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Page 1: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

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Page 2: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

I ' n"' : ' " ^ J II «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " •

STATE OF MONTANA R P ^ P S f •» ^ DRIUER'S 106 '. " . H

IADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODf* & ^ tL U 4» U P . . , ,. . _ . . . . . •

MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD H l d i e a 1 ? , t h e c h " a c t e r ' , . c o l° r ' ^ Ij,:• p -I ., - 0 . ness of strata such as soil, clay, sand, . •

NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER gravel, shale, sandstone, etc. Show . B•;• APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL;- C-PUKT-TV- fc y ^ t ? "uf u w a ? r '• fou"d "I? ' H

V ' > p r c . ] • . , . , u \ - - ' - ' ' i . ""• w I height to which water rises n we . •.-•••• • Developed after January 1, 1962 "-.J^.U'., ,'..:•.!) CChSLiv/s,'!::; i I

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Soislon lawi, 1961, at amended) Top of Ground AppTCOfc,-. , tave „ , ,„ , , , 3 I £ Q 1 J I

• This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed From ~ I i Iby the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in (Fwl> (Fet<) •which the well Is located, last copy to be retained by driller. 0 _ l J E - _ _ C l _ _ . _ _ '' IPlease answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the 1_ ~48 flravni 'Zr<ny<\'ZZ+~^ZZ~ ! Iform may be returned^ JOiJWUlJiara ! I

48 59 Sand, yraval "and I IOwner school D i s tr i c t No, \—-———: ; 1 cpJjbleatflnew j •

jr.- "•"••" " For Administrator's Use S9 79 Kilty nan* an* rjy^,^ •Address .2i.5...8.Qft1;l\..filKtlx..Sfe«. K\*£fJ&5.;3Zas3.L —If--- | i -Ei-ne_aanfl_aoKLa»u»l—.

' West °^ Sanfl ant^ grrnvni u44-V> i.Mi.?.9.QHlaJ....J!5fi«feM»ft fl.paLi3.i.J3.:7.3 - - - • —- - -afcKingfiKa-xaf.gray.jlay, J

83 84 P-ina annfl anil 1.yq t IDate well started ? / V 7 . ? GW 1 .M.QS...L.,.Kto.. '__- . . ._-_LgKSSela i

' 84 86 Sanfl wH-.Ti arma gya«a| Icompleted 8/15/72 nisef l . ia _ 1

j ' 1 86 86 gjarae graveln. mnfl i•! Type of well DrAWM - 2 S ._2° Jtne _sanajfflflJLfltaft ]

(Dug, driven, bored or drilled) _ _ ^ — PgaVBlB Witn a»1»livya»'M I

Equipment used .CabJe.Tppl...R.tg. .__ _ °£jEay_<slWr____ 1H ; (Chum drill, rotiry or other) 9 y 9 Q C\ p?*1f <^r^T*H'e> ? f ^ V f t lI •• | . Water Use: Domestic D Municipal D Stock Q lrriSation B . - ^ - - - - . . ^ 3 ^ - - - - - — - -I• | Industrial Q Drainage Q Other • * Garden/Lawn D " ]

• I *Describe -—— — . — — — . - . — — — — _ — :

• USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, ' I ' 8• ; state number of acres, and location or other data (I.e. Lot, Block - ' " ' ~ ,"""—,— B

• ? and Addition). . . .&B£3K.t..-.£&&..Acres .. .. ; :____ii__ i

• ESTIAAATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL •7JBJ.B.40.<i.QQ.Q...gallons. „ --——

I • *™** "wdjbt11 trSS) U&> PERFORATIONS ' . |

I Kind From To _ ^ _ _ ^ _ ^ ^ . ^ _ ^ ^ _ - _ _• Size (Fed) (Feet) " ^ ~ ~ ~~~~" ~~"

• 8" 8 5/8" Sopper Alloy «• OD x [jouvered Screen _I • 2 8 0 + 2 9 0 90 98 ••• ! 6 5/8" OD blt^mt taiLpipe witfc bottom i ''• j bel led in & ope i n c i plate s o l i d l y >I . I welded on bottom 98 104*8' •— ;

I j [ I I Static water level ,...T?. „ -ft.* , • .:I I i | Pumping water level ..§4. ft.* j 'I i -j 1 at .....3QQ_f.._....gallons per minute,I I ! • j measured . !:.»minutes after pumping.___K • [ j ! began.• ' w j j B *Measured from ground level. _ _ :• '. ! | Well developed by Mg..ld;fifc..JEUEp* \ \• : J j.. „ for 3V.enty....hours. _ _ _ _ , . /• | j I Power..Diesel Pump....MQ.... HP *" ~ / 'H I j |X Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, ' ^• ! ' ' ! packers, type of shutoff) &X.MUMM f ~ ~ i r'• f er».t;gr.ing...wsll...thrQugh. _ _• ?E....% SE 1/4 See_ 29 . B.lQfe..P.>enina8...in...water• K T..A3. N R....19 « w.ell..sereen, .well«...in ' ,• •" • • " H T W this...area..x:_n-be jI ' " ' INDICATE LOCATION OF WELL AND PLACE OF USE, IF p8§?i_Lri? !• EACH SMALL SQUARE REPRESENTS 40 ACRES. j• - LIBERTY DRITiJMS COMPANY iI ."' Driller's Signature ....Y..^t^S£^..\^.c..A.\^.ji.jUapv-K_Ki_.- '~ i• •* .... , . j , 2560 Reserve s t ree t '• Drillers Address ' ' •I . Hiseoula, Montana LICENSE NO 52 1 0 4 ' 8 " Snow exact dePth of b°«01"• Water rises on well 40 feet• ' from surface.


Page 3: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

j r t M B S S B f f l s a B M S i s a a s s B s T : - - - : . . - - . . . . . • • • - . - ' •;••• •• ' . • . • • . • • • - . • . . : . • • ; : • • . • . - - • - • ' ' '-'•• . . • — - - • - - . • . - . ,

„ • f ' received and filed this Instrument for , '-• .*. B 8" •\ , ^ '• record on the J 3 day o f J ^ £ . 1 9 * Z 2 •' . b S f t * • " : • • , :

, " • ' atXLS_SLo'clockiLM.,permanent^ w w w , - , . . .V, • • ofMlssoula County, State of Montana ' . JC B £ ' • '. V- •. .-. '•

' Witness my hand: ... :-. . & Q ' • v •• " :

DB»othyA.. HeadtjCounty Recorder ' ' , - *8 S "' '• j

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Page 4: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

- " . . . " " _ _ - ,

•" File>>. *-£jL*JfUi " IDUPLICATE County..^>?C<'rf«rffcA3*r^*rr... I


OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER I f| I Iu u DEC301963 -^ INotice of Appropriation of Groundwatet,T.., I

(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) O i A I t t W b IN £ E R I

I <3tlam£ °* -^PProp"ator) v On*, U^"eB^f (Town) ICounty of../5<Z*?3ksl^Hi<*4c_. , State t>t~/L/7..eik?J£&<.&:. , intend to ap- Ipropriate groundwater in accordance with Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws of 1961. •

2. The beneficial use to which water is to be applied S&^J&*jdU..£m*Ct...ds!4!o..£l/.zs£.. I

(describe lands to be benefited, if for irrigation) «7"r •

I 3. The rate of use in gallons per minute or miner's inches of groundwater claimed. I

I L»w>AJP& I• ... ...............w......./U.r;.!;.7C.^!»a^.uKv..»z...^ .> . •

I / II 4. The annual period (inclusive dates) of intended use....^^<£«{ <£i.fct&xy£>f.x I

I 5. The probable or intended date of first beneficial rsse...^t^^Uidi....ui^...././!.(^.f:.. I

I 6. The probable or intended date of commencement and completion of the well* or vte\ls*/&7hp. II 7. The location, type, Bize and depth of well or wells contemplated..C?«!3^./!«7.X./^?«Sif"AP. I

I &2L-j*4LJhi^^ •••• ; II 8. The probable or estimated depth of the water table or artesian aquifier....../C^fzr. „

I 9. Name, address and license number of the driller engaged....^ftK«<*S...Ks^)fet^Hu

I ^ ^ ^ . . J ^ f t f c ^ : . ^ . sa2*)C«a*a^.._..^..x^..^.^^«^S^.:.

I 10. Give such other similar information as may be useful ^ w ^_^ I

I in carrying out the polioy of this act. — ! ! j j < j I

I .v —\ j 1 1 i j — E

I i...j....ijs......L-L-jI , I ' I '• I ' I ! I

I £&A Sec..?:/... 1.J3... B./.£.• Locate well or other means'of ,'I development as accurately asI ^ ^ h ^ U t ^ ^I Signature of Appropriator..<f^^fi...X?f!?j!:-i?vr^!:3(iv;iW

I Date... ....5:£~ GAL

• • As defined in the Code Sec. 1 (c) "Weil" means any artificial opening or excavation in the ground,• , however made, by which groundwater can be obtained or through which it flows under natural pres-I - Bures or is artificially withdrawn."

M Three copies of this notice are to be filed with County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which

• the well is located.

I Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

I Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to theI Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. • <rv; ^ y

Page 5: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

• 'I . (Saff, , I• I nctivd ami fiWB tblljftnax* tm ' •I reco,d on Iht. J'O.day n>4A<^-'tCS ' •I at../.;./.y...c'i:l0!k.jhn., pmrmantnt tllM II o/ Ulatoula Counlf, Slot* oi Moirtoaa 1I . W/tn«r« my tmti: '. I

Page 6: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

r •

i " . . . . . . . .

I: 2 ^ 7 S^ Approved Stock Form—State Publlibini Co, Helena. Monmi»—40472 ~ ^ y » | j

! »8« No ^ * _ T J3^JR...J&~..~ • - I '1 "* 1

DUPLICATE ^un^P^##*W^ff^STATE OF MONTANA fcV IE U5 £ li W i t 11 11

! ADMINI8TEAT0R OF GBOUHDWi IK L OODS »MI i1 — 1 Top of around OFFICE OF STATE EKQmfcW MAR 1 2 b o 4 — ' I '

(Hev. above level ) Notice of Completion of GreHndwatanMrtrDJ" . Appropriation by Meansfflfr5FN E E t lj

0 (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Law*, 1961) !

S71 Oobblo Hook d a y Gravel~ Owner....^|-.t«kborafcy •'••• -Address..a8O?gL.ni^Mn^ **•

80* 8«Ild Walter Driller.....<J<»to.|toWfll. Address •***•• .WW*.

i _80* Date of Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater. „

•}'*'. . - 8 1 * Watar Paa OTaVal Date weU sUrted..Ftf»..^..196fe--...Date Completed.JSM^..1_3SM

Tvpc of well Pfffl.+d Equipment Uscd..fibnnL.£Xli3i....— (dug, driven, bond or (Chum, drill, rotary or

drilled) other)

Water Use: Domestic® Municipal • Other Q Irrigation D• ' °. . . ' Industrial Q Drainage • Stock •

_ • "3EI Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different~ strata met with In drilling, such as soil, day, shale, gravel, rook or xand, etc— Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-

bearing strata and height to which water rises in the well.

SIM of uwt Md Peon To •mMwivtA*MDriDm Wtlrflo* (F«l) (Foil WMWATIOMi

I • * C ^ - Kbd j to£ 1*_ ,. 6« 6" 189W 0» 8l» "" "*• vm

"• I

_ Pip* 20" Abova Qx«und Laval

«otal Pipa 831 10"

I _ J J Static Water Level for non-flowing Well .^.".....^eet.

• — ! ! j ] . . . - ; ; — Shut-in Pressure for Flowing WelL _ ..

— ; — ; ;.— j — ] — . — Pumping Water Level .75* feet at 5O.....,gaL per minute.! i ! ! j j Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well . . ™ .... - ' .

j i j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Tested.....8allar..Jk..CtoBpX»«|Br of Test....X.hOJ».

i j ! ; : ; Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca-- •""; : j i i I'"" tion of place of use of groundwater if not at well, and any

| ; ..! i_jt .!._„.; i other similar pertinent information, including number of ;

- I '. i I I. I ' i • I aeres irrigated, if used for irrigation) . ;. . „

Xlv....~ 8*4- T_ii B./Z_ Indicate location of well and • ,.

j place of use, if possible. Each , /\ small square represents 10 aeres. y

wmmmji Show exact depth of bottom.

Driller's License Number

. • .^hm^...^k<fMM^r.. iDuller> Signature j

This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder 'in the county in which the well is located. .

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned,

• ' Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of ,- t Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriated

Page 7: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

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Page 8: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

•^.ow^^m " ' * - & O CountyMi8aOala *t t « T l ttJILISMINII COMPACT ' * *


MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD '• . ,. r- - ' ^ , th* cha:dcter ' " ' f " t h i *' neu of strata such at soil, clay, sand,NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER " A «h«Ie' MiKtaone. etc. Show

APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WEIL * f * 8 t w h ' * w M e r ' ' f o""d "1?_ . . .. . . - . - height to whch water rises In wel.•Developed after January 1, 19A2

(Uiriw Chapter M 7 Montatu Stslo* lawi, 1961, a» alfended) Top of Ground ^PPCO^,. , , thmmMn****!_

Thli form to be prepared by driller, and thren copies to be filed **»• T» Iby the owner with the County aerk and Recorder In the county In (F*** " * * ° . Iwhich the well it located, last copy to be retained by driller. u w i w i w i i cgbbiwatad—;Please answer all question*. If not applicable, so slate, otherwise the l~^a?'^~'??^Ig^*forfti may b6 returned, '*• j M H &CS37^BXSBKI A H ^™^^

DtKaia fi/er Edna Mae "TT "~34T"ga^TggaiB~^HiWn:wwner ™..rrsr. For Admlnittrator's Use -"34 —gcTB5a"5a«a"S~gggWr:AcM»« 3 0 9 * • • * v i < " Ociv» E., '<•;--: </w " H M»*» Vattf . T.Aoorest , File ....^...s..z.yz..,'. — gtn ini I 'wumi i«anwimiaiiiii i n

MiMOUlt, Montana V / - ^ v , , Itan olay*•••" •/---: —eg- —vatvaat-j^srs-WKwar.—

Date we., started j W * GW 1 Z&LZS. gj .-^g^"".™^completed ..A^AjV*? j ] | J . JjjSSLggKl-JgJgCZI

Type of we.. _J***!* ~ ~ - -(Out, *f l"t«. bored or drilled) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ _ _ _ _ ^ _ ^ ^ _ _ ^ _ _ _ _ ^

Equipment used °^* 'S9O^m

(Chun Ml , roury or oihicr) ^ ^ _ _ _ ^ _ ^ _ _ _ « « _ ^ .

Water Use: Domestic [fp Municipal Q Stock D Irrigation • — — — — — — — — — — — . — .

Industrial ft Drainage • Other • * Garden/Lawn D ' ~ "

USEi If used for Irrigation, Industrial, drainage or other. Explain, Istate number ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M t ^ ^and Addltlon)^^y*iJSfa?2'—* ^°^t^n» 4 0 ^ V I » -

ESTIAATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL •••^!.f.?y.f.P.P5...?^.?!^.... ,

i M M 'wiS? S S ) <M) PEHPOB»TION» ~~""~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~

n « M Of C H U | . - - . . . • 1 . , . — —. . I.,.,, . • • " • • • • • " • • • ^ • « •> 1 1 1 mi Mm ii 1 • •

Khi fnm T» — _ . _ ^ _ . .

„!,« +4.31. eS M O U B

w i... HII j I j I Static water level _ ft.* •

I I Pumplj|y water level ...?. f t . * , _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ » _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ . _J 4 1* at £ 8 0 0a"o n* pef minute, _^^_ ____ _ _ _ ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ ^ ^ _ _ _ _! I measurea minutes after pumping.___ _ _ _ . , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ « . « . .

_. ! [ ! _ beO"1- 'Z .Z IT ; •Measured from g r o ^ l e j ^ ^ j ^I i Well-rfeveJoped by ,: _ .i J for .-..™JJB hours. 35 ; •.

I I Remarks: (Gravel packlng^jejna^^ ^_

MB NE 29 open bottom o f » l x inrih

vz^rs R.!!??;ZI °*?^::::::::::::::::: zn zzs w


Driller's S igna.ure^^^^Jg^R^Y^^. _

Driller', Address . 2 ?.?? . . . . ^^? . . . ; : ' t 3 r e 8 t ; I I I

Mioooulo, Kontana 52 Q5* s h o w e x a c t d e p t h o f ^^^LICENSE N O v/atar rleeo in well 44 feat

' £ran surface


Page 9: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

jrjV ^ ;I received and fllsd this Instrument tor

record on the_s2_day o f J $ * i ^ l 9 S _ ?nt.ajLil^.'* o'clock.^. M , pormanont fllocot Mlssoula County, State of Montana i

Witness my lijind: IDofathy L HejdRCounty Recorder l

By A-Kxw^v. ' ^ f c O v ^ - , Deputy \r.« t JiL' Paid G«^c. t



Page 10: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

! • if •! ^S&«1 OW 2 Xnhtd !«• Countv l H a n n n l i (/ *!• rr«x«nwusHia.nann ^ ^ y—r i a n o i u o! STATE OF MONTANA .R""' J ""^" DOUBTS LOO

ADMINISTRATOR OF OROUNDWATER CODE ~ ' ' i „ . J . _. — • _. i.- f MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD . , : •.,-•, Indicate the character, color, thlek-

:. , . ' i . ',. nets of strata such at toil, clay, sand,1 NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER -rsvel' »h»le« " " A * * * . •«• ShowI • APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL L T C F :"-T*f* at w h J * water " foond "?•

D ^ e y H r f ^ J . m . a ^ i . m a ' ' h e l ° h f t0 whleh w8ter r I lw ln **"•t (Under ChapHr M 7 Montan. S««rio- Uwt, 1WI, a . amende Top of Ground A n B r m e p « , . t t w . , . 3 1 3 ^

Thlt form to be prepared by driller, and three eopiet to be filed I mm I i * Iby the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county In <|r—' __»which the well It located, latt copy to be retained by d-lller. "ZflT ""Hi j a i l __~~H HPleate answer all questions. If not applicable, to ttate, c:>ierwlse the ~~V 7 "tfhblrwtcnif~tnTtlr\ 'form may be returned. .-13- --S3 gand and arav l MJJtmJ

Gl«n A. Kohl & Z— II— with almyowner »joihani»a..au..seda. \ te Admlnltt;ator,t Ute | ~ff- - j g - ^ ? ^ ? ? : r ? d : 1 f ! y ^ T H

i — • — — —65—aa ia»Mi •»•>»« g»mi ana IAddress Z9.SSt.Xn»^S!KatX.9X File^/^,1. JSMfS... grar«l,—WyfcT- I

-*" -KUaoul^rXcntaM .S980L %*tyf?Sl. 7S.0$a4»,

Date well started . . . 5 A V I 2 GW 1 •

completed ...5A7/7.«5..._ „ j

Type of well ..-EVillajd „ — • . — — — - . — — — . — —(D»f, trim, band or drillid) . . ^ ^ _ '

Equipment uted M X . P j O t a r y „_ [(Ckura drill, miry or oUur) _ _ _ _ _^___ '

Water Use: Domestic gj Municipal Q Stock Q Irrigation [J -——- — _ — _ — . — _ _ _ _ _ — — —

I Industrial [J Drainage • Other fjj* Garden/Lawn [J .-—— — — — - . — — — . — — — .

•Describe CuCMuth — • — I! USEt If used for Irrigation, Industrial, drainage or other. Explain, """"" ' I I

Istate number of acres and location or other data (I.e. Lot, Block I—— . — . — — — — — — . — .

Block 29 Uand Addltlon).IjOtfl...33,.:.34t...3S<...«L..36..Carlln« ...

Addit ion, Misaoula, MontanaESTIAAATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL -2€, 2a0.Q00-.gaU«W |

MM jUSt (KS (fil) W«WHUTION« ZZZ1 ZZI . - . — . — — — — .Om <FMU <»•* " ~ ~ ~ " ^ ~ ~ — — — — — — — I I

8" ° 3 4 tordki I6H 6f" OD CUt3: :

xh" • a ^ " 72 5/32•lota eSM" 69*1" .

Blank t> l lplp* with : Inch plate )I Bolldly v»ld«d on boi tea mjtends 72* — j

I » nz zz i ••I I 1 i 1 Static water level .33 ft.* j

, j Pumping water level ...25 ft.* ______ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ „ « . . . _ — „ > . — . _ _ — I-j 1 at aoca»a.a...SOoalloni per minute. !• ' ! meaturedlflO-minute* after pumping.______. , _ _ — _ _ . _ _ _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !

' ! I began. _ ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iI W I * — H _ _ < _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ ^ ^ H f£ tmmmmamma ———••__• • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • _ — _ _ _ _ • _ _ _ • _ _ • _ _

I j j 'Measured from ground level. _ _ _ , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ jI i > Well developed by Air.. ._i.gfe«-i !p"""" '"•"""•** ~*"~ ~ 1' J J for .Vhc«« hours. _ _ _ , . _ _ « . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :', ! ! PowerOir««*l-- Pump...i.5©..... HP _ _ _ _ _ , ___________________ >

be ! Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, ____ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _packers, type of shutoff/ A l l W a t ( "*•«nt«ring. .w«ll through

M....V4SW....V4 Sec..2.9 »lot-op«niJBig»..ln..»ix-l_«hT....X3 N R......1J0—jg o M i n g 4 f » l l « 1«-_3i l«--


LIBERTY DBXIAJBQ COMPANYDriller's Signature X ^ , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ — — - _ —Driller-. Addr... ....?M..1??!?.«^«. ?*™.«* _ \ ~ T J

. ' MiBRflrulaJ...«(Cmt!Uia...53a01 LICENSE NO....32 7 _ _ f t _ Show exact depth of bottomWater rises in well 33 feetfrom surface. ^-J ya->

. i

Page 11: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

lit II ' f waltw trn* atmi vMfcfpmnnm,! wTl rt« Q> ' . ' [' I

I ' « MlantJa Caatr •tat*« Mutton* . «• . ! • . : ! '

• ^ - ~ i l l ' ?: ?

I J * J s : •

i : « • '"•:•;'I ; I I • ;

I I 85 ;:

Page 12: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

- File No T. i?_.j» jl?

DUPLICATE rnm,«y Ktssou la ;STATE OF MONTANA p ^


| . Dedani iu of Vested Gnnmdwaier Rigkb STATE Ftn • w r r D| (Under Chapter 237, Montana Setsion Laws, 1961) ' t L I ' u ' . l l L t K

j lJMAllJbJMML ofJ£»UKLlHL. Jbmta< (Name of Appropriator) (Addicts) (Town)I County of HLMHmlft State cf-JfttttSM

have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana law* la effect prior to January 1,1982, at fol- <r lOWS!

i i I I i i i i *• The beneficial use on which the claim is based l a f is ifnwihnit »w • • ! lulpllig 1 T * ._

3. Date or approximate data of earliest beneficial use; ai*i how con-tinuous the use has been JUBt. iftgL .

. ooCMlOM^_SftljUTK3Blh!Hll95SX-AlMB^.» X — • ...o.9».».1;.«n.uix«.

4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons—-— — —- —— — — — t>er minute) ...AM>A..4M..]MaMt^lA. H^K. ^mA- A^B*^^M^»

I I i I I I I I I 6. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of thes lands to which water has been applied and name of the owner

„ thereof ....„.£....••?••.-....lt9.t_3i2ia«ft*..30j..aiSc..lJ,.—__•Aftr....y«.F*-.. sec.^... i...~j «.....2. Mt2ha_fl*..B«kk* f

Indicate point of appropriationand place of use, if possible. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the 'Each small square represents 10 location of each well or other meant of withdrawal '•cre»' ....J«t.JM»$..~ -...

7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-drawal of groundwater AD?ut...||iro.h...oX:...J19A.. _ -

8. The depth of water table i » » m x JO? A m «*Ii* —

9. So far as it may be available, the type, site esd depth of each well or the general specifications of anyother workt for the withdrawal of groundwater 4 * X«S* •*Ml«a» JM--lfc--«Ml*C">M*eji

Tft tram. fl.L. .. ...'. 7...m_Z. _ »

10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year .iw.Aott—I>ftl4...tt— ..aad-torttfaMoa < f•JM sere

11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available CUr-A-^raMl-to..-<vimr9<»'fM*.*'C»»veA--to''f«pra''<^ . &• s w u v : Wf*i«vrr««*WK;

12. Such other information of a timiltr nature as may be uaaful in carrying out the policy of this act, includingreference to book and page of any county record 4^A$rt*kvJji&......c3fyF*C^ii. —

Signature of O w n e r ^ C ^ ^ . ^ ! r . ^ ^ ( ^ l ^ = = r _ .


Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well islocated.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureauof Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.


Page 13: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

i ' • • • • . ; : : • ' - ; l • • j . . f ' " " " ) ' " ?1' ( • — ;>- • • . . •• ' ".' «;- < • • - " £ « • :

' . "5 • " ; «>«ived emd/Ued Ute.lutrameiil ' /n I ' - . . : • - S - i

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-.•.V : . • -; h "' "'"Ofl" Conniy, Sfaia oi Jfontam ; "". - *! 1 ;

'••'. • : • ' • • 'r. Wifnus ny i o n * . • ' i •• • ; .' •';••*' , - i : ': '>• • • • • ; • • • . =•• •."•• • -• ^ g " W S . B E H W E B , C o i u x / l t a e w t o , \ . •• . V O - • W . : ;

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4 . I

Page 14: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

\ ... '"• *\\0::, OW'» Approved Stock Fora—State PubUihiw Co, Helena. Montana—42234 j^jg^J3 -

j File No :,• T. I..±..JS L A v. .

j DUPLICATE County^fc-c^j^L^i^swt^X—/

| STATE OF MONTANA !| ' ADMtMSTEATOa OF OrBOUNDWATEB CODEl"^") ]£ f >!T ]: 1 * j" "^l iI ' OFFICE OF BTATZ ENQINEKB 111 'H '| UUJAK2 1964 II Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights :

I I (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)Sl A T E E N G I N E E R j

| .(Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town) ij County <»t_..JZ23tei^-a=&Hs«A«==J State o f - .J^^a^Mu ••—,, •„•«. i

have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: I

'• ! i / « V '< '< ' •" le o611^0!8!1IS0 o n which the claim is 1"'"w1 / ^ J i > r t filff ^j I

: i l l i ! ! 3. Date or approximate date of earliest Deneficial use; and how continn- [

. — . ] — I . . . . . ] — | — j — j ons the use has been...../.X<3..3....... ftr t*7Tt !» ««_<».»o<. |iv I' ; 1 j j 1 E _ ;

, ; , I ., j ^ j ^ amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons j....;....;.....; •—-I.—.;.... rnrminntj) V ^ f t Q . . . ^ * , , ^ . Jfl ,^-w.^. t f ,w , , r^-<. j

: • I : i j Sf_ ^r_.I i ! ! I I I ! I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands

Ufih t ie-A to wn*c^ w a t c r taa been applied and name of the owner thereof

.% S e c 5 H T Z w E . / . 7 .„-?—fefeMau.. .frat..ntma-.-a ^._*v» A^,- i] Indicate point of appropriation' and place of use, if possible. Each _ . , , , , ,' small square represents 10 acres. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the loca- ': tion of each well or othpr means of »Mifli«OTi ^"^m,mZTK; l.-r'^^>1— ' ,j •<*y*—TT—'i </y ~~,'trmt • ~n t -" t-"^Lr^_I toi. 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-I drawal of gToundw«tertjy..,/,?.<5S..|S«i!5«<awfcrt^fc . TST.. . ..... . ........, .. _ ^

I i 8. The depth of water table .£L:^.i£...-&&&^....r...-<^L£4£><t^^ I

I ' ' 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other ! II works for the withdrawal of fmyjin^mar fl) AO. •'•,,•,_. — / f . tI t<??.<./f?.>.r.r' /l^,a<(!-^-i-|P/?»/^yifi/oV!-|^TW-—yp"— . . ' • • •

9 ! 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each •sasSj^'&/-o«-^-cF^sciajaaxx^ii^i t

I i , . . . . V II t 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available , \ ' I

I 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including \ ,B reference to book and page of any county recordM.,.....H.u.M......M..........u................H......Mv....Mf.H.H.n«.H.unHHH^M...H..Mt. j ^

I Signature of 0wnet£4~«dte...£^«£O<hi^^ !

I ' • . Date. £ t-:3J*S~£&&

• Three copies to bo filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Bccorder of the county in which the well is located. :

I - Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ;I i• Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of• Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. - , . »• • / I7'0 '

Page 15: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

| | l I ramfred Md MM Iftto iMgument ^ [ p I; . 11 record Mj*«.. .C?_v4af of._A((KtKr—19.S."^7 . ' '

| | o/ AfHStila Counff, Slati o/ Montana : . . :

i I r— t .tT tot) tau J . i

» . I • ' ' '!• ' '• ' • " :

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• i ;

\0' ' i.

' ' - - ; * i ' * ""''

\ i

' ' . • ' " ' • !

. • i

Page 16: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

' " • ' ; • ' • " ' " • • " • • • . ' • • • " . • . • • • : - V v - .

. - WS f^j _ Approved Slock Form—Suie Publlihlnj Co, Helen* M o n u m — 4 0 4 r 7 ] g » > » *

; File,No : T..13...H.»_K..19..I....Z _ t

DUPLICATE CountvMiS.squla, _ \

-.-'•• STATE OP MOOTA^Jfgf ' l fpffh jAD1MNIBTRAT0R OF GBOUNinrUfgfe BO#EU W 11 11 I

r H Topof Ground °m°i!!i!^^^IOV 3 0 1964 ^ j' • "** (Hev. above «eaieveL?l?3__.) Notice of Completion of Groundwater j

~ Appropriation by MeaSSftJEVftMElNEER• - • . ' (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) \

;.W\; ~'$. <**** Donald K. fc' / • ' . - - • Owner.*!?.??....*™?™!??.?:*?^,, _Addre i»a70? .~ .27 ih~ate«* .

• : : • ' • - - : : • . _ & , KLaaoula, Montana. } .• ' • • . • > * • " ,.. •"'•••••"'• Dri!ler.Do»«li..X.-fl«r*rd, -Address ?. .? J •• V " - - ' • . ' , • ' . • • " ~ •••. B o u l d t r • • .•' •'

•/•••'..••'.'.. •;•'':•• 2 5 ' Date of Notice of Appropriation of Qroundwater. _ 8

f; ' * . - **«• lwai Date weU started...*m(»_7fth,X96A..-Date Completed._^«»M»]ft«.lS!!^....- |

. . •> ~ Type of w e l L M l S ! Equipment Used...... |1 >" '•• • -^ • (dug, driven, bored or (Churn, drill, rotary or '4 .

" . « _ , . — drilled) other) |

—• a p a r e l It d a y_ Water Use: Domestic fi Municipal D Other Q Irrigation D

.;,..-.•. Sand Industrial Q Drainage Q Stock D"^tl Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different

~ strata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shalo, gravel, rock or sand, etc.- Sand, Qravel It Clay Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-_ bearing strata and height to which water rises in the well.

""*— — — — • am of Slant Froai To nDnuiTimuiDrill* Wdrtlof (Tefl) (Pert) PEBFOBATIONg v

Sand.Oxayal It Vfeter HOI. CMH • mud mw TO— = 1 4" 4- i*t 67i« - — — '

- 1*- 59» 67i»

: N Static Water Level for non-flowing WelL 85* ieet.

- j ', L... .1 | •—. Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well .... '

— | — I j 1 — ! — ! Pumping Water Level feet at gal. per minute.

•_ i j j ! I j " " " Dischnrgo in gal. per min. of flowing wellJ&.AXBM*..aC..2CLgaU0iMI,v ' ! '• I - ! !—I E per adnute *

• i i i f i now Tested ilt.UCb Length of Test..JS«!W...lM»»rS .... ji j ! i i • Remarks: (Qravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca-\.

— i : : !"""! | tion of place of use of gronndwater if not at well, and any i• ; : .'; '• ! other similar pertinent information, including number of a

- I :——I '• L 1 1 1 1 acres irrigated, if used for irrigation) jj ' '!

- SE...y4...... Sec2Q... Til?! R1§W jj / 'I _ Indicate location of well and | ^j place of use, if possible. Each k.t — small square represents 10 acres. « ;j _ ct 6JBlodc 2, Alff fa&y^ ;. ij | _ _ J Show exact depj^ of bottom. . F|| DrillOT'a'LieenM'Nanibw |

... \ -£!.£I±£MA..A*^JJ... \\ Driifier's Signature \' This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder j '; in the county in which the well is located. •

. t _ Please answer all questions. If not applicable, to state, otherwise the form will be returned. ["•

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of :

Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. ,Q*> |->

r i

Page 17: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

• i i l l . . ' • • • • •-- r v ;'• : . T I U « - . - !• • I ! I I ! -•:•:•- ^ " r

*mm • • • • : ••:• \ - \ M . ••- ' i - -. :•.•i •l.'V'-frt.T'.'-'".• . I naini and filed lhJ» I-wf rumwif I w l . • , . •, •

^ u ^ ' - " - ' ' ; - - . • t«md on th:...a.3JS[ c]&»*/1 lB.Cfj i p ,'•'•'J l>i>;V' l l '\;. •'•' ""'. • of.a*..*.*.-o'ci3!:lc...y^.M.. p c n a i u n t «Jw I • 1 .

'Vii ' i i 'J ' ^ ' • • "/ MlBfoaln Ccui 'r , Sfalo c! Medium i ( : ;• ,'."."\4f?i,!f.'?'''i..;. . . " WitCMOpy J:fnJ: . •• • . ' "~• T - . i l 1 - . - ' ; . , : ' • • • ' v ' | Veropoo RCiouo«,Couniy JUecrit/ . ... ;

^ ^ ' , : . . , : , . ; - v - % : ! Br..!^i^....^./6e*«£-iD«p«>(y .. : ; • •::":?^>':":fy-. " .•' i r ^ C j ^ t ^ — P'1'1 I ; : :.

, i " . - . - . - - - -

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i i • > i . • : :• I • • • • " • " • • • : " : • : . : ; . - <

| a : • • - - „ -i s ; . ." . • , • - . ••. "•-• -:• ':z~'"

\ . • • '

Page 18: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

I O W J ; '. Approved StoA, Form—Suie PobliiSlnj Co, Hetau. M o n u i » - 4 0 4 7 2 V j 2 ^ ^ ' i; I

! FfleNo: .... , ! T...13..I^J}...19..WJ,....^?.._- ? II , "•• ' '•• II I DOTLIOATB Countv^JIlssouia^ j * II - 8TATBopMoOTAwjffDIFffn(Ffl¥E n i - II ADMDflSTEATOE OF OEOUNDV^ftferdOlW | ? I

I — I * * * • — OmOB 07 8TATB — g p ^ ? ff 1QM J^ j II * * (Hev. abow s« i«veL2223__™_.) Notice of Completion of Groundwater ! I

ft^i Appropriation by Meai&Tof &yfefjGINEER j II (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) ! II ~ * Edward F. ft II - Owner_.Hrrtla._Bflrard> 4ddre««_Ji23JHouii1feJlaM*__ II — Bouldar Missou la , Montana. II « « « « • DriUer.JttwnLJf.JBttMa,. Address ?. . 1 I

I , <_^.^,_mmmmmmmm 2J* Date of Notice of Appropriation of Qroandwater. ,.„, ___. I

I - **"" 1Wtl Date well started .*»«..7*..1.9(5A-..Date Completed..J*S««..JAj._lS$!lk I

I >- l*lype °*we'1' •S&KfflL Equipment Used. . II •• / • • • •"• ' i . . i • ' (due, driven, bored or (Churn, drill, roUry or . I

I j - Orar,! t C l y driIW> oth«» II , j _ Water Use: Domestic g | Municipal • Other • Irrigation D II .' 8a»d Industrial D Drainage D Stock D ' II - ' '- • | "?a Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different •I ,. |, ' strata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc II , I.' — daodf Qraval ft Clajr Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water- II ' _ bearing strata and height to which water rises in the well. I

I "™*""~ • " " " ^ " " Uiiof SluaW i Turn To • . « « _ . « « » • I• DriBrf WtliMof (TMt) (Ff*) W W M n l w I

I - aiottad ! JI - 2/«-t. t II - V 5V 67t» I

• __ w Static Water Level for non-flowing Well 5 5 * f_feet • I

I - ' - . . .J ! L . . .i • I.— Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well™. - „ I

I — j — ; — • —•;—!—!— Pumping Water Level feet at ...gal. per minute. •, I

I ' _ '""! i ! ! ; <"" Discharge In gal. per min. of flowing well...~S..*!*.??*_.?S...?2.J5liS!i* .'. '- • I

I ' „ .—i i—i 1 i ! 1— E p«r«lnut« , ' I• • - i ; • '* '? I How Tested.... Alr.UCt- Length of Teit-.^ancJuanui I• - ' i ; • ! i Bemarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of suutoff, loca- * II _ ;' 'j ; ; j j tion of place of use of groundwater if not at well, and any ' I• • j i :'_ i • ; other simitar pertinent information, including; number of I

• - ' ' ' '• ' ! ' ' ' acres irrigated, if used for irrigation) - I

I - S?... .....' Bee* *&*&*'• _ Indicate location of well and • / ]I piece of use, if possible. Each / I

• t o MlBBoula , ~ " - j• L»MBJ| Show exact depth of bottom. w • I• . ' Driller's License Number I

I Driller's Signature :

I ; This form to be prepared hj driller, and three copies to he filed by the owner with the County Clerk and RecorderI in the county in which the well is located. /I 3• .. Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

I *'• ^ ' Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofI Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. ,Ol j


Page 19: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

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Page 20: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

<m Approved Stock Fom—Siuc Fubliihlni Co. Hclau, Merauna—41«2t ^ ' J U

FOB No. T/2.&L 3L~l$&L r

DTJ7IJ0ATE Cow\y../?<*..$.g.<S.Ld.8TATX OF MONTANA


1 Declaration of Vested Groundwater Righfe^S fitf ^• (Under Chapter 237, MontMia Session Laws, 1961) S J / \ T C P N T I N C C D

\.d^J^.^...A^B/JU^^MS^ , *£O0£.-.*KJ=b*i /2&SJ**.*A_.-(Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town) ,

County aL$./.&.£.CtMJU». State of....M. 0.AJ..r*9.#J.a.have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: ,

I I j ! 1 I i j ! I 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based- .^ .^^zferc . !•' • !___ j I !.. _ j !

I I I j I I j

I ! ! !' "! "i i ] 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how eontinn- ;

i —•—.! | ;.—i i—. ous the use has been...3*/.AJ.G.../4T, J.?Jr.$*. ........... . . .—! ! ! : i - CfintJAMGUJL JM.J.fi ?J.**&...~±^g±...da.Tje*-

•» —:—!—:-g'o-—;—i— • „• i : i j i

.... ; . j ., |_... ^ ,^e amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons I! ....;....:.....; •—.:.....;'.... periomTXte)..J.S.P..G...a»j/fi.a.<>....^..fr...A.fi.i!.r. I; : | ; i I X : - i; j ; j — - . j j ! - - - - i

I i j i I I I I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands• , to which water hat been applied and name of the owner thereof

I .....&..^<Lr.j£m::~le.^^__.4?jE^^I MM*.$.£&%$. See.;?.©- 1/3M n/S>.U> -I Indicate point of appropriationI imalf square'represents 10 acres. 6- T h e m e a n» o f withdrawing such water from the ground and the loea- jI tion of each well or other means of withdrawal.£vK«. fU/.C/./.I J>uMa^j^M.e^.^y-~jQUA..J&Zt*^ „....I Jtajutsus. ZJzyjtdzaucLJa*—.jbuujn*i.fo.—I 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-I drawal of gwundwater. M^.y.. ?.Q-.S..$?.....,..../.S.6..&*f.. -I 8. The depth of water tibU./2amMe,..J:#.^6^ jI 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of .each well or the general specifications of any otherI works for the withdrawal of groundwater..jff....e/*J.teCMt..~..i<JC/£-l&LrfC* £:/.L.£&.J.S..£l..f......I ^j/-jte.ejt. <z>..<y»... — <J....~..

I 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year L?.J...Q.9...Q. g.?J./.t>..r?...S ;

I 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if m!toito..M.&t...a..JL?.A.t-.L<l./i./skz

I 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including• reference to book and page of any county record.y:i.<^rfc—CC.U.O.J./.&J£XJ{I&-... . :

I Signature of OvmitT...C<^i^....fS.-....KLdM*^r^.r/:..

I . Date /?..:...?..©..-6.3.

I Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is located.

M Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. '

• Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of• Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

Page 21: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

/ rwiredraadPiled thlgjnrtrummnt tor • •

of Mismiia Cmnty. ttatt ol Mantoiw . I

• fw f jiloai. _ tit I

Page 22: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

O%~ Aftmni Stock F<mD-4t«N MflWria, Ct).. Beta. Moann-ttUi «%» •l^[)

FOa No - T_./_*!Ll_B /Lj_

DUPLICATE Cottntyyfr&dU&C-*^.


Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights T

| (Unto Chapter 287, Montana Session Laws, 1961) ^ •' ^ < u LfV (i/1V E £ $

'. WName of Approprlator) ( A d ^ 3 f > ^ (Town)

| k m appropriated groundwater according to the Montana lavs in effect prior to January 1,1962, ai follows i

.«• W

• . ; • • i j 2. The beneficial we on whlnh the claim lshased »_..J .g^....

i ...JX i : : I L " (7\ "', ' 'i ! ""I S ' ~ '* ***** w »PP'0X'1Mte ^»to °* •arlieit beneficial uie; and how eonthto-j -—.;. j--—{ — ! ! — - j - oui the me hai been. - ^Y- v

i »» —! i : ' i ! i « 1 """" "i : ; ! : j !

, ^ I . , ^ I ^ J J ^ jnjOTmt of groundwater claimed (in miner'* inches or gallont— • ! j ;....' ; Mr mi&nte) ^~JJL~ — . — *. _

• : : i : : fL^^_A*i£.^....J(5?2rtC-««-<.,..~ -. . . . j . . . . j . . . . ! _ _ . . . . . . .< . . ._^. . . . j . . . . ^p

\ I ' : '• I ! I ! I 5. If wed for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the landsg to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof

Indicate point of appropriation ' ' ' """and place of me, if possible. Each•mall square represents 10 acres. 8. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the loca-

tion of each well or other means of withdrawal -.<ic»_yf-«^'»-»-c^ *£•- ' —~*v4L.

7. The date of commencement and oompletlou of the construction of the well, *eua, or otherworks for with- !drawal of groundwater .y.£3...C^£.-. _ . . .......... ..... . ___..___._....._.

8. The depth of water table /SSL-JSTZ.— „ „ _ ,

v i9. So far as it ma/ be arailable, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other •

works for the withdrawal of groundwater. _ \Jf>. Cut ..rf.<:..-» jf _

L..IIZI™1...IIIZ!ZZZ^Z^!1!ZZZII ...ZZ™._Z...ZZZZZZZIZZ._ZZIZZZZ*•».... —*~..i............,,..... • . . . . . . . . pP—' • — • - * • - • • • • • . . . . ••».__ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . u . . . . . . . . . . » . u . . . . . .^ . . . . . . . « . , . . . . » » H « I H < » I r Ti n i • i r r i UHMIU. mm.. ^ _

10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year mmf(fi.C.j...fi..'t..*. '.

1L The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available ;

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, includingreference to J^k and page of any county reoord«niw....-~."« ~.~..~— , • ,

Signature of Owner..tZ^fidL^^1^3«ae«aeawx

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is lasted.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Becorder; Duplicate to the SUte Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofi . Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. £o 2L SS


Page 23: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

1 1 ^

Page 24: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

—T-. •- _ ^ _Ffle No T 63 -LB ill^jAQ D

TSIPI10ATS CWjr_.Ai-»l«.*J<JU I< STATS Or KOH1 3WE (P IE (I M IE fTl I

AfixnxrntATOBorosovam&Mlaobiiflt II 1 Topof0roM(i omoi or STATS fc jjl I

(si«r. itcn m ind > Notice of Completion of Groundwafer I

Appropriation by NSiAifeCIMWEER I^_ aorafald «* * Qnw •


i« to *• towiy oin oiwie»sftMt-ri!! tun* I

I %•«.!•• cx.» * a m i ii.a.MsaJggtt-Jg «"" Addre»^g^g??! I— I S 1 t o SB* MMd "**• ° ' Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater. ,. I

» • t o 50» 6ur«J ft D t t e weU «**%*—• » • * Completed I

"* Mmum. Type of wellJ>**M*! Equipment U led?!i!?_J^1______ Igr«VM <d«f, drlrwi, bored or (Churn, drffl. r»Uiy w •M« to 53 ' C«vr t * - f t d l U U d ) •*«> I

I Water Uee: Domeitie ft Mnnleip»l Q Other D Irrigation • II S31 t o 59* Clay IndnttrUl D Drainage Q Stock Q I

I "VI I=dicito on me diagram the character and thiekneat of the differmt II ' rtrata met with in drilling, cueh aa too, da/, ahale, gntrel, rock or aand, ate. I| — Show depth at which water if eneoantend, thiekneta and character of water I• bearing atrata and height to which water riaea in the wall. I

LV ^ " ^ ammftam* KlaM ^arf Sfi^aa » • Baa

I MM W*Mrt VMO (FWO Wt*WWt*nwW •I *«. C-H —23—1—K5T-J—*— I

I : r ir";C;* ** t"'*"" " ..T ~ II _ " SUUe Water Lerel for nou-ftowing WeU feet I

I - . . . J . 1 . J — L - .:....; S—- 8but-in Prearore for Slowing Well —____™___ I

I I i i ! I i 1* 1» I• ....,....:...., ; . . . . , . . . . p . Pump»at^ttttM»».^..B B > < ) r t > , tftptB^..g > t>.^y»-«»I per minute. II "": : : j i >'" Discharge in gaL per min. of flowing weU. _. »___;_a____«. II w — i — i — ; — I — • — . : — i — t Ccaprst 'ar ft I*" • i 8 h I• - : : : ; • : How Teited—flaiiajai Length of Teet I

I j I '• ; i i Bemarkai (Qrarel packing, cementing, psekera, type of ihatoff, loe«* II - . . . j . . . . ^ - - - . , ; |-- tlon of place of uie of grotmdwater if not et well, and any II : : : : | j other similar pertinent information, including number of I

• - I • ——• ' • ' •' ' teret irrigated, if need for Irrigation).... „ I

I — HrnM** Bte.J.».. T.../X VL.4J.• _ Indicate location of well and ' " "I place of nae, if ponible. Each _I — imall aqnare repreaenta 10 acrei.

I I ' Show exact depth of bottom. UaMm Tl

I Driller'• Licence Number

I ^JL&.^.../L*#Q.• Driller'* Bignatnre £/

• Thi« form to be prepared b j driller, and three eopiei to be filed by the owner with tbe County Clerk and Recorder

• in the county in which the well ia located.

I Pleate antwer all question*. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

• Original to tbe County Clerk and Beeorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of• Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. ,q1

Page 25: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

0 1 . 2373'QI received and ill&A ihisjnstrumen!iar,

record on «ho /......4py oChxunX.-lSSlM.I . at/0.13.0. oVIocR..£U.M^permanenl files :

0/ Missoula CDD«ly, S.'alo 0/ Montana : :

Witness my hani: , ;

Vtraiuae K. Croiis^^ounty Bocordor

Fee S.JZ.t.t.J't.^.^.y.J'ald . - .

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Page 26: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

: _. f'-'N-Heteiui Independent Bccord • • jflj^,i7O ' •

File No. T.. / JL...R....iJL.^...-_ I

I , DUPLICATE County . . . . 22&^/2b t^L£»^ " •I STATE OF MONTANA L I| ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE f~£\ ljj> p ip - If % OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER / n V ^ * " ^ fiT) j I

| Declaration oi Vested Granndwater Bights 3 ^ II I (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) S T / I T f KM/ r. : II f — — — _ _ _ _ _ ^ L'« ui iv' • p ; •I £ /^7 """Z-? /i / ' • I

I I iA^^......./?......s^^^v. ,ot..S.Al£...^4J^......^.....^2?^^4 j II | / / (Name of Appropriator) / (Address) / (Town) ' •I j 1/ County of. T^?di^a<f..aa^L&^r.. .State of. tt&O&X<£ZZg. „ ! II have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1,1962, as fol- : •I 1 lows: ' II i I 1 1 1 —;—i 2. The beneficial use. on which the clato is based Qzz3..J5six£khj, j •I I ^u*a^....a=rtJL*..tyzte!^.a.lx^ : •• j 3. Date or approximate date ofearliest beneficial use; and how con- j •I • j tinuous the use has been^fetrf^w. /..2.>O£. j I• i W E ..*«ri>feS=fe«=r. ^^!p!<^!t^AMJ^..^Ss^Kix&^i^.. „. j I

I ! I "L " I• Ij . — . 4> The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons .] . II f per minute) IA. QR£*!. 2Z<XJV..jm.J«tu*ifcu!. „ \ 8

• I c » • •• I '——: 1 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the • ' I• •: s lands to which water has been applied and name of the owner I . mI i thereof .#L..<k.GHWfe;T gftixts Stja«>.d..3..,....ai.U. \ I

I ' « --••% B«JL6LTJL2E £ : : : ^ s ^ i i ± ^ : f 5 : : : I. I• I Indicate point of appropriation I r ; I• f and place of use, if possible. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the i flR I Each small square represents 10 location of each weU or other mfians of withdrawal i I

I acres# V.% kJLtL*-. ubfe/i M~X!~B I I• • ' ' " • v r ~ i ' MD i 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well j . wells, or other works for with- : I• j drawal of groundwater &22<(ui~e*A /...9..S^. axIki^t^A^. Q*»JL £Lt*aMa£&faJL* 1• - 8. The depth of water table ..M.Q. LI. } II 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any \ I• , other works for the withdrawal of groundwater | I


H . 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year ...£i&Ji^..0...Q.O...!£z*r.Qf.. _ I I

• "! 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available «.T.a.'.J?^o.t:./....ftj.ft^..;....€.-Z.'.. , I I• \ J?^te.&./i^A:.....9-..j&9l..*d>i<*a^.,..^ - c . I• J Jj^l.C^..y..te.r.J..kLJ^A,.±...dU.r.^^ ' I• • c5(^i..;..^.7.r..W..'.^ks«i..C*«^c^.-<fa&uB^...<^ \ I• ' ^(^.y jij-dbu rftM 2>y^M*i^tf - TTsvri. £Xi?iwj-wvJ_. } I• • 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including \ > 1H • reference to book and page of any county record „ i. ' .'•• I• ; . . . ' ' •

I j zzzi~ii—.ziii~z.z. ::.::.. 1..1....Z....1 i_izz '\• Signature of Owner.A^??./ioa..../a C^t.aALLA^.. !

• Dlte l.?7. -...?:£'A3 I• I• , Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is j I

• ' located. I

H . . Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. .

H , Original to the C.iunty Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau• * of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

Page 27: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R


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Page 28: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

v - n n 1! W Approved Slack Form—sute PubtUhlns Co, Helena. Monuni-42234 « ^ t t ^ > * ? ( ^ •

' Pfle No . V-1-^.jUJl— I ^ " I

) DUPLICATE County .AAJL fcWw-Lq. } I; STATE OF MONTANA -__ ' Ii ADMINISTRATOR OF GROTJNDWATER CODE / D j l E C r c ° " w » - -\ If OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER [ f l ] I| u JAN 3 196# •f Declaration of Vested Groundwater Righted I| (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) ^ t - ' » ' - " » - . i i ] I

j I Il...Q<te££&S^.ln.r....GU*S^^ , <*...§AuUAA^$<^....ty*^^ j I

(Name of Appropriator) '(AddrSs) (Town) j •County of..31)..'4rfSLA^e«uJtAl. State oL.^.%t%\JbilAAjji ! Ihave appropriated gronndwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: | •* , ! I

-v : I | j ! I j i | I 2. Theienefieiid use on which the claim is basei j sMtt^L^. . . / . jj —-• ;—-;—- I—-i i — ....;dLu_4utJb*A. ftuuv^. .^^^wCU-4^. . . : . _ •

:„ . . ! . :.. j : I a [I I ; j I i 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how continu- ji ! ' j ! ] — ous the use has been. J 9 v?.^. „ _ i

»v j 1 \ 1 1 ! E __ _. i ••j . . j , j ^ ^ ^ amount of gronndwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons i

. - j j—-i j — - : . — - ! — - permmute)..!3^LW.fry...jD.t!..A.t.: |

I ! ! > I ! ! ! I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of tha lands i I<V£ > A . , jyt « to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof ' •

j fc-^/V*^ ^ l * ^ a f c l ^ " £ ^ A ^ - - - ^ ! • Ii _......%........ Sec^O.Tja.Ei_9 MJ^f^SfC^J^^l.., ; I| Indicate point of appropriation ^.\Jip^^^^.-i^^..^.^^AJ^.^ ;

B and place of use, if possible. Bach . . , , . , . 'I small square represents 10 acres. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the loca-I tionof each WJUOJ; other means Qft withdrawal „ ( 'I ; 6LwiteaaJL^^...jJkwt2&A^I . . . . . . .X^^~4=»-^-£^A^^^-- - - -^ - ;I 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-I - drawal of groundwater. J....%...ty>i...^.'. „ .

I 8. The depth of water table f!j..^..^...^...X^A^^^......JjUAJuJt-} I

I 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any otherI works for the withdrawal of groundwater 1]^>ijL^.......^^Ji^^^J^......Q^.K^>^^wC^£x• .... .c i>>t*—*C^Cv.....!!rl...X,.'. iiifc..^ „..._)...._...... . ..._ . , •

H 10, The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each ycar....ij...Q^...O Q. A _...._.........

I 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available ....... i• .^4..\^..C»-A^3Ar.uX-cs_6WL^ |H _ ^ i

I 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy,of this act, including ; y• reference to bock and page of any county record .T21.X} jO_<j(LcL^-^VUiX>^Sr.?sil

H ' • • Signature of Owno^.^!5^Clft\9v4...<TV^•*-.S^xXAJtX^<

I Datefc>«w*-..,.ri..-&......lA.i..2 :

I - Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is located.

• "• Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

II ' Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of AU Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. oDJl


Page 29: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

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Page 30: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

OW2 ' Admired Slock Pom—Sale PubUihlni Co, Helen., Montana—«2£ ( g j j f r 3 2 I(.•X.,7VU.'\ •„ ,TiRfiL7.-.|, ••• . ~ , « ' M

I Fas No R l - c i ! \ , . • ) T_._y.5./y-.R,..;..._.y_.f...iV._.J^!: • _ I

DUPLICATE ^ ^ i CotmtyJ^ZZ-i-^.a-e^sL. . . ; I1 LOO " STATE OF MONTANA ' I


(Her. above sea iev«i5WHBL___._) Nottee of Completion of Groundwater Ij ~ Appropriation by Means of Well II ~ DEVELOPED AFTER JANUARY 1, 1002 I

•; "~ (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) I

_ 0 * * f r « q > M i l Owner__lBUk..flMft » J - » " " * *»- "*t—1lV» 1 I

I - DriUer._B)L»ll.J«..nilkr^ .AddrewJHMHL. .A*t«..IlM**ta... i I

I — i •I Date of Notice of appropri u of groundwater. „_ I

I _ 1 | H mm tnnl Date well started A/U/tK... Date completed..J^W/fT j I

I ; - - • - . • ' - • Type of welL....«*UU«i. Equipment used.«kla..*Nl I• - (Dug, Driven, bored or drilled) (Churn drill, rotary or other) I •I Water use: Domestic H Municipal D Stock Q Irrigation n II - ' - ' Industrial D Drainage O Other • II : — t l • 98 M B l * m t a r Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different strata i .- I• • met with in drilling, such as soil, day, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show ,; • II — depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearing - •I strata and height to which the wuier rises in tho well. II Stool 1 Sbcart Tnm i IV j mmxmiTmnm I

I ' — i 40 4 «• irt* «l*r M *•«»»> •< ^ I

I ~" w Static Water Level for non-flowing well •' ' I

I ~ L-- I I I | I ».tt-«I».«f|feet. , - II — $40 m &? MOA mml\ t**T*l J \ Shut-in Pressure for Flowing: WelL™_——*. ' II . _ . k m t o * i | Pumping Water Levott-£|..<MpV4«y.{eet • II w ' £ at , CO... gal. per minute.

• j Discharge in gal. per mln. of flowing wellI ~ jB ~ ' " • M gMVnl * fMt«» j | How Tested. »mpxma*9 '•

I ~ I i 1 ! 1 Length of Test.....^..te«»> ' 'I ~ US St,K,cr A/p Z Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing,pack-

I " iaz62&-~^£aLa&.'r/l*iu*u c">.t5T°ofshutoff) •• ••'•'•• — Doc. No. "A"^ Indicate location of well and• piled for record p. . . , j)laee of use, if possible. Bach , . .

I I " t h i S - 5 ^ - d a y ° ^ 3 2 l 3 e s . ^ ^ rePrMCnt8 4° 'I ' - "'0-li^jL^^^^- ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ• ' o'clock- f — ......(Continue on reverse side) I . /I I "~ USE—If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, state ' /"• ! — ,' number of acreo and location or other data (i.e.: Lot. Block and Addi- f /

• ! _ «<"»)• ^H La»aJ Show exact depth of bottom. |

I «S » • txm top «f gma«I ' . TWB form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the n~ZT~i"7~ M T \• Couaty Clerk and Recorder In the county in which the weU is located, tissue copy to be Driller s License Number• retained by driller. iI Pleaae answer aU qnestions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be >^fe*f<^"*-4^"<6edWP»<e^»*--" ,• returned. Driller's Signature •

Page 31: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

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'i-iio* - Utowrtn Cotmtr, Star* oi MomarKi . • ; . _ . • . ;.' -;. -.. j " ; (•V?-5 SJ' "'; •' , W i t o « u o r * < • » * '" '• . ' ' • • ; • -'-•• -'• '•

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Page 32: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

,^___—__ : ~n •, j°w* , STATE WATER c6W§EftvAtlON M * W * o * FO™-SUI. Pabwu,, <•<•, iwa». Mo«^-an»-»^&>> j - - I

: p n e ! H a L - I l . MAY 0 1966 T__/jila._^2.ji32-_ :- IDUPUOATE SUle ~ ~ _ McDermotU County_tZin**^L«-*4L__ ^ I

MO S l ! ^ i r : r r t o ^ r = r STATE OF MONTANA ~ Icoy« — ^^aanwaTRATOB OF GBOONDWATEB CODE I

I | 1 Top of Gnmad g'T " - ^ O F F I C E OF STATE BMHHEBB I(Stor. abort wa isvei ) Notice of Completion of Groundwater . I

~ Appropriation by Means of Well II ~ n . , , , DEVELOPED AFTER JANUARY1, 1082 II 0 to *»• LOOM gravel f i l l I II ~ (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) ' II - 4* to 29* Gravel ft clay | I

| 29» to *1» Uley | I

I - M , DriUerJ^™....??3L.MJU^^ II _ kl* to 59» Gravel a clay II • I Date of Notice of appropriation of gronndwatcr. II ^ ~ 59» to 61* Gravel,eand , . „ . , « . ! II •* _ Date well startod..*?t*Mo5 .Date completedJ2/lfi/£5 < II .-,,••• :- •'" B u a t e r • "" II , , - Type of well—JSmtld Equipment iued.Chum~ttrlll II • , : . . ' • ' • < • ' , 61 • t o 64 • Gtaval & u a t a r 'D u '1 Drlven> b 0 M d o r drUle(J) (Churn drill, nttry or other) II , ,,- , -i . Water use: Domestfc • Municipal Q Stock D Irrigation D ' ' II - - Industrial D Drainage D Other Q Diuroll II | — Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different stratft I1 , •» met with in drilling, such a* soil, day, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show . II I - depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearing II ' ' strata and height to which the water rises in the well. : - I

I ' i ~ ===================================== ^ : II . ! - S £ mff 55 <£» n^mATKM \ II 2» at ova "" <"m <"* \ I

i i n II ~" ^ Static Water Level for non-flowing well I

I ' - r~n 1 1 1 __». feetI — j j Shut-in Pressure for Plowing Well I

I _ j ! Pumping Water LeveL—.?.? feet I

I • . w ! E a t && gaL per minute. . • I

• _ i Discharge in gal. pe r min. of flowing well ' . I

I " ""VI ] ^ 1 h ^ s f c 8 S E f i B P * S W ^• , I ! 1 ! 1 Length of Test....2..iinur« I

I • . I• . Remarks: (Gravelpacking,cementing,pack- jI l ~ ^.(.Sec^..T.ii...R//.. «**P. I***).• — Indicate location of well and - I• place o£ use, if possible. Each• l~ small square represents 40 ~H acres. „. .. /• j (Continue on reverse side) i / 'I j USE—If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, state •• i — number of acres and location or other date (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi- !• i _ tlon). !

I . L M J Show exact depth of bottom.

• Licence Jf 7• This form to b« prepared bjr drlllw, and throe copies to be filed by the owner with the JTZnTTTi ••--——• - County Clerk and Recorder in the conntr in which the well to located, tissue copy to be Driller s License Number• * retained by driller. 9f / /I• * Please answer all qnesUons. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be **£Ld£tt£i*sLls£i2ZM.• ratnmed. Driller's Signature /

Page 33: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

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i ^ f ^ i / , . .. »f> ..... _ — - - - - - - - • - - — ——•

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Page 34: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

' O W ^ ? Apprewd Sioet Form- -gate P»blMil« Co. Befcw. Mmini mu . S ^ ' I

.: Me No T.J3A*..J3±L • I' DUPUOATE Comtr^^cv^^^. 4liL.. I


UJAN3 fig*. £1 II Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights. r_ ^ II (Under Chapter 237, Montan. 8««ion Lawi, 1961) ~ ' n J t EAIG|/V££ft I

I ! y^^^^J^^y^^fl^^ ^jmtftf,* £?<?? 7ai ft*****.-**- ' II ; < (Name of -^propriator; (/^ (AddJrwii)" " " (Town) II ! Ocmnty o t ! p y K A a k « * f e « ^ L Bute of..!l^i?-feiS«fc^i*r=:. II | have appropriated groundwater aoeording to the Montana lawi in effect prior to January 1, 1962, u foUowit . •

I ' I " I• : ! i Ty i j j 2. Tht'beiieficial me on which the •*}»<"' it bated „—...- —_. i •

I j !' "I L 1 i j 3. Data or appiwdmate date of earliett benefkial me^and how oontton- i II —.J..4—-; ! -—i—j—- oni the me ha. been /..Z.tte?'.. Cr.^lZktUiA^r^L^. . I

I : "'"I :""S '• '! i 4. The amonnt of rajpnndwater claimed (to miner't inchei or galloni , II . . . . j . . . . : . . . . . ; j—4—;.- . . per minute) . ;^. . .<fe<k££.. .^£r. I

I I ' ! '• I I ! ! I 5. If med for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the landi IH f to which water hai been applied and name of the owner thereof II .Jk.&cu^j^7Z£L^uX^..^.3£f..l£^Z'JJ!. „.. II Ty«^JM2Sf/BH.SaTjL9.&l5L .^^^^y^..^.... _^r.. ^ ^ . II Indieata point of appropriation ^ g , " ^ ^ y ^ M ^ ^ a ^ . . . . . . . . . , IB and pl oe of tue. if powible. Each -u II •mall iqnare reprewnti 10 acrei. 0- The meant of withdrawing tueh water from the ground and the loca- '"*. I• tionof each well or other nuani of withdrawal r .^...^ _ • I• ..C>ejr.fiL...xx/£j.l.IBum£, JyL$JL-ELf*^ II ?je~:/M-3uj^4i^3..a-Xj.y..jk.jjt. 1__! ; II • 7. The date of commencement and completion of the oonitruction of the well, weVa, or other world for with- ' II drawal of groundwater i^-x. 4" »*<*>• TH r^ _ - _ ~ ' I

I 8. The depth of water table . ^ 1 >>"/£•/?......• , I

I 9. So far ai it may be available, the type, aize and depth of each well or the general ipeclficationt of any other ' II worin for the withdrawal of groundwater , .^.^..:m,...r.:r j I• „ _. j/y M.,3*. E.iiJL-pL~UAJLjjLma&tJM~~f£. LffiL*- : I

I ~jjjr " "; i IH 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year **L..G..y.....P...Q...<*'.....<liKl... I

B 11. The log of formation* encountered in the drilling of each well if available I

I 12. Such other information of a ibnilar nature a* may be uteful in carrying out the peliey of thii act, including I• ' reference tflJiook and page of any county netfgP. ______• •JSZ+^Z-ALSL <^_^_^..-.;-?..J?_r_-_^J?r

• Signature of Owne^^.^^-^t-^-^.^......^-,^

• Dtu>sj/*,/se+j, /....

H , Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well !• located.•H ' Pleaie aniwer all question!. If not applicable, no itate, otherwise Ihe form will be returned.

• Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to tie State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofBJ ' Hine* and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriiitor. /oif}}-

Page 35: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

i !

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Page 36: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

° " Aprnmi 8Mc* Form -guuc fi lMifcn Co. Htkm, Monttro-4IU4 ^fe»>* \

Fb No T.....L3JL*-..JL.I$.^L

' BTAT1 OF XOOTTAVA: ADItmBtfLATOR OF OKOTODWATIS OODB ("p") E (P IC" P t » - >•- omoi OF RATS XKanrazB / n 1

[ Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights JAN 3 J96^| (Under Chapter 287, Montana Session Laws, 1961) 5 / A ] " £ £ /VGl /« c -

i iQ^kh^^J^^c^..., , MS.*>C* 7«sM**&. V A ^ O ^ L ;I (Name of Afptopriator) (Address) (Town)I County 1X-I22L* +*>.* •«,<£ ..• Bute tiZ2jt&.iZiihe*#m~. •

hare appropriated gramdwater according to the Montana lawi in effect prior to January 1, 1962, M follows I ;• •

" f

I • ! K< I i < ; I 2. iWomeOdal u e on which the data ii bawd. !—-| \~-!— I— -I—"! J(/£.i444.£e. *./.^.. .^.*U+M&d**1*.

i ! « ! i ' • //^ j j. ^ ...^ ^ . ^ Date or approximate date of earlloit Mnefleial «••! and how eontton-

—;.—:.....;.— . ; . . . . ! — j . . . . out the oae hat been /..f..c..a. ~ <"r MTTHKOL n m>f

; m ; I ) ; j | w " " ~ "~ ~ ™

....j j . . . . . ^ j I ^ ^ amount of gronndwater elaimed (l^mlner'i inehes or gallons-•:••••;-—: ;-—:.....;.— perminnta) ^....&a£& ..-/£•£* i

•-••:••••:—-:- ] - - - y—j—- iI ' ! ! I ! I ' I 5. If xmi for irrigation. gi»e the acreage and deeeripUon of the landi '

f to which J****^*/* y*8" applied and n a y pf.tbe amuApnot

I M ! potet of ^propriati Q^SZ^.tLtSc/SSfyyS^^J^K.I and place of me, if poMible. BachI nul l iqiiara repreeenti 10 aerw. '• The meana of withdrawing ioeb water from the ground and the loea.I . tlcBLrf each well or other mwin^withdrawal _y...... _

I . a«L^i2^.L.^.-*«..^^..iE![.../5: £.:..• 7. The date of commencement and completion/of the oonitructlon of the well, wella, or other work* for with- II j drawal of gronndwater i6^ir.ff!r.M..f*^a..Vi^....> • I

I ; 8. The depth of water table &.!&... J&£......< •

I 9. So far ai it ma/ be arallable, the type, size and depth of each well or the general ipecifieatiov of any otherI wwrkhforthe withdrawal>nf groqadwator m,....rt.~. . . —^^ II ™Pjre..£. fSjJL^MfL ?&..$£.. Gt^gt....^. !

I 10. The efttaated amoont of gronndwater withdrawn each year. -?r..C!.C.y..C?.£s..O.....<Jsc/--

• 11. The log of formation* encountered in the drilling of each well if available • -.• / /frf J*t t « . , —r- . J _ _.. „ .

• 12. finch other information of a timilar nature M auy be tuefnl in carrying out the policy of thii act, IncludingI reference to^c^and page of any county record.... .^s^S? :

I *2fe^5eL /^/. £•..<£$.(. 33LfL

B Signature of Owner ^f^f^^^gCC^^^ *Jf,

I Date. jj./iJ/s+J^... i.

I ._ Three copiet to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which tie well i* located.

I Please antwer all question!. If not applicable, «o state, otherwise the form will be returned.

I ' Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofH Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. 1 ' M •? "7 '

Page 37: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

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Page 38: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

I OW*- Approved Stock Form—State Publtahtat Co, Heleni. Monuna—42234 <*jg , *y"

\ File No T.._j3~~B 1 "




OPMOT OF STATE ENonnam | n < •"*' " ' H ] | i

LIU JAM« ^ iJ :Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights d Wb3 '

(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) STATE E N G I N E E R '

I y&~*^&*d/& ^lkMJ^JLL£!=sL22h^££!^S' I| i (Name of Afrpropriator) (Address)^ (Town) i| County o f _ 2 ^ 4 & & 5 t ^ f i U State of.-^JKZkSifesMz*--. \I have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: i

j i • i | j j 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based.<^£3&5fc££^?T£:.... j—-I ; i j — - j j ...Sk.....*teuUff&i£i&Z2Z«. |

S ! I I ' • 'j j j. I | I ^ j j a t e o r g p p j o j j ^ t e j a t e of e a r i i e s t beneficial use; and how continu- J

.—.;....! ; | — - ! — j — - ous the use has been.^^^..../^X!.?.......CS«?S«-2^5K&3^. j

w ; ! • 1 '• 1 E ;

' .. : ; | ! ! I 1 The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches orgallonfl j. . . . ; : ;.... ;-—! j - . . per mtoute)..(^>L^.... ;i2ae<^£<^^ |

, i - " . i j I j: ! I I j I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands j

s to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof j

3J.#jSzc>^j2±y^a/ils..j.iix.£..¥.£..% see. T B.. S^J3.s...Xi^uxa^Rp.feUi.M^^mRaL

Indicate point of appropriation .J4sfefcZif2&££... "*&**• :and place of use, if possible. Each , * . , _ * . , .«_ AX. J a AX. I 'Bmall square represents 10 acres. 6- The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the loca- / (

tion of each well or other means of withdrawal..S./£.C.JtJ!r/!.fc..^<K/'


• 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-drawal of groundwater.....f%fe*i^...yS..r../?X.2.:—J^!h^....S.r..~.jf.^:±


8. The depth of water table A3.SO..4&££<£Z. j

9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth.of each well or the general specifications of anv otter !works for the withdrawal of g^undwater...JT.jrrfa<ws^.jC^i£<«&«£_.^^ j . ' •

: ~ |" " " | ' •

10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each ycar..fiZst*«J...?.<2..<?. j ;

^/ i j / ^ J11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if avaUable.sWkfc?C.<!fettsfe<*rtfei«^&* !

. i /

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including I y-reference to book and page of any county recor<3 j

! Signature of O w n e r . L ^ ^ < ^ ^ . . . . ^ f e f e K l ^ ^ ^ - !

I \y*jLB&3JLiJ2jk3L. :I . ' Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is located.

• ~ Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. '

I ' Original to the County Clerk and Eecorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of• , . Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. - f/p

Page 39: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

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Page 40: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

• \ f ~ ; : " ' " " ' • " ' " • • • • • • • • • • . o . - |i O W 2 Approved Slock Form—Stale Publiihlng Co., Heleni. Monliiu—41933 -<gg»> s j

PUeNo T /^ B !^_19 ! ^• • • ' j

'."' DUPLICATE Connty-JUdMcmela !" •



- M *• £ ^ — r r — r ? ^ M f l J f 191965

_ (Eiev. above sea levet ) Notice or Completion of Groundwater

j 7 Appropriation by Meafij-ftfBAfeHGlNEER. 0 (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

I MX» Ooykf lrave l Helen J . and :

r , JJQ, Owner....?«>yao..Deefewp.8_... .Addna-JU&JtatfLJSJL

> ^ ^ ^ * Heaving Sand & Water DrMer......*te..»«?r.<&3, iddreM...Jtalfi». .

•'• '•,.-'•[•'••' •'•- • J_* Date of Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater.•,>'•"' ! 731 Coarse Gravel & Water «__ 7 ,O<:R - _ „ ,-,..

' , : - Date well started""?:../..!??.?. Date Completed»Sr...*?...?5.?2/ : / ~ Type of well....9rAlled Equipment Used..Otarn..DrUl.

' ;; : i — (dug, driven, bored or (Churn, drill, rotary or

'•• . . . drilled) other)

: • . Water Use: DomeBticJfcl Municipal D Other D Irrigation •: :'••••,.,. j ~ Industrial D Drainage Q Stook n

^ { " 31 Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different• ~ Btrata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc

- Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearing strata and height to which water rises in the well.

- s l M o t M»md iron To _ _ , . _ „ .Dim*! Wtlffalol (FM| (FM<) fERTOBATIONl

Boii culm 5J5 j S S I i*_ 5" C5" 1W #) 0 73» "" v m »«o

1 mm

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_ I* Static Water Luvel for nou-flowing Well .??. feet.

j — !..,..! ' .! ; I Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well............ _., .„......._...„„..........„„

— j — | :. i — j . — ! Pumping Water Level s9. feet at §?. gal. per minute. ',<

' ! ! !'" • | j " Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well. ™. • ' .

! - W • i : : • i How Tested..fiflfflBr.»B8fi.r.. Length of TestlLfiRStSi . . . . . ! _ . _ _ > . . . . ! . . . . . . I . . . _ . j _ . > . - . - -

; i ; | ! ! Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca- /- ; j | ! i • tion of place of use of groundwater if not at well, and any

. . . j . . . . ; . . . . : i i • other similar pertinent information, including number of

- ' ! • '• ' '• ! '• ' acres irrigated, if used for irrigation)

- 4&W4. BmJL t/:L VL.LZ ?^L^l°^!f^...^l..^^..^m\^.!^.. '_ Indicate location of well and " • •/

place of use, if possible. Each 5?!!^!:!?.?...??'. • /~yy small square represents 10 acres. Smmmm_\ Show exact depth of bottom. U . '

Driller's License Number

- \ ....Qj}lLr....$kMMtLr.Dyraler's Signature

.- : This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder 'I ' in the county in which the well is located. I

I ' • * ' • !I . ' Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.I • ' • Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of 'I . , , Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. 3 ° l I "S S» '

Page 41: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

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Page 42: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

STATE mnn oo^^ffi^'^^^"—*"^**) f- IFile No ilihl? > • T-iSS *_!»__ IQ/ I

. ; MAft 27 1957 ' ! ' II D U P L I C A T E pi:!r fi,.n , t l _^__ C o u n t y J » " l o u l a . I Ij TOO P ' — M.-fj.!:y STATE OF MONTANA > I


* Approaq^^^ ^— I •(Hev. above sea umoSS&SL.......) Notice or Completion of Groundwater j I

~ for-ations LoSi Appropriation by Means of Well j IDEVELOPED AFTER JANTTAEY 1, 1962 I

— 0 - 2 D i r t ft (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) I

2 - 2 6 S a S l ft Th«1"» A« •/•*• : j I_ c o b b l a s t o n a s Owner.-?.S...H.!>....?«!?fl.l ^AdrtoB.MMMPM».%.J!lfnAiM1k.... ; I

v r a y ' e i a r t 1 1 DrmerMb.«rt;r...PrAllifl*...Cft..jvddrCS8.iajiJi.o.ua»>..ii«mi;*n*..: ; I— 2 6 - 3 4 Graral mixed I

l a t a n c l a y ^ a t e °^ Notice of appropriation of groundwater.Hon.«....fllad \ M

_ I I "i Ik J iSr i «Jay ' ! . and D a t e w e U s t a r t c d " a / a 9 / 6 * .Date completed..fl/31/63 II _ *k - a r . * f * T * i l ^ TypeofwcU .P*A.Y#.H Equipment iwed.Atr._H/MB»UL II • * - 7 8 COarso s a n d (Dug, driven, bowd or drilled) (Chum drill, rotary or other) j II _ . g r a v a l . Water use: Domestic fi Municipal D Stock • IrrigaUon B | , II ' " • . i — Industrial Q Drainage D Other Q i 1I ,. Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different strata i 1I . ' mot with in drilling, such as soil, slay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show II — depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearing - 1I I strata and height to which the water rises in the well. 1

I i SlXOf Sin Ud 1 rnm To •raM»>'nn>n II - MM WdlM V*t) (FM<) WMOBAIBBM II "•"• of<«M iEtad toZ I Ti I• I «MM (FMO (PMl> I

I I _ 6" 6 5/8" II OD x H« +114 72 Torch I1 I — Cut 68 78 II ~ Vatar risa* in th« vail ' II — 29JS faat from surface* II — N Static Water Level for non-flowing well II - ; I .....4934 feet. I• j i Shut-in Pressure for Flowing "WeVKxamt..... . II ' _ ! j Pumping Water Level.....5fl» feel II w ; I E at....?5 gal. per minute. , II i j Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well • II • I ~ .j j . D.ftn-tXmdnt , ' ; II ~ ! i How Tested..Alr..Xl£t..£u«i» I• ~ I '• 1 i 1 Length of Test..Fonr..J»ourJiL II — _ Remarks: (Qravel packing, cementing, pack- ' II ' - __ , / a . o _„ m«»«r. . . . . ere, type of shutoff).Al.i...1f#.if.E...SJB.t*ir* I• SJt;.V48K.Sec..3O.T.13MB..l.W i n s w a l l l a c o « i n « through I• 1 — Indicate location of well and «»-wrjvyM-*-«--«w-«---+w •••*ivw4"4-»v«'W"":-— i I

I - as-as." ssL-a ESSKiaaiis—• I _ acres. o«9....b..f..<M9!»nd..«4...MP.PJX...ift..J>rajllr '• j uoa clear sand tr»m vatar yaar aftar yaar as Ions i ..'• I - as"iKay"'ara"ndt'ovarTp | . / •• I _ pumpad-at-r»ta«-l«s«-'thaB--25-to-(Continue on reverse side) j /• I ~ USE—If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, state j• - number of acres and location or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi- !• _ tion). I •I ~ Apjir.ox*...JL..Jl/5...Aier*« _ '

I . • . ' L M J Show exact depth of bottom. :I - - Bottom of hola 72•I COH , This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the '~'"~'"",""". ""' "• " > - County Clerk and Recorder In the county In which the well Is located, tissue copy to be Driller s License Number• "( retained by driller. t V ( l l l \ ' C A ||9 * Please answer all questions. M not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be . V ^ - U L ^ I M A ^ & J U O W K J / X A J L• returned. Driller's Signature.

Page 43: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

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Page 44: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

, , . .-. o w , Appimted Suck FORD—Statt Pobliihlni Co, Hdena, Momma—4334 i < £ L > * J

Me No. ^ T_J1 ^.?..?r»..¥t?!.?*rDUPLICATE tonnty_.._...ZT_!zr!:



i Declaration of Vested Groundwater RigtitV- ENGINE!?; (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

I 1. Jwiif i l ) . Kliwi. , otJL70JLa7.ttUSU lfflMontai^___1 (Name of Appropriate!1) (Address) (Town)i County of MlftBPMl* State of. .Montana ,

have appropriated gronndwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1,1962, at follow*:N

• j j ~" j . ; j 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based. j; -—i j—-•[ -{----• i — domj»ttea_JBrderu_lawB! ! ! ! ! | !

» • i •' "I j • 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how eontfara-—;....:.—.;— ; . . . . !—|— ous the use has been.Deceinber..lr..l(Ui7..-..ctmBtant.uaew —•—j—I—i—i—i— E zzzzzzzzzzzzz.zzzzzzzzzzzzz.zz i

j ! • ;___ ! ! • V

....; _ _ j , ^ ^ ^ ^ amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallonsi ; ; ; j ! J pqn» fpfanfr») \£ BslllffUBl P1H* ^"Iflflltf '

I ! ; ' I ! : ! I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the landsi to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof ; .

I twnppUfn^y' fn&Yi See. JO.. T.13.. B.1S.W. ( M . P . M. _ \

Indicate point of appropriation :and place of use, if possible. Each . . . . . .small square represent* 10 acres. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the loca-

tion of each well or other means of withdrawal. „._Wall, Alff Af^lffry. C.nKhnn anA T>fti«wiwt«


7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-drawal of groundwater T ^ t m h t r 1 lflR7

!8. The depth of water table. 30 f t i t I


S, So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other ;

I works for the withdrawal of gmnniinHitaT d r i l l e d wt t l l . fr" 5* ffH**fc <l#pth 70* .. —•— — • '.

. . . . . . . . — .«_ . . «„.».»..»....».».»» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „„.___......._ j

' 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year..4yQggf Q00--£BUeO8- i

11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if availableaot'Xtjttttlifeffls) •• •

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including 'reference to book and page of any county record Innpp'tmhlo

7 J. 9-J^/^Signature of O w n e f ^ > K ^ ^ ± « ^ _ < ^ < ^ ^ 3 ^ ^ - » ^ _

Date D e c e m b e r 3 i » l W 3

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of^ ' Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. . ^ # d ,




Page 45: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R


Xf^ftfri '- • < . . . : • - . .


* i • ' ' i 1

* I ranhrad tp&lllti fkfi iMlrumairt far If »<Wpnthe.T£/....J£ro//t£*i^i9fe.£I mMJJZto.eclockfZ.M., perman'rt l-l-».J-T of NtKouJa Counfr, Sla<* o( Wonlcnn '» 'J| Wltaesa jny hund ]! HWINS. 9PHNI*. County BKcrde, I.

t r». i «3.,.ftj£l ?»ii* B • -I( ' . • . - .t . 1 *

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Page 46: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

~ 10O*,, Appromo' Slock Form—Stttt fnbUihlw Co. Helen. Moottiu—C334 <%jg) *

Pile No T is!! E19W^1CE»M.

DUPLICATE fjonnty Mlagipula8TATB OF MONTANA p -pp . . . - . -~

ADMINISTBATOB OP OBOVKDWATEB OOp&<f ' 'w IC*" "* '^ j j | JO m O I OF 8TATX SNOWIER u U j ^ g .jtjg*. J i J

Dectaration of Vested Groundwate£'$ghttj\)Gi;^£P3i (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

I. J m > f D. Ell«n ., ot. JLIQfcjnthJBL in a«nni«(Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town)

County of Mtoaoula Bute of .MffiBMJSfthave appropriated gronndwater according to the Montana laws to effect prior to January 1, 1962, u followii

" :• ! » i j • 2. Thft Kfnftfirtfli nt+nn ^frfoh tf*« niniwj <• frmffl „ .

....: L—j !.-.-• | .5to*?.**U<*4 Wa*!^^p.J^:W?...

j ! !'" 1 ! | 3. Date or approximate date of earlieit beneficial use; and how continu-....;....!.....;.... | . . . . { . _ . { — ooi the me hat been . ..._ _ _.._..._............

: : : | i j :..,. .:.„.. ' , ' -fff"ffitwnt » •« ^983«v 1 1 j 1 — ; j 1 I • ' _

j ; , j ^ . ^ ^ ^ amount of gronndwater claimed (in miner's inchel or gallon*....; ;—; —j--—j 1— per minute) *1& flftHnm pffVHillHltlt -

I ' I ! I I i ! I • 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the landig to which water hai been applied and name of the owner thereof

^nppilrtnWiai n VA Sao. SA TAX Mfl W lit P M -Ini'Vate point of appropriationand "lace of UM, if potaible. Each•mall wjuare repreienti 10 acre*. 6> T^9 meam of withdrawing aneh water from the ground and the loca-

tion of each well or other meant of withdrawal _.w»ii . Aii» AHHimnri) Cobfaon fc fflninwr**!! Qnffhiirtf '

7. The date of commencement and completion of the eonitruction of the well, wella, or other world for with- jdrawal of groundwater. JLB33. __. . „ .' ..__™__...._

8. The depth of water table..3Q.lABt _ ;

8. So far aa it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general ipecificationi of any other :world for the withdrawal of groundwater. rtrmm1 W^\, *" imml"^gJ ^Hf^h ? n > j

...... ,

10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year..4,.Q£8,4)0Q..gfcllans —

II. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available....oot&VAllsiblc \

12. Such other information of a similar nature u may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, includingreference to book and page of any county record... inappl icable

Signature of 0 w n e ^ C . . ^ ^ ^ . . / ^ J U ^ £ ^ 2 ^

u a t e . D 0 c a m b e r . 3 V 1963 ™

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. I

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of |, Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. iot9l


Page 47: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

r r — — ^ _ ^ ^ - ^ _ _ _ _ ^

I nctiyti mgd Ul»i tJil» fulnuMal Im. , - Irow*« ti,>3./..Am ol..../jL<t**l9Ubi ... I

:..•• •» "jf.t.!*>i o'clock , /^TM. , p-rmanimt MM . * IOf Itficiouli County. Cfnf« oi MonluAa ' .! " - * * . •

W/tnesa ra/ }ion . - " '- IMMriN/V BBUNUl, Counly »«ord«r . I

>T~^!^^<~^S%nMUl! Deputy ' J. ' I

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Page 48: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

• 9* f\ ItlsklZZfJZZZ! '*" cbonfy__jft.e«.pjg,«;. £O_. I


MONTANA WATER RESOURCES WARD ^ £ , S ? 5 * ! f t . - £ INOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER gravel, shale, sandstone, etc. Show • •! A^^L°i'YJ^f,swBt •" afssrs i r r i j I

(Under Ch.pt*- M7 Mortaw- Stdon I m , !961, a, emended) Top of Ground «*,. .h-. , . ,-*, £x fg«J I

i Hll*^llL!LbeJf

f!P*red ** driller' w d t h r* "P 1 " te ta fitod I s s lj£« I ^ Iby the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county In <rw0 ffM° ! •

. which the well It located, last copy to be retained by driller. $_ __. JCftS*QlJL Ii Meese answer all questions. If not applicable, to state, otherwise the 1 ""*<! e...!, r«r«i -. _j •; form may be returned ,.ni,M.«tM.. «rt*h H^t: •

Jaraoa D. t Z •l«««i * • . •"i Owner B».HaL.A»...IRl>X.«» 1 ^ . . , . . . . . „ 1 . -51- _J5 . .0CU9l_JWA.fi2WllAtt5a». I! For Administrators Ufi _____ _____ irf.th - 1 1 * w l » « ^ «»» •; Address !Z9!.iB»jtt!iij_ File 3.9.9.Z. 1$. -43- -J^i .S.Utor_a-j_fl .' I

V&MMssi,»,...mm%»m .3....5P. .^M... -22. _ Z _ -CAMn_«ji*rjit.^MMJU • I,- ! Ji-i-uc ; I

Date well started .3/8/7.1. GW 1 i •: completed 5 / 9 / 7 X I ZH i I

' —— — ' •• Type of well . . . D r i l l * * . ! 1f (Dat. ariwn. »ond or 4ttBtt) _____ _____ • •

Equipment used ...C*bl«...Too.l«. _ j Ij (Ckm dtn. nwf/ a nOwr) _____ _ _ _ _ • •

Water Use: Domestic [ J Municipal Q Stock Q Irrigation B I| Industrial • Drainage D Other • * Garden/Uwn 3 1 I! *D<ncrlha . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J I

USA If used for Irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, I i Istate number of acres and location or other data (i.e. lot, Block ——• — — - - . — — . — . _ . — . - _ _ . — . •

! and Addition). JLSiLX»...».?..••««...•l...Jkl.tf Addition Z Z H Z ; ; Ii ' •" i Ij ESTIMATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL •••.••g.tQQP.jl ° 0 ° . __, , I

I S * JESS* *** ^ ° MMKmATtatm "ZIZ. Z Z Z ._ „_.—,-,. IKM Pnm i S _ _ ________________________ I

! Mm lW-0 (TMO -—— — — " •I 6" 6 5/8" , — •| 00 x }'.' *8 7* H 0 K B I

I I I I I i 1 Static water level 33. ft.* I• i j ! Pumping water level 4a. ft.* j II j j ^ at ......50. gallons per minute.'~~~ -~~* ——————————— j •I S i ; measured .80. .minutes after pumping II ! _ (I i . - began. Z Z I Z Z . I• , w | I j " 'Measured from ground level. II ! i I Well developed by Alr..il_ft...... "" •I J i J for 3. -hours. j II ! j j Power..CUui Pump 30 HP ____________________________________• ! ! Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, ____ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• ' ' ' " ' packers, type of shutoff) . .JUX Z , .• «w a - «r» vat«r. . .«nt«rla*. .w«ia. [• ; ™.....V* ?.?....'/« Sec..?.?. throttcb..e{uM..4»ot*«Mi \ '/m T..M. N R....XS. X jot..MXx..JMBh...a»mint* ._«.. _— .__«._-._-.-.__—.___.- 1• I "w cxmif-l Z — - 1 ————— jI INDICATE LOCATION OF WEU AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. •• EACH SMAU SQUARE REPRESENTS 40 ACRES.• . LIBERTT DHII.MMO-.E, >dmi' COMtATIT (

• • Driller's Signature \_K_^^^-lVVv*-...^t.\_]_JlA*aw^ j

• Driller's Address ....&5QQ..M.9ll»rY». t - > - •*• .'

I .' ..lJ*ftS.P.MXfl*..2»ai_*e. LICENSE NO 52 . 7 & ' Show exact depth of bottom• , U'at«r rl««n In tho well 35 f t .• i. from aurfae*.

Page 49: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R


; i s ; ^ : . .' • ' : jv ••: r , i ; : ; G i ^ j ; i . i . S ; ' V ' ; ' / ' / ' " ' ; ''" I. :'{'•.'-••'' • ' •"' '-'.' ;~;. ' " ' ' "' - . ' I ' \ F-

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' •%jffi$&l?'i&'?'.^T'" Hote»> W o l l o i n ' t h i s a r e * oan.be depended upon to produce olear~ sand" ~" ; ' ,' .:-;f||v¥'?;7?:7,.'' tr»«.,t»;«t«r year after year, as long aa they are not overpumped, i.e., , •' '••$$-ifr-li>\ Cp:::- •• .-.-• they, should be pumped at rates not i.4 oxoeas of 50 to 60 percent of [ • ...: .'<^'XS'i:>;:7':•.'-• "•' tho tested capacity of the aquifer. ' —I

'r'h- 7 , . ...I: 7v;' • • ' ; . : ? ; . ' - - - : : ;' ' " " ; ••' ' . . 7 1 7 " ' 7 " 7 _ . . ' 7 1 7 7 J ••'•• •

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' " ' * • • , >. 7 • • , - • • " • '

Page 50: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

-**r i d. lO' / ^ <iO i • '-j Approved Stock Form-Sute Publtahlng Co, Hdena, MonUM-40472^>®j2> J " . r ,

File N° T - A 3 i L » 1 3 L 1 f •". • • N


" I Top ©f Ground OFFICE OF STATE ENGrifeEBT"*

~__ (Her. above sea levd > Notice of Completion i f G ^ ^ f w ^ t e rAppropriation by Means oi Well

_ (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

Owner.^.iryM^d.....M^.f}^AidteSa^.//.^.^ '/%*. £d

Drffler....<£<te*fe:. CoxxxlZ. Address. £££.....£&£.&£.

— Date of Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater.

~'-r:- Bntc wull-warled.—~ Date Comple t ed . . . . ^^ , . . . / / ^

: Type of well. Equipment Used- " (dug, driven, bored or (Churn, drill, rotary or_ , dr iIIo |i) other)

Water Use: Domes t ic^ Municipal • Other Q Irrigation •Industrial IH Drainage • Stock • . "

• "^J Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the differentstrata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. - . "

. i Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-_ ' bearing strata and height to which water rises in the well.

• 8lM»« Slie.nd From fo ~ ~ ~Drill* W.lihlof (P«B (P«l) ^PERFORATIONSB°" cui»' — w s — s s To— :


— *! Static Water Level for non-flowing Well feet.

~ — j ! ;— •;•----! !— Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well.™ _ I '•

— T — j - — | j — - | — " |—-' Pumping Water Level fect at gal. per minute. | , , . •'

| | | ; ! ! Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well Iw — i — i — | — L — i — ! — ! — E • ' . • - . .

I i i ! • ! How Tested Length of Test ••">•""

.„..:....'.! j !....! |.... Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca- ! :

• i i I "• :""" tion of piece of use of groundwater if not at well, and any....;....;—•_ .] ; — ; — other similar pertinent information, including number of

'' ' ! ! ' acres irrigated, if used for irrigation) '

SL.yg.ftolo.iM.zlZ .;•'•;_ Indicate location of well and

place of use, if possible. Eachsmall square represents 10 acres. . .

. . /> M J Show exact depth of bottom. / "

Driller's License Number ' rS •

This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorderin the county in which the irell is located.


Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. '

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Mor.tana Bureau of '.Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. | •

^ A* fit? |

Page 51: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

1 ' ' • " • • , " ' • l

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/ , . . • > . . .

" , ; . : ^ p ' •". •• • • • • . . . . . • - . . _ _ ,

' > ' ' . . J ' I 'I received and filed (hit iniMiiierl ,'/• » ' • ! i> •\ncordonthc..2.(...day<>!...!*f£r:i9k: 7 ~ - ; - •«>•

••• •'• ,.V.-•% . v J ot.3"J.j£So'doch..ff .7.2., permanent film j' ' " ! ' • \ I ofMitcouta County, StateCIMOIUUM . > - • ,' ; ,

V • ' ^ : 1 Witness my hand:^ ' . • ,• Vl, , 1 ( T K ' . i f > / Wrt/Rccordcr \ ' . . v»• • • • • • . - . • \By jU/jfaQ?.Jsf.../.j£Zf'*^r' Deputy ". ' •

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Page 52: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

- • _ _ r j £ 2 ? 'm K ° ' ^ '•^KOU.<CES BOARD County.. Mi«OUla. - X . — ^ •STATE OF MONTANA <- fc I V {=: D DRILLER'S LOG I

ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE flpD 0 1 1Q71 U ' . h . l , . , k m * -.l-r thirlr « I.| MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD W 21 1971 J ^ £ ^ ^ £ £ ? I

NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER 9ravel< shale- Mndstone ' e t c s h o w ' Ii APPROPRIATE BY MEANS OF WELL J * J ^ j * ^ ^ f j j , : I: Developed after January 1, 1962 • •I (Undw Chapter 237 Mo-tan. Session Uwi, 196T, .» wnonded) Top of Ground „,,„. t b o y e„ , » d )

A | _ s a £ IJf This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed FX» I TO I i ' I; by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in <F"" (Fw" •5 which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. _> • __ ] "[opaQi,l * II Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the 1 zl £andT y r a v a l f. i^nMtlmJi I| form may be returned; _&__£_ : I

Owner ° m « 0 o f s t a t e ^ort^tMT ra__^J_:_]|_J^-Jli_fc J Ii °Wner For Administrator's Use " ~ 1 "~fl ffl?r*» ^ ™ ^ ? 7 7 f 7 I

A d d r e s . 2 ^ . . ? ? ^ ^ . _522* File SAL**/. -rv- ~_v J f * -J I

I Date well started .j/.^Dl GW 1 „ _ _ffiiSS^_ia4BH-.«Awr-^__. I

, completed.....?/?*^ I H ^M JtSSX-mSXJSMa - J I

K Type of well P.** .?.!* _ 2 i . I Z S _QiSfla_SAflria JtBUd j I( SJiig, driven, bored'otdrinedj and flfairni i | |f Equipment used A*!!...?!?*?.!?...*...?.?*!?'.?...*?.?*• - 2 j —21 JJga3fflA.JjBhadrtJuJ-.til -tailj I

I Water Use: Domestic D Municipal Q Stock • Irrigation JQ —7-?- ~ - S 5 5 5 5 ^ g f g f i - f l f l n > l \ I

I industrial Q Drainage D Other D* Garden/lawn D ^ ^ ^ g i g f J ^ t J ^ S ^ I I' ! 'Describe ZJ&-1.U .£±»m.£S>UU9-M.WA,--J> I

i USE: If used for Irrigation, indutfrlol, drainage or other. Explain, 113 125 S i l t v sand , rrrnval 1 If state number cf acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block i f i l - t f i . £ y H - M a f l » J H f f l a i . \ I' Irrigat* 120 Aor«s ofVorast and cobblflBtone« . I5 and Addition). TTM..Jillira*ry ' , II ESTIMATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL Slflf AflQtflQQ. J! I

I \ KM Praia T» _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ _ _ _ ? II J 81i. (Pe«) (FM) * I

I 52.36# +2 94»5" Johnson 8ero4n j I

I • eantin uou» BI ot _ ,: ' I

I i Blank i iteelfLush tiba, (kailplpa)9lm toXdo3' j BI | tai lpipe, N ' lminnii TO oatveai or j •I I I j 1 j 1 Static water level .2.2.?.7" ft.* j II j ! j Pumping water level ...9.9. ft.* „ ; II | j 4 at ..S.iOO gallons per minute, I ' II j j | measured .S.9..minutes after pumping „. ! II j j j began. __________ «___________________________ ! II I w * i j * "Measured from ground level, j II ! I i Well developed by gMff-K..A..Afcr " ~) ^ _ » II i j J for ...5.9. hours. i i I

I I j j Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, I / " II ' ' packers, type of shutoff) AU...wa.tiir ~ __________________________ ; ' r I

I : i-tf-.-W SV....'/i Sec 50.... .tlir.oM«hL..aljoi;a..-L»..John-.. | < II ; T....JL3 N R...JL9 X _wui.._Tatxir...U__l-..Scr*«n-. ; II s w ____II ! \ II INDICATE LOCATION OF WELL AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. • II ' EACH SMALL SQUARE REPRESENTS 40 ACRES. i I

I , Driller's Signature \ _ & O i _ 4 U t & ! \ ^ . . i . V 2 A A ^ |I U'illiam P. Oaborne, owner II Driller's Address .250.0.. Uo^orvaStro-t ' ' ' II " • .Mi?5oulaJ...?:!?ntan.a. LICENSE NO......5S 135 f t . Show exact depth of bottom• Water rises in the veilI * 29•7" from surface a\ I

Page 53: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

, , : • • • ;• ' . • . • • , ; • • • • , • • t

" ' • - • » » , •*

* - ' i • ' ' ' ' - . \ • '

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l i r i "(Slip^ . ' ftK m I l ^ ^ ^ S : ' : •• • • • : . S L -

i . ; ; • I i i i S i

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. • ' - . ' • ;

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1 ° .•-. ; •;•;••• : • • • • ; ; ; • • • • • ' • : " : ' :

. i , • • •

Page 54: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

< 'File No • * - - > ' 3 0 'DUPLICATE •*•-+**.

„„.„, County.... KLgjCKSOftSTATE OF MONTANA


* " m 1 ? 8 ! ? 1 1 Of Vcsled G r ° ™ * w a l e r B ights S T A f r P W G I N F ' - pI ' (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) -MilNUR ;

t ^ " ^ ^ ^ :

County ot.............Mla»«l»:.. s t a t p / ^ ^ L S " * " (Towii)

! N

I r^LUin * Sf f l£^i . 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con-I ,, tinuous the use has been TSSkMnLs^faiim*. _ .

, j W • • " • - • • —i.i ^mtm m^m »••• IHH W g

i JZ 4< ^ e M O U n t o f g r nn

/ l w a t e r c l a t a e d ( t e miner's inches or gallonsper minute) 3.«000 .O.P.K.

Indicate point of appropriation * a S S * a B ^ J t e H f f l a » ^ ^ :

S h S l sluaTe'repr^entflO 6> T h e m e 8 n s ° f d r a w i n g such water from the ground and theacres. location of each well or other means of withdrawal *Xtetrln 1

7< d^S^irrrr!nS.^ e U o".i .*6 .^:!^^*6 w e u-w e i 1 8--° t h-«**»^ :8. The depth of water table a.f...to..31t. j

9' « ^ | ^ « I;"izi;ii2s»...d««ip iz • rrzziz •

i2!f...o*ati« ™i!!"Z!Zi!ii;;;!iizz '

10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn eech year ....3D>OOO^OQ0..fi«l..1 :

11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available

zzgiSrt&r*1 : - =zzzzzzzzzz: :12' ? ~ ^ s ^ i - ^ ^ ^ •

FOraST AND COlfejSwnoNroEKiraMP-^Aro^, school o^FweatwMontana Stato OalyersltT / / / >^ *S/!/y^^

Date...*£/2£4C£.1 iohca?eedC°P!eS t 0 b e med bi'thC ° W n e r W i t h t h e C o u n t y C l e r t ™* Recorder of the county in which the well is

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

*$to*d%X%™?t£Xpmrg£?rdeT> dUFliMte t0 th° State "*«•« ; W«* to the School of Mines

t I

Page 55: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

i £ C - i ^ - _ 5 i - ; ~ r .V.".. « '• . . . - . . • • • • • . • I

/fig / T ^ . * j s ;;. ;• ^ H^,,* r " " • i : , • : > - , . - - 5 V ' t e w i

' I received end Hied IM« iiufiumont tor .1, ; . "Z ~.'"''Ji"k; record on tht...£.9f..daf o/..'^!J!5fc4...19,^«. • • •_ •. '";. "j! v-i "I ot .^Ayiff. o'clock ,!<?... M., peananent Illef _ , ..• r .. \ ._, J~ ^' c

S o( M'nnila Counly, Slam ci Montana • • • . " 's » ' ' .I 1 W:lnr"« r.-y bar,!: ' • ' • > - • . . • - • ^ * f• I WAil 'I^ S. liEi.'Nrn, Cauorrllocoldtr . ! ' /.: ' : : H ;

I • > Z2T22i. •p'j-i' I . . .. . - • .: :• i ;

I t - : • > • • .•-. « :

" ! ; .. : r Hi';


Page 56: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

File No T...33...H. B....WW . I



• — • — IJlJ • <z)Declaration of Vested Groundwaler Bights

' (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) <; y ;, ; c f. j\l f> i M r r p


• i . l ta . lMsat . fc .CoM^iton . .B^^ •(Name of Appropriator) (Address) KLssool* (Town)

County ot JCLumlA State of. l£Qnt*n»have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1,1962, as fol-

, lows:

I "i i — | — | — | — | — | 1—I 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based

; irri8*tlQn..*nrt..(Jl«aB.«.tlo.T — 3> D a t e o r aPProxin™te da t e °* earliest beneficial use; and how con-

tinuous the use has been 19hZ..*nA..aajALxaaaM.

W — • — w-•• — • * W^Wma—mm— B

4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's Inches or gallonsper minute) &OQ..fii!*?J!!f.

I I I I I S. If uied for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the •• lands to which water has been applied and name of the owner

thereof l*P..«fir»l>*...a^..?«ii...S«B.,...3.P,...T.t...X3H»...a..l5M»8f VJB&. Sec..3D T.33HB 19M '?W*».*^..C.QMtCTf*tt.O.W.lft(Wrr^nli..SlHI^

Indicate point of appropriationand place, of use, if possible. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and theEach small square represents 10 location of each well or other means of withdrawal...:acrM> ...B^fltxlo..pimp..iJ»..W..3JQ..)Mrta..of..«i..of..II^J«cu..30, ;

BMdquarter* ponp ...T..i3»,..3l.l«

7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- tdrawal of groundwatei 19uZ. , •

8. The depth of water table .3$* I

9. So fai' as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any ,-other works for the withdrawal of groundwater :

. nrlllfld m i l ;12St..iteep. .

190 aMfwy . . . . i

10. The estimated amount ot groundwater withdrawn each year ...lD#QOi)#000. gill .* 't

11. The lo;' of formations encountered In the drilling of each well if available „jno*...W«iMbl« ,

, d

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, includingreference to book and page of any county record .»W>1}...*rol*ff.*Rl». „

the FOREST AND CONSERVATION EXPERIHEOT STATOOH, School of FurasU'jr |Mfcntan* State tMLveralty I K^OYA^y^d^^

Signature of OwneV-}«l«Ji^&*K&i«Krr.

Byia»BA. Wi l l i e , Director v**J%/fa?<lLThree copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well islocated.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so rstate, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the School of Mines .and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. , £l\-



Page 57: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

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MAHflN S. BEUNEtt, County fl«»rd«r . . . .

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Page 58: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

_ Im Approved Stock Foiro—Sate PublUhtaj Co, Heltm. Monl«i«-42a4 < ^ ^ » » , I

Me No. T 12)..._B ).?\ II DUPLICATE County......Hi*»onlA I



j Declaration of Vested Groundwater R kt EC 3 01963 J II i (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) GT A • :- ). Mi i iJ I - C 3 ; I

I « J* Homxd ftoat«r i BI L...Jfcrth*_JX.JR«t«r ., of....2U6i.57*b.-a^.^tft.X JUMOUII II i, (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town) 1I ; Oounly of. JiStwJft..... State of .-..*»!*•§. II s have appropriated gronndwater according to the Montana lam in effect prior to January 1,1962, a* followii I

I ' . * . II ! ' ! ' ! ! 2. The beneficial use on which the claim it bawd. — . ' II — • — • — - j — I—i— - i— ..HonMho3d..Bra ' II ( ; j' "j" 1 i i 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial we; and how contlnn- II .-.;....:.....: ! . . . . !—|— ous the use has been .!WSSM«r.M!6a. . II ; i | : i • v§Md..!mn.J*xM!m* „ _ _ II I » —;—;—!—'—i—i—;— * , II f ""• :"*"• '; '! i 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons , II ! ••-•: i 1 !-—; I---- per minute) M9$...lBKWB I

I i : i ; ; fa • _ ! II . I ' ' • I I ! I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands II i to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof II ...QMdJfeL.;lrKlAto.Jta^^ II .. yi Sea3uGL T.../2 R.jf ..J»rtlS«..fl«l!..ftC_lB*..iOO..X.XSO..iJtiEt« II Indicate point of appropriation JI and place of use, if possible. Each _. . . . II small square represents 10 acres. 6- The means of withdrawing inch water from the ground and the loea- : II tipn of each well or other means of withdrawal ' I

I ; rr~z_rzzzn ZTTTZTZT: : i II . . . . ' ; II ; 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells,, or other works for with- II drawal of groundwater ftfTtoVM m f b u i l t b » t w « n 8 » p t . and F«O. J^DOJ t o d t b a W U l I

I Mi..d.rA^M>A.«iti^.^r^^tj^ il".IZl"ZIZ.Z!..IZ.!."I."."ZZZI" , I1 8. The depth of water table .??<>t..lo>p|im | II 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other ; I• works for the withdrawal of groundwater WM..mU..M..*1^.MJ&SS>j!l9Mt. _.. i

I zziT™ '. z ; ; 7, ".". ""' iI :; zz i :z..:z::.:.:zzz.zz :..:. : :z:z:.i:.z :.„ z . •I 10. The estimated amount of grouadwater withdrawn each year....89$.. kWWffl

• 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available ..!£$..IfflPIIB. „• __ j '

I "" " " " "• 'm 12. Such other information of a similar nature n$ may be useful In carrying out the policy of this act, including •'H reference to book and page of any county record Jfo.tt..Js33t7MD ., ,-ff— .-. .?,....,-.,«,.,.,.,...„..,.*...

I ' Signa,ture of Owner.^2&*/?^..^±^zr.• • ' ;>•-. /:(, -?: r,, . (XJt• Date >...i...e^ .-l.i.»J.!/...6iJ..~

I • Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in whidi the well is located. '

H *H Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. I

M Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of jI / Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. /S/?3.


Page 59: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

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I <Up^- II 1 rmfrxf mmt UUi iMa JlMlnim.nl tar II ranrrf«iU«.^A..dara'../iiW.n^3 II * JOfrh..o'clock./y.N.. FVmtmnt Mn II d HlMoala O.untr, Halt sf ManamaI K/UI«M mr ton):I JM«riW S tmH^Cmup tttnrrtn

I I r«« « ^fedSa <KJ


Page 60: Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/missoula/T13N_R19… · I ' n "': ' " ^ ^ J I I «^^>J GW J Revised 1949 CountyJ&LSSpHJLa _7... > " " • I STATE OF MONTANA R

i ^ \0 II ° * Apprend Stock Pom—atata ttkmint Co, H«kai. MOBMUU—4JJJ4 ^<fr»» ' - 1 I

RieNo T _ 4 ^ * iar: II DUPLICATE County;-;.. AtfjAJ* i I


I Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rigl}^j£ ENGINEER II . (Under Chapter 237, Montana Setakm Lam, 1961) II ! ™~"""""~——————— •

I i 1 £dkj*. iSi?..^.^ ,«»f.^I...Q/_^/L^iL^^C^^^^ II (Name of Appropriator) (Addrata) (Town) •I Oomrtyot__^£/J/-f.*/^ State of. dtHOZ^fL II : hare appropriated groundwater according to the Montana lawi in effect prior to January 1,1962, aa followii •

I w . II I • i ! I I i i 1 2. TheJwefleialiiieoBwMeh.ttoclaimisbaaeA^.^ I

I , ...:..„.!.....:..„ .; .: |.... ^&<J>I.±..^A4.wM. . II • ....L.S i . j L . L . '" ' " • II i j ';' ""< I i 8. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial UMI and how eontinu- ; II ' —.;....:.—.:— •. . .-!—!-.. oui the UM hai been....-.^:..-^.....-..^.. —•>••;;«=- - I

I ; * —j—1—; ?\±l ,' J^ • I "_1.Z .'.."I" .'.!.._ 1_I_11" ; II : '": : ! . | . . ^ | ^ ^ - . ^ ^ ^ amount of gronndwater olalmetLiln miner'* mehet otogalbmi 1 , I

I I -f-f-f I—j—j— - } I• 1 I ' ' • I '< i < I B. H wi& tor irrigation, give the acreage and description of the laud* , K• * to which water hai been applied and name of the owner thereof II Indicate point of appropriation II and place of QM, if potiiblc. Kach II nnalf aquan repretetU 10 acret. 6. The meant of withdrawing meh water from the ground and the looa- 1

I *tt*fo^'5tt1SFrtfM-P i I• .Y .'iritis-.ty.jit.W-JH" 1 I

I ' I• 7. The date of cnmmeueement and eompletion of the oonitraction of the well, welli, or other worki for with- \ I• drawal of eroundwater. **a^*.*J _ . . . . . _ „ „ , 1

• _ "/y?¥ I

^M . • "***" "~ •*• .—, . . . . . . . « — .. , . .^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . ._ ..*.. . .„.»....„... „«.,„,........ j •

I 8. The dipta of water table JSkJLSj^JL-J^A _ I

• 9. Bo far aa it may be available, the type, abe and depth of each well or 0>e general tpedficationa of any other I• worki for the withdrawal of groundwater. yr. „ .«.••«.-_—-./- S:*. .__.........•.•. I

I #.0j.....M£*m.. fr.Z....<&.lt»:j* II 10. The eatimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year ^&1<.y..7.£..y.......%.!(!!..X.~ _ II i/ *S A" I• 11. The log of formation* encountered in the drilling ol each weli if avaiUbie...<f./£4...4L.«?ir.* I

• 12. Such otber informKtion of a aimilar nature a* may be useful in carrying out the policy of thi* net, including - IH reference to book and page of any county record. ~ ...._ ! I

• Signature of O w n e r ^ - ^ / i ^ . ^ ^ A ^ i t . I

Three copiea to be filed \>y the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well it located. Ij

Pleate antwer all quertiona. If not applicable, 10 ftste, otherwiae the form will be returned. I

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of 1 IMinet and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. %S^ II

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