+ All Categories
Page 1: I t -PORT w....TI,e J)~l)plt' oftI,e Cit:J of Port T OlC"/u t'JUI do Or. daill 113 follorrs': • SI:CTlOS 1. r rO\-iue.;·that the clerk of the Trus. lees shaU, on or ul'fore the

" .



KO. 31 .


~IAY 18, 1871.T...,w.

-_ . - - ---~· _~-----I

---.- - - - - - - - -




--- ----- .._ --- - --. -- .. ..- -- --------


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-ar- ..AI.. l'ETTYOROn :.. ,

SIl.....i:JpUO • aatu :F 9r '.Ont V.ar · . s,' i • • • ~ $:\ 00F'or ·'SIx ]Innthl.~ _~ . :•• , •••••• ••• ••••••••• 200

SUbscription. paYable In .<1-="". ..- . -Ad...en..... .:llaIe.. .. .- .. .. . ' \. - -

O... Ineb, (whio-b 1.,;,-q.t lfllMea •• ,.qnareorten Iint. ) --;-;;--•• , S2 00

-"E"!1:1l" . ob tqwtnt In.crtl"n I 00A liberal deduetiou will be made in favor or th ose

who ad.ilrti'eby tb e I to , .T ranait-Dt · .af~·rt isetnenht te illSure

.'r;llle_(e~mpanjed bl tbe cuh.

, , 1).\VlD SIllE~,

lace n.ed A IIc'tiolle e r,. . .


. c:'~F_ICE:-" Uuion ". Sa lonn n ;'ilJing. head - or ,I. . Union \Vha r', .• . I'OItT I O\ \· Xtl E l' D-. W. T. I

___ - .CllAS. M. HUAVSHAW,

.-l ttor n e y nnd ( ;onnsclol"..A T L .1JV .

OF F ICE - On ,,"-att'f Street, two dcors ',"ciol (ron1fi :u t ing s Store,

1:\1 - - ~--Port To,y.n . rn(l" " ' . T.

T OS . T. l'~ll\OIl,-lft. D .,


... .~ MRS. G•.M. fBILL;IPS, '~ F A S H I O N A D L E


U All Ulon_nt of Choice 1I1U1iue.,. art! lesbp' .. n band eonal~. - - 8:3m-

; lIe Donald,-rnAc·nCAr.-


"rJ.:st: FACT1:RES ALL ARTICLE~ . PElt ·'ift..W blni n f: to Iii" b"8tne1t"'. n e-Rtly 8 mI with dis ­pa tch. MakC"K up i~ t'a good~ Don e but t he lJt"ttt..u~.ta. D.,..or""., og. " .

tlr era fro abroad! .""elrully soliCited. Ite _


'. \

F..\.SHIO:\ A DLEWater st reet, (nut door to Sl!rruing·. Saloon)

}' l ' -? ,. . "w 'fOR T OW ;l; ~ E;I;Il "::---..:, . - ",

TS PREPARED TO lIIAKD "U"P GF.XTS.'.:a;........~,.•• <..101hl ng "ecol"'tHn~ to the bt::o str•• l:sion a ;a~5 CD band, fo~ b)' t :le j ard.r,l'Irtfi ~"'- . . / 'Fr..;.h Ck>th.-.anrl~,,; ;0.e9Q /I Ck>llu

Gull 1' 'kJ'1II~1( j AlU .fl OIi 0 0 0(/3 ;(Otlling•• ~(;' . I

whieb are cffered very , ~n\i'• . u:.r ~?f' cbl atteu t ioup aid~pai(illg and Cli l1 omg. 1 ('IDIS modera te,



f urniture~ Uy

or Repaired

eliAS. II~ J ONES.

" , ~ ".. ORDEHS SOLiC ITED.... .' - -, I· d \\. T J I 'l ' 71}'ort 'l"OWI18l'n , • a,. nu... , .

R. H. HEW IT T , .J 0 II - l' H 1 'N T E It ,

Proprietor Excelsior Job Offlc:Oh'DlI,ia, " ' . '}'. - .• • .. .. ..

P ort Townsend. )lareb 30.

-l:f TBJ::-

CosmopolitllD Hotel. Po rt TO\\"DS .'na.

GENT LEMEN WILL FIXD FIHSTClas. Tousertal . ecomlllodation . at tbis es-

tabliohment. Satisr.etion suarantet'd by .0 .- 'V. ·DROWX.


Ballard RideN.

O F. GERRISH & CO. HAVE J UST• . Reeeieed an lnrelee or n.ll.r~ Hreer-h-lcad­

jr'l Rift", whirh t l,;C' y of!"t r fer t ;1 1c:\t ~~.tlc t ll ratei. ,(j ~1." "!'~. 1 ~ t'...." . 1 , . 1

Page 2: I t -PORT w....TI,e J)~l)plt' oftI,e Cit:J of Port T OlC"/u t'JUI do Or. daill 113 follorrs': • SI:CTlOS 1. r rO\-iue.;·that the clerk of the Trus. lees shaU, on or ul'fore the


o( I'ul;d. 26m3

. .-,.



Jo., I'~'1.


luxeA '1'IX,


(l ({n le ll ({Jul .

S EI·: nS


1'0. l'alo by £ D , n : XD ,n'L\"£ S'fE R •

lII" in Ired , OlyJ1Jp ia, 11:'. T. , l 6"rn-t

Saddle Horses kept for Hire.P 'lr t Disco \" ' r):, April 20.

Pioneer Cracker Bakery;.PI'OI.. isiO ll alld OI'Orl' l'y ' Sf01'~~

P Oll T T ow:<s E:<Il, \\' . T.

G l'a .<;,<;,

F or Safe.O~E_EXTllA.. ~\VL.'W-inLi:. ; . , :~-

~anu faClUl ad ~.: Atwood. & . ' .111'011, SanranC1SCO, :ln d one P unl", .(6ineh Ga h-an ized Iron ..I:' or termo apply to L. K a ,\STI :o;'GB, or ' •

n. C. H, U0 TII -:('IIlI,D. "}' r< rt T own "t L.l 1 ~f : t ~ ~ I I , I . 1' ; 1. ,,~~Iti -

Kellett .&, Scott,O L n I PJ.\ . 'v. '1' ..

Pealers in. and Mannf,ctnreTI of - "

HARNESS , &; S.-\.DD~ER"l'~ -

WE H:\\'E OX . l1.\XD :\ LAnG E. and complete ~toek. pe rta in ing to our lint,

winch we offer to the pubhc at lO'1"eRt ra te l • .P articular atten ti on paicl to 'a ll order. from

brond. . ,. ' 19m3

Parties '(;,' n be accc mmoda tco at all thll~8 witb '­

Co n\'cy '1n ec ~.


R A'N'e-":' BS,P l~II'S , 1I0~E;

In)1l ((ml h " ii.I.J~ ""iCao', 'l'iOTl cd nhd Y.nallltl.d

H 10 II 0 W -W a fa ,House-Furnishing ' .Hardware,

Etl·., E :c,j al a I

~IAX LT.\ C"I'l"ln: l t OF ,\ I.L K IXDS

1' , ), " I)Iter :lIul h~~r":.."'OU\O':1I'(',

On1£'I' can:Cu!ly till rd Hull l lrcJ1UtlllJ ,,'x~eul,d •}I.,m l)' ,.

-~E isen be is &. Stork:Ma nufact ur t' and dt'"l in- "''/0 .... -

XA\,Y .AX D l'I LO'l' IlH I·:.Hi ,i.'S\ nALL KIXIJS OF CH ACK E HR.

. Al so , "-hob sOl I e and ncta.~l Deal ro f in

Provisions al1 d Groeerie~;."lo ll"~ }o' t'f'd, ...';.;('"

AJ/tl ('o ll f t'c fio li(' J'!! of all kil/((6Order, rCIpt'C'tfull r 501ici(ed a a d ....tiaf aetio.

gu ar:ln t~cd . lG:t r - •

Thompson's Stage ·!RII II,~ Buily b('tl{.'C('1/ P o/'t Di~­

COIHll'!J «(I/(l Po 'i'fTo"'1J,~(,Jlit


s 'I' 0 , . E ~,

J.• ·F . S H E.E"'fA N,P u ll T 'J' O\\' );SE.'lJ, \\' . '1'., ..

I . po'rur <tin cf l k ..ler '"'- .

TlX I'L\TE, ~llEET IIW);, CO P P E R,_ . Z I.\ l ',

Ftn' Sa {(' !.\ I'ElIl 't; 'I'l.' AL SCll Ol,AHSlll l' 1:\ TIlK

J" l'ill'i ric liu~in ('''!!t Colll'ge I)f ~an }' ra.ntilcv.'1hi"i I U:)tltut iulI r a u ~s h(1)t on the CoutoAI'I,l l ' tu It. II. I1E WITT.Ul~ m pi a , \ \ . • T. 15;t f

\V ILL ATT E :o< n TO T H E !It"Y1:\O A:\D:)l'lling of T('a l l'~tatt' of .d1 killd l .

The " l o ca t ili ~ of 1,;l, lHl s ltu d • gtntn l bl.lai....tr au1):lc\cd on f(o .lslma~le tt·rAls.. ~ " ':'

II .~" I' O ,!l " .N,EA lIun luror of iml'roH',j (a rl1\!t, cit y Jot ., inrpro• • d.and ullimproHo 11 1 t :..o gl't h..·r \\"1I h a lu ge 3 1110 U.t .1u uim lHon·d la ll l.h ill l hi~ llUlt ot 1he 1 c- rritury.

U1' FIC r~-111 til e C UbuHlpul ita ll H ute-I . lt09m:0;0, 1. II!(f.'

FRRSI SKHDS.f.. ·SIID1J!A la r!;c l'J.lt:t.ntity ;" F re'sh" '\1

t.§'(Jrd , 'r ~ fr ollT ail p" r tg::;"" 11<1 )'roell!,!I)' " ttcllllt-ti I,).

II, E. Levy.


f,' -













, .






Gan d









" TC wiil

- I X-

J>B1THnlO rE"S

Il. L , TI l.lIL\ LL5.



Thes c Lots will he sold

,yliter S trect, Port Towns end.


nE~T Ole CORD-\\'OOD, ('I1E~PI



Plat ca ll b" .CCIl a t thio olli ct'.

Emporium of.Fashion I)B lS STl: H :T , U ETW J-: E S }"o r R1"H AS D . ·JFTJr,

(Opl'",i lc thc Olp"pic 11ulol )OI~'mliilT', " '. 'I',

Tibballs' Superior Teams I


IIlinoi!!i Fa..... " 'agons. Bu~ics,

I,'or Sa le a([ow l'ric('s

P.}«'t TOWJl..(,U~9 ~•• T. 2:\f

Forww'tli Jlfl (f; ' ('0111 III i ssi01R ItS i J/ e.'1,'1

rromptl)· au ended to,

TH~; _CELEUR.~T~D mCInIONDI\.\ ~ r; r. . (('o r r :\l :H1 ~' 1 , :,,- h ll rn !' WOtWl or C' n ~ l t

- ;"1 · ,,1." "I f J.. } '. ';;IH:J.:" ,\~ ·:o'



- .\T-

Gen. S~einmetz 's Headquarters

.0\. ndll EER011 I heSi d" !

Teaming oC all Killd!tl Done

Funlt f0 1" Sale.Mho 8ltuakd In Cl.lam Co.nty, , ,,... T . ~::t: o ne m ile from DungenelS Ba)", Irontini.ison th e Strait . contllinicif 18.3 ac re. , all good a~ri­cuhural land. About Ilxty·fh·e acre~ under ft:ti"eeRnd there is a good dwelling house and a bam o~lhe p,remiles ,

\\ ill br lold at a barglin. Apply toJ . A. KU I1 ",Port Townsend, W. T.,

J. J. RODGERSDungen~.. Li;;ht H~use.

E"cr offC' rrJ ~orth o f Sa n Franci sco, an u ,,·m sea t pri cE'\; t hat dcC)' eo m pN iti ou .(

Orders solici ted (rom all piJ. r ~ of th e Souuu, ansatisfact ion gua ra ntf'c d.

o::J Good~ a t wholesal e or Tf-tail.~ms, C, c, FORD.


At Prices within the Reach 0

Everyone who wants a ,Home"-


SY R 1 7' P Sd I,SAH~,~P.~I~II.T,\ , ; , I '~ ~[ 0 X .~ DE ,

The!!ic 10~!i . :U ' C , ""el~ loc:ate SODA \L\TE H, G I X GEH BEE Ha nd comprts« the finest lI , t. II 0 11 th.. ;'--< " .. , '

B a\'. for rc~io ~n c cs . This A d- I UIH,H, )0, I C.•cl it ion is less Ih llll hulf a :\ c ra t eel \\'att"r " 'orI.::H,

mil« frnm t h ~ St eam. Seatt le, JV. 'J~

b unt L a llci ing- ntP "rt T owli'


Save Your Money and BuyDesirable Lots

'Addition to Port Townsend!


Inonn C' (' to t hC' LADlE S 0" l' ug C't Sou nd cnlln

trYthat I ha'·t' jU~l r r eei n·u, d i rl'ct frolU ~e'l' Yo rI an d Sau F r .,ncbco, the

Lal'{Je,o;ft(llfl B e,'1t Sel('t·t t1tl Stod ..O F ~I I LL1 XE ltr G OO DS

D'e p·o.t,POllT TUW~SI;:<Il,. ,

.'Ta!! .~ JI(l . 18,1.


XDlDEH \'11.

AX ORDIX.\XCE for thc Co llec tion ofTax es. .TI,e J )~l)plt' of tI,e Cit:J of Port T OlC"/u t' JUI do Or.

daill 113 f ollorrs' : •SI:CTlOS 1. r rO\-iue.;· that the clerk of the T rus.

le es shaU, on or ul' fore the h t uf J un e in eac h !,E'ar,tn~kc an :lsse~ smcnt of all JlTope r fy, to. be ascer..tam r d fr om the assC'ssm en t h st mauc eu-r tC' rritor inl,COUllt )· :lnd sch ool purpos(' ~.

SE"c.2, That wh en "the T reasurer i ecrh·cs a tax~o]) , nf tin)' ta :t,· he ... haH pos t th rt'e nori ct'll noeify­IU:; ~11 pO,rsollS that s~lch lax !ntlst be paul to hi.." Cosrrl0 pO II'tanwlt hlll t ln rt }" un)':'" or I t \\'111 b, returneu as U uelill- ,quent ."

s . c; 3. TI! a t ,all l~xe. HIlI.l bo paid t';tl i; City CO .\OI EI~CL\. L fiT H E E T, SEATTLET rtas nr er withm thtrt)' uJ. r s a fter he rec...: v....· ta".. , • '11111-', .'}l O\'I·~ II O""'L~ l! .·\" nl·~I·~'I.. Troll , ;lnu all .uxC's no t so ll:lhl shall be eo llc ctM "ali r-'\.. L v r _ Q - • • "

delinquent. , I('ope ned for ~he accommoiL., tio n oCthe publicSec 4. T hat all warrants iti <;,ucu to C'oUect 'de~lin- and the pr oprietor, dCliirou s ,.C obt aiuiug a (Ol i

qucnt taxl's n1\l~t be rcturn cu \1" ithiu ~ il{t '" da )'s. sharl' of pu bhc patron aqr, win elldl'a ~or to mak~ti N: . .J . T h 3..t . the )Ia r:th al shall r('c{'hoc th e per_ 0 the ell., tab li :Jhnu, n t com plet t' m en'r v respeet .

et'n t. In ndthtlO ll tu co~ t of coHl'ctio u . upo~ a.1I IGtl ALEX.o\:\U EH. AD.a lIt.t aXt·s co1lcctl:d by him: amL in an wa rra nt s thp.Clerk ,ha ll cOnJmand Iho ~rar<hal t<> collect tho The 'D a !-' i* t.:ol!l ing ,,'henfhe p("r ce n t . in auulti "n to lhe ta~ C' s .

Passe d ~(a)' 3r<1 , IMi.lt ccurdcd llook Xu. I, p,,~o 14,

A L .\HGE IX\'OI CE OF WIXDO\\,. S ha des nQ W nead y duC". "

3tt f GEO. DAR1'UROP.

WALL-PAPER!J us t Heceiwd a t the

l,rBEI~AL AD\'..... X CE S ~{ADE F o n.. con Signmen ts of \\'001 to ou r a ~ents in :Sew

'\ ork. ROTll!! l'11I1,1) .\; co.,I'ort TH ':" i1 '; MH~ , " ', T . :! ~· i- ;-

500,.00 0P ounds Clean Wool ·

" rA.NTED, 'T01'U'ftidt. w e w i ll pay file

itif/lI('st ~lr(lJ 'ket PI'ice

IX C~f S 1£.~. Saeks FUl'lli.hco,

}::U I ll Eln .

,\ X O!U)IXA:-;' CE i(1 rl'la li ,1O to IbcP ow C'rs and D ut ies of ee rla in office rs.The PtoJ1lc of illc Cit!! of !'ort TOlCn.ftlld (Ill Or·

daiu as f o/lOl('$ :S:;cnox 1. l )royides th at the Trt':lsurer, be fore

€.' l!t er.ing u pon !li i d uti es, ~hall g i\'e bond s to th eCIty m th e SI1111 of on e th" nsan u d ollars , co ndit ion ·ed for th(' (aittrlul perfor manc e lJ f h i ~ d·,t ies .

Sec. 2. Vro,·idcs that the Treas urer sh all recf>i,.eont j ourtlt ofolle pC/" Ct:llt up on all mUI:e)"s pai d intothe 'frt' ilsur; ·.

S t c. 3. Pro ,' iuc~ th:tt the Trc3surer n lull reportto the Boa rd on th e ht of Jan uAry, ls t of A pr il ,1st of J ul)· an d 1st of q C' tobl' r, cach )'e ar: Rt-p ortsmust sho w W CfQ c-y ptUu on warr:ml~ th~ am ountand number of each, in W:IOU fa,'or w;rrant dr~wn,

' and a U1 cmnt of ml)n(.')· in l'rc:lsury.Soc. .\, I'ro\'idrs lh,t all "'arrant. paid shall be

m nrked H pa id," anu a~company e re ry Cluarterf)·report o f Trcasurt:r.

S('e, ,5. PrO\'idcs that a ll ""nrrants shaH be paidin the orJt>r o( prt's en tntion , and the , Jerk at eachmeeting !'h:"lll r t'port the number 3J'iU a mu unt ofeach warr nnt drawn . anu in whos e fOl ,"or.

S ('c. G. P ro,"itlcs t hat the )I a rsh al, lJeforl' cn te rin~

upon his dutl("S ~ha ll entl' r iut o uoud!i to th e Cit'·in the s.um of fh·c hundred duU:ars , cot:ditio n (or thefaithfn l~p~rronnanec of h is uut i e ~ .

Passed ~Iarch i, 18G7,lt ccur<1cd Book :\0. I , p' ge 13.

X DIlIEH \',

AX O Hlll X A XCE in relation to claimsanu Cit,. " "arrants.The l'eo)llc of tiN: City of /'0,-1 TOlCllUlld do y,. ,

daiu os f ollmr'i :S E CT I \S 1. P ro\"lut's that all hill s again~t. th r

City ~hA.lI be pn ' l'; ("ntl'd t o th e CIC' rk of Uunnl oftrust ee. ~ wh~ sh all t .\amlne th~m as to thei r just.!\ro!j't, :tm\ cmluTsc tb~r (' JIl iris allowan ce or rcjl'c 6

t tun, allu IJrc::iC'n t th elU S) clldor ell to the D:JiUU of ITrustc('s .

S IT . 2. Produe~ thal wh " ll :l claim ha~ beru il' ­

Juw('d b)· th c Tru')t ('l'~, th l' CIC' r k ~hall draw" ,,,,;a r 6

rant therefo r on the T reas urer. A1I ' t'ilr rant.s to be::. igllcll b)· t n C" P Jes ktrut :lud att ("s tcd b)' thC' £'lerk,

S Ec.3. :-'l ak('s it tb t> dn ty of the Treasurer, when"aTran t ., :U P Vf('Sc ntt'u (or pan u r nt 3nd there areno fUlllh on han d. to (·J1(hr;c on ~ lIeh warrnntsI'X ut \la id for W.Hllt uf (nuds," together wit h the(h h' of prelrn tatlOn, A ll warran t:- ~h i'. ll uepJ.ill inthe ord..' r of th eir cndti'r-iellll·u ts .

P a!'H d ~1 01\· :Jrd, 1567.H ccoruc:J I)(tok :\0, I , Pill ge l~.

XDIll EH 1\' .

AX 01:DI :\ . \ :\(,1-: 10 ;l1'l'~ CI'\'l' peacp andto pr event d isord erly ccu ducr.'.J'rJlt: Pl'ofJk of t.'~ ~ City of Po rt Tovv nsrn-l do Or -

tlaw (110 f ul/ou·,'.; : .S J:CTlO:< 1. P rQ\ ide t h at any person wh n U)·

ehcut iuc , SiH ~.d T;g, quurrr-lin c , d b ch ar gilJ.g or tirearms, muu iug horses , fa i t d riv in g, or ill ae y etherui unner ehall disturb the pence and quie t o f the­Citv, sha ll U~ d eem ed go uilt)· o f dlsord er ly c-snduct ,e nd , u pon co nvict ion , !"h,, 11 he fin ed n ot m ore thant wenty dollars. or impr isoned ill the City Ja il for aterm 1I 0t cxccedinv ten da es ,

S I:C. :!. i )rm ide; th.u :m",. pe rson who by meansof intoxicat ing liquor bec omes u nfitt ed for his busi­ness or wo rk, or who shall \hrou~~ such ag t-uc icsbe a souree of an no ya nce or offe nce tu the publicpeace, bha \l be deemed a com mo n d run k:rrtl and,on cunvicriou , shnll bc tined in a n v S UI U not mor etmn tW t'lI ~'y doH"r:~, or ut' c(l l1 tint' ~1 in t he Ci t)· J ... iland kl'p t a t hJ.rd la bor not 1I10r e Ulan ten diH ~ , a!l h{' disl'r(' t ion of th C" )1 :Hri ~ :J" lc. •

P 3ssC'd ~brch 'l ud, 18ljj.lter or dctl BOIIl.: :\0, I , P33c i .

Elegant Paper Hangings !A C hoice Lot, Comprisill ~ R

I ra I' i t' t !! ()f tft e Latest Styles!. FO It SALE CIlE,H ' .


to. F:U·nlel·S.




llTIlEEL Dc\.llRO'\"~-o $sort ('d 5ize~-ror

YY salo loy E, S. I' O\\·U:Il.

AX ASSOU'nIE~T OF C H O ICECa rpen ters ' T ools for sale hy

3ltf E. S. l 'O\\,LEn ,

lo'",r 1~11

~ l: TILI.B F. PC nLlSIIED SF.~t1-~.LOXTlII,Y,l''' a t :;: 1 00 p~r }'ear, aud .E. \"t: ll\'" s l'J1SCKl ll Y. R

will .fe Cl ive aIh·u utiCul ·Stoc l Jlngra ,." l n ~"

" ·h ich reta ils c,' crp1"herc a t $1 00 .

:I'lw Palllify Cil'cleI n the numbt r and cxcl"Jl("ncc o( thc E r.gra \'in :'"ianI! th~ intcrc t ;lpd ,'aJuc of its rcadin~ Illattf>r willbe Uli. Sl1 r lla s seu by an)· paper o f its pri ce.

It will c r n la in a ~(' ri c s o( illustrated articJe~ upon:-;a tHral lIi:;tory, ~flO lt biographica l skt-trh('s o ft miueli. t men , a CCOIUlt:'i of som e of the principalci tiu o f th c world, with fltori es, p uzzles , enigmas,&C'•• to intcr('st the young (olk s.

1t~ Domest ic ])epartmt:llt will Cllnta iu receipt 1;.and o thE'r :lrti.:l es of STeat \'aJue to hou stk.eepers.

lt ,,·m l,e sent with Ch";stian Unioa for $3, withA dr mU'C', l )r ai r;t Farmt'· or IVeMen J RtIT!l1 for5·2 50 , with L itt le Cor'jJoral or .Yw '$eT!I for S"'2. Sendfor full clubbing lil t,

:As.enh wl\nt~d . e\-ery whC're. L arge ci.sh com·mlS'Hons or splendid pr emiums .

Subscribe a t oncl' and send 10 cent~ e xt ra forp~~tag-: on rn :;~ ;n in ~ . C. H. C 'C.sln~G,

:11 ~,j "·,l ..l l ; n ;t~'H. "t .• Cl\ it·:.I;fl.


----_ ..- .•.--- --- - - -

-~---_.._- _.. _._---'! HURSDAY , MAY. 1.B. IBn


Thc ~!,'am~ r Call1orni :t arrivcu fro m

P ortlnnd on :::utllh y HC I!ing, Afl ,'r land·

in;; n amnil fInant otj' of frcigh t slw le ft f or

S pattle, SI,e came (J own ~ound MOII,Iayl'"enin~, anu proc",'uc d on to Y ictoria,She broug ht f, om O rPbo n (jnitc l\ numl:~r

of pnss pngl'r " who wcro lakcn O\'er toY ict oli:t by the I , a l:cl on S unu"y n 'ght;lIearl)' 611 of th e::l b'l unu f'l!' th c O :n illi~:1

lnh: c ~ .

[ " ROM Ta E ' · It ·Ta kU I T.\:S IJ.\ Hn .]

II, ~I. S. Zealous is expected at E squi­malt in a fe-:v w- eke, on her voyngo froIII

the So i.th vin Honol ulu and San Fran-.. th e 0111 cisco. The Scvlln will se il for th e South

T I:c t..J , · !::r ~l lh h as fun .i.l'e t! •_ in a d ny or t\Y!,. An exchange says n -l-li li~s of II.., res ult of ihe lab ors of the at ive to the Zealous malt t ' r at Pa namaJ . , i ll ~ 11 ig h Couunissj cn. last year: The II ffair of t he I'O \~ b- t wec n

The .\ hballla claims a re to he s t-trled some of tl,e men of II. B , ~I. S. Z calous

I I la lla ihe peop le of '1'a bozn ha s been ex-

~y ar Lit:'a: ion, am ,p"cin r un s ~ 1'lI cs- .,t el :a il' ~Jy ment ioned in ihe En>:li ,h papcrs;

tu\J!ishel1 us :0 m-ut ruls' uu ties and obl i- we unders tand that th e Fn clis h Govern-~

ga liuue , ill udd irion to the gen cmlly rc- nu-ut i, williu~ tll g ive £1;,0 for the b.-nc -ceivcd pu bl ic lnw, wh ich rul es, nlrhough fit of rl,e Iamily of i he Alcade, particular­not adnd t,'d by the Ih itish Commissi one rs I)' as the s tone which cauaed t he death of

that un fortunate official, cam.. from theto have been in force a t tho tim e. i~ h as 1sai lors or was thrown by one of lis O\\'Ube-n a:;rc,·t!. \\'i:! !!(l\'t·rn the d vcisl oua of peopl .-. "the tr ihuunl of a rLitr a tion. The British i \\' t' lcm n from rt gcnt lc man w ho hasU o", 'rnltlcn t l'XPITS2C. il~ regret ("I' th e '1 Iat ely a rri v- d fro m 1.0"""1' Cal itornin-c-

f tl . ' 1 I I ' d f th a t ~Ir , J. A. ~1t C ... 'a , la te of Ihis.cily.oecur rl'llCt' 0 h ' I I1 Cll ems comp .une 0 I w ho \Yt. ~ re ported sealpvd by the :ApachcLy th.. C Il;:" ,1 S tn l l S, An ol'lli nary mi:wo i IJI(linns- tha t h t' was in cumpany wi thCu mmis, iol1 I,::s b e" n I'rnYi,h·d . wilh an I' him in the ~ cJ i mU1ngp. be t we. n tI,e\lmpi lC to I.:e appoinled by fomc fricnoly .\pec l:cs anu ~It- , ~l cC rl'a· . part)·. T hr ecpow,' r, f" r th e adjuu icalioll of all cl ..ims I of tI,C pa rty were kill~o , ",,,I onr in (orm aut ·

W • .i \\ ounupo in thl' lJ llck ; ~Ir . Ml C reaL~twe('n ci lizen~ h ( t it,· i.·ni tcd St al cs anti '1 • L •• 1l'scapcd Wlt»Out )l)J ur]. Ie is lit p re. "nt811 bjpcts of Gn'at Brit ain , 'J'h p~ e ch..ims i in ;L to\\'n at' N~\\' ~,·xico lint! canne>! g~tmu st l!e c o n fi r. ~·u to a p"ricd .b~ t \\'e,· n I awa\', as it ii lJot :lafe to tl'a \' er s" th .. OCS'..\ pri l. 18 GI anti _o\. pri l, 18G.i. lu rc gard . crt ~\'il h o ut an e, cor l. ~I r . ~l c Crea i" weto th e li.-h"ri.·s in atluilion to th c lib ,"r ty ! a r~ sorry to , ay. ·'strllpped ."

The ~ch ooncrs :Har ri50n and ~II')'l'r wercaccu ~ , 'u by th e In'at y of 18 18, fi.herm l'u I 10'ltl inll' st.une at ~c,,'ca.tie Island f',rf.f tho l' nit rd, S l:l t"s .hall 11 :\\'c Jiue r!}' tn 1 S an Francisco. Th.. shill ShoJ l i n~ S tari "takc 1 ea tbh on the s· a COJst shor. s a1IU in i. loao ing coal at ~annimo. The lnitedh. \'s, harb,.. r! :1I1l} ri ycr s of the l' ro\' i n c e~ , St atcs It~\'euuc Cnller l.incoln nrri\'eo atoc"Qucbce, X em S "o:i a, X ..w Drnl1Swic!" X a nailllo on the 10th inst., to I'wd coal8ud t ltc colon\' of l'rin c~ E ,! war,l Is lano. for h,·r own II SC, Two qllarrymen IIad alIO t! t he i,la :J(i ~ ::djac"n t, wilh.n;t being tigh t at :\cw ca'lle hlant: on \r.UlH·Hlay,8ul>j•.et to allY ,1i. au\,nnt age. from si lOre, (lu ring which ou c of th em had olle of bi 3

" I I I ca rs' lJ itl Dll "rr.with )l"rm19' I<1 ll to am " pO ll SUt' I N ilSI", '5bo:','s a nd i,la n,b, fllr th e plll' Jlo~e o( d ry - llurgl:lI'ic5 ar o lJf nigh l1 y cr.C'lrr encc atin " ncl 5 aud c Uliu~ fi .,h ":":,uloj ~ct of cour se, • pr es ent. Al lI1o;;t ev,' ry bou sc ill man)'i n°tJlis rcs i cct to iocal lights a ut! pri \,ft" sect icns of tlw cit ,· h as Lcen nltenl',t eo,prore rly. Ti,e ,ama iil)~l t)' is g rantl 't! to :Jlld }"lIt t111'rc hn" c been but Ollt' or ' t wollri ti oe sul'j ect5 en t b,} "as tc rn sea ,'oas t cascs of ari,'st, ..... hO 'ls ~ on Cormor ,1ntIIlId ~horcs of th e ull ited S ta t"s . llJ r th 0 1 s t1'l'et wa s II ied (,n Satmull)' morning, bUltbc 39t h pan dl ..1of L!lil Udc, the ill1n!1tcll hcaring till' ra ising o( th p \yil1-

It i ~ a, sl'l'l ",1 by the British 0 0\','1'''' doll' , g a\' c an 1,larm . 1I11d the th ic\' es111 . nt, b ill !lot admi tl ed by Ihe Cni l,'u "marl" t ra ck~ ."State~ , Ihat th c I' riYilcgcs a~cord" d to cit, Cap tain H'lj'S . well know n in thi . cit},.itl'n s of th c 'Cn i:,·o :S tat ,·. nrc of great PI' , arri"cd on th l! IOlh, fJom the .Sand wich\' lIlue than Ihose accfJrJ.d to thn s "l>jl'c t~ h lanos in the Ihzantinm. He in t~nos tocf Gr"at Bri tain, and to 1'1'l,\'cnt or a\'uid fi t up the Byzant iultl 1111 II wholeI' and toc on tr nw lsy on t l,i . pr,illt , it is ~g1'l'ed reco:nm~nce whaling ill n ;itish Columbiathat a mixI'u commi;sivn, with an 11 ll1 pirc \Vatcrs tLis seafon, Experienced \\'halersto I", arpoilltetl by a tlcsi:;nalt·u friend ly aco.ompan}' him.power, shall O..ter :llir,c \\'h dhcr an}' com - Thp schooncr Stal!;h ound, C.lpt. Pillz.pensalioll for su ch all ,·g ,·o I'XCCSS of prid, arrivcd oc th ~ morning of the 10 lh, 12Icg c, an ll how much, oug l. t to be pni u by da'''8 from San Franc isco with a full car·

' t h~ Un itl'u S ta tcs . Yilri o,,~ 'I lll's t ions of go'of g ,'neral ll1er~haudis,' , eon~igned tona\'i gatic.l1 alld co ;nm ercinl trcat}' arc di o' !.C. '1'. ~Iill ard, Thc clIl'tain n'por' s finepoocd of by <i l'cln l i:Jf: the na\' ;ga tioli of : wc a thl'r t ill' entire pa~~ag", ', he .i\·e:·s ::> t, L".WI~UCI' , Yuent an , P orcu, ! The brig Byzantium, ClIpt ain C "I"oun.p inc alld Slit-kllc forc \'cr [n 'c 111111 0p,'n to ' a rri\'cu on I h~ 30th ins !.. 22 d"ys f,o lllciliU lI& and suhjects . of both eonntri"s, :. H onolulu. with a e:lrg I of sli ga r a'ud m l).

.'l'h ~sc Il\'O\' i ~i ,)JJ " conc"rni ng fishe ries amI . !a ss ,'! ' consig ned to J . It, Ste\\' ar t Shecom merci al t ralBi l ar t< of cou r~l' marie ; brou gh t one passenll',' r , Mr. J lIhn Heekin.'contingcnt up ou th eir being II ppro\'Co of 1.0:<1>0:<, A pril 2 5 .-A(h i cc~ rep ort thu.hy thc C" ngn'ss of the U uite tl :; ' alcs IIno , s ur pos.,d i.lss orall . \ us l l'nli' lI1 ~teame r­the Briti sh P arllanw nt, thc P arl iament of i thu Qnc" n of th e Thnuws-otl the , 'oyag ..C llna da and the L~gis !at ure of I ' r il1ce E [. I from ~[ "l lJ ourn p to Louuon . Mauy or th eward hlau J . I pas. ..r,gcr;; ar., saio t,l he dro\\'ntd.

.It bas be t'll ~ grc (' tl tba t thc E n:pcror of. I' - - - - - 0 '

IIL O::-T II E ll It {; DIlEIl.-The .cllOon t'r

(;crm any sh a occiuc th e Iwrt!Jwl" t uOlln· ; , .Gary ques ti on, '!'hc rCl'''rt cJ' liay . th e I' ::;a1Jlll a, lJounu henc e for P urt A U'gelos andp t i\' il"gr S conc c,It·,lt o til l' L" litcu S iall's X"p. ah Ba\' , t",i.kU orr her l'nuuer headby th is .trc~t)· : l r ~ i lllP.mt un t 0111'5. 'l'lll' re"" " '!; ilc ro; nd ill" PlIint \\" ilson , c. n ~I<ln d a y,arll ~onll' st~PU!:l t~~I,IS I~ l . •r l'P:~,'-u , .to t l'a ~ , ' , . la st , at1l1 Sll bs:ljncu t ly loot hcr l'uOO~" ai 'confined al,',lOst 'Xcll~ l \d) to Il.h, \\ IJH'IJ I t og~lh er. · SlJlI ni'lIlaged to gct into POl'nr~ ,not ~f IlI!,:r,' &t lH-re, , . I Di;oc(lwry, whc1'l, 'she is .buin" repaircu ,

I hc Can ndlan pap"ls :.II ('I)" Gut agalna t ! ..... "fhi ;; t r~a t)', ao, all; .;tin~ ~ L.cir f, "~ I.ric; a ud I T3c organ f,'~ ' th" Ul'W M ethodis tIrad.,. autl cJ.llm t " a t a J us t "'Iull'alt'nll"" I Cl I f I ' II ' 1 I . I

I. • I. l ' L' , .1 S " lure I ca"l~ C o\'cr rom " 1', ;Im Uj' t 10n ot ut' IU l gl\·..·n uy t.h~ III !eu I t :lt t'S and I . , . . .th at it will ha\'e a t c u tl ,~ u cy to ' damng e i C"!tlorm,, , on Snnday.thc li.1li ug busi uc5s of tho I'ro \'i Il C" ~ , \Ye !hart!lI' k no lV whd ht·r to cOlnme nt! 'i t 01' .r.ot, ;~ it wi ll p ro'o ~lJ ly in\' o l\'(~ a consi li"r, i FOH SALE-aXE OF ~nTCHELL'Snble cotH·id~ ratioll to b e pa id in luouey , if , Two-H or se \\~,,~on ~ ) made in th~ E a5t cx pccs s·t he aTrnnb~ ln e n. l i s a s i s claimed 11)' t h,. rJ y fo r this country.Can" ",'an pa llt'r s " hut this ,,sf eoul's" I',. Yor partkll!a" apply 10 1' . S, F OWI.EH.

...U ... .:t r ort'l'o\"IlSClIG . 3It!oellicd by Ih.. Cll i led · :; l a t l'~ . ,

O f lloa t part of d .c trri\..l1 ;:;,.elhn , t rd ati\'cto t hc 1;an .1uan bou lldarY ' lues ti oll, w ,'.hould bave b"Cll lJett " I' p!c:lsed' to ha\'Qsren t ilc mat kr 5 ~tt l " t! o ircc t ly by th c ~"" <-- .F w 'm i J/ (J Too ls ofC

. . .. fl ,1 I. . '" l""~ q all ktnlb cau u.e had nt t,he sto reommIS'I'lU; uneau se \\' C nr c ClllI lu ent ' _~ ,.=>, I FO \\ LSIIi uf , . S, '

Ollr eommi , sioll"r s woult! nc wr hav .. g i\'ell I

up w hat i3 so ju.t ly ou r. , hmvcH'r ao. uu­t ag l'ou s its O\\'I",rs l,i p mig h l ha\'c b"ell toI hc llrili,h (.; o\,ern m elll. Hut l'lok iu ll' a ttho matt,' r liS th o Com missi on..rs III l1.tbllvc 100k ,',1 at it , a u,l ace,·p li ng thti r im ,plied con liu enco in t lo e Emp~ ror of v el"mall) . wc nevd not 'jllI' s lion the i. :,ue ,Uur Com lll i~8io lle r~ cloosc th is way, hr in;:;a lmost cl'rl a in th at the isl 8n us wOll ld C<tIHe10, us, rather than ~.1 t h rough anoll ll' r ,h elll ~u cont roverS" , T hc Bril i,!. C% ll i.,1has expressed thc'tcar th at t h " a '~ i. lands~'ill not g" to tI:e Cr0 \\"ll .



Page 3: I t -PORT w....TI,e J)~l)plt' oftI,e Cit:J of Port T OlC"/u t'JUI do Or. daill 113 follorrs': • SI:CTlOS 1. r rO\-iue.;·that the clerk of the Trus. lees shaU, on or ul'fore the

,• •




Seeds· of 1810J


n 0 .0 T S


I , •.' . ..••.,'J OU'IHi{'IlC, '. ...

LEO CORS o. ,.

•orriS,WhJlebOte:and Rel.n De:<lor in

I , 'I' ' ,t· 'J' ­OilT OWSSESll . ,. .,

Wholesale and Retail Doalen in

" "0 can E "pf'cl a t .-\tt t' lltJo n

To Oltr Xc'"

1· ". l' "'-'.P " r.T U\" S!lE~ J) , ' .

John T.


H a rd· W ar e', '

H 0 (' j~ 1~ H y .,

Attlt. B.\R I'n.,t. ",ho d. , ir• •an olltaia


\rhich arc utfercU fur salc in quantiti.s to luit.



,-P rodnrc BOUflltt ((ntl f-jold.

P u{/et Sou nd Cu red Cot/fish

So"I..,...t Comer of Walfr and Allam, 11.... to.

- .\XD-

)[ A,X L" FACT URE R OFT ill. " (;'-1rr~r ... and Sheet I ton - IJTare I

u::r JOBBI:\G don. "itlr"_alne•• and Dc.;>atcb.

II.; Cot s.lo tho Cclebratffl Co.kiag t:....r••

' T HE PP EER L E,S S !.,-The only st OTC''' for which ::a. Gol~ ]·Itdal was award-

. cd at the I)uris Exposit ion, 1867. .SIIOP on \\~:ttcr f> t rN t , two doors east of the Drug

Ft ore . Port TO'"lsend, \V. T. 8:t (


Stoves, Tin-Ware a~d Metafu,

Suits of Rooms f'r Families.

or t he n\ost popular brands. Theff' i. , aJ"•• .C'Jfthe acco nllno da tl nn or @,en t lt'men . a Billi ara ltooll\3lt:tcb('d to the ho1t!Jt". m"\\'h ich is O~I ot P hel• • ••1.1. olyl•• C.nr.pook~t

, ,10 . IIYan bountifully . nppli. d wit:. Ih. beal Ih,~

ca n b~ l; ruc urt:d in the 1I1 ...rket ;. t:' Y~rJ·oa. who ' )a. 1d iol'd at it u nites iu reCU!lllUeut1111g

J. J, Hunt

'rI~ IIlS WEI.I~K:-;O\l')l .\ :-;D JUSTLY r op­ular Uotc1 b.n beeu thorou..;,hly ol'trh••IPd.

rCl1o,.:\t~d and fr<l h!)' (urlli~hcd . '1"11. bleepU-.naomi are uc atl}' kept and "el1l'tutilaled.





: Etc" I-:tc.

'], -,

(.0" Aflt'Jlt~_Port fOWl.,pIIII.


JI ,lRIiE'I',

K ,

FOSS '& UOltST. '


l'r(lpriel i1r~ ,




I' OHK, . )lCTTUX .\ :\1 )

l )orl 1illl' ll SClIlI , Jr. T . .:



llotlisdi ill• .l:26 '11 10

iIOur Pti;fres D£'fy Competition'!

eorn~d n,d all,ll'ork, per barrel, k l/pt ' Cl l.\S. II. LARh:AllEE.

cOll.talltl)~ on haml, iti 'lualli it ies to~u i.t CO lt 11 sc I 0 '.'~' Atto l' 11 e ypurchascr_. ' . - .\ " 0 -


E$pe"i,tf ~lfrJltio ll :/" 'CI! to l 1<e Retail I Proctol· ill "'dnliralt,·,'fTClde.· I OL"\' lIP I A. 'v. T. 18m~

lI:!.-I.1I order. protu!,tly atten.!• .! ~~ , ,u1 .ati>· 1 THE D~l'I{O \·,E D E~IPHnE CITY-(~ (,~lUn ;Wlan.ntetd. . . .. . ... - I a (3.'·001(" C QO\CI1'; ~lO \"l~"-~l(,.\yV r. . ~ti n ::'i-rl) r

1 ... 1 r Q II ~ ;!' rC"I' -: .:~rul1, ,- .,h :'·I:cd. ..: t ( ~ :·l · ~ , h t" :4p, ,,{ J . .... ti llEI:: lI.\~·S .




19 M~ntgomery St. South.Grand Hotel Building,


o~ .-OI.t 'l'oul1!1.('nti ' I.od~~~o. o• .10'. ,,~ A. -'1.-lIuMs ih HC'gnbrCc nu nuni cnrion s 0 11 the ""t'l!n l ' SU il\" or ea ch . - - -

m on t'. first p receding th e Fun :\I uon, nt 'j . o'clock ...~gt·lUS for rhop. n~ ..• in th.c ~1:l s on j ~ Ib.,n . Itrcthrcu 111 gouD I . ., tan.IOng are 11Ivr",,1 t n -u rcuu. . , _ Universal Family fScal-s I

I ltv urdl' r o f \\ . • ~I. . . .. - =..J..:: lI ' -= • I 2J;tC


.\XJ LU,Cll nooxr,'Y a fer SIred, P orI T ownsend, 'Y, 1' .,

( Adjoin ing' Il :t.... l iJ~~:oj· Stofc.)

I ""' R E :i \I O YST E RS. CIL\n~. I'[("I>:ISD'1 'l'Ullg'llc!oO; P i:;s Feet, l 'i cs, ( 'ak(':'t, {'tc., etc.

(§" Open \l ilj' aul :\ight..A::l 21:tf

- -- - ---- _._. -i "-II.I.I,UI D,\. "IUSOX,

I REAL ESTATE DEALER)I um"r . :'\0. (\-1 ..•..-c .. t St h' t C.



_ _ _ __ _ _ e _ ·

- - --0·---lD" I.' or &3 ,,~,,· ill.ni'pl~' the .~ItGU .lId F"m·

iI Circk, in c1 11d in~ t.he t'ngra,-ing, (or Due yc.ar.~o.e ,,,hose '~lb»crJpt10ni "fP. ) 'tot due, b)· makmgimm.diate p.ym.nt. will be entitled ltI the samepremium in adrtitioJl. to the ARGt"S. This is themOlt liber.1 off.r mad~ b}- any p;"P",r in !he Terric·\ n n ·- l " " l ' ~tn(' T~ (" r :0--: .1. (tTlk 1.I1U., Q! at .. . ' '. .

Arrivals at t he Cosmopolitan Hotel.

Fo r th.. I,.eek t'ndi llg :ll ny 1;.h­Juhn Kendall , A II T il.],·n, J llbn Com ­mille T bomns Clinton, A ~Iatrh el\'s . G BI>'1l1~e . Thomn ~ Rpynol<1s, W.n Gi bbs.G.,o " ·" rner, Re\' 5 Y TI lak... I"c. Harr)'Sindera; G S W illiJImsoll••Tolm ~lcKeuzic

,Jo~eph ~fa r8hall, James L'llle. J (j ~: reet.

X Xel son. Ed L Jon'.." 'Ym Stcrnberg•Henry Q uayle. )!nnucl Con~~, Jamt'g Beo)'-lin, G B Dodg ... X C Bail"y. ' .


Impalretl '\-tl allty. \V h r n ,·ou (c("l ai if the\ ital powers were ghinli W:l)' , litrength gaUl', Ipirit:tdepresaed, memory laihng, apPf:tite los t, t :t.hau I·!i on ,.tea1iu~ Ol'~r t'rery n'nKe lind paralYZing en"r)'t"Dt"I"gY, then i~ the t ime to ~t.. to that po" :er (u lall\" or Datnrr D1t. \ VALK£ ll S "EGJ:TABLE , IXE­GAR B'TTER. The prop.,ti.. the')' .mbody .oon'Work a R;loriolls n novation in the deb ili t<1tcd ~"S"tern and clouded mind. '-

["" OM Till< ORI:Go"u" .l!\!ATT EIIS AT K.'LA :I1A .- "" e Ion\'e a

lelll'r from a l ab"ri n~ mall ~'ho wpnt toKa lama to gct work. alld concluded not10 lllt",t ill that 'Vo'2.y, callie back to thiscil),. W.. lear ll from bis leIter Ibat com·IUOll laliort'r ~ ar,' offcred $2 per dny in cur­rcncv. wil liont board or lodgiug. 'l'bclatt ~r items ceost th~ la borer $7 p..r w~ekill coin . Th" laborer would th us Io.ft,"e83 86 in coilll,'f: CDI' hi, \\'c..k 's work­IlPlIt'r than ,taHing, Lut not "3:e~s.h-ply

lueral i,.". Tht! ' 'Wit..r fOllnt! , a bollt 150lIlell id"· alld wlliting to get n chall!'e 10work. Th" ra ih ad pl'opltJ ha l'c "bout150 carls n·ady tor us .. ; abollt 1.50 Chilin·lII .. n 111111 15 wl.it.. m..n at \fork upon the

.j:rllde ; aboul -1 0 Oil the pile drh,..r~, alldabolt! a dozen carpcot~lll nt work UpOIlIh" wharr. Wc j udge fNm the ton~ I,f1I,'e Wt ilcr thaI he did n"t Ihir:k K . lama a~oot! place 100r th.. producl ion of cc, taticde lighls tor th e laborinl; man. '

A 1l,~D SPEI.I..-"'" hn\'" jn,t liet nh,,,-ing an :Illusual ~p" ll-n"t 01t 1cogl'l~p h .

icallJi but barometric.lly, Ih.-rmom..tllca!.Iy , in shorl , climatically . I t hll5 be,"1lcoolu and wet, almost. as J allunry. }-.I'­en'bod\' 1Ias lak"11 c,.ld and all , h" rt'.1h';l"tJ c ~ : li ra c l ed the rh"umati ; lll-lllor" ofit tha n IIl1th~ l'nk, W..ed ill Ih"Slnte cnnweed oUI wilh in a rpa,on:;b l~ t ime, \y~

arc proud tu . aJ. bO\"p\'er, thnt sU~h r~.

(crabl, w~il t l ll' r is not eO;lltll,.n to IIlls lathluele ill :lIaT, wltalcl'er m"J be aaid of Dc·CHmlJe r ami ~Iarch . •

GOI:\li TO Til E Sol'SD Cot:xT ny. - Aconsidpl-ulJ!" nllmher oC penple ar" glling toPII~el SoIH,,1 cou',try to acttl... . T b"stc,lIn,'n fur :llont icelln took y"sterdllyabollt 60 llew COIO.'rs, and a good lIJallYolhe rs are goi ng to .URy , 11t h. '

is a

, .

place a t

dnug hler

-----.... ._- - - -

- - - ·. 0· ·- - -

- - -- --- ...•. - - - - -- ---

- -- - - -. - - -_.--

- - - - .- ...----- -

"'t' arc plpllFecl to no tice !h~t :lIr. Chas .make has b"en appoill',ed Illspec tor of

Cn"tl)m~ for Ihis disl ric t.

~Ia ~ter Charles Gerrisb lias ollr thanks

for t 1J ~ sc"re o rt1J~ b,astl :pa ll ,g~mt! ,01',SaIL., ~ . .... .' .

until)' . ~-_._._ .... ...._.._-

CuI. I.. II. Briggs, lady and

rplllrned hy tbe Call fllrni:l.'

e~pt. S mith. U. S. A., and f,.mil)' ar·riHd he;.. b)' th,? Calif"rnia ~ It is saidhp WftS 'plIl It-re to ,lake dlllrge of ~b..~liIitarj Stalion at tl... h~aa ' of the bay.

_ __._ 4 • • - ·_

, ARlln-ED .1T PORT IJlscO\' ER\' .- T h..~hip !tpver.. an i,''''! at Po rt D iscn,...ry on)Iollllay. 16 day a from San Francisco.

- - _ . .- ....Th~ G race Uoberts i < expeclcJ fa ar·

rh'e nt Port Luliln,,". shor t l)" \0 100d lum­

b"r, wbich she wi!! car ry foreisn.

Fr~Fh bUI tl'r iii selli ng at lbi ~

37~ c~n ts p..r pOllnd... ..-_.. ..- --- -- - ,

IIASni'O~[E .-'V" ", prtl sllOwn, ye,t"r­dny . by Mr. , S . Stork. 1!le hnn dJro'lI".tpiec" of moss an,! sllt'll ",rork I\"ll e\"er sa I,..II is hnul . 10 "o ncei,, 1' t lmj anylhing 'sobeautifl\~'lll b~ consl ructo'Q of ' mosa .DeL6h..IIs ~ i [il ply ,

. -- -..-....•.-;----_ .-1'1;.. Cunnt)' Commi~.ion..rs me"t "rpin

n"xl Montla)·. Thos..·' ha\"ing bu~ines~

bcfnr.. them hntt best prespnt inhen, a ~ itwill Hkel)' b~ t!:" last tncding until lhe. .lIext t,'r m,

The ,Iat..st X.~w, Orlcani !ens3~ioil

l,riZC Ii;;-Lt bc.[w ~~n t Ir o ",'om...l .. .

A CCIDEX TS AT P ORT O.\:\,nr..E.-( }1I .. .

F, iday I:.st a lu mber pil.. Cell o\'Cr all,1brnkt ' the I..g of a 1\1an lIam.d Sealallder- '­a Sw,·de. On Snnday ni:;ht , jllst "f, pr8lllriing up. an Indi" l1 caught hi. hand inII la lh saw , 'lInd l o~t 111'0 fill gen .

W" clip the fel 'cwing ir-rus from theInt-l/igmcer .. <

THE SEA-TTL!: Cou, C.J:I1I·.1:\ L -L"n­der the I·ffici.·nt ~lIpprinlelldpnr." of S ,Diusmon-, ":"'1" about rhirty -five tons ofcoal are now d"il)" got out of th is mill".which is rapidly trausporn-d to their chutein tl lis civ, The sch ooner Walter

' Ualpigh touk on board last week 4.-10 Ionsal the eompauy 's wharf. An additionalnumber 01 workmnn hsve Iarely been em­ployer! in thpsp mines, nnd at no previou stime in their history !'81'C IhPJ ,,IT'lId,'dsuch fhlt..ring indlcat ioxs of incrcaeingproductl \ ' CUP8&.

Y.\l·.\~('JP';; TO DE FIl.LEI I,-TI'e J ointIt,'pr,,;:pntati "c for Ki:s"p ami Jeffersoncunnties, and th .. present County Autl itor"f Kitsap coun ty, who was also r'· · ..lect-dlast J un-. w.' nr.. infornu -d, have ceasedto ' be iuhabitauts of tlie Repn-s..uta riveDlstrlct in th e one caso, and ot th .. countyin Ihlf ot h-r, Consoquently rhos» offic.."ar.. vacant. It will b.. necessary i lu-reforeto h" I,1 a slwcial ~lccti"n 10 till the vacan ­CJ in that d i,triet lor H..pres-ntntiv-, nndf,.r the Bonrd 01 Com~i"sionprs to IIppointn County Audior,

Hl' cn:ssn'L AFTEIt A 1.1.,- ''"e arc,.I,'ased to learn that Etl',,'io Ee lls , Esq.. ofthis cl iy, has succeeded fina lly in r ol.t aiu ­in.. the P05iliun' to which li .. was appoint ­ea" sJm~ tilll·.. since, T here is no mist ak«about it Illis time, as h.. was nppoiuted "lor t he s- cond tim" as Ind ian Agpll t for

'Sk llkomii'h Rcs-rvation, and the nomina­tiou confirmed , j llst Lefore l'ongr,"s adj ourned.

CUAJWlm · II SIIS,- ".e arc' informedI hat :lIr. ~11I! plf)" l.is twe~k sohl I hc ..Alas­lea Ti/llu material 10 Jumes ~lcXlIn~hl,

E,'1' . lit this d ty, who lUIS for some tim elJa"t ht'll! a m"r!g~gc UIJIIII it. H er-afrer,

_alt h"u~h _ I O b"owncd b)' :lIr . :lkXanght,11',' are told il will. nomillall)' bc " \lbli_hedbv Ike M. l lAll a,id W, W.hon, formerlyI'~ pl")' ees io tbc eonc pTll.

It i. rep,'rlcd tu at Capt. J"mps :If. S..\. W. " ', Bal ker , Esq., of S~nbeclt. has. been app,.in ted , Collnty Commi.•siOllt'r of

den , L". :; . It :11.. now in cbarg~ of the Kil"a!, CUllll ly. 10 fill lh" nnpxplrl.d IeI'mH"li allc", has been ord"red to re.,ort at -of W. J , el iuli. 1-:-'1" who has left for Cal ·Gah'eFton, 'lex-as, for duty. Capl. S . · HOTllia. He will. loge llier with the other1111 . 'many warm pf'rFOlln! fdeuds h,'re'who t;\'O m"mb"r. of the Board. hold , Ol','r tillwill be sorr )' 10 learll of h is re.monl (rllm an al,'c rioll is had ror Commis Fionerol ,Ihis staliun . ' 0

" ' .. h..d the pl"asure (If. a "isit fromJ.hll Cullin s. 1'> '1" of S..atlle. tb is wc"k .

'YI SDy.-'Ve had a st ro ng soulb'·lI.tcr

on Tue~day.- _ .-..._--_. .- .

TilE " Jt::S E HlsJ: ."-'1'I,c au nua l "Jllnt>rise" of 1IJe Columhia bas he~nn th is }'t'A r

I io ~I ,,\' . and th .. ri,...r i;:' alrtad)' .w.llin~'ral'iJ lY. Th~ backu-:lt cr r is.. at Ihis cityi~ ahollt three f,'et from the 101Ve~t ,.' atprof ,h:s "p riug . It is ~pllprllllYllnlicipale rl

that Iherc will b.. hilth \YlIt..r, as ,lel'pSUIOWS are rPf'orlpd a.s l)'iuF" oJ! tJIt' ,mollllo

lailO ' in which tb~ t:;ohlmbl:l h.~ lt.-etllIrC",

- Ort'g6nill71 .- - - - ..--~



Page 4: I t -PORT w....TI,e J)~l)plt' oftI,e Cit:J of Port T OlC"/u t'JUI do Or. daill 113 follorrs': • SI:CTlOS 1. r rO\-iue.;·that the clerk of the Trus. lees shaU, on or ul'fore the


i ' .•

G.. H OJl:tiE . ,

, Secretary.H.,..

..., , .

..., ..

-- - _-:::----~------- --

John. L •• Butler, ,for 1' 01 t ' Town ;cnti anel Y;":nily.



The Great IUedi.t:al Discovel'J ID r. W AT,REWS OALIFORNIA

VINE'GAR'JJITTERS,~~ Hundreds,of ThoullUlds ~i~0 _ Bear tntlmcm'l'loflldrwQ;.Ji,. ~I!.D':l'il lui C1Iraiin Ell'eet.. I !~

iE~ WHAT AR E THEV?h~~G U ~~ ~

~~~ ~&-_~ u ~~~.... d I!!I_'J~~ e~ ~~c~ Se-~~~ .~~.01::1 " = :J,."U ,,-~u ~

ri5C, o ?,if=sc· ~l!: ,-~ 0-_~~ ~i1 :~ ; & q=C~.u ..

· Fl. o. , ~'g :lcu ~ . ~. ~

~ ~ r -i-~ . =p;j~e ., 9~:~~s ~~.2i -f: .• i_:M. 1__~~~ - ~=~ .~g : 'o l "Cf

~.~ . ~ -i0'E : -rnE. AnI:: ~OT.'1. VILE . , i ~.

~E~ FAN C V 0 R INK ,1"UloIad. or Poor Rum, \ VblekoT, P l"lWfKplrlta aDd )t.("'(1I8C J. lfln"ra d<?Clorc;d" rke'd:aftd 81Fedened t o pleDI:) the taate, eDJlc4 " Ton.Sca,,'" AppeUzcNJ." .. Itcstcrcn," Ae... that leadt h8 t lpplcor on to drlUlkcnncu :J.Ddruin, b'd.& areto truo MMle1nc, mado (rom the X.UTO Roou &AllJlerbs or CAliforn ia , fre e f r Dm n il A rt qb o ll eStlouulllut • • TllcTUOthoUltE A'l' BLOOD 'I'UltlFIElt u ud 1.11"& U n'ISH I'RIN.CIPLE II perfect nenO'\"3tor &:ldJnvlgomtor orCae 8:f1tcJ!l, C:IorTylng otr ull r>O~£ODOU' matter anllTC)storlog t he .b loo!1 to n hutlhT eoruU&lou. ~o

·~non can l ekO' these n1:ten acc~nlll18 to diNe-­t10:l and remain I on: u :n'f"cll . _ ,

Far laOnmmuror)" and Cllr o n le Rhea_ - 'lnntlem n-od (~OD tt D)"spepNln tI. ludl- 'ceetlon, RllloUN, ItcmlUcnt nod Jntor..mitre-at PeT'cra, DI Aeruc" or lbo Blood.LIl'e-r, Kldnc7 '" nod Blndder, theM B it': l .

l era hAt'O beea mQ£L 5ucecufuJ. S u c b D I,.. "C&l Il~lII ar~ c:1used by V Jl l n U!d Blood. ...Web: # .

b &..·,menJ~r prodr.~cJ b)~ deranrement or lb." .DhrMlll\"cO rzrnn• • ' .

D\"tlPEI'Sl.\ on. 1 SDtGESTJOX. , . . 'Jl eadaebc . P uln fa th~ Shoulden, CoagJ~ T ight .. .neu or the ClIc:at. Dlz::hlt's" Soc.r r.rc.etatto:" or · .l11e St.oma.clJ:, l lAd Ul.!Jt ~ 10 the ) Iootll DiUoa. -A t.jacks, Pal pltntlon or th e U eOl.rl. I nftamma t.lon ort he La!1~.P3f :ll :l t:I C"'ii,ema o Ctile Kldn~y• •au~a hundred other p:11nrul f.ymptoma. 41'0 \ be o1r...'I.nnc. of DysPC[MlJa.. •Th,,)· IDngor:lt ~ tbe St.om::.e~ lionel~Umul&tc tho

torp id 11t'cr a ::t.d bo,"c~ wbleh render them or 0 12"e Q1Ullcd cmC':.cr In cle:msin:: t lle bll)Qd. of all1mpuriUcl . D.:ld: hl1parllo. new Ute and ngar lO' he Thole lIIT.te~I . " .

FOR HIU :I; IH~EA;;ES, F.rupllons,TeUe,.. , .F.al t Rl~um, Dtotcbcl'. 8po~ P'1UlptCS. Pustulel.

· BoUII, C;.r"Juncles. RIn:- -Wornls. SeAli:t~nead. ~reE1cs..ErY8I pcl~. 'l teh; SCu.rr~ , Dlaeoloratlo D8 ort ho Skin, Un:uo rs Qnd Dlse33~ oftho St~ orWh:1tel"C'T DP~ o r D3tur:'. aro Ilte rallT dale uP.andeOl.rr1 ed ont oC t~l ;) ,yatem 1ft Do abort ttmo.byt be 'lJ18 01 thet o DitteMl. O1Ie botUl'l s6 1MlC'b 'eu es wCl eODl"Ju.ec t lla mOll. J.ncnduloul Gt &heireuntiTc caect••C1ean~ the ~" t13te :t. nbo~l 1rhcneyn r oo And ·

1U Impa rl ttes bDJ'SUoJr t h rOllgh Uac ,kID lD PIcl. <

ples, ErupHona or Sol"C'a I c)"t1IC It ...h.D 1° ':--~ftnd It oha tructed e.nd. llu:£'hb In th e ye.IDI: "el"ann-U When It 11touJ••Dd 1 0'tU' t eeUnp .".Dl ..ten r ou wben. &« ;' ":10 blood pure and theh('a1th or lhe .y.tcm will roItoW'. , .

PIS, T.\ 1·"E and ot:,er ""O R JIS, Jur;.;-toR=l~the I,..tcm or 10 m:mr th ousanta. arc etr"eeto atJTdcalror ed ADd renlOTc4 . 'Fort'lU dlrecl1ona, rc.d. .carc tu111 tM circular ar~u:Jd· cac:J-botlle. .' v "

. J . WALK ER, ProprIetor. n. n. ~reDOXAt.D '"CO., Dru ggi l t8 and Ocn. .1genta. 8~D FranclfCO,Cs l.; and 82and~. Commerc~ St~. New rOrL60Ll) ni' .U.L DIUJOGlST3 AYD Dp;uEJ!S· .

Csll tue nU rr.t i(l:::l. (\r fl,,:to:('r3 t ll tll'"' :::- ~.srhC ::IF _: l)ff .Dlf'ot o f II ;\cW" I.. Arri ved It (.iOIl U!O . conapn"l"rl 1"1rart or t ~ I C rou...wiu l: ~ rtich'lI .. t Ol.!f·J .I.. f. llrUhtoTe" tblnll k ert In A .-c. 1 1\0 1 plied" IIUI.£.S A t-E II R no S'l'OIt E.F a X8B DRrG! IT 'LnES'!, rp. rPA I'A'T·:'I"IIP ...TItXT ).(r:1JI~·IXY<ll. tJ Kn WI BTfl' ~t- X D =lIU',TJlt"sllt.,4: ~l"l"rOI:TE:.e ~n .,. zr: ll r..u ·",.E SSEJ< TU L On.!') IPEcrrx:rr lr!'.AE R0 8 E S II: OfL. !~.'\1:"1·S A,:\ J) O IL " ,'Whfc~, we otr','r nt the I O\1'('F( e ftf.h f'r!C'c lI, ~!:IodAM dete rmined not to be ,. ndt'i'Fold.n. II. M cDOS.AL D ~ CO., t3J.~ l"I:J,. :~C'ISCC, C£S,,,. .

.F ol' S((7('.o t:n D nrG nr>OI:l;ESS locat ed in Ron Fr.n~il·

co , Cal. .-\fteT our bes t wi sb es , a n d rx prtlslngour than ka for th e liberal patronage If('' ha r e .re·cc ivcd (or more then t n-f u rY- O,ne years, ~urJn~

whi ch pe riod 'Tt" han' been stead ily (ng:'l~{'.rl In th e­drng busi ness in Call fornin, 'W e b("J.:.to 5:l~ m_~onlt.qnencc of the rapid ;::rowth of Dr; \~ ulker s \ mtgarHit ter s, lI O'\" sprcnd over the t nitcd Statu. an.count r ies fa r beyond , woun- n e--cs alt a tcd to devoteour entire ti me io t':,id bUl'i.ine5~. .

We arc Ihc OIdc. 1 ] )r ll" fir", 0 " Ihe I'aolfieC03. ~t, alld the only o:.e 1'olltin\lou~ lIndc:r t he tam"prn priC' ton 8inC'c l tl4P, and h one d ('tc:n naned tf.' unHur la rg f', prO~pt' rous, and wt"ll c~t:'ph:she d bU4Ul"'.ou ra,·orable t UIUiO.

1' .li5 i~" rart opportuni ty ·(ar m("TI with n.f>2 1J.., orC' nter~ng in to a llr"fiublc l)U~inC"~ With ad,antag'.nr\" M lK'(ore offt"Ff'd.

:F or ~rtic ul:us il1qllirl\:' orn. 11. ) !cDO:" ALD .\- CO" .

R. I1 )reD"n.l~ , I Whulr..le l~ rll ~Ili ''' 'J. C• •"pr ·' cer. . ~ San Franchcot- l"!1.~. H.-r utH a sa le- i~ mnde'1'(" !'hall con t inue­

ou r im portation ~ and kN'p n la rge .toc~ o( (rt' ..hf!Il Ol1<t C'on~o.;!a D~~· on h an dt 3nd se ll a\ pncr~ \0 de "f>' roillpehlron. 12.l y

Pe<,ple's Insurance Company,, l. • " ~

Fire and " Marine, .Chsh Assds,' '•• ' $3:iO.OO~.' . .

Ol;'FICE-N'o. i6 :lIcrehnnts' ExJ;n~ie.L'~1ii~mia St., San l:·lnnciseo. : .,

. . -~. CROSBli , Jr., Gtneral .\ &eB\ (or Wa. Mag­

ton Territory~l!ice ,~ ()IJlUpia .

. \ g~nt!J; 1r

, ;;.-. -... -

t o '







. .N- G.

House and Ship-Car­peult·rS: TOULS;

- Building Materiali ;Farming Irnplements;

(;.4.1:8,A flu llI.orlm~nt ofthe Iieet Lrnud. ill them'ilrket,

-.u rn-

(;haladler~';A f,,11 and ccmpl~te


vod • :Fi..., . ~ .~ :".

.H al d,e.ar, ;

.A8rirultural ,"

DUl,SIUI 1l<

~ .


Coalilli,,!, in po.rt, of

'CI ..o


I •


POIlT TOWXSEl"D, "'. 'I.,


.Hardware ~d Cutlery,

, .



"'I N ES;



COlJXTItY PRODt:CE,All' rxtrn.jyu aud Tn.,ird all~n'lmcnt. ~



K- E


._ - -- -IIO. F. Cerrish &. Co., :







S.170.F;OERnISII ,& CO, ' coli III,)

ntl entjon of palli~s desiring to pnrcllast' t~Ih~ir larg,. a:IIU cllm plel,e Elode. of g oOd6," 'hid, lll'l1 (,ff~retl at Trn' low rllr~p,' . .

.NORTU:PACIPICRARBOAD.. , - '. ;' ., .

BREWE-RY, ,Stcilacoo 'm ; nr• T•

A New and Complete atock :of

.C 0 O'D 'S '!~S.llcled H~~illl"f~ th e~.

F i\ R ;lI -E R 8' r R':l. D E,\

" \

which I wm ~Il .!loop tvr c..~ \..~

Jmplemcllt~, Buc:kiY,--MIl!C"' ." Rf.lIper'T': C. }o', lI[cDEB:\lOT, •

PresiJent ~

In quautities to &~ puro!tuen , au d other artleIesin endl . ...aridy. .:E. S. FOWLER. .. '

Cor ner of Watcr alld .\d;'mo Slreet , ,'1'.'r 1 T Ol'-i1&,.n.f.. " •• T t 5

''l'II1SRREWERY'IlEIXG XOW FIX.ishf'd and in workinK ord f'r, ·tbe Propr it"ton

are prepared to sUPl'J)' Saloon kcepers al.d othcrslTith , ' . . .

Sup.erior ArtIcle o(Lagei\Be~rM~nllr.ctuTed in th<: Chie.j{lI otlle .nd of '!, ~,..1ityeqllallv "'00. Ha VllIg seellr", tbe Sfn"",s of n"ood PRACTICAL DREWEll, th.n \Vhmn there

I ' s no brttef con ·thi. CO. llt , tl'l! :lfe . prep~rl!d t?, ,·onchtur:\l1 th e b~r m:u]e in O'lr Rre,,·ery. Parhes 1~lp.plied with Beer In anvqll. lltity aDetat ohort notie~,by ap pl.inS to our . cid...·... ,

A. F. SPR<EUXLE &. CO.Steilacoom, '1\". T. . 19m3

'- -


E tc.,

._'" ,



. (


, '


ST ,O UE'"

.. .'


• . AU.\ -~ _.-



Of all kina••


.Of oJI descript ion l .

(; L 0 (; I': S ,



T R I Jl ill I S G S.

WATCHES. ,JJ ~ 1)Y .~ 1 ~ Yl ,SiIYCl' Warc,



K ept eonlt,n II~' 0-" hancl.

GLASS, Ete.,\

I~.·\ln, FLI~S.H, SHOE,


. ...nil iu Profusiilli, ('o";S,I. CO".~ tinuall! .

r It l-~ sen r P 'rr O:\oS


....: :

"'ber! purch:tsrN: will a,hny. fiftd it. t...rA:e. ass n t mtnt .r

Soaps 'and P~rfumery

E loc., Ete.-.\n u teDli.. a ..ortllllal.


DHl:GS, '


Th(re ;is No Humb~g about This!• . 'Vr: ~arnntl'e eTery article in our-p'~emiuDl listto bt" just ns we ""present t '1.nd" hencH" a. . ~lnbi ~ ft"c rh·eu calling (or '!ith J J( th e above :ntl lei,the prize toO gained ,,-ill b llmediatelyex.prcuro.to the p,rty .e"dinlt II.' th, ub .

Our terml ue ~3 CO· ,'ar. or 52 00 for SIXmonths; in coin , to l.H: p.1i 3Yari3bly in adTancr.,


Club s . \\"ith a vie wto (' ~teud the circulationof the Anot"6, we have det er mined t o ~ffcr the f~110lTing very liberal Induceme nte tcparues wbo '1'111ge t 'Jp gl ubs ,

Read Our Premium List!To the pen on who will ,c~d ~ II club , of

t en narl)' subscribers we will grve .. F llleGold'Ring, worth S lO 00

For lifte !\'.. suliscribe rs we " ill gh'e an _eleaant 1110ss Ag:,te R ing, worth I~ 03 .

F or tttenty subscribers lV. will give a beau­t iful GI• •, Fruit Dish, ,mounted upon atriple ~ilveriiplated stand, worth 20 CO- For twentv-fire subscri bers we will giee agenuine ,\1I)0r iean Sil ver \Vateh, worth .. ~ • • z:; 00

. ]"ot thirty . nolcribers we lTill ~ve a Iady'llat e style Leou e Watcb-ebafu, of loUd .gold, worth ~ ~ .. 30 00

For th irty.d,·c ' scribers we will!:ive It'

' I t t Clf '?>Ioss Ag:tte welrj- . (brea'tpin andear-riags) 'Worth...... . • ~ 35 00

'.. Forfort ' ·b.cribers ",HI gire an Amerl•c,n 5 oz. S, . Wateh. or 'rth., 40 00

}'~" tiftr su'bs . <TS 'v'; ""il! gi.e , splendidtriple silver.ptatt~ Ii .BerTict . con 5isting oCsix IJicct's. worth... -•• •• • ••• •• • •: • • •,• • 5) 00

Those w.!Jo s et 1Ip ell. JS nlQ:st btar in mimI thatour tcrm8 art' [··alA ~ith the nani~1 of .u1xJcn'l¥r,.:l1U} th:tl the nUJubcr mU5t count yrQrly-t'rfo ,,;xmonths· SUbS~flbcrs }Till be :11 ouc. _counting (or the ,premium.







. ,. .•. - . . ' 1 .

I'mch..cr, lTill find' "at tb:, . to", every articlegenernll)' kept at a Fiu' Cl>s~ Drng £~tabl"blDeat;1111 o( "hich h3\'e been earefully . elected -for thi.markct , and \Vill . be IOld, wbolesale and . retailcheap for cash.

C"r(>(1ill~ Hlmr"mHi~,l h~· an ,;'ptripn ('l'tl aJW"Uu~' ..c..~ ~ . n, 111 1.1..


T. .


Line, •

New York,

"' ," .'





Yi:l the·


LEG.\L TF.~D:·JtS boughtltUl'U:>l:1ULVoJ< Co

.a I.sO r on



,\..~ are e n:lbJed to offer

Direct from

Il uJ on "ill find oftr Stock

Fargo &, Co,'s Expre::s.•

.M'E R C 11 .1 S 7' S ,"

U"'ing "" d. Am'''~mmt to







T , 1'..P olRT Dl SCOYEJtY,


· Complelo

I lllP Q/{ C.1'I iwd Th ol($Ir/. aud R rtail

And 'n will offer enr goad, at .price, which'. I . " .' . ,1


Roths ch ildD. C. U . R oth. <hild.

S "l'rrior- Inducement" (0 Our Cu~lolllfr,J

Com2nis!\Iion &. ·1~OI·1Tard iDg


'D R AFTS A~D· aMsold oy

J " ' ~


GOODS nOl.:G IlT AXD SOLD 0); ~O;ll... - Uliabio n , a t .\ small pt"r ('("Dl.:lge. lIbY C

' • llUTtlSCHIL & o.

~\g~n t& for the Celc;braleu

Florence SewJng Machine!

~l"im . HIG H EST P'IU" ~ PAID I~ C.\SII- (or l"uu , nid~s and Prc:d upt" l,y ., , ..' llOTUSC ulLD & Co.

'.'EXCII '\~G I:: 0:; SAX FRAXCISCO. );f'W

"4 Y ork a.nd I'·ugland. at IOWC'il ri, h~ s, .ea ? b(!procured oy lto llIcClIlLD ,& ~o..

U3 'J) lUI' !!) II ~ ~~ .\f ~ il\ ~

o 'T ' E


.,J, E, Pugh' J ,

'I'IIIS IlO'Wm lIAS .llE E N-) tE tT f · .. ted and rcfnrn b hcl1 and now offers to tra,·('lers

.-eyer)" accummml.l ti on td be h3d in csciliu1ishmcnlsI n lOst an\·"nccu in th t' imllIO \·emcnt~ of the age.l Th t" choicest ,·iand :l are selech~ll .(or the tab!.

an d the best I·rands of liquors and c ig a rs are diS·r en- ed .tlhe b,!. ' lkt!.



- - _ ._....------

THURSDAY, MAY . l.8, l.S71.4 .. X


M Ik., no nl' I)I,>.:iL·5. If yon, han, th u, I ., . I 'llJ..,:: r J ·s m essage, dec arc l ~ ; ' It not, 1 l ~'

your p eacp. I l nve sho rt p reI 1(",: all" In­

iro<! uc ·ions. Say yo"r best th mgs firs t ,nnd sl ap before ~' OU I:.'.'t pros}' . n" notlipan the appe tite for d iuuc r by too mucht :, iu soup. Leave "yoursel f ou t of the}lulp it a nd lake J Ci;II S in. D efe n.l the/{Mp.•I, an d let l ~le L ord dcf-nd JOu a miyou r ch aract er.• Do not get excited too soon. Do notru n away f rom you r hearer s . Eng inedrlvlug wheels whirl fas t on ~n icy t r a ck, .bu t w!:en they dr.iw nn>, th lllg they : gos~ o >l" e·r. I t takes a cold h nmmc- to LCI.dhot iron. II,'nt 11? th e people, bUI k eept he hammer WL'! mill cool ; do no t 1::1"I..IIU Ecre am . '1' 0~ m a ch rio i ~.c u rJ "' lISlIense. 1'o,," ,I,er is not <hpt. Tl:u nder, isIlllrmle5s i l igh tning ki!ls. If )'Ol~ ' bay ',!..lighlning. " 011 can alford til t h nn1ler. Il "\lot abnse ihe lail ~ ~111 sonls w ho com e 10

me.tin" on rai n.... Ia)·s, Lee~\lse oth ers are" .too lazj' . tu a llt·n,1. l'rN ch 1be Les t wthe smalles t assemlJI: '·5. J .·ws Ffl·achcdto on~ wom an il t th e ,,.ell, ~nu ~h~ got nilSamarin olli to he al' H im IIt'Xt li nw .

Do nol rep.'at sentcllces , say iag; '..:A~ Isai,n",forc ;" if y on sa i,1 it bel on', sa)'~omelhing elsc ·a fte r. Do not clId S " I1· ,

lences, \lnssag.,s of s~ti p lu r, ·, or q ::o :a-.tiulIA, ,vilh "anorso for lh; " s,ay w hat yOllmeltn nnd s top. I;ea\'e out ::11 ·wor.l ~ )'Ollc,,,inot d cfine Stop pre ach ing, nnd talkto folks. COllie duwn fl'll ft l y'IUI' sliltedway~ nnd sa cred tO ll ~A , an u " Leeome &S nlillie child ,'" T..J18!ori,',,; J, 'sn s di d, andthe common Jle',ple hf'ard himfglndly . , It,··1,,1 0 y our ,-xp,'ri.'ndl,; l"lul d id , alld yeue,m hardly do Ltlter tha ll he. O ae , fac Ilhllt ),ou h:m.! se: 'n or felt is \\'orlh nbusllel of moul dy hlea s d'l~ ou t of meul·di~rbol)lt s. Change th e sul;jecl if il goeah ard . D o no t p n ·neh till t be middl .. ofthe scrmo:, b Ul i.·s the bcginn ing, a ncl i_buri~d L,. the en ,1. B.'warc ,:1 lun g I'ra):­erA, l'xcept in ~' ou r cll)~t:I . "herc 'H',m·llC:lS lJt>giu~, ne\',Jtiiln e!I,d" , L:lnk pe ople .ill the f~ct' 'lII .1.1i nJ as i r' )' oil were notashalllL·<i of th em .

PIlY:;10I.OGIC.\L EFFECTS OF ALca u oL.-An impJrlant m elll'lir 'upo:, !he .effcctsof alc ,lhlll U'p O'1 t he Illtllun body W IIS la ru­Iy lead befor e Ihe Ho)"'1 S "ciety of L ullorUOll, gi\'ing th e r " tiu!t~ ot "x l'erl Ult' n lSprosccut~d uy. t \\'0 cm ~ll.cl1 t :.u ~~' .s.u~ ' g:,C:H~ ~IIPOII 111I IUtclhg.· n t Brlt!»1 &<" •.1l CI. lJlI Smau w as p~rl l'ct ly hea lthy , a ': l~ en tln·ly\I11accuslOme ,1 to Ill,. usc 01 ti\lln :s or I (J ~

· bacc" ill nn)' fural ; so tlillt t he: clfee '.H.pruduccd werc d in 'ct , ::Ild .'uultl .Ull rea d!.Iy npprccinl"t1 . 11 w as ascertm nl·d lllalsmall quantili es of absul ll:~ II Ic:ollol-.SitYon" or I WO liuid o a ne ,s-gl\'~ U III UI\'u lt-dduseR, se "l\w d 10 increatc ' h.i5 . "1'1'~ I,HC,

while fuur Ihiid oUnet'H. It°ssell.,,1 il c',,:sid .crabl" nlld Inr " cl' q ua llt iti" s aluto.,r l!t'·

J' 0 • 1 II'' 6tro.)" ed it. W hile Ih.is, part lcu ' 1'. " . '.CI· Ina)" h rl\'e ueen I he r,·su.h .of jJcc ulIa rlllcsof conslilution in th e wUI\'ltl u,,1 " xp ,'n­m,'nted up on , i l is a ls <> po ss lhle 11!"t; inc.." t1 of dil~1l5e. m It h s:na ller . qUIIU .I:, 8 ul" lcohol mig ht d I'c'ct Ilw appe tlle.. T ile .numb" r 01 hea ts ul t he he . 11 ill :n hou rsWaS iucre~serl' \'cr)' largely-to all lI\,elag"of al lellst 13 (iel'cen ' . - anu Ih e·adudwurk doue L)' tl ", heart , in exc"ss of tu enor mnl la5k was f.luu tl lO be eq uill '" Ih atof iiI', illg 15 It'n's ouu loot; lind , ' incle",dduring t he la sl t\\' o 11:lyS uf tl". ..xpc:rl ·lUent the eXIra wo~k Ilmaull l_ti 10 24 I,!ll~ .

The gene ral cuuclusi"i , J rom Illi" ex"pe l'imcnt amI others wh ich we haw n?' .ti i1 1t~ to n~'l n l iO:I, n rc \ ' Cl)' tll'ciucd thn tfl In

casu of onl ina ,'y 1I .'a :lh. th e us.. o f 4lc"holenll in small cI ,,: .'s, is vcrr ruucll tu b"rCl're lwlIue u ; but.I!'·' wllell 1.lw ~J.iIC lIl ' lh rUIl d II\' II '~ l l cl ellfweLletl , 11 . m,:)· be.. i \,eu a . ':; s lilll llh ul. lind for Ihe parrillS,'~ , .of ~llIi i ll.:t l h" organ~ flf t he body, to ac twilb grcalt'r vigor.---,,<IJarpu 's l11o:;a;;jll(.

- - - - ..-- _.- - -Faa )LiK6r. B.n p.AD.- y east f"r th~

brea d-tak e 2 C0ffi :J: cn ' si zeJ potatoes,pa re and boil th "1ll tl:oro:l!;hly in . cnteq ua rt of waic r, Ih en r elll ()\,e 11r " 1Il .tro ,l.

_f ile \Vllt e r an d aIM a ~mall hanUC:!1 of h() \,~

In Ihe sa 'ue; in Ill<' m.;antilll n m1s" )' 0U '

l'ot atol> fiue in a .l i~ h up on 'he s t ilI e,whuc Ih ey w:ll k ,'. p warm, and ' :r:linthc hop ,,' at ' r u pon Ih "lIl-lw iihlg hoI' (ort he hoI'S lila)' be L:>i\.-d in It !Jag lll:d thel lOlnt 'Jl's lila)' be' put upon the ,l:Oil walcl'

afr er t~k illg ant th" bag of hop, ). ll, ' ck ,-nllu:~ kly w:th wlrea t fl H:r to l\ still' uatrc", I I Scbnaieg &. HI"O"'Oth.~n set i n a cold place lill it is :I ~U lll 1,/ - ~l,\~~FAcTt:R Ea9 0.'milk warm, when y :HI Ill a )" add two·thlr,!s I«(I . L Bof n cup of Iillilid yeast or t wo 'bak••I''s ~I earn Ale, .Porte~ & ager eer'\'l'a;;1 cakcs, aud 'plll ill a warm pla:~ ~ . . - ,; ise. Wil cn li;;ht anu loamy add a g.'ca t1~AYIXG MAnE I~IPIU?VI~..-poonlnl of whit ., s~gal', and a tenspOollflll ' m,'n lS to O~lr BItE WEilL we I.;of I' !t t hen botllc an .; co.k fer noe . l ore ahle. to so.l CllEA),[ ALE nt rc·. •at. '. uuepd IlflC('!';.

F ur m ak lllg brca'l of t Ill' )'ca ,t, lal", We will.en 0111' W elt-hnown De. .. , which i.one quarl of warm, water- or h:tlf mi k . ackno\Vled::ed to oe the best m,nuf,c~ured in the

. II . T~rri lo rl' , a t pI'iee, th,t ,Yincompete 'nth Itny otherllS one choos.·s, a lollla . pi ece of bU lter, Dre" ,,,' ,'n Ihe Sonnd, Wc \Tilt not be .. ndenold;0 :)8 ~rcnt spuQufnI of'Su;;ar, one h·tlsp oon." 3nt~ wha~ 1\"C say Wt! me.ln. 1 - . .

f 1. f 5'1 / nlld a full cup of ' :e:l5t alll) I li r ~ m ch,.ers (r oom ,bro,d e,n re.J on the.. ordersU 0 ... , J ' , oomg promptly allendt'd to.

i.~to i t ' flou r en ougll ·I? make It bru, , SC ID Ht::G & nROW~,G ivo i l :I g ood 1lI0u!c1illR all,t IJut to r i.t' . Seallle, w.;.

· II ' ·' II . I "" I T.-." ,al!'l .\".", t for . 1 ort" hea W t raucu , nll1U I n .!;"iH Il ( n~H pu t 1f2.~. . .. c ._ , .~ ... _ . "'!; ., • • . , 1 . k TllwII ' ('n,i. . _, .rof,In th~ t l:1s-r\\:S ' · · ;d.\ ~i. lla ..-r . .



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