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L Greetings - Hello! - Hello, Jane. Is everything ok? - )'s, thanks. John: Good evening, Mary! Mary: Good evening, John. How are you? John: I'm well, and you? Mary: I' m fine, thanks. Good morning! Bom-dia! A palavra morning significa manh. Usa-se a saudao good morning at o meio-dia. GQod afternoon! A palavra after significa depois. A palavra noon significa meio-dia. Good evening! Boa-noite! Usa-se good evening ao encontrar uma pessoa noite. Good night! Boa-noite! Usa-se good night ao despedir-se de algum noite. - Good morning, Mr. Kanashiro. - Good morning, Miss Loren. How are you? - I' m fine, thanks. A good beginning makes a good endfng. (Um bom comeo leva a um bom final.) .. o I IC\l...... OBSERVAO ..Tire suas dvidas sobre o significado de palavras consultando o vocabulrio ..no final do livro. .. ...John: Oh, Mary! We are late today! Mary: Oh, yes! Let's go to school then. GREETINGS.:.:.:.:.:::.:-..::.:.:..:::.::.._-----_..._--_.--_.._------------------------So long! ..At logo! Usa-se so long em despedidas comuns. ..Good bye! .. At logo! Good bye significa at logo e tambm adeus. Pode-se tambm dizer apenas bye, que a forma abreviada. ..See you tomorrow! ..At amanh! (See = vejo, you = voc, tomorrow = amanh). ..Hi! ..Oi! Ol! Saudao comum entre amigos. Hello! Al! Ol! Saudao comum entre amigos. VERB TO BE Forma abreviada, Forma por extensoIam Vou are He is She is It is We are Vou are "rhey are (Eu sou ou estou) (Voc ou est) (ELe ou est) (ELa ou est) (Neutro: ele ou ela ou est) (Ns somos ou estamos) (Vocs so ou esto) (ELes ou elas so ou esto) ACTIVITIES 1. Complete com as formas verbais am, is ou are: a) How Vou todav? b) I fine. c) Vou late. 2. Escreva os cumprimentos a) Bom-dia, Maria. b) Boa-tarde, Joo. c) At amanh. d) Boa-noite. em ingls: 3. Reescreva as frases, colocando os verbos na forma abreviada: a) I am fine. b) We are late. c) She is a student. d) It is a school. comum na conversaoI'm Vou're He's She's It's We're Vou're They're All good things come to an end. (Todas as coisas boas chegam a um fim.) 4. Traduza as frases: a) I'm well, and Vou? b) We are late todaV. c) Let's go to school then. 5. Complete a cruzadinha: , est r--, vamos I I atrasado l escola I-L...-L...-L-L-"---+-+--' sou, estou I-hojel I """;""..---1--1---.ento f--bom, boa I _ bons, boas r- ela T obri 9ado I--L...-L.......il----if----l'--lf--l eleI-6. Escreva as frases no plural: a) I am well. We are well. b) I am late. _ c) She is well. _ d) He is fine. _ e) How is she? _ @. Everything must have a beginning.L What are they? (Tudo deve ter um comeo.) Are they singers? No, they are not singers. They are dancers. VERB TO BE - PRESENT TENSE Is he a player? No, he is not a player. He is a painter. Is it a lion? No, it is not a lion. It is a tiger. c () ~ irl lI: 8 c () ~ Q. irl lI: 8 (Eu sou, estou) Affirmative formI am Negative form I am not (Eu no sou, eu no estou) Interrogative form AmI? (Sou eu?, Estou eu?) Vou are (Voc , est) Vou are not Are you? He is (Ele , est) He is not Is he? She is (Ela , est) She is not Is she? It ;s (Ele, eLa , est) It is not Is it? We are (Ns somos, estamos) We are not Are we? Vou are (Vocs so, esto) Vou are not Are you? They are (ELes, elas so, esto) They are not . Are they? OBSERVAO 1. Para se ter a forma negativa em ingls com 3. Na forma interrogativa, o verbo vem antes os verbos auxiliares, basta colocar not (no) de do sujeito: pois do verbo. Vou are good. (affirmative form) 2. Observe as duas formas negativas abreviadas Are you good? (interrogative form)do verbo to be no presente do indicativo: Observe: Contracted form (forma abreviada) Aren't r?I'm not (Forma irregular para interrogativa-negativa naYou're not Vou aren't 1 pessoa do singular.) He's not He isn't She's not - 5he isn't It's not It isn't We're not We aren't You're not Vou aren't They're not They aren't FINITE ARTICLE - A - AN A (AN) no tem plural. c) You are not a good friend. e) They are not teachers. d) It is not an orange. b) He is not a singer. AN usado no singular, diante de vogal ou h mudo (h no pronunciado: an hour). Significa um, uma. A usado no singular, diante de consoantes. Significa um, uma. ACTIVITIES e) We are good students. c) It is an orange. Passe para a forma interrogativa: a) You are a teacher. Are Vou a teacher? b) She is a secretary. f) You are well. d) They are doctors. -i ~ ~ < " ~ .,1'.A teacher A doctor ;., ----------------f) Jane is not well today. g) He is late. 2. Passe para a forma negativa: a) He is a doctor. He is not a doctor. b) She is a painter. c) You are a good singer. d) It is an apple. e) John is well. 3. Passe para a forma negativa abreviada: a) She is not a secretary. She isn't a secretary. She's not a secretary. 4. Escreva a diante de consoante e an diante de vogal ou h mudo: a) teacher d) apple b) elephant e) book c) hour f) , player 5. Complete a cruzadinha: , professor ~ secretria f-----eles, elas f---- ~ L--t---1I---''"""'""'1--l", um, uma amigo I---- L...-L...-L...-L--L--L.....J " ,r," 9@Knowledge ts ,...'.3am At the bus statiol1 (Saber poder.) Cl U ~ .s: Q. ..J W 8 - Excuse me. Is this seat free? - No, it is not, but you can sit on that one on the comer. - Thank you very much. DEMONSTRATIVES THIS usado para pessoa, animal ou objeto que est perto. This significa este, esta, isto. THAT usado para pessoa, animal ou coisa que est longe. That significa aquele, aquela, aquilo. ACTIVITlES Veja o modelo e continue: a) rose: This is a rose. b) tree: c) car: d) plane: e) boy: f) girl: g) pen: h) peneil: 2. Observe o modelo, faa a pergunta e responda: book al What is this7 This is a book. house b) _ apple c) _ dog d) _ table e) _ elephant f) _ pen g) _ magazine h) _ tree i) _ orange j) _ 3. Veja o modelo e continue: a) This is E)(D9k and that is il magazine. b) apple/orange: c) dog/cat: d) car/bus: 4. Leia e traduza: Bob: Good afternoon. How are you? Jirn: I'm fine, thanks. Bob: This is my fami1y. This is John, my brother. This is my sister Carol. RonaId, my father. And that is TeIma, my mother. mesa Tr-10 I I ma -"---rja-caneta 'nibus--, -,.....:... o ---C" rvore laran 5. Complete a cruzadinha: lssara sorvete-- casa L.... Experience is the mother of wlsdom..L (A experincia a me da sabedoria.) - ..c , - What are those beautiful birds flying over the trees? Are they parrots? - Oh, yes! They are parrots. They are very .birds. - And these birds on the cows? /'0 c' , ,:" ,,, ,,!- They are cowbirds. - Why are they on the cows? - Because they eat the larvas and insects that disturb the cows. DEMONSTRATIVES - THIS - THAT - THESE - THOSE o u -'=o..-' w a: o u Singular Plural This (este, esta, isto) These (estes, estas) That (aquele, aquela, aquilo) Those (aqueles, aquelas) PLURAL Of NOUNS Em geral, forma-se o plural dos substantivos, em ingls, acrescentando-se s ao singular: car, cars; book, books; bird, birds. ACTIVITIES-1. Escreva no plural: a) boy: t:.o. ' b) pen: _ c) tree: _ d) dog: __--' _ e) house: _ f) book: _ g) table: _ h) cat: _ i) apple: _----..., _ 2. Escreva as frases no plural. (Observe que o artigo the e o adjetivo ficam invariveis). a) The boy is good. The boys are good. b) The apple is red. c) The house is yellow. -"-\..9'(,\ \'L l (), '( ''-tA_t. i, .. ( I d) The magazine is new. J (.()yq?jfA 1:i-'''aR- -O ov,.Q i ( 't:. e) She is beautiful. 3. Escreva as frases no plural. (Observe que o artigo indefinido a, an desaparece no plural). a) This is a book. These are books. b) This is a beautiful flower. c) This is a new caro n 1), (Y\9.J...t,i C n 'i . ," d) That is a yellow bird. I'" ' r . 4. Escreva as frases no singular e no plural. Siga ( modelo: a) an egg This is an egg. eggs These are eggs. b) a car . , " . cars houses d) a book That is a book. books Those are books. e) a plane planes REVIEW 1. Leia com ateno e traduza: lobo: Mary, these are my friends Jane and Rose. Mary: Hello, girls. I'm glad to meet you! And those people over there? Jobn: Those people are my parents. t".ary: And that boy and that girl over there? The boy is my brother and the girl is my sister. My sister is a teacher of English and my brother has a shop downtown. 2. Escreva em ingls: a) Bom-dia: ~ b) Boa-tarde: c) Boa-noite (ao chegar): (ao despedir-se): d) Adeus: e) At amanh: 3. Escreva as formas verbais abreviadas: a) I am = I'm b) Vou are = c) He is = d) She is = e) We are = f) They are = 4. Escreva no plural: a) This girl is my friend. 7. _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8. _ _ b) That boy has a new caro 5. 6. Escreva a ou an: a) He is b) She is c) I am d) This is e) We have f) Paul is Escreva no plural: American singer. English painter. teacher. orange. shop downtown. intelligent boy. 9. Complete as frases com palavras do quadro: a-red-are this - am - is who is - color is a) is a hot dog. b) What the chair? c) That isn't window. d) I a dentist. e) this a cheeseburger? f) The apple is _ g) Vou the secretary. h) Tim Foster? Complete os espaos em branco traduzindo os pronomes demonstrativos: a) Aquele meu melhor amigo. ~ is my best friend. b) Esta a casa onde moro. _____ is the house where I live in. c) Aqueles alunos so inteligentes. _____ students are smart. d) Este um exerccio fcil. _____ is an easy exercise. e) Estas pessoas so especiais. _____ people are special. f) Aquela uma mulher muito fascinante. _____ is a very fascinating woman. Escreva as frases no singular: a) These bracelets are expensive. a) Hqw is she? b) Are these your friends? b) How is he? c) Those churches are old. c) I am well. dI Are those good stores? d) You're a singer. e) These books are not interesting. . ~ No presente do indicativo, os verbos em ingLs geraLmente seguem os modeLos abaixo: United we stand, divided we fall. (Unidos ns nos mantemos de p; divididos, ns camos.) I go (eu vou) Vou go He gaes She gaes We go Vou go They go Forced love does not las1 (Amor forado no dura.) This picture shows a girl and a boy: Bob and Simone. They seem very happy. Simone loves Bob very much. Bob loves Simone, too. Bob has a good job. He is a young engineer and works for a big company. Simone is a secretary and works in an office. They plan to get married soon. I study (eu estudo) Vou study , He studies She studies We study Vou study They study I wish (eu desejo) Vou wish He wishes She wishes We wish Vou wish They wish OBSERVAO , OS verbos no presente do indicativo recebem um s na terceira a do singular (he loves, she works). Mas note-se o seguinte: Os verbos que terminam em s, sh, ch, o, x recebem es. que terminam em y precedido de vogal recebem apenas s. '$ue terminam em y precedido de consoante mudam o y por ies. I pLay (eu jogo) Vou pLay He plays She plays We pLay Vou pLay They pLay I Lave (eu amo) Vou Lave He laves She laves We Lave Vou Lave They Lave VERBS - SIMPLE PRESENT Love 1. Escreva no singular: a) They play football. He plays football. b) They study History. c) They dance well. d) They go to school. e) They wash the caro f) They like musico g) They watch televison. h) The students read books. i) The boys like apples. j) The birds fly in the sky. k) lhe girls play the piano. I) The students relax after class. 2. Preencha os espaos com a forma verbal correta: a) We sports. (Iike - likes) b) She flowers in the garden. (plant - plants) c) The planes in the sky. (fly - flies) d) The bus the station. (reach - reaches) e) Mary to the park. (go - goes) f) The child sweets. (want - wants) g) She very happy. (seem - seems) 3. Escreva em ingls: a) Simone ama Bob. b) Eles planejam casar logo. c) Bob tem um bom emprego. d) A figura mostra duas garotas. e) Ela vai para a escola. 4. Complete a frase de acordo com o pronome. Observe o modelo: a) I read a book. b) You _ c) He _ d) She _ e) We _ f) You g) They _ 5. Leia em voz alta e traduza: Love Love is patient, love is kind. It is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. lt always protects, always trusts, al}"ays hopes, a'lwys perseveres. L9yenever fails. From lhe Holy Bible - 1 Corinthians, 13. W. Good company on the road is the shortest way.. Atrip (Boa companhia na estrada faz o caminho mais curto.) Jack: John: Jack: John: Jack: John: PAST TENSE Hi, John! Hi, Jack! Welcome back! How was your trip? Oh, it was fantastic! I had a wonderful time. Where were you? I was in Las Vegas, Miami Beach, Washington and New York. To be Affirmative form I was (era, estava) Vou were He was 5he was It was We were Vou were They were Interrogative form Negative form Was I? I was not Were you? Vou were not Was he? He was not Was she? 5he was not Was it? It was not Were we? We were not Were you? Vou were not Were they? They were not ACTIVITIES I wasn't You weren't He wasn't 5he wasn't It wasn't We weren't You weren't They weren't 1. Mude os verbos em negrito para o tempo passado: a) John has an old house. John had an old house. b) 1 am very tired. c) They are in Italy. d) Vou are sick. e) She is very beautiful. f) It is there. 2. Escreva as frases no plural: a) I was late. We were late. b) She was beautiful. c) I am here. d) She was well. , This is a ruler. Success has many friends. (O sucesso tem muitos amigos.) Twin Towers of lhe World Trade Center. This is a weighing machine. It weighs things and people in grams and kilos. This is a measuring tape. Measuring tapes, meters and rulers are used to measure things in meters, centimeters and millimeters. 7. How many... 3. Passe para a forma negativa: a) We have an interesting book. We have not an interesting book. b) They were in the house. c) She was at school. 4. Passe para a forma interrogativa: a) She was in Rio. Was she in Rio? b) They were good boys. c) You were sick. 5. Treine seu vocabulrio resolvendo a cruzadinha: .1. viagem 5. tempo 2. capital dos EUA 6. onde 3. bem-vindo 7. maravilhoso 4. plural de was 1. one 2. two 3. three 4. four 5. five 6. six 7. seven 8. eight 9. nine 10. ten 11. eleven 12. twelve 13. thirteen 14. fourteen 15. fifteen 16. sixteen 17. seventeen 18. eighteen 19. nineteen 20. twenty 21. twenty-one 22. twenty-two 23. twenty-three 30. thirty 31. thirty-one 40. forty 50. fifty 60. sixty 70. seventy 80. eighty 90. ninety 100. a hundred 105. a hundred and five ou one hundred and five 107. a hundred and seven. 120. a hundred and twenty 200. two hundred 201. two hundred and one 300. three hundred 310. three hundred and ten 400. four hundred 425. four hundred and twenty-five 500. five hundred 540. five hundred and forty 600. six hundred 700. seven hundred OBSERVAO 800. eight hundred 100. a hundred ou 900. nine hundred one hundred. Depois 1000. one thousand de hundred, use ando ACTIVITIES 1. Now think and answer: a) How manv centimeters are there in a meter? There are centimeters. b) How manv millimeters are there in a centimeter? There are millimeters. c) How tall are vou? Iam tall. d) How much do vou weigh? I weigh kilos. e) How high were the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York? TheV were and _ meters high. f) How high is Mount Everest in Nepal, Asia? 2. Make vour personal card indicating: Your first name: _ Your surname: _ Age: _ Height: _ Weight: _ Address: _ Telephone number: _ 3. Escreva nas cruzadinhas os nmeros por extenso em ingls: 16 11 12 17 15 19 14 L...-L...-L...-L...-L...-L...-1--1---1 13 L...-L...-L...-L...-L...-L...-L...-L..-..I 70 100 80 60 50 90 10 40 L...-L...-L...-L...-I-J c9. "Time t5 morteJ.::'d What 'time is it? (Tempo dinheiro.) It's seven o'clock now. BREAKFAST IS READY. IT'S 7=30j SCHOOL! Time flies. (O tempo voa.) JACI J: c) She likes me. /' 'I . I \/, " .) 6 Do not put new wtne in old bottteL "".3,() In a restaurant (No ponha vinho novo em garrafas vethJ.J, NEGATIVE FORM 1. Emprego de don't ou do not: Emprega-se don't ou do not em frases negativas, no presente, com os pronomes I, you, we, they. Vou don't l.ike coffee. Voc no gosta de caf. They don't Like coffee. ELes no gostam de caf. I don't agree with you. Eu no concordo com voc. We don't agree with you. Ns no concordamos com voc. 2. Emprego de doesn't ou does not: Emprega-se doesn't ou does not em frases negativas, no presente, com os pronomes he, she, it. He doesn't Like miLk. ELe no gosta de Leite. OBSERVAO She doesn't Like miLk. ELa no gosta de Leite. Do substitui o veirbo da pergunta: It doesn't bark. ELe no Late. Do you want some fish? Yes, I do. Esquema da forma interrogativa com verbos no Esquema da forma negativa com verbos no-auxiauxiliares (no presente): Liares (no presente): Verbo Verbo no Verbo Verbo no auxiliar Pronome infinitivo Pronome auxiliar infinitivo I I Vou Do We _ they They you Vou He Dqes she work? She does work. doesn't it It AC1"IVI1"IES 1. Escreva na forma negativa e observe o desaparecimento do s na terceira pessoa: a) The boy wants beer. The boy doesn't want beer. b) He plays the piano. f ' (\'"'---"_ '\'-"-""'O"'--1.N.....:.,c) She drives well. c;W, I,) nn\ LU d) She reads well. nf 1/ ' \t))J) e) Fred sings well. _bX (00/ 1 f) She wor1

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