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Page 1: IAPP Application Workshop Project Development Workshop 16 February 2012.

IAPP Application Workshop

Project Development Workshop

16 February 2012

Page 2: IAPP Application Workshop Project Development Workshop 16 February 2012.

Programme• Introduction• Marie Curie programme: background, objectives, priorities• Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways

• Policy context• Overview and general • Part B – how to complete• Financial• EPSS – Submission process• Part A – how to complete

• Final tips and suggestions• Lunch• 1-1 Support

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FP7 Programme

€ 32.50

€ 7.50

€ 4.75€ 4.10 € 2.75 € 1.75

FP7 Budget: Billion €50.5


4 Programmes: Cooperation, Ideas, People, Capacities(+ Joint Research Centre + Euratom)

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Marie Curie ActionsObjectives and Policy Context:

“The People Work Programme 2012 has been designed to support the implementation of the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiatives ‘Innovation Union’, ‘Youth on the Move’ and ‘An Agenda for new skills and jobs’” (2012 Work programme)

EU 2020: http://ec.europa.eu/eu2020/index_en.htm

Innovation Union: http://ec.europa.eu/research/innovationunion/index_en.cfm

Youth on the Move: http://ec.europa.eu/education/news/news2540_en.htm

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Objectives: Marie Curie

Objectives and Policy Context:

• Make Europe more attractive to researchers• Structuring effect on the European Research Area through

transnational and intersectoral mobility in order to create a European labour market for researchers

• Strengthen human potential by:– Encouraging people to become researchers– Encouraging researchers to carry out their research in Europe

• Trans-national and inter-sectoral mobility• €4.7 Billion

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“People” ProgrammeInitial training (~40% budget)Initial Training Networks (ITN)

Life-long training and career development (~25 – 30% budget)Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) / European Regeneration Grants, Co-funding of regional/national/Intern. Programmes (COFUND), International Reintegration Grants

Industry dimension (~5-10% budget)Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP)80 million euros

World fellowship (~25% budget)International Outgoing & Incoming Fellowships (IOF & IIF), International Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES)

Policy support actions (~1% budget)Mobility and career enhancement actions

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Eligible Countries

EU-27Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria , Cyprus, Czech Republic,Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, UK

Associated Countries (FP7)Albania*, Croatia*, Faroe Islands*, FYR Macedonia*, Iceland*,

Israel*, Liechtenstein*, Montenegro*, Norway*, Serbia*, Switzerland, Turkey*, Bosnia Herzegovina*

*except Euratom

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What research topics are supported?


All areas of scientific and techno logical research that are of interest to the EU


Areas of research covered by the EURATOM Treaty (peaceful use of nuclear energy)

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Definition of researchers

Early-Stage Researchers 0 - 4 years (FTE)from obtaining degree that qualified them to embark on a doctorate

Experienced Researchers i) in possession of a PhD

orii) at least 4 years

experience (FTE)

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• Must not have been resident in host country for more that 12 months in the last 3 years prior to date of recruitment or secondment

• Researchers can return to the country of their nationality if the mobility rule is respected

• For international organisations the country mobility rule does not apply – BUT the fellow must not have spent more that 12 months in the previous 3 years at the host international organisation.

Transnational Mobility Requirements

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IAPPs – 2012 call info

• Publication date: 19 October 2011• Call deadline: 19 April 2012 17:00 CET• Indicative budget: €80 million (same as


• Indicative timetable:– Results expected 4 months after deadline– Grants agreement signature from 9 months

after deadline

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IAPPs in context

“In the context of the 'Innovation Union' flagship initiative, inter-sectoral mobility between academia and industry continues to be a priority as a means to improve cooperation between the two sectors and to eliminate cultural and other mobility barriers. At the same time it plays a structuring role by allowing researchers to acquire key skills which are equally relevant to the public and private sectors.”

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What is an Industry–Academia Partnerships and Pathways?

• It is a two-way partnership with at least one commercial enterprise and one academic organisation in two different Member or Associated Countries

• Includes secondments, recruitment and networking activities

• Project can be up to 48 months• Majority of researcher months should be


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Definitions of eligible organisations

Each IAPP must involve at least one university/research centre in the non-commercial sector and at least on entity from the commercial sector.

Commercial sector partners:• must be organisations operating on a commercial

enterprise, gaining the majority of their revenue through competitive means with exposure to commercial markets.

Non-commercial sector partners can include;• National organisations, e.g., universities, public non-

commercial research centres; Non-profit or charitable organisations (e.g., NGOs, trusts, etc.), International European interest organisations (e.g. CERN)

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Eligible organisations

Commercial sector partners:• may include: incubators; start-ups; spin-offs; venture capital

companies; etc.• may range in size from the smallest- micro-companies with research

capacity to very large multi-national enterprises

Non-commercial sector partners can include;• National organisations, e.g., Universities, public non-commercial

research centres• Non-profit or charitable organisations (e g NGOs trusts, etc.)• International European interest organisations (e.g. CERN)• The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission• Other international organisations (e.g. WHO, UNESCO, etc.)

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Non-ICPC Countries

Non ICPC countries such as USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, Singapore etc and international organisation would be expected to fund their own participation

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Industry–Academia Partnerships and Pathways aims

• An IAPP aims to increase industry-academia co-operation by: – Supporting the creation, development,

reinforcement and execution of strategic partnerships

– Creating diverse career possibilities and experience for researchers

– Knowledge sharing/cultural exchange, especially SMEs

– Aiming for longer term co-operation between both sectors

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What can you do with an IAPP?

• Staff exchange (mandatory) – experienced researchers, early-stage researchers (and possibly technical staff and research managers!) for between 2 months and 2 years

• Secondments at least 50% of researcher months• Recruit experienced researchers for between 12 months

and 2 years (optional)• Organise common workshops/conferences/

training/networking activities• Inter-sectoral mobility, within framework of whole project,

in same country up to a maximum of 30% of total researcher months

• For SMEs, a contribution towards small equipment costs (up to 10% of project total)

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• To be eligible for secondment staff must have been active (work, studies, etc) continuously for at least one year full time equivalent

• Employed under an employment contract (except for short stays or researcher continues on salary from home. Otherwise ‘fixed amount fellowship’) Flexibility

• The partner will secure by contract the commitment of researchers for at least one year in order to further develop the knowledge

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An IAPP at a glance

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2007 2008 2009

Submitted 103 141 358

Evaluated 102 141 356

Selected 41 51 59

Budget (M euros)

38.5 45 65

Success rate 40 36 16.6%

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Statistics 2011Panel Applications

submittedMain List Success rate

CHE 11 2 18.2%

ECO 8 1 12.5%

ENG 62 22 35.5%

ENV 18 7 38.9%

LIF 51 16 31.4%

MAT 0 0 n/a

PHY 7 3 42.9%

SOC 8 0 0%

OVERALL 165 51 30.9%

Note: all apps which met threshold were on main orreserve list!

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Industry–Academia Partnerships and Pathways aims

A project that matches “their” objectives:“This action seeks to enhance industry-academia cooperation in terms of

research training, career development and knowledge sharing, in particular with SMEs, and including traditional manufacturing industries. It is based on longer term cooperation programmes with a high potential for increasing mutual understanding of the different cultural settings and skill requirements of both the industrial and academic sectors.

The IAPP action supports the 'Innovation Union' flagship initiative bystrengthening research and business performance and by promoting innovation and knowledge transfer throughout the EU. Stronger cooperation between universities and business via staff exchange will encourage entrepreneurship and help to turn creative ideas into innovative products and processes that can efficiently address European and global societal challenges.”

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Evaluation of proposals

• Evaluation by independent experts • Single stage• First checked for eligibility by REA (pg 28/29)• Need to address all of the issues to maximise scores• Overall threshold (70% or 3.5/5)• Evaluation scores awarded for 4 criteria and not sub-criteria• 3 out of 4 criteria have a threshold• Each area is weighted• Transfer of Knowledge – high weighting

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Evaluation criteria – pg 30/31

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Indicative Timetable

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Part B : Table of Contents

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B2. S&T Quality

Sub-criteria 3/5 25%• Scientific/technological objectives of the research

programme, including in terms of intersectoral issues

• Scientific quality of the joint collaborative research Programme

• Appropriateness of the research methodology

• Originality and innovative aspect of the research programme. Knowledge of state-of-the-art

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B2 S&T Quality• Introduction, describe main objectives and how achieved

– Summarise the project and purpose and impact

Ensure you keep the policy objectives in mind and what IAPP is trying to

achieve in terms of objectives• Knowledge and cultural sharing• Career and skills development in the field(generic and transferable)• Longer term cooperation• Detailed description of S&T objectives

• Highlight planned research collaborations• Emphasize interdisciplinarity (if applicable) and intersectoral aspects• State ethical and relevant issues• Explain in detail the current knowledge in the field / state-of –the-art. Who,

when, what was done, what is the gap include references

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B2 S&T Quality

• highlight the originality and innovation – how your project is advancing the state of the art– Integrating different processes / expertise of academia and industry. E.g.

developing new materials and combining design– Is this the first time of bringing together these kind of partnershup across

thes ectors and expertise?• Explain key elements of research methodology and ensure it is appropriate,

comprehensive and well-planned– Intergrate with the knowledge transfer programme and training

• Detail the synergies and complementarities that are being exploited and how– Define specific roles and expertise and why the partner is best suited for the role in

the project and how they are complimentary – e.g Technical and scientific expertise, different disciplines etc– How ? – relate their expertise to the specific tasks/methods

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S&T Quality – negative feedback

• The research programme lacks a detailed list of workpackages, timetable and particular involvement of each partner is not

specifically included.• The project is not very original since it is based on previous

results obtained by academic partners.• The project research methodology is not properly developed

and lacks details as regards risk assessment, milestones and

outcomes.• Presents limited intersectoriality• No previous documented information – articles, scientific journals,

conferences, and so on.

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B3. Transfer of Knowledge

Sub-criteria 3/5 20%• Quality of the transfer of knowledge programme.

Consistency with the research programme

• Importance of the transfer of knowledge in terms of intersectoral issues

• Adequacy of the role of researchers exchanged and recruited from outside the partnership with respect to the transfer of knowledge programme

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B3. Transfer of Knowledge

• Need for knowledge transfer:– What will each partner gain and why through secondments and

employed researchers?• E.g. Access to facilities, instrumentation and new methods

– How will the KT will significantly increase the research quality and RTD capability and competitiveness of the partners

• describe in detail the KT programme (Ensure there is consistency with the research programme described)• S&T• Broader training (e.g. Communication, ethics, language trainng and

managerial skills)• How will the knowledge be imbedded back into their sending

organisation – through what measures

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B3. Transfer of Knowledge

• Need for knowledge transfer:– What will each partner gain and why through secondments and

employed researchers?• E.g. Access to facilities, instrumentation and new methods

– How will the KT will significantly increase the research quality and RTD capability and competitiveness of the partners

• Describe in detail the KT programme (Ensure there is consistency with the research programme described)• S&T• Broader training (e.g. Communication, entrepreneurship, IPR, project

management, product development, marketing, ethics, language training and managerial skills)

• Broader KT through conferences, workshops, groups for broader dissemination across sectors

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B3. Transfer of Knowledge

• How will the knowledge be imbedded back into their sending organisation – through what mechanisms

• Describe how will the knowledge be imbedded back into their sending organisation – through what measures

• Describe the roles of the secondments and recruitment

• Explain the chosen mixture of researcher in terms of experience• Justify the recruitment of experienced researchers and what they will bring

new to the project

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B3. Transfer of Knowledge

Table identical to A4

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B3. Transfer of Knowledge

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B3 KT– negative feedback

• Secondments are only indicated in terms of person/month within a table, but are not described in detail and no additional explanations are given.

• ToK referring to young researchers is not addressed in

sufficient detail.• There is only a limited consistency between the research

programme and ToK due to the vague description of the latter• Transfer of knowledge is unbalanced with too much emphasis

on academic research• Importance of ToK in terms of intersectorial aspects is not

demonstrated as the industrial partner has limited participation

in research• The precise role in training of the industrial partner is not clearly


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B4. Implementation

Sub-criteria 3/5 20%• Capacities (expertise/human

resources/facilities/infrastructures) to achieve the research and exchange of know-how and experience. Fit between capacity of host and size of support requested

• Adequate exploitation of complementarities and synergies among partners in terms of transfer of knowledge.

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B4. Implementation

Sub-criteria 3/5 20%• Appropriateness of management plans (recruitment

strategy, IPR strategy, demarcation of responsibilities, rules for decision making, etc.

• How essential is non-Third Country participation, if any, to the objectives of the research programme.

• In case of SMEs participation: adequacy of the available infrastructures and justification of equipment

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B4. Implementation

Capacities: 1 table ½ page per full and associated partners

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B4. Implementation

• Additionally describe how infrastructure and human resource capacity of each organisation relates to work-plan and schedule– Will evaluate the fit between capacity of host and size of support


• Describe synergies and complimentarities– Provide details of the collaborations– Highlight involvement of participants from different sectors

• Overview of WPs, deliverables and milestones (using tables)– Indicate how tasks are linked to the objectives

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B4. Implementation

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B4. Implementation

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B4. Implementation • Describe management structure:

– Demarcation of responsibilities• Project management; Administration; Management team;/steering board

(S&T – work package leaders), IPR / exploitation manager– Decision making and process– Monitoring and reporting process


– Comment on gender balance of the management– Detail communications strategy– Briefly describe consortium agreement between partners

• Detail IPR strategy for the consortium (issues)– Will you create an exploitation plan?– Detail potential of results created and describe ownership arrangements– Patents

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B4. Implementation • Describe the Recruitment Strategy

– How posts are published and where– Outline contingencies in case there are difficulties– Equal opportuntties (all partners have policies?; gender equality)– Conditions of employment

• Provide some information on the conditions that researchers will be working under twill be in line with the ‘European Charter for Researchers’ and ‘Code of Conduct for the recruitment of researchers’

• Demonstrate scientific and organisational competence within the partnerships– Relevant project management experience– Experience of similar grants/projects and Marie Curie

• Justification of Other Third Country Participation

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Implementation – negative feedback

• Secondments are not sufficiently specified• Some aspects of management structure are not described in detail• The management plan is scarcely defined in some points• Time commitment of the co-ordinator to project activities is limited• Recruitment strategy and its contribution to research activities

is not detailed• The technical background of the academic partners is not clear• It is not sufficiently detailed on the point of capacities,

specifically in regard to scientific expertise, facilities and

infrastructures, to achieve a real experience and know-how

exchange• IPR aspects are unclear.

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B5. Impact

Sub-criteria : No threshold 30%• Provision to develop new intersectoral and lasting

collaboration; extent to which SMEs contribute to the project, where appropriate

• Strategy for the dissemination and exploitation/commercialisation of the results*

• Impact on the innovation potential of the ERA; in the relevant fields, description of potential applications

• Facilitation of sharing knowledge and culture between the participants and external researchers (conferences, workshops, training events)

• Impact of proposed outreach activities*

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IAPP expected Impact

Work Programme pg 23, 3.1.3:

Expected impact of the action:

“Research projects under this action are expected to structure effectively and significantly enhance the interaction at human resources level between research organisations in the public and private sector, in terms of knowledge sharing and broad skills development, bringing closer together their different cultures and expectation patterns, with a view to more effectively advancing the contributions of research to Europe's knowledge economy and society”

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B5. Impact

• Demonstrate immediate and longer terms benefits – How the project fosters new collaborations– How the project might continue beyond the life of the project

• Describe SMEs contribution to the project• Strategy for dissemination and exploitation

– Outline practical steps to disseminate results• During the project• After completion of the project

E.g. Feed into teaching, website, papers, presentations– Describe the commercial routes for exploitation of results

• By commercial sector partners• Benefits of external experienced researchers to the project –

knowledge transfer and dissemination events (what roles will they play?)

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B5. Impact

• Impact on ERA of the Innovation – On S&T field/s: Description of potential applications– Impact on Policies/directives – EU: contribution to Innovation Union

(national, regional)– Effective knowledge sharing– Adequate flow of competent researchers – mobility– Access to world class infrastructures – through the network

• Impact on Society and Economy

• Impact on knowledge economy – making EU more competitive

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B5. Impact

• Impact of Outreach Activities:

Promoting and raising awareness of science with the general public.– Detail a plan of various outreach activities – BE CREATIVE– Each fellow expected to undertake 1 activity / year – at least– Explain expected impact– Include also in the Gantt Chart, knowledge transfer


• Impact on partners and the partnership– Ways in which the partners will benefit– What will be created as a result of the funding and what benefits will it


• Impact on Researchers skills and career development

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Impact– negative feedback

• The intersectoriality of the project is not described in detail in terms of future collaborations; indeed, it is specifically mentioned that lasting collaboration will only be foreseen in the case of developing a spin-off project

• Contribution of the SME to the project is limited• Standardisation aspects are not properly addressed• Possible commercial impact in particular through SME not

addressed.• Central role of SME is stressed but the need for key extra equipment

seems to contradict the present adequacy and availability of infrastructure

• Details of application are not well described.

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IAPP Examples

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DIAB SMART: Development of a new generation of DIABetic footwear using an integrated

approach and SMART materials

Partners: Staffs Uni (lead); Spain, Germany (Uni); UK; India

Duration: 48 months

Project Cost: 809,328 euro

• DiaBSmart project aims to generate, transfer and exchange the clinical, academic and production knowledge between the partners to create a new generation of diabetic footwear through a newly developed patient assessment system. The transfer of knowledge(TOK) between various sectors ensures that the need of patients is considered and transferred effectively to product development using a scientific approach.

• This project while enhancing the knowledge base in diabetic assessment; will have a clear impact on new product development leading to both clinical and economic benefits.

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The integration of intermediate pyrolysis and vapour gasification to create and effective and efficient biomass-to-

energy system for combined heat and power. (PYROGAS)

Partners: Aston uni; Germany

Duration: 48 months

Project Cost: 1.08 million euro • The aim of the programme is therefore, through a programme of laboratory

and demonstration scale testing, to fully integrate the intermediate pyrolysis and gasification processes to form the PYROGAS concept for power and heat from biomass, and to demonstrate its successful operation on a range of feed stocks.

• The use of biomass, and waste, as a fuel for the production of energy in the form of electrical power and heat has in recent years come to be recognised as a key element in the move to sustainable forms of energy as part of the strategy to combat climate change. Throughout Europe, challenging targets for the provision of bio-energy and reduction in carbon emissions have been identified but progress towards those targets is extremely slow.

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Modelling and optimal design of ceramic structures with

defects and imperfect interfaces (INTERCER2))

Partners: UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI TRENTO; Liverpool and Abersytwyth Unis, Italy

Duration: 48 months

Project Cost: 2.4 million euro • Ceramic industry is broadly developed in Europe and the current investment is

estimated at 26 billion. With its 9,2 billion segment, Italy is a leader country in the production of traditional ceramics, while France, UK and Germany are driving countries for advanced ceramics, growing at 21% per year. Advanced ceramics are crucial for new technologies and nano-tech applications addressed to thermo-mechanical and bio-medical applications, while traditional ceramics have a worldwide market and have been suggested as materials minimizing the impact on the environment (when compared to other finishing materials).

• The main aim of the research project is to develop novel advanced ceramic products in close collaboration between academic and industrial partners which will be directly oriented to industrial and social needs. The goal will be achieved by (i) improvement of the powder compaction and ceramic production process; (ii) development of novel advanced ceramic multifunctional materials and structures

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Eco Friendly Tuneable Microwave continuous Flow Reactor for the Synthesis of Lecucettamines in

Therapeutic Activity Against Alzheimer's Disease (MICRO-THERAPY)


Duration: 48 months

Project Cost: 653242.00 euro

The four-year MICRO-THERAPY is a fully integrated interdisciplinary proposal which will develop a new area of competence in the three partners, Liverpool John Moores University, University of Rennes1 and ManRos Therapeutics. It brings together a powerful set of partners covering fully the three key aspects - microwave engineering, chemistry and biology to create new technology and sustainable technical and scientific expertise applicable to the bio-pharmaceutical industry. The proposed research programme is unique in terms of generating a tuneable, multipurpose, microwave, continuous, atmospheric pressure, flow reactor for the efficient conduct of various chemical reactions for the synthesis of Leucettamines to be used against Alzheimers disease.

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Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways

Financial Regime



Tatiana PanteliFunding Advisor, WMES

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What type of expenses are covered?Researcher Organisation Shared

Living allowance (including salary)

Management Activities

Training / research expenses of eligible researchers

Mobility allowance Contribution to Overheads

Small Equipment (for SME only)

Correction Coefficient for the UK is 134.4

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Category 1: Living Allowance (correction factor applied)

Type Researcher Categories

Employment Contact (€/year)

Fixed amount Fellowship (€/year)

Secondment ESR 38,000 19,000

ER (<10) 58,500 29,250

ER (>10) 87,500 43,750

Recruitment ER (<10) 58,500 29,250

ER (>10) 87,500 43,750

Living Allowance is a gross EU contribution to the salary costs of the fellow. The host may pay a top-up in order to complement this.

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Category 2: Mobility Allowance (correction factor applied)

A flat rate contribution to cover those personal household,

relocation and travel expenses associated with undertaking

transnational mobility.

Without family: €700 per month

With family: €1000 per month

Family: wife, husband, civil partner, children.

Important: this category will not cover travel to the conferences,

workshops, etc.

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Category 3: Contribution to the Training Expenses and

Research/ Transfer of Knowledge Expenses

€1800 per researcher per month

- Research costs- Transfer of knowledge activities- Training/partnership project- Coordination between participants

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Category 4: Management ActivitiesMax of 10% of the total EU contribution. Based upon actual


Category 5: Contribution to OverheadsFlat rate of 10% of direct costs per partner and per period (except

for subcontractors).

Category 6: Small Equipment (for SME only)Up to max of 10% of the total contribution to the SME participant

(SME budget).

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FAQ about financesBasic principle = funding follows researcher but is intended to be flexible

• Budget for each partner calculated on the basis of incoming researchers, i.e.,

the researchers recruited or received in secondment by the organisation• Administrative flexibility in terms of who actually pays researcher – i.e.,

researcher may remain on payroll of sending organisation to provide continuity of

pension payments • Financial arrangements will be part of negotiation process with Commission &

must be detailed in consortium agreement • Secondees should be on employment contracts with host institution unless for

short stays or they continue to receive usual salary from home organisation

during secondment.

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Electronic Proposal Submission Service (EPSS)

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Proposal Submission

• All submission done online

• Meet the deadline!

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Ask your Research Support Office to provide PIC

Once completed click onto next which will bring you onto the final registration page asking for basic proposal details.

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Enter a title, acronym, short abstract (you can use your title here if you do not have an abstract). Please note this information can be changed at a later date as this information is not evaluated and only required to complete the initial registration

Click next and then click to register. You will then receive an automated email with details and web link to use EPSS for your proposal. The email will provide some initial login details with the coordinator’s/partner’s username and temporary password

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When you log into EPSS for the first time via https://www.epss-fp7.org EPSS will ask you to change the password. Enter the password provided in the automated email and enter a new one then press: SUBMIT.

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Completing Part A

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How to complete the A forms?

CoordinatorA1 – general information on the proposal

A2 – Information on organisation (Nr 1)

A4 – secondments and recruitment of ESRs/ Ers (one line per partner, corresponds with part B)

Full Network PartnersA2 – Information on organisation

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Choose your panel carefully!

     Panel Funding Threshold

LIF 83.1

ENG      72.2

ENV      74.8

ECO      71.0

MAT      0 (no applications received)

SOC      0 (no applications funded)

PHY      86.1

CHE      80.1

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What does the Commission want? A project that matches “their” objectives:

“This action seeks to enhance industry-academia cooperation in terms of research training, career development and knowledge sharing, in particular with SMEs, and including traditional manufacturing industries. It is based on longer term cooperation programmes with a high potential for increasing mutual understanding of the different cultural settings and skill requirements of both the industrial and academic sectors.

The IAPP action supports the 'Innovation Union' flagship initiative by strengthening research and business performance and by promoting innovation and knowledge transfer throughout the EU. Stronger cooperation between universities and business via staff exchange will encourage entrepreneurship and help to turn creative ideas into innovative products and processes that can efficiently address European and global societal challenges.”

Text taken from 2012 People Work Programme

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Usual weaknesses in IAPPScience• The scientific objectives of the programme are not very challenging.• The knowledge of the state of the art is not convincingly presented and

progress beyond the state of the art is not satisfactorily justified.• The objectives are not sufficiently quantified. • Innovative aspects and originality are not properly demonstrated.• The description of research methodology is lacking in details to be

convincing that the targets and expected results can be reached.

Transfer of Knowledge• The transfer programme is not fully consistent with the scientific

programme.• The description of the roles of the seconded researchers is not enough

detailed and the short durations of the secondments are not properly justified.

Page 80: IAPP Application Workshop Project Development Workshop 16 February 2012.

Implementation• Possible risks and relevant risk management strategies are not addressed

in detail.• The management plan does not clearly reflect the intended involvement of

the partners and the knowledge transfer between them. • The involvement of end users is not satisfactory.

Impact• The dissemination strategy is too generic. • The SMEs’ role is limited.• The impact is affected by the commercial partners’ secondments being

scheduled only at the end of the project.

Page 81: IAPP Application Workshop Project Development Workshop 16 February 2012.


Page 82: IAPP Application Workshop Project Development Workshop 16 February 2012.

Further Information

• WMES website: www.wmeuropeanservice.eu

• FP7 research portal: ht



• UKRO NCP: http://www.ukro.ac.uk/mariecurie/index.htm

• EPSS: https://www.epss-fp7.org/epss/welcome.jsp

• IPR: help desk: http://www.ipr-helpdesk.org

• FP7 Documents: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/find-doc_en.html

Page 83: IAPP Application Workshop Project Development Workshop 16 February 2012.

Thank you!

Mandy Heard – European Funding Advisor

[email protected]

+44 (0) 121 245 0185

Tatiana Panteli – European Funding Advisor

[email protected]

+44 (0) 121 245 0178

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