England

«rj<? F rance.


u Need in | r Bank |,ts custom ers unexcelled fa- ^ind Savings D epartm ents, I jlosit, Safe D eposit Vault, 4rrust and Investm ent Serv- ^

since it haa strong Capital 11 )porates under both S ta te ^ sion. I *

ind'lhe growing numbers of S eighteen successful years g

scrWce stands tho te s t . g

alls Bank | t Company |A L U S . I D A H O €

leral Reserve Syslem ’' fi


' s p i f i r'iSTlllEilE : GOOD IHM,ct — ------

J' Roads Enthusiasts Work Out “ Plans for Improvement of I;' Gulf Coast Route from Flor-

Ida to Los Angeles ;OS NEW ORLEANS. Mnr. 0 (/P)—Tho ro Old Saj>nish T rail, a national h ig h -; il* way from Jacksonville, Fla., to Los

Angeles, C alif., along tho Oulf coast ami througli tiie te rrito ry im m edialely nurth of th e Mexican liordor, Is des- tiiH'tl ti> ini'ludu aevcral sections of

H't road tho eijual of wl)ii-h w ill n o t be ;et found ill th e Unitod States, if plans .•X- I'f good roa ih entliusia.its iiilere.--ti‘d i«e i" the pro ject n re carried out. o f fii'rref.’irv o f ^^'«r rc’coiitlt-

n o titied tiie N’ew Orleans Association ‘ o f f ’oaiiiierce' th a t tiie ..War Depart-

m eat au 'l tiie L i'partnieiil of A gricul­tu re had reached nn agreement wlieco- by th a t !<eetii>n of the iilgliway Irom

' ' .N.mv O riea iu through the Louisiana tuamhv^ U> tho MJ-SJt)f.iip|>i enast h;ivo I'oi'ii pliiceil on f irs t p riority ns a fedonil a id —priijeet.

■ts, I t Ih estim ated th a t a road through ug tlie iiiar:dii-?i Htrong euougii In witli- o f Bland any gulf ntorms nad to bear llie in w eight o f a rtille ry \v«ul<l con from

;ed $:ill(l,000 tl) i.400,000 a mile, including jii. the necexsary bridges. Tiiis wouM malio kc the cost o f tiio tw enty miles to tho

Ivigoleta, one of the outlets o f I/iko I'o n eh artra in , jipiiroximnCeJy i?8,0tf(>,- OilQ. I t would nece.s»ariiy Ite of Hpei-ial

. . I'.onstruetion antf so heavy ns to re- ‘ ijuir a minimum of repair.

C onstruetion of the marnh road would provide Now Orleans w ith a

”*■ higliwny to tho north nnd eant. The ■ otify «-ay o t entcrini^ lho c ity iwtr,

it' m otorists do n o t drive w est to jv- B aton Houge nnd from .,thoro to New ral Orioans, ia to fe rry ncross Lalte Ton- he 't- 'h a rtra in ,n NVater journey . requiring o( a t least tw o hours by tho uliortest Ite, j . C ojistrurtjon of the >lorida section

Ilf tlio Rpanisli. tra il is well uador w .n y n n ^ t l ia t s ta te , w iih federnl. stato

. ' and r* u n ty fun<ls, now is building a iiroad, heavy concrete highw ay from

J ’ .Tacksonville to Pensaeoln ,a distance of more thnn ^75 itiiles. The higliway will jiaralle l the Seaboard A ir Lino

3ol ra ilw ay from Jacksotivllle to Rivor ts. JiMietion, nnd tho Louisville & Nash- ills ville frum R iver Junction to Pensa- 1)0 eoffl. I

REAL ESTATE TRANSFERSin- _____in'- ram la li«d b y tb a Tw in F alls T itle and to A b s trac t Oompany

Tuesday, Mareb 0 {.'. 11. Lym an to llyputhcekbank, ?1,

W 1-2 S E 1-A 4-10-17.Q uit claim deed: N. Holmes to II. 8.

C offin , $1, lo ts 4 nnd .'j, Sec. fl-IO-15.I... O . Holm e t a l to W. E . Hanks, $1

ills SW SW l-in-17.

,ti». W h at is nsolesa to you may bo valu the nb le to others — advcrtlso i t in the his classified columns. rilJ

: p Hg The reputation t^ S ' has achieved couldf l nothing less than «S ity. The sales, largS over beforo, couldQ <■ nothing else than iH 2 puted worth.

E , m. That product h;« [S; good, never so so n

j ^ You are sure of^ comfort and ii blo when you buy '

i Ei*: Such assurance ;^ value. You get itI fjs; for no more than y>I for other coals.

i gI I INTERIOURI i ^ C . C . L a r ^

I I I Phonei Home of .


PLANS TRIP TO CORFUC ontlc tijig B«ports a r s Pnbllslied la ' Bospect to Pending D epartu re of

- — H erm oino-lW rn. D oom/ _____ _ .____■

TX)NDON, M ar. C OW—H outer’r c o r - F roH|>ondent n t D oom ,' sa>*s th n t the ' vimt tn Corfu of P rincess . Ilorminc,

fhe form er em peror’s w lfo In boing j undertaken n t the roijuest o f Wilholm, ond is fo r the purpoHe of investiga t­ing th e s ta te o f his p roperty n t Corfu.

[ AbsoUite denial is given, according to th e correspondent, to tho report tha t

f her v isit to Corfu is re la ted to her }»hy/»ie«] eondition.

Tlie report hns boen published in Lontloii, hou'cver, th a t “ a happy

,e v e n t’’ in cxpecled nnd the former .em peror 1% desirous th a t th e nowcomor 'if-hall not bo burn in oxilo.

CURRY" (n-RHV.— Mi»s Fer.i R oberis n f Dur-

ley, who i« a ttend ing s'-iioiil a l th e AI- y liiuii .State N’oriiial, Hp" nt tlie week ''nd »• a t <;urry w ilh Mi».H H.-l„-cca Bonwell.'f Mr. anil Mrn. Orii.i Cryder were e gue.its Sunday a t tho homo of Dri Berrv s in ILiz.-ltoii-d M i'S . \iin ;i ( I r ig g s o f [h ih l v is i t i 'd iicr

e ch o 'd f rio iiils a t t ' l i n v 1;hI w i-.'k . '.Mn- %• v/i-iit to h e r new hom • ;it H erg e r Sat- i, iit-l:iy , w h ere lior p -o p i.- h a v e roiiti>:| t- th e C. L . S n iilll r n iie ]- . \ . N . U ;.i!ey r.f lUihl is m o v in g on . h i i farm i-aif o f ( . 'i i fr i’, f u n i ic rh - in ii ii’ J „ b y Y . VaMida." Noah and Rcn I!;.ii -y i.re fa rm ing 'n

pa rt o f 'th e V.'. !•’. .M w irtli farm.I T h e su g a r h e e l c n n , a n v has i- a ie .l

ilFRHElllIIC = BEG WILTSII Says We Must Keep Feet Dry,

I Avoid Exposure, E at Ko I Sweets

S tay off the dam p , ;n u n d . avoid ex- pOsure, keep foet dry, ea t no swoe?« of

** nny kind for n while, ttr in k lots n f wa. "■jier, and above nil tnko n niioiinfu! of

.lad Salts <iccn-’iioiially to help kei'p 17 down uric aiul toxic Kiids- it 1 Rheumatism is ivuined by ikiimou tox-

n I ill lho bowelH and ai.sorbed iiilo liie ■r bloo.l. I t is the fiiiiclioii o f the kidneys

to filte r th is ncid from th e liloiicl and g east i t out in the urine. The jKiret nf 11 th e skifi a rc n nie.m.i o f fn eiwg ih"

Idooil o f Iliii iiiiDurity. lii damp and y chilly , eold w eather t'lo skin pores uru le oloieil, thus fu rring th e kidneys to do Jf doui>lo w ork; they hceome weak nnd

slugRish nml fnil to eliiuliinto th is pni- son, which keeps iiceu iu ila ling and cir-

' ' j eu la ting through th e Hystem, eventually se ttin g in tho jo in ts,,»ud muscles, cans-

. ing s tiffness, soreness and pnin, ealled S rheum atism .

y\t the first tw inge of rh e u m a tism ^ t Id 'from any plinrmacy about four ounce*

n f J a d S a lts ; put a Inb le’H'onnfiil in n gbiHS of w ater and d rin k before br>>nk- f.i*t oach m ornittc fo r n wei-k. Thi.? js

1, helpful to neutralize acid ity , remove body waste, nlso to .stimulate the. kid-

S. neys, thua help ing to n d tho blood of these rhenniatie- poisouA.

1, J a d S alts Is inexpensive, nnd is made from th e acid o f g rapes nnd lemon ju ice , combined w ith h th in , nnd is nued

u w ith excellent resu lts by thousaifds 'o f le .fo lk s who ore subjcct to rhcumntisni.—

,adT .

I B?ri

th a t "KING OOAL” £d havo been won by extraordinary qual-.

rger this season thanl Id be the resu lt of

a product of undis-

£has never been so »rviceable, as now.

Wif unusual heat, cer- ^freedom irom trou- S"KING COAL.” g

has a very definite *i t in "KIKl} OOAL” gyou are asked to p a y . g

___________il|TAIN(jOAL( i^son Mqr. |e 286 11K i n ^ C o a r M l

AHO. WEDNESDAY MO. tho land nftnlu o f W . y . A lworth. Tlie^ B

nro busy preparing i t f o r b c 'e ts .-J -J Ia r . dJ I ding is genernl m nnnger. 1

K. Ilnm m ond w ill tu rn ' tho L. J . Mil- tller land th is ycnr. ni

, *■ Alib|uist Proilucc eompnny o f Buhl i sliipped five oarloaiU of huy from Curry laat week whie}i wns bought of P. F .'B o w er,

ill, n , T ueker is b u ild ing a houso on. his farm north o f C urry . • II

Most o f tho potutooa stored In tho f"; eellars here have boon ehipjied. ' i>

Mrn. A. P. I lu le lt ii.is been confined tlI tn her huiue for th e past two weeks, w

having hail un a tta c k o f flu, ^]'V.'iU''J?* M i'Oregor Apt Ht the week end K

J at Ilorger w ith her p aren ts . iMr. and Mrs. W a lte r Iliile tt havo tl

moved tn Shoshone, v.liere they havework. jl

‘ 'I’lie little «on o f 0 . H. Hawkins m V' iteiioiiHly ill v,-lt!i append ic itis . f'r ' ------------------------------ 8


K IM n i:R I.V ~ M r. -uid Mrs. A. C. v Rurkhaltor.y\nd .Mr. .-md MrH. Car! llu rk lia lter nnd fam ily spent Suiidiiy , ® with relativoh near l'»ien. i

Mr. and Mrs. J . >V. Il/ird in e iile r-! tnlned a t diiuier Siiiul.iv for iho ir three* fons nnd fam ilies jin .i Mr. and .’M /i. i W alter Comlm. I

^fc. F ahy and tiaughfi'r o f ^^llrt.•llIt'lt', woro guoKtH of M r. nnd M rs. J . L. S h tp - !" nrd Sunday. [

Mrs. Charles n u n n of Aberdeen in ', visiting her m other, M rs. ffa rrio tte Per- I ' kin-., Mr. and .Mrs. W. S . M nrtin en tertain- !J ed n t d inner .Sunday 'il the ir beautiful I

new hi'iiie nn l-J:ist C enter s iree t fo r ' their iii-|>hew, F Invd Wilson who was 1 !iniii.« for the we.'k-eiid from tho Idaho ,

J Ti-i'iii)ji-;)l hiMliliile -i! I’o-atollo, jMlsn I’rancos Waldei', >|>o:it tho week .

■ end w ilh Misii F lnre-ice A unetto o f . '

-li'si'jiJi Pric tI (•< imn'iiif.' fo t-Ve CJeee- iajid ranch KouthwoKl ot Kimberly.

Mr.<. Clyde G abby of 1-Men wiw shop- I ping in K im berly M ondav.* .Miss Flo H enry nnd .Mrs: I->aiik Wil- k non were guests o f M r. and Mrs. F rank

f n A Checking Aa II House\I Pay Your BiUi

\ D E v ery hnusefinld bill,l n cheek . A checking accn

I I keep w ithin the monthlyI I I '•*l'‘’«isc».

II T h e m onthly statem ent^ M n isb es you a complolo roiI mm m n 'x for the month aud iJ. U , rece ip ts for b ills paid.

E v e ry housewife should• ie w ay of hnndling her "j Bueli accounts, no m attci

ft u

0;■ n The Twin rails■e I]■ I Capital and Swle H v c 5 5 e a

d I I

H i




H a v e You Trie Snow

in tiYoa know how 'good crisp tlid tasty? You wafers on so noany occ family-siie tin, which supply? Your grocer c

R c t D otft mik for

. P. C B . GINGERA ^ th t tP C B >retfoc

ParticuUriy criip «ad Ci .V«urctieer*«rtwpj>»yj

1 • P a d f to C o a s t B b

)RNING,.MARCH 7,1923!3~................. ' ■f U urU iu ltor M ondny eveuing: a t a o ’clock •• dinacr.

> Mrs. F . A. Burkhftlter o f E ilen-spent I- tho w eok-end >rith rolativos ia ’ -and

nonr K im borly.li I ------------------------- -

FILERn F IL E R .—Tho w liib i-rs o f tho F lk r

Hualnesi* W 'omen’s. eUib met. F rld n y .0 evening and surpriHed ono of their mom-

bers, Ivcn.a Koch, who recently bccam e ,J tho b ride o f C. A. Ivovo. The a ffa ir N, W.IH n l tb o Love hom-' and the bride

wns presen ted wUh a Imnilsome cu t d jjiass uugar sot.

j On Mombiy evenin'.; tho members o f • — .. the same club met a t the home of M rs. c Biokley, president o f fhe club, nnd on*

joy<*d-ft {W't-Jiiek dJjincr in honor o f Mrji. jii \V. R, S horl, who in leaving next weok

fo r Oklnhomn l>t jidn her husliand. Mrs.S hort luis been employed nt tho n r s t

. N atinafll bank.I P ran k AVilks has gono to Poentello, w here bo lias oiaployment. His fnm ily

1.. will rem ain horu u n til tho close .of rl school.,y I ’ —

rir I ;

iccount for the sewife3iUs-by Check

lill should bo p;iid )>y Jjccnunt w ill nid you to Ihly Innlget o f household

ont of y ou r nccount fur- 9I record of your expondi- ud also u comjilete aet of »

ould adop t th is synten>nt- lor a ffa irs . Wo wolcomo itt£ r how nmnll tho bul-

s Natjonai 6anl(S u r p l u s $ m . o i m

h H '

neda Flakes the Fam ily T in ?

tod Snow F lakes are—how You can sen>e th rse dainty occasions. W hy not buy a

lich w ill' Insure a constant ;cr can supply you.

for craeJrerS—•V F-LAKES.


sd (W-Aavor*d.

BbcoUGo. ft_

/ k n - ^] twoo’ %^ I BR

T O D A Y ’JDmO DEFEIITS Iu m im m "

COHSTHiiSI______ fa«

Vandals Battle Desperately i"' and Grasp Victory, 29 to 25, Ti” After Overcoming the Bears’ c“ Leads

----------- ♦ F(iItOSOOW, M aho. M arch fl (/P)—T l.o i X,.

U niveruity of IdiiJifi baHkollitill tw iiU jlli won Itic Pai-ific i-orwl li:i*kctliall <'oii- forcnri! rliam i'ionnliii' fo r tlio kcc-oikI sucri'8.iivi‘ licrs lodny, lij- df- ,f«atiiiK • tho I 'n iv o rsity o f Califdrnin teuni, score to iM.

Tlio jpiiiio va.H'hard fouKhI, with Call- .j.,' fo rn ia leading; ]'i to II n t tlic end of tlio f ir s t Imlf. ^

Tlic first toil o f play woro j.j,fciituTL'd n freo 'iirow inp contoHt . botweon Fox of M nho and Tall of

_C<»liforni:». 'I'jilt K 'viiii' tr«n> a Kitiylo , , , p o in t k-ad. Nolboii o f l.lnho raj;od tlio j,. f i r s t fiol.l biulioi a fiiT ivix minutes o f play.

From thon on the flooro r.lirr.n(’k'‘''i Lack and fo rth , w ith noitlior tcnni tak - Q| in t; ovor ii point niarf*i><, un til tlio IG- m inuto m ark . Witlt tl.o soori’ tlfil nt

, 10 nil, n fic i.l Lniikct by O ’N'oil of Otli- fo rn in , nnothor hy T iilt a n d n foiil con­version by Tail nnd ono hy Fox for Idaho , Ki’vo CoJifornia n four-point lond f o r tho h n lf; scofo, Cnlifornin 15, Idnho 11.

T a l t ’s frcp throw lon"thoneil Callfor-. B iii’a len»l to five points nt tho open- iDfc o f th e neconil ha lf. Fox nmdo un- o th o r froo throw, tlion T a lt worod from , tho field. A t tho four-niinuto m ark, NcUon, Idnlio fo rw pn i, wnn removed from tho Rajjio on personal fouls, whllo y T n lt «trenj:thoned CaU fornio’s chaneea ' fo r v ic to ry by nnother foul conversion.

Thin wns th e elinuic o f tlio Rnmo fo r C alifo rn ia , w ith a nevon point lead. .

Idaho 'n d»sperato b n ttlin c , th a t won y. th o Knnio, a ta rted o t thi.i point. F ltsk e wa» sen t in fo r Nolaon. K enno's fie ld ** b iu k e t, followed by tw o freo throwa b y Fox, cu r CallfornS.a’s lead, s o 'th o Bcoro a t tho ■ix-minnto m ark stood 10 to 10, w ith Bolitsco sonal foula.

O ’N e il 'a loDf* shot fo r a f ie ld basket 0 p u t tfao B ears five i>oInts in tlio lead dr QRaiii. Fox cauio n ex t w ith two flo ld ,th ba sk e ts from Iodc shots. A t the ten- d l m inu te m nrk tho Idaho captnin tied tho to acore a t 21-21 w ith a freo throw. pr

Proo Throwa Lifo-StyerB,

C alifo rn ia grabbed tho k a d again „n w hon T nlt converted another foul. A t th o 12-minuto m ark F itzk c put in an ­o th e r fie ld baskot, and thu crowd of 1750 w ent wild. Two free throwa by Fox |:n»vc Tdnho a throo-point lead. T h ree foul convem ionj by Tnlt for Cali- fo rn ia evened tho acoro, 23 all, w ith fo u r m inutes to play.

Idaho m aneuvered info n four-point lend w itb a free throw by Fox, a field goa l by Thompson, and nnothor freo th ro w b y Fox , lonvinf; tho icoro 20 to 25, w ith ono m inute to play. Idaho '] p lay ed safe , passing tho ball under tbo u

: B co ra / baake t, tbo t im e r’s gun endlog tb o con test ju a t aa another fonl woo

I 'ea lled on C aliforn ia. Captain Fox to s io d tho b a ll a t tho baakot, dcUber- ba a to ly missing;, a n d th e Idaho players w e re carrio d o f f th e floor.

Tho gam e oa a wholo w aa rough an d 1

— LAVERING 'iToday is tfe ro h an ts’ Oommonit

j Eveningi AZJOE OAU

I -R A IN 'A VitBgnipb Picture. Ala«

Be aad McrehiiBta' Tie

— COMDTO: V 'l iU a d oi


-RMDJJ \ t - \w tv w > m - M o m i v . ''m w 's V1M« NOO

'FO^ Go»N6 oOT \ TW 'W \ s

S P Q If.ast, w ith Nelnon nnd Keaiio, Idalm , ■ nnd Bolnsco, Californin, nimoved on f l poHoniil fouln. F itckc ns nohstitu to fo r U Nelnon covcred liinisolf witlt g lo ry in I ■ tho Idnho r.illy which Htnrted w ith his , ontrniico in to tho eaiiio.

T o lt oad T o x Stars.T nlt o f California mnl Cnptain Fox

o f Idabo -were the unnic'.n untiuoHtioned HtatH. Talt- made' nil '.mt fovir o f Cali- p fo m in ’tt 25 polnln. C aliforn ln’H fig h l ” and T a i l ’s froo throw hi.noting wcro big faotom in tho Ui’itrd’ Buprotnncy in tliu firo t hn lf. IdaJio's p:i-’In;’ wm inforior in tho f ir s t hnlf, bu t ootiHistent anfety playiu)?, ac.curiitu paflHing and short HliotH rt’siiltod in a triumidi fo r the l>a\"id M acM illan Ky.U.'ai in th e fin a l eo loa iiiiniitoH of play.

I.iiioiip and HUninirirv; ' I'"Idnlio,- I'osition. C aliforniaFox (0 ) ............... C.................... T a lt C'->

I X .'lfon ............. V...................... Doiitliltilliomi.,-..jii ............ (•........................ O^NoitTolford ...................(i........................ Bclasco «*'Koano ..................... (}...................... Kinoai l *"

SnhHtitutiium: Malic -F itrk i- fo r N.‘l - i | ! ‘ hom; ( ia r tin fo r Ko.«no. O iliforiiia— Kyto fo r ndaHon; (iili-hri'H fo r T a ll;T alt fo r (lildiro-i; ll.iuvoni, fo r Duu- th it;

fi,-orinj;; Idaho—l-'ifl(T c<!--il«, Nolsnn; r i t / k o 1, I'ox 2. Th-iiniison 1. Tolftir.l 1. Koat..’ 1; foul ■•o,iv.T«ions. Fox \r, ont o f 21. llalifoniiu—-Fiold goal-*, * o 'N o il 2. Tnlt :U f'"il potivorMon;., T nlt 15 out of 1«.

Uoforoe— William M-illit'an, Spnkano. K' ,fii


B raves W in Sonthw osteni Idaho Dla* tlit r ic t Baakotball OhompioDShip andW ill Moot~Olikley 2^

B O lSi:, Idnho, M nrch 0, (/« —Suffo- I, cutiiig tlieir visitinjj ojipononts un d er p, nu avalanche of fie ld Roal^ and sue- F ccssful free throws, tho IJoiae high M school Bravo# (lofoatod Pnyctto high B flchool 44 to 15 fo r tho bankcthnll L chiimpiouship of Bouthwcstcrn Iduho and din tric t No. .1 o f tho Idnho intor- Kchol.'utic ath letic nxsociation nt the Y. M. C. A. gym hero tonight. A s a g result, Boine will m eet O.nkley a t Oak- loy fo r a throe-gnmo series beginning Thursd.'iy evening fo r th e cage cham- ji pionHhip of southern nnd soutlMvcstcrn Idnho and the righ t to cuter in tho Htnte Cas.ilia series a t the s ta te u n i­versity a t Moscow beginning M arch 1(1.


(5 — Tho ath lctic board of eontrol to- “ I day decldod it would bo inijiosBiblo for ,tho Colorado collego basketball team , cham pions o f tho Colorado conferonce, ^ to moet tho U niversity o f U tah in a proposed post season gamo fo r the Hoeky m ountain ehjm pionship. Tho P' tenm hna disbanded fo r tho year, i t wns nnnouncod.

OEKASO DETEKBS TITU ;. ^nA RRISBU RO , P o., .March 6 O F h- in

T ran k lc Genaro succcrsfully defended ilis nowly won Amorican flyw eight crown hero tonight whon ho knocked nl out F ran k ie WilllnmR, Syrncuso, N . Y., q, in. tho th ird round o f a sc iedu led 10- round encounter.

-------------------------- foUm fo r SharkV Fina. fc

T b e Oaa of the ahark «r« UMd la to u k l u <*l«tln.

Dally Thouaht mW« always may be wbat wc mitbl

bATO betn^A dclalde Proctor.

Quid* te RIeht Uvlng.Do jtutlce, loTo mercy.—8 t Jamea

THEATREnity Day—Matinee 2 P. U .; g 7:16 I.HOUN in

IBOW”i^Iao B ig " V ” Comody. sT icket Adm ita You.

Of B^yeneratloD*'------ ^


_________ T H E G U M

f U 6 lw e VT \ C W (V ( H W iW E 1 V lb o tD \ S

THVS COU5 -___ S U P

-7 ------- . StATtW-fiBi iM y s t i r j s s gJ B a s v jw

I y OH NoOft ^I----------- --------1 . OF ssa? :

N o o 'W OW\

_ ®Oii CHKM .iBnWt ^


R e n d a h l - W r i g h t B o w l e f s 'N I a k e '2 ';

C l e a n S w e e p i n L e a g u e G a m e *';'

w i t h I . D . S t o r e

haThroe straight^ gam es waa tho tol! do

collectoil by tho llondahl-W right bowl-j ors Inst n igh t from tho Mnho Do-] pnrtm ont Kloro <]uintot, in tho regular Hclii'<li!iU’d gamos o f tlio Twin F alls bow ling loayui'.

In the opoiior tho store ladw foil nliou t as low oh they could get wit!i-^*V‘ out g o tlin g iind'T tlio 7dO mark, roll-| ing 713, whili- tlio an to meclianii'S to- talloil -SI2. Ill this gnmo Hob W hitzd tirk lo d tb e lumbor for lUO. . -

Tlio nu to ni<'n hit tlic ir high mnrk in ' , tho [ioi-<inil gnmo, pojijiing off 8.'() {linn,' with llio I . I), mon pulliug up a t 701. I ’oroy Tliomi'son w ent wild in tliiit| gamo w ith 20.1. ;

Whon it comos to Inking easy gnmos till' Kondalil-W right boy* aro in a claHs w ilh tho Troy Laundry, as they got aw ny w ith f irs t mouoy in tho la s t (,1, gamo w ith 781. L lnv illo 's crew re- jij) fused to go pnst 7-13 in th is canto, (.g

I F o rd took high honors .in tb is game w ilh 108.

I’orcy Thompaon wns high mnn for tho ovoning w ith nn nverago of 181. on

Tho RcndahlA V rlght team to tallu if HI 2470, to 2247 fo r tbo I . D. Storo team.

Tho fif^ures: pI . D. S toro 1 3 3 TotalaF o rd ....... .............. 359 171 108 528F ix ___________ 121 177 131 -120Mooro ...... :......... 122 125 112 350 ^Boono — ..........._ 127 175 147 440L in v i l lo ________ 184 142 155 481

T otala _______ 713 701 743 2247B endahl-W right 1 2 3 T o tals * 'S e lf ............ j ..... .. 389 ICO 103 518 tj,A abury ...... (.____ 188 157 130 481W h i t r e l________ 300 17-1 125 489 . *M c C r a c k c n ____ 123 150- 105 4J9 ^T h o m p s o n ___ _ 347 203 392 542

T o t o l a ----------- 842 756 781 2470 JJ

■WHAT T H E T "A tT T O " DO Ijh

Tho 1. D. boys couldn’t get s ta rted , w hilo tho m eehanles rolled thoir aver- ago gamo.

A largo crowd helped the m echanics ? ’ w in . j ' ______ ut

Tho T ro y L aundry boys were thero pu lling fo r tho outo men—to lose. j

T he th reo wins la s t n igh t puta th e ^ nu to m en w ithin a h a lf gamo of th e p ' T roy L au n d ry leaders, and thcso tw o V* team a w ill m eet n e x t M onday even- , ing. J"

______ pi“ D in ty ” Mooro w ont haywire la s t

n igh t, hia best gam e being 125. H la averago su re took a akiddcr.

P e rcy Thompson jogged along -at 5 42 |j^ fo r tho evening , w hich i s n 't a b it badj^*' fo r one who says th n t bo h a sn 't tim o ‘®*l to p rac tico . o*

JllP h il F ix airrlod tho pina fo r 177 in “

L - ' - N o m m

The EternalW a n e "


M P S - - F R O Z E N , T hH O l f G H F A S H I O N

7 r o W O M K H - W H E ^ • ' N * vt VP \ o\rr \

) M € )^^0 0 G ^ SLVfSH W tM tlM C r C


rroaoN&s \n np f ^'V6M\M6 -TO N 0» J

N E W S l '----------------------------------------------------------- IjJ io aecond gamo b u t i t Is b e s t to for-l -et abou t tho f ir s t and th ird o ffa irs .j

■Bob 'W hitzo l had two* nico gam es in ho f ir s t and socond stanzas, b u t h is jj,, hird gam o was p itifu l. Bob ju s t j,j rouldn’t do w h at lie w nnted to in the nst session. i j,,.

Poor E m m et Asbury, tho b e tto r ho :h o u g h tjio wns bowling the lowor bin icoro w ont. “ I t was a good th in g th a t llioy d id n ’t bowl moro th a n three ?amcB. 1^

Loe JfoC rncken wns ano ther o f the lay w iro a r tis ts . Tho beat Loc eould W lo was th e w orst ho hns doue. |

“ D an ie l” Boone, the elongated : loiithpnw, claimed thn t the new pins voro af fa u lt ns he alwuys figuros on Jo in average of 105 fo r, tho ovoning. Id mil la s t n igh t ho couldn’t g o t n ea r fo ba t m ark. 'ro( — („

f'arlos Linville dwindli’d down to ni; 142 ia tho neoond g.inio, g iv ing hia •>0 ii'ason's nverago a Hovcre jo lt. wi

--------- litSelf [Kissod tho .'500 m ark fo r tho , of

'voniiig, and oaid tha t i t d id n 't h tirt I b it. . . - - .

'T is «aid th n t bowling m ukes young ], non of us nil, , *

“ H o n ry ” Ford stood w ay nhead of liis toani n intes fo r th e ovoning, pop- iiiug o f f 52S during the ovening. Of foiirHo, i t is undoratood th a t F o rd p d id n ’t tr y to show anybody nji. ■(p

O ur d a ily bowling tho u g h t: Tho only pleasure some people ge t ou t o f, life is ch ea tin g a t solitaire.


Ohailjoa th a t H arry O reb P a id S3,000 fo r N ew spaper Boom fo r M atch w ith Dompaoy S tlra Sporting C ircles

blNEW YORK, Murch (! W>)—Tho New

York s ta te a th letic commisaion will tako no action n t p.-iaont ou charges tb a t H a rry Grob, /o rm er Americoji ligh t heavyw eight champion, gave $3000 to N ew Y ork sporting w riters to boom a b o u fb e tw e e n him and J a c k Demp | ( sey, heavyw eight tltlo holder, i t w a s i" announced ton igh t by W illiam M uldoon ,ib chairm an o f tho commission. . f<

“ I pom onally placc no f6unda tion -in tho re p o r t ,” M r. Muldoon declared . h

Tho Now York W orld, how ever, an- h nounced to n ig h t i t would s i f t to th e tl bottom , tho charges which grow o u t o f o: an a rtie lo published in tho P ittsb u rg h Oarxstto-Times, quoting Grob na say ing ' ho gavo tho monoy to local w rite rs undor p ro te s t. Tho roMilt o f its in- w vcstiga tlon , tbo World aaid, would bo n la id boforo Muldoon.

Tho W orld today, in aiuiwer lo te le ­graphic queries, publbhod a den ia l from Grob th a t ho hnd mado tho s ta tem en t, ** together w ith a statom ent from Chariea J . Doyle, w rite r o f Iho a rtic le , in s is t­ing ho h ad prin ted exactly w h a t tho pug ilis t to ld Iiim.

W OS^AK QOLF OUAJdP W IN S.B B L L A IB H eights, I’la., M arch C

—M isa G lenna C ollett o f P rovidence,B. L , w om an’a go lf chnmpion, won hor f ir s t m at ch round m tho w om an 'a chnm plonship today when aho disposed of Mias A n ita Lihme, o f Chicago; b y a m arg in o f fo u r and three.



Today and TomorrowNorma Talmadge

----- IN -----

**S€cret of the storm Country”

A W onderful P ic tn re .------ A1.B0------

“ Switches and Sweeties”I«ughB —Laoghs

A P in o B ig Bhow i-U aual Admlaalon.


PfA BLE1 A c o \ . x > « L Xt 6 r r s th'

VlOCfc- \'P^ t u s NO U v r s CW\C *Tt> VWtCW \ w ^ ^

Y t ik c t t W M A b- v r s p, w* *J M n r i MOV)iL

2 0 S W ! t S O U ^ - ^ ___ \ \>EJCTVV \ F '- ^ 6 o \ n

' T ~ —— ' i / " 5 s . /



SCHAEFER'S BACK BOWED GOro m o r BUllnrd Ohampion T hrea tens to

W ithd raw OhaUenge fo r T ltlo M atch w ith Hoppo; O b jo c r f '^ A rb ite r ^

--------- V WNEW’ YORK, Mntoh .lnke Bchacf-

r o f SJin Franclaco, th rea tened to withdraw his c h a lle n g o ^ fo r a titlu iiateh w ith WtlHe IMi^feT^'vorld cham- -Wcj lion, fop-J h o ^8.S ^ t ; l k line b ijliard Qpq Town u t u mooting today bolwcen tho irincipnls cnlled to di.s'.usa nppointm ont pjjQ tf a roforor. ■ The contest was scheil- lied to s ta r t Mondny n igh t in th is city v ith .1. H erbert L<rvls o f Chicago, to \hom Schaefer objects, ns a rb ite r.


______ broiln^'orld’a Ohampion in Oom petltion a t

N ow lijiTen, Tokos 11 Seconds O ff P rev ious M ark fo r 440-Yard Swim

______ tearN EW HAVKN, Conn., M arch f! (/P)— Jn'"’

fohnny Woianiullor o f tho Illinois Atli- 1“ "' (itic club, w orld’s chninpion swimmer, onight broke by I ] soi-nnds Ibo w orld ’s oi-ord for tho -H(l-yar.l .swim in a 75- oot jKiol. Woijimiillor, sv.iiiimi'i.; f iirainst tim e w ith two o ffi.'ia l n'pro- oarc ontativoH of tlio A. \ . 1*. holding fho vatoho^s ttuido tho dist.Tiioc in -I min g^'rt ites ai-i'ou<N, l»-atiii.t his owa reconl nm<5 )f 5 miniitoH H accon.b. B'T

____ tniBD EM PSEY O rP E E E D MAT<^H bcIk

CLEVELAND, 0 ., Mrtrrli 0, OP)— lack Dompaoy, heavyw eight boxing •hampion, has been offe red a guaran- A ;eo of $100,00(1 or tho privilege of fore 17 1-2 por cent o f tho gnto rocelpta qua !o m eet Tommy Gibbona o f S t. Paul POOi in u 12 roiiiid bout .Tuly -I o r on Labor thoi Hay, it was announced hero tonight. rh o boul would bc held a t Maple ^*“3 H eights nice track , abou t 15 milos "Ah ^louthoast of bero.

___ • cctnBAiTOaOFT . SIGNS W IT H GIA N TS K<»>f

S lO r.X CITY, Iowa, M arch li 0 P )~ ® Da^o B ancroft, cnpt.Tit. nnd shortstop ' af tho Now York N ationa ls, who hu.i lieon classed as a holdout, announced ■ ■ th is nftcrnoon th a t iic h ad signed the contract sent him, and th a t his differ- oncca w ith tho G iant m anagem ent have beon w iped out. H o says ho is to re -. j ceivo an increaso in pay. B ancroft leaves ton ight fo r San A ntonio, Texas, to roport for tra in ing .

L EW IS R E T A IN S T IT L E _CHICAGO, March 0, _ Ed

(S trang le r) Lewis ton ig h t re ta ined tho w orld 'a heavyw eight w restling titlo by -th row ing A lan E ustaco in s tra ig h t' falls.

Lewis won eaeh timo w ith a flying hendlock, tho f ir s t fa ll coming in 1 hour 7 .m inutes and 18 soconds nnd tho aecond in 14 m lnutea and 3 sec-, onds.

Thought fo r th e Day. iI t l« 0 good thing fo r all o f va tha t

we do not auy to people 's face* w hal ■ ire aay behind th e ir back*. B

READ TH E D A lL V N E W a i

l ^ ^ i T l g D l I i IT o d a y — L a s t T i m e s I

Dorothy Dalton I


CLYDE dOOK 1I n a Oom ed; S a tire on |

B n ll P i ^ t l n c I

“The Toreador*' y |PATHE NEWS |

—Coming Tom orrow— |

OLOBIA SW ANSON |------ W ------ I

“ M y A m e r i c a n W i f e ” |

----- AlflO— j

"MAN verflua BEAST"Showing W ild AninuUs o f the

A ftlc a a Jtm glee.


iS + »K «e» , \ x v M n s \D VNEKS. StfLtAO , ,« vovro 6 0 oirr .•

WHSTOIS T b M E J t S t X U M t S» - N o w nF NOV) - n « 0 0 6 H T 4>W 6 T O S E /m m O N A ' B L E ' ^

~7‘ ■

' ;


Pr«ild»nt a W." TomiBy WIU T ljlt T w in P alls on T oor in Xnterests o f

'M ethodist E dnca tlono l In s titu tio n

GOODING COLL’JQE, Gooding,Idaho, M arch ,'0— I'lohldent Charles W'osley Tennoy le f l F riday with D r. ^ Georgo F . D urgln, who n-ill givo a aor- i ics o f addrcsacH n t R upert, Twin F alls, ' iFiler, B urley, Idnho Kails, PocatoIIo, .S alt Lnke and Larum io boforo. re tu rn ­ing to Chicngo. Noxt Sundny Mr. Ton- noy w ill speak lit Iho F irs t Metliod^Bt ehurch in Ogdon, U tah .

Eaater vncation will rommenre March .'50, and ron tlnue un til April 0, th is b reak ing in tw o the long aos.-ion be- jtw.een Now Y e a r ’s day and commenco- mcnt. Moat o f th e »liidonts will spend th is tim e u t homo and a num ber of tho tearheni nro p lann ing lo a tten d tho la - land Empire teach o rs ’ mooting a t Spo­kano, April •} to (i.

A cam paign for ii-w students wan inaugiiratcil llio past '•.•cok, the goal for 102.T b r in t ' p laced a t 300, ns th a t ia nil tho Hludonla tha t can be well cared for w ith tho pio.icnt plant nndfiiiiiiiment. I 'u r th c r annonncem cnls .rO-i_____grirding th is fo rw ard mov.-ineat will bo made when Bisboji Chfirles W’osley B iirni, tho d is tric t sni'orintcndent, tniRtoes an<l o thers vi»it tho I’UHfors* school tho fou rth wee;-, in April.

Aa She Underatood It.A colored couplu w as lirougbt be­

foro th e n in g ls tm te chnrgod w ith quarreling. “ I fenr th a t you two nro poorly m ated ," renm rked b is honor; thon, tu rn ing fo th e nmn. 'T o u r w ife seems to bo m uch yonnger thnn you—Mny innrrlcd to Decem ber, na It n'ore.’*"Ah doun't know w hnt yo' honor m eans by say ln ' May niurried to De- ccjuber," put In the woman. “If youall goln’ to tnlk d n l w ay it seem s roo’ like a cnse of L abor d ay bein' m arried t* de dny o t rea t." .

THE NEW orpheum"Today>—O ne D ay Only—M atineo

a n d N ig h t

Vaudeville Road ShowPO U R B IO ACTS


Sensational N ovelty Featuro

B O ISE A N D OAREW Two G irls and a Piano

D U D LEY OORDON -Dancing nnd Im personations

ORIOHLOW AN D DODOEL augh W om otcra


^ 3 ■ A a r l d i j l^ B j ig g O i u i

K s te rs^ ^ 1 f im d iM v a 9 iiL h f ig KATHLEEN NORRISS M b n t G i p w a n t


MATT MOORE c*^ ^ J t n f a t i m a t U m B l W m S t r t i a B Co.ProAucUon

Also News W eekly and I......j Comcdy Cartoon.

Special M usical Numbora by Orphcum Orchestra.

A B ig Show.

C i - ^ • M atineo 10c nnd 30c.

Evening: B alcony 15c and 30cr Lowor F loor 25c nnd COc.

, TODAY—O N E D A T ONLY Tickets fo r tho B ig Elka' Show w iu j . . . ^ .^

bo on Salo T h n r a d ^ J J - y '; " ' ' '^ ■' '

^ _______ . _____ V


City Compssion Authorizes Payment of $644.40 on Bill to Observer

Tho c ity comniixiiion :it a ro;nilur meet- ing Tucs.Iay niKht luitliorizu.l tlic imy.

. m oiit of $044.-10 to tlu; O bserver nn TCscntinB jm ym cnt In fu ll fo r tlic i>iib- llctiUon o f tho fivc-yoiir c ity audit. Tiio oriffinnl chnrRo <loiiiiiiulcd by Un> Ob- aerver w as #605.C0.

Tho action wuh takotj by tlic adop­tio n of a rOBolutioii liy Coianiinaioni<r Cogswell Bctflnp tlio utiiount a t $(144.40 and it w as followeil by fonsiacrab lo dis- CUSBioi'l. I

Comtnissioiicr 8 . ’S. A ll s ta ted th a t he bcllcvoil tho caso n.iKht bo “ carriod fu rth e r and tim t the couiiejl niiwht bo Ileld liable fo r tlio i.aym ont o f th<- b i l l .” On tb n t croiind bo decliucd to vo te fo r its pnynion*.

8 . D. Diivis, c ity n tto rney , read ft copy of tho decision of JndK>J W. A. Babcock, in the i-ase o f Alnn T. Senior aRftinst th e city, whicJi was deeidcd In favor of tlio c ity , and May:*r T ucker moved th a t nil thv Htrenglh of the decision tbe bilT sliould bo a llow ed.' - --

In response to inriuirj- by Commis­sioner J . K. Roberts, M r..D av is s ta ted th a t tlie action, so fa r as tho c ity was 1 concerned, could be i-arricd no fu r­ther.

" I f lh e bill is paid, eould thcro bo a rosouroc to tb e snpreiH'< c o u r t! ” asked Coniinisflioner 8 . O. Mn-vuley.

•M r. Davis replied: “ -\^ell, yes, I thinU action tou ld be broiiRht, i)ut eo fn r na , tho in junction is conec-rned it baa been j dissolved. T b e case could be appealed J on tlie factH and tho siiprcnio court m iplit rovcrso the dcu-ifiion bf tbo loca! court, Bo fa r aa tho biil is concerned.’ '

Homor C. M ills wiis nllowed tbo aum o f $7.’; ns an advance paym ent on hia ] foes for serv ircs as a ss is ta n t counsol fo r the c ity in the dam age su it reccjiUy brouglit in d is tr ic t court by B. A. V an M eter. Mr. M ills’ to ta l bill was $200.

C'liiinnissioner M cAuloy Vp-aa author- ir-cd to dispose of an o ld houso n t tbo * filte ring pliiiit no loiicvr needed by tho » citV. Tire, iiioiiUilv po 'n 'e ri,i)ort o f ’ a . i e f Cress was acfc i'tcd a n d ‘a com- p la in t n a s roeoived from W. 31. W eaver ' a sk ine fo r th e payniMit o f repairs fo r a door sniuslied in on the n ig lit o f P

■AiiRiiKt" 31, when poliec ra ided the ’ W e.iver rooms. The m a tte r was tu rned ‘ over to A ttorney D avij fo r his inves- ' tipatinn . '

A bill of subm itted by tho 'county hoKpital fo r tho caro of tbo la te ' J.’ W. Loedom was held over fo r action n t the n ex t mcctin^r.

Card tab lo lirensea woro prnn tcd tho Bntoker, St. licfris, B runsw ick nnd J . W. 8h ifney , nnd a licenso to tbo Club was denied on niotion o f CommisaioDor : Uoberts. A pool tab ic liccnso wns given th e St. liegiB, nnd M anuel D atia was given a room ing bouse license. H llk nnd dairy licensos wero g ran ted Prod Denton nnd T . E. Jonea.

Tho re p o rt o f J . M. Thomna ahowed th a t tbo num ber of tick o ts isauod fo r w cigliing n t tho c ity acoloa fo r tho p ast e ig h t m ontha brough t in a to ta l o f .1528.20.


Q^ 0 c m C A a o

, o n c A o o Keep

■ BT LOUIS ?u‘’ i‘S e p t. 0. i . 8. 9

M ny 4. C. <, 7 D E T R O IT J u ly S3. 24, 2S

O ct. 1, 2. 3, 4

A pril 2«. 27. 28. 2#_ 9 ‘- '= ^ e i .a n d m j , 2,.^ 1 = . al ^

M ay 10. 17, J8. 19 W A B iriN G T O N ?7

M ny 12. 13. 14, 16 P H lL A D E L P m A J u ly 1;J.

A u t . 22, 2S, 24

^ M ay 20. 21, 22N E W T O U K

M ay 8. 9. 10. 11 BO STO N •’ “ ‘yAUff. 2C. 28, 27

12 S a tu rd a y s

t i ; c c W l “oS*Day" -^Ihg y a ^ ^ C o n n ie t: S e p t. 2

' . T }


1 - m ,

M W i f l l v i S S a s s p ' * t1

l W |» l K S 8 g » # I

. ]

>r .

1* * - 1 - : ^ ^ ; ,

]j J A r t l i t t -A a tg tt .; ■ ry :W . j j

IS T H IS capo, oxbibltod a t tn e r a a h lo n ' p- RoTlow o f tbo D esigners’ A ssoclatloa '

o f N sw Y ork, shows tlio IncU natlon ' a .tow ard tho E gyp tian sty les p o p u la r-1- d Izod b y tb e discovery of tb e tom b of

k in g Tat-aokli-Ameii. lc ----------- ---------------

j May Set Date l r Bonding Election

n ---------ia D irectors of Big Irrigation Dis- ’I tr ic t Discuss Contract; Bee- ^ lam ation Officials AttendD. ------p. Tiie da te fo r thn r>oii<I election for ,Q th e Amerii'un F alls irrigation <llKtrict 10 m ay be fixed by the distric t directors , l who a rc holding tlieir luontlily tnceting J. h ere , i t was indicated by m em bers of •r tbo board Tuesday.)r The form of tho governmont co n trac t )E jw as discussed n t tho m eeting w hich le w-ns held in th e office of tho canal .,1 com pany Tuesday nfternoon and mom- g. beru of tiie board aii;l oUiers in te rested

rep o rt th a t no great 'lifficu lties stan d 10 ill the way o f reacliing a c o n trac t tc sh o rtly thu t will be culisfactory.)n The directors wil! convetio again

W ednesday m orning to fin ish business 10 tak en up Tuesday. S.->ntinient is much 7 . in favo r of calling the bond elijetion Ifl a s soon as possiblo in order to take or ndvantago o f 1bo govrrnm ent approprin >n t io n o f $1,000,000 allo tted to tbo Amer- as ieau F alls iiroject i t the d is tr ic t is lk re a d y to begin con*tructiou beforo )d Ju n o 1.

Am ong thoso nttcndini; tho meotinR 5d ,were F . A. B anks, B. B. B toutem eyor o r nnd B arry D ibble, government reclamn- a t t io n sorvieo rcprcsontntlvos, nnd Guy o f F len n er of tbo Idaho Reclam ation ns-



Official A rA T A*^

8T . LOUIS- P E T l l

A pril 22, 23. 21 M ay 21. 2S.J u ly 2, i . «4). (4), S Jun«* 23. 21. ! S e p t. 28. 21 30 S «pt. (3. 3).

PostedA p ril 18. 10. 20. 21Ju n o 28. 29. 80, J u ly 1 A ' IA u e . 30. S e p t. 1. 2

t M a y 24. 25, ^fl. 27 A p ril 80. Ma; J u ly 23. 24, 25 J u n o 1. 2. SO ct. 1. 2. 8. 4 S e p t. 27, 38.

M uy 20, 21. 22 M ny 8. 0. 10.J u ly 10,. n . 12. 13 J u ly 14. IE. 1A ug . 18. 18, 20, 21 AtJS. 2C. 2fi,

M ay 8. 9. 11 M ny 20, 21, 2J u ly 18. 19. 21. 22 J u ly 6. 7, 8. A u c 25. 2fl, 27 AuR. 14, 16,

M ay Ifi. 17. 18 .10 M ay. 12. 13. lJ u ly 6. 7. B. B J u ly 18. 19.AUff. 1C, 10. 17 AUff. 22. 23.

M ay 12. 13. 14, 15 M a y Ifl, 17. 1 J u ly 14, 15. 10. 17 J u ly 10, l l , 1A u» . 2 i. 23. 24 A uir. 6

Auff. 18. 10

12 S a tu rd a y s 13 R ttttrd a y a12 H undayn 14 S un d a y *J u ly F o n r ih ' n e e o r a t lo n E

I ^ b o r D ay


S o c ie tytdU «<l bv U n . & . B . V7U11UU.

to iephube SUB.

Tho Henry V. W alling Circle No. JG. Ladies o f tbo G. A. R., mot a t th e bome o f M rs. H. R. Oroomo, KlOO P op lar nve­nuo. Mondny evening .' The hostess serv- i ed refreslm ients a f le r tho bnsinens ses- aion. Sho wna aasisttod by M rs. M or­gan Heap. A social hour clnsod the program . The n o^ t m eeting w ill be at |

Itho bomo of M rs. n e a p . j

Mrx; F rnnk Baldw in and M rs. 11.1 C. Dickerson en te rtn ined a t Itridge a t j i tho homo of the form er Tuestlny Jifter- if, nooa. F ive tab les o f playors en joyert!^ th e gnmcs, and fnvor fo r bigb score | waa won by Mra. E . F . A abury, :> 'i'l|'! tbo consolation w as aw arded to M rs. E . . K. K ail. L aic in tbo uftornoon a de-1* licious two-course .hm cbcon was sor\’od. ”

H aro ld Prlnglo, aon or M r. nnd M rs. !' P . J . i^riuglo, eelobratod his b irth d ay | ' anu iversnry B atim biy evening by e n te r - 1! ta in in g 10 of b is girl and boy friends i ‘ a l a theater p a rty , n fte r w hich tliey j a ll adjourned to th e P ring le home on Bluo Lakes boulevnrd w here a j jo lly I*' timo wa^'ilpcnt w ith giilnes'follow ed by all sorts o f good thing^ito eat.

Tbo regidar m eeting Df the T w en tie th C enuiry club wns held Tueaday a fte r- • noon in tho B ap tis t bungalow . Lhirini,';* tbo transaction o f business, w hich w a s ji presided over by th e president, Mra. C . . J . Schroeder, m any jilans w ere mndoj* fo r work along civic liiien, f ina l de ta ils i^

n wcro outlined for tb e i>u-rchiintH’ earni- II n val, to bo given under th e auspice*]*' n of tbo cJub on March -Jl and a t tile '> Idaho tbcater. O tlier im portan t even ts ' f vbich the club is sponsoring wero tall:- *

od of. Tlie program , wliich was ia ‘ charge of Mrs. F . B. Sevilb.^,^ openeil w itb a community sing led by M rs. I . II. M asters; John _ llar^ 'ey . spoke on | . “ XeWBp.iper R ec ip ro c ity " ; .\tr«. X. ./. ! K eefer t'ave a vocal ^olo and responded j

I to an encore; I . II. M asters ta lk ed on ] I “ Tho Preas ns a Community B u ild e r ," 1,

and .Mis.t ihitli Tolliv-!r ]dn'yed a fliit<’ ' solo and nn encore, itn rsh a ll B row ne told of “ G etting Out the P a i)e r,’* and dem onstrated tlie linotyjie nuiohino. I t j ! was. a tu(i.it pleaKing ;unl in struc tive afternoon. j ’

r _______ It Mrs. I'harlcH II. n 'lrtm . e n tc rta iaed ■s eiyht smnll gaeMl>i Monday a fte rnoon in ' g honor of the -i.irthday of her little f daughter, B etty Clive. A m orry t in ie | '

was Kpcat w ith gam es o f various k in d s 'I aftcT which the pientH wore soatod a t :i h able decorated in i-ink and w h ite an d ;; »l havinti iis a eenterpicc'! a w b lte Id r tli- , ' i- dny cake ornam ented w itb six p in k :, d candles. Tllo^e preseat wero l io ro th y ,' d M albcrg, Anna Mny “M nlberg, M a r th a ,’ :t Holmes, Daisy Dean ThomaH, Aileen.

Brncken, Bobcrt Mncn.ilcy nnd Chnrlcs | n Macauley, J r . i<s — ^ jh Officers were eleetod ut th e -m eeting- 'n Tuesday evening of the P . K. O. SisK'r- ‘ :c hood a t th e liomo of M rs. J . 8 . S tcw nrt a as follows: M rs. 8 . S. All, p residen t; r- Mrs. iCari Fe lt, v ice p resid en t; Mias is Georgia S tew art, record ing Hccrctnr>-; ro Mra. Edwnrd Cooper, corresponding sec-

re tn ry ; Miss Jessie F raser, tre a su re r;IK M rs. Clinrles H a rt , Mmplnin; M rs. Wil- 3r ton Peck, gunrd; Mrs. E arl F e lt , presi- n- den t nltcrnnto to lho stnto convontion; ly M rs. Kthel firny , delegate to the s ta te 5- convention; M isa AUco Taylor, a lte r ­

n a te delegate.


m erican LI*?.. ATrUOIT C L E V E L A N D

5. 28. 27 A pril 18. 19, 20. 21 Jun« I. 25. 28 Ju n o 2S, 29. 30. J u ly 1 AuR ) . 4 O ct. 5. 6. 7 Sept

27. 28. 29 M ny 4, 6. «. 7 Ju n i30, 30), S l Ju n o 23. 24. 2S. 2C Aur7 Hcpl. (3, 3), 4 Scpl

A pril 22. 23. 24. 25 Jum

m Ju ly 3. (4. 4). 5 Ju ly8 « p t. 8. 9 8epl

klay 1, 3 > Juni

“ • =’- “ A l l im

10. 11 M ay 12, 13, 14. IE S]Apri

, 22 r M ay 18. 17. 18. 19 Jun«8. 9 Ju n o 17 Jun<6. 18. 17 J u ty 10. 11. 12. 18 Hcpt

A ug. 18, 19 Sept

1. 14. 15 M ay K 9. 10. 11 Apri9. 21. 23 J u n o 14. 18. 16. 17 M ay 3. 24 A ur. 2C. 20. 27 Jun r


. 18. 19 M ny 20, 21. 22, 23 Moy, 13. 13 J u ly 0. 7. 8, 9 J«n«

Aur . 12 O ct. J AUR. 1C, 1«

l y i n R -iiiirdayfl 14 pK in SunilayB 17 fl

D ay J u lv 4 th Dec<> ijtVior Day



— — jl

Idaho Woman Receives Letter^;of Gr.atitu(!e From Anton';

! Lang, Passion Play Christus J

I U M V E n S lT V O F ID A H O , Moscow, jM n re b 0.— A in t e r e s t i n g l e t t e r h a s bco n j;i jr u 'i 'iv e d ity M rs . M . L. S a r g e n t , p r o - j^;fe!i.Hor of I...... Jjiiiguagea a l tlie Uni-[ v o rs i ty o f I d a h o , f ro m A n to n L a n g , |Chri.-*tus lit th o famouM O b ertim m ergau )P;uK ioii i ' l a y , a n d bi-< w ife . M rs . S a r- ‘g e n t s p e n t th e h u m m e r in E u ro |ie a n d (law th e jiliiy t h i s y e a r . U pon b e r r e ­tu r n siie to ld t h e I-’n c u lty W o m e n ’s ciu)> a b o u t th e f in an c i^ il c o n d itio n s ex- <

. is t in g n t O b o ra m m e rg a u , a n d how th e 1

.p e o p le h a d p re f e r r v i l jm v e r ty to b re a k - l in g Jlie vow s m a d e c o n tiir ie s b e fo re b y ' • th e i r f o r e f a th e r s , . a n i l ko b a il r e fu se d 1 j to c o m n ie ro ia llz e t h e p la y b y a -.c ep tin g i | a n o f f e r I’f a m in io n d e l la r s fo r th e ox- > le liis lv e f ilm r rg l i ts . A s a r e s u l t o f h e r I I tn lk a c o lle c tio n o f -HL’O w as s e n t to 1 IM r. I j i n g f o r u se a s h e sa w f i t . B x- i icer|> tn from tb e l e t t e r , w h ic h w a s w ri t- i to n b y M rs. I j i i i g , ih a n k ln K th e c lu b : f o r I ts in t e r e . i t - i n t h e w e l fa re o f th e

i p eop le o f O b e ra n im e rg a u , fo llo w : j “ O w in g to th o f a e l t h a t m y d e a r ;h u sb a n d h a s b e e n v e r y ill w ith tlie [g rip p e Binee ( l i r i s tm n a , i t h n s b e e n im- i jpoH sihle to ' r e s p o n d to y o n r v e ry k in d > a n d generouB g i f t so o n '.r th n n th i s la te .

(d a te . M a y G o d ’s r ic h i 's t b lc s s in c s r e s t . u pon y o u a n d a l l th o k in d c o n tr ib u to rs : to Ib e g i f t so iit UH •Illd m a y y o u b c a sa u rc d o f o u r la s t in g . g ra tc fu lnesH .

C amern M au Tompta.

' ' I t W.1.H in d e e d a g r e a t te m p ta tio n i in the-io te r r ib le t im e s n o t to a c c e p t ■ th e one m il lio n d o lla r o f fe r f o r th e

f ilm in g o f lh o O b e ra 'n m e rg n u P aaaion - P la y . B u t w o c o u ld n o t se ll o n r id e a ls . jT h i- H piritiial u p l i f t .h ro u i;h th e p la y , h o w e v e r, h a s .b o e n g r e a te r th a n e v e r be-

r fo re , i i a r l i '.n l a r iy to thnne w hn h a d iM iff.T .'d se v e re ly th r o u c h th e w n r in

, 'l . i . th bod y a n d Hi.nl. M a n y le t te r s to ,m y h u sb n n d b e a r te s t im o n y tn th a t , j “ T liro u g h tb o f r i g h t f u l d e jire c ia t io n■of the ....... thor.- Ii:ih been a lo«« in-;slea<l I'l n m ateria l <:,iin from the per-

, iforman.-e th is vonr. This is particn- . hirlv -nd. Hin.-,.'thcro was nothing le ft If iir 'ch a riiy thin tim e «h .'n it is needed more tlmn ever. Throngh the war a l l i

isiiiirces had been <‘\<iiiUHted and tbero in w;Mit oVeivuh.To—In Ihe ho-pital,

lin Ihe hcliools. and in the church. My ;'h in .l.aiid and 1 are now w orking for a ^'m nall addition to tho hosjiital, which is J t o be nned as a home for the nged. There , ja re so mnny old people 'w ho have lab-

lo red for OO'or 70 yenrs who nro now reJucod to ab jec t jioverty. M nny denr

rifrien d a from nbrond. particu lnrly from iiA m erIca, have helped US' in thia undor- ■ tjiking, and I th in k it will, j.lonso you ; nnd the o ther lad ies th a t your names i hnve been em bodied in tbo ground work I for tbia good undertnk ing .

“ I t mny in te re s t you to know th n t . wo gave C9 perform ances th is pummcr

w ith an a tten d an ce u£ nlmost .l.'O,000 visitors. The sa la rie s of tho mnin nct-

; ors, such as C hristus, Prologue, tlic I'l choir lender, C aiphns f-nd tb e muaic di- . rec to r am ounted tp 2700 mnrka fo r tho

Biimmor’s w ork, w ith 400 m nrks added fo r tho Tcbcnrflala. Thia aum sufficed ju s t fo r tho purcbnae of one pair o f

^eague SciAT


mo 14, JG. 18, 1 7 . J u n e 18. 19. 20. 21 iR. 10. 11, 12. 13 A ur. 0. 7. 8. 9p l. 24. 25. 20 S e p t. 20, 21, 22

mo 0. 10. 11. 12 ^ J o n o C. 0. 7. «UR. 2. 3. 4 J u ly 28. 30. 31. AUS•pl. 10, .1", 18, 19 S e p t. 13, 14, 16

m e B. 0. 7. 8 J u n o 9. 11, 12. 13Ily 28. 29. 30. 81 a u r . 2. 3. 4;pt. 13. 14. 16 S e p t. 17. 18, 19, 19

m o 18, 19. 20. 21 J u n o -14. IB, 18UR. C. 6, 7. 8 A ur. 10. 11, 13. 13rpt. 21. 22, 23 S e p t. 24, 24. 2C, 26

4 J • A pril 18. 19. 20. 21^porting " ='?r\l 26. 27. 28. 29

Eventsj r il 30. M ny 1. 2. 3 M ny 24. 25, 20;iy 27, 23. 20. 30 J u ly 21. 26. 27mo 4 S e p t. 3, 3, 4, 5 p t. 2. 8

ny 4. B. 6 A pril 23. 24, 25 no 28._ 29. 30. J u ty 1 M ay 28. 29. 30. 30

4. B. 0, 7 S e p t. «, 7. 8. I.

A a tu rd a y s l l S n tu rd a jnf lundaya D eco ra tion Dny

‘c o m tlo n D a y Lat>or D ay

)AHO, WEDNESDAY M(shoos. The snlnry of th e o tho r netors j'ah nm ountcd to 2000 ninrkn apiece. jb e

r u tu re Seems D ark.“ At th e anggestion of t^vo friends /jj

from Xesv York « e aro contcm pbitinK p , an exhib ition o f our wood ca rv in g in- (), d uatry Jn New York fo r tbo com ing win- te r. Tho Oermnna thouiselves cnn uo longer a ffo rd nrtieles of luxury , eurh I ns wood carv ing , b c a u a o th e prices of

,ncce8aities liavo riaen to n gidciy iieight since th e FTeucb nro in tho B ubr. Be- ^

,sides th n l, tho taxes aro so bigb tha t they s tifle na. Tho fu tu re aeems very

idark fo r ii» and our f a th e r ln n d ."I Tbo Ic tto r required :;00 m arks post­age w hich in pre-war Ume* would bave * ;im ouutcd to Enen of tbo contribu-

itora received np nntogranhcd photo- . graph o f M r. ns bo appeared in whis rolo o f Cbriatus. bi

DENIES GERMAN WISH(Continued Prom Pago Ono.)

----------------------- ■ ■ J]oiiH_ signatories of tho t re a ty m oving a finger. “ Y e t,’* ho added, " th o ^ F rench action is na mucb ' d irec ted y,

^against tbo poaco inatrum ont doviaod by tbo powers na I t is ngninat Ger- jj' mnny. No wondor tho m inds o f the Oermnn peoplo nro keyed to n lm ost in- y to lerab le tension. I f te rrib le dnnger is no t to arise, wn m ust ngnin po in t J nut tho wrong, which hns been dono ^ nnd w arn tho world w ithou t delay, q F or th is renson, I abandon m y jou rney j., to M unich .’’ cl

N o th ing to Conceal ^p

D eclaring his in ten tion to aponk | „ qu ite openly, “ I hnvo no th ing to con- |j c ea l,’’ th e rhancellor rocalled the j F rench declaration repud ia ting politi- cal m otives fo r tho occupation and ^ sa id : j i,

“ A gainst tb n t declaration w o n o w '^ have the reality . The ao-cnlled ‘ ro- f, H tricted’ em ployment of so ld iers com- = prises five divisions, w itb tw o com­m anding genernls, nbout 75 tan k a nnd hiirjcJreds o f a irp lan es.’’ ■"

H err Cuno comjdnined tb n t tho In- ter-nllied H hineland commisaion had ^ “ placed itse lf n t tbo serv ice o fl French vinlonce, isKiiing decrees with-1 out bo lhering itse lf nbou t legal;- ''

IH ecounting a long_ lis t o f n r re s ts .- J

HonloiiccH and expulsions by the j French , the chancellor sa id : “ The honor o f the Herman men will not be illm inished by uuch d isg racefu l im-j t prisoiiaient. im t ra th e r increased. B ul - u how can th is disgraco be reconcilcd e w ith the honor of th e , F rench nn- J l io n ? ” I

I E xcites Ind ig n a tio n <

The chancellor's speech wns Inrgely J tnken up w ilh an Ind ignant rec it.il in ( g rea t detnil o f convictioDS an d eipu l- ‘ hIohh by tho Fronch, w hereby tbo oc- , cupied a rea lost a mnjorib}’ o f ita of- ) ficijil«, w itb f rticu lars o f w h a t bo de- ,

' Kcribed as ••the cruel an d b ru ta l t re a tm en t of those officials, aom'e- of ■

‘ wlioni have been m anaclcd a n d con- ] f ined to Nolitnry dnrk colls, ill-Jod and |

' beaten w ith rid ing w hips nnd other- j ' w ise m altreated becausc, in accord- ,

ance w ith the ir duty, th ey rcfuso to ' sa lu te tbo invader.” ,

T his rec ita l evoked b u rsts o f indig- j na tion . The cliancellor nlao gave fig- 1

' urcs ahowing th n t F rancc h ad gained 1 ’ no th ing m ateria lly b y tbo invasion, j ' which he aaid hnd produced a poasivo i

l)alnncc. • ]I Sees SeUd B eslstonce |

I “ M. Poincaro mny be c o n ten t w ith f Ibe re su lt,’ ’ lie continued, “ b n t the

bedule, 192A T AT


Ju n o B. 6. 7. 8 J u n o 9. 11.J u ly 28. 29, 30. 31 A u r . 1. 2. .S e p t. 13. 14, 15 H cpl. 17. 18,

J u n o 13. 14, 15. 16 ■Juno

-J u n o 17, 18. 19. 20 J u n eAUfft 9. 10. 11. 12 • AUtf. fi. ■ J l ,

. S e p t. 24. 28, 26 S e p t. 20.

J u n o 9, 10. 11, 12 J u n o 4. 6. {Au r . 1. ". 3. 4 J u ly 28. 30.

6 S e p t. 16, 17, 18 S c p L 13. 14

1 A pril 22, 23, 24, 25 M ay 24, 25.J u ly ! . ) f , ^ s s ,AUR. 30. a i . S e p t. 1 S e p t. 3^ 3.

s IrK -Ci”"""" H 'C v

Read m . iA pril 18. 19. 20. 2 t «««<■

» J-Uiy 31. Ju n o 1. 2. 3 H n iS e p t. 9. 10, n J

ORNING, MARCH 7,192^I 'a h n ro h o ld o n ' I n tb l« a n d i ^ U a g ir iD 'I bo lcsa contcnt, fo r tboy n o t e n lf . xa>9>'■* •

ceivo nn dividends b u t w ill b e re q n lii^ ; ' to pay n cunsidorffblo eo n tribn tlon ' to'.'. ''* finnnco tho undortnkinif. O ne t l i l a g ' , :

■ Poincaro hoa b rongh t nboot^ nam eljr '. ■, t h a t tho populations o f tho B uhr an d : ' tho Bhineland a re moro Q otenained ■ ;

' th a n ever on realstance., I “ However long tho occapation w *y - ' -

continue, tho curse o f barrenness wiU pursue tho French. W o w ill n o t cease our nolicv of passive rcsin taaee, nntU th e iT V ^ a a tta ined w hich wo ae t bo- ; lo re ua Tfoni tho outaot of a reasonable, f froe and lionoat u n d e rs ta n d in g ." ■

T w o W a y s to R e ta in J o b . ^.'J'-'!" M a b e ra .n rw t. o n icc J ob . 8 b * i?

1 WHH Just out o f biiRlncaH' BCliooT'an^*'* besides being Inexperlenccc), really wn*« nol very ofllclcnt In d ic ta tio n and typew riting . C lurn .jvboH e tlciik w u n ex t in Mtihel’H. wuTcbed proceedings nnd Raw that Mubcl w a sn 't g e tting ' niong vory well. O n r dny she tCM)k

' Mnbel o u t to Juncb nnd gnve h e r »om®‘ expori ndvieo. "M nbol. lioney.” Bl.liJ J C lnrn. "you a in ’t f)tilte up to snuff on* y o u r job. Now, if you w ns rcnl pret-* ty —woll. I toll y o u . If yon w nnt to* h o ld y o u r jo b you e l t b e r g o i tn do Rom e - ta ll n m c tlc ln g o n th e ty p e w r i t e r o r

* y o u g o ttn CO to n g ood b o n n ty pnrl<»r."O dd B e lie fs C o n c e rn in g C.'its.

From the ciiriloKi tim es, c a ts have ° g iven rise to tnuny Queer H uporstitlons '• a n d beliefs. They buve frc»|iiontly been f regnn lcd aa supom niiiru l niilitm ls. T he

cbnrlol o f tlu* mytblonl Fr»*yju w as d rnw n by cats, an d Iloldci w na HUp- poRcd to hnve n bodygnnnl o f tniildena m ounted on n its . T b e dom estic ca t

' lian been n>gnnled for bundredn of ® yea rs ub n w eutber prnpbet. Snllora . i ‘j n ro very supcrHlllloiiH m g an lin g cats.

. T o th row n cn t overbim nl tneans nn I Inv ita tion to Imd w e^ tbcr, nnd wben

' ' • a shlp'fl cnt Ih frlnky, heavy gntca o re ’■ forclnld. _______|. J .11,, '. . !


d ' N otice o f SherirCa S a te o f R «al E s ta te , f i U ndar D ecree o f F o r e c lo tu re a n d Or*

d e r of Sale.l-l --------j i l A n to n H cnilrlcka .“ P la tn l lf f .

. i Jo h n P. G reen n n d C orn M ild re d G reen ,’ i Ilia w lfo, u n d R ex T h o m n a a n d F e rn

'I 'l F . T hom ns. h ia w ife,I D efen d a n ts .

1 U m lcr nnd liy v lrU io o f tin O rd e r o f I Snlo n n d IV creo o f ro rcg loB uro . Issued

* I • o u t of- itio D la irlc t C o u r t o f th o E lev* id e n th Ju<llclnl D is tr ic t of t h o R ta to of H. Idnlio. In und fo r th e C o u n ty of T w in

<liitr.i lho « ih liny o f M nrch . 1923.In Ihc «l>ovc e n title d n c lio n w lic ro ln A n ­io n H rndrleU n. tlio nhovo m im ed p la ln - Uff. <il>talncil ll ( teeroe nfm lnn t th e ntK>ve

Iv n a m id <lcf<ndanis. -on th o 3 rd d u y of ,* M nrch. 1921. w h ich sa id d e c re o w aa on i» Uio lu.Id 3rd dny o f M a rc h . 1923, re* i |. con lcil In JndR m ent tiook 8 o f su id D is ­

tr ic t C o u r l u l pixRu 302. I a m co m m and- C- od lo nell a ll d ia l c e r tn in lo t. p leco o r ,f. p a re d n f Innd s ll iu ite d In tlio C oun ty of

T w in n i l l s , K ta lo of Idaho , a n d Iw unded un d doncrllied a s follown. to - w lt :

n l l.o t n u m bered flv o (6). In block n u m - , lic rc it th lr ly -a lx (36). o f ih c C ity of

n i T w in Faltn n s sa m o in ahoW n on lh o n . fina l a n d a m en d e d p tu l o f T w in F lills

, Tow nHlto. on file u n d re c o rd In th o o f-w flco of III© n c c o rd e r o f s a id C o u n ty a n d

•r. .s ta te , to g u th e r w ith a ll a n d s in R u la r th e , te n ein n n ta , l ic red ltn m o n ta a n d a p p u r to - *'• nancea th e re u n to bcIonfflnR o r In a n y to w iso apperta ln lnR .

Pub lic Nollco la H e re b y G iven . T h n t on th e 2nil d a y o f A p ril. 1923. a t t h o '

g . h o u r of 2 o clock p. ni. (m o u n ta in llm o) of Raid dny. n t th e o a s t f ro n t d o o r o f

>-• th o c o u r t houso of th o C o u n ty o f T w in . cd Fa lla . S ta le o f Idaho , 1 w ill In obodlenco

10 aald O rder o f S a lo n n d D ecroo of. F orecloaure. aell th o a b o v o de scrib e d

i-o p i;opcriy to sa lis fy - p la ln t l f f a d e c ree wU h In te re s t th e re o n , to g o tb e r w ith n il coata th a t Imvo a c c ru e d o r ttm y n ccruo to tho h igheat b id d e r fo r c a sh , la w fu l m oney o f Ihe U n ite d B U toa .

t h D a te d th is Oth d ^ of M a rc h . 1923. . bo F IN C H . BhorUf.“ 0 B y IL B. n a m ll to n , D ep u ty .

>23raSTON ”

11. 12. 13 J u ly 4 th a l S t . L o u is3 a , 4 LubO r D ay u t D e t ro it

. 18. 19

IB 19 "0 21 D ec o ra tio n D a y n l D e tro it’ 11 J u n o 18 lh a t feoalon, 2 ^ . 20 C leve land .

*8 J u ly 4 tb a t C leve land_ ■;^1. ’22. 22

30 % l ‘ P c c o ra U o n D a y a l C h icago ,, 14. 15

a t N e w T o rk . . J u ly 4 th ' ' n t B oston

-6 , -0 . -7 tA b o r D nj3. .4, 6 . . — . ,

, M a y 1. 2. 3n . . < 'h ' a t B o slo n31. Sept. 1 -

37. 28 Deeomtlon D ay a t Wash*2.1. 25. 26 InRton28, 29. 29 L a b o r D ay a t ^ lU d e lp h t a


r ' • NEWS-'-': ;> ' *■ ' .j. 'Am--'?


U tu e d ovcry roo rn lng cx cep t M onJay

T w in Fnlla N cw« rtiljIlMhlnB Co.. Inc.(KaUil>llnlli><l 1904>

E n tcro il na Bi-conC cliwts m nil m /ittpr April !>. IfllS. u t Uio poHtofflce n l T w in T ^ la . Idiiho. u n J c r thu a c t o t M nrcli «.I87».

SU B SCR IPT IO N RA T E SOn* y « » r ....................................................... K .J?• m o n th s ................................................... 3.35I monthfl ................................................... 1.65

" 1 m ontl. . . : ...............’.......................................80

BaBMniCR O F AHKOCIATICn I‘R i:S 3 •T ho AHBOclnted rn m a I* rxcliinlvply

•ntltlc<t to Uio UKO fo r rotmbllciitlcin of » ll nown <ll« |.ulchiu crcilU.Ml lo It. or not otherwtHn crriJllod l» th ia pnpor. unil •Jtio tho locnl nowH pulillah rd lun -ln .All rlKlita uf ro|iul)llcjitli>ti nf npculnl lJUpfttchuH horoln nr« uIho re-«orvcJ.

IlirUHB AtmocllUoiI I 'ri'M . )

No re/iponHlbltliy in ntmimiptl for llio * eirc of untiollclU'd iiiiiniiMorliHii. ptium-■ «ni|ibn or oiluT contrlhiiti'il iiinitcr. A--.Ilclcu n i.I.iu liii'd for piil>lti-aiion will t>c- u«c<l tir m il lit tliM illMrr.'ilon of llio c.ll- to r. a»(l no iii.u>ii.'>crl|>i^ n lil l>o rc tiin i.'.l oni.'ii" nccoiniKiiilinl l.y n.'<-.'.HH;iry p o s t.

Tti.> N-c-\v-« Ih ll 111.. . >'f llll) Aii.llt(luri'u ii or C liviilatlnn:i. friiiil wlioiii (nil Infciniiatl.m uh lo <-iro<iliitli>ii m ay I.o oti- tnliio.l up.iii npplk-ulloii. 1 h-liill.'il infor-

i :a STKI{N ItKl'ilKSICNTATlVi:.-?Goorm- ll, n .ivM Co., Inn,. 171 M a.lU 'in .

Avo.. N.-W V.>ilt: A. It. K .'H tor. l l l l Iilr ir tfo lil lliilUlliiK. C lilcauo. I

T IIE T A R i r r AS AN I88XTES t r u t , ( i f tlic DciniH-rntie imrly

nuy tlmt (hi- liir if f will ho mt in.HUo in tJin n.-xt iirrHidi'iitiul olection. I f so, , / i t will 1... Ull iHsui! uKuinit tliu t im rty. ' For n-:irly tw o ycurs tlio n:Uion liit!i

, l....‘n .III,ior p r.ili-.tivo tu r if f - lo m i.o - M rnry m.il juTii.inu-nt—nml f o r ’ n.-urly

. two yp:ir« its jiriijjrcHH towurd j>r<iK|u;r- Cnm ily hus liooii niurkctliy iiccelcrntoil. Tiic<

T liul itH ri'covcry from tho economic s = dc[iroM«inn of Ihn jirfcodinj; Domoernt- anot ic nilminlHtnition is largely o llrilm t- mat. ablo lo tho Btinurlntivo nml nouriflhinR Onir lioiiPtits of tho t.-xriff is proved by tho Co-i fac ts <if till' cuHi'. T hn t tlio proU-c- iili'ii live tiir if f huH fjiik'd to iiroiiuco ijny tron o f tho lincl o ffools prophcsipa liy its nn.l parlinan opiionontji is d ea rly niiiiarenl. In I

Tho Anu-rii-nn j.ooplo cun scn> the no hclpfol worktni; of the l.nriff scliL-dules ninii fo r themsolves, anil to put tlieni in snpi iu u o would bo to propose n clioico lio- j,

■ twoon II method of prOimotiiiK prnsiier- ity thn t h:is proven sni-cossfitl und its [„ rojccUon fnr tho «)eii<'fit o f n purty Ihnt wus so huKoly. responsible for ,,,,,, tho la te iloprcMloi). W ith nuch a choico boforo llio Am oricau voters tho ,.vi. ovcrwhelmiuB tiia jorily cnr» bu cmintcd i-:,.,: on to Hupiiort iirotcetlvo tu r if f . „nd

' '■'•I’t h e ‘ 'n a S T L A D Y ” .me

■ Ono of tho finest th in i'" nboiil Pros- Me idea l HurdiiiB is h is w ife. Indeed, „n probably the alronROBt hold bo has on mni tho American people is based ou nu- ] lionnl Hymimthy wilh n normal, typical #nd cli.irncloristic A m erican ninancc of two peojilo devoted to a common ond. There is nolbinK cro lic aboul ,j,j, Ibe HurdiiiKS, OothinR tem porniuenU l; from the fron t porch to th e W hito House th.'y go arm in nrm, she a h a lf gy|, •tep bohiud him, b u t never fa rth e r awny. y.u

Mrs. llu rd inK ’s (luiet loyalty , bor ^ .olf-offaointf .|.-v(.lion to lier bust.-xi-.l V

■ rarerr m.t.Jo «n «/> Wn.sh-I , I ” ' - " ™ ii.npresidenfH wivos no. sho repres.'nts American womunlioo.i of the home va- rioty p.Tlinp:* more nearly than most.At least tho iiffootinn belwoon tl.o tw.i liuH lio.-ii u urutofiil an.i wholesome ex- ampt.' i.i an uj;e l.'ft a trifle liy,Hl.T- ye ical and uiibal.iiiced nfter abnoraii*! bi: l iv in g i.v o r « »(

Th<- wit.- i'f the pr<-si.l.'nt believes lirr r.'.-overy i* due in pnrl to Uie in- i,],

- tercos.Hionn of Ihe Amerirun peopl.-. T\ Thai is a s.nind old American trait, tho -liomely belief in jirayer. • Prayer U faith, an.l it appears that Mrs. Ilardiii«’* fuitb rceeived Iho iftipetus rb of thut nulii.iial petition and so con m icn-J li.r ■irki.os., 11 i« tra.)

tlio American penjilc di«l feel u deep „|| nnd, Hiibstantial itiLorosl in Mrs. Hard- ro lti{j und would have' suffered a nntion- mi . l . o r r . w i r . u c - 1,had been tnken from life iu the very

i Lour of nchicvoment.rolitieul issues may divido men in

■thou(!lit atiJ purpose, bui tliero nre 'T cortain humi»n <|ualilios which unite all peojile," because touchlnf; nil. Hucli

;; are tho qualities possesaed by tbe lady |i< J of tho WhUo House nnd tbero is no , voice of conj ratuUtion abscot from •; hor apparent recovery.

j P U T T IN O IT ON T m O Kij I f thrro U ono thiuK that means^ leaa thnn another in the lives of this j„

celebrated huaan rnco it ia a luperla- wi tlve..^ Few among ua have achieved IB an obscurity in which we are not theI youn^st, the oldest, prottleet, tallestI or amallest lomcthlnB or other iome-I where.I -A few montha ago Omaha picked her «

’ prettlcat jrirl to represent her out of



77-Year-Old Woman Hi


Mr,<. Charles H. .Tones, 77-yours deci ihl, has beon elo.-teii to tlio Presi- bon U-ucy ot thL< NoflliH'c.-dorjj J-iHwher -slui iiiipanv, n #1,000,000 corporation of buU rueiima, WjiHhiiiKtoii, succeeding hor

mother lass of nstoni. liinc heauly hns | n.itoriali/ed ami boon designuted Miss ! )ninhn for hoiiic reason not mentioned. | cob I'o-ineiilontally, wo nre uiipri,Hed of the' ber lil.'utitie.s of tho prettiest girl m Mon- Ironl, the fairest nrlross in Hwoden, ■ j !>ii.l the hilly whoHc teeth are reputed gt.c III be the loveliest in nil Pnris, with Htn no u-HSuranoo, liowcv.-r, thnt next iiinntli will not prodiii-o anotlior and' superior ,person in oucli elns-. 1 aia

h i.H an bisturic i »ct Hint man dies 1 bui...... I kLin TounoHseo haa died several times reeoiitly. And it i» u recoKuized truth i ] thal every oapluVt'd still of imposing cn« sizo becomes autojtinlli-nlly tho largest jj” ever eonfisenteii. The original I.lttle i-:va .lied agnin a week ngii, und now . fall nnd then wo Icurn that thu Inst of the; wo cnptora of .loff Davis has shuffled off, “ .iriee more. The last veteran of Scott ’« , .Meiienn oxpodUioii periodically passes |.in and the sole survivor of the Uustor frc massacre gives up tho ghost. lb*

It is a pretty custom, and liarmloss, because u peoide accu-Uomed to use su- ret perlativos earclessly pince uo great store in their nerurncy. It is merely suggested tbat all the prettiest girls in America eonvciie from time to timo to piek tlio preltioat girl among Ihem- np seivos, lhal nil original soniethlng-or. roi Mliers and oldest inhubitnuls, uiU. Urt- jJJ youngest eongfo»*»n>en 'and tiniest mid- ^^Hi.^et and decide in conference nl. who is whn. Tben when their loader pn is mentiun.*.! in the [ ''’'f f '’ Jll!inuy be referred to ns the j.reltiest girl in 0-ibkosli or tlio olile,-l Indian in Ari/.oua. That will help. wl! tol

Vitality of Matthew Arnold.iluttliew ArnoUl has been <leatl fli y,

yeum. Mont of the men wbo knew bim Inliinntely ure wlsn con*'. The fiisllbnlo of diary. reniliiboencoH. nnd [MiMi niortom rerollvetlons have been fired. Now vnlue only j» Dit* tent of Ills poetry. Wbul HUrvives? When n , Tuentlctb century publlsbcr w-ns , nsked this question. Itc turned lo ,hls bill .of mtlo.H under Arnold. One feels ilkn Chesterton when he beard n writer tloscrlbe to/whnt lielgbtH cnn rise "n Sbnkeypeure. n Burns nnd nn Ingerfl<ill;” nn linpulso to run nnd jjj whisper such u dellKhlful Incident to Arnold's tomb In Lalebnm. Yet. after nil. this wnn a rcnsoniible test. To ; rend un nuthor's book Is u compll- j menl; to hxiy It a recogaltlon.—Stnn- 'Icy T. W’llHnniH In llie North Ameriean Uevlow. !

' 1 n(Hla Position. ' | ,,,“Am I wan driving bomc from town a i,| spell ngo.” related Gnp Johmon of | UumpuM Uldge, " I Bctd Ilamp Strodder j eome booKllng out of tho front door nf hla houHC fully dressed, cxcept that he didn't hitve hln lirltchofi on.*'

"How In the nume nf wonder did hc hnppon to ba la thu tixT' Interestedly QHkcd Mrs. JohiiHoo.

■•I don’t know. I'rob'ly he didn't want 'em on, or biidn't time to put 'om on. or something. I never wns tho kind of a mnn In bc roesalng Into' | jj, onother gent's nffnlrs. If ho didn't . hnvc 'em on for any rcaaon, thnt 1 was hla buHlneits.' And. anyhow,I had Jig FIddlln In tho wa»on with me. and wo wero sorter tnlklng hosa Bwoi» nt tbe time."—Kansas Qty Star,

8h«vlno In Dark Room. - ^In the handle of a new aafetx razor g

U Inclosed on electric flash Ught lortQ enoogb to enable a man to m« to ahava himaelf in a dork room.


Heads Corporation [Ll


' It th e

- iuit<

huv. i-eii

t J

^ i' =


' ' " linteceasoil husband. Mrs. .Toiioh was nialorti ill .Iny, New York. Sbo ia a m)Iniineh prohibitionist and doea not otilOUcve tbat wo.uon should .smoko. ,^0

pie= ■ ----- ------------ .. Iiik

Lost Nothlna of Value, oiliA woman who Uvea In a Western pel

Itato «ince attended a lumbermcn’a ' •:onventlon with her huabana. With forler sbe carried an old-fashioned hand nuijng, thnt. nlthough It wns worth Uttle winnoney. wns dear to her as a gift. liuIlenchlng Uto stntlon a little early, thi

ibe nnd hor husband went across the ofnreet nnd sat uii a bench In a park haijntli the tmln »n.s almost due. Ou of[Ii»‘ train aouit- time later when they erslinil gone jmst aeverul stntlona sho thiJlBcoverod thnt site did not have the puihund bng: fortunately It held nothing stuIlf value. Iler husband wnn frankly Koglnd sbo had lost it, for he had rc- chipenteilly urged her to buy a new one. jn

Ix'S.H thun a week nfterward the bng tincnme bark tu her in the moll, and at millrst she wondered how anyono hud clnknown whore to send It. Dut on open- • ■Ing It she found nn overdue telephone tinhill with the wnmitig that service q„ would bc cut off from the house IfIt were not paltl by u ccrtnin date! It nwns n diRiiutod nccount nnd therefore ,<.oihad been unpnid, but of coumc the i .,finder could not have known thal; jelfrom the Himhblness of the bag and niuthe overdue bill he evidently hnd sup- gn poseil tho owner needed the bng and < from the kindness of bis lienrt had retumed It,—Youth's Companion.

Getting a Passport,Although a popxdur irudltlon haa U

thnt there Is a grent deal ot red tape, 'q[. Inconvenience nnd delay attendant upon oblnining a pnnsport to v la lt . , i( f ro|ie. one .obftc'fTtrr who recently went q,, itifough the proces-H found lltllC' un- pleasiintni'M. An Amerienn citizen. ',p| naturullred or native born, who Ii fur- nlHhed with ordinary informntbm re- j|, pnrding himself, date nnd pince of birth, date of naturiillzntlon nnd the j,„ Uke, really gets bis passiwrt. p,j

It Ib generally tbe pers»ms who do j,„ nnt g.) Ill the customs houxe nnned with fads wblcb common aon.sc should toll tlioin wi.iild be required who on- counter trouble. j,r

Two pliologniphfl. siiys the New i York Sun. nn- reijulred lo bo tiled wilh («| each nppllcutiitn for u pubsporr. Addi- o tionnl oncH mav be noodi-d. for In some foreign ooimlrleH kucIi photographs t|, an* demanded of tourists.

Steerage All Hla for Trip.Few cabin pussoiigt'rH ever hnd tho p,,

uttentldii of a lono steerage voyager tbnt arrived at New York recently on „ the Fnrneli liner Nlngani. Tbe ship ,.| brought Kcvorjil hunilred In tbe cabin, but the Hteerage uceoininotlalions were the poRsCH.slon of Adolf I'hieek. a,Ru- (r mnnlan, on hla wuy to I'lttsburgh. where hc hna a Job awaiting him. 'ni

rincek had the service* of tho chief Hteward. a tnble steward, a chcf, a room steward, a bartender nnd sev- eral membcra of the crew who Just t., wailed for hla orders; When they hntl nothing else lo do they entertained j„ him, und among other thlnga taught m him how to play poker. He admitted when he left the ahip thnt he had u wonderful trip. '

■ aThere Are Rlnge and Ring*. e( She Is a primary tcncher, thirty w

yeari! of uge. Shortly ufter achool bo- ci gnn this fall abe took her Uttle pu- ui plls Into the ynrd to teach them how « to play "Itlng Around a Itosy." '«<

Sho wished to mure It more real, tl So abe sold to the chUdren: *'Dld you ,h

j know tcnchcr's name la Rosy? Well, p I It Is. Now wouldn't you nil Uke to it [ put a ring around her and alng?*’ 'ni

They were quite wUIIng und the c< game began. But another teacher In u the building almoat broke It up wben ! she aald: *'Illngs look so nice around j Roar It seeou Joo baS no man ever i •occeeded In getting on* arotmd IV Boi7*s flnger.” |

tThe Newa la read bv the oermnDCQt .t


■ftID ON ALTARS r1 All Ages Wealth Has Flowed ‘—

Into Religious Temples._ \

old. Silver and Precious Qema Of> fered as Tribute Both to tdole ' I

and the Ua«e«n Ood. |Itequisitlon of church valuables by le soviet govemment, reported In die* iitches frotn Itusala. raises a question s to tho wealth or the various re- gluuB Institutiona of Uie world.“Slncc the dawn of history people uve been lavish with Uielr glftB for •llgloua purposes, whether they wor* illied Idols or an unseen God.” says bulletin from the heudquarters of tho 'allomil Geographic society."The cesult 1b thnt in all agca trcas-

re, usually In tho form of gold and ull- er and precious stones, hna llowed to. -•iiiples and churches, monasteries und i iher religious Institutions. In uny po* lod and In moat purts of the world. > lien, except during recent decades In • tie West, n con.'ildernble part of the] iliild wealth of the world has been ln| p <'cleslaBtlcal hnnds. Only the treiiH-; rles of tempontl princcs HuniaSyeil lii-fi* of the religious InstltutlonH. nnd aaJ I Honie Instances, us In Tlljct, the jji lonastcrle.H and temples held prtietl- j H ally all tbe country's treasure. I m•■ArclieologiBi.s Hnd pngan temples of' .sc

ivilizatlon'H dead for thousandH of, Ii ears were omnmented with a wealth ; oi f precious metnlK. Indian temples of h; overal fulllis bave hnd thclr rich I tl reasurles nnd tholr ornaments <if gold dJ nd silver for centuries, and they bave ti natie use*, ns well, of a glittering ar-i R: ay of dlninonds, rubies, sapphires nnd di itlier Jewels. Mnny an Idol today. si rum the dim Interlora of Indian tem- ol lies, looks out through eyes of great b' iiBtrous, preciotiK sCunes and wenr/? S' .iher gems thut might ransom un cm- d leror. . i‘ Chrlhtlnnlty had to flght for Its life

or tho Ufst 300 ycurs of lla existence lUd Itfl rites were carried on In the Impllclty that secrecy made ncceB-iary. I iui with Its oOTcIal recognition cauic an hu tendencies which had marked most tho If the openly nccepted religions which In lad come before; toward the making ent if gifts to churches by tievout follow- ncit •ra and powerful putrona und toward Thi he UBc ot moro elnbomle und costly pin luniphernnllu In the BcrvIccs. Con- n i ituntlne, llrst ClirlsHan emperor of Mo tome, lavished gifts on St. I’eter’s tlm rhurch In Koine nnd on Sancta Siipbla ngi n his own cnpitnl. Conatnnrtnople; lie we bus bnd a hand In enriching the two Ing nost fuiuous, nnd once the two richest, pa; ;hurchcs in Christendom. , J"The marked enrichment of Chrla- fm inn churchps begun In eumesl la Italy to Uld the East In tbo Fifth und Sixth jenturles and spread In enrly metlleval .dlil imes to Franco and other western km rounlrles. Nut only did the churches iccumulute gDld chalices, patens, can- lelubra and other smull objects, but ! iiany had large screens'Of gold und cot illver, as well as fonts and statues. To me 1 few of tho churches, oltars'of solid on ;old wero preaonted. but luter church we •egulationa prescribed, stone and wood l IS the only pemilsslblo mnterlals for gir iltnrs. I’reclous stones nlso camo tn oni jse to ornament Images of the saints, pin >r aa gifts to them. Thus tlio Sacred itnliy ot lb* CftiMckr of Am Cocll In thi Unine hns been given over u spuco of fai □luny years a wealth of Jcweld.' ‘

‘*T'ho accumulation of treasure by cm temples and churches and monnsterles tint) nut been unbroken. Time nnd po tltne ngnln theKc convenient stores of of precious metals nnd precious atones kc b«ve been jtclzed by congucrors. I’a*, pans have looted the shrines of other pngans. Mohnmmedunn looted Itouian iliuiclics. Iiieludlng St. Peter's In WO. ml nnd the churches of Con.Htniitlnopli> dl< In 14r>:i, Sanctn Sopliin, afler the hr break between iJie western und enKt- orn churches, wan sacked-by western M (’lirlsiluns ilurlng the fourth crusade, sw Churcli vessels woro taken or do- cli stroyed In many cases ut the time of P( tlie KeformatJou." ed

----------- :----------------- CjAmerican Boy Child at Seventeen.Ill America a boy In still n child nt ,

sovinteen. In Knglnnd he Is a man. with n man's aln u man'H costume and a Ilian's Interests, hnving put nway I “ chllilish things, which still exist In: t-Iiite of his clothea. lie docs not go' tearing down tho street In hln long trousers nnd high hat os would an' Americun boy. If bo was Initiated Into, the same costume nt the same age.

An Americun boy would (nnd lot IW hope be always wJIl) dratroy tbe. wlii.le effect und would run around tho’ comer to the. nearest pump to mean-l nre the tiuld capacity of his Mondcrful i hcudplece or to fill it wllh lasclous Btoleii fmlt.—Exchange.

American Milk In Hungary.' Amerienn evaporated milk- has scored ' a hit la Hungary. There I« a great, scarolty of fresh milk and there has al-I woys been a prejudice against the . ,canned artlclc which la In extensive, use in the United States and other countries, but recently a quantity ot evaporated mUk was sent tliere through the American relief, nnd It has mndo itn woy Into public fnvor. Prcpamtlons nro being mado to take largo, quantities of It, na It has been 'shown tbnt It can be sent there at a ,cost much less than the dairy,prod- uct can bo obtained.

i Appreciation,"John, dear, did yoo ! enjoy tbe

iWelah rabbit I mader jI “Darllngl And the blBcultsl Bnjoy. them7 Why. I conldn't sleep all night ifor thinking nbont them r —Richmond


\ ,

tN IN G . M A R C H 7,1923 V '

---------------------------------TI andFROM ORPHANAGE TO


TIic hoy hi who 1

- V ' ^ o f l l c eV . . - . .V.' ous llI she r

V r e a l l a I t f A “HowI ^ ^ 1 1 hcrwI V < 7 edltloiI m, ^ The^ • •■L_SLiL— stoppi

1. Jtf- iio'w!, V "Tc

^9 ^S |k '' ■. Icomein Q l ^ B i ' .; ! '

. self < Th<"n<

^ |r Icnm

I j™'„'I It go

m O N SH A PIH O , 30 yea rs old, hegon . You'^ Ifo m a S au F rv u d sco orphftflngo.; to bcI ilo w orked b is w ay tlurough school j iq ,] u:d college a n d bccom e a law yer. H e q ^o< icrved as n p r iv a te (a tbo world w ar. Rmiic In tho h-ujt fow y e a n , under hiu lead- ij^„ irshlp, flv o g re a t tobacco associations | :i:ivo bocn m .u k e tin ? two-thirdB o f tho A m erican tobacco crop, and h o ' i irec ts to n s ta te cooperativo aasoclA-1 tions In m ark e tin g co tton . H e haa or- • gan ltod a num ber o l b ig m ilk and dairy producta poola, and a t thb in- - p . , BWnce o f th o C anadian gov em m en t, ■ •‘ •J o fficinls, somo o f Ui^ e ffo rts aro now ' li'.ins c ltrried on In Canada. H e Is New genpral coiinpcj o f tho nation.il covn- t cU o f tho Farram rs’ Cooperativo M ar­keting assoc ia tion .'in.t o f tlie Tobacco □ row ers’ E xchange. A

_________________ tons

Buslnesa.If Americans uro materialistic, with }""" 1 eye to tho miiln chance, what ot • lose vlllngem wbo live all yeor round 1 I the summer resortB, who resist all itreatles.for work—not lazy btit also j Jt grasping? The story mn thus:j ‘ hey were hoUBclJccplng In a tiny! ""J ncc as old as the town. They needed , 'p'’ plumber, and telephoned one on n ondny, getting his promise to comej'''’’'^ int %-ery dny. They called him up ! jnln on Ttiesdny to remind him and “ “ cro onco more rcDssurod of his com* ,® ig; but Wedneaday nnd Thursday ‘’ ‘'Vj iiaaed without hla appearance. °Agnln on Friday the telephone. A - •antic. "Why haven't you como up 2, u » r ' r” "" '"Oh,” was the nnsvtir, "when I ' J' Idn't hear from y/m again I didn’t _ now whether you really wanted me." i

PIge in Clover.Sh® was paying her llrst visit to a

Busln who lived In the country. Hc . let her nt the Btntlon. and afler half „ n hour’s drive told her that they -,, •ere approaching hl farm. ”In ono of the Helds thnt met the ..

Iri'B attentive ej-e stood a windmill. .. nd gathered nround It were soveml „ igs’‘Well; I’m BiirprlBed!" exclaimed

ic fair one. "I didn't know that iirmem were so considerate.”“What do you mimn?” queried the

ountry cuualn. | ."That over yonder." replied the girl. L' ointlng n pretty linger. "Just tlilnk J,- f having n fun out in the field to cep those plgB cool!”

Juit So."Whnt a mnniy little fellowr nd- ,

ilrlngly suld the presiding elder. In- Heating one of Gnp Johnson's olive , imnche.i."You hetchnl” prldofully retumed

.Ir. Johnson. "You nrt to hear him wear when ht* tnken hln ague medi- Ine. ric dum nigh equals his Uncle m,, ’olk.'that u good mnny people Bunpoct- h1 oY bolng a train robber."—Kansas aty Star.

_________________ olntTIio Ncwa la read l.v the permnnen- shal :,ra-iiv '-"I"-.-,-, - ■ _J1

h m IVPW

w ^ m

— PH O N B J

TIi/> T rn in P n

MD HE .WAS' ABOUT RIGHTttie Newsboy Certainly Hid 8om« Correct tdeae Coricemlng 8uo«

ceat In Buaitteta. . ;nie homely, frcckle-faccd lUtle newa- y had not grceled the young woman 10 works 111 one of Ute duwntuwn lice buildings for Kcvernl thiys. in- !*ad she Imd bud to explain to n scri*18 looking little fellow whlcb pnpcr e preferred. Soon sho liegun to allM how much the checry smllo and low are you, miss?" hntl meant to T when served nlong with the latest iltlon.Then one evening ho-was bnck at s comer nnd the young woman opped to tell him how glnd Hlie wns sco-lilm again .and jlittt she hoj>ed ,

j'w-iin thero to “stay. • ‘‘■Tes'm, gucsn I'm here to stay suro ough. That other one wos my broth-

I thought I could Jcnd him this -mer and bcII papers myaelf at an- hcr, but Uio buslnesa cnn’t mn It- ilf nnd ho never wna no business nn.”The young wnmnn smiled nnd naid:"He Is not very old. perhaps ho will“Not him; ho never wlU IcariL wico I hnve tried to set him up Ui uslnoss for blmself nnd hc cnn’t make go. rapcrs won't aell themselves,

ou've got to bo happy If you want ) BclI pai>t!rfl. -You con't bc a grouch.[e don't know the flrst Uilng about good business mnn. Ho Juat can’t

[nllc.’’Tlio young womnn dcmonstmted her

wn bualnesa ability with u smile, took or pnpcr nnd hurrleil tnto the car. iufBlie did not read tho pnpcr on her •ny home. She had otiicr things to tilnk of.

rRUSSED fox' in hay sheaf

lew Zealand Farmer ReporU Occur­rence Which In Many Respects

la Remarkable.A Now Zealand farmer In Plnker-

nns Plnlna reports the unique fent of rusBlng a fox tn a ehcaf of hay. Tbe armor was working his binder In a icnvy crop, and wns frequently In iinicult vfl owing to the density of the ut. He therefore did not tako much lotlco of n severe humping nnd Jolting f the machine, until hc snw aome* hlng dnrk pnss under his feet going' hrough the machine. Tlie dimculty lenred Itself and tho binder wont moothly, but the farmer thinking vor Ihn mntter, thought he bad caught : rabbit, nnd got down to Investigate.Ie fonnd thnt the machine-wa&, all Ight, but on the npron were splashes' if blood, whloh cnhscil him to go bock o fiome.sheoves lliat hnd been thrown iff the cnrrler. To bin surprise he oantl a fox. securely tressed up la tho my, the binder twine encircling tha ihenf. Tlic nnlmni hnd both hind legi >ff. ono close up to the thigh, where he knives hnd cnught It, presumably isleep In the crop.

Machinery for South Africa.Importa of mining machinery Into

3outh Africa In 1H21 exoeeiled those >f Iftia by more thnn I'O per rent, ond thow an nppreclable Inerense over thoBo of the Intervening yonrs, says he Industrial machinery division of :he Deportment of Commerce. The iioHt notable fentTjre shown by these Imports BlotlBtlcS Ifl the expsnslon whleh hns tnken place In mnchinery Imported from Ibe United Stntes. De- Rplto the fnct Ibnt there wns a de- cldetl drop of Imports from the Unitod StnlftM in IIVJO. ns compared wllh thoao of 1010. the xnllent fuel Ib thnt In 1021 the mnnufacturem of ibe United Stales nupplletl more Ihnn .1. per ccnt ' of the mining mnehlnery purchiiBetl by the mines of the Union of South Afrlcn, which Is tnorc than twice the anionnt purebnsed from tbe United State.s In 31113.

EvU in Cunning Mind. 'All «uy <iwii oxperloni'o of llfo iciiolit'S

tlie ihe i-ontoruiii ol niiinliig. n<>t itie fear. The phrase ••prnfound ciiiiiiliig" bus alwuys si'oiried to tne n ooiiirudlc- llon In terma. I never knew u oun-. olng mind wblch was nol either shallow, or, on sumu points, diseased. —Mni. Jumcson.

ra 32—P n l l a -


CIUCAGO, M »rfh G t n —}icport« o t Scuvral r a in on<l kiiisv in tlio druiit^lit o rcu of t h e southw w t Itml n te iirlsh of- fe e t ou t h e w hea t m nrkot toiliiy. I'rlec i clonoil w eak n t 1-4 t»* o Hc ac t ao*-lhu', w ith Mny iil.18 J - t lo J.IH 3-9 iumI Ju lv $1.14 I S 't o l . u 1-4. Corn loat U-4 tn

' 1 1-Se, a n d onts 3-S to J-L’c to to 7-8c. Ill proviRioiis Ilie outcronm vnr- led from n isotbnck o f 5c to u rino of 2 l - i to 5c .

W callipr ilovclopmentd wero tlic rc. vofBO of w h n t h n d been uxpccted by the bu lls In th e whont lunrket. Nows of Dioiaturu o v e r m uch o f wcHtcrn Knnsiis vran In p u rtic tilu r considcreil im portnnt, an th.it Bcction hua for u long timo bcotj thp nioRt ]>crBistpnt 'Iry Bpot on tho m ap. D urin jf th o early ilcalingii, how­ever, specjiln tlve huyinj? of w heat on tho port o f trad e ra w hu aiinultiineously w cro iclliiiK cxiru (,'avc n tcmpornry u p ^ '' tu rn to w hcn t values, b u t when thia buy- ing cf w hcn t woa a t end tho w heat mur. k o t *honroil wcakncs'* tlirouRhoiit t h n , ' rcuiAliiilcr o f tho day.

Corn a n d oats wcro wenkncd by aeU. inff hajcfl more o r tc#* on fho fnct th a t etocki o f corn in Clkicnco 'arc double th e averago fo r tJie la a t 15 yenra.

Despite a decHne in iiojj valuw , pro- i vifllont show ed firmnL-M ow inc chiefly to nn nilvflnce in lard prices a t L iver- | pool.

. . ---------- IPO B T L A N D LIVESTOOK |

PORTLiAND, Oregon, March 0 (/P)-~ i C attle—X om inu lly " teady ; receipts < 27; choiec eloent to 7.C5; mo- i dliim t'o Rood 9G.25 to 7.00; fa i r to inc. i dUini jr>.00 to O.".'); r<'mnion to fa ir ] $4.25 fo n.50; cholrc helfera #5.75 to : C.OOj choico cows n n l heifers *•’>.25 to ; S.75;; nictUiim to good $4.0 to 5.25; fa ir to nieilluni $4 to 4.5(1; conimoa cows $3 > to 4.00; ennners 91.50 to .1,00; bulls $3 i to 4.50; choice fi-orlrrs f:> to G.50; / a i r ; tn fiooii !?4 to 5.00; flioice dn irv ealvcH < »S to ft.50; p rim e lii;h t >fl it) S'.SOI me- j dium liR ht i7 ..'0 to S.UO; heavy $5 to • 7..^0.

Uo(."<— Nonitiitillv Hteiidv: rcceiptH i 1175 (th rouK h). I'riino lic h t $9.'jr> ;

fo 9.5?l; «nmofh h c iv y 1>:10 (o .'IOO I lbs. $S,50 to 8.7.T; do 300 lbs. and up I lo it.OO; rouRh lionvv $7.^0 to 8.50; f a t i piprs J8.50 to 0,00; fi'f'norn *8,50 lo 0.00^ , Btaci, s u b jc f f lo dnrka).'e, $5 to 0.00.

Bhco|i— Nominnlly stendy; no rc- ceipln. Kn.Ht of inonntain lambn ; «13.50 to 14.00; choi-'i- valloy <i;UO t o I4.0f>;: modium SIS-W to . $13.50; eommon $10..'»0 to IJ.r.O; viills ; j $S.50 to Ki.i'fl; lii:lit yoiirlititpi $10 to i 11 .00riiff‘vv ifD.r.O to- iO.OO; Hdht weth- | erm Jl) to 0!:.0; heavv. ;*7 to D.OH; fivoa ; $2 fo 7.00.

J-------- 18 P 0 K A N X LtVBBTOCK

S i’0 1 \.\N r,. \Vii!>li.‘, M an'll f. (/P»— C attli— I?e>-,'iiils n i l ; marki'l nU-.i<\y, primo Rtei'rs ?7 fo 7.,">0; n^od lu elioiee

In T.Ih); M).'<liui'i» tn j-oo.l ?.'.50 to fi.li.'; f a i r to medium «.*, to r>.r)0; cum. , nmn to f : i lr t" .'.I'U; choice cow.iand iH'if.TH i-.',..'0 fo (l.OO; ^'ood to choicc ?4.50 to mudium to KO"d ''$3.75 to 4.r,0; f.Tir lo nu'dimu f2.7.'> to 3.50; caiuHTS $1 to •-‘..'iO; bull.i $3 lo 4.00; Jipfht vcnl cnlve.i fe 10.00; heavy vwal calvc* K>.jO to 7.50; stock- e rs nnd feeders ?4 to 5.50.

noiri— itccoints iHl!; m arke t-iitcady : prime m ix ed ?S.75 f-o fl.OO-, medium Diixod #H.50 to 8.75; henvii's $5.75 to 0.00; f a t pica to 8.75; Hlockeraond fcedcm $8 to 8.50.

Shrc]'— H crcipts m arket s tendy .prime lan ilis $1‘J to t2.7.’i; fa ir to med- . lum $11 to 12 .0 0 ; prim e yenrlincs S8 t.i 0.00; p finio wethera 40,50 to 4^; best mutton ew es $0 lo S.OO; feeder lambs n o lo 12.00. ' - • -

OM A H A LIVESTOOKOMAHA, N eb.. Mnrch 0 (U . B. Dc

partn ion t n f AK rim ituro (/ff*)—H oks—• Rcrci|it» 17,500; pnckinR cr:“l<>* lutfJjor hofpi «low, l ‘J fo 20c low er; bulk pnoltinjj sow* bulk bu tcherhocB JS to 8.10; top S8.10.

Cattle— lleccipta 7,-'i0fl; hoof steern , slow, l o to 25c lower; bulk fed steers (7.25 tf> 8.50; to p tf> ; Bio-*tock s teady , to 2. c lo w er; bu lk enniicrs and cu tte rs

(0 4 .00 ; cows #4 -iJ fo 0.00; o th e r clftsups a b o u t Rfcndy; bolocna bulls $4.25 to 4.50; vcnl to p <11.20; stockers and feeders $7 to 8.10; lop j8.30.

• 8^^cp— RecoipU 12.000; lam hssfeady to ilronK ; e a r ly bulk !fl4.2.T to 14.50; top <14.60; fe d d ipped .Inmbs $0.75 to 11.85; sh eep 10c hiRher; owo top *8.60; feeders Htcady.


m ent o f A criculturo') (JP)—Cnttlo—Ro- eoipl* 13,000; trad e KtneraMy rn ther lifelcjs; k illing q ua lity moatly m edium, boef Btecm closinfT uncveniy 15 to 25o lower; i n betw een ffra*los handyw oifjht Bt'ecrs Bhowintf inoBt .IccUne; top long yeailinfra #10; top be>f 8tocr» « .7 S ; wcJchf 3.J92 Ibiu; b w t heavy steers $9.50, w e ig h t 1,453 lb s ; aomo 1,574 lb averogo M.45; bulk beef stee rs and ycnrliners t7.7.'i to f>-25; l)Cof cows and heifers 10 to 15c Ipw er; eannora and cutters about s tead j’ ; bull* cIoslnR mostly 10c low er; v ea l cnlves steady to strong; choice ISO lb s . /ind u p hlRhor; Ptoekcrs nnd fecdoni wenk; p la iner kind 10 to 10c low er; b u lk desirable voal calves t o pnekcr* $ 0 to 0.50; fow uji- wnrd to $10 o n d obovo; shippers upw ard

m K I D S - ~

It C- 'HVs

/ * J , V !

■ ' yv^ to $1L50 and above; bulk desirnblo bo. ^ lofrna bulls around $4.H5 tn 4.80; heavy ■' boef bulls >4.75 to 0.25; bu lk stoekers

i.n>l feederK jil.CO to 7.Cti.Hofn— Receipts oO.OGO; 10 to 10c

f low er; snnie lljihler v.-oiKbtn o f f m sre;I . bu lk detiirablc 15(» to 210 ll>. butchers , to K.:iO; i.:ieklii(f SOWS arouna ’■ $7.15 tn 7.3,*,; medium piRs m ostly $0.00 I

to 7.25; ostim atrd holdover 10,000.j ! Slic>q>—IN'^eipt.i JO.IIOO; f:if Inmlw ,• opened about steady; cloaed wenk, 1-5 , to 2.V low er; other kilHn;» classes fnllv , atendy; top fa t lnm l.?'$15.20 to c ity , bu tchers. JL’i.lO fo packers; bulk desir. 1

nble M-ooled hinibs $14.00 to 15.10; c lip -' pOil-mostly S12.25 to 12.00; w ith fait

■ shorn up to ^12.85; heavieo m o s tly , $10.20; choice fed v c ra lin c wetheni $1,125; others $32.2.'5 lo 12.7.-;; bc«t

. ewcji !»H.7r>; avernRinfj 112 lb s .; o ther . ■ desirnblo lijjht w ethers to $8.50; oue.

load 111 lb. clipped w ethers $7.75.V- '>n N E W Y OEK STOOK M A B K E T

_ D ay 's to tn l sales J,‘.’CO,000 shares. f. T w enty industrials uveruKcd'. 104.7il; r. n o t gain .02; high 1P23, 104.79; lC(v,

90.00.' T w en tv railroads a</erORed 00.25; net

il. less, .20;' high 11)23, 00.03- low , 84.53.

lo N EW YORK, M arch -6 (/P>—Switch- in c o f speenlntive, in te re s t from one

0. RTOUp to another comlnned w ith nro fit- ly lak in jf and, shorl sellin,^ in o num ner of f. th e recently popular im lu stria l Issues

imnnrle<l a dc'-idedly Irrcffulnr trend t« pricca In fotlny’s 5fo«k m nrket. Tho v io len t fluelim tions in a nnm ber o f in ­div idual shares won^ (jenerally con-

- sfrued a s sugcestive e f th e Inst phase ts c f a “ bull m n rk e t," h u t opinions of0- expert observers nro ►fill w idely divid- c- ed as fo when the ris ing tendency of lr p rices which hns Kone on w ith orea.H. ;o ional inlerrnptlona for th e l.ist tw o ;o yenrs w ill end.ir Severnl o f tho usm l loaders wore in- f3 cllnod to be shitrgisb. U nited Htntes '3 S teel cloHinR 1-8 lower n t 107 7-B. Rc- ir po rts thn t the steel corporation w ni !H conleniplntlnR nn early Increase of 11 B- per cent in tho wncos o f d a y laborrr.i .0 Wi’re nffi'*iiillv denied.

Efiuipm ents’ showed «be m ost consist- ta ent streuRth. Baldw in touchcd 141 1-2 10 nnd closed n t 13f> 7-S. up 1 3-S, buyinp 10 beintr linsed ort speriil/ftivp c rp i’cfatifin 'fl fhn t !?10 .000.000 nejv.-btinincss would be it tak en on monthlv 'for r.omo tim e to

C(imi‘. rren«ed -Steel ( n r wnn the indi- vliiual fentiiT.' in th a t uroup , fouchin;;

c- 73. a new toi., and cIohuik a t 71 1-2, up in 0 on tbo day.y The pvroierhnicH r.f th e ursMion wiTe 0 ncnin fiirni«bcd by fb.« m otor n.ceMHor- I s jb 's iKmies, Stewrirl-V.'arnor Boeodome 0 tv r. the individual -tfur. fell from 1211- In 11-3 and then rn lh in ir to 117 1-2. o ff

2 1-2 on th e ,iav. S lroriibrr;: Cri’-biiretor fODverted nil .'Iirlv ■ nnin o f 2 points Into a net-lm - of 31-2 . Hosi-h M airnelo

' TWIN FJLLS MARKETS•e -------,0 P rlcw p a id Prodac»t»y -iweet cream, lb.........................................42c’’ n u irn itii; fream .....................................30c,l .Vresb ranch euKs .............................. H e;o H eai, heavy, lb .........................................l-’tc:o H em . lich t. lb ......................................... i'c-). U -chorn si'rijiA'-' ..................................... "c

nneks ................................ .......................10cT urkeys .!...... .................................. 12 to l«e

P o U to wm;o ‘'o tatoM . No. 1, c w t . _________86®80era o m a

W heat. Nn. 1, cw t.......................... ...... $1.03• LlTWtock

C » t t l^ ^ o w s , -fl-J.Q .a ., l-2 e ; •teem , J8 I Co 4- l-2e: voali a to

ITogs—Prim e, 7 to 8 l-4c.Bhecp —• M ottoa, Cc; a o m ark e t;

'ambfl, 8e.

E O U S E W U X ’S OTJIDB r. (RotaU P rices)r; r ro l ta and V egetab lN

Potatoes, e w t . __________ 75c@$1.00vabbago, per Ib. __ _, u __ 1 0 2 oCelerv. b u n c h _____________7 1-2@10«Cauliflower, lb. ........... - __ ____ 20 to 2Sc

y Carrots, l b . ___________________ 2 l-8«Boots, l b _________ ____________ 2 l-2orn rn lp s, l b . ___________________2 l-2«

’ aa lifo m io , h e a d _____________lB@20ePears, bu. _____ ________ |1.50@ a.00

y apples, Ib. ■ — ------ ■■ 2 0 S «)■; 'IropoB, Tokaye, Ib. ________ 20O25e

ProTlalona an d S U p le tH our, 48db. a a c k ________ *[email protected], beet. 100 lb s.......... .................$11.00Sugar, cone, 100 I b a . __________ $12.10Cream eboese —........... .. „ SOe

t- Briek cheoio --------------------!------------ 40o0- B e a n s ________________ fl W to 10«5r Bread ___ __________________ 8 l-8@ M e)• B uttor (cream ery) -------------------------BOci

B uttor (ranch) ___ —------ -35 to 40e.iKrrs, dozen ........................................... -20c

M M tars B a c o n ---------------------------------28 to Sf5eb Baeon, s lle o d ________________30 to 50eid H a m ________________________ 20 to 35c111 Horn, s l i c e d ______ - — - _ ^ _ ? 5 to OOeId Pork chops ---------------------------- lB02O oiR Lam b chepa --------------------------- £8@86«to P o rk Tonat — - 16@20e

SteAk — eir?oia, £0«; T-bose, 22 c; ‘'I round, 18c; chock, 12 l-Sa.

B e e f - P o t ro a tt 1 0 0 1 8 1-1«; p l tU 9e; b risk e t a sd r ib boQ 8«.

Mh t t v w V . x ' v i i ”SOhfc UU C L U b \ /NOOSt T ------ ■W EGom) ( W a iESG srovB iNftlDt M< < 5 ^ 6'N t R W S r m o t s )

CWIN FALL^ DAILY !n£0 . offehsd b o tto r -resistance, tou-h inn <iO, ’y a now top, nnd closing nt 07 1-2, uii rs 4 1-4 on tho <lay.

Rails wero agnln renetlonary, with ■)C tradin;* com pam tively dull, despite nn- I e; usunllv ROOd .lanuery ei:niinj{H nml tho rs opftinfstic prediction o f Chnirmim i,l ’ K riittsehnitf o f th e tStnitheni i'aelfic,<0 I who czproKNcd the oplnlnn thn t net

cnrnings o f his romi eaeh m onth, this w y ea r would exceed ' thoso o f - ^ ^ y - c b r - 1.5 re-.t'ondinR month Innt yenlr. ly Oils were again henvily traded in,;y General A sphalt eommon and preferred r . H eading the advance w ith net gnlns of p. '4 1-4 nnd 3 1-2 points, rw peclively , ea’-h U n t now high levels, v 'ulifornln i’vtro- ly ,leun i again crossed nar, closing 1-2 rs h igher n t 9D 1-2.It Kri'sgo ji»n»pP(J 22 ou n,'r '.urnover.i(. Call money again lu ld n t 5 per cent.

Time money continues ac tive with bro- licrs paying 0 1-4 per cen t for all dntes. Oomniereial paper is m oderately netlve w ith fho prim e nanu« commanding •> p e r cent.

|. Foreign exchanges c.ihcd slightly with v’ li t t le bilslness being transneted . De

mnnd s te rling sold un :ier $4.70 nno F rench frnncs under (i.10 cents.

South Ameriean exchanges were irreg­ular. Chile Bhowoil a rtro n g tone.

:i. ----------le L ib e rty Bonds

■ NEW YORK, M arch C (>P>—Liberty bonds closed:3 1-2. - ...............................................S101.2SFirst 4 l-4s 118.1(5Second 4 l-4s .................... .............. «)7.I)4 1Third 4 1-4j P8.40F ourth 4 l-4s .................................... (IS,12

"i V ictory 4 3-4s (uncalled) .......... 100.10 . U . 8 . T reasury 4 l - 4 s ..................... OU.Ol '

■BfioilGie '5 COLOS ITH -i 5 e PEPPER in ______ . '

E ase vour figh t, aehliig client. Stop • { the pnin. ]}re;ik nT> the .•OMgeKtl<ni. ,

F e e l 'a bnd void loo-fen up in ju st a ' i ■; short time. j-P “ I?ed iV pper R n b ” is the m id rem- .

edv th a l brjii«^ iiiiiek'-tf ri'lief. I t can. !■ not hurt vi.ii ami it eer'.-iliilv seems t<i ;

. .-nd the tlchtnens ;ind d rive the . '.in c . '" - |' fion nn.l sor,■ties. riRlil onf.

N'ntliing hi.H .Hiieh CIIII-eiitralecl.,1 i r a t in - h.':.t as red peppery and when

heat penetrnti-s right <!r.\vn iiitu vn |r|s,;| . nehinu- .'ifirJ v-r'-, 'W iff jnintH relief '•ames ;,t-om 'e.

s TIm- momi.nt yon apply IN-d iV p p . 'f ,’ Itiil. von ferl the tinirlm g he:.;. Iu tlirei.',! niinntc's the .'oiigesfed -Mnit is uarm i'd ; ibroiii'li and !hri>iii:ti. Wlien vmi r ir i '; sn ff.'r iu c f r '" " a .•.■1,1, rh.'i;mr.ti-m, ] ]

, l.ni'Unrh.-, s t i f f ne.-l: ..r m n -l.'s -inst Ret a Ja r n f Ilowl.-s 11.-,i lVppe»;

'C Hub. ma.le from r.'d f-i .p -rs , at anv ; | '■ dniR Ntor.*. You will have th.- nul.’ke-t I' :c re lief known. .Mwav.s sav ‘• H o w i e s . ■ le - n d v . ■ '

le I f vour J.ropcrlv is .l..siral.|e an.l m 'c ndvertiF.-d in tb e .-laswifW — y ou’ll

fin.l your bnyer.______________________


In fhe D istrict Court o f fhe Unil.'d fitntes, for tho D istrict o f Maho, youth- •. .'rn Division. '

In the m aile r o f C. K. Lmvis, bnnk- ! rupt. I

• ; .Votice is hereby givon tha t C. E. • Lewis, bankrupt, has fi 'ed in the I.fjiit- ed S ta te s D istrlc l Court for M aho his i application fo r d ischarge in bankruptcy, nml th a t nil hia cred ito rs nnd all ikt- ] Bons'in in torest are rcqnlred to snow | cnnse, i f anv they have, why the prayer

10 of . said petition should not be grnnte.i,Jo by enti-rinir th e ir appearaiie.' ia sai.l .

proceedings on or before fhe 7tli dny of ic .^pril, 1023, and w ith in ten days there-

nflo r filing the p a rticu la r cronnds nf th e ir oppo.sition in th e office o f the clerk o f Ihe aaiiJ eourf.

Givon under the au liioH ty of fhe gen eral orders o f said '•ourt, and by spe-

5 cial order o f the undcr“igne.l. tbla 6th , 5 dnv o f M nrch, 1023.

n ilV U K IN N E Y . Referee.IN BA NKBUPTCY—No. 1873

5 In the D istric t C ontt o f tho U nited >0 S tates, for th e D istric t o f Idnho, f?outh.10 ern Division.)e In thp m a tte r o f T^dwin S. Couse, ' )e bankrupt. ')s Notieo is hereby given thn t Edwin S.)o Cotise, bnnkrtipf, hns i« fhe U ait jc je d S tn tes D istric t Court for Mnho his ' >e,npplic4ition fo r d ischarge in bankrupt- )c cy, nnd th n t all hia cred itors nnd nil

pontons In in te re sl aro required to ahow cnuse. i f .my they bnve, why the prayer o f aaid pe tition should n o t be giante<I.

5c by entering th e ir nppcarnnce in aaid 5c proceedinRD on or befo ie the 7th dny n f ■ Jc A pril, lf>23, and w ith in ten days there- )o n f lo r filin g the p a rticu la r grounds of

th e ir otwslflon in tho office o f the )e elerk of th e said court.5j Given under th e nn th o rity of th e gen-

ernl orders o f snid court, and by speclnl . order* o f th e nnderaigned, this Oth dny “ o f Mnrch, 1023.

OUY L. K IN N E Y , Referee.

P E O T E O T D tO T H E m

E o m f iw y v iH E H M- TOUCH (5ftN6,f t OontM Y TH E GOftT H .U IU S^ L n rru t / . c i m t i a f t e r o a w e 'ri;B 6\"E-BM RWARM

° t STOHES n



[ f f i i■ O N E C E N T P E R W O

! A d v e r t i s e m e n t s u n d e r t h i s t i e a d

s o f a r d e v i s e d o f b r i n g i n g t h e n


FOU BALK O il THADE—100 acres Oklahom a lan.l in oil fields. L. R.,

, t'O R SA L E or e^rhanu’c—15 aen-s pdultTy an d f ru il rnnch, 2 1-2 mllea out,

, paved road , ele. trie servloi-. . \ l | build-inga wircil. I>hone .*:t.'R4,____________

POR S A L E —A t jsrs per acre, KO aerea betw een Buhl an.l C astleford Koijnires onty $1500 cash to handle. Oood im provem ents, alsike, a lfa tfn ,

. school one-half mile, telephone, mnii route, g rave l road oni.-<piurter mile.’

, Call an.l seo mo and n.v fnrm, 8 E NK ; nnd NE S E Sec. 20-10-14. 11. J . Arm-

Btroug, oivnej-, o r phone 3S2.>f, Twin Fnlls.______________________________


" T x T i r ^ L E ^ ^ n ^ a r g T ^ b v ^ ^cnrriace, $1'..- I'hone 103L ’

CiOOli -MA.IKSTU; ..... ge lo r hale;ju s t ns goo.l jiK new. t e e J . E. W hite,

.Main nve. enst. r u K SALK— 12-gaugi'shotguu, ;Miur-

in e r I’c rfee tiou oil stove, H beehlvei, peering m ower, Deering rake, cnier rW.».s.'-f’ho»v. .73-K4.

yEKI) I ’O T A T U i^S ^i'o r return po ta ­toes th is fall, sp,--inl :,ei.-.-(ed IToferre.l

'^ tock fo r \ i . ’l.l. W f believe there is no ib . 't te r on th is tra .'l, l i tu r e w ith ns before von .le.'ide v.ior .leal. I’hon'.-

' i-' O. box 7.-.I,FOii SALK— Al'ples, iJrimes Ciol.len,

Yellow N ew ton 1‘iiipin, Stnmen Wine- snps. Itl best con.tifiorr. AJ.'o a l/a l/a

,hay . I 'a trie lt Wynn. I'hom- 517 It i Fi.)lt -SAl.t:— Ha!>y push c n r t . , 12!t>I E ighth i-ast.___________________________J; F ine SA L E —*.:hei‘k writer, good con ; ].litieii. Call nt Trny l^uin.lry. |

I'Olt SA L E — nicyclcB, tricyclet,', tires nnd neeesaoriea. W erner's Be-1 |inir Whop. 224 Second S t. E.

i K l'« ?^".\Li-:—r .T l i ru . i jiie'kiow Ke.'d . l-.vheat. s.-,-ood p r i/.’ a t Jlm U 's’ ^ee.l '-.how; .Ml hun.Ired; .-.-r!il'i.-ation

-Ita-s atta.-he.L Ib-n i ’olter, Kiml-erl'.-, ,M aho, fill,tie L’v l l l .


FOU'sAl.V ; —W b'it' l..'Jiora7'gcirf.7I^- :h a trliin j;. $1. 'm) for I*: Ueo. M. F e rn . ;;:i.d Ivxn-'riiiK ala l Farm hr.-.'d.

. ,Noiie b. l t . r. W. i ' W allace, .p inrter :mil.- H.mth ;iii,l I'ive.ciRl.tli.i <-usl of F .inn.lry. ’ j

. ~T r7 iT l<U 7i:— i'e lali.nia stra in \Vhir.-[ l.echorn for s . 'f i n - *1 a h u n d r .< IIt. Ci. Evnns. R: 1. City._______________

FUlt SALiO — S elling hens. I'hono 507.111.

FOU t-.M.i-:— Hnrred Hoek and W liite Le;;liorn jiur.' hred hatching eggs. R. C. iW ark, phone .'.1 IH2.__________________ i

FOU SAL1'>-W hite Leghorn liateb. Ing ORRs, Lnrsen atrain, from .30(l-egg pen, $1.00 fo r l.'i; ^S.OO per huiidred, .Mrs. Carl E. W right, Kimberlv. 1‘lioiie 25 R2.

FOU 8AL1-:— U nff OrpinRtoii egu« 7.'>e I nn.l tl.OO f.ir 10. Phone 510 .1 3.

FOH SALI::— Hhodo lainnd He.l pul leta, hens nnd actMng eggs. Phone 050 R. P. O. B o i 754._______________


FOR S .\L E ~ (^ im p le te furniHli. itiHs fo r modern hou-«. 55f> M ain nve. W.

,FOU SA LE-^Roli top offic-* desk nn.l o ther o ffice fix tures a t M ontgom­e ry ’s sales grounds Saturday.

l-'Oll SA LE— E x tra lo t of good fur- nlttire itt M ontgom ery gsle.*! grounds nex t S atu rd ay . D on’t miss it.

1-X)ll B A L K — inflesln ictlb le w'ire chairs nnd tablea, electric light fix tu res,

'Tbe Poppy.


‘ ^ F O R S A L E —P ig ii7 r L4 m U cT ortU l)f I weat end o f M ain st. Oeorge A. Bratl-: ___________________________________. TOU SALlv—Team InrRc breil mares

and h arness; ono 3 i-4 Jo h n Deero■ wagon and rack, nc.-irly » ch-. Thrco i milos south, a h.alf w.*st. R. 0 . Evnns. FO R .'^ALt;—:* iyenr-old hnrscs, «■ ri-year-olds. weight ISUO,-nt ArnhobI ; T n n n le r’fl. Phone 300 J 1. Ruhl.

20 H b A D good horses /o r sn!i\ a O• puflrnntced a s rpprcse--3ted. Soven flcts I good hnrness. W ill give term s. Cnll• 102 Socond a v e .U

R E A D T H E ^ D A IL r N E W a


W “«.T K W a AVIFUU* ^ / J B

A WONC- B A T t U M 'V ^ f f W P « .EC k U a -----OOR S ' ! f t61W,?; CtOB

«O O TtEN u p fHtftlTH ^ ~~Trr


I *)RD PER INSERTION ■d are always alive and active, ai leeds of advertisers to the attenti(

PO B B E N T -F U B N IS H E D '

’''rOlTTlENT-^Furn^^^^^cm . 002 N orth Main._________________ F

H AKEU ROO.M&—Ruths 25c. 4 la S. 0 M nin. . ■

FO R RENT—Fnrnti-l-ed S-rnom liouse ri and 2 room rah in nt ."JD F if th iiiirlh. - In q u ire n t tho Poppy. f,

l-'OH UENT—l'lc..5nnt I'urnisliea qt apn rtm en ls in modern home. E lectric - equipm eut, suu porch aud garage. I'hone 293J.“ P o f t KENT— NVtoty ftiriushod ,n rooms in modorn home for re n t. O il Second nve. W. Phone 1213M. Z. FO R H E N T -N ico ly furn iaacd room. w ith board; two gontlemon p re fe rred . , 121 Seventh avo. N. Phono 1234.

FOH REN T—Three room fum iahed apartm en t, $15.00 per m onth. Bunga- ^ low A partm onta, Boeond Ave. a n d Cth Bt. E.___________ _____________________ w


" 'p o i r i t E X T ^ ^ ^ ^ =A pply 3tll IlnrriHon st.

iHJR HENT— l^arge, nlniiisl new mod- e rn house on Illue Lakes boulevard , ni A pply a t Qem Stnto Lum ber Cn. or = phone (184 in evenlnc.

i 'U lt R l-;N 'r^7x-7«o,ti“moclerfi hoii«., " 22jj N in th ave. N. Phono 707. r-

J-X)R HENT—(5 room house, 1 blor« “ I from high school. 'P hone OllO.l. q<


ll E N - T ^ n ^ L ^ r 7 s ~ t V T i g ^ ^4 b locks from cily lim its. Phonn 530W. "■

JJKET LA.ND fo r ronTj w ith in elTy' ^lim its. 12 neres; cr.tii share. Call phoae IINo. 4.______________________________ __

I FOH HENT—40 acres; 2 room hOU.se, B.[crop rent. Call eveiiingSL. A. Kstling, qj 1317 Si.'tth ave. E . ________________

'i W ANTED—M I8C E IL A N E 0U S1'-^ • ■ .......... — ------ ----------------------AI W ANTED— F.ir >bow w ork, twu f l ]lir..ne buKter.s; muM lie ro.mI ri.ler^ and ^ must have roo.I (.utf-ts, .-V.l.IresM nt on.-e Col. Hill <,'arey, Aee.,„in. Idabo.

W IL L I'AY CASH fo r heeoiidO.an.l t- fnm itnn -. A. 11. Vineent ' Companv. I'hiiiie I"'., 21." ShliNhoe" S, i

! ” ^ '. \N T K ll—Hr.-.l s.)-,VH or g ilts , \T. =(f, ffelliT. (vf,.|i.

\\\\.N TE I> --i;o iin i.'is; also ' lablv'j b.iar.l.-ts, 1“ 1 S.-veiith N. Phone 1234 -

W ANTED—Ford touring ear. I’hone - jina ii. p

W A .V i'K l)~(ioo.l la t liens, Klc lb [I'.iM ie .Uarket.I WANTED-«UK) aer."i U. plow. Se,- _ OntcK, Twin F all,, J32 Secon.l ave.m trlh._____________ [____________________ -

W A N TEl>^Pn..sengers fo r I>.s An- ^ Celes. D riving Ihrottgh in few daya. ■

i l ’bonc 1034.I K IH K C LEA M N U CO. w a .ils J eleau rugs, navnjos end upholstering.A ll w ork, gnarnnteed. Cull 102 Second ( Snuth.- I*hoire-li;il W. - -

WANT TO IIEAH from ow ner hav “ Jng fnnn fo r snJe; give iin rficu lars nni{ lowest prieo. John J . B lack, Clilppows q

W A N T E i)—Live t.onlfrv o f oH ^ k inds. J . A. Flynn, plione 752K.

W ANTED— Your fn t~ ca ttle nnd hog> ■: o f all ktn<lfl. C. T. Brown, K im bcrJr I’hono 31. ■ “


d a Vr ^ xTe n ’R etu rn i o Nows officc. R ew nni.

LOti-T—C yiindcr hend fo r gaff CDgtne on highw.'iy between Tw in F n lls anrj H anaen bri.Ige. Retnrn to Newa of-f ice and reeelvo rew nrl._______________

1A)ST—liuncli. of keys. L eave at . New s offico.: LO.ST—a to n e chokcr. I'lo/ue

re tu rn to News nnd roceivo rew ard.


ELLOGO n ; ^ t ' " f o ^ " l i t T m e r 's Dry Arsennfo of I.,eiid fo r spray.

, niaferini. Call phono G.IOR. I*. 0 . box704. ____________ __________.

CU RTA IN S wnsliei o r stretchoii. Pbono 220J.________________

Engliah Women W eather P ropheta .Tljreo young women craploj-etl a l

tb e m eteorological ofUco io L ondon cod clnlm to bo tho only womcu •‘wcntlicr

.c le rk s" In G re n l . B ritain . A ll th rc« a ro uDlvcrslty graduates a n d fu l l ;

: QuollUal by practical cxpcricnco to ‘ dea l w ith o i l . th e protHema o f foro-

coHtlng and compllnllon noeessary In tbo prcpnroU on of 't b o d a lly weatUer

•rep o rta a n d prophccles.

n e u T t w ^ \S «HOT THfiT \ I f M R / "

v B k

3RNING, MARCH 7,1923

i l i i^ — AND'WORTH ITI

and constitute the best meant ntion of residents of South Idaho'


_ to r d ronilster, bnrgnin, $40. Central ; 5. Oamge. ___________________ __ '

_ r o l l C A S H -I ‘ )td lo u rin g car; bar* ! •’ gain. Phono 730 or 134 E igh th ave.. N. ;

FOH tiALE— Huick six touring car _ for $275, o r w ill trnde fn r Ford. In­'t qu ite fla tes A uto (‘o.c ■— ^


_ WANTKD—A hoiw.!kcoper. A mid- I dle agiid farm er, w ith boy 10 years old, •

wishes a housekeeper of middio age, ■- widow p referred ; uo nbjccUons ono or | i: I'™ children. M nst bo Rood houie-

keoper nnd P ro leslan t. B enutifu l farm and modern ro ttage . C om fortable but-

J. riiiindlngs. W rite Hox 4»H, Tw in F a lla .'

h WANTBI>—W oman fo r general houae* work. Johnson Hooms.

W A NTEDr-M iauiii agcu iany aa housekoep3>r. Call 44JJ. i

SITUATIONS WANTED1- WANTKD— Nurfling, by exi>erienced I. nnrse. Address Hox H. care News.


• C E N T ^ A U M ^ T o A m. SW IM & CO., CITY.“ FAHM AND CITY lX)ANB. AB-



e HODOIN.” STEPH A N & N O B * ^ "m -torneys. 130 Shoshone E aat.

1 B. PrPAVIS. Attorney. On>heum~Bl3i(.’• O. cT h a L L — New t)rp iio innT ildg . ~~I JO H N W. OltAlLAM— U iw yi^ , U m ik ^

Trust Hiiibling I'hnne 035 R. ;_ ABIIER B. W ILSON— l~»'wyer. ' ----- |“ HOM EB 0 . M lL L S-^lirn-d Building.

SW EELEY & SW E E L E Y — A ttorneyi n t law. Praeliei! in a ll courta. Twin

J- 11. W ISE—L .^ ^ o r . O ffices—itooma ! ’• C. nnd 7, over Tw in F a lls Bnnk 4 1 ' ‘ Tw in F.iilit, Idaho . ;

-4 BUSINESS DIRECTORYI p a S t i h o '

PA iH Tnfo. iS £ ^ M T N iN 'a ''' ' 'ju n >;7 paper bnuging nnd sign pain ting . All

work gij/wanleed. FhojK* 410. Tint- ~ ing a specialty ._______________________


- W INDOW GLASS—W ind sbleblB, cabl- "■ net work. M oon’a Shop. Phone g.”■ ________ -SH O E R EP A JR IN O

T W IN F A L L S S H O E B EPA IB IN OShop. 132 Shoahono W est. Shoe# re-

t pnlrcd whilo you w nit, a t pro-war _ ! ' prrecB,'and nil work guaranteed.‘ij T B A N S n iB

" o 5 o 5 m raA K SFE K o o . Plionj 3 « .Crating, S torage, and . L ib e rty coaLi

" McNIOHOLS T B A N S F E B f t STOBAOB —Garbogo hauled daily . Phono 200..-i III '■ . ■■ .»

p I f your p roperty b dosirablo aad la advertised lu tho closaificd—you’lj

« find yonr bnvor.

' BAILBOAD TIME TABLE7 (C i^ or Moontain Time.)^ Bwtboond.

No. IM -------- Depart 7:50 a. m-- No. 84 _____ Depart CrlO p. m.

W ertbotm d.'<* No,' 85 _____ Depart 1*20 p. m

No. 155 _____ Doport 4:20 p. m.

EOOEESON B B A K CH T E A JN i. Sontlibotmd.

J.. No. 88B _____ Depart 1:30 p .m .'I K ortbboond.

No. 840 -------- Arrlv« 4:55 p. m.1 ----------

M A IL M A K E-U P.= No. 150 a t 7 a. Bi.

No. 88 a t 12 m.It N a 15S a t <p. m.0 No. 84 a t S:30 p . m..J. EogonoB b raaeh a t 12 m.

^ The foregoing mail make-op is ° operative and effective under or- :o dkary cosdlticna; i f a great> afflooat of mail ahonld be dropped'n at' abont tbe regular cloaing time tt •r ' wonld be iap o u ib le to dlsj^teb the

taail on th» predae boor.

B » a r . o ‘a s a ^

» ' • y



---------- lli.B to

L. S. Hasson Takes J. E. Rob- " 'I ’t"' erts to Task in Vehement I Session After Commission',,,""; IMeeting CJ"!

---------- imJioiC liarles tlm l O jm m l'bionor J . E. Roi)- or tw

OTt8 hti* faile.J to onforco tho Uiw iu regard to foinlilitiK m 'li for tlu it rconon “ “ ,®. ho should 1)0 ouHtcd from offico, wcro i^jrqwc oiado n t tho luuctini; o f tho c ity commis' 'j iro ili >loi Tuciiluy nlBhl Iiy U S. Ilin.oi., Tlii

Mr. lU.li,II’« cli..rB3«, ivliidi at ll.iits bocamo sciiKational, wcro nmilo a fte r ' tlio roRulur ImuiuenH of tlio coiiimiMiou _ _ hnd buvn tliH|)0Hcd of nud foUowiii}f tlio uiuotiut; lio i)cc'amo. yohoiiicat iu Lis ■ •tatom outs tuid shouted liis dcfiauco of | Comrnixfiiorior Itobcrtfl nnd (ncidontnlly a ttack ed J . T. Kris-«iii*k. stroot HuimrJii- | teudont, who rcnpuudcd to tlm cliurgcs I] maUo nRiilust bhn. |!

CIaliiiii>K .tiiiit Mr. Itobcrts hud I knowlcdKO of Kambliuj; bciiifj condiicti-d iu tlio c.\yrniu\ tim t i>o made uo e ffo rt to atop ]f, Mr. H.a.saon took u« hi# prin- V lS l

b o il-d K < i '" t^ o ^ll^o'^of ^“"hickoyJ-'‘*ill 0 1|)ooI hallH. - p

Preaonta-A Jtom atlvaa.Pollot^ini' the Hossiou of (hu i-ouncU i

Dud lit th e proHonco of Comiiiisaiouor Tw 3. S. All nnd soveritl othora who ut ,|i.r,v. tondcd tlio flOHNioii, M r. Hiinaoii, iii ut- Tiicic UickiiiffM r. Uobortfl, niii.I: " Y W u a w Kmiu th a t gam blhm U licTo’Tuif) you JVuiiiought to bu ousted from office. You Mnlm uro oltUer ti law nbidiug citizen or you j,, uro not. I f you :iru, do your duly. | Fol 1 teU you, you w ill ontoico the ganiWlw^ p e rri law or got out of o f f i c c / ’ (Tonij:

“ You will havo nu"opportunity lho;,.()nii< f i n t o f noxt uiuiith, M r. Uanxm, to put jOiiftu me out o f o ffieo ,” sa id Commbuuonor m. Uoborta. tho c

“ Oh, MO, I know your stro n g lh ,’ ' rc- d piled Mr. Ilnsson; “ you nro too w ill «^oliv posted. 1 know it is a d ifflcu U u itu a - und- tlon, uud I do n o t -tny but wlftit you uponfi aro a goutleinoa, Mr. Koborts, but thu Wntc fa e t b you h a v e n 't tho buckbono to go th to your friends nntl, inako thom obey tho la w ." - • --- 'ttn fl”

In p resenting hia «t!;tements at th(i{i,rop;i M u io u of tho council, Mr. Huason camp brought up tho subjoct of tho uao o f held hiokeys and pundi. ba:.rds aud said ho pi-fte “ would Uke to SM somo aiTMt* tun>lc." unurn “ I am disaatiafled w ith conditions tho th e I way th ey nro, und I lalievo it la thu n , sworn du ly o f nn officer to In terfere wliOQ tho law is viotutccL I b o lie v e ," :W at( bo said , nddrvm ing Mr. itoberts, “ th a t icnpti you know tho l.iw Is boiiig.vlolated and gtopl £ aiao beliovo tlin t th e pcopio expect |c a p t. you to onforco tbo law and not exercis.' i fortn your own ju ilgm ent n* to which lawa Ip, shall bo e n fo rc e d ." ) An

Mr. Itoberta suggested tliat Mr. H aa-iK nig sou sign a com plnlnt naming tho por- M as In Twin f ^ I s wliuin he bcltovos loavc oro g u ilty . Mr. Ilnsaon ropliod, “ I w ith th in k it would bo n io rj credit to Brother Bobcrt* to Inform th e police to stop th is gam bling, n o t b u t w bnt I would I l l l bo w llUug to sign tbo com plaints—any ot;a ll o f tliom—b u l I ')ullevo llteae con­ditions constitu to a k indergarten fo r c r im e ."

Commissioner 8. fl. A ll nroso and aug- ffcstod th a t a publiaUod w nrnlng would bo su ff l- ie u l to s top guiubling. “ L et a ; U bo known th a t wo <lo not wiinl thcso tl] punch boards and thoy witl d isap p ear," bo sold. j^ti

BU fta BosponslbUity.' Mr. Uol.orta contended th n t tho opera- j, tion (if punch boiirds cciue under th c iy j^ i ju risd ic tion o f th e s ta te nnd t l u t i t is j jj, tbu duty o f tho couu ty nuthorlties to '] , ^ enforce tho Inw govcriiiug them . 'r r i c l

“ I undcniliind tn a t Mr. RoberU would li.ive nothing to do w ith en- fo rcing th e In w ," sui<l Mr. Ilnssan. “ I would liku to know i f the pructlcu is to bo s to p p e d " , t ; i t i* “ I will suy for tha b enefit of thoso present nnd thowe who rend tho newa* p a p e ra ," aaicl Mr. Hoberla, “ th n t th is Is tho fira t, o r probnbly tho socond com- ipng,,, p la in t to th e couneii on tho subject of punch boards. Ucfori- wo act I would Uke to hear from o f.o r citizens than Ihoso who hnve rom plalned. “ telrfi

“ Then yon know Mie luw is boing v io la te d ," auid Mr. llnsson. “ I f no- |,„ , body comjiels you, you do not w an t to

. onforco tho law, is t!i»t i t t I t aooma , to m o -th a t you d o n ’t w ant to do your du ty . A s an official, I th in k you know };„„t o f tbo existenco o f crimo here, nnd i f -jij yoQ do not a tte m p t to utou i t you aro j omIobs oa a n o f f ic e r ." I , i

M r. IIossoD nlw) urgod th a t publifa- ,»j|^ Uon bo m ade o f tin? <*trect (li'p.-irtmcnt

■ p ay roll, show ing th e number of cm- p lo y e s , whoro they nre employed nnd tbo leng th o f tim e «nd natu re of th e ir p , work., . ’ . per

■------— --------------- logoH enry ^ okI ’s p*por, Tbo Twarbom date

D idepfodcot. • 10-pago weekly, w ltb •nou o a t ad v o rtls lag . A p ap e r th a t dares to to tl te ll th e tru th . f o r 52 iMueBrr: 'J-’jy

T>/mrbora In dependen t, one year, Aba' •LTO.

C a p p e r '. W eekly, •1 .00 per year.' f,oFollette '<i M onthly, $1,00 p e r year.

Or all th roo fo r •2.73. Tlfd ah o P ro g rm lv e , •1 .26 fo r one yew .I- h » r* M eiired tbo (hin

- * b n r* p a b llea tio n i ‘nnd wtll- bo ^ o d to

-Jv PAllo l&tkrt. ,wifaioi

fk"?- I" l“ «« Ikhc roo M» buj’-oMiuiir.d br - dl« proflU It n»)r. bclon jou. Bl

uast TWIN

eet Growers Will Receive More Cash U latte

--------- , I' ^8►mpany Advances Date fo r : Second Additional Paym ent' in View of Favorable Trade i,ns f,

-------- .raisinj\ Hccdiid additiunal paym ent fo r pared :u r bueta grown Inst season, nn^oont- K ings r tu 50 ccnts u tou, ivUl bo d istribu ted denis o ng tho growers noxt F ridny. Mnrch o lhor It wns aaiiounceil T jcwiay by offi- No ,|» o f tho Amalgiimnted faugar com -'nlihoij ny. d iffe rrh ia nddltionnl pnyineut wna HPlibd- plowii id to hnvo been niM*o Juno 1, It was pomel ited, bnt the p.'iyineiiC da te hnM been .weeds vojiced because of tho favom blo sit- m;i tion ex isting In tho xugar trade . One n littl tw o fu rther paym ents for tho ll»2i2 iu nh

ut c rop probnbly will bu made, i t wiia the d Itod. '.wo wI’lilM w eek’s additional paymont to^ oplni( ^wcrs in Twin FuUs eounty wUl ap- guted szlm nto $12,030. :*ult»rh i« iidditioiial p.ayinont brings the irrlgu ial thus fu r pnid to r last season’s gaitie ot c ro p up’ lo $0.75 n ton. irrigu


ll.asrllo th

isit of Grand Commandery Officials is Marked by ner and Ceremonial

TH-iii F u lh CoinmiiiHlcrj" No. 10 un- l l ' t u ' ■rweiit its f irs t o ffic ia l inspection th is t le idny night in tho presence of R ight the I uiiie iit Q rnnd Couinmnder W illiam ««•„! uJiin o f Pocntello, Tnat Commander M. tons nldOR o f Ooodlng Comniunderj' acting j„ ’

Follow ing un clabor.ito d iuuer n t tho l " ‘le!LTrine, a t w hich floi.io 50 Kniglita over'in p la r s.it down, tno ceremonies In u tniio-.tioii w ith tho »nspeotlon were dBolenoil a t tho Mnsoniu tem ple a t 9 p. i„

T he clnboruto r itu a lis tic work of0 com mandory was exem plified in all ,h,„i.1 d etn il, a f te r which nn address wna „-her •livered by Grand Commander Wallin, to n 111- b r ie f speeches w ere nmdo lu ro lonse by Em inent Commander J . A. weed 'n te rs and o thor officers nnd membern jjhlo ' th e Tw in F a lls Comniahdery.rrh e inspection was made in connec- whic nfl—win»' the drill w -o r r* o ^ o r^ ineparn tion for tho trien n ia l grand en-, i,,.,'.,;,im imiont o f K nighls Tem plar to bo coun«ld in S eattle in lOW, which, it is ex- j , „ t•cted, will pn>vo one of tho largest f„c t isem blles of Commnndcry M asons In le liisrory o f tho order. 'Tlio work o f the local commandory jurjji

us undor tho dlroction o f CommanderWaters, S ir K night U urton E. Morse, jm j-ip tu ln general; Sir K night F rank L. hol )tephnn, senior wnrd*'n, and S ir K night „ap tn ln 1». W. M cRoberts, to whose of- ^nn )rt» much cred it Is given fo r tho sue-

Ah unusunlly large num ber o fn ig h ta TompJar wero in nttendance. j^petiG m nd Coinmndor W nllin expects to n‘o tavo W ednesday m otn lng fo r Gooding „ ith S ir K night M atson.

--------------------------- to ir

Mscuss Proposed j:™ Game Legislation E!

--------- tice.1•ocal Sportsmen Elect O fficers,”’’ ”

and Request Copy of Meas-1. ^ u re on Trespassing

to dlS tn to legislation re in ting to hunting Kiof) as disctusod and o fficers w ere elected Tr t tlio m eeting of tho Southern Idaho we i ish a n d Oame asjooiation Tuesday. a in . la rk yhrout wus vlocted to succeed raus

'r. H al n ic le r an pr-.-hident. W. H. to <-l 'riebe was elecled vice-pre.iident to pnrt n e e d Mr. Shrout, aud K. IL D oo ley ,'it wi •i re ta ry , and 11. R. G rant, trea su re r,'t lio •ero re-elected. |f„cti

T he proi«8od trespass law beforo tho first ta to leg isla ture making' it a misdcmoa- «coii o r fo r uny hunter to cross farm laud woul • ithout the w ritten ptrm isaion of tho rroji w ncr W.-W discussed. A resolution was put assed nutliorixing th e secrctarv to ob- ;iin a copy of the law for the iufor- la tio n of tho members o f tlie associa- inn and the governor was ^ q u e s te d by e legrapb to defer nction ou the b ii' Tl n (il It became thoroughly understood chur y ■po'Ttsmon. a t i;

Thn-gtfn Iirenso l.-iw wo-i also taken 8. 1 p. This mensuro. w hirh Ims passed o th houses, re la tes to licenses fo r Tl u n tin g predatory and game nnlmals. lho Tho plans for the :;iembcrship drivo Thui

f th e iis.'.o-.iation have not been fully ju ip le ted . Mr. Shrout a ta le .l tlu it do- A n ils coniern ing Ihe drive and tho F all p o rtsm en ’s banqu9t m.ay be considered be (•irhln u few days. o'cJi

Fodoral Farm Loons. In terest 5 1-2 Tlier cen t, 34 yoars to pt>y w ith the urlvl- ucho ogo o f poyfng n t any in tc rea t-pay lnp 'jjo 1lato. Form ers wonting these loam if hould plaeo appliratlona 00 d.iys prior 0 th o lr neod or mnnev. oce me on Snt- L-iy a f te m o o n s 'a t th e F ide lity T itle itUiatmict lo E errino-bnild irig or phone choB77.11. J . W. McPowell. Sec.—ndv. th«

-------------------------- ------------------thelShould Slow Down. nn

T h e kind of man wbo la o lw ay i In ■ pro(m rry U liab le tn d m h p u t a sood >"rH.b in s w ithout leclng IL schc

T h*T «rt., Wben Id lore tT7 not to a ty fo«IUb Tblocs. U foa toecMd- i’ea t n s e t -if ! It loTo:- ■ ---- :---- ^ TB B A D T H E CLASSIFIED-ADB. e t r t


RAISING SUGAR BEETS '***'t te n i P o r ta to 'm to S M d lsl, Plow - Ig a n d Ir r ls a u n f f fo r O n ^ Azo >e«crlbed by P . D. K liynibary N a m

'n ta concern ing m ethods w hich ho ^ found to be o f ;.<lvantage in th e

ling o f sugnr buols haa beon pr«- c d ‘ by Percy D. K ingaburj'. M r. Thi ig sb u ry ’s coniniunif ation, which high i Is w ith irrigu tio ii, seoiling nnd tb a t o r m a tte rs , is ns f^ilows: placoi:o doubt deep fa ll plowing Is beat, o f ho; lough we havo nev sr loiiiiil uny g rea t llod o: reroneo in doup f a l l ‘‘-r nhallow apring lannou iving. B n t plow ing thould be d o n o |x o r th letinie, i f only tJ get rid o f tho -partm ><ls. Ilnu lliig eo miirli manure makes m any weeds th a t w e have lo farm ittle d iffe ren t. Wi- pruparo tho land I>o« nbou t th e usuul « iiy . We prefer te rf ie

double dine, an I the only point g n re t would like to m ake is th a t In ou r I'O; R

nioii th e laud shoul'i nhvays be irri-iHOj I ed befo re p lan ting . While good re-IJossic ts a re obtaineil by plnnting befo re j gu lfng, we d o n ’t seo th a l any th in g is ued nn-1 there is much to lose. B v L , . - ' , , ig i.tiug f irs t we ger n b e tte r eliance . ’ th e weeds, aiid u iii»>-e kuUiI bed and > is not ap t to pu t the .leed iu so D.-ii •p;~wliich ia ouo of the im portanr i*'U I ngs. Uv irrig iitiug I'irst -wp th in k : so mu'-h seed is ncedea. W e huve son, twii ln-ets in th i i way ever since• fac to ry w as biiiK here, aii-l we do Els.

rem em ber ever tiiviinc a t.vo-foot_aa. Wo huve never had to re |)lun t.' .Kt y e a r we snvved less thau 14 pounds th e IUTO. As u nit«Mh*‘,-e«rtk 'r th e ‘

in tin g the be tte r, though se.i'iriM v a iy J ^ .th is . W e huve hi-il tlio sam e lnn<l

lilted to beets sin re 1h.‘ seemi.l, ycai ! fac to ry s ta r ted here. The f irs t y ea r ‘ Le

ha<i 20 tons on po tato land and no Juinc nure , and for, some reasoa we w ere 8U. ablo to reach tbu 2 0 'to a ji in rk agnin t il laat year. W hile we hopo to b e a t Ru s th is year, 20 tons aeema to bc abou t u ,izc ; lim it fo r a lurgu t rop. L nst yonr •p lan ted about «-l m r-rs and bnd 127?

In w orking down tho ground a f te r ig a tin g we d o n ’t iliink It advisab le leave it too smooth, r? then it bnkes o r too hard a ffo r a lain storm , nnd ^ l’“ littlo roughness i.n n pro tection in

10 o f hail. P*‘"-In eiiltivatliig , our bcnt sueci'ss haa en b v using th e lUnr first w ith th e P -k feo t behind, leav ing the soil abou t J lere i t wns before. Wc fix tho dise ' ■

run aa close to th e row as i t is ssiblo to drive. H aving so m any To H'ds we trv to get as mnnv as pos- ea tc l lie w ith the dise. nud th is leaves n tie m ark on ea rh .lide of tlio bee ts To lieh glvca tho help n be tte r chance, w ent p.nys ..to .atudy th e n .lp all ono c u u . 'd a y .

eause a goml job of thinning i:; w hat un ts. W’o keep tho ••ultivatora go ing xo st aheu 'l and ju s t behind the help. In nong< c t they aro going from the tim e tho .t«Uo WB nre visib lo-until we cnu no longer t thu cu ltiv a to r through w ithou t in-. Ot r in g the boeta. Althongh th^-rr U peon wnyn moro o r less troublo w ith th e i-ity Ip n porfec.t joh q fj^u ltiv a tin g should Ip so u u C W hilo th e sugar com pany Tc i‘n usually nro prepared to do all thoy went n, w e f in d it b o tte r to try and th resh v is it t th e trouble ouraclv is, ainco any auf- r in g is done by the’ farm er. OiW'e p u t o f f ir r ig a ti 'ig ns long ns tho imff* e ts a r e m nking n good growth. T hen lOn i 3 corrugnto overy othor row as deep

possiblo, and a f te r irriga ting m ako ^ e corruga tions atill deei>er. Wc liko aud ir r ig a to about cverj- ten days. L ig h t '

i tc r in g an d o ften aeems beat. Moro irm can bu done by w ntering too uch th a n by too little . The poorer c land th e m oro harin dono by too e<)ueiit w atering . W j hnve often n o - '^ ^ * ?ed th u t Ibe high spots lha t d o n ’t g o t!

mucb w ater have tae best beets.L ast y e a r we w ere abls to get by,• pay in g only a d o lla r au acre over the n tru e t prlc-o oa labor. Wo w ere nblodo nil tho .ligg ing ourselves aud haul | „

100 tons besides. I , “To m ake beets » v.orlli w hile c rop '** ’; " e should n e v .r receive IcM th an i7 eon. I t dooHu’t te.-m iputo fa ir be-

■ use we paiil tw o pii.-ei for our land 1 eharge it up to b c :^ . W hile wo are j,

ir ticu la rly auxions to get nil we can ! would he foolish fo r us to be nga inst !0 fueto ry , a ituated ;.s we are . The ic tory hua puid us a lot o f monev, I rst nnd Inst, and .allliough we d o n ’t I.. “ e,„ to mok,. „ w .ould like,, d i l l we know of nn o ther j * ' " ’ 0 |» we like be tte r, au iU w o'expeet to l* '*“ *’ it iu about (i2‘ aeros this sjtrini:. man



Tho w om en’a council o f tho C hristian lurch will m eet Thiiri-day. M areh «, i *■'**; 2:;i0. a t tho homo of .Mrs. W alte r

i ’ariah , 930 Shoshone s tree t. ^ ^

Tbo Episcopal Guild will m eet I n . ’'^ " '’10 social room n t the P arish hall hurs.iay , March !<.

A regu ln r com m unication of T w in uUb lodgo N'o. 45, A. F and A. M., w ill , p he ld W wlneadny evening a t 7:30 , ’cJock. ^

Tho nex t reg tiln r mecflng o f the h ieh | ihool ParcQ t-Tcachers* association wTTI •0 hold, n t 8 o ’d o c k Thuraday evening.!*'® ^ Larch 8. The h igh aehool orchestra w ill 1“ " “ lav nnd tho ju n io r high aehool g lto ub w itl sing. rh o throe s tu d en ts ~ io sca to rep resen t th e high achooi iit w s tu te di-clnmAtoi7 contest w ill g iv e L leir aoloetlons. T h rre w ill nlso bc I11 o pportun ity beforo ond n f te r th e rog ram fo r p a ren ts to meet tho tc a e b - : 4 ra. AU pureiita u n d . friends o f th c i I ”hool ure nsked to attend.

th im b i* W orth Fartuno.T h e th im b le u sed by the U te q o M s

f S iam w u wortb.MO.OOO,

The N rw t U read by the permnaen* VI i r a la g c la m a . L _


inior Students • | v High in Classes JJ

______ foUoi

mes of 39 Appear on Honor toll o r Are Given Honorable wore: len tion fo r F irst Period

Edmchlrty-n lnc atudcnts In tho ju n io r jja y ,, I school a tta in ed rcbolostic records K alis

w arrnntod their nam es . being Milea od on tho honor roll o r in tho lis t lonorablo mention for th e f i r s t por- p o f tho scftond sem ester. Tho liat,

ouncod Tuesday by M ra. C. A. th , p rincipal o f (he in te rm ed ia te do- g o a tt :mcnt, is as followi:

E lg b tb A OlftM. Tw in

orothv D lnkelaekor. 01; M abel Por- ’ield, 01; Mnrcollo W ynne, 01; M ar- et Johnaon, 01; E lizabeth Caldwoll.Ruth Vnu Gilder, 1))', A lbert K eefer,Lewis Jonos, 00; liois Sparks, 00;

nica.Coe, 00. TuesH onorable M ention. Maxi

leone Colemnn, 80; D orothy E atling , anmc Irene U urst. 80; Rfliilnh W yland, 8D. “’nrk

E lg b th B OiOM. l:trbani Provoat, R uth Caldwell, '

Elisaiboth Lucas, 02; J u lia I lu n to r, = = Hessio W eaver, 1 )1 ;.E d ith Johu- their

, SlO;-"- . '■ tend'H onorable M w tlon .

nmn Row berry, 80. BeB eronth A Class.

>ucilo Peterson, 02: H e ltn .lohnston,N eva Osboriie, 02; Rex Dibble, 01; “

•ol Thom pson,-01; iid n a M nrsh, 00; Burns,4!J)j. Phyllis Evnns, 00.,

H onorable M ention. _.ena Bohrn, 80; M ary W nrd, 80; nes Bothwoll, 60; neriiiee E llsw orth , ,

ihg 'Seventh B Class.

lu b y Clay, 02; M ary Johnaon, 01; ,iay zel Davidson, 00.

H onorable M ention. W)ick Evana, 80; Caieon P ink ley , 80; ««n davea Gibaon, 80; Kdgar W heeler, 80. n o t S tudent* A ccording to A dvlM tles Advisory 212, 11 pupils; adviaory 108, “ t ' )upila; ad v iso ry .21(1, 0 pupils, udvis- i ' f ' • 115, 4 pupils; advisory 114, 3 pu- !).

^ ----------------- Al

!!Per>yoiLdLl j £’■Co PocateUo—S. S traus w eijt to Po- cllo Tussday evcnln.T

ro Eogorion—itra . lU E. Duncnn a t to Rogerson for n sh o rt s ta y Tues-

__ cCo PocateUo—J. S. Busaoll w as a pas- igcr ou tho evening tru in fo r Poca- lo Tuesday.

, h ig lOn S to pp ing T rip—Mrs.. B. J.. S tu r- theon o f M urtaugli w.is ehopping in tho fea ty Tuesday. day,

I GovTo V la it Eelnttvea—Mra. F red Gcnz nent'u t to Pocatello Tuesday ovcning to day,lit re la tives. I t

— ------------------------ nrtiiOn Legal Boainesa—D. L. W alker of nchcghlanrf View, W n t to*S t. A nthony ^,.vflegul business Tueadny. Mtt,

- -■>— ,1)111. Leave fo r Oakland—F . J . B ehnnan u d fam ily le f t for O.ikland, Cal., onp evening tra in Tucfdflv. both

Bon I . S t t i c k m ^ I r T and M t«. E . I).)llogg receivod word Tuesday of tho rious illness o f tlicir son, J . M. Bower,

Fresno, Cal. . .

On B ailroad B osIae»— R. n . Sm ith, lim ad ju s te r for thu 0 . 8 . L., waa in u c ity fo r a fow hours Tuesday ou ilroud business.

Move to Ogdon—Georgo M. E ckbnrl, rm crlv ch ief o f polico iu .T w in F alls, —’t w ilh his fnmily for Ogden, U tah , -----eir fu U rc homo.

Going to Chile—Thomas Iverson o f j iklov, lo fl for Los Angeles Tuesday.'le r n dny thero ho w ill, leavo th a t , y for V alparaiso, Cliilc, M nrch 0.

In spects Commandery—W’llllam W ai- *• >> grniul commander c f tho K nights 'in|»lar o f Idnho, camo from Pocatcllo ondny to inspect tho Tw in F a lls com- indery.

H ere F rom Oregon—M isfos .Marie niton and Ponrl Mnson from O ntario , r.'gon, w ere in the c ity fo r n ahort _ ne Tuesdav, nnd le ft on tho evening “ a in fo r Po'catello.

To H o t Springs—J . B. F itig c ra ld ,10 o f tho old tlm trs o f Jarb idge,-rted for Elko, N evada, Tuesday

•ening. Ho goes thero to tnko tre a t- cn t n t th e hot apriugs.

Oonclndes V isit— Mrs. 0 . L. Jnm iaon ' M urtnugh, who has been th e guest o f ■latives here fo r scv tru l dnys, re lum ed p h e r homo Tucs<lny, a tnnplng ovor in Im berly for a b rie f vlalt.

A tten d J>et»t*l CUnlc—Dra. Jo h n O. owe o f B urloy, V. 0 . G reer of R upert nd V. H . S e a n o f S a lt L ake, le f t fo r _

furniture B RIdiSPrices jy

We fo m lah ;;onr hom4 complete.' New. end u m 'f a m i^ a r e . . - Low r e s t Dteuie lew ptieee. '

A. H. Vincejit -Companyn o n * « » - > U B h o d io u i t . I c .

O, WEDN^DAY MORN■ ............... ■ • ■ . “ ' !ca llah iWEATHER STATISTICS thobu,

______ • I ^ h a t olE L ^ A , M ont., M atch 0 W )—U oxi- 1 and, m inimum tem peraturea a t tho >wlng c itie s d u rin g tho 24 houra npprop )d a t a o ’clock ton igh t, reported whole th e U nitod S ta te s w eather bureau,JS

n;|lli. Lonr. P na g o ................ .................. 40 :i4 Tb®lonton ______________ _ 20 1 2 ;d a y i Ire . 38’ 18 prevenisp o ll ....... .......... ............ . 40 20!« C ity ._•........................... 42 22 R E Jr Y ork ................................ 2(1 22 « =P a u l ............... ............... ..... 30 • M 1

L o k o .................................. 40Diogo ................;............... 00 44 ' O l

;tl< 43 , 4 2 :

n F a lls ....... ................. .. 4-1 3 0 1- I

inho fo recast—W'eilnosilny; R ain or ' )

______ ! a n

ollow ing tho lead c f Mond.ay tho pe ra tu re nvcrngu in Twin Fnlls W( siiay advanced several de);rocs. cl< xlmum rocord waa 44 degrees, tho 10 ns M onday’s in.irk, while low •k Tuesdav wns JO 'legrei*^, o r nine rees highor than th a t o f th e provloi.i Fl

i o lt„ • ----------------------------------- -------- y o

ir homes Tueaday evening, u f tc r a i ­d ing n tw o d a y s '.d e n ta l cilinic.

lehrm an I^eaves— K. J . Behrniun, cl< aicrly associated w ith the. Iduho t gx lartm en l ntor»' nnd who recently solil £_ stock o f goods to th a t company, loft •sdav ovoning with'■Jlih fam ilv for 1 F rnncisco. . . . . ,

nalm Im w V iolated—P. W. Snow, ,1 to have bcon nrri'btod lnst fa ll un-

th e nam e o f F ran k W oo.l.for liun t- w ithou t n liccnso ;uid who fa iled to

’ear fo r tr ia l, was re-arrested Tues- -■ a n a fined $30.20, including costa. |

VUl B e tu m to Ja rb id g e— W. H . liud - , o f J a rb id g e , who has hecu lu Twin

:1s fo r thu past liirao weeks a s a rc - -------t o f ill health , bus.so fa r recovered to p erm it o f his r e f i rn to his home, w ill leave fo r Ja rb id g e in a day or

Iccep ts F ed e ra l Pwtt— E. J . Horni- lok, resident o f Tw in Falla for the It sovoral years, .vill leave W edues } a l .• m orning fo r W-ishington, D. C., to er upon his du ties os n member of ' legal s ta f f o f th o ' federal Irndc nmisHion. Ho will viait rolntlves in i t l va on his w ay eaat. Mrs. HurKihrook I T 1 children will rcmflin hero u n til tho _ 1 o f tho school year. ^

GOVERNOR TO APPROVE(C ontinued F rom Pn|,o One.) "

I----------------------------------- ------------------ D'rhwny nnd aehool o istrlc ts w ill bo jj» re su lt o f passage o f two hoiuio bllla « itu rin g tho nctlon of th a t body to- y, nnd ca rry in g out the request o f ; Jvcrnor M oore in n apcclnl message yit to tho soventeentk session Satur- il

rt w as not w ithoul opposition th a i ;ion wns taken fo r Hie vofo on thu lOol d is tr ic t bill was 3.1 to 20, and ^crnl of tho representatives fought te r ly aga in st tho provisions o f thoI. -------[Jndor i ts term s It Is posalblo through 'erendum to lncre.ise tho levy fo r d :h t^-pes of tazflilg un its, by n ma- | J ity vo te . B PV com panion bill to tho highw ay H itric t lovy lim it p ronib its d ia tr ir t com- Rsionera from lov^-lnti taxes boyond ■ * ? lim it se t b y s ta tu te s . [Two livestock meanuroji Were sue* lafnl in th e house, reipiiring health • tiflca tcs fo r anim als being shipped d requ iring rcgi.^tcred beef bu lls on pn range.O bjection on tho p a r t o f Senators

t r a-------------------------- -------- =

Public SaleOn Thurada.v, M nrch 8, beginning

It 12:30. I w ill sell for Hill Bros..nd Oallicotlo, ou the H ill Ranch, in lf m ile south of Haii-en:

fi hend of horses: fl head e n ttle ; **'■ I hogs; 30 tons good hny; nutomo- )ile; tools nnd nccessorioa; iniple* m u en ts; household goods nnd about M 200 chickens. \

Lunch on grounds. m


M O VWo knvc m ovtd from 205 M ain Avc. f

' S e r v i c e F i r s t i s 0


O ffice P b o n e ^

JOHN G. LEISE l e c t r o n i c D i a g n o s i s a n d T r e a t

D r . A l b e r t «

- W e d ia g n o H .e n d locate tQ ^ u e e m eaauring th e ir s treng th in o h n t.

Congenital end acquired peiaona In t aareomo, ia flu en sa . m alaria , itr«ptoeoce< I f you w an t d e f in ite otid accu ra te i ^ o n appo in tm en t fo r a blood te st.

i i a B B O ta m a v b . h . — * w i n f a i

!«NG, MARCH 7,1923llahan ^and Boughtcn to in d u d in g r b u d ^ t o f f ic e r ’s appropriation w ith it o f U e<auditor on tho ground th a t should bo independent o f an y ono

:cpt tho governor, eent tb ir aud ito r [>roprlatlon in to tlio eoimnlitoo of.'tW» olo o f ih e senate t<>day.

Prevention ^ett e r Than Cure.It® onty “care" for a cold Is flve ya In bed; the best treatmcot id Bventlon.


Dollars Don’t Grow On Bushes

But there are dollars and dollars saved by buy­ing our guaranteed all- wool c u s t o m t a i l o r e d clothes.

You will like the FEEL,FIT and WEAR of the clothes we will tailor to your individual measure.

L e t n s m a k e y o u r clothes to measure. We guarantee to render satis*' faction in evory detail.

r 6 y a lCleaners and

Tailors133 Shoshone So.

, Phone 270


On account of bad roads ^and extent of territory, our fieldmen may be un­able to call on you dnring the contracting season.To accommodate those of you who wish to contract we have opened an office in the A rthur L. Swim of­fice on Sboahone S treet; where one of our men will, be in attendance. We will be pleased to talk Sngar Beets \vlth you, and Invite you to make this office your headquarters when in town.

Tii^^Amalgamated Sugar Company

D o S o m e I n v e s t i g a t i n g .

TVfR.J.ofWaHaWalIa,Wn.,had a sufferer from Piles 25

years. Read HIS letter and the many others in the FREE lUtis- t r a t^ boolc which tells the trtie facts about sucli cases as yours—• and about my ncn'SurgicaJ, pain­less, harmless treatment Investigate my rcmarksble work ss a highly spedtlfaed physician before sub­scribing to eo-calicd “ hom e" and “quack” cures.


S«nd today far FREE book.

d iK I a s . j . d e a n

^ I L D•. E ast to 138 Socond S treet E ast

i Our Slogan.LECTRIC CO.ACEEB, Ugr.


' ....... ....m z. M. D.■eatment a s A u ^ r iz e d by

A2>ramsjee oeeorately and wieatifleaUy—

in th e blood, eaacer, tubereulosla, loceoemla eoliM ptia tafection, ete. iform ation abou t yonrK lf, m ake a a

r a s j t , m A B O —


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