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Page 1: IBER 17 . 1931 TAU BETA PI PLEDGES [ QUARTER CENTURY … · to ke~p up with changing conditions, ba:seball and basketball pla;o. er. a plants of the Laurel Oil and Refimng Archibald.

Jll:o:ntann lExp:on:ent VOLU;\fE XXIII. BOZEMAN, MONTANA. TUESDAY, NOVE;\IBER 17. 1931 XL";\!BER !l






Eric Blannin. Lyall House. Walter Jacoby. Edward McPherson a nd Rudolph Stokan Are Picked By l'\ational E n gineeri n g Fraternity for 'cholars hip a nd Ability

Alph a Psi Omega Fa ll Produc­tion, the " Perfect A libi .. To Be P r esente d o n Friday

Prof. D. B. Sw in g le Eligible for ;\lembership in Club Which Is Composed of Faculty i\1cmbers Who Have Served the College for Onr 25 Years. C lub Meets Tomorrow

>-.:ame:- of fi\'e pl~hre ... of Tau Beta technically tiained man hut the man The first presentation of the Alpha Pi. national honorary en~inee1·ing- of adaptabiJity and dsion; a man who Psi Ome>{a fall play, "The Perteet tratcrnity. w<.'re announced by Jack ha~ mastered the fundamentals and Alibi" by A. A . .)1filne, will be given \\ eller, p1c~ident of the local chapter, has sutficient foresi~ht anJ ability t.o th.s l· nday night, ;\ovembcr 20, at at an as:--(•mbly held 'l hur~<lay morn- take advantag-e of , hanges a~ they \Yhitehall. The play will be :;hown 111 inz in th<· enginl>ering- building. place in o:der to maintain a place in Bozeman, December 2 and :!, and in l'wo s<'.nior:', Eric Hlannin, ek>ietri - the forefront of his profl.::.sion. :\lissoula, December 8. utl, Butte, and Lyall llouse, civil, Although this play is dassecl as a

The, Quarter Cent~ry club of :\Ion- 1 ne:-s of th(• club will be discus:'l'<l. tana. .Stat~ nlleg-e will hold its annual I rc..,.iou::; to the busines~ meeting in meetmg-, m the form of a banq .. ('l, at thl' afternoon from -l~!!O to :>:ao. a t~e Ho~el Baxter on \\'t:dnes.1ay eve- 1 !·eccrtion will h<.· gi\•('n by the club m_ng-, ~ovcmber 18. :\'.ew members in honor of Dean Hnrnilton to com­w1ll .be wekomed. new officers for the 11.c·morate "Dean Hamilton Day." In­coming year elected and general busi- vitat:ons to thi~ reecption have bet·n

L.vin!-rston. and thre(• j .. nior!:', \\'alter C b // <!eted1\·e mu'.cler mystery, it is very .Jacoby, chemical, Whitefish. Edward Famous root a oiffctent from the usual type o[ story 2\kl het~on. <.·hL·mical, Chinook, and under that clas~iflcation. 1 he murder Rurlolph Stokan. ek•Tt1 ical, Anaeonda. Star of State u is C'tm1111t~ed before the aucliente anJ were tho:<.e d10~en. I the J lol concerns the building up and Dtan C'obil-igh then pre!"-ente<l to D • J .,.., y k I tea mg clown of the sup.1,oseclly per-~am Eade the "lide rule awarded Les n ivew or 1fcct alibi, rather than dJ>C<>-<>'tng the each \"tar by t.he chapter to the !"-Opho-1 I ~ murderer. mort.: · who has made the highe~t --- The first act deals with the setting ,,,holarship a,·eragc during hi" freoh- "Wild Bill' Kelly. Former Nem- w. M. COBLE lGll and the murder. In the second act man year. isis of Olden Bobcat TeanlS the criminals constrtL..:t and pre~ent Pio!. )1. R. Good told of the ~land- ' \\'aR the leader of a state industrial their alibis. The third act show~ the


Tomorrow )lontana State College will obsen·e ··Dean Hamilton Day" in tribute to the veteran dean of men.

Increase Seen In Circulation Of

College Library Over 6.363 More Books Drawn

Out By S tude nts This Year 'l han in Previous Year

anl~ n>t1u1rcd hy thl• fraternity. The Passes S uddenly S unday I ~our made recently by students major- b· ea king' down of the alibi through the ~~·nwrs !"-elt'(.'U.->d mu:--t be f~om the ___ mg m chemical engmeermg. effl!rts of the feminine lead. As highest quarter of the clas~. :'\ot more \\~ 11

. C "\"\'Id B ll" r ll, F1·ancis R. Bellamy, dramatic critic, than three juniors mav be ~elected f i iam 1 1 '"b J' once said of it, the young- lady of the ENGINEER FRAT Despite a hanJkap of insufficient '1·om the upper ei~hth -of their class. ormer :\lontana un1ve.r~1ty. foot all CHEM ENGINEERS house discovers the crime because she I Dean Cobleigh ;tat<><.! that engineers player and Bobcat .nemists. died from. has intuition and knows that intuition •Um 5

for the p.rchase of many new ha

''" becon1• .. of lat•· \.·ca1:,:. \'itall:ir.· a~ att~ck ,of ac.ute m~ige!lotl?n Sunday is mueh Le•ter than c·1·r·cu111s.·tant1'al AWARDS TROPHY looks, the library at )Iontana State .. "" "" ht ~ \ k cl 1· l .. college ha::; $hown a remarkable in-

n, .... ·e:--sap· in eomin .... thinn-s. lie ~aicl mg in -. ew or 1 y. . or se:·era I GO ON T 0 u R OF , evidence. What is more she pr·ove' . """"" ·' F> '"' I JI h d b f I I '"' crease m circulation in the last t\\O that what is needed is not merely seasons -...e Y a e~n a pro esswi:ia iL before yo;..rr eyes. tc··hn:cians but ml'n with broad football playe:· havmg- playeJ w1t,h .Francis Bellami· .... oes on to sav TO SAM E ~ G LE years. From June, UJ:)o to Mav 1~31 .... • B kl D d d c p l · '"' ~~e records sho\-..· a circulation Of 16,-phlloso. phkal outlook as well a:-- eni:...ri- .:00_· }~n ° ~ers ~n . . ye::.;. STATE IN .. USTRY that )'l;Ur hai~ will stand straight on "' :).')l books, an increase of 6:!1):3 over llt'crml! training. l ankee. and \ ellO\\ .Jackets. lJ yvur head for hours; yo_ will have the pie~eding year or 62.4 per cent. Pre~ident . .\.tkmson then del ;, en~d ~ • ~elly. was a J':.lellar athlete. at the I difficulty in controlling- vourself dur- 'l his was an increase of 210 per cent talk on "Foresight." !le said that of, Cmvers1ty of Montana dunng the ___ :ng most of the play; and the emo- S lid e Rule ls G iven for Hig h vvtr Lhe circulation for 1928-lW. late years eve?ything had tended to I ;-.ear~ of HJ24, '25 and ·26. He was F. ht S · I •(' ,~· 't tional effe~t upon you will not be able S h I . . The per capita circulation was L.u:om.e standardized. that routine had ment1?i:ed by many sports '~riters for tg eni?rs ~ o urs e 18 1 to be measure<! b~~ any mechanical de- C O astic Record .Atta ined about five in HJ~8-:2H; nine in hiZ!J- ... 0; in a larJ.!e mea::'ure taken the place' a pcs1t1on on the all-American team Laurel 011 Refinery a nd Great \rice. "The Per~ect .;.\Jibi" i~ without During Freshntan Year and 1:3 in 1!)30-:n. The averaJ.!e per ?f individual inili~tiv~, part~cularl)· 11 in HJ26. and. was alwa~·:;. among- the \Vestern S ugar Fa~ torv a doubt the be~t detective comedy eapita circulation in lancl-,e-rant col-m the manufacturm.{? mJustries. It top ~corers in the Pac1fi..: coast con- ~ which has been written in years. I t At. the annual fall assemOI\• of Tau leges, accon.mg- to t..1e report in a is always difticult to upset the routine fe·ence. --- is the perfect detective piny. Beta Pi, held last 'fhursda~ 1.n the ~:overnment bulletin, ··su!\.e\· ot way~ of an indu:,:.try the president Kelly's athlet1c feat!:' were not ton- Eight Montana State seniors m Those appearing in the cas.t a?·e (ngffieerino- audit 0 r i um', Dean Land-Grant College~." is 12. · Last ~tated but that i..--. neces.sa!y in order fined to the grit:iron He wa::- also a chenm:al engmeenng ns1ted the Chet Huntley, Loeolyn Howard, Herb Co'"et'ffh a~nnounce<I that the ."li'<le r·ule year wa~ the first yec.u· in \\hich this to ke~p up with changing conditions, ba:seball and basketball pla;o. er. a plants of the Laurel Oil and Refimng Archibald. Ray Van Fleet. Jane Torn- Gt "' " t i d and is especially the job of the re- trackman and amateur boxer. I company and of the Gnat Western quist .. Jack Coey, ffll Thomas, Anne awarded annually by the f~ater":ity to St~~~a~olle;:s reached by .lontana ~carch worker. He ~tressed that what He wlll be remembered at '.\Iontana Sugar company last l• .1cla \' and Sander, Bob Robe1, .. , 1\lax \Vorthing- e SOJ~~~moi:e '''.ho ma~e th~ hi~h~st In October, rn:!O, the complete cir-is needed more and more in the en- State college for his br1lliant playmg- Saturday on a tour of mspec:tion rel- ton and Phat DeF1·=..t,... chola~:ship i_ecoid dunng his fre:sh- culation tctal was ltH2. Last month i.dnec 'inC" profession is not only the against the Bobcats and his-remark- ati\e to their cotJrse m chem10t.l en-1 ma~ )Car h4

d beei~ won .by S~m the compl~te circulation total wa~

sent out by a eommiltee tomr.Q::.Nl of 1-rof. Edmund Burke and Prof. \\". F. B1ewer. to all facullJ membcr!'l and alumni.

1 his club was o· ganized two Vf ar:-: ago \\ ith t·hnrter members in th~ per­s<ms of R. E. Cool(·y, Dean F'. B. F. Brewe1·, J~·ofossor lle!enclubi'.;)ao lrinfield, Prof. Tallman, Prof. W. )I. ( ol.leigh, Prof. Thale·, Pre:.ident Alfred Atkinson. Prof. Edm .. nd Burke, . Prof. \\p. F. Brewer, Pro" Helen Brewt r, and Dean Hamil to 1 Any fatuity member who ha::- com­rh:ted his 2:;th year of affiliation with thi~ institution as a tea ·her is elig­ible fo- me·11bership to thP Quarter C'entur~,w club.

'Yediie:od:1y e1·eninJ..; the followin~

:\'EW )!E)!BER

1-------- -------- able field gene·alsh1p. l.i:rmeermg Ea ..... le, of the .chemical en~meenng 1900 or an increage of 9? • t FALHA VE ,. SPEAKS This tnp, a part of then· reqmrecl LOAN FUND IS cltpartment, '~·ith a margm 0~ 1 ~ R.ese


: ve books constitute _ ... th~ei n~:j: 1: F

• p . W course, gives them an oppo tumty to pomls over his .nea~e~~ con:.petl~or, portion of the circulation. These fig- Prof. D. B. Swing-le, who tomorrow 1rst r1ze on see. and study the process in industry ~tuar~ Ch~llende.1. 1 h 1 ~d pl~ ... e \'e.nt ures Si$rnify that students at ~lontana bt!l'Omes a member of the twenty-five :\lrs. ;\lary Falha,·en. internation~ . which the~· han:• learned in the class GREAT A ID To to \\ esle) Smith, \\;t~i ::\a_thamel I State college are taking more interest y<.•ar club. chairman for the Ame~ican Assoc1- By M s c St ck I room . All of the gioup re1>ort that I Kutzman and Joseph "hite tymg for in reading- and are making more i;se ---------------ation of University \"\'omen, and rep- • • • 0 the trip resulted in their learning a fourth. of the facilities which the library will answer to roll call: Alfred E. resentative of the ·women's Business --- good deal of the practical application MANY STUDENTS Sam i$ anotht:!r member of the offers. A k" J and Professional clubs, and the . . of chemistry. E I r ·1 h h b t ·mson, ' ames 2\1. Hamilton, "'- F. \Yoman's clubs spoke before a group '\\ ord wa::- 1 ece1ve<l re'.:ently at the The inspection of the Bill in s i·e- age an11 Y w o ave een so prom- Brewer, Helen Brewer, \\". D. Tall-of ho.ne etonom1c -..tudents ~ovember I . s a y 0 ice a e co ,., finery is made thro.gh the courtesv year~. His brothe~s. Henry and eac ers Attend and \Y. )I. robleit?:h. F. B. Linfield is

am nal hu b ndr IT t th lleue g inent at )I. S. ('. for the past six \ T h man, J. A. Thaler, Edmund Burke 9 en "The Cure and Prevention of of agriculture, that a Rambouillet ewe, I of \V. L. Doherty, the j?eneral man·- Thr·ee Sources o[ Fr'nanc1"al R e - Edwin, we1·e am on~ the be•t known t' b · War." :;\lrs. Falhaven has JUSt returned bred and fitted at this college, which agei

too <7 L d an ac ive mem er but at pre~ent is m lrom '\Vash.inrrt.on, D. c' where she IS bemg shown a~ the Ak-sar-ben Those makm.... t'tc t1·1p \\•e1·e venue Open lo S tuden ts of men on the cam1>us during their an Grant Meet Australia on a tou··. R. E. Cooley is h ho at o h ); b k fi t ,., I years here, bein.t; acti\e in extra- an ex-membt;r ha\'ing- tendered his attended the International conference I~ w .. ~la a, -. e r~s ·a, :'·~n ·s Erwm Am1c:k, lJvmg-ston, Edwm l\1ontana State College currict.:.lua r affairs as well as 1ank- resignation l~t year. Prof. D. B. on the pre\·ention of war. 10 the leaJlmg- e\\e dass foi class C Becraft. :\lile~ C1tv ; J\1 1chael Deevy, ing high in schola1ship. Sam is a . . --- . Swingle will be wekomecl as the sole Ramb~mllets and later won the giand :\11ssoula Edward ·Lane Great Falls· member of Pi Kappa Delta, and rep-I· Dne<:tor J . C .. Taylor of the agn- b f JUNIORS PLAN ME !\LS fhtmp~~sh1p for C clatls R~:t~o~~- F•anklm' Dewey, Bo'zeman; Jo~ Few students seem to know that resented the college in debate last cultmal extension department .of ~l';;b ;.~~~~,.°:~in ·;,h~~~ ~~·~~~i~<~•;;,;1~': • e .s. I eh~\\~ "d~ rec~n ~' ~o o ~ :.\lullm, \\"h1tefish , Yernon :.\lay, Great there are three student loan associa- year. He is also a member of the :\Iontana State collep:-e, and )l1s::; bership of ten, the :;.ame number it a~ima ~S an lY e~r ment o" I Fal_ls; )leredith Thomp;;:;on, Fromberg-. tions that render aid to those who Exponent staff, and is prominent in Gladys Brannegan. Dean of the C-?1- t ted · h Juniors m the school of home eco- \Vyommg state college for the11 sho" 1hey were accompanied by Dean\\' neo<I and are worthy of it al :llontana other activities. He belongs to S. A. leg-e of Household and Industnal ~!=:~, ~h~ ~~~o~·=l~l~< d~~in:\7~n"~~ nom ics have started work on meal f1oc~. ana ~·~~ be1.ng _shown by them at r i\l. Cobleigh and Dr. H. T. ·ward of ~tat.e college. E . social f1aternity. Arts. are a~tendt~ the La.nd Grant hayin~ fulfllle,l the me .. ber~h1p re-J lannin!{ and serving. J..1eals are pre- e\ 1Rame ob 1 .~ 1 '~mnmg.1 . \the chemical eng:ineerino- depart- The three fund~ available are the tollege meet 111 C h1tag-o this ''"~eek. qmrements. pared anci se:,·ed during class periods. ce~ly 1~01~t b~r ;;~~~~~~f S°t~~~ r~ ment. · ~ L'ni\·er:;ity Loan Fund, the Harmon This award of a slide rule ha::; been This meetin~ will be held November 'lhey \\ill sen·e a formal dinner some- Archie Stewart, Abbort.sford B. C., Foundation and the Knight Templa1s made by the local cha1>ter of Tau 16, li and 18. t.ime during this quarter. The class Canada, which was i-hown at t:tah .\G CLeB ll OL.tJ Dl:\:\'ER Education Foundation. Beta Pi for the last seven years, be- Cha ncellor Brannen of the Greater is divided into groups and each grou'P ta f . S l L k fi . The University Loan Fund is ad- ginning in 192.5, when Arthur Her- Unive·sity of }lontana. will abo at-sen'es a breakfast, lunch. and dinner s te all". at .. at a :e, won rst m The Ag club gave a dinner ~Jondav minist.rated by Chancellor Brannon rmgton was the winner. Other men tend this meeting-.

Electrical Show To Be Thursday and criticizes the se.ving and prep- ~he yearl~n.g- Ra_mbomllet ram <:lass, evening, ~ovember 9, in honor of thC of the Great.er University of Montana to earn the 1ule were Julius 11eusch- Immediately following the Land aration of the other groups. in C?mpet1tion with r~ms from all the judg-ing- team men who latelv re- lhrou~h his office in Helena. This kel. Frithiof Johnson. Robert Erb. Grant college meet there will be a 1eadmg breede: s .of Utah. I turned from Portlan'd. After .the din- iund consists of two parts: one, the Annin Hill and Elwyn White. It i~ meeting of the land l.;tilization con-Both

1 these an.imals were br~ on ner, talks were given by Clyde f.. 1Hl substribe<l by the :'\lontana awarded only on the basis of the high- ferencc>, called by the Unittd States Plans are nearing completion for

Nebraska Students the co Jege fa1m and fitted b$ Ed Howard and Larn• ~larvin of the Banke1"s asocialion in 1916 and sub- est scholarship during the whole of SC'<!retary of agricclture. This lueet- the recep:ion which will be gi\en by Post, herdsman . grain team. Lyle '.\Larsh and Glenn sequent years amounting to over the freshman year, and is awarded to ing will be held >.'ovember HJ, 20 and the '.\lontana State College Branch o(

C P E --------- Hay~ of the dairy team, :\[elburn $7 .000 at the I> esent time; the other, the sophomore in the college of en- 21. :\It. Taylor is remaining- for this. the A. I. E. E. for the :\iont:rna H><"-Ut arty Xpense BASKETBALL )IA:-> AGER Knox of the Jivestoek Learn and 1 h" Edward l'. E:l!iot F'und. which ginee? mg who has maintained the President Atkinson is one of the com- tion next Thrusdav .-·en in~ in the Coaches :'\elson, Reitz, and )Iin'er. was started in 1!120 and now amounts I test record during the pre\·iou~ year. mittee appointed in 1H26 bv the Land Elcdrie I aboratorv." ..... ASPIRANTS to a figure O\·er $1000. Grant a<sociation to make n report. This yt•ar man;.' new displays ha,·e Lincoln, Xeb., );'ov. lG.-Economy The Harmon Foundation, legacy of Il e and )I. L. \Vilson of th~ colleg-e been W()rked up. :\!any old Ont's have is the by-word <>f the •tudent body at All freshmen inter°'ted in t1·yin~ fish Bait Device a :\e':' York 1>hilanthropist. appropri- Engineers Will faculty w:ll also attend this Land been rej venale,J or imp•o\·ed until tne University of ~ebraska. Gcne1 al out for basketball managership will ates $1800 each year for loans at I l'tili1.ation tonference. the ~how ~h<mld pr~wc of interest retrenchment and reduction of prices meet this afternoon at 5 o'clock in Th l • 5 h .\Iont.ana St.ate college; while The H p l t'\"l'll to those who have seen the di$-on soeial functions advocated by The the lecture room of the gymnasium. a er S C eme l~nighl Templar _Education Founda- ear arma ee .\. \\ . S. CO l 'NC!L )JEETING plays many times beiore. Daily . 'ebraskan and representative Harry At.lams, ~lanager i t;on loaned $1,12.) to students last ___ i\dm1~s.;on "tll be free, but clue to !'tudent organizations was realized a I . --- 1 ye~r. , . . Tl 11 b tht' fad that Electrical Eng-'lneers few davs ago when Lincoln hotel man- Once ag-am we hear rumors of fhe rnlue of these loans to slu- H. \\. Parmalee, chief engineer of _ t~re wi . e a mee"n,; nl the \.,from all 0 , er th<.• state \\ill he re _ ager~ and orchesti a leaders expies.sed J:": DEl'E..'\'OE);'T ~lEETl~G earthworms from the electrical de- dents may well be seen by the num- 1 the Phoenix ~tility company will di~- W ·

8·. coun~tl Fnd.ay aft.~l'n'lnll at ent aml al ... o that th(' Electn Libo ~-w.ilhngness to coopeiate and conse- . , parLment. This Lime, how \er. the be.· of >tudenL.' who have been per- cuss the. eng111ee1111~ problems con- four oe.h~c,k :~. Hernck .Had. . nlo;y could hardh a<"com·Po~late :u q .. ently lowered prices of orchestras Th~re will be_ an Indepeno;nt cl~b t•umots seem pretty \\•ell g-rounded , m1tted to. stay· 111 sch~l because of ". e<:te.d with the distribution o[ natural ~tai j Fi crnces Spam. Pn•--.: lent \\ho might des:•re ·to attend. thi~ ie-and. ballrooms lO to 20 per cent. meetmg. \\'e~ne:-.day at 5 oclock 111 at lea~t the worms are-in an apple· t~ern durmg the last Ll years. Over g,as 111. :\lon,tana be1ore an assembly • ,. eeption \\ill be open cnlv to students On the heels of .a re~lution adopte_d ~he eng-1.nee? mg assembly room. All I box m one COlTICI' of the electric 1.10 lo_ar"IB ha\·e been made, only one I hursuay, November 19. . . ·B ~· n doughn1;Jt .was the ery I in th~ ell'drical cng-ine€-ring course. by the interfi aternity and

1,an-hellenic mder>tn~ent students should . be pres- lab .. oratory. of which pro\ eel to be a _total lo~s. 1 Dr. Parmalee has had \\·~cle c>xpe: ~- I head at the r01\'<.'rs1ty of Ure~on Ea~h s.tudent is a.~keJ to attend and councils, organizations repre~enting I ent.. Fmal anangement~ will ma<~e S~me . st~dents wiH remember I ast Yt:a r 21 ~tu~len~'S rece1'_7ed loans e~ce a~ a natural gas eng me.er. H ~s I~ ecent.ly whLn the.• Y. \\". l". A. sp.011s- to brinJ,?" on.e gul'~t. the greek letter societies on the cam- for the party to be held Noven_iber 2t. stories .111 e1rtulation two years ago am<;>;,..ntmg- to $.!,92:>. Jumors and d1s<.~L~s1on of the .Problem .... f'?und m c.·r~d the "Ore~on Doughnut Da~·' t-0 _ ------pus, prices for social .affair:s, the ho~el llm·old Lee, president. ltoi:iccrnmg- a plan, pl(Jt, or get-rith-1se111ors are all~we<l. to take aclvantag-e J.!.as h~~· const.ruttwn. ~rnd their solu- nuse m~ney. In all, R,8.tO dou.!!hnut~ \. o. Pl \'\"l) .\LPIL\I>EI.T .\H:E men and musician.. .... conferred with Qllll:k schem_e between Prof. Thaler of these loans 1f ~pproved hr ~he stu~ lion \\Ill ~e autho1:1t1ve. as he has were ~u.d on the campus. HO<.I' EY TOl.H:);EY LE.\DERS c:ommittees from the coum:ils together of the electncal department, and :\Ir. dent loan eo111m1_ttee consist.mg ot spent con~1derabl~ t1111e m the ~lon-with iacullJ' 1epre-.;cnt.at;v~s. An McKee T 0 Judge Mc.Call, who loves fishing, to extn~ct Dean \V . ;n. Coble1gh, l\~r. A. A. Ca1.n- tana -~as .fiel~:;, l,l.11s summe~·· The fall hO(.'kl'\" ~ca~on is \·en· agrtement re~ulted in which the I ea1 t~wonns from the grou nd by Jn- eron . Dean J. l\L. l1am1lton and Pi o- ~Ills l~du1e \\ tll ~e the t;('<.'011(~ of a Coeds EnJ· oy New nearly finish<."<i with the l~aders ni-priccs on ballrooms were slashed 20 At St k eh :5e·tmg two elect~·ically charg-ed rod~ frssor F .. :\1. llarrmgton. . . .se_nes of leeture.s g'l\'en b~· en!.[me~rs rt.•ady dete minl'd. Alpha. om· run Pi per cent and orchestra:::. cut their rate OC ~ OW rnto l~e p:round m a well populated . The.~e is al~o a.n Alumm Assocrn- with .the . natural g-as construction L1"ght1"ng System am; AlrhndC'lt an• joint holdt>rs ot from $lO to,

25. (that rn by earthwo1ms) district. The ~ion l·und .wh1eh is handled by_ Pro- work m this state. fir~~ plm·e. both having won the same Jn response to the action, the stu- . T plan seemed. to be met only by merri- lessors Keifer, Bm·ke, an~ l\lorr1s. number of games. Jndcpencll·nl k.am rlent groups a'e urging campu~ organ-' Profess.or i\kK~e will Jeav~. No- mc1~t, so t.h1s year Prof. Thaler ha~ All loans lun·e a. low mte?est rate 110:\IE ECONO:\ IJ CS (Ll'B '.\1EETS The m•w lights on Cleveland rather numher onl' b winner of Sl't·ond place ization..., to refrain from contracting- \'e.m_b .. er 2.J. for Chicago. t.o .pa1.·tic11~ate de_ .v.1.s~.cl a d_.isplay t.o prove the com-1 and eas:.: terms. · t f . h h f bl with third place •roinu· to indei"'~nd-., d th I Le t I L I t f I h m er u·e> wit t e ormer enjoya c ,., , . ., .,.... f,Ut-of-town orchestras, and in~ofar as I a: t \e m .f e 1;1 r~a ioha bve- n,i1.~1at 1he11r-f1 ol us sc eme. . h :\l JX~,RS SO I<-vr EN IN G There will be a meet in!! of the lawn 11art.ics given at all hours in the ent tl'lllll number two. fhe games ros:-:ible to )!'ive an equal share of ~ ~. xpos1 ion. . c ee a.s een . , u·s. e n. e< an apple box wit ' . ., ' . : . • ll ome Economics dub Thm·st;~\Y C\'e- (•arly e\·ening of fall and spring bv h~\'<.' bl·en_played off w.ith a J!Tl'Ut d~al busine~s lo each of the hotels. mvit.ec~. by the management. of t~e m('e, 1·1.ch R01 l, a:id then put in as The old harcl-b.oile<~ mimng . man ning-, November IH, in llcrritk hall. the K. T l'~. and the Chi O's. · ot .. enthmm1sm, i\t't·ord·n<.?: to Puul:nc Exposition to serve on the small-gram mu<:h live fish-bait as he ('ou l<l con- would turn over Ill his g-i-ave if he This.· will inclu<I" the <•i·Jn s.·ho\\' of \\ 1rak man·1u·er t l 1 f th

I h · d · "tt Th' · · ti d' I f L · t :\I "" ...... ... Long- hv .. l' parking- is not in ,·ogu.e \\" • · '· · ' ..... , ,'·1;_ ,..~.·~(·. 0 <' 2?- Fil.OSI! 112 OP JI 0:\10RE a~c ~Y J!-1 ~mg_ con1m1. ee. is is ve!11en )'. ig up. nlo eath encl o saw some re<.:cn y:omgs-on a • on- clothes made for summer 1>roject.". nea• ly stl much now that the street is ?:iien :-- .\thlellt .1s;;o.1at11,.1 .. -' '"' · · · his third .1nvit.at1on, having attended ~his m1111atu 1 e ba('k door yard, wa.;.; ta.na Schoo~ of :\~mes. . almo:--t as light at midnig-ht a..; it is I hl· t~1urnamc~t will end this week 2 I (',\ llET OL"'f' ICERS JN.' ROTC I th~ show m HJ2 .and 1H2!.I. . . inserted a plate, and ea'·h plate was Em.L! yomc eng111eers .of the mm- . . . . · I wlwn wm"r f t th d t'fth J '' 'fhe small gram and hay JUclgmg conl-Cted throt:g-h a switch to a 110- era! indus.trv, usually gl\en to wear- To .~~e t~e students and ,~lu~im <;>f at mid-rlav. · ._. s

0 our an

1 Pace --- con.1mittee is compo,.ccl of four men. volt sour«e. Sow all Prof. Tha. ler has inU" hi1rh b0ots .an.cl broad-brimmcrl tthe U~11·' er:-:.1ty of Southc1.~n lallfl1r,m~1- 1 he l>oi·m g-irls aJ:-;o profit by th<.' \\:~11 b(• dl'll·1:m1ned. and ~11 star ll•ams I ' ~ I o the 1 football game \\tth the t;m new light~. They arc positive of get- \\_Ill he ('hoscn .. 1 here. is alw.1.rs ex-Two hundreu and twenty-seven· This year the committee wa~ .ch~sen to Jo. \~·hen he wants fish-bait, is to hats, are orgamzm1? a glee club, \. ·sit f ('· rf . · s , ... 1 b t. t:ng- in on time now a5' the walk to e:temln~ com·t'rmn.c- t!us selec.:t1on. as freshmen, one hundred and fort:v-t.wo from Montana, \\'istonsin. :\l1ch11rnn ~o to h1.s apple box, elo::;e the switch, dramatic societv and band at tht•\ e i . ~· ~ ali ~~ma,·;. ~ 1 ~i t oa s the dcrm •Tets th" full ben .. fit ,,f the c\·ery h1x:kl'Y cn_t1111:s1ast l'on·• the sophomore... and lwentv-four ·cadet, and Canada Thei• will judge g-rains I and wait. It cloe. ... n't take Ion"'. Almost Butte college. · I were ire • ~n( rec

0 it•ia 'am.~ " ... "" t 1 tt

· " I · Id · l"1 were enrragec1 Everv modl'rn conv<'m light" and thus Jl'l'\'c>nt lo!"-ing- thl'ir 1-r- e <.•r awaru f() <.•xcellf>nce :n the office:s make up the five companies and hays from all parts of the woh1.' h ~mmecfliately a few come up for air. In their spar e tirne-after toiling cnce \\ .. l~ affo;·ded the enthus.iast" in- way at the foot of the (·ampus. ='i>Ort. . and the Band company in the local :\fontana is expected to rank lg' t.. a ew minuteg he can easily J>ick over _engineering .stud ies and wo~l~ing- ·l d . .,.' · . . l 1 .· r. · : · ,°.~ 11 ~ Such is life! :\I~ch hnpl' 1s l'Xpres.sl•d for next battalion of the R. Q. T. C. in the wheat classes. DurinO" the last ofi a l'an full, a~d the rest. obediently a shift or two In the Butte mmes <: u tt'~( t1~8~~ anc <. anClllJ.! 111 ~pt.:cm J y"°ar ~ ho kt•s !"-l'tl. .... on u..; the t<1.•anis Leonard .Johnson is the temporary tu1 yearsthestatehaswon:31 percent return to the soil as soon as the cur-,· each week-the students who are not out. et c~us. ha\t• workrd up l·ommenda.bll· tm·tic~ cadet major of the battalion with of the prizes in classes tompeted in rent is shut. off. 1 laying foot~all are pr~i.etil'ing their ('! T E k 1 ,.. . Paul ~\'ennas_, ':W, i-:_

1.n attendan<'!" anil (ll'Pwt•..:.s thi::;. s.Nlson. lndC'p<'ndent Tash ai:; his adjutant. and four out. of 10 times she has won do, re, mi's, st.ruttmg through II ord <: ·~. l.' ass of I H.,o. is I at tht> l OJ\ er:.1ty of ( h1l·ai.ro. l le is ham n. mbt·r one• "hows •-rt·•tt dc.·fens-J the sweepstakes in the ha•-d red A committee has been organized at Shake:;;peare or tooti ng a horn. workllV! for a Ph D. deitll'C 111 chem- \\OJkmg- fo a Ph D. In ehemi"trv. I vp slnnoth Th \Jgh '1 It ·d T.he members of Phi Upsilon I winter wheat class. Over a len year the Unh-_ersity of Oreg-on to re<·ord islry al the Unl\·ersily of lll•M

1'· - . Alpha t~n';il'l:on J>i" te'a 1~, ah~,.; h~~h Omicron ser\ed a formal dinner, :\lon- Feriocl the state has won 26 per c nt the activities of all students on cam- The ~iris of the home managemenl . . . . "~hut·k" Bernier, graduate of :\I.$. ~·ho\\n fine balan<.'t?' of d~frnsi\"C and day ev~ning to 26 members of Tau le..'[ the premiums in hard red spring pus. ft~ purpos~ is to eneonr~g-.c house held open house for members fl1Ja Fa1rbur~. ':10. lS :io.w tcach~nir C. m Jtl:.rn. has nearly <'Ompleted hi~ offensi\·e which, arco ciin~ to l'XJ>erts Beta Pi, honorary engineering Irater- wheat and 57 per cent of the awards scholarship and wide student pa1 t1c1- of the sophomore and junior classes, home economics at G1luford l11gh J ~\·ork for a d~L'tor's degr~e i~ chem- I in the game, act·ounts for their fine nity. for hard 1ed winter wheat. pation in activities. Saturday afternoon from 3 to 5. school. 1stry from Ohio State umvers1ty. showing-.

Page 2: IBER 17 . 1931 TAU BETA PI PLEDGES [ QUARTER CENTURY … · to ke~p up with changing conditions, ba:seball and basketball pla;o. er. a plants of the Laurel Oil and Refimng Archibald.


Tht• Dt.•1rn ~aul th»t tho~t• " THE JDE.\J, LIFE

4llontu:nq"@~ t:xpon.cnt Continuance of Weekly Expont.·nt, and of )lonthly Exponent, Founded Jb.il5

Published every Tuesday of the colleg(: year by the .-\s~ociated :-;tudents of

The ideal life i$ in our blood and ne,·er will he still. \\"c fed I the thing we ought to be beating beneath the thing we are.-Bishop PhilliJl" Brooks

;\lontana State college, Bozeman. ;\lontnnn

Subscriptifin rate: . ~.00 per ~chool year

Labor and trouble one always get through al<ine. hut it take" t \\"O to be glad.-lb,en

AcCcptance for mailing at special rnte of po~tnl!C provided tor in Section 110:1. Act of Odober :~. Hl2i, authorized Ft.•brunry 17. HH9

~ Sl\1.\TI'ERil\'GS FROM HERE AND TH ERE II Telephone l·i'i-A5k for

Edi tor

Exponent On ;\londay after 1 P. ~t.-80 I:'\ OlR l\llDST

l\Jichael F . Deev1· ~========================~ If nm1it.•rous aml \'ariuus typ(•s t\f 1·ars :in• any intimatinn 11f a ~Ul'L'l·~sful NEW ST.I F!'

hsociatc Editor

.. Nina Dnvis, Sam Ea!rle, Phil

· _Jo :\1iklich pnrt,·-the Chi Ome)!n's had it. Annin Jliil ·

Roberts, Joe \\'niters l .Chet Huntley

Tht> :::;ig- Alphs n'Jllll'te-d a dl'lil!'htful time!

.Associate Editor Edilorial ~\ ssislants

~ports Editor. ~ports \rriters Don Faris, Fred Harrer The .\lpha O'~ clon·l 5C'L'l11 to n·alize that collefZC stmlL·nls look tough Coed Athletics ~~rah Barrin~cr . )forian Gilchrist. Anne Harring-ton c.·noug-h without addinl! cork plaster nml hlack t'ycs to tlwir m~\ke up. )lilitary Editor .. Kay Bird ~ocietv Writers ....... .Dorothy l lannnh, Kay Rivers, \"irt:tinia Speck 1

K~y Lyon~·\ :\Inrjoril' Storr, EllC'n PopL-", Lorraine SL'haffcr, Edith 'Yatson, LC>onanl ,Johnson usl•d to h~ ~uch a nil'C? boy before the ;\lpha O':::. marl<'

him go ··howt•ry." ~Iarjorie Bermingham.

Fent.ure "\Vriters ... :\lnry Lowney. Helen OJi,·cr, Clara Roat \\'e hear that the ~ii! .\lphs ha\"C' a "~tar boarcl<-'r ' ' and one wlhl isn 't Proof Reader~ Gwt·n Duncnn, Tt>d .\lder:-\on, Clyde Simpson afraid of anything not t'\'Cn a blank c:.irtridgc. 'f:vpi:.-b Anm\ Lc.·e ,Johns. Kay \\"illard. B1..•ntrict• :\elson. :\Iildrcd :'lluchow · Report<·r~ \\~lrnt'!': thi!' we henr of Sigma <.11is trying lo han~ two datE'~ in onr I Jn·nc 1Iunbhl'rg1..•r, Ben Law. Carolyn Delaney, ~\"alter Jacoby, Ritn \Yitt. · l Yeninjr? Thl•y'd hl'lll'r tt.·~u·h tlwir members thL' s.ocinl ruk.:.. J1o"ard Lord, William ~L.'hcnk. Gract' C'resnp, Lillian ""ikomb, :\hwy .Jloore. I Pau~ ~k.\d.:nn~. Gene\'i\'e \\'oodnrd, Homer Lambdin .• Jim Cummins, Pnt Jf winter !5tny~. for the nc~t fh·e wt.>t>k:o; maybe \\'(•'II ·h.<' ~hlL'_ _to. c:le~:r u1~ )kE.lhott. those r<'ports whil'h the ~prm~ wealht•r of the past six \\t•t.>k~ cau~~d u::s I

Bl: L'\ESS ST"I FF to iret. Business 1\lanager .... Jan1es L. ' Vaters ,Yhat the Alpha Deltas lacked in numbers.. they made up in confetti and Busir.ess ..\:-;sh::to.nt .. Cynthia Hopkins tn:oamers.. The g-irls ju::;t must haYC' their fun! Advertising )[anager . George Grunenfelder Assistants. ·-· :\to0re Tfre.Dorothy ~liller, Allan Sollid, " 'alt ""Williams Dear dear i~n·t it too bud that \'orn can't wear Boh SmiUwr·~ Circulation :uannJ?er .... Rudy Stokan

dothcs in I As~btant Circulation ~lana~er ... l\Ielvin 1\Iutsen the play'!

Courier Print Bozeman, Montana \\'ondL'r wlrnt the alihi could he?


Although first impressions are not always la, ting, they are 1·xtremely important in establishing the initial contact.

W'hile clothe· don't make the man or woman, the~· do create the first impression. "Many a man ultimately succeeds because he has the ability to look prosperous and happy, when he is

W.IHS L'\G .:\Iy heart is broke, Ile done me dirt; J ne,·er knew

neither." He was a flirt. Gh·e the barber a contract occasionally to trim ~'our foilage To all college girls

:incl remoYe the unclerbru ·h. Keep your broadcasting station Let thi• love forbid looking sleek and trim, and don't forget the main entrance lo tik! rl~,~ ~l'~~o~~I. ~-our prodsion consumer. That's why we ha\'e dentists and tooth- -Old )laid. brushes. Dear Centi and :11Jlli: CultiYate and take care of your map so that it is at least a \\11'lt' · ·1 frit pin ·1

pleasant object lo look upon. Don't go through life with a fur- , s. , 10"'~'ets,· Jac':son. I

rowed brow that \dll scare people mrny like an approching tor- Dear Bot"·: · nado. An emJl~m whkh lakes a dumb bov St!Yeial year~ to get, and a ~hn•\\·d To decorate your phy iognomy with a scowl takes four times irirl only a few minute» to i:C"t a\\ay

the effort of a smile. So gh·e yourself a rest, for: from him. Sweetly, "The thing that goes the farthest towards making life wor th Centi and ~lilli.

while I --Th t t ' (] l t cl cl th t · · t I t .1 Deur Centi and JU!li: a COR s lC ea~ an oes e n1os , 1~ JUS a p easan sm1 e. Has Gwen Bowler "'·ei· been The smile that bubbles from a heart that !01·es its fellowmen abroad? Will driYe away the cloud of gloom and coax the sun again. T~~'~Y~'~k·iph Chapter. It's full of worth and goodness, loo, with manly kindness blent- Dear Boys: ' · · · ~ I \\'hat. a sill\· lJUl·~tion ha~nt · ~hl' It s worth a m1lhon dollars, and cloesn t cost a cent. always been? ·

"There is no room for sadness when we see a cheery smi le; It always has the same good look-it's ne\·er out of sty le­lt nerYes us on to try again when failure makes us blue; The dimples of encouragement are good for me and you. It pays a higher interl'st for it i' merely lent-lt 's worth a million dollars, and doesn't cost a cent. "A smile comes easy-you can wrinkle up with cheer a hund red

times before you can squeeze out a soggy tear It ripples out, moro1·er, to the heart strings that will tug, And always lean an echo that is \'ery like a hug. :So; smile away. Folks understand what by a smile is meant , Its worth a million dollars, and doesn't cost a cent.

Lovin~ly, Centi an<l :\lilli.

Dc.>ar Centi and :\Lilli: What's the diffen•m·e between a

crowd at a drt"US and an ardent lo\ er. Questionally,

Geor)!'C' G1 unenfeldt•1., Den~ George:

>. ·1c, thL-")-'n~ huth intenb. \Vith love,

Centi and

De>ar r<-'nti an<l ~lill1:


\\·h;\l 's u l>arm·ll Good l•\•llow? A~kin).!' you.

Bobby L<mg,

'"\\'h:itehl!otna pack:t~l' ·: ·· "Sabook.'' "\\"assanaimu,·itt. '?" ··sadiekshunne· ~·•· ,ullu

'Yift.''s g-onna i.ret"h\pk·t·L·dot.r ta t.rcltan.iaim ferim. ''

naims. and got-



All one's life is mu ·ic, if one touched the notes rightly and in tune.-Ruskin

.. ......,.... ................................................. -..-..-....-.-.-.----~---.. ....... -..-..-.. -.-.. -.-.-..-..-.-_,.. .......... .. ~ <


Of nil thL• glad ~urprist~~. Tht•re·s nothin~ t.o l'ompan• To taking- te4s and quiz.zl.'$ _Fn,m prof1' that aren't thl'l"L•!

L1ttlt.• girl, do you r~nwmhL•r Ki~:-L':--. ~l'I t and ~wed·? ~t.'LTl~t::. \\hisp...•r...•d g-l·ntly. ""hL•n wC' l'hnnn·d to llH'L't: Eh•rnal lo\l' \H' plif,!hll>tl , . .\~ all ll"'- ~ lon·r~ ~hould. Littll' g-irl. do you n·ml·mb~r? Damn it. l knL·w you \\'Ptild.

Veteran Dean ls Youths' Defender

\~SF..\ l -"So far a~ nlp.adty nnd ~L·riou:onL·:--:<. an .. · L'Onterned. vur you~~ mt·n are b\· no m1tans in a das:::. m· 1trior to t.ht.>ir father:-." dcdan•d 11t.'.:\I\ lh·rbt.\ t E. Haw in an a1tklt.> in tlw ld!t0rinl ~L>-ction of thC' lh•rald Tri-

1 hunL~ l"l'i:.'L'ntly. Th~ Lkan dt.>t\·ndt'd tlw L·olleg-t> "-lt11knt ot today from tht· ac­cu ... a:.il'n!'o Clllll'L'rnint-r drinkinlr and

I la:k of studioL ,-ne~~ nnd of c:ollNre ,.pirit. whit-h are conti.nually l:ium•hf'<l al h.im by mt·mlwrs. ot tht• ohll·r i.,:;l'n-L't""at10n. '

L. 1t1L'l1t.' tht.• pn.'s. ·nt ...:L'nl·rat.ion for:l't thc•r l1wn ~vuth t(H• l""a:-.ily. an I that it 1:-. t~L· inrnunurity ~ m.m~ nf th umlt·r~ra1hiatt.'" \\ ;liLh. btO:n~ t'\•n­~·,idous. !<-tl"ikL•.:. tl:L' nh:-1.'.'rn•r llrs Th1-o. huwl'H'r. JHt..'"-t.·nt' only lht• h•a: t :'t.•1·ivu~ and IL·a~t :-.1-ni.i\c.mt a.:pl'\ ~ pf tlwir make~Hp. Thl• mahility 0 ( ~ outh in many ca:'t'"' to think L"Oll­~tr idt\'t•ly i..; t. !H:t·abh', ·:w ht.·h1, h• th ind.fft•n·m·t' whkh "'- :-,, L'Llmnwn n tht• world Rrtlttnd ·11L'lll and in tht·1~ own homt.'s.

Tht' mam a.t l'i:-:.m that .rn lt•n•lled at our youth, ~:11d tlw Dean is th~lt. thL•y nre not a~ aliH• to polit; ' and in;t•rnat•onal alfH ~ a~ tht· mi~-ht lw. ·



19 E. )lain



· ~::: CHRISTMAS CARDS i ;: (Order Now ) g

Also ij ll CHRl.ST,L\.S \\'11 .\ PPINGR § n Bu~ now while the line i>" com1ilete :i

1t is rumun·d thnt thl' memhL•rs of Le~ Bouffons had a mt"etin~ rect•ntly

1.. Hause man & McCall's I !! "The Downtown Student upply Shop" ~ - a ::::u-::::-:-:-:::::::::::::::::::::...~.::.::.:-=:::::t:::::::::..~:::::::..~:.:::--~::::::::.::tt:i

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.\dvertis ing in\'ites your trade. It

tells the public "hat you ha,·e. .\

thousa nd s tudents are wailing to

find "ha t yo u offer them. :\lonhrna

S ta te is fi ll ed wi th men and women needin g a million and one things

each day. Sho" them your wares

through the windows of our paper.

Get Wise Mr. Advertiser: to The Montana Exponent

sLow RI~ES ~ Place Your Order For ~

~ Personal Xmas Cards ~ BRING HIGH POI NT VALUES IN EVERY DEPARTlHENT ~ l nusua l Quali ty and Price ~

! PHILLIPS BOOK STORE j Shot., Penne~r's r al

:. ........................................ .........,....._ .............. ..........,... ......... ._ ...................................... ...,._..._ ............ ......,.. ....... ~

Page 3: IBER 17 . 1931 TAU BETA PI PLEDGES [ QUARTER CENTURY … · to ke~p up with changing conditions, ba:seball and basketball pla;o. er. a plants of the Laurel Oil and Refimng Archibald.



Work on Annual b Going Forward Rapidly, .\lore Snapshob and Pictures of School Life Xeeded.

Art Club Sponsors Christmas Bazaar Plans for the ann al Chrbtmas

bazaar, to be hdd in D~·embe". \\ere discu,.,:-ed at ~ht• !'ol·ial meetin~ of the Art club held on ~ovl.'mber 5. The t·hoit-c of articles fur ~tic Jiromise<.: to be even morl! \'ariecl than ever befor1.-1.

Book Will be Entirely Different. ~Jany imporl~d rareli<'s f: om China.

!'roof n·acle·~. )laqrnrl'l Boyd, .Japan. nntl thl' :\ear E;1st contribute


ReL Klemme Discu:<ses Dhis­ions of Bible at Religious Lec­ture. B-Ook is Basis of New Thought.

Ruth Lowe. to lhl' intl'rl:'=-t of the bazaar. In

Busi11e:-;s staff: busine:;s mana2er. ~~~~ti~hc tohot~1~~~~;.ym::~~b~~~··~a~~z~~~~~ ''"!\o cdutation ma~· be con~idere<l Armin Hill; ;,,d,ettising manager, plan to sell hand made Christmm; comr,Jcte until the Bible ha:s become

Art Design Well Under Way.

Trvoub for thl· .\lont.anan are under Gt:0rg'e Grucnfclder, a... ... si;-;tants chosen ca•ds. etchin)..!'s antl wrapping paper. a familiar tl'xtbook,'1 ::.lated Rev. ll. way - and enou:2"h talent has been h~- competitiun. The art bazaar offors an un~sual G. Klemme in his discussion of "The 6h~\\Il tu a surl." an <:xl·cllent annual The art section has a good :;tart opportunit.y for Christmas ~hoppinf!. Or~;..:;in of the :\ew Testament.'' la:;t th , c·.ar if the nwmhers of the .staff \\-ith Caroline IJclancy and her assi:-.:- As an annual eY<mt of the season, it Th trstiay aftl"rnoon. He ~tre;-;:sed \\ork. fa.ithful!y. ant:; making the plates for this is well kno\\n for ib unu,,.ual l!iftg c~1 e<:ially a thorou!!'h knowle-,L!c of

All the people \\ho S1J!rn .. --<l for work :-.e<·tIOn. at n·a:-:onuhle pric . A time \\ill be the ~ew Te>stament for "in it are <m t.he )lvnt..anan but who did not xe- The editor !'a)':-. the annual lhi.-; '-'t't a·dde l::e~on~ !'ale:-:. may be made. doctrines anil \niling-s which have JJOrt ag-am tor a tr:.-out. haYe been cLt yea. will co!)t u!iout the ~ame a::o in for the ;n ... 1w~·til,n of the b~tzaar. This <:ntirC'h· revolutionized the world.'' o.J the tut. T'1e follO\\JOg a1e the other year:-: but will be bc ... ter quality 1lan p:·ovecl ve•y sm·cls~ful last year Re,·.' Klc:nme pomted out that like reople wno ha.vc L"\:U?l-<l po;-;itions on anrJ will bl! larg-cr. Thl'rc will be more rn allowin.z 1 eo;.le more time t-0 de- the Old T<:!::.tamcnt, lhe s~w b a com-thc ~tatf: pi<"lurt's in n. and more <lcscripti\<.: id .. wh:it tht·\- \\ i. h to buv before the pilation of the writmg-:-. of many men,

Edito -in-thief, .ltihn P. Parker. matter. lhi:. was 10u11<l po:-;.sible after ale bl·:.dns. · · revised and than.-{t.'cl in many instant·es )[nna}.!ini: l.-<litor, Franklin Dewey. a c1~nfe1em:c with the publi~hl•r in liy t1an~\a101·-s an1l t•opyi~ts . Xo manu-


Twent\· a ·tor.. of the :'tak un:. ·crs1ty. Some of who~ \\ 11 UO\.. le ,r 1art~, wiil play JO r'llb "l. .. Di.=\1.:~ Di~cipl~:· m jvr Tr1.1duct1un ot the .\lontana 2\la~quC'1: for th .. .; qua kr.

"f>c.'vil's !) S<'i} le'' W 11 O}'lTl in Hamilton . ·o\(~mber 1:-. anil will be ,,..inm in ::\J::-;;:,1-~1b . ·ovemb(r '..!n and :!I. _~on·mber :.'!i-> the ~ha,\ pla~ \\ill Le Ul\ en in .1307.t mnn and other to\\ ns may be booked hl•twt'l'n )Ji;:, .. uula am! lfol'zman. En·ryunc but lhe "Upcr­numaries and a few phi) in•,. minor role:. w:Jl be tal-:t•n upon the roa I with the: play.

Only fou of the :!U ador ~n the cast will play sin ,.le role.·. Thccc are: .Jutl: h, wh:ch ' .U !·c phl.)i: I hy \lil·c fay1or; R;chard. pia)e: b> Lf c Pa:e: General J;ur~oyne. pla~l'd b!Y· C!ene ).fanis arnl M?-jot' Swindon,_! y laylnr Ganlm ... \\.th thP ex.e11•1,n I the . ncrnum.irie::-. who will .toublc

a-:. ·ta:!e. hand~, tiP ot!:lrr ac.:ior jn the cast plm '\t lt:a:-.t t\\(1 rol ...- e.arh

The ".ala, ··t. f' th ca. t is c<imoos I o · the follO\•·in .... Es~ic, .Jeane tc :1k-


l radc, Butt!!; :\lrs. Dutkcon, Ruth 1..;e1·ner. He-1( .. na; l"hn:-t, Peter .JldoY, l •v.;n .. end; .\nthony .\mlt rs n, F'1-~d ' ult- •n, Bill n~:-:: l..awrer Hawkin .

rge \\ elkome. Anaconda: t nl'le Tit ls, \\Tarner Hal rcn. Far~o ... ·. D.: l'ncle \Y1II'am .Eu-"nc> Hunton, :\11 .. ")ola, :\lN. Titu,· Dud eon, \l:i. tha K'mMll. \::--oula; )!rs, W 1.

3111 nudge<>n. )lnnrnre Raitt. I elt na; SnldiPr .Ritha1ci Shaw. 2\r:~­...oula. and :=::oltlil'r. Walli... llun(.·an Ilt!h na. · '


j s~~e~ ~~~:i:'.~g j I repair job I i ELECTRIC RHOE SHOP l § (Opposite Baxter Hotel) g ~(>(>(>(>

( lass l•dit0 r .. , .)lila Tanner, )lary Billm::s. -,--------------- , .J \ CI\: COEY ~eript of the original writ:nl!s has Jane RobC'rts, Lorraine ~c:haetfC'r. Four pagl-' diYi:;iun;, will he a ne" I been cii.-;covcred. and the ea· lie:-:t one:. Phuto.r1aphic c.'<htor. Elw)·n \\'bite, featu:e of the yearbook. lhe li.rst Prexy Says Ha~ ro!e of ~le~edive 5crg-e.ant in 1n ex,5teme wt·<· \\ntten 1n the w .lford \\-illl•Y, Elizabeth Griffith. page will ban! the name of the or- ··The Perteet A1Ib1. 11 I fo. rth, or at Uc-st. la'e in the third I ~• • • 1

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • 1 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1 Administ1ati1in c1itor;-;, Howard ganization ctn<l a pidurc as has been 1 c.:entury. Thus many lntl.Cl"lltat'IC'i and - ..

ca.->, t:IC'anor Rice. done before, Then on the second and I l ', , I mcons"tcncie, ha,·c ('tept mto the • IF YOU WA:\'T QUALITY BUY FROM : A.cti\·itie, Ht-len Souder~, Grace t.hird J>a~c:, ~ome of the historv will A \·ery 1mpmtant clement in ai.:cur- TEX.\R 11 .\S OIL l· IELD J\ew Testament. an(l though they de-1 : •

Crc,.,ap. Bell;!. Ilolinc-cr, Sigru<l be given and the fourth ·pat:··e will ate h1~tonc:al rntcrpretaiions is the ll·act but httle from its tnherent .. THE -'Yenaa~. have anothl•r pi<:ture. ~~:;"~ng of. a ::-Af1c:1cnt _numbt·r, ... of £:\'Sl'A) The Unnrrs_it\· of Tc~as 'aluc, t~ey g'l\C lhe lite all1~ts butl : -

Organization. Kathleen Henkel, Copy will also bo improved this · · to cnablr the hi::ioto11an to ,....et not only O\\TIS 011 fields 111 the plam.s I httle ~ound: ·. . , . . . • WEST SIDE f.ROCERY HC>lmer Fall man. year. Som thing- will Oc told about a true PChJ>et.·tn e of ~1gnficanl e,·cnts ,\ Lr1ef dl!-:CU ·-.:on of ea1.: 1 d·v1 ·10n U ..\th:ct.h::-.. f 1ict Huntley, Phil a.oout the hkto1·y and ~u.:hicn.:ment.s in the affair~ of nations. Fourteen ''1 'Yesl Texas'. b_u· it is also thl•. po~-1 of .the )(ew Te-:.~r~ient was ~}ll'n' ~ken

Rob<.·rl". ui each Jrat.crnitr, club and athletic Armisti,·e days have now pa:-:sed. and ~es:-:or 0 : _a mmiaturC' _fh·l<l _of hqu~d ! up. Litt.le L-; known po~it.i\·ely of the • ~Iilitary, \\'alltr Jacoby . o.ganizatton~. 'lhe material will be the investig-ator~ in hi~torical fields ~old on 1t;-; own campu:-.. Thi~ field is autho1:Sl11p of the \artous books. :.\fost ""onien·,.. athJ1•t1c~. Pauline \ri1·ak, ung-rnal and mt<:rcsting. are J!"i,·;ng- us truer and clearer inter- loeatc:d in the bascmc::nt of the Em:d-: o~· them apparently are written by

Sarah Gar nct.•r, .lfarcan•t Kunkel. The most important l ait of the ll, elations of the utus<-s a.nd c·onsc- neering buildinJ? for the.• u:-;e- of stu-1 H'me vthcr than their purporte,cl au-Blue anil (i 4)ld .. lary l·'ranc·c,.; Sp;lin, annual tu mu:,l people i$ the pictures. quen1.:es of the J!"Icat war, whfrh was 1 . h d t f 1 J thors. lloweve'". onlv orae. Setoml Phone 266

Staple and Fancy Groceries

Prices Right

110 W.Curtiss :\ina Da\is . lhe more pidures of the <litferent brought to a termination on the first 'c·n~s m .t e ep.ar ment o P.<'ti.·o e~m f\:ter, i~ apparently a· forgery. F<·atun:-:, Harr)· ..-\<lam!', Clara ::.'TOU!'~, the bi~ger a suu:t.:~s the an- . .\rmb•tiee <la\". cngmeermg-. It JS a I erf< ~ t mutation "The ::"\c\v Te!"Ulment should not be • • 1 1 • 1 • • 1 • • • • • 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 , 1 , , , , 1 1 • 1 1 , , , , , , 1 , , , • 1 , 1 1 , , , , ;

Roat. l A re<.-ent irlt<'r11rl~tation b.v ""illiarn o.f a field which was l·oBstructc-d at censide1·e<! ,·, 0 ,• s. tIJ>J·le.11ent to the I ============================== nua will be con-:.idere<l, thc::relore, K ·• '"" Art. Ed l\lo"-C'r, Bill Griflith<:., Ben eYe. )One is urgl.'<.l to t~lkc interesting ·ay \Yallace in his book, "Thirty !:il~p:arland, Texas, at a cost of one Old, nor ~hould it: he c·on:-;!dered as

Law. snap~hots and turned them in. A few Years or :\lodern History," c.:alls our m1.llion_dollars. Tha~c.tan be ~oi:nd i!1 n•1,lacin_g- the Oki Te:-:tament. Instead. ; .. -..-_._,._._.._._.. ...... -..-.-.•.-.-.-• ....-.-........... _.._._._.._.._._._._.._ .. _ .. _._._. •• ..-..-.-.-..-.. -......... _...-v..-. Editorial as J-.tant-:., Dan Ri\·rnes. people have turned m pictures :m far attention to the new sp1r1t m wh1ch this mmute .cons.truct10n clerr1cks. 011 it g-i\·es it life, It po. rs sp:ritual \ ~

( larenc-e Youn· ... ;-;hom, Alice. }.le- but tht!rc arc not n1.:arly enough. th~ '"'ar was foul!"ht well~. and pij>e hne. pnw'-'r into tht: laws, und :-.how.:- the •, Th d c \ n~nvell, Eltanor Galiveanu, .~a~·o!d _\lore cooperation is nce<led. I. : ~.f .proo~ .\;·<'n' nel·~~e~l ~f the new appl:cation of ~he p im·irl<'-s of re- ~ M I :• BJol'k, )in.ry An1lt•J""-On. \ir~in1a . . . ' ·. . · ..•. :sp.ll~ m \\h11.:h the \\.ll \\as,foug-ht, \ li~don ra,ther_than the detaile-d 1·ite~, 1. e 0 ern eaners •'

I A;-s the ?nlonte l::io Je;:,.s tlu~ '~a1 n ti ld I • · II . ~aud )Idler, on a. ~um mer nio-ht, • ~• J\kDonalcl, \\'illiam Scbc.'nk. . . . · .) < o imp; cou more c iarac·tc•1·1:-.1ra y ,,.. as are :nvcn m the Old Testament. ~ 1 ~ T' pi~b. Gen ,.a \nt., Dnroth-... many of the extras will haYC to be c~t exemplify it than the fact that al the Turned down the only J1arlor light. .; )

n~ .zla5, Dorolh\r Hannah, Cynth.· out .and the SUCl"C!"S. o! t.he book Wl~l 1.:los_e of the <'Onflic~ th~ \"iCtoriou:-; ' h I Ph ~ Jlopkin:- Rita Witt. de"(X!nd more t.han C\Cl on the coopet- nations shoulcl en~h· inC' Ill th<- ran- The judgoe beside her wh:!"pered thin(?s ~tuch:~.t~ are pai.cl to attend t e ~ 7 7 '• ' at10n of th~ l>tudents. theons, not the in<liYi<lual leader .. the Of weddinrr bells and diamo l . ~ ~mverst.:es of .Rus:'Pa, but only those .. one I ,.., nc rmg. · m s~-mp!lthy wtth thl• .i..rovcinment are \~ victorious J!"ener.al, a~ in t.he 1 a:-;~. but

the ·enkonwn ~old.it·t._' In this some- He s.poke his lo\·e in burning phrase, I g":"anled the privile~e. A BIT OF SE~\.80:\'ING what >ent'menta! srmhol of the oucial And anerl foolish fort,- ways, Wom"n'c.· fatilts are inan)', ~ Cleaning and Pressing, Repairing and Dyeing

CL.\SSIC BARBER SHOP gmup "·e ha'e «onJirnw<l to rs the )le~ h'a,·e onlv two. / Basem~nt Commercial ~ational 'Yith apulogic:::; to :.\Ir. Salt and ~rOUJJing- towards what we have \Yhen he had gone :\laud µ;a\·l' a lauJ?h EnTvthin!? the ·!"ay, ~ 40 ""· ~l...\IN

Bank )Ir. Pepper. termed ~ocial thou,:rht. Here we find Ami then turned off the ilictt.i:rraph. And everythin~ they dn. , .._..._._._._ ... _.._ .. _._ • .-..._._._._._ ... _._._._._.._ .. _._..-.._. • ._._.._._._._.._._ .. _._ ...... _..,,.,..._._.._._._.._..,..._.'_ Fine Hair Cutting Is Our df.st~(.~~n;{.;111t~h; 1 ?~!1~\-.hI~:1 ~~~~l.T~:

Business \\hen trying t-0 intcn·iew several hero of the wa'!" was no s}lt'cific per:-:.on, <lozl'n people fur information about to whom a label could be aU.acheJ. It I .:\lr. :Salt and ~\lr. Pepper, l recei\'ed was not a :\apoleun or n Xe1son. but nothing but impertinent answers and the nation. the mas~ of nll"n, that it

! , , , , , 1 , , 1 1 1 1 , 1 , , • 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 • haughty glances. Evident.ly1

lhey was ~ought t.o honour. Thi::; new and thought I was trying to be funn~', bul different mode of expres~ion of na­

.. as circumstances wen:, tt didn't ap- tlonal irra.titude in the hour of triumph pear at all funny to me. '\.'hen I men- testifies to a seeking aft.er a fresh i tione<l the fad, that they were stu- symbol of social \•alues.


• dents workin~ on entomology , e\ ery-one laughed . However, from the bits M J T JJ f Oi knowledge gathered here and there, OU ton e s 0 t;his is the story-believe it ot not!




At all hours we're ready to ,. serve your need , Whether " you want a tankful of ~ Conoco Gas or Conoco Germ

Processed Oil. or just plain water, we are "Johnny-on­the-spot" w i t h prompt courtesy.

Anti Freeze Compound Light Bulbs

Tire Repairing


Gallatin Way Service Station

~ The afore~ai<l entomologists come • .


from Shaker, a community in Canada. ~ 1 hey ha Ye recently arrived at :Uon­: tana ~tate college to take graduate !' \\·ork on the subject of insects. They ~ try to work on a cooperative basis, • but cx:casionallY when ~Ir. Salt wants

Lo tame the litile animals, :\Ir. Pepper insists upon exterminating them. fhen, :\Ir. Green must int~rfere to ::.~tile the difficulties.

The insects ha\·e become quite at­~ tached to ~lr. Salt. Once in awhile ~I they in::.ist upon tickling him and.)lr. ~ IJepper is called to the rescue. The ; inse~~, by that time, have decided to ~ reve:se their action1 so they begin ~ work on the latter. :\o wonder it i::: : diffi;;ult to get results, for the bug::.: ~ lake advantage of their good natu1·es . .. Thev ma\' be able to tame their in­: sect:;1 • but~ somehow they could not , I com·inc.:e a banker of the truth when • ).lr. Pepper bsued a check to his ~ friend. \\' e ne\·ei· did hear the end of

thai story1 but according to hea1say, 31.r. Salt and :\Ir. Pepper are sunTiv­in;.!' the tlials of entomology, and all in all ha\"e only c:re.:'l.ted a little ex-

.. c:itement!

There are two kinds of women­The fashionable one:; and those who a' c comfortable.

- po::)er: : I Reeipe for the musical comedy com ·

., "A Block off the Can1pus ; Librettos of all of the operas, ~ on Eighth" • Some shears and a boWe of paste, ~ · 1 Curry the hits of the sea:;on,

1 '71 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I I I I I Ii Add tumpty-tee tra la to taste.

Gas Development Gail )foulton, en>rincer for the }Ion. I

tana Power company, told an a5:.em­bly of ernrineering- students about natural gas cle\-lopment in the north-I ern part of :\lontana, la~t Tues.day morning in the eng-inl~ering assembly,

::\loulton u:-;ed n.an\~ slicll's to illus­trate his lecture. 11<.• ·tc.f<l of the \'ari­ous method~ of establishing the life of a gas Wt'll and of drilling for gas. He delYed into the history of the gas busine.-.s in the l'nitcd State!'> and told how it had .!!One forward with rapid :-;tri<les <luring- the la!5t few years.

He ~howed the methods of locatin!t :·e.irions where the clisco\·ery of gas 1s probable and de.scribed the newly L·omrlet.cd l t.:t Bank to Butte pipe line. His <ll'"~criptions . while tech­ni::-al. were !->till presented in a way suc·h that the ~tudent could under­:-:.tand the eontents of the lecture.

:\Ir. :\Ioluton has just returned from northe• n )lontana where he was the 1.!"eoloITTst in chanre of the Cut Bank fields .


Dr. 11. lJ. Swain, executi\·e secre­tary of the Greater University of )fontana, has recently completed a survey of the enrollment at the six units of lhe unive1:::ity. Of the six . ~L S. C. is second only to the State university, having- 1181 students againts 179.t for the Uni\·ersity. The Dillon Xormal school tom&.-1 next

====:---------===~-------~·~--==== [~vith 670, .East_ern !'\ormal st·hool with =:::--.:::.:-• .. =-~·=·-·-::::-..u:::u:i:::•••--•• .. :::::u•=:u :>90, 1unn1nfr 1t a clo.se fou1·lh. The H-· --- --- M-0· DE. RN--MARK.ET ·········- . - g ~?~~~el~·e s~~~olsm~W~st~h~i~ch~;;o~: :: ii ments of 1>;7 and 183, re~peetivelr; a ii :: total of 4.C05 students a1 e doing col-i! H lege work at the six in~tit· .. tions. n Q u A L 1 T y M E A T s :: There are besides, a number Of cor-ii WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ~ re.<pondece cour8cs offered by the Uni-tt fi \·er:::.1tv and a recrnt anouncement iJ · .-- £i from the Northern schools states that :: PRO~lPT DELIVERY n they at c prepared to offer COITCSJ>Ond-= and i! ence work in ~everal course:5.

~ COl'RTEOUS TREATMENT ti GrnLS l ,EA IC\ TO TAP D.\N CE ii -PHONE 33- ij L:mm:u:::::mmm::m::.:::::u::m:::::mm:mm:::::::::m:::::::::::::::::u::::i:

About 40 g-irl:s have entered the class in tap dancing conduC'lcd by :'.\Iiss ::\larv Stewart. \York has been goin~ on ·ror about three week~ and the girls are finishin:.:- thei!" rudi­mentary traininir at this t:rne. )[iss Stewart ha.-; mack• plans for a pro­~Tam of tap dancing- which will be g-h·en in the gymnasium sometime in ~Hotel Baxter

Fountain Room I, I the near future. I

! I I I I I I I I I I I I r I I I I I I I t I I I I~

The Home of



An Ideal Place for Theatre Parties After the Show

Want A 1\lagazine? We Have Over 200 Differ­ent Kinds To Select F rom

1'ewspapers Candies Cigarettes

Fishing Tackle

WHITES 115 Ea t l\Iain - -F1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I Ii



s f course

oke Luckies hey're kind to my throat11

"Of course I smoke Luckies -I thought everybody did. They're kind to my throat-you don't hoar them in the microphone. And that's a very neat little handle on your new Cello­phane wrapper."

• Ina Claire wasn't content with being an acknowledged ruler of the American stage- now she's capturing Hollywood, too! Here she is in one of those stunning Chanel creations she wears in Samuel Goldwyn's production, "The Greeks Had A Word For It, " a United Artists' picture. Don't miss that picture.

* * * * * * Made of the finesttobaccos -The

Cream of many Crops- LUCKY STRIKE alone offers the throat protection of the exclusive "TOASTING" Process which in­cludes the use of modern Ultra Violet Rays - the process that expels certain harsh, biting irritants naturally present in every tobacco leaf. These expelled irritants are not present in your LUCKY STRIKE. "They're out-~ they can't be in!" No wonder LUCKIES are always kind to your throat.

' 'It's toasted" ~Throat Protection- against Irritation-against cough

And Moisture-Proof Cellophane Keeps that "Toasted" Flavor!.!,!.!~

TUNE lN ON LUCKY STRIKE;60modcm mimd~ u·irhrhc·U'Orld'sfinc:.~tdance orclws-rnu. mul \V11h er \\'inclu:ll, •d1osc gossi(J of today be'-·mnc~ ilu· nru..,., of tom on 011·, t."11·1 yTuc~da\, Tf1und1..1.,, rnuJ Saturday~tJt.'1lim:o-a'<'.r N .n.C. ncturorks.

Sealed Tight-Ever Right

The Unique Humidor Packa92 Zip-And it's open!

You may be inte rested in knowing that not one cent was paid to Miss Claire to make the above state· ment. Miss Claire has been o smoker of LUCKY STRIKE cigarettes for 5 years. We hope the publicity here· with given will be as bene­flcial la her and ta Samuel Goldwyn and United Artists, her producers, as her endorsement of LUCKIES is toyouoJnd tou1.

l'l:tl. n


See the new notched tab o" the to•) of the package. Hold down one ha:f with your thumb. Tear off the other hGi,. S1r>1;>1=­Quick. Zip! That's all. Unic:ci&! WrapFcd i . ~ · • proof, moisture-proof, gGrm-proof CelloFhan~. Clean,protected,neat,FRESH!- ha u1d mor modern then LUCKIES im roved Humiclorpa<.<ag. :;;;-;;sy to open! L.adies-t a LUCKY TAB is-your finger nail protection.

Page 4: IBER 17 . 1931 TAU BETA PI PLEDGES [ QUARTER CENTURY … · to ke~p up with changing conditions, ba:seball and basketball pla;o. er. a plants of the Laurel Oil and Refimng Archibald.



RIFLE SQUAD Holst. .Johnson and Daley are

Onlv Yel erans on Team. Pros ­pects Farnrable for Excellent \ ear.

Lambda Phi Hears About Mexico City

"~It?xico City" was. t.he subjed oi a talk bv )tis~ Laird <.1f the modern lang-i.:aie departn11.:.•nt when ::;;he t:-poke before t.hc membe1~ of Lambda Phi Kappa. SL-'Cretarial honor::u·~-. last Thursday at the fraternity's meeting in Herrick hall.

~lis...;; La..ird told of th(• en<.'hantment of the old dty and of the wunderful ~xperiente one gains .fl.om visiting· Sp~ln.h~h people and from karning­Spanish customs and plca-gures.- .

This meetin•..,. of the on!an1zat1on wns called L-O -acquaint all the stu­dent..'i n~.!rlstered in the secret.anal cour:-;e with the ideas. and aims of the g-roup. .

Plan~ wen:' outlined for the coming \'ett.r. and .committ-l'es hun~ been ap­Pointe<l Lo work out pr("1µTnms for the J

mL·t:ting-s. ElcanoT Rice, l\lable Burk­land and Edmund Burke will luwe / duu·i:rc of the Dece1nber meeting.

It· waE; announc.eJ thal Florence 11a.nin.£!'ton re<.'l'iYed the annual awa1d of Lamb'"la PJ1i Kappa as the student taking- the secretarial c.ourse who rc­c£>h·e<l the hig-hest standing dt: ring her


THE i\IO?\'TA~A EXPOXEXT, Tt.;ESD.AY. XO\'Ei\IBER 17, 1931

IL\Y \" .\X F'l,EET


CAMPFIRE WORK "\ . W. S . .\ lso Hears Heports of

Years _\cti\·ities F rom Group Leaders. Plans . ..-\ nnotm ced For Future.

\<Jh:'d that eadi. mcmbt'T ~If A. \\. S. •· iYe (i:; Cl'nts l,(.l , V\'t.'l" payml'llt.~ l1ii

lhe .1rrathl piun~") in Ht·r• il'.k h;il\. I was abo 1·t~que~t1......_l lhat nnyolh intt.>r­c:,.ted in thl· ::Ol"l'Ulld-hnnd book. :-:tl•l°t' \\ho hntl lx•t~k~ for sale ~hould 1111 nm a card im111cd1atdy in the :-tmh·nt ,..l'IU'lt-t'- room.

The president of Spuri=. "\hirtar Boar~J. \Y . .\. A .. '."parUU1ian:;, and Eu (•tkL.,,hian H1 po1·tt·a {l~ -..ht· \\"(~rk of Owir r('spcdi\L' nrirnmzation:-:. lor ·he ln:;t ;..·1.~ar and their rlan~ tor. tlh.' future. The us::.._c-mhly do$cd loy ::-1ng­ll.!' .. _..\Ima l\Iater.u


C'ampfire offer::: n 1'ph:ndid t•d .... <.'fl- ThC' Bob<·at. band. -10 strong, de$-

twnal prn.~ram. Jli:::~ \larie D. Schim- ~·~:~t~lh~'\.~~~ll~~~ ~~~~·n~:-l'd~~~~j~;~·1 ~~~ mdp,etHr. leader 11t lam1.tire frum t..'<ll' early in .thi .. » morning the hand a.r­G eat Falls. sta\,t;•J... )[i:-.s ~chim· ri\"ed in Helena i11 tinw to lt?ad till'

mdpfon!!· wa.s speaker <H the lirst Armistit't:' dny paradt• ::rnd tt~ play al .-\s~oci<\t.ed \\"'oml'n Student.s a~:::~m- lh~ HL•lena prOl!Tam. bh- of the Y<.':n· "·hid1 ''"as held F'ri- 1. he bu nil tunt.~·ibut.e<l its :.:ervil'C'$ d~;.-. '.'\t'.l\·enlbc1· i:~ . in the Enp:inec-1-inc: ln the ~ron~or:-; lif the Hub.a~-.Sainl build 111.).·. Pn·c~cling 3liss SchinrnH'lp- rluu-h.':-. !-!amc and li\·~ned thi,,• air with ~'~~~g ·~el\flk a short bu sines 111l•cting: .. Rnbc:at :'Olli!!:' and yell~ .

Frosh Hold Dance ~~~ T hanksgiving Eve ~ For Your Haircuts %

)lg COBB'S B.\RBER SHOP i Frt."-"hlllt'll will bt• h~)~:s. to thL· ~Pll- 6 Cnder llollowa_\ ·s

it·!'~ at thl'ir 1r:i1litit111:\l Thanks._1.d\il1!? 1aJh~ whi1.:h w:11 lw Jwld thh: year ~lt Q.(f-O-O-O·t~·Q-Q4:::H)·~~~

tlh• Elk's hall L)n ;\oy1:mber ::!;-,. at ::-,;:~o. ...\ number or :;p('cial featun•:­ha\"c bt·~·n announ.·t•d ror the LUl1L"C',

Hoffie":s Jlon:anan~ ha'\"o l:L't•n t·n­·~.u~cd to furni:-:.h the music·. R~fn·~h­

mt•nts will bt· ::'l'!'\"l~I. A h.n·kt•y I affl<' '\\ill bl• onl' (lf th~ main feat.nrc~ of llw nffair.

Tl1e c.·11mmitttH .. ' in char!!e Qf nr­ran:..enwnt~ ha~ :rnnuunceJ. t.hat a numbl!r ()1 :,;pedal ft.atures an .. ' being a1 nl!l;.:!:ed. SL·nior:-. will be admitl rl 1 L't..' and titht'r ~tud~nts ,-..-ill pi\y thL"l" admi~sion.

If dirt was trump~. what l'llC c:ould hL1l1l !





i Baxter Barber Shop I ~

....... -.. -..-..... -........ -... -........................... _ ... _.._ .......................................................................................... _ ... _ .................................... ....

~ SK \'U YOUR DRY CLK\NL.'\G ~ :: " "TTH YOUR L:\l'XDRY ~

Tryouls are now under ~vay for what promises to be one of the most suCl'C!"~ful rifle U.•ams in r("('.ent years. Only three lettermen, Holst, Jotu1sun and Daley, a.re uow cligible1 bu~ the t·oach. Lieutenant Jackson1 helie\·es that iie will be aUlc tu pick from the new men 8\'ailnble, a lru·ge nuJnber ol promising shots. a~tl build up _a tean~ that will <:Omparc Juvorably w1lh all) tca.m in the <..'Ountry. Sixty freshmen ha\·e t.urned out, and when the soph<;i­more:,; have a ehanl'e to ~how their talent next week. there \dlJ be qoit.e a number of promisin.I.!' shots from which to choose. A tentnth·e squad will be pid;:ed. in about t\\"O weeks, and intensfre practice "\dll begin about the lirst of De~e.mbcr. The first matches nre to be fin•<l t.he last week in Janua.rv.

f 1 \\'ill take prominent pmt in re_;tu~ihue11 coYn""clrt··,s1"011 o[ lh" 111cct1·n., 1·e-

:\li~s s~himme1pfl?tlg C'xplainl'tl the 1rcaning- of t amptirc and ik:. pro.zr~m .:-;ayin.i:r that it wa:-:. symbolit·, takin!:!'

"\lpha its namL' from th~ pla{'e '\vherc the reciph.~ of lite honh .. • haYe ni~·t fol' L'en-

Sl·hool of :\lc.Ji.:ine, Durham, :\. C. -Applicalitms ior mhni~sion tu th<.' tir~t :tnd third ycm· nwdical l'lassr:s entel"ing Octl1ber 1, J0:t! should b0 ~L.,,nt i\s ~0011 a~ po.,~ibk, and will be con~idPrcd in the onlc:· of rc.·1.:cipt. The entrann:i qualif•~·ation-s CJ.re in­t.ellitrl"nct", charal'ter. two years of colle~e wo1·k and the requiremcnt:o, for !!rade A rnedica\ scilOOIS. Catalugtll":O tind application forms may he ob­tained f!Pm the Denn. ..\ch-.

~ ~u ~ I"\.. ... · .... ~· Psi Onwg-a foll production.

fre$lrnrnn.ts weH• sen~ed nnd a s0<.·ial


t.u! ies. She also stat~.! that. l'a<'h g-irl ,-hoo...:;rs an l ndian name whkh she ~ 79 ~ period was held.

Last r.iar's te:lm was able to win ] 7 matches out of the a9 fired~ which is quit.e a credit.able showing, con­sidcrinn· the fact t.ha t most oi these ma.tche~ were against larger schools. and a large number of them against men picked from. the entire student bod\' . At :;\l. S ... C. only membeTS of the · R. 0 . T. C. are eligible. This eliminated many of the lettermen here. However the team is to tire n total

,\l"C\II STI CE D.\ Y attf'rnpt::: to liYI? up to. and <·olorPd

C 0 T REPRESENTS be.ad~ are awarded fnr ~lt't·om11lish-

H A E ments in each of the :-.en•n crafts. Gt izzly battalion of the Reserve $he dMcd by "'Ying- thal cvd~· .rrirl

~ ~ \ \

~ GALLA TIN LAUNDRY ~ Officl'r~· Training <'Orps a:- the l'ni- :dwuld gain in hcal:h. happ:nc~!'. anti

M S r AT MORTAR I D~11:it~~)l{~~~1~r!l"ip~~=~n~~d~\;1 -;l~-~~-~~~~~~ I !~~~nnality by ha,·in),!" t:amp.fin.• train-

• t I.Ji Xo\·ember 11.. At rlw busine..;s. ml!l'ting- it wa:-:;


~ "Expert Dn- Cleaners" ~ \ \ !_ .. _.._ .. _.._ ....... _ ... _ .. _..._ .. _ ................ - ..... -...................... - ... - ....... -....................................................................................................... ..

of bO m~{tches this ~·ear and Lieuten- ).Jiss ).largaret Choate, president ent Jackson is c.ontident that a Yery of l\lontana State rollegc rhapter of creditable showing will be made as the .>Iortar Board, returned ,\londay. No­men gain ex:perience. The new range, ''ember tl, from Pullman, " ·a.shington . which (.,."Olllpares fa\ orab1y \Tit.h any where she w:ts delega.t.e t.o the Jlortar in lhe country, \\ill no doubt aid con- Boru·d se:..tional conferente. 'J.1here are siderably in :improvb1g the scores. si..x other chapters in this section.

Two of the lettermen. Holst a nd :Jli:ss Esther Bo,nnan. who g-ra<luat.ed Johnson. attended the national shoots from i\lontana State college last at Camp Perry last summer, whexe year, is the director for this s.ection .. all the best marksmen in the country The purpose of thC' conference was eompeted, and the opportunity to ob- to discuss problems and to exchange s~n·e these masters should be re- ideas and plans of each chapter of fleeted in the scores this winter. :'.\lortar Boa.rd. Dale'· the other man remainino- of l\Uss Choate arrived in Pullman on last ~/ear's team, is also a cai)a,ble Friday afternoon, NoYembc-r 6, and shot, and ' 'ill contribute his shal'e I wa::> a /Z'UC:'St of the Al1}ha Gamma bowa1·d a successful year. ·w ith the Delta sorority there. 1.'hc conferences new talent available. ::u. S. C.'s rifle were held Sattu·day and Sunday morn­team should be up among the leaders ing. The rest of the time was tilled of the nation. with firesides, teas and banquets. The

HANSEN WILL PRODUCE delegates also attended the " ·as.hing­ton State college-Idaho game and the eolleg-e reYiew of vaudeville.

ONE ACT PLAYS SOON )!iss Choate commented upon the size of the carnpi.:s and the f~iendly

--- . atmosphere existing there. There are Ber t Ilansen'~ class in play pro· 1 many doTmitories on the campus. All

duet.ion will stage t.wo one-act plays the fraternit~~ and sorority houses as f?r the public on December 11. The well ns the fa,cuJty homes were c.lose titles of the plays have not been an- to the campu~. nounced but work is going ahead and

1 The conference was ,~e1·y worth­

the two plays "ill undoubtedly be while and $UCCe&"ful and the delegates high class in e\'ery way. stated that. they gained a great dale

The class is charging no admission from it. te> the pro1rram. They wilJ be staged

~n ot;~io~i.ttle theatre and will begin at :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :·: :-: :·: :: :i· :~ ::i a :: ::

The saddest word of tongue or pe11 :\[a;i;r be perhaps, "It might have been ,'' .. :: TE.."\' YE.-1.RS .-I.GO

:: ::

The sweetest '''ords we know. by heck ::: :: :: :: :: :: :: :-: :·: !·: :: :~· :: :: :: :: :: Are only these, "Enclosed find ch~k."


"Buy 'Em By The S:u:k" Opposite Montgomery \\'ard

Beta Epsilon f r aternity ente.1 tained the members of the newly installed chapter of Chi On1ega sor ority at their chapter house last Su nday.

\"\"ith 17 men tUJ·n ing ou t regula rly to practice the suoce::;s of the Glee tlub this season is practically assured. Plans are being laid for a st.ate tour of the club to be made sometime

- ·· -- -- - - - ---------- 'after the Christmas Yacation.




Park Barber Shop

11 E. Main


l\lalted Milks

Good Eats



Last Friday the Bobcats won front the !\fount St. Char les g r idh·on war­riors to t he tune of 35 to 0. T he squad from Helena was out.classed and e>utplayed in all stages of the ~rame, but at 110 time did- t.hey lose their fighting spirit.

The sb:th annual Vocational Con­gres will be held her e t.hree days, .commencing ne:x-t F riday. rr he girls are sent by the various h ig·h schools and woman's clubs throughout th£> state. The girls' congress was i n ~ augurated by Dean Hel'lick six years ag;o, a nd it has grown to be a big thin g in the lives of high sc:hoo1 gi rl s ..

"Beat the 1.J" an d "Beat it to :Jlis­souJa,'' haYe become the watchword at )1. S. C. duling the pa..."t week. ~e\-e1· before has the student bod\' been so deterrnined that the al'th enemy !5hould go down to J.efcal. R e­ports al'e at hand that the E llen theatre will sh°'·'· p ictures of the Bob­cal Bruin tl:.ssel, play by play.


~ :: ~1

a~t ::;11

i~:;: :;,:: :.;:~::.s11 :; 1~1:; ::\lont..ana ~late colleg-e in the st.ate

~~ championship race, were a.Kain unable to clinch wilh a score that was virtu-

:E- ally another \"ict01 y for them. The game with the State School of i\line:" ended Jn a scoreless tic aml ·with this 1'esult the chanre:s of the college 1.o bring away fir:-:;t honors at t.he season·~ end were i::.adl y injured.

~~~~._~'-~'"'"''-~~~,,~~'-'"'''"'~''~""'~") '; ';

g W• s~E~~~~~' ~~!,~~A~~IB~L,,, ~ ~ and Fish a ~ ~ ~ We Cater to Fraternities and Sororities g 2 Phone 167 435 E. Main ~ R_,,~,,,~~~~''~''-'-"~~~~~~....,._....,._....,._,..,..,~

atu ·e's EVERYONE knows now Lhat Camels are the fresh cigm·ettc.

If inquiry went deeper , it would reveal that Camels arc the natural moisture ciga1·eu e.

That's important, hecanse iu haudling fin t to· baccos, when you process oul natural moisture, you sacrifice freshness and fl a,·or too.

Camel smokers needn't worry about that, because Camels are blended of fi ne Turkish and mild Dome;.tic tobaccos that are never subjected to Yiolent process-

ever toasted

RESH n mild way!

ing. They need no parching or toasting to make them smooth, palatable, cool.

That's why the Camel Humidor Pack is such a boon to Camel smokers-it preserYes the freshness, flaYor, natural moisture, fragrance that are in this fine ciga· r elle to start with.

Camels are fresh in nature's own mild way, and if you want to see what that means in unalloyed smoke­enjoyment, switch to them for just ·one day - then lea ye them, if you can!

R. J. Reynolds Tobacc·o Company's Coast-to-Coast Radio Programs

CAMEL Q U AR TE n n ot R. ) l or ton I i' IH '.\f r \LU E'. .. UT Ql \U1Tll ll OUt. Alice Do,~ nl' y, Ton~ \Yon~ . a ncl C11mcl Jo~. "Old llunch,'' a nd Prine<.' AILcrt Orch ~..,tra , direc lion J ut'Cp l t.'" B t• nnrd, Orch c~tra. dirt•t•t io u Pnul Yon LQan, evc1')' night exce pt Sundu.'. Columbia t> \ t' r )· nj~J11 c:A.ccpt S unday, N. B. C. Ilroaclcu ~ting System Jh'<l i'l l•twork

R. J. RE'\: 'OLDS TOBACCO COl\IPANY Jr'inslon-Salem, N. C.

See local paper for time

JU" tie

e Don't remove the m o iSIUTC'·proof tf'T(J/J/)ing fro m .vour pnclrnp,e of

Cmupfs <tftt•r you. OJI('" it. 'fli(' f.m11 d llu111i1/or l 'f't·k i .. , vrntn:t ion

11goi11 st perfum(' m ul vou•tli•r mfors. cl t1:.l tm d {!t'rm~ . / 11 ofiit't•s m ul llfHH e,r; . e r en in t h(' tlr )· altutJ•"J1u•r£• (Jf arti}h-iul lu•Qf. tlu• Co md

llumit!ur I'm-/,· d<-lfrr-~ (n· h (.uu ••• 1t 1;J k('l•ps th em right until the last on e lw:. been :, ,, , ·f>.t·d

@)U31, R , J. R~rnoldt Toba«'O Con1pau7

Page 5: IBER 17 . 1931 TAU BETA PI PLEDGES [ QUARTER CENTURY … · to ke~p up with changing conditions, ba:seball and basketball pla;o. er. a plants of the Laurel Oil and Refimng Archibald.


)10:'\T.\:'\ .\ ST,\TE PllEHIOE.'-'TS 1 and l'c:tain kind:' of ft)rtilizt.•rs. In ._ ... ._._. ........ .._..._..._,.. .......,.. ,....._.._.._ .ate- historic times it was utilizl'd in ~· ... . ... ~ ... ._.._.._._ .... ~

F \J.L I' \!!TIES ST.\R T

!"ororitic>-S on the• )I. S. C. campu~ started the round of fall 11artie~ last \\.'l•t·k with Alpha Ih•lt. Chi Omeg-a and Alpha Omicron Pi entertaining Sat­urday night.

Atkinson-Hamilton-Reid- Da,·is AboYe arc shown the four prcsiclenh; of )fontana Stale C11tlege from the

founding of the school until today.

some ot the old whcellock ~"Uns. • > Althouirh \lontJina and other. of C.\XTERBl ' RY ~

the rn:tt-d ~tatc:-> 1.·ont..ain lat~~ dt.•- ~. .. J csits oi pyrite, Spain ~.as liei.:n 'he ~ ~ I rincipal :--our-~ of t·ommercial pyrill' \ C.\_:\;DY \ for many year:-:. lhl· mo:-.t imrortan < \ depo:-ib 11cin~ lol'ated in the 1•.rov:nn: ',•, ~ of lluelva. On the Atlantic :-;caboanl \ Spani~h p;r:it.c, mined inex1w:·n:-;i~cly \ \ and fa,·oretl by l'heap oct:'.an trans- ::,: > J)()l'tation. <:an com1 etc with nat;vc KJ • h •dt & c < sulphur in the fertilizer in.lustry. .; einsc ml 0. ~

SE:'\IOR l'll'ITHE S( ll!>DL'l ,E I:: "For The Idle Hour" ~ This ~,·eek, X~\'en~ber 16. to. ).;'ovem-, (.._._.._.._-..-.,._..-J"_._.._._._.._,._.._..._...._._.._ ... ~

bei· 2 l, is set a.--1dc for sL•n10 s univ to have their pictures takt:n. All ~t·n-iors who did not han: theirs takl·n at --the ~P<..'ifi.ed time must have th(:ir I H Q \Y .\ R D ' :.:; plct -re tak(•n this week or not at .all. I The followinz week will be St!l a:-;idc for juniois. That will i>e all the J>'l'l- Sheep Lined Cord Coats

Amiuo fratl'rnity .. ,. II initiate the fall ~cason in frat<•rnity functions next Friday C\t'ning an1l Si.L""ma Chi and Alpha Gamma Rho will entt.>rtain on Sat­urday night.

The pll"dJ,!(•:-; of ~igwa Alpha Epsilon entertained g-roups of pledges from other frah•rnitics at a barn dance la~t Friday nig-ht. All the i:;ororities have Leen holding- np(·n hous(·~ for the different fraternities on Sundays the last

)lr~. <·ha::.. \"andenhook. )lisscs Pranc-cs Kvle E~ther :-itockton, Eliza­beth Gary.~ .J~ Gary, Claudina Opdyke.

ures taken lhi;; quar!..,:. By the first I A \YOnderful garment of next quarter all jun;ors and $S

75 sl·nior:" ranels will bl· made up. I • Lambda Chi Alpha. v l Qf "f l D1 n't for;.:et about making a1T:tn'..!'e-

Brundarre Spr8g'l?' was a "'e<.inesday a ue 00 s menL..;;. for your pitture fo1· your '1'0· Th H b t- cial e-roup, too. Rememher that if I e LI

fow weeks. .\liss Jane 1urner o.i Dutte was a

guc~t ol l'i Beta I·hi for t.he week enJ.


,~~0:1r1n0f~r~f1~ 1L\'~ .... ~~.1~.~i~1~,~ Gold'' Is Shown ;:~~r ~~;~~·;:e 1l)~d~at~~~;fa;~~~1 ~~i\I ~~~ Ed and Lou Howard '"" ,.., ·' e- be ,·, th' a·• \! ta Th" · \Yalk-over Shoe:s Stetson Hab .:\Ir. ,J. E. Baltzell was a dmner 1 l~ Y~ ~ . on nan. is is\ The girls nf thl· home management hou~e and Kappa Dt'lta ~orority enter­

tained at kn Saturday and Sunday of last week. .\li~s )lary Chl)' \\' illiam, chapter ,·isitor for l hi Omeg-a c.rncl Ruth Lowe were g-uest:$ at luncheon Thur~day.

guest atmday evening. B_Lt.e. :\ov. 16.-''Fool's g-old,0 the final notice. • . . NobUy C'ap~ ~undav dinner guc~ts were Ur. and \\hich glit.te:s entrancingly in hun- Elw~.;n ")utC', photo cd:tor. '---------------'"'

The: :-.ol·ial season al .\lontana State c:olleg-e is well under way and the fall quarter will uncloubtPdly be market! wilh numerous noYel anrl entertaining function~.

:'ilrs. B. L .. Johnson. tlre<l:s of 11ont.ana creek botLoms and I Epsilon Delta Zeta of Lambda <.:hi lures many an amateur prospec:Lor _to

Alpha announces the pledging- of db~appointment ancl ridit.:ulr, ha~ 1U. ,!i'2:!liliii:::::i• ;::::3.,;::;;::-:!I !ii::=:31S:::='i~•;;::;;:aE::;::;,_,;::::;:::...,;::;::1 .\l pha Gamma .Uclt.l. Brundage Spra~g or Denton. uses after all. , Alpha G~imli:l .Delta ~nno.un~es ;1~: __ [•ynte-the irencral trade name fo1 CLASSIC BEAUTY SHOPPE

(hi Omeg-a. ' :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :-: :-: :-: :-: :: :: :: :: ~· ~ 1 lechnng- o! ,;\lillllCd :\tuchO\\ or. ".rze - . j Lhe i1·on-sulphide mine al popularlj; \li~~ \tan Cla\i \\p1lLam~. Tuba, •• ~ man, ad C'alhe Lou Pl•ter~un o[ Gas- Siirma .\lpha Eµs!lon. labeled · fool's gold" is lhe subjcd

oklahom~t, \~as a· chapter \'isitor of •• SOC!.\ L GA LE:'\ D.\ H :: 'gow. . l· riday e\·ening a barn dance wa::; of a recent information circular i:-;-1 (hi Oml't:a \\~l"'lne:-dny. Thursday and :·: •• Thursday ~Ycnmg-, ·~ 1 P~': Gamma lgi\en by the S. A. E. plcdgl::-<. . :sued by the Unite-cl States Bur1..·au of

All kinds of Beauty Work - Permanent Waves a Specialty

Frances Baker Phone 332-J F1idaY of la~t wet'k. •• :\oY. li-Fac lly party. •• pelta entertaml·cl tht: 1'1 I h1 national I Dinne:- .i.ruests Sat~ rday eYemn:.! :\lin.es and receiYeJ in the :.\lonlana Chi- Ome~a alumni, patronesses, :: );o\·. 1::-i-D<:an Ilamiltun Day; .. msf,l~ctor, :\lr::;. R~~sell, and . Lora were :\Ir. and ~Ir!'.'.. 0. \\~. Johnson ~ch·iol of :\lines library. ~ ~ -~ ~!i:::::::J!!9!;;::i::::1!11ii~o;..::..:;;.,,,.;: -~ ""'~;;:::;:sll!S:::C:!!IE::::!!i

anti pll·dg-l's we. c entertained Thu~·s- •• quarter C<:ntury dub r~ep- !! Brown, and ll_clen ~o.i.le1s at d.nner. )lbs \'iolet Thomp~on, :.\llss Eveh,1 "F l' ld" } ·h b ty be-dav nil-!"ht at dinneJ in honor of )11~:-= •.• tton. •.• )liss Sc~i!nmelpfcng-, Jc':!'n.ette :-hea, all of Glendin•, and Harol<l Lee. ~ol sL~·o· - \~s ~nuc I e~u J oc-l la_\. William:-.. :: Xo\. 1~1--A. 1. E. E. reception. :: babel, and L1han :\lab: Y were F r1day Sunda\' dinner g-ul'sb wert! Presi- n(! ~ •1 e. 1 a:-.s-)e1 ow 10 co 01 an .

S~tbta :\l lls and :\lilclrcd Thorpe :.: :\ov. ~0--..\.mig-o party; --!-H club :: ;um·hcon guesb. dent and ) lrs. Atkinson and )Ir. and t~I~~m~ m g anu ar n :.~s.t~s .. ~~ ~n W<.>t·c !:'unday dinner s,_'1lests of Chi :: initiation. Enid Eyre. Callie P('terson, Thelma :\Irs . ..\.. L. 8tra11c.l. c~ ~.:;tas~ .. Th~_ ~ame_ py1 I.€;. ~a~~ t .d Omeg-a. . :-: :\o,·. 21 -Sig-ma Chi partYi :: Loberg-, Gene\·ie\•e Hutt:<.in, Ecliih c11 ... _l?-1,1~~le1.\ed.11om~~1eekw~~l-

En'h-n Shea an<l \"iolct Thom~on :: Alpha Gamma Hho part~· . :: \Yat:::-on and Julia Schubert were Beta Eps ilon. ;~1ea;mg ~e an~ a~~de}, -~ :~: ,~\~ ! o: Gleinli\"t' were wct.·k-cnd ,ITT.Ie~b al :: :: gue~ts at ~elf-:-.en·ice Tuesday eve- Ernest Ah1endes and Claude Angle ia1 . sp~r skp.o_t~c.:. l w er - I

:.: :: :: :: :: :: :: :·: !·! !·: :·: :: :: :: :: :~· :.: ning. era 1s s rue· \n tron. thc(·.hh1.ouUsen.1"'r" <·nt1·1·tainc>d Satu~cla\_. Ladora Ken· WC'nt to Great Falls were dinner guests of Beta Epsilon Pyrite's prineipal uses are in the

"'"'..... for the week-end. :\o\"ember 12. manufactme of sulphuric aeid and nhrht at thf:ir full party .Jlr. and ~Irs. were b"llests foJ· after dinner coffee~ Alice iilae Ca: r visited al hci· home Yincient Del\1ars Yisitl•d friends in !"\Ulph ite wood puli>. 1t frC'quently 1 Ray Lewi~. ::'.Irs. L. L. Stanley, ~Ir .. \1on<lay ~vening. in Li\ in.c:::-ton Sunday. Billin~s la::-t week end. scr\"e:; in smelting opl'ration-i as a unci )lr=--. Robert Toole!, K. B. Jean Starr of Belfry was a week- source of i:on for the Flag-. Uen11ec•, Lola Berming-ham, Laura en<l gUC!ft of :\larjorie Starr. r D I Pi Kappa .Alpha. ;.\linor uses of the mineral are found Huffine, 111.!len H_uff:nl', :~innie rracJ Alpha<lelt entertained at their fall '-a_lll~~no~ t(~~lerneau wa~ a ::west of Sundm· din ner guest~ of the Pi in radios. jewelr:i.-. ''ermillion paints kclt of llelc·na. E\"l' .Y 1~f er anc }.fn rarty in the K. C. hall Saturday K D It Th 1 i enino- Kappa -Alhpa were :'iliss Theresa and for the manufacture of coppcras, \'iolet 1 homp!-ion:\loi encr'.:\1 ·fr- mght, the following- being t.h~ir ~.'~~ e ~ · ur;cl~~: ~~- tie-Buren \'erjatt. )Ii~:=. ::'\aomi ('alhoun, both of which is L~ed in dyes, writing ink, garct Dewey, • arg-arct. r ' oe guest~: Lieutenant and )l!":s. t'. E. ,n; a_y e\·lmn_;.r, ·~ l~I·:- · yil· 1· Gi·cat !'alls. ,and )1iss Helen Oliver. woo<l pre~erYati\"es, disinfectants and Steiner, Punk Dewey, .Jay Leland, Jack.son. )!rs. Het<lcrks. :\Ir. and ~Irs. anc .~11s:-o .1 ar1e :-;l' 11mml' p .. t:n::r o EYt"rett Petcr~un, R.t s~d Lane, :\eil Plew. _\h. and )lrs. \\'ill:sun, .:ur. and Grea:; Fall~ were dinn1::r gue~ls. Cowan. John Sullian and Hairy . Irs. Duncan. )lbs Jennings, Dr. foil~~~i"~eaD~~:~d~~~t7;·~~~~n;~ci0a~ ~.~1 ;~ Eni.ns, of Butte. )lax \\"orthing-tun, ;:,tri1ilcr, A1.:<lrey ~t:ifert, J~nnie Roys, in honor ol· :\lisS Bessie Feagin, na-\\'aJly \Yl•n,it. LeRoy Good, Joe Lilt.an Butt.on, Hope h.ane, )layme . . . . . )lcnct.:"r. \\"alter .Jacobson. Loren Be. toglio, Jean Starr, .:\largaret t10nal mspecto1. , , . )farsh.all, Gordon Pappin. Ray Buz- Kittleson, )lary Jane Robert,.::), Kay .Jlr. an?. :\Irs .. ~- C. )\.orr1~ . of zetti Joe llazf:n. Frank Shanley, \Yillarcl, .:\laiian Gilchri~t, Ruth Bra<l-1 Helena \l~tted then: daug~te1 Betn~<."e, F'tar{k Ralph, Harry Adams. Louie bury, ~largaret Kunkel, Luke Dyche, at the h.~ppa_ ~~lt.:1 house Sunda~. Edward~. Phil Robc:rb, llerbe· L \"an- John :.\le.Farlin, \\-imfred \\'ilder, D~r<;>th) )f1l11.:1 attend('d the Bob­Du~'!n, Dan Pittard, Dick Burns, 'Eric Blannin, lla.~old )lurdock. Ed ~i;i~_-Samt . ( ~a1les g:me a.nd .• ~lFo Elwyn White, Clyde Simp:-.on, Eddie :\kPhertoon

1 Jack Erkkila, George \ 1~1tetl hc1 Jld en ts fo1 a. fC\\ da) s.

Lane, Li7.zie Lt>l', llaney Johnston Cook:::.on . Lee Tow11e, Herbert Cross­and Frank Grady. man, James }.lcKnight. Fred Tilton,

;\-h~. Ethelyn Conrad Harrison ·was Herb Dowell, Pat Dolan, Ross Allen, a <linn.er g-ul·st of Chi Omega \\'ednt:'s- LeRoy Good, Otis Johnson, Henry day _nig-ht. . ScO\'li, Harry Bowman, Che::;te.1 Funk

.Jfo.:s Lola Bernungham. Butte, and 1 "pavne \\11.iteanak Gay K:ank Lyl~ .)fa~ga.ret p Lcr~, .:\larnmoth Hot Holi..~e, Bob lfa~son, Don Fari:::., ! Sprml!s . \\ ~ommg, \\Cl'C week-em! Lharle;.; Smith, George Hill. gue>ts of Chi Omega. I __ _

.\lpha Omicron Pi. I ,.\J phadelt. Alpha. Omicron Pi entertained Sat-

)lis:::. Schimmelpfenz and :i\li:i:- urday evening with their fall party. Jenning-s were dinner guests "-ednes- The de.:orations were in keeping with day C\"ening. the motif which was a Bowery affair.

)!embers of the S. A. E. fraternity 1he guest lbt for the evening- included )1r. and ::\lr~. :.\leladn, .:\lr. and ~lrs. Dean Hauseman, iili:s:s )lary Ritchie, and :\lessrs. Glen Da\•id, Dick Slattery, Joe :\lullin~. Albert Greiner, Orland




Estimates Gladly Submitted

A complete line of Decorative Lighting

Ec1uiprnent For the holiday season

D. H. Budd Co. Phone 300 30 W. Main

\\'ard, Starlley \\'in, Rosie Hacker, Leona.rd Estey, \Valter Jacoby, Tom Buckingh~tm, Bob 1 lanson 1 Frank Schultz Bob Graham, Eel 1'.Iaynard, Don rim ton, Leonard \\"ing, Elmer \Yard, )loore Tice, Charles Skinner. Rudy Stokan, Leonard Johnson, Earl Hanson, Jimmy \\"amsley, llomer Lambdin, Ed Klingcn:;mith, Frank RJ.. pert, Art Bebe:, Dean Dickenson Howard Elderkin, Dexter )lo:::.er, John Tolson. Corky Dyer, Ed Cadwell, Delmer Skonard, Leona1 d Deloughry )farcus Hilden, Bill .Jlorley, George G1aham, Harve:,- Kurchals1 Carl Lar­son and Robe1 t Graham.

Alpha Omkron Pi had as their dinner f?UCSt :\londay e\'ening, :\liss ;\Ja,rie Schimmelpfeng.

jfami lton Hall.



whose first production of t.he school year, the .. Perfect. Alibi" will appear in Whitehall this Friday.

iilrs. :OkAt thur visited with her daughter, Helen, on Friday.

The .\lisscs Annie Sanders, T helma Omega Beta. Loberg a nd Ladorra Kerr spent the Jam es Deency, Langdon Rivers an<l

---------------:. week-encl at. their home m Great Norman Oswa ld, clas~ of '31, left Falls. Saturday on a motor trip to Califor-FOUR FREE CH RISTMAS

GIFTS .:\lr:s. Russell was t.he guest of nia.

Dorothy Olson and Helen :11cA1 thu1· Omega Beta held a "Hobo Conven­on Th...i1·sday fo1· lunch . l\larjorie t.ion" party at the house F1·iday eve­Brown was also the guest of Helen nin~. The chaperonc:s were :\Ir. and )kA.lthur. )h·s. \\'. R. Plew, )lr. and )!rs. R. ;\l.




with Swan's Down cake flour, Crisco, and butter. You wi ll like this home flavored cake

Emerson's Bakery E. Main

We gi,·e you a coupon 1 with each purcha:<e of 25c

I or more. This gives you a

I chance on one of four Elec­tric Utilities.

.:\lis:s Gla<lys Thomas had as her )Icla.ven, )tr. and :\h·s. Ilob Adams, dinner g·ue:st on Sunday )liss Frances· ~fr. and )lrs. \\'. E . Richm·cl.son. The Tavlor. guests for t.he e\ ening were: ::\lr. and

i>inner j!Uests Sa tut day night were: )!1 s. Stew A.\·ery, )lr. and ::\trs . .F'red )lrs. O'Brien, Rose )lary O'Brien, Browning, arolyn ~icholson, Ruth Jane Habzein Ruth Brink, Alice Bradbury. ;\larsrnret Kittle~on, Kath­.:\Lat~on, Beth 'F'itschcn, )lary Lou leen Vaughn, Lillian .:\labry, Betty Bailey, Eleanor )lclntyrc, )1argaret Brain, ~an Cole, Dorothy ~ichard~, )loser and Lillian Takala. They ~arolyn IIaley, Phylli.s Lewis, Betsy were the '!'UCSLS of "'la.!"ian \Yarner, Jack:-:;on, Nellie l'erg-1,;::.on, Elizabeth Helen '.\kArthur Jane Jaccarcl, Ellen G1·iffith, Evelyn .:\liller, Mildred Pope and ~Iarg-a'rei Herman. Thorp, Lucille Hutchins, Esther Bun­

"They keep tasting better


Waffle Iron Percolator Toa.~ ter

or Iron

Do your trading here, vou mav win one of these fine articles.

Drawing December 23rd.

Roecher Drug Co. Phone 327

Prescnpt10ns a Specialty

Pi Beta Phi. .:\liss SchimmelpfenK was a Thurs­

day dinner guest. of Pi Bela Phi. )-Jn-.;. Ri.:.ssell of l'orlland, Oregon,

prodncc pre~i<lcnt for Lambda Pro­\'ince of Pi Be::la Phi, visited :\lontana Alpha chapter for the week.

A formal la\"endl!"r dinner was held Friday evening. The following were truests: )lr~. Russell, )!rs. J. )J. Ham­fiton :\h·s. Harri!'Oll, ).lrs. R. E . B'"o\~n. :\trs. \V. R. C. Stewart, Mrs. John Lovelace ),lJ·s. Stuart LoYelace, I ,


ERICKSON TAXI SERVICE If H's an Erick on Taxi-It's the Best in Town

nel, gsther Seifert, l\Iary Hamilton, Alice )[ac Carr, ,\lary Lewis, Julith Belden, BannC'ta J ohm•on, Josephine Barr, :\lary Sande, )[arjorie Berming­ham, Helen Shaw, Kathryn Burns, ~~Hoo~B~~cra~E~Cra~ Harold Lowman, .Jame:s \\'amsley. Clemmet Schmitz, Bill Hawks, Swede OliYer.

.Alplta Gamma Rho. ~Ir. an<l ;\Ir,, Jake ;\Iola o( Living­

!:'ton were tlinner ~ruests at the house Saturday.

.Joe ( ummins Sr., of "livingslon, \\'US a dinner j.,ri..t('st Wed<.>sJay.

.Jack :'\a>h. Joe York and Fred (i·ouse attended t.he j.!ame in Helena Weclne:::day .

• Jack Jlag·gert.y left Thurs<la)r i"or Kansas City, :\-li~ouri, to repre~ent Alpha Della chapter at the Al pha Gamma Rho national convention .

. Amigo. Jack Ritsch and ~lcn•le Kratzer,

Columhu~. we-re Tuc~<lay ni~ht guests of Amij.?'O.

Al Greinl'r, Butte, w!ls a wet:k end i.:niest of Amig-o. Amigo ent.ertainctl ~[r. an<l :\lrs. Ros~ :\Wier Sunday at dinner.

@ 1931, l 1GC£TT & MY£1tS TOBACCO Co.

and better to ,,,

me . E,·er.\ C'hestertield is like e\·ery other one.

l\'o matte r ho\\ 111t111y you smoke, the last

Che:;terfield of the day is just as smooth an I

s\\·eet-as cool and comfortable-as the first.

They' re milder, too! Chesterfield uses

only mild, ripe, s\\·eet tobaccos~ the smoorh­

est and ripest that gnm.

Kntice, too, hem·\\ hite and fine the paper

is . ] t's the purest that money can buy_

All this care ... to m ake Chesterfields taste

better to make them milder. And millions

of Chesterfield smokers say It in their own

\\·ay-" They Satr'.ify !"

GOOD ... they've got to be good!

Page 6: IBER 17 . 1931 TAU BETA PI PLEDGES [ QUARTER CENTURY … · to ke~p up with changing conditions, ba:seball and basketball pla;o. er. a plants of the Laurel Oil and Refimng Archibald.



l lwut<.•au tnunt)' hnna'mnkt.•rs w'll han· a nk1::• uiol plan.:' for their fond

kopt a ,trin.,. of 'ub' "" lheir way ~ ll STA A GR I 0

ROSLYN WINS FIRST ~~:: ,~7,~ih:~n~~~'.:~n~'.: ';?\~~:n::,';~ ~~;'. from the ben,·h h> the game in an ai,. _ low tlw 'UC'C'O>tion of G . .\. Ra"l<'l.

tempt to hnd a 1..omhinntion that 1.nunly ai.!"1..·nt. nntl con .. ~ rlll't an ll'l'

would "l·lick." O'Brien, ··c.'orky'' IN TENNIS TOURNEY Wt•U. llYer and '\ l ilb. were the nnly men who Till' ice wl'll. al'.l'lll'dinl! to Ra-.::-.h'y

ing- the third quarter thl• Robntls had ;~h~~h>~·~~~l t::nl~li; ;~/l~'i{~~~~:.e ~~t~t~cl '~h~~

:-l'lal: Anthony .-\.mh·t~<ln, Fn.."<.i :.\hml­ton . B'llin.!.!";-;.: L<nvyl'l· Ila" kins. Geor~e \\"elk<'nH.'. .\nan.mJa: Pnl'll' Titu~. \\"arm:r 1Iukrl.;'n, J·on~o. :\orth Dakota: l"nl'lt.• \ \'illiam, Eugt.·rw J{unton , :'lli:-:-;.oula: ~en::t.•ant. Cliftt•n llt.~ml.!n.'n ::\li:"-:-Ouhl: :\Lr:-.. Titu,;. Dudgl."Dn.' :'lla1thn Kimball, )li:-:'t.nila; ::\Irs. \\"illiam Ducl.i!"l.;'00, ::\lar~ar1..•t

Raitt. lh>h•na: Soldin, Ril'hnrd Shnw, :Xlis--<> la and ~oldit.•r. \\' :1llis l'h1m·.::rn. l lt.•l('n:t.

"' T hl' g-rl'at wall <lf China.' ' ~ays

an informnti\·t· noll•. ··is thl' g'l't.•nk-.t ,·u·utturt• huilt by man. in rc..-.spt'<:t to volume of mutl"rial u~C'd." This st·enH alnw:-;t an unfair n•fll•(·tion on our \\'kkt.•r,.:. 1Hilll n·p~\l'~. Ril'hnwnJ


st·~·nH:"<l abll.' to hit their :-;.t?idc. Hur- TEAM SElEGTEO ;s l'a::,· l\' nn.,.trut·t and inexpl•n:-.in•

their J.!reali .. '!"'l oppurtumty to :-.1.:orl' crn Ri('hard~ Tal,e~ ~econd Pia r e . fat 111

b nbout all th1..· m;_Ht•rial nt't 11..•,l

tht..• app:u·<•ntly llu:-;.terL><l sl~a1knt:-.I ~k~ ~ Fina l Conte~ t Played Saturday m -" nmstn.l'tinn. Rut th<• d1..·1..•1i.-:. a e tlu111h. Gfl1..•th1..··1 fumhh..> and a partially bot· .e< ·1l'. - , \ ft.•\\ Sllg'..!\'.:<til'l1S on buildin.~ udth.""11 to th1..• mi:->e•y of thL• Sain:s and lc·,imous Plai er~ 011 1\Iontana on kc C'O\'t' r l'd Court whidl lbs,..,It•y is supplyinJ! farnwrs The :-;hallow:-. murmur


State Football Cha mpionshi1i Won B' SL Charles as Result of 6-0 \ictor,\ Saturday

thdr ~Jim six-point lead. On both - Jn hi,.., niuntv han• to do with tht• i:!"l'n-

attl>mpts tht• ('ats 1!3

n• up the ball for State Tea~1~ for Pa.:=;t Ten Jlo\\artl Ro:->lui, fn·:..-hman anti l'nd 1 Ian. ilt• sui.:i..:-t•sb dii.:g-ing- a pit

b;.H:k of Ow plat·t• where thl!y look it y .:\'amed for 1\1~ thical rletlg-(' of Omc_a·l~t'f.:t ·rntl'l"nity, w11n :ih~ ut l·ii:ht fL•t•t sqtian• :rnd about

in thl'ir attl·mpt to !'COI"l' a tn .. (.·hdo\nl. ears the silll!"h.•:-; dl:llll)> lCl ll"hip of .:'\lontana Pie.ht frt•• dt•t•p. Lo~n j.!rn\"el ahout

~hort siclt• play:-; and an obYiou:-. pa:->:->- Group St.ntt• n11IC'.''"t· =-';ttunJa,· aftt·rnnnn a foot dPt.•p in tht• h11lt<lm of tht' pit

:\Lakin.l?' thl' r dcbu· a.:.: scc..~kers ai- !1~:~t~\:!~'~.k ~~~.a~'t~n~~t:>1\1~il~~~c7:-u~>l~~; when he dt.>ft-att't1 Ei\,·in "))ukt··· is 1w1..·t•:-.:-;ary to proYidc..• daina).!"t'. Curb-

tt·r the football (.Town of 7\lontana, cham't."'s.for tlw hall wht·n a pass was It ha-. bt..'l"Otlh' quite a faYo r ilt• in-, Rkhnnl ... . ti-::. ti-·,, ti-:!. T\\t'nt~-fo~ir in~ of one-in<·h mntl•rial is n..>ganll'd

the ~\Iount ~l. Cha.rlt•s g-ridml'n Satur- nea•Jy in his arms. Parke. nt quarter . door sport for profes!-'ional andr1.layt·1s cnlt'rPl till' '<Hnd-n1hbm a~ suffic-it'nl.

da\· in Jleknn \\t.'TC' Sllll0

l'ssful for the nlis-.c:d two :->imilar attt•mpts. In lhl• amateur followl'rs of foQtbnll. to sl'- tourn:illll'nt f1ir t~k in:.:IL•s t·hamp1nn- \~mall houst•. slic:htlv lan:c'l" th;.rn

ti"'~t time in history when they dt·- fourth quartt'I' ano~hcr drivinc: attad .. led all-!-'tar matl•rial for a team that' ship c,f th· M"h11nl. Thi.- is tlw tir,..,t lht• pit ... }wultl lw huilt On tO'p. Th'!I.

fratt>d tht• Hoh<:ats 6-0. was starlt~I fnm1 the rat forty yard shall n.•pre.:.:ent thL· bt'st man H.\nilable' Yl'Hr a tPnni:-. tounrnnll'nt h;.\:-. ht'l'll ma~- ht> n•rmmwnt 01' tem1wrnry.

In the linal g-amt•, whid1 i,:aYe thL·m Jin<'. ..\ftl'r a dL•te mim'<I fig-ht thl• at cad1 po~ition. held ancl n; fitw n\\ n~ was lll:\dl• J,y Ra-..:.:h•v suc:c:c-st.s a ht•ic-ht (If chrht

tho ::;L.'.ltc ~Tidiron titk. C~xu·h Bill l"aL~ lt)S~ till' ball on tlw :-::aint's 1:? ' l hP writer has st•c..•n all tt_•ams fnHll most of tlw £'nlrant-.. flt.•! hi C'nVt'~ with a win·low in L'a.h

.Jonl' ... pt"t)t<.'g-t'<'" C-tlnlJ)lt•t'-·d a :-.l'a:--on \!n·d line. Tht• S;lint .... thl'n punted out l!J~O- J !l;HJ and hi!' se lection is er~- Rosi.\ 11 was ruimt•t up in tlw -.latl' l'n·l. hi!!"h up. for Yl'ntilatiun. ll intrt•tl

111 whil-h tht•ir own goal line hall rwn•r Of daniter and the ;!"allll' endetl with tin•ly one of 1w: so nnl choicl' . But 1t intl'rsch ola!'tiL' nwt'l Inst yc..•nr and donr..;, of lnn.!t.' si2.t• !<;0 that the pit

bt.>t.•n rro:s(~L Rohcats in pc. ss(':-;sion of till' ball on is a plt>at'-ant rastimL' to il'l mt.:mory wl'nt through hi .. matdll's without llllY may }i(' 01wnt•d during- tht· L·old wintt•r

This Week

TOD .\Y Loral Charil\· ~ho"

Otis ~ld~tH:- r in



~ n GRUEN ~


Beverly •• ,

d beaut ifu

GRU EN de-sign, with

matchi ng link '



PEAS E'S Claud Pea.sc tcffcn .... Prop.

"Pease's fo r Quality"


Tht' day \\!ls C<lld nnd windy and their own fort~· yard line. skim b:1ck <'<.'r tlw dP:adt• and bring- diffil'lllt\" this y 1 ar. nid1ts art.• nt>N·.:.:,;.a_ry. Till' f101w "'hr! 11

thl' playing fidd \\as ro~·ky .. \ ... mall back some of _lhl' names that added Tht• n~akh·w~l .. 1,l:l,\"t•d 1111 a l'nld i.ml bt• n•mn\ahlt• C'r hin~t'(I. .. , ................................................... .,.. .. ..._._..._ .......... .

•·ntln;,i>L-tk (low<l w.<t<·h,~I the fray. Several of the backfiold men did lu>tr,•.to the loothall team> of ~Ion- icy nun. l t ""'"''""'""to'"''''!' \ft<r th<' w<•ll arnl h<>U><' i> <'on- \YEDXESD.\Y .\l'\D \ -~

l'at--. l' hreatt.>n T hr ice wl'll at carryini.r th(' ball. Buzz.etti a n d l..1.na !"tate l'Oilt.>g-<': . tlw ~now and wal r nff Lhl· court ht·- strul'tt·d, a litth· watt·r anti sno._\. Tiil H..S D.\ y ·.": Send Your Photo .Saint::. had ;heir g-oal thieat"•nt><l at Parke l'ar~ it•d till' brunt of tht' Bob- . For 1..•ntl:.:: tht• writc..•r .woul.d nut!\(' h1::; fnl'L' tlw matt:h (.f uld hc...~in. Hoslyn 1 land in tht• bottom of the pit will

h~t thrt.'l' time" dm·;1L~ thl' i.;ame but L·~1t. att;Lk. \\\·JI rlact.•d punts by JH(·k ft<im Glynn, \\ <lrth111)..ri.On and took thl' k;ui rwm thl' -.tart and w~t-. frt·t•z.t• qukl\ly if th(• doors and fh,or '

c mC>d unbeatable as tht·\· ·werC' P~ukc c.n,·l· the whole t('am an op- ~11.:Farland. The tackle t·hoicC' would iwn r in dan'-!t'r althllttgh tht• ."l·on•..:. .an· o• t·llL~J or raised ~1) t.hat thl· n1ld Lou i~e Dress e r 1:

1 ushe<l ba :tl!'ainst th1..-..11· o\,n line. portunity to score Urnt tht~y 1.·ould lit• bt•tWt't:'n \ !1.1rph1..•y-a g-rl'at tnt·klc di.l not j.!l\l' an f,l r t· ... twia"e of thl' can t·ntt·r. .\ih'r a sh('l't of itl· is Hirhard .\rlen :~; The onk hn·atenin.I!" gt•:-;tun• madt.> tWH'r rt.'<..'l'l\"e in any other way. f'f tt.•n yea•s ago· and the mon· rc-1 dost• pla\· that •'t'~t1ltt>d. Thl' ~Hilk' for rt•d on tht.• bottom, add nwre walc·1· in -

1 n:-.ultt-d · n a .c:"nl l:lte l1l the.' st."C'llnd t'l'nt SemmingsL'n and Bru!l('r. (ThC' \\as ln far th<' h ... t pln)t(I thi .. )l'•l' rind_ srn thl~ pi~ will hC' a ~olid sht'l'I • ·f'au .~ ht" 'luarter. I lattt•r plan•r '"'" one ot the mo~t I · of in'. \._ ~ '•

Tlw ~3111<' from th<> out,<>t '"" START CONTESTS IN lu nd<•r-1ateu pl.l)C1' on 1e<ent team>. TWO UNDEFEATED IN For tlw t'houteau eounty farnwr' • rou.L!'h anl" fa~t. \ lount St. Chadl.'s Il l' "ns m ('\'e1,· wa;i. an ou~tanchng- who dt·,.in• tn pr<widL• and it_·c we-JI for FRID.\ y and ~ .\TlJRD .\Y ~ \\:ts slow '!i arlin~ and wit.h the nd- t.ackll'.) \re htl\c h.td a n•mnrkable kel•pin~ fc ld conl m"d summer, mor1.• \

tlitiona1 l'ff irt rl('ttled to J!l't the o\"nl HANDBALL SINGLES ll~t of good irnard~. One need~ only t·nm1 lt·lt' 1 lan..;. will b1• furni~he-.l upon \,:.;.:

up the fi ·kl ag-am,..,t a stl'Clng- wind. n enta n that at this po$1tlon playl"<.I VOLLEYBALL SERIES l"HlUc..--1 to Ra:"-.:.!t•y's nffit-e. His rt-\·- Grant '\'it hers thty fount! tht.'mselve:-. in t..heir own Cht·z. Sa''<'\ge. ,Jim .·\ rio. \ ·oJ.,.'i:, yan.il''". _ I c mnwndation is.. that qll' wc.•!b be built in tt."'n;tory m()!:t of tht• tii~-t quartt•r. I DobC'us and Hannon . to rt'.'allzl' h<rn no\\·. \ pit s11mlar to tlw cine ret.•0111- ••Dancing Sweeties ..

t\€n that t:.ts.~~{~n:~ Stchoer;.1mf'. Leaders in Race Not Yet ..:\p-- flO:-iition. --- a twt ... ummt•r of 1 l(l days in Dakot.1. {'0i\J IN G RlT?\DA y '•

· Parent .\ t t.·enter Rip \\.ilson t~)wt•rs, al- .\mi o-o and Sig-ma Chi Reig n l'n- w~iiL' tlw ~n·~ra.~<· tc·mpera. trl's ,~-as l i :r ~

qu~~~.;h~h~l'~~~;\n~ha~1~l'<~h~n/l~~~ I ~~~~~1 r/ctnnh~:i)ul~f~ bc~u~1t~·,~~l~J~-i~~i defeated a..~ E arl~ Game~ of , .Jh ck1..:rt't's, "'1...: m.hl•..:. a hon~ tht.• we. The Picture of Pictures \

:--t(.•adih· from the west. '.\Io:.nt St. him. and had contin~{_'tl at his JW1..'sL1 ntl Tourney are Completed T \ l\ ES PIH Hll\"E'°T P\RT Edw. G. Robin.son ~




rse your cl. - picture and get the specia l rate


1~~· ~anw ~~k~"C.l. like a. ;.mntm.g- dut•I ;\-latches .\re .\dvancing Slowly. fortunate our teams han• Leen in that I n1 emh•.J kl•pt food and water cool for I •, Charle-~ t-Ook fX>S~(.->ssion of th(_• ball Hnndba.11 has bet.•n ad,·ancing- rather pat.'l'. Xo ont• who ~aw Ray \kC-ar- -- I'\ L nu\ 'I \TlC (I rB I in~~ (.Jl tht:>ir own ·lO yard line and ad- slowly as the mt.•mber8 of t h e lou rna- ren in adion will quarre>l with hi::; I - ••Five Sta r Final.. 1

\"Ulll'ttd t.ht· ball t<1 the- ~O yard line. mt.•nt"flnd dili.'i-t"tdt;y in arrcln !-fin~ t heir :-:election for quartC'rbaek Il e- 1.·nuld \\' :th n ea rly halt ot th<' intramurnl I ..\mun~ the studt.:nts nn thl' cnst

(In the third pla:-# a 1.5 yard penalty n·~1wdive nmtt·hes. Four m a tches ta kt• t.wo ~3:w-horsc~. threC' janitors. Yoll1..•yball game~ bt·lll~ pl~ye<I. (inly .f ··np, il's llisciplt~.',' major autumn ~0-0-0 • ..._~.._...,......,_.._...,.._._..,_.._.,..._._..,_.._...,...,_ • .-.,....,.. .. \\as laid on th(' Bobc:at....:. for rouC""h· Wl're played and the winners posteu and ti\·e 1ui.rh sc-hool playc..•rs and two ll'an1s remam undt•teatl•d-tht• quartt-r play. is Lt.slit~ Pa ~ of RtlZt'-­

nt·~.... Thn'l' stnght attt.:'mpts at the un s.(·hedules for matches to be played mould lh.«;m i n ~o n fi!!"hti~1! foo!ball j' :\mi).!o\.- and. tht• ~i'.!ma Chi's. A man ~vhn \\ i;J JH"< ,)ably t lay tlw part -----=----============--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=====l

Li11field line netted tht• ~a:nt:< us man~· ya!ds. :'>t·metime durinJ.t the coming- week. tt.am. \\ mnl'r 1s next eho1c<.". l!Oi d deal of mtl'l°t'··;\ 1s :-;hown b:-· tht.' of R l har(L OnJ:-· fuur of thP :!O ::::::::.:::::::::t:!4".!!!!::=:::::..+::::-·:!!! • ..!l...!:n::::::::::!:l:::-·-::::::·...,,,.,_-...,;i As the Bobcat bal·ks dn•w in dr>se W ThL• handball· court~ are located on For halfback WC' would sc_>lt•d from thffen•nt fraternitit•s in this spoil. All attor-. will l'll:\ct :-;in'-!.lt• rolt.•s..

bolster tht>ir weak line, the $aint the :-outh !-'id.., of the ~rym on the Floyd Romney . Ott Ganlinl.'r and tht• fratc~ n i t il:'~. \\llh tlw exL·eption of Tlw fir::;t prl':>t•ntation of the piny l~•: FQNE 233 I ack field sw<.~pt around ri.1.rht end he- hasement floor. T he courtg consi~t of Te ny Balwock. ThC' fullback job would the Lamhdi l'h1 .\lp\H\, L·ntL·n~J u•ams, will he in Jl amilton

011 Xo\"ember 1~. ~

hind pt.'rfrct intt-rft.·rcnt·t• to score the two doubles and two singles courts. go to DC'Frate with \\' ylil' next. including- th\:' I n<ll'pL·ntk•nt~. .:'\ l o~t of th<• nt•xt :\li~sliula on :-.;-0

,·embl'r :!O ii only marker of thl~ !.!"amt•_ Xot a Bob- 1hl're are seYe1"t1. I disa dYnnt.a_g-es to utr within two wc..•t K... The standin.l!"~ and :!1 and in Ru7.l'man tin :'.'\o,·embe1 g .\nd Ha' e Your Clothes Cleaned and Pres~ed ~:.~ ':~:hrn g~Bri~~~\1:~keob~).\'.~,~~ht~~ play in these cou1tR as compa red ) [y own fir>l choke would 0.. : of th<' team< arc a< foll•nV>: ~'· The 1 art' will he play<"<i °' fol- ;: THE Y.\LETOR ,\".\ Y

with other court.:-; in the state. T hey Glynn 1 E Trnm \\ . L. Pc t. lows: .Judah hy eitlwr A lice Taylor, :.:

do\\n. and added trouble of the wire scr een (·)~1~~nin .2's(' n 1-i Si.u;ma Ch i .. 0 1.000 R;t·h_a·d by 1 ('glie Pace, Bozeman . o r ii There Is a Difference hlock thl.' tr.r for point after t.ouch- art.' smaller than the regulation ~ize S I Anug-o o 1.000 :'\lissoula or R th \\'uld, Laurel ; ;:

Durinl? tht.·S~~:,~;s~~~fconeh Dyche on ~he urpe r ~alf lof t;~h bat:kwal} \\" ibon (' Kappa ~bnna l .li6r3 Jla,.d Duncan, Rillin!!s; Gencrnl g mn ·es pay rat er sow. e :;.1ze o ~avage R G Indep<'"ndents 2 .!JOU rur:.!.<1_\"nl• by Gem• ) la n is; ) lajor ::

the court;:;. ~bo nl"<:'essi_t~te:s a tha n.gel :\l orphe)· RT ()mc;.::n Beta 2 .;;oo :-:windon, Taylt1r Gardner. :: EAf.LE HAT WORKS :::.::...-:::::i:::::n::.:u:::::::::_:::::a:::::.::::::r.::: of rull'~ t-0 fit the conditions that pre- \\'or thin!.rton RE Pi Kappa .\lpha ., •1 .500 Tht.• n·ntnindl'r of the ta$t i~ t."(ltll- H U I - - rniL }fr('anen QB .\ lrha Gamma Rho ,.''!:\ ,o,ed nf: E"ie, .Jeane:te ~[ Grade. ~ ; .

il RI A LT 0 a The wi nners of this week ' ~ gam e..' Ga rdiner IJ[ I ~ig-. .-\lph's. .000 Guttl'; ) l rs. nud!.!Ulfl. Ruth Bernil·r. ~ a ff I a.re..•: l'\ [isevit•, Ilaagenson. Y~ung-, F. Rom ney RH B...ta Epsilon .000 Helena : (. hristy, P(.•te: ;\ leloy . Town- n.~:::::::::..~:::::::::.:::::::::m:::::::::.::::::::::.:.::::::-:::::::::u:.:::1:::::u:r.:::::::.:::::t::::::::::::::: ::2 :. of the groups of players we-re unable . il Ii Ccnrad, Pope and }k Adam•. 1hreel DeFrate .. FB -----------------

£i fi to piny. The double!' p in\' ha~ not . This. tc_>am \\"t}uld h:.we two _C?Teat :: ~howing This \\'eek a started yet. The winner Of this tour - <. l'fe:is1ve ends, wh_o WCI"(:' also ex-

•• :..: nament will ha,·e to plm· but five l'CftlOnal pass. rL"Ct' J\·ers , as well a~

H, TUESD.\ y e games to w in t he champfon~hip so ball car1 ier::; of no mean abilit)·. The

Il - .- fi t here is a pos~ibil ity tha t the doubles t a l·kle::;. wo.dd bl'. defcnsh·ely stro!1~ . n tournament will be 1 u n off before the and oflen~1vely ideal fo r open mg f:.· ;. i.The Spirit of Xotre :: qi:.arter en ds. holes. Guards would make t r ouble for

.. Dame" i! a ny team, as Chez was a mature.

!: !i brai ny p layer. and Savage Oil<' of the :: ---.--- i: most 'kiou:; fig-htl'rs the game at this

P1• " 'EDN E>-'D 'l' AND ff <X>llcge ha' seen. \\"ilson 'ms e'reci-:: n '--., ""'""'"\... tt a ll y effecth-C' at. playin.t; n ro\'i n~

E THlTRSDA. y :: Cl'nter. Ii i~ ra~sinir Wfl$ above aYer-E a a ge and he knew football.

- - .- :; ~ n ou" back.field we would han• the

f: " \Ya terloo Bridge"' II >h·fly DeF rate, who could also punt •• E well a nd pas:.:: fnirh · well. Gardiner

U!l• - - - .--- £: wn~ a !->plen<lid pu nier. a f air pa.s~cr1

£: a nd a speed demon o n offon s(' a nd <le-FRJDA Y and S.\ TURD A Y :: frn•e. Rom ne\' "'"' a ).! real bloeker, a

n ;: cool-headed P1arer with a wonderful li - .- :i physique. :'lkCarrun cou ld 1 ctu rn Ii Buster l\:eaton :.: I punt:-; thrnut!h a k not-lwlc and was

H in :i I tht• mo~t act"urnlt• passer we have had I - ~~ H "S idewalks of New York" I \\'ho wouJ<l capt.:.ii n t he team? P ick

H CO:\llXG 'SUNDA y ~ \ 1:::·:) ::::·:::C:l~ \'OLLE:\~·ll:'~R ::H - .- :: -

Ronald Colen1an a Anothe1· coed shor t -:.::eason SJltll' t

in H EXIT will be in fu ll s w in ).! "hortly. \'oiler H :: tall practice~ bt•g-an Satun)ay and - ucnhoh· Ga rden.. :: The art of football from th(' eyC's will ('( ntinue this Wl'l'k in p l'f <.\ration

ti ;: for tourna~rent g-amt's. which bt•!-fin ~...l::!:t:::nl!--:::t::::::m-=:- ancl minds of the rabid fan s this year. Xon·mber 2


~ \ \'e ar~ in bu,ines,; fo r you r co1n·enience. Drop in and

Sevcnty-:-:ix women haYe :-;b:1wd up fur this spor t. Additinnul C'ntl'it·~ will bl' ane1lted u n til ;, o'c·lo·k tomo1TO\\ c~f!..,.'rnoo n . Games will be playl'd on Saturday afte r n0<· n s- and also on ~lonrlay aftcrnoc1n from S to fl. Tht• 1 t'<tuin•ment for Bobcat poi n ts follow: low st.·orc; f:i prattic<>s. '.? uanws; hi1th st·ore: R prnctk~s. games.

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